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Spiritual satanist need to study philosophy and logic


Jul 14, 2021
I have found out so many people here talk like stupid people not because they’re stupid but because they’re ignorant. One obviously clear fallacy in this the fallacy of hasty generalization. I think we should all be grounded in philosophy and logic so as not to entangle ourselves in fallacious ignorance. I mean saying a majority of black men are rapist and therefore all black men are racist is the stupidest of propositions I have heard on here yet a lot of us and so called dedicated satanist are full of this bullshit.
Satan stands for knowledge and if I am right the worst of sins is stupidity.
Please let’s hate foolishness with all the hatred anger and terror we can muster.
Let’s study and read. It’s our duty as satanists.
Thank you.
Sarjam05 said:
I mean saying a majority of black men are rapist and therefore all black men are racist is the stupidest of propositions I have heard on here yet a lot of us and so called dedicated satanist are full of this bullshit.
Where? Please leave a link where this was stated.
Hi Deear friend, please mind the way you write in this forum, we are all Satanist, some are more educated than others,some are more advanced than others, intelligent than others. We are not leveled the same in the aspects of this journey.
Please!! Let us respect father Satan and the hierarchy of this great premised.
I have read so many posts, it's appears they are some infilterators who came purposely to confused new members coming to spiritual Satanism.
When it's comes to logic and philosophy, satan gave it to us, we are blessed children of satan with untold wisdom written all over our words..
We are educated, we are born great.
Please!!! moderator, don't be approving any
kind of messages here.
Hail Satan, my creator forever.
What’s your goal with hating? Do you think hatred and terror will lift those people up?

The statistics of crime, and which races are involved in these crimes, is not bullshit and is not a fallacy. It is basic facts of what has happened. And there is nothing wrong with knowing the truth of what these numbers are.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Most black americans, and most white americans, do not have any conflict or negativity toward any other race. But there is a small number of violent criminals.

There are some black gangs where new gang members get more reputation and credit within the gang by raping and murdering white people. Extra credit for how innocent the victim is, they mostly go against women and children. This is something that exists in some places in America. This is not only black gangs who do this, there are also latino gangs like MS13 who do the exact same thing.

The largest amount of violence is done by black americans against other black americans. If a black person gets killed, more than 93% of the time it was another black person who did it. Young black men in Chicago have killed so many other young black men, that the number of deaths just in this one city is more than the number of American soldiers who died in both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Department of Justice statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, black people did more than 52% of all murders when they are only 13% of the American population. Most of these were by black men, who are only 6.5% of the population. But not all of the statistics say whether it was a man or a woman, just says the race. In 2012, white men were 38% of the population, and they did 4,582 murders. In the same year, black men were only 6.6% of the population, but they did 5,531 murders. So black men were 6.95 times more likely to do it.

"As for interracial violence generally, blacks disproportionately commit it. Between 2012 and 2015, there were 631,830 violent interracial victimizations, excluding homicide, between blacks and whites, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Blacks, who make up 13 percent of the US population, committed 85.5 percent of those victimizations, or 540,360 felonious assaults on whites, while whites, 61 percent of the population, committed 14.4 percent, or 91,470 felonious assaults on blacks.

Regarding threats to blacks from the police: A police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer."





Sarjam05 said:
I have found out so many people here talk like stupid people not because they’re stupid but because they’re ignorant. One obviously clear fallacy in this the fallacy of hasty generalization. I think we should all be grounded in philosophy and logic so as not to entangle ourselves in fallacious ignorance. I mean saying a majority of black men are rapist and therefore all black men are racist is the stupidest of propositions I have heard on here yet a lot of us and so called dedicated satanist are full of this bullshit.
Satan stands for knowledge and if I am right the worst of sins is stupidity.
Please let’s hate foolishness with all the hatred anger and terror we can muster.
Let’s study and read. It’s our duty as satanists.
Thank you.

So now you want to make an OP and talk shit after attacking me unprovoked here calling me stupid after i gave people genuine advice including you. Now you want to talk like you have been here for years and tell people what to do and what advice to give when you barely just dedicated in january.

Blacks especially in europe and the united states ARE the majority of rapists and criminals.

Say you meet someone online and they are "nice" and they want to meet you in person from here...they are a psychopath and you have no way of knowing. You meet them then find yourself in serious trouble. Bet Shadowcats advice is not so stupid then huh?

Did i hit a button when i was merely speaking facts a bout the black race? Awww. Facts are a bitch aren't they? If you no longer want those things to be facts (if you are black) then maybe do something to help your own race advance and stop bitching.

