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My opinion on homosexuals (and sexuality in general).

Dahaarkan said:
In my opinion the very simple reality of sexual liberation and morality is that anything done between consenting adults is acceptable so long as it doesn't result in a mixed child.

Even if people are destroying themselves with dangerous or extreme fetishes they should have the freedom to do so. By all means inform and warn people of the dangers and consequences they invite by acting out their most extreme sexual fantasies but it is both pointless and immoral to try to stop them.

You can't control what people do with their partners and you shouldn't try anyway. The reality of "freedom" is most people are not ready for it and destroy themselves when they have it, but this is as it should be, and how it always will be.

I also think the more extreme and strange fetishes are not really "natural" but people pick these up from porn and such, and then instantly regret trying them IRL in most cases I'd say. I've met two dudes who wanted to be pissed on until they tried it and then regretted it instantly, I don't know why but it seems this fetish is the trend nowadays.
I am replying to you specifically, but also making a general reply.

People are just trying to be happy and free, to - as far as they can tell, with a bit or a lot of brainwashing, peer pressure, etc. thrown in - try to be themselves. People just want to do a thing and be happy. Some go to "finding themselves" which is not quite true with all of the communal in-groups and cliques.

With all that said, are you saying in your opinion it is OK to have interracial sex, as long as it does not result in a mixed Child being born?

In my opinion the very simple reality of sexual liberation and morality is that anything done between consenting adults is acceptable so long as it doesn't result in a mixed child.
From a Natural and Spiritual perspective, if contraception and protection is used, these Sexual interactions still have lasting effects. The Souls of the copulating individuals still intermingle - and mix.

We could do it in levels -

it's OK to have interracial sex, but just don't procreate.

then later

it's not good to have interracial sex because it damages your Spirit. If you still want to have interracial sex, then do not promote it nor encourage others to do so, and also do these meditations and workings to counteract the effects.

all the while, people are having interracial sex, probably still having interracial Babies regardless because of the legacy and love, damaging their Spirits and their interracial Child/ren's Spirits, and then having to fix themselves and their Child/ren, either in this life or future ones. I expect some would want to know from having interracial sex once, what the effects are and how much work would be needed to undo it, lather, rinse, repeat. Alternatively, we could skip the "levels" and go straight to the actual help and point -

no type nor form nor manner of interracial sex is acceptable.

(It may, however, be necessary, in order to bolster our numbers, for Spiritually-strong and healthy Whites to procreate with White-interracial people; non-White-interracial people should not be procreated with.)

People ignore that and do it anyway. Then later, they might realise the problems it causes, in this life or a possible future one. They should be ashamed. Alternatively, if we try and ease things in gently, then we can have interracial sex, as long as there are no Babies being born and as long as it is not promoted nor encouraged, and counteracting workings are employed, but then later in this life or a future one we realise it was actually not the best thing do by far and then we are upset that the Spiritual Elite didn't tell us last-life that we shouldn't do it, but instead actually permitted us to do it, but just not make interracial Babies, and just not promote and encourage it.

Either way, there are problems, and either way, people refuse to listen, because either way, people want to be free and do as they please and pleasure, without being bound and controlled. Naturally, unconsciously, people are trying to improve themselves however they know. Pleasure is more life-affirming and is more promoting than pain is. When we do meditations, we can achieve bliss, especially when certain milestones are reached. The 'Without' people are doing the best they can, generally - and ignorantly. Then, either way, someone is to blame - the Spiritual Elite or themselves, but then blame-shifting would still occur. "Why didn't you tell me?!" "We tried... ¬¬" "Yeah, well... erm... You should have tried harder..." Responsibility?! Responsibility truly is sacred at the moment. People running around like headless chickens.

Either way either way, people just do stuff. They have to make their own mistakes. Well, unless - we make a big enough effort and bunch of events so that people are not stupified. Currently, it's like we are in a science fayre in school and we are trying to explain how volcanoes work and why they are a necessary evil to life by using beans in a papier-mâché volcano... Sorry, but it is. People don't only require proof; they demand it - and even if we took a camera to Etna, Vesuvius or whichever one you want, that still wouldn't be enough proof. People need to have emotional occurances. Brain seeps into heart seeps into actions - and big, perhaps traumatic and stressful, events help a lot. There is a disconnect between people's brains and their hearts. Maybe I should finish with the wise words of Dumbledore - help will always be given [at Hogwarts] to those who ask for it.

When should we decide someone is not worth it? On an individual basis? Very nearly the entire world is doing things wrong, in one way or another, so should we refuse to help an individual or say an interracial couple who refuse and refused to listen, or should we not help the entire world? Should we butt-in to their business? "Who are you to tell me who I can have interracial Babies with?" "I am the Spiritual Elite, a Satanist of the Most High. I bring a message from the depths of Hell, for all of mankind to hear! Repent, sinners!" "You're a crackpot." "I can prove it. does telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, cryokinesis..." "Magic tricks." "Nope. Actual, real-life Magick. You can learn it. Visit these sites." "Sorry, interracial partner and Child/ren. It's not right. I must abandon you. Here, visit these sites." What a difficult, painful situation. Would it be more moral and ethical to either allow both parents to die (either with or without having begun to realise the truth) and possibly reincarnate to have proper Satanic lives, or try and force them to change their behaviour and family situation now? The interracial Child/ren can be taught the truth now. They may hate their parents, or they may realise and understand that their parents were brainwashed by jew shit.

For actual proof, such as those examples above, plus actual Physical, Biological and Spiritual proof, we need to give actual proof. That is too far away for most people, especially if they have families, and people don't want their lives disrupted. What a disaster. People don't change their minds - rather "their" "minds". A papier-mâché volcano with cold beans will never do.

