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What Happens If You Take The Vaccine?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Blitzkreig said:
Soulfire said:
What exactly would happen to you if you were to take the vaccine, will it damage your soul or something?

The mRNA changes your cells to output Covid spike proteins. These spike proteins hurt the body, so this is where the side effects occur. Unlike regular vaccines, damage occurs over an unknown amount of time, not just the day of the jab.
There are more details to this, but this is the super simple version.

It will not cause any permanent damage, especially to a Satanist, but it will certainly not be good for you. For those who are already in poor health, it can cause even worse issues. This is the nature of health damage: the strong can tank it, and the weak suffer exponentially more.


As a general rule of thumb, the worrisome things are not only the unknown factors of the longterm effects, or how this interacts with the rest of the body on a health perspective.

The rights and surveillance capabilities behind the policies that are implementing these, potential linking of acceptance between the vaccine and let's say, digital injected identification, pushing people to do experimental treatments to "gain back" their rights, these are troublesome subjects etc. These are the real big problem.

Also, partaking in the vaccination when it's not forced [and therefore one has no choice], means one is accepting these policies to those in power, as a vote of confidence. Then, they may push it even harder.

Even during a bubonic plague, people have had more rights than they did today. Liberty, contrary to modern preaching and how the enemy tries to concote it to be of secondary importance to health, is equal to health. Some would argue it's even superior, and this is why people fight wars.

Because health, while most precious, leads to living life, but a life is not worth living if people are in a lockdown perpetuity like caged animals. It's of no consequence to live without having a life at all.

The inhumane practices of the NWO on all fronts are really visible. Many people, have caved in because of fear, or restraints. This is unavoidable. This if anything makes them want to go further and further.

Others are informing, resisting, holding the line, and are showing teeth in regards to what is going to happen. Equally unavoidable, and a good thing. Because it's only through this behavior that they are going to consider their actions or stop them.

The limits of this? Will the Globalists just say "Now, we have done enough"? Well there don't seem to be any, things up to now are showing. They will only stop where they find they can go no further.

Humanity is called to define the new limits now, by approval or rejection of all that is happening.

There is also the ad infinitum claim to new mutations and new booster shots. This has already began. Clearly, this is not a good idea to keep implementing a solution when one has poor scientific data and zero long term data. There is a strong clear propaganda view here. Perpetual fear, eternal claims to rights strangulation, the list goes.

While a few may be able to easily be maintained by the body to what appears to be little to no observable damage to some short term [we don't know about longterm effects], others who are weak physically, may have serious ramifications that are of a really problematic nature.

These can range from mild things to damage one can "tank" as stated [and still one should NEVER opt willfully to accept], all the way to death or immunological disorders or who knows what else. Scientists are faking it when they say it's all understood and under control. It's not. mRNA is new technology, and it would need a solid 10 to 15 years of proper experimentation to know just about how this goes.

For children and developing people, these forced applications of this new medical technology, appear to be if anything, entirely pointless, given the mortality rates of the "virus" and it's "mutations". Except of pointless, it can be dangerous.

There are also a few people who compare these new emerging cellular alteration technologies to older vaccines [tried and true in many cases for 20, 30, 40 years]. These are not the same. This is only emotional language speaking here. The methods of delivery of the instruction to the antigens are different.

The fact nobody wants to accept liability over demanded and forced medical practices, reveals it all. They want humanity to assume the full risk, while them holding literally zero liability. This, to any logical person, should sound a horn, that even if vaccines were safe, is a really dangerous and tyrannical precedent. What if a future booster or whatever, even if these are safe, isn't safe?

Despite of the popular claims of safety [many people who have done this may be afraid and this is why these are pushed so much], the immune system is a system you want to be really careful when manipulating, and one of the most complex within the human body. Clearly, they didn't want to wait nor amass data for 10 years and went in YOLO.

The human body can tank all sorts of adversities of the environment, biohazards and so on, and not die. Recurring booster shots and intense experimentation with new things, might even cause permanent damage, minor damage, medium damage - nobody knows for sure. Because nobody can speak of all individuals, and do this and be honest about it.

Generally, all these actions should be done on recommendation from a family doctor or a doctor that closely inspects and knows the history of a patient. All of this medical methodology is out of the window. Vaccines are given like candy in every other corner now.

A general healthy living style, proper general health, and taking care of one's self, is mandatory not only to withstand these things which unfortunately may be for many forced medical decisions [NWO Tyranny], but also to ensure one can do so while having the least amount of damage. People should in general do everything in their power to avoid these.

But like other pollutants which are simply there and people were never asked, in many countries, it will be no different. For example, chem-trails and so on, could be modified to have similar effects in a cellurar level and the human body is quite capable in healing, but gets besieged frequently by all sorts of intrusions and invasions, like rays, signals, GMO, polluted food, what have you.

The clear answer to this is that nobody knows: neither scientists nor many conspiracy theorists who claim that they are certain this is going to wipe out, as the scientists also say for certain that this "will be just a little jab" and "nothing will come out of this".

The people who have been falsely labelled as "conspiracy theorists", or even doctors, generally focus on the mass ramifications this is going to have, and oftentimes make extreme statements in the opposite direction.

Both are equally living on expectations, and not on proof. When will we know for sure? The answer is, if we go by physical solid proof, well, in the closeby medium term future.

We would also know, if we did more lengthy trials and so on.

Science claims it has "irrefutable" proof, but they can't predict factually how this may reverberate in the future, nor against the virus, neither inside humans. They can't tell you how this affects your immune system 5 to 10 years onward, that is for sure.

As proof has shown on the dead people, some bodies immediately respond and die, or experience other observable damages, others take the shots and appear as if nothing went in at all. Anyhow, the cases where things went wrong, would be the scientifically interesting cases. These are swept under the rug, conveniently to keep a tyrranic narrative going.

And for this reason, the sensible thing would be to avoid this or try to mitigate damage as much as possible, as one would do with any questionable form of treatment. Or anything not yet verified.

Now, there are many people in the world, who will literally consume street drugs from people they don't even know, playing 1 in 2 chances to die off in the pavewalk. With such low amount of self care, it's no question, that many people will not care at all and simply go "vaccinate", as they would do any other reckless uninformed decision.

These people can't honestly turn back and say "Yes, I made a smart decision". At this point, we are too early in all this. The only viable thing one can say is "I would lose all my rights", or "Lose my job and my family would die", and this would be a sensible argument. That aside, vaccinated or not vaccinated, people will have this problem henceforth: NWO Tyranny.

Many people don't even have a clue that they can actually say NO or REFUSE and get away with it, and be unaffected of course by doing this. This is the case in the US for example.