You are not going to get very far by just attacking people here....we usually find out that most of these people with new accounts who do this are infiltrators or trolls. So keep on libeling me even if i am not named and see how fast you get others to agree with your own ignorance and stupidity.
You believe this Jewish bullshit. If we condemn the media as being controlled by Jews then we should condemn statistics.
This is the reason philosophy and logic is a course we need to familiarize ourselves with as satanist.
We cannot filter our criticisms to fit our theories.
When it’s about crime the Jews are right
When it’s about religion the Jews are wrong
If we are anti Jews and even have a war against them then all things about them should be condemned and distrusted including their Jewish “statistics”!!!!
Philosophy and logic would give us the grounds to recognize sound and unsound judgements.
There are various fallacies I observe here and it hurts to see true dedicated by blood satanist commit the crime of ignorance. Stupidity may be too extreme.
The straw-man fallacy. The hasty generalization fallacy. The non causa pro causa fallacy are the most committed I have observed so far.
Accepting and disproving theories to fit our life views is a blatant fallacy in itself and pure hypocrisy.
Hypocrisy is one of the very things that angered me into dedicating by blood. One of the hardest decisions I ever made.
I am not calling anyone stupid. I hope I don’t sound that way. I am only saying ignorance is the only sin in this path. Therefore seek knowledge.
Hp hooded cobra seems to be the only one who has a real understanding of this topic and from his writings I can savor sound propositions. Lydia and some others I can’t mention to. Not to forget our spiritual leader Maxine. Others here just write for the sake of writing and not to logicize.
Kokusz said:
What’s your goal with hating? Do you think hatred and terror will lift those people up?

My goal with hating is hating foolishness and I advice you to cause contrary to the no sin in spiritual satanism there is actually a sin and that’s stupidity. Read on the Jos. Therefore to study and enlighten yourself is actually a sin to our Gods. Our Gods stand for opposition. You cannot oppose what you don’t know. Conflagrate defiance of status quo is our forte. We can only do this by being grounded in arguments. Discerning sound and unsound judgements.
I do not hate the people. I hate the concept of foolishness.
Thank you.
Henu the Great said:
Sarjam05 said:
I mean saying a majority of black men are rapist and therefore all black men are racist is the stupidest of propositions I have heard on here yet a lot of us and so called dedicated satanist are full of this bullshit.
Where? Please leave a link where this was stated.

Wow i actually missed that last line. Subversion much?
a lot of us and so called dedicated satanist are full of this bullshit.

He really is full of bullshit. Barely "dedicated" and trying to speak for SS in a total lie. I think i'm starting to hear squeeking.....
Sarjam05 said:
Kokusz said:
What’s your goal with hating? Do you think hatred and terror will lift those people up?

My goal with hating is hating foolishness and I advice you to cause contrary to the no sin in spiritual satanism there is actually a sin and that’s stupidity. Read on the Jos. Therefore to study and enlighten yourself is actually a sin to our Gods. Our Gods stand for opposition. You cannot oppose what you don’t know. Conflagrate defiance of status quo is our forte. We can only do this by being grounded in arguments. Discerning sound and unsound judgements.
I do not hate the people. I hate the concept of foolishness.
Thank you.
Hating the concept of foolishness won’t change a thing about foolish people.
Hating people who can’t swim won’t make those people able to swim.
Hating stupidity won’t make people clever.
Hating whatever sin won’t erase those sins.
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
I have found out so many people here talk like stupid people not because they’re stupid but because they’re ignorant. One obviously clear fallacy in this the fallacy of hasty generalization. I think we should all be grounded in philosophy and logic so as not to entangle ourselves in fallacious ignorance. I mean saying a majority of black men are rapist and therefore all black men are racist is the stupidest of propositions I have heard on here yet a lot of us and so called dedicated satanist are full of this bullshit.
Satan stands for knowledge and if I am right the worst of sins is stupidity.
Please let’s hate foolishness with all the hatred anger and terror we can muster.
Let’s study and read. It’s our duty as satanists.
Thank you.

So now you want to make an OP and talk shit after attacking me unprovoked here calling me stupid after i gave people genuine advice including you. Now you want to talk like you have been here for years and tell people what to do and what advice to give when you barely just dedicated in january.

Blacks especially in europe and the united states ARE the majority of rapists and criminals.

Say you meet someone online and they are "nice" and they want to meet you in person from here...they are a psychopath and you have no way of knowing. You meet them then find yourself in serious trouble. Bet Shadowcats advice is not so stupid then huh?

Did i hit a button when i was merely speaking facts a bout the black race? Awww. Facts are a bitch aren't they? If you no longer want those things to be facts (if you are black) then maybe do something to help your own race advance and stop bitching.

You are not going to get very far by just attacking people here....we usually find out that most of these people with new accounts who do this are infiltrators or trolls. So keep on libeling me even if i am not named and see how fast you get others to agree with your own ignorance and stupidity.
Fuck you and fuck your stinking white ass
Sarjam05 said:
Fuck you and fuck your stinking white ass

I just have one question. Why do you have such a need to blame and hate white people for actions and crimes that were not done by white people? Do you not see that it is unfair and ridiculous?