Are we helping the "world", rather helping only ourselves? We want amazing lives, but we lie to ourselves and convince ourselves that we are helping the world - yet we ignore the individual. Dumbledore then changed his phrase - help will always be given [at Hogwarts] to those who deserve it. Should we give help to those who ask for it, or only to those who deserve it - or should we help, regardless of being asked for help and regardless of if anyone deserves it or not? How far should that go? Intervening? Interfering? Who deserves it? The asker? The lost? The many? The few? The one? Us, while we pretend it's for everyone, except for the ones we decide arbitrarily? We hate those who blaspheme against our Gods and Goddesses - if we know that they have; if not, then we'll help them. We hate those who have interracial sex and Babies, if we know that they have and do, but we still want to prevent that from happening - do we care about and want to help only those who don't do it and have not done it, or those who we don't know have and do do it? The same for [insert any and all other crimes, immoral/unethical/corrupt acts, actions, interests, interactions, etc., and things which we disagree with here]?! Where does "I allow everyone to follow the dictates of their Nature", as long as it does not oppose Satan, end? A vague statement can be, and will be, interpreted whichever way any arbitrary person decides, and along with their magic tricks/actual Magick acts, people are wowed and they believe anything that arbitrator says. So where does it end? A majority vote, which is just an opinion? For "the greater good", not catering to everyone?

If people are bound by and dictated by their Natal Chart, Elements, Energies, experiences, upbringing, etc., then...? (Until they escape the Wheel of Karma, then)If they believe something, engage in something which goes against the majority opinion vote, then when is it no longer their Nature, and when is it "wrong"? Punishment for something Natural (as far as one can tell and as far as one/many disagree with)? What is this? - The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one, while at the same time IDIC - Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations (well, healthily, one would hope, of course)?

"It's your life. We are against it because of reasons you don't know, don't understand, and don't want to know nor understand. If you do it, we will hate you and we will punish you in whatever way," [once Nazi laws come in, will Spiritual punishments by civilians, say murder by Death Curse, be permitted, but Physical punishments/murder by civilians by gun, knife, beating, dropping from height, running over, etc. not be?!] "but we will still help the entire world not do it, though, because might is right and we have the bigger numbers." As Spiritual Satanists who can, eventually, realise the truth and see the consequences of actions and interactions, we can then know things (and some may still decide to be involved with illegal, immoral/unethical, questionable things, and use their Abilities to counteract the consequences; some might decide to create their own island with their own rules and laws, or inhabit a barren World and do the same there, perhaps; perhaps the National Socialist rules and laws are for while we are not quite Godly yet; each God and Goddess has Their own lives, but still are Nazi and still are instructed to do things whenever necessary, and of course They still do obey that instruction, albeit begrudgingly sometimes), but for those Without, "Who the fuck are you, why should I believe you, why should I listen to what you have to say, and why should I do what you tell me for what you allege is to be for my benefit and for the benefit of people as a whole?"
Dahaarkan said:
Exactly. I'm glad to see someone chiming in who actually knows what they are talking about. Most of these people who want to play moral police dont even have any experience in the field they attempt to "discuss".

I was hesitant to say that "if they want to destroy themselves in consent, then let them" line, because I knew certain people would just try to start a witchhunt and say I'm an infiltrator.

In the end, if two people want to engage in whatever fetish that doesnt involve race-mixing, animals or minors, while knowing full well the potential risks, then trying to prevent them from doing so is just retarded. That'd be the same as locking up a suicidal person so they wont be "at risk" of killing themselves. At such a point it turns from "help" to inhibiting people's freedom to make their own decisions.

Help should be offered, but nothing should be "enforced" while ignoring the person's own will.
Nobody is preventing anything, nobody is enforcing anything, nobody is stopping anybody from doing anything. If someone wants to do something, they are going to do it. But I don't think harmful things should be encouraged, and I don't agree with ignoring the harm and pretending like it's a good thing.

I think it's a lot like any other harmful or dumb thing. If you see someone about to stick a paperclip into an electrical socket, you can try to explain to them why it's a bad idea, but they're going to do it anyway and you can't stop them. I watched I guy do this, and he got grill marks on his finger from the hot paperclip. He didn't want to listen to me when I told him it would be a bad idea, but he said afterward that I was right and he shouldn't have done it. If somebody thinks that they want to be beaten, cut, bruised, choked unconscious, do you think that nobody should try to tell them that it's a bad idea? Nobody should try to influence them to decide not to do it? Of course they are going to do whatever they want to do, or whatever they think they want to do, and there is no way to stop it. Me writing these comments is not stopping anybody from doing anything, it's not enforcing anything, I am not preventing anybody from doing anything, I'm not forcing anyone to make any decision. But as a soul which is made almost entirely of love and a sense of justice, I have to tell them why it's a bad idea. I have to warn them. I'm not stopping anyone from doing anything, I'm just saying why it's a bad idea and hoping that they won't do it.

And with the toilet stuff, I don't understand it but maybe they like it. But if you see somebody pick up a piece of dog shit, put it on a hotdog bun, and they are about to start eating it. They are right about to take a bite. Are you going to just not say anything? Would you encourage them to eat the whole thing and not waste any? Or would you say "What the fuck are you doing? Don't do that! You're going to get sick!" Would you have any care for their wellbeing, even if they themself can't see what the problem would be?

Shael, I've seen you helping people and I've seen that you care about people's wellness. And I don't see how that fits with you now trying encourage the acceptance of violent actions and extreme cruelty against people. Just because someone has something like Stockholm syndrome and thinks that such cruel violence against themself is deserved or think that they might even want it, that doesn't make it a good thing. And it's going to keep happening because people do whatever they want to do, but it shouldn't be encouraged or considered as morally acceptable. Do you think Hitler would have thought it acceptable for his people to be doing such violence against each other, injuring, cutting, and beating their partner? I bet he would be absolutely disgusted by such a thing.
FancyMancy said:
With all that said, are you saying in your opinion it is OK to have interracial sex, as long as it does not result in a mixed Child being born?

Yes. I have absolutely no problem with interracial sex whatsoever, under the simple condition that a mixed child isn't born, because in that case someone else (the child) is suffering the consequences of their stupidity. I know one of the obvious troll accounts is going to cherry pick this statement to say I am advocating interracial sex but really, I am not. Read my full post.

I am personally fine with absolutely anything that two or more consenting adults do with their bodies. They can even kill their partner and eat their corpse as long as there is a document proving the act is consensual, I don't care. In the same way they can damage their spirit with interracial sex. As long as they alone suffer the consequences of their actions, I don't see what the problem is. It is their choice and their bodies. As long as these things aren't pushed or promoted, and a child doesn't have to suffer for it, I don't see what the problem is.

There should be an effort to educate and inform people about these things and the consequences of certain things, and prevent dangerous and extreme things from being promoted to people, as many extreme fetishes have health risks and such.