They believe the enemy narratives that tell them that they are slaves that will be freed by the vaccine or something. Well no, that is just a kosher narrative. You have freedoms in most countries to refuse, despite of what the enemy projects.

In most countries, you are still able to say NO and they can get the fuck away. You might not even have to provide any documentation anywhere. Research is required here, because the masses don't really think about these matters. You might be able to get away without losing that much or anything.

In others, this is not so. Recently, I was sent e-mails from some of our SS in Russia, and the situation there is dire to say the least.

Everyone has to evaluate their position, to know their country's terrain, and play accordingly.

That's life here it's not something any of us decided. That aside, all of this game of who is vaccinated is not really the core of the issue.

The NWO tyranny will not divide between loyal and disloyal folk. The people who got vaxxed, they will see them as weak people who caved in, or as "stupid citizens". As we know, these don't fare well in the enemy system, despite of what they are promised. The "Good Christians" have been railed and besieged in all levels despite of being good sheep. Going naively to a slaughter again? Well yes, maybe.

The bad sheep, or unvaccinated, will also be treated likewise with cruelty by the NWO, blamed to be the cause of continuation of the pandemic, blamed of being not "Socialized enough" [The undertones of the Communist mindset and complete lack of human rights is echoing strongly in this argument] and how one is even a biological terrorist etc. Such disobedient goyim, tsk tsk tsk.

All this, over the literally weakest "mass pandemic" in the history of mankind, that only affects people who were already with a fast lane ticket to the next lifetime, due to old age, bad overall health, etc.

Point being, vaccinated or not, that is not the main issue of where this world is going. You might or might not vaccinate, but the corrosion and mass control they want to do, has a dialogue to cover both.

The above only constitutes just another divide to sink Western Civilization and make people fight incessantly while our freedoms [medical, scientific, human rights freedoms, quality of research etc] are all melting away.

Lastly, right now, in African countries, there is an experimentation of mRNA for HIV going on. For all we know, this might backfire, people might die, or nothing may happen [chances are, they wouldn't be in Africa if they knew it would all go well or at least without problems], or subtle effects might occur that will come back to bite humanity 5 or 15 years down the road, such as a killer form of HIV that can't be controlled at all.

Why Africa if this technology is so good? Because the NWO wants a place where if things go wrong, nobody will be held liable. They'll simply "disappear" the people as they have been doing with Western Scientists of a contrary opinion to the NWO establishment.


Another thing that within this context of generalized insanity, and tyranny of the enemy, that nobody is willing to accept is this: That the virus may keep mutating in perpetuity, and that the "Vaccines" are as good as nothing, especially for the long term. Or that they might even cause mutations of the virus itself.

The final interpretation of these events will be a battle between the NWO and the rights of the people. Deaths and anything in between, from Vaccine or Virus, appears to be a "Welcome thing" and a mass human trial they are executing, worldwide, recklessly, forcibly, carelessly.

This also gives them the perfect cover, because in case anything goes really bad, they will simply say "its the unvaccinated people's fault" or "the virus mutated so do more vaccines", and they will never admit a backfiring might have been caused by let's say, the virus meeting defenses, or someone's immune system manufacturing some sort of excessive defense layer that makes the virus into a supervirus.

As with anything else like that, strong people will deny these effects on their being, or survive their ramifications. Others might not be as lucky.

People must remember, that despite these jabs and anything, the real thing they are after, is manipulating human freedom, eroding the foundations of Western Civilization, and creating a future for the Great Reset, alongside other problematic affairs.

Our world has been lost already over this "virus" situation, and as the story goes, none of this is actually to save anything.

Lastly, for people who are questioning their reality: Know these are not normal times. There is an unveiling of the NWO going on, and this is not going to be smooth sailing, or even commonplace and logical. It's not a mistake that these fiends refer constantly to a "New Normal".

That is a replacement of the old stature of things, with a "new" one, which involves all sorts of things that will be a giant shocker for people, and the cause of war between those of the enemy and humanity. Our world is changing by itself [advancing] but also being changed negatively by these fiends.

There are no human beings on earth currently exempt of this. And if any cavemen have somehow escaped, this would be an exception so minor that one can't really factor this in and say this explains the future of our civilizations as countries or as a planet.

The idea of every SS would be to survive more than this phase of insanity will, and in the best possible condition one is able to do that.

Hold tight, do your best, remain healthy and safe, and above all, keep applying Satan's Spiritual Knowledge, because this is the major key to protection. Their insanity will last, but it won't be eternal.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
If anyone also has solid information about the potential identification existing within these shots [such as Gate's digital signature vaccine technology], please share.

Because it's still unclear from reading online for months whether or not this has been applied in "This" vaccine or if it will be existing in some future one.

There's a lot of endless kosher lying going around, but also a lot of strange exaggerated theories that serve both to hide the facts. There's endless confusion online.
Agreed. The main point is right now it’s impossible to know the long term effects of the vaccine.

I was reading an article the other day where a 13 year old kid died after taking the second dose of the vaccine. From my understanding, he had no preexisting or underlying health conditions. Just a 13 year old kid with his life ahead of him and now he’s dead. The cdc claims they’ll launch a full investigation. But they also made a statement saying they couldn’t verify the safety of the vaccine for all age groups. As there hasn’t been enough testing.

That’s what’s so maddening. It’s obvious there’s not enough testing, it’s been like a year, but everywhere you look doctors and politicians are preaching it’s safe.

Now with the most recent hearing in the United States about the Covid Origins, we have a panel of scientists confirming it’s human engineered. You have leaked emails of Dr. Fauci with all kinds of controversial things, Event 202 from 2019, statements going back years of China publicly saying they wish to create a bioweapon, and the list goes on. Even if you took the conspiracy theories out, what we know now with hard evidence is in American we were deliberately misled and lied to by Dr. Fauci and his team who were the head advisors on the issue last year. Even with the evidence out we still get no explanation for the behavior. How can we trust them then? If someone lies to you over and over and then when busted won’t even give you an explanation would you then continue to trust them? No, of course not. Sure we can’t fully prove any guilt at the moment, but we do have every reason to have no trust in the people creating and pushing the vaccine on us. Whether it’s dangerous or not. We don’t know and no one does so we can’t trust it.

