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Deprogramming yourself from Christianity: my personal method


Active member
Feb 19, 2021
This """""article""""" of mine was born after reading a topic of a user, originally it would have been my second reply to his topic, so when I wrote it there were specific details. I wanted to share with you a method that I used to deprogram myself from the doctrines that Jews teach to Gentiles. Obviously each person is different, but I hope this can be of help to some people because it worked for me.

Let's take as an example the (common) fear that Father Satanas reads your mind all the time. It is a typical mentality of Christian programming to think that God (Satanas that is) spies on you 24/7, it comes from the Christian doctrine that "Yahweh watches you all the time to see if you sin and make you feel guilty".

However, to give this example, how could you understand by yourself that the worry that Satanas spies on you is just a Christian-style programming? Here are some simple steps that anyone who knows logical reasoning, critical thinking or has some investigative background could recommend to you, something really basic:

1) The first step is spontaneous, it consists of you coming across your consideration. In this case, the fear that Satanas reads your mind begins to rise.

2) In the second step, become aware that this fear resides in you. This comes automatically in the most fanatical cases, but I have seen many who had to sit down and reflect on how they saw the world, that is, how they interpreted it to notice if they had wrong Christian preconceptions. So it does not always come automatically as a process.

3) Now that you are aware of what your precise vision is on something, you can observe it. Try to understand in all respects what that which you believe to be true consists of. In your case: you observe the TOTALITY, that is, that you think Satanas is spying on you and makes you scared because you do not want him to judge you. This is the complete description of your current worldview. Contrary to what some logicians who hate the emotional side of their method say, I recommend using emotions in these circumstances, because emotions are a signal of how certain things make us feel and therefore give us a more precise vision of our theme.

4) This fourth step consists of what lies in the middle between observation and logical deduction. Here you should no longer use the emotional side, this passage focuses a lot on imagination, like when we observe a detail in a scene and imagine all the possible causes that can cause it before making our deductions.

However, in these contexts the process of imagining is very simple, after taking a good look at your idea, lateral thinking/imagination should simply lead you to consider the possibility that "your idea" is not actually your idea, but it could instead be an idea that someone has instilled in you previously, perhaps even a wrong one. It takes a little lateral thinking, but very little, and it is within the reach of anyone with a bit of will to open their mind.

5) Now that you have considered that the idea you believe in and that gives you preconceptions may not be yours, it is finally time to analyze it. This is "personal free thought", "study" and "evaluation". There are three phases that I use in this analysis.

- Intuitive phase: you try to understand if the thing you believe in is suitable for you, it makes you feel good, what do you think about such a thing? They must be your thoughts. For example, if I were to analyze the fear of being spied on by a Deity, I would be led to think that it is a rather strange belief. Why on earth would he do it? Asking yourself the right questions here is fundamental; in these cases, the correct question to ask could be: "does it really make sense for a true benevolent and advanced Deity like Satanas to have an interest in spying on me to punish me and make me feel guilty?", in other contexts other questions could be different, such as, if your preconception was that the Gods will fulfill your every whim as Christians hope Yahweh, the non-existent, will do: "would a God really start to grant all my requests? What is his purpose? To make me mature or to make me dependent? So why should I think that a Deity who wants my good would encourage my laziness and lack of commitment? It is certainly a mentality of Christian origin and does not belong to Spiritual Satanism!". These are examples: ask yourself ALL the questions you can, even making them up, asking yourself leads to the truth.

- Study phase: in this phase, see if there is a correlation between your considerations and what actually exists and is concrete, that is, it is part of the factual REALITY and not simply some hypothesis that can be suggested (as much as we may tend to logic, our mind is full of cognitive biases, it can still be fallacious).

For example, it makes no sense to believe that the Bible is true if, in fact, it is full of internal contradictions, scientific and historical errors and Israeli archeology itself proves it to be false (despite attempts to confirm the biblical stories).

The good news is that all the information you need to know is available on the JoS website, so knowledge is truly within the reach of all those who wish to delve deeper into the subject, it is not something that "a select few" can afford (because perhaps they have a library nearby, or the money to buy hundreds of books), Satanas truly rules the common people!

- Deduction phase: the last step is the conclusion of learning, when you understand what is true beyond a reasonable doubt and all you have to do is evaluate whether it is so. Note, in the last two phases of the analysis process I strongly recommend relying only on logic and common sense, intellectual honesty, leave aside fears or excessive emotions, here they can make you lose contact with concrete reality which is necessary, but I repeat which is just my personal method.

Obviously I repeat that the analysis is not infallible, we are all human beings and we can make mistakes, don't feel guilty: there could be any learning difficulty which could be not finding a link, or skipping an important sentence in reading, which is why I always recommend to take all the time we need and not rush things, mistakes can happen and IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! It just needs to be corrected, many of our erroneous views are corrected thanks to meditative advancement or by our own relationship with reality (how many times have people learned thanks to Spiritual Satanists on this forum? I myself am an example).

6) Now you can "find the culprit". Who taught you that God spies on you 24/7? Who is it that teaches these things in his doctrine? Christianity!

7) Now is the time to abandon these beliefs not only on a conscious level, but also on an unconscious level. Meditation helps a lot to cleanse the soul and clear the mind from these Jewish antics. In more severe cases I recommend working with the UR Rune.

I also noticed that the human mind is easily mouldable: maintaining healthy ways of doing things such as the right beliefs, the correct ways of analyzing reality, ethical principles, etc. over time this mindset will shape your brain. As happens if you meditate consistently or start recycling: at first it will be tiring and heavy, but then it will become a healthy habit. This is not only true with habits, but also with our way of relating to reality. Behaving well affects us first on a conscious level, and then has repercussions unconsciously. The mind is truly moldable with little.

EXTREMELY important and absolutely FUNDAMENTAL note: if you look for confirmations of your answers, you will end up adapting the concrete evidence to the facts that you believe to be true. So do not try to confirm your theories, try to find the right answers as your goal: in this way you will be able to adapt the facts you believe in to the concrete evidence that is shown to you; this small detail that may seem useless, in reality COMPLETELY REVERSES the situation and is the real reason why it is difficult to explain things to Christians.

They do not understand for the following reason: they always try to adapt the evidence to the facts and not the facts to the evidence. Therefore it is often useless to reason with them when the disease of Christianity is too deep-rooted. First seek an answer, and only then a confirmation.

I thank you infinitely if you have decided to read, I deeply hope with all my heart that my studies and personal elaborations on the method that I have shared with you may have been of help.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