But trying to stop them? No, never. You can't anyway. This is why conversations and debates on this topic are so pointless. Nothing can be done about this besides educating people on the consequences of their choices, but you can't actually prevent them from making that choice and potentially destroying themselves, and there are those who will do it no matter how much you warn them. So why bother getting heated about what others do with their bodies.

Again, definitely worthwhile to make an attempt to inform people, but that's about it. I haven't read everything you posted and I have not read Maxine's statement on this matter. I am going to gamble and assume that her statement advocates total sexual liberation BUT is against the heavy promotion of harmful things namely interracial sex, among others. I'll honestly be surprised if that's not it, but I could be wrong.

As for allowing people to destroy themselves, it's just how things are. The gods attempt to guide us and educate us on the reality of things, but we still CAN make the wrong choices and damage ourselves. And they do not stop us. They do not stand in our way and force us to live the way they know is best for us. And unless one does something very extreme, they will probably still be there for us to guide us on how we can recover and get back up.

In the same way we should not impose ourselves upon people with threats, insults or hate simply because they do not live the way we think is best for them. If they only harm themselves and not other innocent souls, that's their business and their opportunity for learning and growth, whether they take it or not.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Do you think Hitler would have thought it acceptable for his people to be doing such violence against each other, injuring, cutting, and beating their partner? I bet he would be absolutely disgusted by such a thing.
As soldiers, they have to have a certain type and way of being set apart. For the average civilian, they don't need to behave to a morally-high standard - nor low, either, of course, but what happens in the bedroom is not anyone else's business, unless they make it other's business and those others decide to enjoy it or whatever.
94n said:
Also more hot takes and unpopular opinions. I already know I'm going to get chewed out for this.

A lot of LGBT pride parades are relatively tame. You only see those shocking things in the most liberal areas like in san franciso or something--and even many gay people don't like those. Yes, people still wear normal clothes. A lot of it involves public organizations to help gay people out and show support. Because many people are still being kicked out and abused for being gay. Even being killed.

Pride month is in June because that's to commemorate the stonewall riots. Gay clubs back then were the only places that LGBT can express themselves, or openly admit who they were. But were constantly raided by NY police due to anti-gay laws. The police were relentless in shutting these places down. Back then you could get arrested for holding hands, kissing, or even dancing with the same gender.

Imagine a world where you can't do something natural and basic like dance or hold hands with your significant other.

Drag queens aren't evil. They just want to perform and use makeup to transform to a character and dance around the stage. It's just stage performances dancing to music.
Drag queens are mentally unstable retards. And if you're promoting that behavior into to kids, yes your evil.
Shael said:
Dahaarkan said:
Exactly. I'm glad to see someone chiming in who actually knows what they are talking about. Most of these people who want to play moral police dont even have any experience in the field they attempt to "discuss".

I was hesitant to say that "if they want to destroy themselves in consent, then let them" line, because I knew certain people would just try to start a witchhunt and say I'm an infiltrator.

In the end, if two people want to engage in whatever fetish that doesnt involve race-mixing, animals or minors, while knowing full well the potential risks, then trying to prevent them from doing so is just retarded. That'd be the same as locking up a suicidal person so they wont be "at risk" of killing themselves. At such a point it turns from "help" to inhibiting people's freedom to make their own decisions.

Help should be offered, but nothing should be "enforced" while ignoring the person's own will.
I mean, you can prevent someone from trying asphyxiation play and accidentally killing themselves like this girl
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Nobody is preventing anything, nobody is enforcing anything, nobody is stopping anybody from doing anything. If someone wants to do something, they are going to do it. But I don't think harmful things should be encouraged, and I don't agree with ignoring the harm and pretending like it's a good thing.

I think it's a lot like any other harmful or dumb thing. If you see someone about to stick a paperclip into an electrical socket, you can try to explain to them why it's a bad idea, but they're going to do it anyway and you can't stop them. I watched I guy do this, and he got grill marks on his finger from the hot paperclip. He didn't want to listen to me when I told him it would be a bad idea, but he said afterward that I was right and he shouldn't have done it. If somebody thinks that they want to be beaten, cut, bruised, choked unconscious, do you think that nobody should try to tell them that it's a bad idea? Nobody should try to influence them to decide not to do it? Of course they are going to do whatever they want to do, or whatever they think they want to do, and there is no way to stop it. Me writing these comments is not stopping anybody from doing anything, it's not enforcing anything, I am not preventing anybody from doing anything, I'm not forcing anyone to make any decision. But as a soul which is made almost entirely of love and a sense of justice, I have to tell them why it's a bad idea. I have to warn them. I'm not stopping anyone from doing anything, I'm just saying why it's a bad idea and hoping that they won't do it.

And with the toilet stuff, I don't understand it but maybe they like it. But if you see somebody pick up a piece of dog shit, put it on a hotdog bun, and they are about to start eating it. They are right about to take a bite. Are you going to just not say anything? Would you encourage them to eat the whole thing and not waste any? Or would you say "What the fuck are you doing? Don't do that! You're going to get sick!" Would you have any care for their wellbeing, even if they themself can't see what the problem would be?

Shael, I've seen you helping people and I've seen that you care about people's wellness. And I don't see how that fits with you now trying encourage the acceptance of violent actions and extreme cruelty against people. Just because someone has something like Stockholm syndrome and thinks that such cruel violence against themself is deserved or think that they might even want it, that doesn't make it a good thing. And it's going to keep happening because people do whatever they want to do, but it shouldn't be encouraged or considered as morally acceptable. Do you think Hitler would have thought it acceptable for his people to be doing such violence against each other, injuring, cutting, and beating their partner? I bet he would be absolutely disgusted by such a thing.
No, when Adolf Hitler and the Nazis came to power, Berlin was known as the Sex capital of Europe. Every sexual perversion know to man at that time including sex with mother and daughter at the same time,sex with pubescent boys in gay clubs, extreme fetishes etc could be gained with 'consenting ' adults with a price.

Hitler and the Nazis swiftly eradicated all such forms of perversions and arrested the Jewish authors who were pushing degeneracy.
Dahaarkan said:
Yeah, I think I agree (not that that matters, of course). People are free to do as they please and damage themselves if they want.