What we do know is some people are fine for the time being taking it, others are experiencing horrible symptoms or worse, some dying. It’s totally random it seems. Again, this is way more than enough to not trust it and people shouldn’t be shamed for not taking something that can potentially kill us. The fact they’re making it hard to return to normal life without the vaccine is tough and of course worrying, but as said, we just have to hang tight and see how this plays out before rushing into anything. There’s still time for things to go in a better way.
Thats too late....,i had the first shoot, because the made a law that every civilian must take it before 1 augest or they will not be allowed to sign any new papers, or enter malls or public buildings, or marry someone, we also have our own phone app that hold a picture of our personal id cards and a "medical history" barcode, you can't enter any public building without showing the barcode to a security guard, this sound like some evil new age cattle.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There's endless confusion online.
I have seen bits of videos, and also heard, of both people having magnetic spots on their arm where they got the jab and then later the magnetism being spread across their body, and some patients having crippling reactions, seizures, inability to walk... At first I didn't take them extremely seriously, but then it was on a news video which interviewed a doctor about it; the doctor says the CDC is lying. That doctor also mentions spike proteins. I was going to upload it, but I will do it sooner.
I Have to admit i stupidly went for it (1st one) albeit it enabled me to make up passes for my family ;) no way would I let them take it.

Now im going to admit i didnt think it would be as easy as that, no real doctors, no computer systems, and to be honest i thought it had to come out a fridge at a certain temperature :lol: :lol: None of that happened although they did jag me with something as I felt like a bad flu for a few days.

I have the passes i need incase i have to travel (i will for work,pleasure)

Main thing is i didnt go back for a second or a "booster"

Most of all i saved my wife and kid from going.

Would i suggest this for anyone else. Not at all as HPHC and the rest of bros and sis have explained this is a scam.

I do think its nothing more than a bad flu, so maybe protect elders.

Its all a trap, we have good information here thanks to our Clergy and some good members.

Listen to them.

Hail Satan
Hail JOS
I took 3 shots of Moderna, and I'm kicking as usual. But I had fever for 2 days after receiving the 2nd and 3rd shots. As it may not have implemented any identification thing within the vaccine itself, the vaccination certificates now have a QR code valid in the whole of EU.
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There's endless confusion online.
I have seen bits of videos, and also heard, of both people having magnetic spots on their arm where they got the jab and then later the magnetism being spread across their body, and some patients having crippling reactions, seizures, inability to walk... At first I didn't take them extremely seriously, but then it was on a news video which interviewed a doctor about it; the doctor says the CDC is lying. That doctor also mentions spike proteins. I was going to upload it, but I will do it sooner.

Do you have scientific evidence for this?
Eric13 said:

That’s what’s so maddening. It’s obvious there’s not enough testing, it’s been like a year, but everywhere you look doctors and politicians are preaching it’s safe.

It's a religious ritual at this point, and in particular, on of the JWO. Co-Vid has become a literal religion, and the vaccine is one's testament of "Faith". At least this is how this cult sees that. Every further booster they will issue, will be some sort of covenant between the slavers and the enslaved.

Needless to say it's few countries who are really engaged in the matter logically. Most are just in a jewish frenzy right now.

If someone is so stupid they take their kid where this is not forced, or even if forced [zero risk at any condition] to take the vaccine, this can only come from external brutal coercion, such as the child being unable to go to school, denied access to medical facilities [can be deadly for a child] and other crazy shit.

In the US, there is homeschooling or private hospitals [who will reek someone financially apart]. In Europe, this means one's child will become a social outcast for life. Hospitals in many EU countries are public, meaning that if the State says that one cannot enter without a vaccination, people will be at a really difficult situation. The same goes for hospital admissions.

As you said, yes, the Co-Vid was a mild low intensity bioweapon created in Wuhan, under what appears to be the supervision of Dr. Fauci himself. This psychopathic lizard needs to be tried for crimes against humanity. Mild means that it is not intended to cause "death" as it should be clear. Probably Co-Vid was a mild bioweapon focused to disable enemy troops.

Grades of higher and more powerful bioweapons, can literally raze a country to the ground within days.

If Fauci and these crackheads keep running these things, humanity and human life is in considerable danger. I look forward to him being tried and worse, but chances are, the clique will make sure that he escapes if it came down to that. He is heavily involved with Clinton and every other corrupted person there is.
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There's endless confusion online.
I have seen bits of videos, and also heard, of both people having magnetic spots on their arm where they got the jab and then later the magnetism being spread across their body, and some patients having crippling reactions, seizures, inability to walk... At first I didn't take them extremely seriously, but then it was on a news video which interviewed a doctor about it; the doctor says the CDC is lying. That doctor also mentions spike proteins. I was going to upload it, but I will do it sooner.

Having watched these videos, many of them appear to be fakes. Also, the human body has a power to magnetize objects like this. There is also, cellular magnetism.

The reasons why this would occur after the vaccine, don't necessarily have to be implantable nanobots as many say [although the technology might exist in the future]. The body's response to nanobots might be totally devastating, I would assume, as they would be recognized as a foreign body. This would be only speculation.

However, a severe immunological reaction, might trigger this phenomenon of cell magnetism. But that is speculation. Most of the videos I have seen are just fakes.

I am certain from very elaborate studying, that these were even created by disinfo agencies on purpose to make all vaccine deniers look like they are totally insane. This was to make vaccine deniers look like they all their PERFECTLY REASONABLE CONCERNS was just insane bunk.

So the gov can pretend that everyone who denies all this is just "misinformed" or "insane".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig said:
Soulfire said:
What exactly would happen to you if you were to take the vaccine, will it damage your soul or something?

Thank you for the very informative post, but it also quite negative and depressive. I mean, people want this shit to be over, to be finished and NOT to be continued. I experience it every day, on my colleagues who are vaxxed, they bevahe different as they have behaved before it. We use to talk normaly, I was telling them - do not take the vaccine, is a poison and is meant to depopulate the globe or cause major problems to human body, alter DNA and so on...
NO, they said. Many of them get the vaccine, just because of going to holiday, and the list goes, and they think is over, if they have the vaccine twice the story ended and they can live on their life like before the covid circus. THEY ARE TOTALY WRONG, but unfortunately they looking at my like I am crazy and better If I get the jab too. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO CAN NOT BE SAVED!!!

You have mentioned something in your post - .....to keep a tyrranic narrative going.
If so many people aware of, the social platforms are full of information about how these vaccines are dangerous and might kill the weaks and those with poor health, how is it possible still, that they pushing it much harder, more aggressively??

Basicaly no sign, at least I havent seen, that this bullshit even slowing down, on the contrary it just keep switch on higher gears. I just cannot see what will happen if, lets say, 70% of the globe population will wake up and the globalist can manage to continue the tyranny, can not lie any more, and more importantly THEY CAN NOT HIDE ANYWHERE.

