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The Chosen One: The "Messiah" Concept

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
SapphireDragon said:
We've watched it in movies, read it in books, played it in video games. It seems so much media is geared towards a protagonist that somehow has magical powers or super powers, this person of destiny that only they can save the world. etc etc.

The reality is that the concept of a Messiah or a Chosen One, is actually a situation where a very developed soul [not because of imagination, but due to proof, most people are entirely delusional here and do nothing] has done an inexorable amount of development. This development is then turned outwards to help others improve and advance.

There are of course many people who are "Chosen", and not just "One" person.

However certain people can do major heroic deeds, like Alexander the Great and so on. In Ancient Babylon, they always had prophecies like this, same as Gentiles who did this, yet the "Chosen One" is not like a super being on their own, but they encompass other beings who are also "Chosen Ones" in their own way.

In all of the above, the "Chosen One" is supposed to elevate other people, who are already very well elevated themselves, and this is because of a structural situation of the universe. The jews of course took this concept for themselves [they are waiting for "The Messiah"].

To Gentiles, they sold the concept even more foolishly: Just sit down there goy, do nothing, and some Jeboo will arrive in the second coming and take your lazy ass to heaven, with you doing nothing besides believing. Another perverted concept again.

The word "Messiah" means intermediary, or "The one who stands in the Middle". This is about spiritual development. Many great leaders in many fields and supremely advanced people were such cases. Messiah is an Ancient Greek word literally from the Ancient Greek "Messias", meaning "The Middle One", a person extremely sufficiently advanced.

This has nothing to do with delusions of grandeur and imaginations, but it has to do with functional capabilities to fulfil certain tasks.

A mentality of servility has been created around this concept by Christianity deliberately. In their mentality, that is servile. In our mentality, this means to keep high the powerful people who show an extreme level of development, flock around them so we can self develop and accelerate, while simultaneously everyone advances themselves as a responsible personality.

In the enemy's concept it's just all the vermin and nobodies waiting for the slave master to beat them up. Nothing is present from teamwork, co-advancement, or anything of the sort here, just idly waiting for a savior while one sits on the couch. That is a form of severe delusion. This insanity furthered even more, is the road to laziness and completely being a slave.

A slave does not do anything and is not responsible in anyway - they just wait for "someone" to do "everything" for them, and as in the hoax of the enemy, "save them" without them doing a thing. This leads with precision always into the uselessness of everyone involved.

Our side takes the whole concept differently, as explained below.

SapphireDragon said:
We've watched it in movies, read it in books, played it in video games. It seems so much media is geared towards a protagonist that somehow has magical powers or super powers, this person of destiny that only they can save the world. etc etc.

I'm here to address this today because I feel this has caused an emotional programming in some people from too much exposure to fantasy. Many people either feel like they can't do anything to change the world at all, because they think they're insignificant and not special, or they feel they are some kind of top dog chosen one and only they have the power to change the world and everyone else is beneath them or something. This is fantasy land thinking, we aren't in a movie or a cartoon. We are in the real world here and now.

Both of these kinds of mindsets are complete nonsense. Not only one person by themselves can change the world, it takes the power of many. There is no "chosen one" there are chosen many. Anyone and everyone here who wishes to walk this path seriously and do something, are among the chosen many. Even people who've risen to positions of power like Adolf Hitler weren't doing it alone. He had an army.

There are certain people fit to fill positions like this. And they had to prove themselves with hard work and dedication to make it there. They weren't just born a chosen one with everything handed to them.

The chosen one concept is just fantasy. We all have the chance and the ability to reach advancement and make an impact that positively helps our people and this world. And you don't have to be some fictitious super hero to do it.

Many people walk around with either a completely inflated ego or a butchered and deflated one. If you think you're better than everyone else or that you're beneath everyone you will lose touch with reality plain and simple. This is an imbalance and it needs to be addressed and healed if you find that you are suffering from something like this.

Not one single person is meant to be the savior of humanity. It would be a lonely place up at the top of it were just only you anyway. You have to trust other people and learn teamwork. We are meant to work together. Look at how the Gods work together. They have a strong bond and trust in each other. they didn't reach that level of advancement by themselves with no help from each other.

Likewise, if you feel beneath everyone and are trying to do things by yourself but you actually need help, ask for it. you're not going to burden the Gods or us here if you really need help. Movies and Tv have too much fantasy that can mess with our perceptions about things. It's heavily dominated by enemy agendas. But remember all of it is just fantasy. Thisz what we are doing here, through Jos right now is the real deal. Stop living in a fantasy world and make your reality come to life.