If a white person does a crime, then you should blame them for it because they deserve it. But if a black person does a crime, why do you hate the white person just because the white person knows that the crime happened?
Sarjam05 said:
You believe this Jewish bullshit. If we condemn the media as being controlled by Jews then we should condemn statistics.

Every time that a serious crime is done in America, police come and they write a report about it. There is an investigation, and they find the person who did it. And the information from the report including what happened, who the victim was, and who is the person that did it, all of this information is given to agencies that track these crimes. And every year they write a report of the total number of all kinds of different crimes, who was the criminal, and who was the victim. These numbers are publicly available and anybody can see them. It is called the Annual FBI Crime Statistics.

There is no way to lie about this. There is nothing subjective or opinion. There is no ability to lie. It is all just direct numbers, and anybody can see the numbers for themself.

You are right that the jewish media does lie about these things. And the way they lie is to try to hide these numbers and not tell anybody about them. They pretend that it is not happening.
Sarjam05 said:
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
I have found out so many people here talk like stupid people not because they’re stupid but because they’re ignorant. One obviously clear fallacy in this the fallacy of hasty generalization. I think we should all be grounded in philosophy and logic so as not to entangle ourselves in fallacious ignorance. I mean saying a majority of black men are rapist and therefore all black men are racist is the stupidest of propositions I have heard on here yet a lot of us and so called dedicated satanist are full of this bullshit.
Satan stands for knowledge and if I am right the worst of sins is stupidity.
Please let’s hate foolishness with all the hatred anger and terror we can muster.
Let’s study and read. It’s our duty as satanists.
Thank you.

So now you want to make an OP and talk shit after attacking me unprovoked here calling me stupid after i gave people genuine advice including you. Now you want to talk like you have been here for years and tell people what to do and what advice to give when you barely just dedicated in january.

Blacks especially in europe and the united states ARE the majority of rapists and criminals.

Say you meet someone online and they are "nice" and they want to meet you in person from here...they are a psychopath and you have no way of knowing. You meet them then find yourself in serious trouble. Bet Shadowcats advice is not so stupid then huh?

Did i hit a button when i was merely speaking facts a bout the black race? Awww. Facts are a bitch aren't they? If you no longer want those things to be facts (if you are black) then maybe do something to help your own race advance and stop bitching.

You are not going to get very far by just attacking people here....we usually find out that most of these people with new accounts who do this are infiltrators or trolls. So keep on libeling me even if i am not named and see how fast you get others to agree with your own ignorance and stupidity.
Fuck you and fuck your stinking white ass

Oh so you do hate whitey?

Ok then give us back all the technology and actual civilization we gave you so you can go back to your mut hut and stfu. The the only one making useless ramblings here is your useless ass.

Deal with it bitch. Whites are uber alles, direct descendants of the Gods and specifically Satan.
Sarjam05 said:
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
I have found out so many people here talk like stupid people not because they’re stupid but because they’re ignorant. One obviously clear fallacy in this the fallacy of hasty generalization. I think we should all be grounded in philosophy and logic so as not to entangle ourselves in fallacious ignorance. I mean saying a majority of black men are rapist and therefore all black men are racist is the stupidest of propositions I have heard on here yet a lot of us and so called dedicated satanist are full of this bullshit.
Satan stands for knowledge and if I am right the worst of sins is stupidity.
Please let’s hate foolishness with all the hatred anger and terror we can muster.
Let’s study and read. It’s our duty as satanists.
Thank you.

So now you want to make an OP and talk shit after attacking me unprovoked here calling me stupid after i gave people genuine advice including you. Now you want to talk like you have been here for years and tell people what to do and what advice to give when you barely just dedicated in january.

Blacks especially in europe and the united states ARE the majority of rapists and criminals.

Say you meet someone online and they are "nice" and they want to meet you in person from here...they are a psychopath and you have no way of knowing. You meet them then find yourself in serious trouble. Bet Shadowcats advice is not so stupid then huh?

Did i hit a button when i was merely speaking facts a bout the black race? Awww. Facts are a bitch aren't they? If you no longer want those things to be facts (if you are black) then maybe do something to help your own race advance and stop bitching.

You are not going to get very far by just attacking people here....we usually find out that most of these people with new accounts who do this are infiltrators or trolls. So keep on libeling me even if i am not named and see how fast you get others to agree with your own ignorance and stupidity.
Fuck you and fuck your stinking white ass

Shadowcat didn't write anything negative, so why are you talking to him like that? These moralistic assumptions and thoughts that you can write your opinion but if there are counter arguments, opinions you don't like, you immediately berate the other person? How is that possible?
Sarjam05 said:
Fuck you and fuck your stinking white ass

The reason why people generalize is because humans assign things into categories, as a way to learn. In regards to the races of the world, each race was specifically created by the Gods to exhibit unique characteristics. Therefore, there ARE going to be generalized qualities between them, including negatives.