Jack said:
Shael said:
Dahaarkan said:
Exactly. I'm glad to see someone chiming in who actually knows what they are talking about. Most of these people who want to play moral police dont even have any experience in the field they attempt to "discuss".

I was hesitant to say that "if they want to destroy themselves in consent, then let them" line, because I knew certain people would just try to start a witchhunt and say I'm an infiltrator.

In the end, if two people want to engage in whatever fetish that doesnt involve race-mixing, animals or minors, while knowing full well the potential risks, then trying to prevent them from doing so is just retarded. That'd be the same as locking up a suicidal person so they wont be "at risk" of killing themselves. At such a point it turns from "help" to inhibiting people's freedom to make their own decisions.

Help should be offered, but nothing should be "enforced" while ignoring the person's own will.
I mean, you can prevent someone from trying asphyxiation play and accidentally killing themselves like this girl
As Dahaarkan said, which I had decided ages ago, these types of things should be agreed upon with a document or contract (although, taken to extremes in a different way, the jew wants to control you in bed again, as always). If accidents/fatalities occur, then you can prove yourself. I would also go one step further, by recording on video all individuals agreeing to the document/contract saying their names and ages and that they are "in sound mind and judgement do herby agree..." and all individuals signing it on video. If necessary, anyone should also provide evidence of medicines and stress/disorders/etc., as well. It's unlikely that anyone would admit having been convicted of doing something, though. Each individual will have copies of the video and document/contract and they should also make backups themselves. These things are so obvious, but people are so stupid - and no-one should choose to be offended by me saying that; it is blatantly obvious that these things are obvious and it is blatantly obvious that people are stupid.

There was also a man who was in trouble for raping a woman/his girlfriend, but he was innocent, or at least was found innocent, and after that when going out pubbing and clubbing he demanded recorded video proof on his phone every time he picked up a new friend, and he explains why to them. I'd say that's a wise decision. There may be over-surveillance, but your word means nothing in a "court" of "law" and "justice".
Dahaarkan said:
FancyMancy said:
With all that said, are you saying in your opinion it is OK to have interracial sex, as long as it does not result in a mixed Child being born?

Yes. I have absolutely no problem with interracial sex whatsoever, under the simple condition that a mixed child isn't born, because in that case someone else (the child) is suffering the consequences of their stupidity. I know one of the obvious troll accounts is going to cherry pick this statement to say I am advocating interracial sex but really, I am not. Read my full post.

I am personally fine with absolutely anything that two or more consenting adults do with their bodies. They can even kill their partner and eat their corpse as long as there is a document proving the act is consensual, I don't care. In the same way they can damage their spirit with interracial sex. As long as they alone suffer the consequences of their actions, I don't see what the problem is. It is their choice and their bodies. As long as these things aren't pushed or promoted, and a child doesn't have to suffer for it, I don't see what the problem is.

There should be an effort to educate and inform people about these things and the consequences of certain things, and prevent dangerous and extreme things from being promoted to people, as many extreme fetishes have health risks and such.

But trying to stop them? No, never. You can't anyway. This is why conversations and debates on this topic are so pointless. Nothing can be done about this besides educating people on the consequences of their choices, but you can't actually prevent them from making that choice and potentially destroying themselves, and there are those who will do it no matter how much you warn them. So why bother getting heated about what others do with their bodies.

Again, definitely worthwhile to make an attempt to inform people, but that's about it. I haven't read everything you posted and I have not read Maxine's statement on this matter. I am going to gamble and assume that her statement advocates total sexual liberation BUT is against the heavy promotion of harmful things namely interracial sex, among others. I'll honestly be surprised if that's not it, but I could be wrong.

As for allowing people to destroy themselves, it's just how things are. The gods attempt to guide us and educate us on the reality of things, but we still CAN make the wrong choices and damage ourselves. And they do not stop us. They do not stand in our way and force us to live the way they know is best for us. And unless one does something very extreme, they will probably still be there for us to guide us on how we can recover and get back up.

In the same way we should not impose ourselves upon people with threats, insults or hate simply because they do not live the way we think is best for them. If they only harm themselves and not other innocent souls, that's their business and their opportunity for learning and growth, whether they take it or not.
Yep,your a troll confirmed.

Your basic argument is even if they kill themselves or have interracial sexual relationships, let them because they'll suffer for their choices.
1)If you do not ban race mixing, race mixing will happen and your kids are not only your kids and you are not only an individual. You represent your race and your nation.

2)Hitler enacted the Nuremberg Laws which banned race mixing. Your directly opposed to National Socialism in your ideas.

3)Your personal choices affect the Volk,the society and the nation so they are not completely your choices. We can't let men try opioids,get addicted to them and die if that's their choice. We must ban opioids.

Your views suggest libertarianism which is the worst system of belief next to communism. You've just outed yourself for better or worse.
I'm thankful for how the domestic abuse laws in America are made. That the victim of abuse doesn't need to press charges, because the state is automatically required to press charges as soon as they find out about it. So there is always protection and responsibility for the victims, and it doesn't matter how afraid or conditioned the victim might be. Because looks like a disgusting amount of you would prefer that the victim stays in the violent situation. How easy for you to say, as someone who is not involved. Your egotistical oversupport of "freedom" is at a point that it's moving away from a safe healthy society with safe healthy citizens, and protection for all people, and is just moving into total lawless anarchy where anyone can do whatever violence they want against anyone else, and somehow you think that's a good thing because "more freedom = more better" but where are the morals? There is no freedom if victims are trapped as victims, where is their freedom? Or do only the violent criminals deserve their freedom? Freedom is worthless if their are no morals and no consideration for what's good for the people.

You have the ability to do all kinds of gruesome violent things to yourself, surgury on yourself, removing parts and moving stuff around. You can pull out your guts, you can take off your eyelids so your eyes are always open and dried out, you can take off your leg and replace it with a wooden peg-leg like a pirate. Of course you can do whatever you want to yourself. But do these things really need to be promoted and advertised? Do they need to be encouraged as good acceptable ideas? Is it a healthy action, or the symptom of a sick mind? And does it need to be thought of as acceptable for someone to be doing things like this to someone else?
94n said:
Also more hot takes and unpopular opinions. I already know I'm going to get chewed out for this.