You think, they have a ´final solution´againts us??
Release some really nasty and deadly virus what will wipe out the population on earth??

I thinking about this because if the great reset what they planning to make will fall apart and people woke up, then is over, the globalist empire will have no power to do further actions, I mean they stay somewhere safe to re-gain power and start all over again?

I am not on advanced level in SS, but what I have learned and what I can see now, is that this is our final battle with them.
If we loose, we are all on the extermination list, but if we win .....
Have you seen the protests in London? People ARE aware, it might not be the case from your perspective, but overall, plans of the enemy are being exposed more and more. There is resistance, but also ignorance. Best thing for us to do is to improve ourselves as much as we can and dodge bad situations.

Also, it has been stated numerous times that we have won. You have to understand astral for this. Physical manifestation comes after it, expecially something on a global scale. Imagine a complete transformation on personal level which takes time, and then apply it to gloabal scale. It takes even more time, but it will be done.
Henu the Great said:
Have you seen the protests in London? People ARE aware, it might not be the case from your perspective, but overall, plans of the enemy are being exposed more and more. There is resistance, but also ignorance. Best thing for us to do is to improve ourselves as much as we can and dodge bad situations.

Also, it has been stated numerous times that we have won. You have to understand astral for this. Physical manifestation comes after it, expecially something on a global scale. Imagine a complete transformation on personal level which takes time, and then apply it to gloabal scale. It takes even more time, but it will be done.

We have won, when everybody keeps doing the rtrs, advertising, restist vaccination,..., everyday. If we all would stop right now, there would be no win. Just saying in case poeple think, ok let´s chill and take a jab.
Henu the Great said:
Have you seen the protests in London? People ARE aware, it might not be the case from your perspective, but overall, plans of the enemy are being exposed more and more. There is resistance, but also ignorance. Best thing for us to do is to improve ourselves as much as we can and dodge bad situations.

Also, it has been stated numerous times that we have won. You have to understand astral for this. Physical manifestation comes after it, expecially something on a global scale. Imagine a complete transformation on personal level which takes time, and then apply it to gloabal scale. It takes even more time, but it will be done.

Yes, I do follow the situations, protests occured in my country capital, its not the size of london, but this is not the point, but that the people are waking up for sure, its a good sign definitely. The bad situations are the ones what make me worry you know, there are planty of really ignorant people who I do not care, but those ignorant people have children, and that is make me feel sad mostly. THE CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE, nad who knows if they get the jab what kind of damage it cause them, so I am sensitive for this a lot as I a parent.

I do say it every day, that we have won the battle and it will manifest some time later and whats the situation is now, we have to go through and resist very hard.
Our politicians are following the orders by the globalist, I see it everyday, and they do everything to be a good goy push those oders on people, but there is resistance. People DO NOT WANT TO HAVE THE VAXX, many of the citizens know about this filthy plan.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If Fauci and these crackheads keep running these things, humanity and human life is in considerable danger. I look forward to him being tried and worse, but chances are, the clique will make sure that he escapes if it came down to that. He is heavily involved with Clinton and every other corrupted person there is.
True, and it’s hard to tell what will really happen to Fauci and his cohorts. We did take down Jeffrey Epstein who had a whole army of elites as his friends, including the Clintons as well and tons of money, but of course theres way more on the line if Fauci goes down than someone like Epstein. More or less the whole conspiracy would be confirmed to the masses and that would open up a whole other can of worms, so there’s more urgency to keep him and others involved safe from conviction. Cause then everyone’s ass is on the line, but we’ve been enjoying some great rtr schedules that have been helping our cause. And more on the way I’m sure, so it’s inspiring.
To put this in more reasonable terms. Kinda like Tim Pool mentioned a while back, when something happens. Is it a conspiracy i.e. mass fake event or is it a S.A.C.(Stand Alone Complex) in other words it seems conspiratorial but in reality it's only one or several people kinda making a scene out of it.

Reason I mention this is because it seems like EVERY medical personnel and Doctor is pumping this event. It seems the so-called "Professional" and so-called "Intelligentsia" are scared shitless over a virus which is a guise on eliminating rights of the people. Some sort of pre-Age of Aquarius style like HP.Cobra mentioned either it's freedom and proper technology or slavery and their communist technology.

And the funny part is for all intents and purposes which we know about but could be spread at some point. Bat lady's 15% mortality rate Sars-Cov virus. So we are lucky we have something with a less mortality rate than the flu. Cause if China had it's way it would have released a deadlier Sars-Cov. I'm sure the lab leak is a blessing to a degree, reminds me of HP.Cobra mentioning the lockdowns World-Wide just caused our websites to spike in viewership.

As for the virus between 0.054% -and- 1.6% the flu beats it. What is the flu at 3-5% maybe 6-7% for immuno-compromised systems. Just recently a prominent member posted the Delta and Delta+ are just hay fever and other infections being labelled as Covid-19. Much like the motorcyclist who crashed his bike last year and died at the scene was labelled Covid-19 victim. So it seems like there is a conspiracy behind everything either that or it's a S.A.C. and it's creating domino effects.

(Also @HP.Cobra for future reference could you be more specific and state JNWO(Judiac New World Order) rather than just JWO or NWO. People need to realize there is a difference between NWOs of the JNWO side and our side the SNWO(Satanic New World Order))

Henu the Great said:
Have you seen the protests in London? People ARE aware, it might not be the case from your perspective, but overall, plans of the enemy are being exposed more and more. There is resistance, but also ignorance. Best thing for us to do is to improve ourselves as much as we can and dodge bad situations.

Also, it has been stated numerous times that we have won. You have to understand astral for this. Physical manifestation comes after it, expecially something on a global scale. Imagine a complete transformation on personal level which takes time, and then apply it to gloabal scale. It takes even more time, but it will be done.

There is a "chaos" phase occurring what we are seeing is a manifestation of above the "Greater Satanic" and we are pumping down the "Lower Israel" and connecting both the Lower/Greater Satanic and a combination of Sahasrarasizing and Muladharasizing the Satanic World. Although in reality we aren't really creating much on the lower end we are merely pumping down the enemy stuff, letting the greater or upper muladharasize and letting the Gods materialize their realities. I'm sure in the future we can pump stuff from the ground level and create realities for people with little to no enemy interference. Even if the enemy more so towards the above the elohim greys/reptilians it seems they might not have the capacity to manipulate as much. If the enemy relies on hebrew as well then they need to do some drastic things to really engrave their realities. But all of that I'm sure will backfire on the enemy as exposing themselves isn't a viable alternative. Much like the jokes of FancyMancy on jews and enemy hostile aliens exposing themselves.