Looking at black people, they are a fire and earth race. One positive of fire is their leadership, athleticism, vitality, energy, and so on. A downside of this, for those who have degenerated due to the enemy, would be violent crime.

Through Satanism, we can understand that this is part of their racial karma, just as we all have our own karma to fix. To fix our problems, however, we have to be humble and recognize them.

Please read more on the blacks for satan page: The Black Race
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
Shadowcat said:
So now you want to make an OP and talk shit after attacking me unprovoked here calling me stupid after i gave people genuine advice including you. Now you want to talk like you have been here for years and tell people what to do and what advice to give when you barely just dedicated in january.

Blacks especially in europe and the united states ARE the majority of rapists and criminals.

Say you meet someone online and they are "nice" and they want to meet you in person from here...they are a psychopath and you have no way of knowing. You meet them then find yourself in serious trouble. Bet Shadowcats advice is not so stupid then huh?

Did i hit a button when i was merely speaking facts a bout the black race? Awww. Facts are a bitch aren't they? If you no longer want those things to be facts (if you are black) then maybe do something to help your own race advance and stop bitching.

You are not going to get very far by just attacking people here....we usually find out that most of these people with new accounts who do this are infiltrators or trolls. So keep on libeling me even if i am not named and see how fast you get others to agree with your own ignorance and stupidity.
Fuck you and fuck your stinking white ass

Oh so you do hate whitey?

Ok then give us back all the technology and actual civilization we gave you so you can go back to your mut hut and stfu. The the only one making useless ramblings here is your useless ass.

Deal with it bitch. Whites are uber alles, direct descendants of the Gods and specifically Satan.

Sister, don't be nervous. There's no point in fighting here, we're a family, at least let's be calm here.
Sarjam05 said:
Using religion as a scam as usual. Give me back my blood my slavery the joy of living without the whip and chains. You stupid fool. If this is the sinister motive of Jos then fuck you all white racist vomits. To hell with you and your stinking Gods. Gods of the white but terror to the blacks. Fuck you and fuck your Satan.
Hmm? I think you should spend more time in studying the JoS material and in meditation than arguing on the forum. You'll understand more when you apply yourself into the practice. Here is a good post by a Black Brother: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=64205
Sarjam05 said:
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
Fuck you and fuck your stinking white ass

Oh so you do hate whitey?

Ok then give us back all the technology and actual civilization we gave you so you can go back to your mut hut and stfu. The the only one making useless ramblings here is your useless ass.

Deal with it bitch. Whites are uber alles, direct descendants of the Gods and specifically Satan.

Using religion as a scam as usual. Give me back my blood my slavery the joy of living without the whip and chains. You stupid fool. If this is the sinister motive of Jos then fuck you all white racist vomits. To hell with you and your stinking Gods. Gods of the white but terror to the blacks. Fuck you and fuck your Satan.

you need to be bitching to the jews about slavery not us. they lied to you too about who was behind slavery. christopher columbus was a sephardic jew also. slavery is a disgusting practice invented by jews and all gentile races have been victims.

you claim i dont read to understand and continue to insult me for it just like you insulted me the very first time you said anything to me. yet when you red my first comment you yourself didnt read it to understand. i have to understand you but not the other way around..typical display of your people. not to mention now you insult Satan and the Gods also after expressing regret of dedication just for an arguement.

i wonder what your real motives were for dedication...if you actually did and arent a black kike. you again also proved you did not read to understand in the sense of studying jos properly before trying to falsely speak for other SS about blacks.

you can think what you want about meeting peolple from here. i guarentee the forum will bulk at you if you keep promoting this. everyone here knows its risky.

the Gods made all gentile races and they are all fundimentally different in tempermant. i find that of blacks in genreal with very few exceptions to be absolutely insufferable despite also being misdirected. the uppity disrespectful shit from you and now especially ultimately to the Gods deserves a goddamn curb stomp.

you are filth not worth the bottom of my steel toe.
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
Shadowcat said:
Oh so you do hate whitey?

Ok then give us back all the technology and actual civilization we gave you so you can go back to your mut hut and stfu. The the only one making useless ramblings here is your useless ass.

Deal with it bitch. Whites are uber alles, direct descendants of the Gods and specifically Satan.