You absolutely can make a difference, you don't have to be the ultimate supreme being born with super advanced abilities to change things in this world or to reach fulfillment. You simply need to participate in our group rituals and Rtrs and do workings on yourself for your improvement.

Ground yourself in reality and find your balance. Don't let delusions take you down the wrong path
and keep working on yourself. We are helping save this world all of us collectively together.

Hail Satan!!
Brother Kobra
I have a question, do the Gods reincarnate them in a favourable astrological chart.
Meaning that the "chosen one" is birthed with the Gods favour, Ive read it in many mythologies that Some humans were born in specific dates chosen by the Gods... E.g Alexander the great or Hercules

Yes the "chosen" one must make efforts to do and to be what is required (not a lazy bum)

Or how a God likes someone that he is born according to his/her favorite number or day

I dont know if ur getting me....
Very insightful post (SapphireDragon's too). It's true how a lot of people are one extreme or the other.
HP HoodedCobra666 ⚡❤ This post is very interesting and very intriguing! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing.
It truly is an honour to be aligned with the good people of the JOS in this spirtual effort.

We are working to help and put things right in this enslaved society. And I see a mistake I make with the direction of my energy.

If we are creating this reality with our perceptions and awareness.

I focus with the emotion of hate for the decay and sickness we are now subject to.

I lament and kick myself at how back to front and upside down this world is. I feel a great tension within myself repulsed at the brainwashing and conditioning of the people in society.

I'm creating the wrong energetic blueprint. I find it hard to not be judgemental of things I see that I don't like.

But the truth is I'm creating it by getting aroused and feeling annoyance and disgust.

If this reality is created by the sum total of humanities energetic vibrations and we're all shaping this reality.

If I want it to be better I better stop being negative and focusing in the wrong.

I need to be a bit more positive and try see things going up.
It reminds me of Thomas Carlyle's Great Man theory/heroarchy. I have read that Carlyle influenced National Socialist thought, although I do not know how accurate that is.

Thank you Hp for your insight into this! Your explanation about this subject is very much appreciated.

So much has been warped by enemy teachings, stolen and twisted into the shape they want it. But we're taking and molding it back into it's original form to the benefit of us all here.
Personal Growth said:
It truly is an honour to be aligned with the good people of the JOS in this spirtual effort.

We are working to help and put things right in this enslaved society. And I see a mistake I make with the direction of my energy.

If we are creating this reality with our perceptions and awareness.

I focus with the emotion of hate for the decay and sickness we are now subject to.

I lament and kick myself at how back to front and upside down this world is. I feel a great tension within myself repulsed at the brainwashing and conditioning of the people in society.

I'm creating the wrong energetic blueprint. I find it hard to not be judgemental of things I see that I don't like.

But the truth is I'm creating it by getting aroused and feeling annoyance and disgust.

If this reality is created by the sum total of humanities energetic vibrations and we're all shaping this reality.

If I want it to be better I better stop being negative and focusing in the wrong.

I need to be a bit more positive and try see things going up.

This was a very beautiful comment in that your recognition of this can instantly lead to more positive change.

Indeed, people are brainwashed and everything, but we should not ruin our own selves because of this, because this ruin isn't helping them awake either.

Hate and anger can have it's place, because that situation subjects us too to numerous things. However hate and anger cannot be the ruling states because then one spends a lot of negative energy in these. Christians and Muslims are built on this disgust and hate, that's very wrong.

Positivity helps way more.
Nimrod33 said:
This is pretty similar how Pagan characters have been misinterpreted to make them appear like if they were "Pagan versions of jeboo". This includes King Arthur, the Fianna, Vainamonen, Baldr and the Avatar Kalki just to make some examples.

Absolutely, they constantly do this. Baldur is another one, who has been constantly called "Jesus before Jesus" and other nonsense like this. As if Baldur couldn't exist on his own and needed Jesus or something.
I think it's important to note, that even though, sure, certain perceptions on the Pagan Hero have been molded in negative ways to bear a similar guise to the Jewish Messiah, these stories still existed, and existed for good reason. There are, for example, liturgical prayers to Heracles, from Ancient Greece. It wasn't about these people worshiping proto-Jesus, but people have always believed in 'heroes', in some fashion or another. Young boys sought to emulate him, or they prayed to have his strength in times of hardship.