A lot of LGBT pride parades are relatively tame. You only see those shocking things in the most liberal areas like in san franciso or something--and even many gay people don't like those. Yes, people still wear normal clothes. A lot of it involves public organizations to help gay people out and show support. Because many people are still being kicked out and abused for being gay. Even being killed.

Pride month is in June because that's to commemorate the stonewall riots. Gay clubs back then were the only places that LGBT can express themselves, or openly admit who they were. But were constantly raided by NY police due to anti-gay laws. The police were relentless in shutting these places down. Back then you could get arrested for holding hands, kissing, or even dancing with the same gender.

Imagine a world where you can't do something natural and basic like dance or hold hands with your significant other.

Drag queens aren't evil. They just want to perform and use makeup to transform to a character and dance around the stage. It's just stage performances dancing to music.

Pride parades are unnecessary festivals of decadence.

What the heck are you "proud of"? Being gay?

What is there to be proud of? The individual should be proud by his/her achievements and contributions to the society/community, his/her people, not his/her sexuality, regardless if they are straight, homo, bi...whatever.

It is stupid, and doesn't have any purpose, nor does it help anyone in any way.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shael, I've seen you helping people and I've seen that you care about people's wellness. And I don't see how that fits with you now trying encourage the acceptance of violent actions and extreme cruelty against people. Just because someone has something like Stockholm syndrome and thinks that such cruel violence against themself is deserved or think that they might even want it, that doesn't make it a good thing. And it's going to keep happening because people do whatever they want to do, but it shouldn't be encouraged or considered as morally acceptable.
I already told you before and I will tell you again, that we are talking about two completely different things. Everything I said in this thread is regarding consensual fetishes. I also said it's good to educate people on these things and the potential dangers.

My entire point is that it disgusts me when I see people attempt to "categorize" what is and what is not to be considered "healthy" sexually. Sexuality as a whole is much more complex than 95% of people on this thread can even begin to comprehend. The Sacral Chakra rules creativity. You cant "fix" sacral issues by attempting to suppress what people can and cannot do sexually. It will just cause more issues and repression and make everything worse. The way to fix these issues is through educating people on these things and letting them figure things out on their own without trying to force them to do this or that.

You may argue that you guys aren't trying to "enforce" anything, but I can see you clearly trying to literally bully people whom are having fetishes you disagree with. This can be seen in extreme clarity in the other thread where you and one other guy ganged up on someone.

If you have given your advice to someone and continue to pester them with it even after they rejected it, "education" quickly turns into "persecution". I merely want to stop garbage like this from happening as it offends me on a personal level to see this.

And before butthurt Jack comes around trying to attack me, let me just clarify I do not have a single one of these "controversial" fetishes we are discussing.
I'm offended by it because I've had my issues in having my sacral creativity repressed myself (in other areas), by some pieces of garbage in the past. I know how it feels and I want to rip apart anyone I see doing it to someone else.
Larissa666 said:
94n said:
Also more hot takes and unpopular opinions. I already know I'm going to get chewed out for this.

A lot of LGBT pride parades are relatively tame. You only see those shocking things in the most liberal areas like in san franciso or something--and even many gay people don't like those. Yes, people still wear normal clothes. A lot of it involves public organizations to help gay people out and show support. Because many people are still being kicked out and abused for being gay. Even being killed.

Pride month is in June because that's to commemorate the stonewall riots. Gay clubs back then were the only places that LGBT can express themselves, or openly admit who they were. But were constantly raided by NY police due to anti-gay laws. The police were relentless in shutting these places down. Back then you could get arrested for holding hands, kissing, or even dancing with the same gender.

Imagine a world where you can't do something natural and basic like dance or hold hands with your significant other.

Drag queens aren't evil. They just want to perform and use makeup to transform to a character and dance around the stage. It's just stage performances dancing to music.

Pride parades are unnecessary festivals of decadence.

What the heck are you "proud of"? Being gay?

What is there to be proud of? The individual should be proud by his/her achievements and contributions to the society/community, his/her people, not his/her sexuality, regardless if they are straight, homo, bi...whatever.

It is stupid, and doesn't have any purpose, nor does it help anyone in any way.
Feminism is to males what the LGBTROFLCOPTER "movement" is to heterosexuals.

I'm one of the LGBTs but I don't care about that "movement". It's just because of jew christianity, and of course islam now, that the followers - bleat, bleat, bleat - think that they have freedom. What, other than promoting things with an agenda, is it doing? How is it empowering? What is walking with loud music doing, except for repeating what people know already, because they are not raising awareness about it because people know about it already. People had to keep being non-heterosexual a secret in history, and they lived lives. What is this bullshit nonsense arse-farse about? :roll:

Where's the White Pride? Where's the Heterosexual Pride? Where's the Masculism/International Men's Day? Such die-versity and eEkWaLlYtEe.

Before anyone says it (so you'll have to delete that in your reply now, sorry!) - yes, I have been on HP Jake Carlson's site and read his posts. I'm still one of the LGBTs myself. I still don't care about that "movement" of a Natural thing, which has been turned into a farce "movement" by idiots who refuse to remember it is jewish christianity and islam which suppressed and oppressed that Natural thing and those people of that Natural thing, causing repression in people...while also that jewish christianity and islam were doing it forcefully at the same time...and where most of them in that "movement" don't know that that "movement" is also jewish...

What makes one proud to be gay? What makes one proud to be different (allegedly)? They are putting stuff out there which is forcing others to accept it. Hm. That sounds like oppression, suppression and repression again. My. Wow. Fancy that! Go figure! Wholy shiznit.
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
FancyMancy said:
With all that said, are you saying in your opinion it is OK to have interracial sex, as long as it does not result in a mixed Child being born?

Yes. I have absolutely no problem with interracial sex whatsoever, under the simple condition that a mixed child isn't born, because in that case someone else (the child) is suffering the consequences of their stupidity. I know one of the obvious troll accounts is going to cherry pick this statement to say I am advocating interracial sex but really, I am not. Read my full post.

I am personally fine with absolutely anything that two or more consenting adults do with their bodies. They can even kill their partner and eat their corpse as long as there is a document proving the act is consensual, I don't care. In the same way they can damage their spirit with interracial sex. As long as they alone suffer the consequences of their actions, I don't see what the problem is. It is their choice and their bodies. As long as these things aren't pushed or promoted, and a child doesn't have to suffer for it, I don't see what the problem is.