Using religion as a scam as usual. Give me back my blood my slavery the joy of living without the whip and chains. You stupid fool. If this is the sinister motive of Jos then fuck you all white racist vomits. To hell with you and your stinking Gods. Gods of the white but terror to the blacks. Fuck you and fuck your Satan.

you need to be bitching to the jews about slavery not us. they lied to you too about who was behind slavery. christopher columbus was a sephardic jew also. slavery is a disgusting practice invented by jews and all gentile races have been victims.

you claim i dont read to understand and continue to insult me for it just like you insulted me the very first time you said anything to me. yet when you red my first comment you yourself didnt read it to understand. i have to understand you but not the other way around..typical display of your people. not to mention now you insult Satan and the Gods also after expressing regret of dedication just for an arguement.

i wonder what your real motives were for dedication...if you actually did and arent a black kike. you again also proved you did not read to understand in the sense of studying jos properly before trying to falsely speak for other SS about blacks.

you can think what you want about meeting peolple from here. i guarentee the forum will bulk at you if you keep promoting this. everyone here knows its risky.

the Gods made all gentile races and they are all fundimentally different in tempermant. i find that of blacks in genreal with very few exceptions to be absolutely insufferable despite also being misdirected. the uppity disrespectful shit from you and now especially ultimately to the Gods deserves a goddamn curb stomp.

you are filth not worth the bottom of my steel toe.
It would be better if you would tone your passion down a notch and try to be more amicable. The hard liner attitude you are portraying at this point does not serve the situation very well here when we want to find common ground.
Henu the Great said:
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
Using religion as a scam as usual. Give me back my blood my slavery the joy of living without the whip and chains. You stupid fool. If this is the sinister motive of Jos then fuck you all white racist vomits. To hell with you and your stinking Gods. Gods of the white but terror to the blacks. Fuck you and fuck your Satan.

you need to be bitching to the jews about slavery not us. they lied to you too about who was behind slavery. christopher columbus was a sephardic jew also. slavery is a disgusting practice invented by jews and all gentile races have been victims.

you claim i dont read to understand and continue to insult me for it just like you insulted me the very first time you said anything to me. yet when you red my first comment you yourself didnt read it to understand. i have to understand you but not the other way around..typical display of your people. not to mention now you insult Satan and the Gods also after expressing regret of dedication just for an arguement.

i wonder what your real motives were for dedication...if you actually did and arent a black kike. you again also proved you did not read to understand in the sense of studying jos properly before trying to falsely speak for other SS about blacks.

you can think what you want about meeting peolple from here. i guarentee the forum will bulk at you if you keep promoting this. everyone here knows its risky.

the Gods made all gentile races and they are all fundimentally different in tempermant. i find that of blacks in genreal with very few exceptions to be absolutely insufferable despite also being misdirected. the uppity disrespectful shit from you and now especially ultimately to the Gods deserves a goddamn curb stomp.

you are filth not worth the bottom of my steel toe.
It would be better if you would tone your passion down a notch and try to be more amicable. The hard liner attitude you are portraying at this point does not serve the situation very well here when we want to find common ground.

I know you mean well by that but i do not take well people who disrespect the Gods first and foremost, or who come at me unprovoked. The latter compared to the first honestly I could care less about and would rather have things aimed at me instead, despite that it would still be met with a verbal thrashing. The very last reply before this on another thread was meant to be the last but when i saw this it just crossed all lines. Do not worry however i have said my last to him.
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
Shadowcat said:
Oh so you do hate whitey?

Ok then give us back all the technology and actual civilization we gave you so you can go back to your mut hut and stfu. The the only one making useless ramblings here is your useless ass.

Deal with it bitch. Whites are uber alles, direct descendants of the Gods and specifically Satan.

Using religion as a scam as usual. Give me back my blood my slavery the joy of living without the whip and chains. You stupid fool. If this is the sinister motive of Jos then fuck you all white racist vomits. To hell with you and your stinking Gods. Gods of the white but terror to the blacks. Fuck you and fuck your Satan.

you need to be bitching to the jews about slavery not us. they lied to you too about who was behind slavery. christopher columbus was a sephardic jew also. slavery is a disgusting practice invented by jews and all gentile races have been victims.

you claim i dont read to understand and continue to insult me for it just like you insulted me the very first time you said anything to me. yet when you red my first comment you yourself didnt read it to understand. i have to understand you but not the other way around..typical display of your people. not to mention now you insult Satan and the Gods also after expressing regret of dedication just for an arguement.

i wonder what your real motives were for dedication...if you actually did and arent a black kike. you again also proved you did not read to understand in the sense of studying jos properly before trying to falsely speak for other SS about blacks.

you can think what you want about meeting peolple from here. i guarentee the forum will bulk at you if you keep promoting this. everyone here knows its risky.

the Gods made all gentile races and they are all fundimentally different in tempermant. i find that of blacks in genreal with very few exceptions to be absolutely insufferable despite also being misdirected. the uppity disrespectful shit from you and now especially ultimately to the Gods deserves a goddamn curb stomp.

you are filth not worth the bottom of my steel toe.
You may be right simply because dedicated SS here who have met other dedicated or undedicated SS here have chosen to either stay silent or are non existence.
If you perceive my first post ad insulting then I duly apologize. Satan and the Gods and the JOS have taught me a huge lesson on humility.
Look at the Gods. They humble themselves to guide us instead of being proud and recalcitrant. That’s a good moral to follow.
However. For the sake of intelligible discussions. I advice that universal generalizations be avoided.
If no SS here has met another SS. Then I bide my time till when.
Thank you.
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
Shadowcat said:
Oh so you do hate whitey?