So like HP.Cobra mentioned the enemy is all too aware of this and is doing damage to try and create as much distractions as possible. I have no idea how long this "chaos phase" will last but if we ever told by the clergy that we don't need to perform any RTRs and like Hp.Cobra hinted a few times since JoSministries previous forums and recently as of the last two months. That we might be doing RQR to piss on Pislam then for all intents and purposes there will still be a chaos phase as the rituals are like a bell, the bell and striker and the strikes of ours causing the bell to toll in a muffled sound until we stop striking it and it reverberates on it's own.

Basically we've charged this figurative RTR bell with so much energy we still haven't seen the full might of the rituals manifest. It still needs to ring out and bleed off all the energy we charged up the bell. Kinda like the old M-RTRs every once in a while we use them to manipulate reality and it seems like things occur from time to time. Based on the bell toll of the previous rituals during the years we performed them nearly daily.
Henu the Great said:
Have you seen the protests in London? People ARE aware, it might not be the case from your perspective, but overall, plans of the enemy are being exposed more and more. There is resistance, but also ignorance. Best thing for us to do is to improve ourselves as much as we can and dodge bad situations.

Also, it has been stated numerous times that we have won. You have to understand astral for this. Physical manifestation comes after it, expecially something on a global scale. Imagine a complete transformation on personal level which takes time, and then apply it to gloabal scale. It takes even more time, but it will be done.

I really hope it reaches a much wider scale soon. Getting to London every time to protest is a tall order, especially now that the football cultists are mad "it's not coming home" and may target me for being born in that desert-hole country (Italy) that I never considered my home in the first place.
Henu the Great said:
Have you seen the protests in London? People ARE aware, it might not be the case from your perspective, but overall, plans of the enemy are being exposed more and more. There is resistance, but also ignorance. Best thing for us to do is to improve ourselves as much as we can and dodge bad situations.

Also, it has been stated numerous times that we have won. You have to understand astral for this. Physical manifestation comes after it, expecially something on a global scale. Imagine a complete transformation on personal level which takes time, and then apply it to gloabal scale. It takes even more time, but it will be done.

This is really motivating
Blitzkreig said:
Soulfire said:
What exactly would happen to you if you were to take the vaccine, will it damage your soul or something?

The mRNA changes your cells to output Covid spike proteins. These spike proteins hurt the body, so this is where the side effects occur. Unlike regular vaccines, damage occurs over an unknown amount of time, not just the day of the jab.
There are more details to this, but this is the super simple version.

It will not cause any permanent damage, especially to a Satanist, but it will certainly not be good for you. For those who are already in poor health, it can cause even worse issues. This is the nature of health damage: the strong can tank it, and the weak suffer exponentially more.

Do you have anything to say about non-mRNA vaccines such as Oxford/AstraZeneca.

For those who take the mRNA because they are forced and have no other option (i.e. employment and any top-tier extenuating circumstances), Pfizer is better than Moderna because it contains A LOT LESS mRNA in comparison.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If anyone also has solid information about the potential identification existing within these shots [such as Gate's digital signature vaccine technology], please share.

Because it's still unclear from reading online for months whether or not this has been applied in "This" vaccine or if it will be existing in some future one.

There's a lot of endless kosher lying going around, but also a lot of strange exaggerated theories that serve both to hide the facts. There's endless confusion online.

I have noticed something, but I will just share my input without making any assumptions because I haven't got enough proof to jump to any conclusion. A lot of young people (20-35 YO) have had some very bad colds with caughing and fever, they literally stood in bed. All were vaccinated with Pfizer. Then they god healthy again and nothing critical happened. I also had some symptoms (didn't take any vaccine), but in my case they were very low - to nothing. For all I know it could have just been the air conditioning in my case, but my gf had low symptoms as well. Lasted a few hours or a day. She also did not take any shot. That is what I noticed, just thought I'd share my input. I cannot make anything out of this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The rights and surveillance capabilities behind the policies that are implementing these, potential linking of acceptance between the vaccine and let's say, digital injected identification, pushing people to do experimental treatments to "gain back" their rights, these are troublesome subjects etc. These are the real big problem.
Definitely the jews as always are trying to achieve as many goals as possible with only one shot. I agree surveillance and medical dictatorship is definitely one of the goals, but given that the main promotors of the coronavirus vaccines are the same people who are planning to depopulate the planet (and made it public as well), and also given that the coronavirus vaccine is probably the most agressively imposed vaccine that was even created, my personal opinion is that this vaccine will play a key role in genocizing the world population with future pandemics, but that time with more agressive viruses. Given that mRNA vaccines are working on a genetic level (same the `viral vector` ones like sputnik and astra-zeneca), it is possible that these will indeed act to destroy the natural immune system of the human body and replace it with artificial anticorps, so the body won't have the power to fight against new viruses in the future without getting vaccinated. But this hypothesis will prove to be true or false when new pandemics will be invented and imposed in the future (if it will ever happen). This is why I believe that avoiding this vaccine is a life and death situation, even for a healthy person. I don't think that they promote this vaccine to merely push digital surveillance. There are other non-invazive ways that they can use, and are probably using already, like health cards for example, which contain all personal ID and medical details of a person. Obviously the general consequences are the same, losing of rights and freedoms that we normally had and gave away so easily just one and a half years ago. Most people have been way too brainwashed and gullible, and most of them still are.
I have hope. I trust in our Gods, in our Satanic family, in our Creator Satan Lucifer. I know we will pull through this together.

No matter what the enemy throws at humanity, we will still burst through to the sunny horizon where jews no longer exist. Freedom is our destiny. We will not be slaves. We will not allow the enemy to get their way. We will destroy anything that stands in the way of our glorious future.

Whatever lies ahead, we will outlast it.
I thought it necessary to share this article, considering a lot of adverse effect cases have been getting buried constantly by the msm : https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/2021/06/27/dr-peter-mccullough-whistleblowers-inside-cdc-claim-injections-have-already-killed-50000-americans

It also had this 40+ minute video in it : https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Dr.-Peter-McCullough-on-with-Reiner-Fuelmich-June-11-2021.mp4#t=40

Dr. Peter McCullough: ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans

The most highly cited physician on the early treatment of COVID-19 has come out with an explosive new video that blows the lid off the medical establishment’s complicity in the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.

Dr. Peter McCullough said these deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable.

He said COVID was a bioweapon and the vaccines represent “phase two” of that bioweapon.

“As this, in a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out, it was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation,” McCullough said in a June 11 webinar with German attorney Reiner Fuellmich and several other doctors.