The idea is, yes, everything here tells you to not wait around like a Christian to be saved. Inevitably however, heroes and status-quo changers will rise, much like Hitler did, much like Alexander did. Moreover, contemplating natural law and spiritual hierarchy, there are souls that are loftier than others. I remember some Hindu holy men who spoke of the idea that Hitler came down from a higher astral level, hence his association with certain figures from their theology.

In various degrees, many of the souls drawn here are too, from higher levels than what you find elsewhere among the masses of humanity. All who heard the call of the Gods in their heart and are ordained by their attentions, are in a way, "Chosen." It is both our higher souls from actions taken in previous lifetimes, and increasing ones taken in this one. It's why many here have 'Siddhis" or gifts from ancient genetic lines and past lives.

I have no doubt in my mind that many here have great destinies. There may come a time someone reading this post will one day be remembered in an eon as a great hero. This is not about delusions of grandeur, rather, the inevitability of our work, and the 'burden' we claim by walking this path higher and higher. Power and responsibility as everyone knows, do go hand in hand.

Stick to the path and embrace the mantle of the hero yourself. Others will rise alongside you, as we save both each other and ourselves. The stories of heroes among the Ancients are the grandest aspirations you can have for yourself. After all, though the importance of our work is paramount, the ascendancy and restoration of our world means our great cause, in however long, will not "just" be RTRs and what have you. The great work that is the rising of the earth necessitates 'heroes' to rise to do it. This has always been the case, and always will be. To be one such person requires true and absolute dedication, but the path has been walked by people like us before, and it will be again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SapphireDragon said:
We've watched it in movies, read it in books, played it in video games. It seems so much media is geared towards a protagonist that somehow has magical powers or super powers, this person of destiny that only they can save the world. etc etc.

The reality is that the concept of a Messiah or a Chosen One, is actually a situation where a very developed soul [not because of imagination, but due to proof, most people are entirely delusional here and do nothing] has done an inexorable amount of development. This development is then turned outwards to help others improve and advance.

There are of course many people who are "Chosen", and not just "One" person.

However certain people can do major heroic deeds, like Alexander the Great and so on. In Ancient Babylon, they always had prophecies like this, same as Gentiles who did this, yet the "Chosen One" is not like a super being on their own, but they encompass other beings who are also "Chosen Ones" in their own way.

In all of the above, the "Chosen One" is supposed to elevate other people, who are already very well elevated themselves, and this is because of a structural situation of the universe. The jews of course took this concept for themselves [they are waiting for "The Messiah"].

To Gentiles, they sold the concept even more foolishly: Just sit down there goy, do nothing, and some Jeboo will arrive in the second coming and take your lazy ass to heaven, with you doing nothing besides believing. Another perverted concept again.

The word "Messiah" means intermediary, or "The one who stands in the Middle". This is about spiritual development. Many great leaders in many fields and supremely advanced people were such cases. Messiah is an Ancient Greek word literally from the Ancient Greek "Messias", meaning "The Middle One", a person extremely sufficiently advanced.

This has nothing to do with delusions of grandeur and imaginations, but it has to do with functional capabilities to fulfil certain tasks.

A mentality of servility has been created around this concept by Christianity deliberately. In their mentality, that is servile. In our mentality, this means to keep high the powerful people who show an extreme level of development, flock around them so we can self develop and accelerate, while simultaneously everyone advances themselves as a responsible personality.

In the enemy's concept it's just all the vermin and nobodies waiting for the slave master to beat them up. Nothing is present from teamwork, co-advancement, or anything of the sort here, just idly waiting for a savior while one sits on the couch. That is a form of severe delusion. This insanity furthered even more, is the road to laziness and completely being a slave.

A slave does not do anything and is not responsible in anyway - they just wait for "someone" to do "everything" for them, and as in the hoax of the enemy, "save them" without them doing a thing. This leads with precision always into the uselessness of everyone involved.

Our side takes the whole concept differently, as explained below.

SapphireDragon said:
We've watched it in movies, read it in books, played it in video games. It seems so much media is geared towards a protagonist that somehow has magical powers or super powers, this person of destiny that only they can save the world. etc etc.

I'm here to address this today because I feel this has caused an emotional programming in some people from too much exposure to fantasy. Many people either feel like they can't do anything to change the world at all, because they think they're insignificant and not special, or they feel they are some kind of top dog chosen one and only they have the power to change the world and everyone else is beneath them or something. This is fantasy land thinking, we aren't in a movie or a cartoon. We are in the real world here and now.