Ok then give us back all the technology and actual civilization we gave you so you can go back to your mut hut and stfu. The the only one making useless ramblings here is your useless ass.

Deal with it bitch. Whites are uber alles, direct descendants of the Gods and specifically Satan.

Using religion as a scam as usual. Give me back my blood my slavery the joy of living without the whip and chains. You stupid fool. If this is the sinister motive of Jos then fuck you all white racist vomits. To hell with you and your stinking Gods. Gods of the white but terror to the blacks. Fuck you and fuck your Satan.

you need to be bitching to the jews about slavery not us. they lied to you too about who was behind slavery. christopher columbus was a sephardic jew also. slavery is a disgusting practice invented by jews and all gentile races have been victims.

you claim i dont read to understand and continue to insult me for it just like you insulted me the very first time you said anything to me. yet when you red my first comment you yourself didnt read it to understand. i have to understand you but not the other way around..typical display of your people. not to mention now you insult Satan and the Gods also after expressing regret of dedication just for an arguement.

i wonder what your real motives were for dedication...if you actually did and arent a black kike. you again also proved you did not read to understand in the sense of studying jos properly before trying to falsely speak for other SS about blacks.

you can think what you want about meeting peolple from here. i guarentee the forum will bulk at you if you keep promoting this. everyone here knows its risky.

the Gods made all gentile races and they are all fundimentally different in tempermant. i find that of blacks in genreal with very few exceptions to be absolutely insufferable despite also being misdirected. the uppity disrespectful shit from you and now especially ultimately to the Gods deserves a goddamn curb stomp.

you are filth not worth the bottom of my steel toe.

I’d also like to add that I didn’t insult Satan and the Gods.
I put it in the 2nd person possessive case. “Your satan”. That means your own personal and not the one we believe here. I meant it in that sense. I never meant Father Satan. I hope you understand.
Also about whether I’m dedicated or not. Well I don’t think I’d joke about stuff like that considering how powerful Father Satan and the Gods are.
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
Shadowcat said:
Oh so you do hate whitey?

Ok then give us back all the technology and actual civilization we gave you so you can go back to your mut hut and stfu. The the only one making useless ramblings here is your useless ass.

Deal with it bitch. Whites are uber alles, direct descendants of the Gods and specifically Satan.

Using religion as a scam as usual. Give me back my blood my slavery the joy of living without the whip and chains. You stupid fool. If this is the sinister motive of Jos then fuck you all white racist vomits. To hell with you and your stinking Gods. Gods of the white but terror to the blacks. Fuck you and fuck your Satan.

you need to be bitching to the jews about slavery not us. they lied to you too about who was behind slavery. christopher columbus was a sephardic jew also. slavery is a disgusting practice invented by jews and all gentile races have been victims.

you claim i dont read to understand and continue to insult me for it just like you insulted me the very first time you said anything to me. yet when you red my first comment you yourself didnt read it to understand. i have to understand you but not the other way around..typical display of your people. not to mention now you insult Satan and the Gods also after expressing regret of dedication just for an arguement.

i wonder what your real motives were for dedication...if you actually did and arent a black kike. you again also proved you did not read to understand in the sense of studying jos properly before trying to falsely speak for other SS about blacks.

you can think what you want about meeting peolple from here. i guarentee the forum will bulk at you if you keep promoting this. everyone here knows its risky.

the Gods made all gentile races and they are all fundimentally different in tempermant. i find that of blacks in genreal with very few exceptions to be absolutely insufferable despite also being misdirected. the uppity disrespectful shit from you and now especially ultimately to the Gods deserves a goddamn curb stomp.

you are filth not worth the bottom of my steel toe.

I’d also like to add that I didn’t insult Satan and the Gods.
I put it in the 2nd person possessive case. “Your satan”. That means your own personal and not the one we believe here. I meant it in that sense. I never meant Father Satan. I hope you understand.
Also about whether I’m dedicated or not. Well I don’t think I’d joke about stuff like that considering how powerful Father Satan and the Gods are.
Sarjam05 said:
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
Using religion as a scam as usual. Give me back my blood my slavery the joy of living without the whip and chains. You stupid fool. If this is the sinister motive of Jos then fuck you all white racist vomits. To hell with you and your stinking Gods. Gods of the white but terror to the blacks. Fuck you and fuck your Satan.