He noted:

“Both the respiratory virus and the vaccine delivered to the human body the spike protein, the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.” [... ]
What if you took the vaccine and worse go along with future ones.

You have the possiblity of becoming another statistic. An empty number on a piece of paper with no meaning beyond that a disposable human being who died for the cause of Jews working to create a communist dystopia.

Simple as that.


One of the things people can do if they have already taken the shot through force or otherwise is do these three energy workings that I do along with the, 'Aura of Protection, one.

The first two are healing workings with the second one switching, 'thorough', to, 'quick'.

I am breathing in powerful healing energy. This energy is cleansing my body and soul of all disease and ailment. This cleansing is thorough and permanent.

The third one is for regeneration.

I am breathing in powerful regeneration energy. This energy is repairing any and all damage to my body and soul. This repair leaves my body and soul blemish free.

Doing each for ten breaths is good but if you are pressed for time, doing each for five is just fine.
slyscorpion said:
What if you took the vaccine and worse go along with future ones.

You have the possiblity of becoming another statistic. An empty number on a piece of paper with no meaning beyond that a disposable human being who died for the cause of Jews working to create a communist dystopia.

Simple as that.

It's easy to speak in the face of persecution, when one has known little. Many have no idea how real persecution is from the "Land of the Free". In many places in Europe and elsewhere, especially the 3rd world, many won't be asked. The statements of "Yea but you are did bent in taking it", are going to be in vain.

It's only beginning now over in the US with any restrictions. Up until 2017, there were copious rights for expression etc. In other places, the enemy has considerably major ground to enact even force and mandate anything.

Many who pretend to be real hardcore about their freedoms from the safe side or living in lax countries, are going to be tested. And for this reason, those living in these, should defend their rights to the teeth.

It doesn't take as much as it would take for people let's say, in Iran, India, Turkey, Belarus or elsewhere.

When laws protect you, you can actually call the police, or have the rights to walk around freely believing in anything you want such as your religious choices, or you can legally refuse vaccination, you are either mentally weak to accept, or you accepted in wrong thinking, or too hastily without thinking. One has acted stupidly.

However, if the same comes under threat of unemployment, lack of food on your table, or in some crazy scenarios, gunpoint, or being confined, the question is different for many. Everyone has a different question to face here.

Others are being threatened to be kicked out of jobs [with their families in jeopardy], in many Nations such as Russia laws are only for decoration purposes, in other EU countries, Constitutions are being shitted upon.

Many millions will be confronted with major tyrrany, and it might get really physical. It will not be an "Idea" or just some "Infringement". For this, people have to show understanding instead of demeaning them based on their choices. They aren't the same as many people in the States. The States contain still MANY freedoms.

In plain, those who rushed in the US, in places where literally there weren't even that many restrictions, that is weakness. Now, a Russian who might have took it, since the police has drafted laws to get inside your house or kick you out of your job, this is a choice of another caliber.

In regards to the US, when one has all the rights, the law, the capacity for self defense, and so on, being a rebel or defending your freedom is different than living elsewhere.

US people should opt in to refuse refuse, despite of where they believe the science or not, as nothing should infringe the rights of people, let alone Governments entertaining bullying people into submission for medical procedures.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
slyscorpion said:
What if you took the vaccine and worse go along with future ones.

You have the possiblity of becoming another statistic. An empty number on a piece of paper with no meaning beyond that a disposable human being who died for the cause of Jews working to create a communist dystopia.

Simple as that.

It's easy to speak in the face of persecution, when one has known little. Many have no idea how real persecution is from the "Land of the Free". In many places in Europe and elsewhere, especially the 3rd world, many won't be asked. The statements of "Yea but you are did bent in taking it", are going to be in vain.

It's only beginning now over in the US with any restrictions. Up until 2017, there were copious rights for expression etc. In other places, the enemy has considerably major ground to enact even force and mandate anything.

Many who pretend to be real hardcore about their freedoms from the safe side or living in lax countries, are going to be tested. And for this reason, those living in these, should defend their rights to the teeth.

It doesn't take as much as it would take for people let's say, in Iran, India, Turkey, Belarus or elsewhere.

When laws protect you, you can actually call the police, or have the rights to walk around freely believing in anything you want such as your religious choices, or you can legally refuse vaccination, you are either mentally weak to accept, or you accepted in wrong thinking, or too hastily without thinking. One has acted stupidly.

However, if the same comes under threat of unemployment, lack of food on your table, or in some crazy scenarios, gunpoint, or being confined, the question is different for many. Everyone has a different question to face here.

Others are being threatened to be kicked out of jobs [with their families in jeopardy], in many Nations such as Russia laws are only for decoration purposes, in other EU countries, Constitutions are being shitted upon.

Many millions will be confronted with major tyrrany, and it might get really physical. It will not be an "Idea" or just some "Infringement". For this, people have to show understanding instead of demeaning them based on their choices. They aren't the same as many people in the States. The States contain still MANY freedoms.

In plain, those who rushed in the US, in places where literally there weren't even that many restrictions, that is weakness. Now, a Russian who might have took it, since the police has drafted laws to get inside your house or kick you out of your job, this is a choice of another caliber.

In regards to the US, when one has all the rights, the law, the capacity for self defense, and so on, being a rebel or defending your freedom is different than living elsewhere.

US people should opt in to refuse refuse, despite of where they believe the science or not, as nothing should infringe the rights of people, let alone Governments entertaining bullying people into submission for medical procedures.

Ok point taken. If someone came to me and told me a story about why they took it and explained some of what you said above I would not get mad at them. I would be understanding.
I wasn't thinking of any place outside the USA when posting this to be honest plus I haven't even visited let alone lived in any place outside the USA except for a couple trips to Canada which my impression so far as what I saw was it was not greatly different from where I am at least in the usa. So I don't really know what it's like other places. So far as the science MRNA stuff it has a lot of potential to do some really helpful things and probably is a great technology. The point I and I think most people that didn't take it are making is we don't trust who is implementing this at all and it's the kind of thing that could be used for major damage to the persons genetics in the wrong hands so I would say fuck no on this. If I ever for some reason absolutely don't have a choice I am getting a non mrna one but I intend as much as possible to try and stand up for my freedom. Also the way it's being pushed is making people even more suspicious.
Master said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There's endless confusion online.
I have seen bits of videos, and also heard, of both people having magnetic spots on their arm where they got the jab and then later the magnetism being spread across their body, and some patients having crippling reactions, seizures, inability to walk... At first I didn't take them extremely seriously, but then it was on a news video which interviewed a doctor about it; the doctor says the CDC is lying. That doctor also mentions spike proteins. I was going to upload it, but I will do it sooner.