There should be an effort to educate and inform people about these things and the consequences of certain things, and prevent dangerous and extreme things from being promoted to people, as many extreme fetishes have health risks and such.

But trying to stop them? No, never. You can't anyway. This is why conversations and debates on this topic are so pointless. Nothing can be done about this besides educating people on the consequences of their choices, but you can't actually prevent them from making that choice and potentially destroying themselves, and there are those who will do it no matter how much you warn them. So why bother getting heated about what others do with their bodies.

Again, definitely worthwhile to make an attempt to inform people, but that's about it. I haven't read everything you posted and I have not read Maxine's statement on this matter. I am going to gamble and assume that her statement advocates total sexual liberation BUT is against the heavy promotion of harmful things namely interracial sex, among others. I'll honestly be surprised if that's not it, but I could be wrong.

As for allowing people to destroy themselves, it's just how things are. The gods attempt to guide us and educate us on the reality of things, but we still CAN make the wrong choices and damage ourselves. And they do not stop us. They do not stand in our way and force us to live the way they know is best for us. And unless one does something very extreme, they will probably still be there for us to guide us on how we can recover and get back up.

In the same way we should not impose ourselves upon people with threats, insults or hate simply because they do not live the way we think is best for them. If they only harm themselves and not other innocent souls, that's their business and their opportunity for learning and growth, whether they take it or not.
Yep,your a troll confirmed.

Your basic argument is even if they kill themselves or have interracial sexual relationships, let them because they'll suffer for their choices.
1)If you do not ban race mixing, race mixing will happen and your kids are not only your kids and you are not only an individual. You represent your race and your nation.

2)Hitler enacted the Nuremberg Laws which banned race mixing. Your directly opposed to National Socialism in your ideas.

3)Your personal choices affect the Volk,the society and the nation so they are not completely your choices. We can't let men try opioids,get addicted to them and die if that's their choice. We must ban opioids.

Your views suggest libertarianism which is the worst system of belief next to communism. You've just outed yourself for better or worse.

Ok jack enlighten me. How exactly does the state "ban" a sexual practice.

Do we install spy cameras and microphones in people's homes or collect data from their daily lives to determine if they are having interracial sex?

Listen to their calls and read their texts?

All you can do, and all you should do, is ban things that promote this, and inform people on the consequences of such. Which is something I endorsed, which basically means we are in agreement on this matter assuming you're not retarded enough to think spying on people's personal lives is correct but at this point I wouldn't be surprised.

You are twisting my statements because you desperately need to make me look bad, because I'm one of the few people here that calls you out on how retarded you and your posts are.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shael said:
ArabKnight said:
Umm okay but nobody asked lol.

What purpose do you see in sharing this? You are not giving advice or anything, just posting your "opinion" here and nothing else. Are you trying to rile people up in another messy discussion about sexuality like we already had plenty before?
If you haven't noticed yet, all this guy does is post 5 new worthless topics every day. Usually just strange nonsense rambling that doesn't have any benefit for anyone. He just wants to clog up the forum with all of his shit as some kind of distraction. Make it harder to sort through and find all the topics that actually matter.

Maybe he doesn't know that this is what he's doing, and it's some kind of subconscious muslim reaction. Or maybe he's bored and no-one in real life wants to listen to him so he has to tell us instead. Or both mixed together.

Personally I just think he's trying to contribute but the Koran still has a bit of influence on this guy, so he's still all fucked up. I think you're right, it's a little mixure of both not really realizing he's being an encumbrance, and being bored with the ignorance around him.

It does, at least, seem like he's trying to escape the hoard and not just letting them fuckin bite and infect him. But you never really know unless you're face to face with someone like this. And even then there's a margin of reasonable doubt.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
Yes. I have absolutely no problem with interracial sex whatsoever, under the simple condition that a mixed child isn't born, because in that case someone else (the child) is suffering the consequences of their stupidity. I know one of the obvious troll accounts is going to cherry pick this statement to say I am advocating interracial sex but really, I am not. Read my full post.

I am personally fine with absolutely anything that two or more consenting adults do with their bodies. They can even kill their partner and eat their corpse as long as there is a document proving the act is consensual, I don't care. In the same way they can damage their spirit with interracial sex. As long as they alone suffer the consequences of their actions, I don't see what the problem is. It is their choice and their bodies. As long as these things aren't pushed or promoted, and a child doesn't have to suffer for it, I don't see what the problem is.

There should be an effort to educate and inform people about these things and the consequences of certain things, and prevent dangerous and extreme things from being promoted to people, as many extreme fetishes have health risks and such.

But trying to stop them? No, never. You can't anyway. This is why conversations and debates on this topic are so pointless. Nothing can be done about this besides educating people on the consequences of their choices, but you can't actually prevent them from making that choice and potentially destroying themselves, and there are those who will do it no matter how much you warn them. So why bother getting heated about what others do with their bodies.

Again, definitely worthwhile to make an attempt to inform people, but that's about it. I haven't read everything you posted and I have not read Maxine's statement on this matter. I am going to gamble and assume that her statement advocates total sexual liberation BUT is against the heavy promotion of harmful things namely interracial sex, among others. I'll honestly be surprised if that's not it, but I could be wrong.

As for allowing people to destroy themselves, it's just how things are. The gods attempt to guide us and educate us on the reality of things, but we still CAN make the wrong choices and damage ourselves. And they do not stop us. They do not stand in our way and force us to live the way they know is best for us. And unless one does something very extreme, they will probably still be there for us to guide us on how we can recover and get back up.

In the same way we should not impose ourselves upon people with threats, insults or hate simply because they do not live the way we think is best for them. If they only harm themselves and not other innocent souls, that's their business and their opportunity for learning and growth, whether they take it or not.
Yep,your a troll confirmed.

Your basic argument is even if they kill themselves or have interracial sexual relationships, let them because they'll suffer for their choices.
1)If you do not ban race mixing, race mixing will happen and your kids are not only your kids and you are not only an individual. You represent your race and your nation.

2)Hitler enacted the Nuremberg Laws which banned race mixing. Your directly opposed to National Socialism in your ideas.

3)Your personal choices affect the Volk,the society and the nation so they are not completely your choices. We can't let men try opioids,get addicted to them and die if that's their choice. We must ban opioids.