you need to be bitching to the jews about slavery not us. they lied to you too about who was behind slavery. christopher columbus was a sephardic jew also. slavery is a disgusting practice invented by jews and all gentile races have been victims.

you claim i dont read to understand and continue to insult me for it just like you insulted me the very first time you said anything to me. yet when you red my first comment you yourself didnt read it to understand. i have to understand you but not the other way around..typical display of your people. not to mention now you insult Satan and the Gods also after expressing regret of dedication just for an arguement.

i wonder what your real motives were for dedication...if you actually did and arent a black kike. you again also proved you did not read to understand in the sense of studying jos properly before trying to falsely speak for other SS about blacks.

you can think what you want about meeting peolple from here. i guarentee the forum will bulk at you if you keep promoting this. everyone here knows its risky.

the Gods made all gentile races and they are all fundimentally different in tempermant. i find that of blacks in genreal with very few exceptions to be absolutely insufferable despite also being misdirected. the uppity disrespectful shit from you and now especially ultimately to the Gods deserves a goddamn curb stomp.

you are filth not worth the bottom of my steel toe.
You may be right simply because dedicated SS here who have met other dedicated or undedicated SS here have chosen to either stay silent or are non existence.
If you perceive my first post ad insulting then I duly apologize. Satan and the Gods and the JOS have taught me a huge lesson on humility.
Look at the Gods. They humble themselves to guide us instead of being proud and recalcitrant. That’s a good moral to follow.
However. For the sake of intelligible discussions. I advice that universal generalizations be avoided.
If no SS here has met another SS. Then I bide my time till when.
Thank you.

The generalization is made because there have been repeated events when it did not end well for many SS. Despite that there can be those with well meaning intent, we have no way of really knowing for real who those can be after seeing them online only. People can be very good actors which is scary. This generalization and actual blanket category is for everyone's protection here. Once again, determine what you would do personally at your own risk.

If it is genuine i accept your apology. I have never said i was perfect either. The Gods are very proud but they are far better than you or i when it comes to perceptions and understanding things.

If you are truly dedicated then i urge you to ardently study Joy of Satan. Learn about what the jews have done to your race as well. read all of this : https://web.archive.org/web/20210506154519/http://www.blacksforsatan.org/blacks_and_jews.html

Blacks are actually a warrior race by nature because of their natural aggressive tendencies which if directed properly can help us crush the enemy. The jews have been using what can actually be an otherwise very positive tendency from blacks in certain aspects to further their agenda.
I will be on good terms if you will also. Don't forget to do the 40 day program also to open up your soul.
Shadowcat said:
Sarjam05 said:
Shadowcat said:
you need to be bitching to the jews about slavery not us. they lied to you too about who was behind slavery. christopher columbus was a sephardic jew also. slavery is a disgusting practice invented by jews and all gentile races have been victims.

you claim i dont read to understand and continue to insult me for it just like you insulted me the very first time you said anything to me. yet when you red my first comment you yourself didnt read it to understand. i have to understand you but not the other way around..typical display of your people. not to mention now you insult Satan and the Gods also after expressing regret of dedication just for an arguement.

i wonder what your real motives were for dedication...if you actually did and arent a black kike. you again also proved you did not read to understand in the sense of studying jos properly before trying to falsely speak for other SS about blacks.

you can think what you want about meeting peolple from here. i guarentee the forum will bulk at you if you keep promoting this. everyone here knows its risky.

the Gods made all gentile races and they are all fundimentally different in tempermant. i find that of blacks in genreal with very few exceptions to be absolutely insufferable despite also being misdirected. the uppity disrespectful shit from you and now especially ultimately to the Gods deserves a goddamn curb stomp.

you are filth not worth the bottom of my steel toe.
You may be right simply because dedicated SS here who have met other dedicated or undedicated SS here have chosen to either stay silent or are non existence.
If you perceive my first post ad insulting then I duly apologize. Satan and the Gods and the JOS have taught me a huge lesson on humility.
Look at the Gods. They humble themselves to guide us instead of being proud and recalcitrant. That’s a good moral to follow.
However. For the sake of intelligible discussions. I advice that universal generalizations be avoided.
If no SS here has met another SS. Then I bide my time till when.
Thank you.

The generalization is made because there have been repeated events when it did not end well for many SS. Despite that there can be those with well meaning intent, we have no way of really knowing for real who those can be after seeing them online only. People can be very good actors which is scary. This generalization and actual blanket category is for everyone's protection here. Once again, determine what you would do personally at your own risk.

If it is genuine i accept your apology. I have never said i was perfect either. The Gods are very proud but they are far better than you or i when it comes to perceptions and understanding things.