Do you have scientific evidence for this?
I just have seen videos with people alleging things. That's part of the reason why I have not uploaded/shared them. The one I uploaded below is supposed to be a doctor alleging, as well. I am just going by what others, who claim to be medical workers, and also videos (or just the thumbnails of which) show to have people not looking healthy. I have also seen videos of some claiming to be medical workers who have quit and removed themselves from medical registers, after they vowed the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, with being also upset that the happenings in medicine, regarding CoVID-19, have not been reported and are being suppressed.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There's endless confusion online.
I have seen bits of videos, and also heard, of both people having magnetic spots on their arm where they got the jab and then later the magnetism being spread across their body, and some patients having crippling reactions, seizures, inability to walk... At first I didn't take them extremely seriously, but then it was on a news video which interviewed a doctor about it; the doctor says the CDC is lying. That doctor also mentions spike proteins. I was going to upload it, but I will do it sooner.

Having watched these videos, many of them appear to be fakes. Also, the human body has a power to magnetize objects like this. There is also, cellular magnetism.

The reasons why this would occur after the vaccine, don't necessarily have to be implantable nanobots as many say [although the technology might exist in the future]. The body's response to nanobots might be totally devastating, I would assume, as they would be recognized as a foreign body. This would be only speculation.

However, a severe immunological reaction, might trigger this phenomenon of cell magnetism. But that is speculation. Most of the videos I have seen are just fakes.

I am certain from very elaborate studying, that these were even created by disinfo agencies on purpose to make all vaccine deniers look like they are totally insane. This was to make vaccine deniers look like they all their PERFECTLY REASONABLE CONCERNS was just insane bunk.

So the gov can pretend that everyone who denies all this is just "misinformed" or "insane".
As I say, I am not 100% certain about them so I have not uploaded/shared them. For this news one I mentioned, because it is a news bit which the brand alleges to be real news and real broadcasting -

Master said:
FancyMancy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There's endless confusion online.
I have seen bits of videos, and also heard, of both people having magnetic spots on their arm where they got the jab and then later the magnetism being spread across their body, and some patients having crippling reactions, seizures, inability to walk... At first I didn't take them extremely seriously, but then it was on a news video which interviewed a doctor about it; the doctor says the CDC is lying. That doctor also mentions spike proteins. I was going to upload it, but I will do it sooner.

Do you have scientific evidence for this?
Well there is this prick on youtube whos a kike that shows anc explains it on his own arm, is like what HC said those kiked reveal any form of there plans in sources of Entertainment and just laugh because ppl dont notice the guy literally had a smirk on his face the whole video.
Fuchs said:
Henu the Great said:
Have you seen the protests in London? People ARE aware, it might not be the case from your perspective, but overall, plans of the enemy are being exposed more and more. There is resistance, but also ignorance. Best thing for us to do is to improve ourselves as much as we can and dodge bad situations.

Also, it has been stated numerous times that we have won. You have to understand astral for this. Physical manifestation comes after it, expecially something on a global scale. Imagine a complete transformation on personal level which takes time, and then apply it to gloabal scale. It takes even more time, but it will be done.

We have won, when everybody keeps doing the rtrs, advertising, restist vaccination,..., everyday. If we all would stop right now, there would be no win. Just saying in case poeple think, ok let´s chill and take a jab.
From the perspective of higher beings, we have won. From our perspective, the fight still goes on this planet.

Working for Satan, on ourselves, this planet (and ultimately other planets), our species and so on never ever ends.

This is not to say that working can not be fun or chilling can not be done.
Yeah.. I mean as complicated as this entire situation is, getting through all of this is rather simple.

1.) Do no vaccinate under any circumstances, for your health, and to oppose the agenda as a whole so further attacks on freedoms are not implemented.
- If you have already vaccinated, don't do it anymore, and continue to meditate/protect your aura. Preform health workings on yourself if you feel its necessary. Advancing your soul/healing workings and working with the gods should repair any damage on your physical body already suffered, just don't add anymore damage.

2.) Clean your aura and do your aura of protection

3.) Keep firing off Final Rtr + Tetragrammaton + Shattering Defenses Rtr.

4.) Focus on yourself, find ways to grow. To learn. To stay happy. Be positive, focus on the positive aspects of life and take care of yourself emotionally, spiritually and physically.

Then the jewish plan for world enslavement fails completely, the whole pandemic fails completely, and the parasitic jew fails completely.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Just keep your chin up Brothers and Sisters. Stay positive and motivated and keep firing away the Rtr's, we have this in the bag, just don't relent until its over. don't let up until it's over, but remain positive and determined!
Stormblood said:
Do you have anything to say about non-mRNA vaccines such as Oxford/AstraZeneca.

For those who take the mRNA because they are forced and have no other option (i.e. employment and any top-tier extenuating circumstances), Pfizer is better than Moderna because it contains A LOT LESS mRNA in comparison.

I think the non-mRNA ones are likely less bad for you, in theory. As HPHC mentioned, these also don't allow the enemy to push their gene modification front, either. I believe this is why the media was shitting on them earlier. They were not trying to entertain anti-vax theory, rather just stifle the less desirable option (for them).

That is good advice about the Pfizer shot. So I guess the best of the bunch would be AstraZeneca, J&J, or Sputnik (all non-mRNA), followed by Pfizer.
FancyMancy said:
Master said:
FancyMancy said:
I have seen bits of videos, and also heard, of both people having magnetic spots on their arm where they got the jab and then later the magnetism being spread across their body, and some patients having crippling reactions, seizures, inability to walk... At first I didn't take them extremely seriously, but then it was on a news video which interviewed a doctor about it; the doctor says the CDC is lying. That doctor also mentions spike proteins. I was going to upload it, but I will do it sooner.

Do you have scientific evidence for this?
I just have seen videos with people alleging things. That's part of the reason why I have not uploaded/shared them. The one I uploaded below is supposed to be a doctor alleging, as well. I am just going by what others, who claim to be medical workers, and also videos (or just the thumbnails of which) show to have people not looking healthy. I have also seen videos of some claiming to be medical workers who have quit and removed themselves from medical registers, after they vowed the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, with being also upset that the happenings in medicine, regarding CoVID-19, have not been reported and are being suppressed.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
FancyMancy said:
I have seen bits of videos, and also heard, of both people having magnetic spots on their arm where they got the jab and then later the magnetism being spread across their body, and some patients having crippling reactions, seizures, inability to walk... At first I didn't take them extremely seriously, but then it was on a news video which interviewed a doctor about it; the doctor says the CDC is lying. That doctor also mentions spike proteins. I was going to upload it, but I will do it sooner.

