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I am replying to you specifically, but also making a general reply.Dahaarkan said:In my opinion the very simple reality of sexual liberation and morality is that anything done between consenting adults is acceptable so long as it doesn't result in a mixed child.
Even if people are destroying themselves with dangerous or extreme fetishes they should have the freedom to do so. By all means inform and warn people of the dangers and consequences they invite by acting out their most extreme sexual fantasies but it is both pointless and immoral to try to stop them.
You can't control what people do with their partners and you shouldn't try anyway. The reality of "freedom" is most people are not ready for it and destroy themselves when they have it, but this is as it should be, and how it always will be.
I also think the more extreme and strange fetishes are not really "natural" but people pick these up from porn and such, and then instantly regret trying them IRL in most cases I'd say. I've met two dudes who wanted to be pissed on until they tried it and then regretted it instantly, I don't know why but it seems this fetish is the trend nowadays.
People are just trying to be happy and free, to - as far as they can tell, with a bit or a lot of brainwashing, peer pressure, etc. thrown in - try to be themselves. People just want to do a thing and be happy. Some go to "finding themselves" which is not quite true with all of the communal in-groups and cliques.
With all that said, are you saying in your opinion it is OK to have interracial sex, as long as it does not result in a mixed Child being born?
From a Natural and Spiritual perspective, if contraception and protection is used, these Sexual interactions still have lasting effects. The Souls of the copulating individuals still intermingle - and mix.In my opinion the very simple reality of sexual liberation and morality is that anything done between consenting adults is acceptable so long as it doesn't result in a mixed child.
We could do it in levels -
it's OK to have interracial sex, but just don't procreate.
then later
it's not good to have interracial sex because it damages your Spirit. If you still want to have interracial sex, then do not promote it nor encourage others to do so, and also do these meditations and workings to counteract the effects.
all the while, people are having interracial sex, probably still having interracial Babies regardless because of the legacy and love, damaging their Spirits and their interracial Child/ren's Spirits, and then having to fix themselves and their Child/ren, either in this life or future ones. I expect some would want to know from having interracial sex once, what the effects are and how much work would be needed to undo it, lather, rinse, repeat. Alternatively, we could skip the "levels" and go straight to the actual help and point -
no type nor form nor manner of interracial sex is acceptable.
(It may, however, be necessary, in order to bolster our numbers, for Spiritually-strong and healthy Whites to procreate with White-interracial people; non-White-interracial people should not be procreated with.)
People ignore that and do it anyway. Then later, they might realise the problems it causes, in this life or a possible future one. They should be ashamed. Alternatively, if we try and ease things in gently, then we can have interracial sex, as long as there are no Babies being born and as long as it is not promoted nor encouraged, and counteracting workings are employed, but then later in this life or a future one we realise it was actually not the best thing do by far and then we are upset that the Spiritual Elite didn't tell us last-life that we shouldn't do it, but instead actually permitted us to do it, but just not make interracial Babies, and just not promote and encourage it.
Either way, there are problems, and either way, people refuse to listen, because either way, people want to be free and do as they please and pleasure, without being bound and controlled. Naturally, unconsciously, people are trying to improve themselves however they know. Pleasure is more life-affirming and is more promoting than pain is. When we do meditations, we can achieve bliss, especially when certain milestones are reached. The 'Without' people are doing the best they can, generally - and ignorantly. Then, either way, someone is to blame - the Spiritual Elite or themselves, but then blame-shifting would still occur. "Why didn't you tell me?!" "We tried... ¬¬" "Yeah, well... erm... You should have tried harder..." Responsibility?! Responsibility truly is sacred at the moment. People running around like headless chickens.
Either way either way, people just do stuff. They have to make their own mistakes. Well, unless - we make a big enough effort and bunch of events so that people are not stupified. Currently, it's like we are in a science fayre in school and we are trying to explain how volcanoes work and why they are a necessary evil to life by using beans in a papier-mâché volcano... Sorry, but it is. People don't only require proof; they demand it - and even if we took a camera to Etna, Vesuvius or whichever one you want, that still wouldn't be enough proof. People need to have emotional occurances. Brain seeps into heart seeps into actions - and big, perhaps traumatic and stressful, events help a lot. There is a disconnect between people's brains and their hearts. Maybe I should finish with the wise words of Dumbledore - help will always be given [at Hogwarts] to those who ask for it.