Your views suggest libertarianism which is the worst system of belief next to communism. You've just outed yourself for better or worse.

Ok jack enlighten me. How exactly does the state "ban" a sexual practice.

Do we install spy cameras and microphones in people's homes or collect data from their daily lives to determine if they are having interracial sex?

Listen to their calls and read their texts?

All you can do, and all you should do, is ban things that promote this, and inform people on the consequences of such. Which is something I endorsed, which basically means we are in agreement on this matter assuming you're not retarded enough to think spying on people's personal lives is correct but at this point I wouldn't be surprised.

You are twisting my statements because you desperately need to make me look bad, because I'm one of the few people here that calls you out on how retarded you and your posts are.
In a different way, the banning/control is jew "religion" and jew "politics".
Larissa666 said:
Pride parades are unnecessary festivals of decadence.

What the heck are you "proud of"? Being gay?

What is there to be proud of? The individual should be proud by his/her achievements and contributions to the society/community, his/her people, not his/her sexuality, regardless if they are straight, homo, bi...whatever.

It is stupid, and doesn't have any purpose, nor does it help anyone in any way.

I agree, I think pride parades are designed to make us look bad.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
Yes. I have absolutely no problem with interracial sex whatsoever, under the simple condition that a mixed child isn't born, because in that case someone else (the child) is suffering the consequences of their stupidity. I know one of the obvious troll accounts is going to cherry pick this statement to say I am advocating interracial sex but really, I am not. Read my full post.

I am personally fine with absolutely anything that two or more consenting adults do with their bodies. They can even kill their partner and eat their corpse as long as there is a document proving the act is consensual, I don't care. In the same way they can damage their spirit with interracial sex. As long as they alone suffer the consequences of their actions, I don't see what the problem is. It is their choice and their bodies. As long as these things aren't pushed or promoted, and a child doesn't have to suffer for it, I don't see what the problem is.

There should be an effort to educate and inform people about these things and the consequences of certain things, and prevent dangerous and extreme things from being promoted to people, as many extreme fetishes have health risks and such.

But trying to stop them? No, never. You can't anyway. This is why conversations and debates on this topic are so pointless. Nothing can be done about this besides educating people on the consequences of their choices, but you can't actually prevent them from making that choice and potentially destroying themselves, and there are those who will do it no matter how much you warn them. So why bother getting heated about what others do with their bodies.

Again, definitely worthwhile to make an attempt to inform people, but that's about it. I haven't read everything you posted and I have not read Maxine's statement on this matter. I am going to gamble and assume that her statement advocates total sexual liberation BUT is against the heavy promotion of harmful things namely interracial sex, among others. I'll honestly be surprised if that's not it, but I could be wrong.

As for allowing people to destroy themselves, it's just how things are. The gods attempt to guide us and educate us on the reality of things, but we still CAN make the wrong choices and damage ourselves. And they do not stop us. They do not stand in our way and force us to live the way they know is best for us. And unless one does something very extreme, they will probably still be there for us to guide us on how we can recover and get back up.

In the same way we should not impose ourselves upon people with threats, insults or hate simply because they do not live the way we think is best for them. If they only harm themselves and not other innocent souls, that's their business and their opportunity for learning and growth, whether they take it or not.
Yep,your a troll confirmed.

Your basic argument is even if they kill themselves or have interracial sexual relationships, let them because they'll suffer for their choices.
1)If you do not ban race mixing, race mixing will happen and your kids are not only your kids and you are not only an individual. You represent your race and your nation.

2)Hitler enacted the Nuremberg Laws which banned race mixing. Your directly opposed to National Socialism in your ideas.

3)Your personal choices affect the Volk,the society and the nation so they are not completely your choices. We can't let men try opioids,get addicted to them and die if that's their choice. We must ban opioids.

Your views suggest libertarianism which is the worst system of belief next to communism. You've just outed yourself for better or worse.

Ok jack enlighten me. How exactly does the state "ban" a sexual practice.

Do we install spy cameras and microphones in people's homes or collect data from their daily lives to determine if they are having interracial sex?

Listen to their calls and read their texts?

All you can do, and all you should do, is ban things that promote this, and inform people on the consequences of such. Which is something I endorsed, which basically means we are in agreement on this matter assuming you're not retarded enough to think spying on people's personal lives is correct but at this point I wouldn't be surprised.

You are twisting my statements because you desperately need to make me look bad, because I'm one of the few people here that calls you out on how retarded you and your posts are.
You literally never said ban. Infact you rallied against banning them and were encouraging libertarianism and radical individuality. I can quote you directly.
I am personally fine with absolutely anything that two or more consenting adults do with their bodies. They can even kill their partner and eat their corpse as long as there is a document proving the act is consensual, I don't care. In the same way they can damage their spirit with interracial sex. As long as they alone suffer the consequences of their actions, I don't see what the problem is. It is their choice and their bodies. As long as these things aren't pushed or promoted, and a child doesn't have to suffer for it, I don't see what the problem is.

And now that you've outed yourself your looking for ways to escape.
Shael said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Shael, I've seen you helping people and I've seen that you care about people's wellness. And I don't see how that fits with you now trying encourage the acceptance of violent actions and extreme cruelty against people. Just because someone has something like Stockholm syndrome and thinks that such cruel violence against themself is deserved or think that they might even want it, that doesn't make it a good thing. And it's going to keep happening because people do whatever they want to do, but it shouldn't be encouraged or considered as morally acceptable.
I already told you before and I will tell you again, that we are talking about two completely different things. Everything I said in this thread is regarding consensual fetishes. I also said it's good to educate people on these things and the potential dangers.

My entire point is that it disgusts me when I see people attempt to "categorize" what is and what is not to be considered "healthy" sexually. Sexuality as a whole is much more complex than 95% of people on this thread can even begin to comprehend. The Sacral Chakra rules creativity. You cant "fix" sacral issues by attempting to suppress what people can and cannot do sexually. It will just cause more issues and repression and make everything worse. The way to fix these issues is through educating people on these things and letting them figure things out on their own without trying to force them to do this or that.

You may argue that you guys aren't trying to "enforce" anything, but I can see you clearly trying to literally bully people whom are having fetishes you disagree with. This can be seen in extreme clarity in the other thread where you and one other guy ganged up on someone.