Having watched these videos, many of them appear to be fakes. Also, the human body has a power to magnetize objects like this. There is also, cellular magnetism.

The reasons why this would occur after the vaccine, don't necessarily have to be implantable nanobots as many say [although the technology might exist in the future]. The body's response to nanobots might be totally devastating, I would assume, as they would be recognized as a foreign body. This would be only speculation.

However, a severe immunological reaction, might trigger this phenomenon of cell magnetism. But that is speculation. Most of the videos I have seen are just fakes.

I am certain from very elaborate studying, that these were even created by disinfo agencies on purpose to make all vaccine deniers look like they are totally insane. This was to make vaccine deniers look like they all their PERFECTLY REASONABLE CONCERNS was just insane bunk.

So the gov can pretend that everyone who denies all this is just "misinformed" or "insane".
As I say, I am not 100% certain about them so I have not uploaded/shared them. For this news one I mentioned, because it is a news bit which the brand alleges to be real news and real broadcasting -


The situation with covid is really chaotic. There have also been scams by some lying and dishonest health workers. They have cheated several people by treating them at home against covid.
Henu the Great said:
Fuchs said:
Henu the Great said:
Have you seen the protests in London? People ARE aware, it might not be the case from your perspective, but overall, plans of the enemy are being exposed more and more. There is resistance, but also ignorance. Best thing for us to do is to improve ourselves as much as we can and dodge bad situations.

Also, it has been stated numerous times that we have won. You have to understand astral for this. Physical manifestation comes after it, expecially something on a global scale. Imagine a complete transformation on personal level which takes time, and then apply it to gloabal scale. It takes even more time, but it will be done.

We have won, when everybody keeps doing the rtrs, advertising, restist vaccination,..., everyday. If we all would stop right now, there would be no win. Just saying in case poeple think, ok let´s chill and take a jab.
From the perspective of higher beings, we have won. From our perspective, the fight still goes on this planet.

Working for Satan, on ourselves, this planet (and ultimately other planets), our species and so on never ever ends.

This is not to say that working can not be fun or chilling can not be done.

This is why I believe the enemy has this thing to try to convince people that are awake to their control, that everything is lost and there is no point fighting. They are afraid of the many possibilities of them being defeated and try to discourage and seem more in control than they actually are. Not saying they don't have a lot of control.
Henu the Great said:
Fuchs said:
Henu the Great said:
Have you seen the protests in London? People ARE aware, it might not be the case from your perspective, but overall, plans of the enemy are being exposed more and more. There is resistance, but also ignorance. Best thing for us to do is to improve ourselves as much as we can and dodge bad situations.

Also, it has been stated numerous times that we have won. You have to understand astral for this. Physical manifestation comes after it, expecially something on a global scale. Imagine a complete transformation on personal level which takes time, and then apply it to gloabal scale. It takes even more time, but it will be done.

We have won, when everybody keeps doing the rtrs, advertising, restist vaccination,..., everyday. If we all would stop right now, there would be no win. Just saying in case poeple think, ok let´s chill and take a jab.
From the perspective of higher beings, we have won. From our perspective, the fight still goes on this planet.

Working for Satan, on ourselves, this planet (and ultimately other planets), our species and so on never ever ends.

This is not to say that working can not be fun or chilling can not be done.

Yeah but despite what we still have to do we win we finally have the ability to live life and enjoy it more without enemy on the surface. Helping out other places will be cool I am down. Maybe blowing up or making unlivable for them the reptilian home planets :lol:

I am down. That sounds cool.
Stormblood said:
Henu the Great said:
Have you seen the protests in London? People ARE aware, it might not be the case from your perspective, but overall, plans of the enemy are being exposed more and more. There is resistance, but also ignorance. Best thing for us to do is to improve ourselves as much as we can and dodge bad situations.

Also, it has been stated numerous times that we have won. You have to understand astral for this. Physical manifestation comes after it, expecially something on a global scale. Imagine a complete transformation on personal level which takes time, and then apply it to gloabal scale. It takes even more time, but it will be done.

I really hope it reaches a much wider scale soon. Getting to London every time to protest is a tall order, especially now that the football cultists are mad "it's not coming home" and may target me for being born in that desert-hole country (Italy) that I never considered my home in the first place.

I have to object to home of football being England stormblood :lol: :lol: Even though it didnt come home it went to Rome as prous scots folk would say :lol:

Yeah i saw the protests but they were just blanked by MSM only way we get to see such truths are modern day phones recording.

hope you doing good pal
slyscorpion said:
Henu the Great said:
Fuchs said:
We have won, when everybody keeps doing the rtrs, advertising, restist vaccination,..., everyday. If we all would stop right now, there would be no win. Just saying in case poeple think, ok let´s chill and take a jab.
From the perspective of higher beings, we have won. From our perspective, the fight still goes on this planet.

Working for Satan, on ourselves, this planet (and ultimately other planets), our species and so on never ever ends.

This is not to say that working can not be fun or chilling can not be done.

Yeah but despite what we still have to do we win we finally have the ability to live life and enjoy it more without enemy on the surface. Helping out other places will be cool I am down. Maybe blowing up or making unlivable for them the reptilian home planets :lol:

I am down. That sounds cool.

If people can make space tourism become a thing sooner, so would turning reptilian and grey worlds into
hot asteriods the same way they did it to phaeton. Spirituality+money+science+defense=better world order against bug headed and lizard fucks. Let's just try not to be stupid like play with AI too much... :D I might want to consider getting enough money and stability first and once a space force is formed under Satan's world order, I'm more than happy to join so I can shed some xeno mofo blood across the stars.
Wildfire said:
If people can make space tourism become a thing sooner, so would turning reptilian and grey worlds into hot asteroids the same way they did it to phaeton. Spirituality+money+science+defense=better world order against bug headed and lizard fucks. Let's just try not to be stupid like play with AI too much... :D I might want to consider getting enough money and stability first and once a space force is formed under Satan's world order, I'm more than happy to join so I can shed some xeno mofo blood across the stars.

"I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL THEM ALL!!!"
Inflorescentia said:
Wildfire said:
If people can make space tourism become a thing sooner, so would turning reptilian and grey worlds into hot asteroids the same way they did it to phaeton. Spirituality+money+science+defense=better world order against bug headed and lizard fucks. Let's just try not to be stupid like play with AI too much... :D I might want to consider getting enough money and stability first and once a space force is formed under Satan's world order, I'm more than happy to join so I can shed some xeno mofo blood across the stars.

"I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL THEM ALL!!!"
A true woman of culture I see.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