When should we decide someone is not worth it? On an individual basis? Very nearly the entire world is doing things wrong, in one way or another, so should we refuse to help an individual or say an interracial couple who refuse and refused to listen, or should we not help the entire world? Should we butt-in to their business? "Who are you to tell me who I can have interracial Babies with?" "I am the Spiritual Elite, a Satanist of the Most High. I bring a message from the depths of Hell, for all of mankind to hear! Repent, sinners!" "You're a crackpot." "I can prove it. does telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis..." "Magic tricks." "Nope. Actual, real-life Magick. You can learn it. Visit these sites." "Sorry, interracial partner and Child/ren. It's not right. I must abandon you. Here, visit these sites." What a difficult, painful situation. Would it be more moral and ethical to either allow both parents to die (either with or without having begun to realise the truth) and possibly reincarnate to have proper Satanic lives, or try and force them to change their behaviour and family situation now? The interracial Child/ren can be taught the truth now. They may hate their parents, or they may realise and understand that their parents were brainwashed by jew shit.
For actual proof, such as those examples above, plus actual Physical, Biological and Spiritual proof, we need to give actual proof. That is too far away for most people, especially if they have families, and people don't want their lives disrupted. What a disaster. People don't change their minds - rather "their" "minds". A papier-mâché volcano with cold beans will never do.
Are we helping the "world", rather helping only ourselves? We want amazing lives, but we lie to ourselves and convince ourselves that we are helping the world - yet we ignore the individual. Dumbledore then changed his phrase - help will always be given [at Hogwarts] to those who deserve it. Should we give help to those who ask for it, or only to those who deserve it - or should we help, regardless of being asked for help and regardless of if anyone deserves it or not? How far should that go? Intervening? Interfering? Who deserves it? The asker? The lost? The many? The few? The one? Us, while we pretend it's for everyone, except for the ones we decide arbitrarily? We hate those who blaspheme against our Gods and Goddesses - if we know that they have; if not, then we'll help them. We hate those who have interracial sex and Babies, if we know that they have and do, but we still want to prevent that from happening - do we care about and want to help only those who don't do it and have not done it, or those who we don't know have and do do it? The same for [insert any and all other crimes, immoral/unethical/corrupt acts, actions, interests, interactions, etc., and things which we disagree with here]?! Where does "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of their Nature", as long as it does not oppose Satan, end? A vague statement can be, and will be, interpreted whichever way any arbitrary person decides, and along with their magic tricks/actual Magick acts, people are wowed and they believe anything that arbitrator says. So where does it end? A majority vote, which is just an opinion? For "the greater good", not catering to everyone?
If people are bound by and dictated by their Natal Chart, Elements, Energies, experiences, upbringing, etc., then...? (Until they escape the Wheel of Karma, then)If they believe something, engage in something which goes against the majority opinion vote, then when is it no longer their Nature, and when is it "wrong"? Punishment for something Natural (as far as one can tell and as far as one/many disagree with)? What is this? - The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one, while at the same time IDIC - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations (well, healthily, one would hope, of course)?
"It's your life. We are against it because of reasons you don't know, don't understand, and don't want to know nor understand. If you do it, we will hate you and we will punish you in whatever way," [once Nazi laws come in, will Spiritual punishments by civilians, say murder by Death Curse, be permitted, but Physical punishments/murder by civilians by gun, knife, beating, dropping from height, running over, etc. not be?!] "but we will still help the entire world not do it, though, because might is right and we have the bigger numbers." As Spiritual Satanists who can, eventually, realise the truth and see the consequences of actions and interactions, we can then know things (and some may still decide to be involved with illegal, immoral/unethical, questionable things, and use their Abilities to counteract the consequences; some might decide to create their own island with their own rules and laws, or inhabit a barren World and do the same there, perhaps; perhaps the National Socialist rules and laws are for while we are not quite Godly yet; each God and Goddess has Their own lives, but still are Nazi and still are instructed to do things whenever necessary, and of course They still do obey that instruction, albeit begrudgingly sometimes), but for those Without, "Who the fuck are you, why should I believe you, why should I listen to what you have to say, and why should I do what you tell me for what you allege is to be for my benefit and for the benefit of people as a whole?"