Both of these kinds of mindsets are complete nonsense. Not only one person by themselves can change the world, it takes the power of many. There is no "chosen one" there are chosen many. Anyone and everyone here who wishes to walk this path seriously and do something, are among the chosen many. Even people who've risen to positions of power like Adolf Hitler weren't doing it alone. He had an army.

There are certain people fit to fill positions like this. And they had to prove themselves with hard work and dedication to make it there. They weren't just born a chosen one with everything handed to them.

The chosen one concept is just fantasy. We all have the chance and the ability to reach advancement and make an impact that positively helps our people and this world. And you don't have to be some fictitious super hero to do it.

Many people walk around with either a completely inflated ego or a butchered and deflated one. If you think you're better than everyone else or that you're beneath everyone you will lose touch with reality plain and simple. This is an imbalance and it needs to be addressed and healed if you find that you are suffering from something like this.

Not one single person is meant to be the savior of humanity. It would be a lonely place up at the top of it were just only you anyway. You have to trust other people and learn teamwork. We are meant to work together. Look at how the Gods work together. They have a strong bond and trust in each other. they didn't reach that level of advancement by themselves with no help from each other.

Likewise, if you feel beneath everyone and are trying to do things by yourself but you actually need help, ask for it. you're not going to burden the Gods or us here if you really need help. Movies and Tv have too much fantasy that can mess with our perceptions about things. It's heavily dominated by enemy agendas. But remember all of it is just fantasy. Thisz what we are doing here, through Jos right now is the real deal. Stop living in a fantasy world and make your reality come to life.

You absolutely can make a difference, you don't have to be the ultimate supreme being born with super advanced abilities to change things in this world or to reach fulfillment. You simply need to participate in our group rituals and Rtrs and do workings on yourself for your improvement.

Ground yourself in reality and find your balance. Don't let delusions take you down the wrong path
and keep working on yourself. We are helping save this world all of us collectively together.

Hail Satan!!

Great Reminder that I was always on the right path, focusing my energy on advancing myself and my JOS community, as well as my general Community. There is Structure and Hierarchies for a reason; how could HP Cobra teach and pass the Wisdom, and create True change in the real world, if noone was listening.

The Gods have infinite Spiritual Power in comparison to us, and they could just as easily eliminate the enemy or the curses placed upon us. But there are more important matters at hand, they want us to become like them, True Masters of our Fate, Immortal Souls.

I have had purpose for a long time following this path, I realize it could never have been accomplished by myself, and it was never meant to be in such a manner. We are meant to build Kingdoms and Nations and emulate the Gods. Creating Brotherhoods and Communities based on Eternal Truths.

I see a new meaning to O.R.I.O.N as of today, OUR RACE IS OUR NATION, and my purpose has been further enlightened, The Development of my Race, my people, my nation, my Communities, This gives me TRUE POWER AND PURPOSE. This is what makes all my efforts have VALUE and have allowed me to create REAL CHANGE. The Growth of One, is the Growth of ALL, and the Growth of the NATION allows the inividual to Truly Reach for the Gods!

Also, this time the enemy takes down our Sites, I have removed my doubts for almost a year now?
It is a reminder of the previous battles we have fought and won, how silly of the enemy to even attempt again.
Now I see how we get almost 200,000 Views in a couple weeks on our MAIN FORUM POSTS.

Let us continue Building this Unbreakable NATION OF ORION. This will be the inheritance to the Entire planet for the rest of Humanities existence.
Ok thanks, I will remember that HPHC and SapphireDragon. Good article.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SapphireDragon said:

To Gentiles, they sold the concept even more foolishly: Just sit down there goy, do nothing, and some Jeboo will arrive in the second coming and take your lazy ass to heaven, with you doing nothing besides believing. Another perverted concept again.


Hail Satan!!

A gentile is a non Jew. For one to get into heaven during th4 second coming, according to Christians, one has to believe in christ. Not all Gentiles believe in Christ.
if the title "chosen messiah"

then I was chosen by the Lord Of Satan to join JOS and have been well received until a few days since I joined, therefore I will help protect and maintain this JOS community or organization from the spiritual side and from the astral realm (my own initiative)

Hail Lord of Satan
Hail Lucifer God and All Gods
Glory For Lord Of Satan
Bless all followers of lord of satan
❤❤❤God FurFur❤❤❤

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