If you are truly dedicated then i urge you to ardently study Joy of Satan. Learn about what the jews have done to your race as well. read all of this : https://web.archive.org/web/20210506154519/http://www.blacksforsatan.org/blacks_and_jews.html

Blacks are actually a warrior race by nature because of their natural aggressive tendencies which if directed properly can help us crush the enemy. The jews have been using what can actually be an otherwise very positive tendency from blacks in certain aspects to further their agenda.
I will be on good terms if you will also. Don't forget to do the 40 day program also to open up your soul.

Common ground found.
Sarjam05 said:
Using religion as a scam as usual. Give me back my blood my slavery the joy of living without the whip and chains. You stupid fool. If this is the sinister motive of Jos then fuck you all white racist vomits. To hell with you and your stinking Gods. Gods of the white but terror to the blacks. Fuck you and fuck your Satan.

Before you make such brash conclusions, please read HPS Shannon's (our black High Priestess) page on the white race and how it relates to blacks and asians. There are other pages on that site that may also help you, such as where she provides proof of Satan being the god of blacks as well.

Whether this hook-nosed Beta Israeli likes this idea or not, we will preserve and perpetuate our existence.

You can live in your tribe and swear to your more whitey kike brothers. Are you angry with us because your white-looking Jewish brothers rejected you? Did they say "We don't accept Beta Israelis like you! Oooyyy veeey, back to your tribe!" I bet something similar to this happened.

Anyway, we will preserve our existence because we are most evoluted race. Yes, we are. This is confirmed by Gods and HPS Shannon. Wait, are you crying? Did you really think Jews are master race? I am sorry little kike, I couldn't think you were that stupid and ignorant. Yes, Jews are not master-race, unfortunately for you, Whites are on top of evolution. Father Satan created us this way.

But we respect our Asian and Black brothers and recpect their races' existence. They respect us too. Unfortunately for you, little kike, it seems that doesn't apply in Jews. Now, you should go to your tribe and pray to Jehovah.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=323844 time=1644577641 user_id=21286]
Sarjam05 said:
Fuck you and fuck your stinking white ass

The reason why people generalize is because humans assign things into categories, as a way to learn. In regards to the races of the world, each race was specifically created by the Gods to exhibit unique characteristics. Therefore, there ARE going to be generalized qualities between them, including negatives.

Looking at black people, they are a fire and earth race. One positive of fire is their leadership, athleticism, vitality, energy, and so on. A downside of this, for those who have degenerated due to the enemy, would be violent crime.

Through Satanism, we can understand that this is part of their racial karma, just as we all have our own karma to fix. To fix our problems, however, we have to be humble and recognize them.

Please read more on the blacks for satan page: The Black Race

This thread is very interesting and informative. I especially like the above comment about people making generalizations based on what is most common/prevalent.

I'm not that learned but I understand that blacks were slaves along with all different kinds of races throughout history. Before the 20th century (especially the medieval era) it was common culture to flog and maim others. This was frequently done against those who broke laws (i.e words on paper), yet there has always been natural law. People would act on their own volition and some would do so in corrupt ways. There are only two things that cause vast numbers of people to commit atrocities: 1.) Religion, 2.) Corrupt regimes.

After reading Robinson Crusoe I have a hard time believing that black slavery was as terrible as history tells us it was. Mind you, this is my opinion and not something I definitively believe. The slave in the story, Friday, became close friends with his slave owner Crusoe.

Sure, black people largely worked on plantations doing hard labour, but they were given shelter, bathed, clothed, fed and (from what I understand) could eventually earn a living, marry and raise families.

When I consider the immense centralization of wealth/power and the increasingly growing number of refugees and immigration, I start to feel that slavery still exists in a different way. The difference now however is immigrants (where I am at least) are offered subsidies on education. They can also pay for certain courses and with high enough marks can apply for citizenship.

I believe this is all part of the racial mixing agenda (the Kalergi plan) orchestrated by the Jews. Europe seems to be doing very similar things.

The bottom line is the OP clearly doesn't realize that we're all slaves to a system. He's been brainwashed to believe in the racial inequality fear porn that the MSM constantly pumps out. After the OP read about the spiritual inequality of races he found greater confirmation bias.

@ Sarjam05: Understand that there are black people on these forums who have spiritual power that I can't hold a candle to and I'm Aryan (white). Race isn't the only defining factor in our growth. Rather, it's a small aspect of it. Greater aspects are previous life reincarnations and lifestyle. What people here want to get across to you is you shouldn't let your emotions cloud your judgment. You should instead study the forums and links within, meditate and act more constructively toward others.

Before making wild accusations, and targeting long term members here, i would advise you to do the necessary research before hand. You have said a lot of things that are untrue and what could be seen as blaspheme to the gods.

As to answer your original post, everyone here is different and has different views, we all advance in our own unique way. It is impossible to command that people here should be like this are should think like that, so don't even try to do such a thing. Of course you can have your own views on how people should act or react, but this is not something you can enforce unto people, so if you ever decide to make a post like this again keep that in mind.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