If you have given your advice to someone and continue to pester them with it even after they rejected it, "education" quickly turns into "persecution". I merely want to stop garbage like this from happening as it offends me on a personal level to see this.

And before butthurt Jack comes around trying to attack me, let me just clarify I do not have a single one of these "controversial" fetishes we are discussing.
I'm offended by it because I've had my issues in having my sacral creativity repressed myself (in other areas), by some pieces of garbage in the past. I know how it feels and I want to rip apart anyone I see doing it to someone else.
I'm offended by you calling me butthurt and I'll call you butthurt Shael in response because that's how mature adults behave. Right ? (Its sarcasm)

I'll categorize healthy sexuality for you - anything that includes unnatural sex acts like pissing in someone's mouth, shitting on them, violently beating someone to make them bleed,having extreme gangbangs ,incest,pedophilia, sex with Animals are unhealthy sexuality. Anything that needs you to lose all empathy towards a person is called torture, not sexuality. Simple as that.

This consensual argument is palpitating. As well is your personally offended argument. Your not supposed to be driven by your emotions or be driven in your logic because of your personal motives. Your supposed to see what's objectively right.

I wasn't even supposed to reply to you here but you force me to by stating my name and calling me names.

By your consensual logic, Daharkhaan already tried to justify Race Mixing and people killing themselves or others 'consensually'.

Your consensual argument cross referenced in different scenarios in the increasing intensity of stupidness-
1)Pissing in someone mouth is disgusting, but its consensual so I don't care.
2) This Jewish literature is degenerate, but people are consensually buying it so I'm not going to burn it like Adolf Hitler did.
3)People killing themselves accidentally or consensually is downright retarded and psychopathic but I don't care as its consensual.
4)People taking opioids is making them addicted and it leads to their deaths,but they're consensually consuming that substance so I don't care.
5)Cocaine,LSD ,Molly is being injested consensually by these high school kids but I don't care because its consensual and they already know the bad effects and still do it anyway.
6)Race mixing is degenerate and a mortal sin against nature, but the people know about it and still do it consensually, so it's not my job to police them.
7)Parents taking their kids to drag queen shows where they're Sexually molested and scarred for life is retarded but the parents do it consensually so I don't care.

I'm not saying you're endorsing any of these things but the consensual argument your using is inherently flawed and a libertarian argument that is doomed to collapse society . Your inherent logic is flawed.

Your not only you, but you represent a unit of your race and nation and the many decisions you make affect your race and nation and your decisions must be driven with that criteria in mind.
Is it so hard to understand a simple sentence. HP Maxine said that all consenting sex between adults is their own business only. Maybe you believe the Gods have nothing better to do then to monitor your sex life ? This is Satanism not Jebooism however.

As people and society as a whole advance spiritually they will remove the dross on their soul which will solve all sexual issues on their own, that includes what sex practices they are engaging in and people's views on homosexuality.

By the way it shouldn't be your view on homosexuality is a mere tolerance of it as an abstract idea (because the jos said its ok) while actively looking to "hide the gays in the closet". It should really be you don't even bat an eyelid at the mention of or artistic depiction of erotic homosexuality (be it male or female) That's more in line with how things are seen in an advanced satanic spiritual society. Obviously at that stage people won't act like retarded social marxist idiots either, no matter their sex or sexual orientation. And that includes no "pride parades" of course. And no self respecting Satanist should participate in these.
Gay parades are just social defilement and total degeneracy.

I saw a man with a live dildo up his ass once, and another with a flag up their butthole literally.

This is clearly degenerate. Sure it may be fun for some people to go around and literally just shit at the face of civilization in this way, but the degeneracy level here is off the charts. This has to stop. Much of this is direct detention material.

Most self respecting gays look at this and vomit their guts also. But the so called "Everything for gays" Marxist GBLT community considers them a pariah for not wanting to be branded in the same package with those who literally go around naked, with a brazillian buttjob, and one flag stuck up their ass.

Another one I saw had a dildo sort of glued on the head.

Other people have every right to puke at this and call this degenerate, it's not rocket science, this is not a good thing to do. Others literally brought infants in the parade to show their solidarity, to what? Flags up the ass?

Only a jew would imagine such a festival and promote this in the grossest way possible. Since they cannot censor gays and kill them all as instructed in Leviticus, they weaved these ideas to make other people get fed up and hopefully get xians or muslims to do it for them instead.

One can hang with their significant other in a park, or in a bar, or in the street or something. Dishonouring one's self and vocation is not really resulting in elevated freedoms in the end, which is the main concern the community claims to be after. It results in people hating people.
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
FancyMancy said:
With all that said, are you saying in your opinion it is OK to have interracial sex, as long as it does not result in a mixed Child being born?

What he says is common sense today's world, you are putting more words into the argument than the original I think, out of genuine care to not allow the degeneracy slide to just open completely. Expanding his view on such a world that doesn't yet formally exist, is inapplicable. I know what you mean, is what I am trying to say.

It doesn't matter how self righteous one acts at this point in time, the outcome will be the same, so a warning should suffice to that end for now.

The libertarian view denies the notion of natural punishment and it disregards it. It does not even warn about it. So that view isn't really "Liberal". Liberal is like YOLO it all and disregard every consequence.

I do not think others have all these exaggerated examples in mind.

Regardless, setting up laws is important, and saying people to stop is important also, but this is not guaranteed to stop someone from degeneracy more than them experiencing the effect of their own actions, most of the time. The grown up situation is where someone has imparted themselves a specific knowledge, and not live on your own.

Forced keeping someone from doing something negative always comes with a backlash sooner or later, it's when one burns their finger that they understand what doing a mistake actually means. The duty of a National Socialist state would be to try to minimize this, but it can never be removed upwards to a 100%.

Nowadays the protection is just zero in most cases. That's chaos that is not freedom.

People need freedom and sometimes this implies also freedom to commit a mistake, in the larger context of things. Which can be the only solver of a very negative behaviour. The "State" or any law cannot get in and stop people from burning their own selves on the stove, this is a lesson some people actually have to learn.
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Yep,your a troll confirmed.

Your basic argument is even if they kill themselves or have interracial sexual relationships, let them because they'll suffer for their choices.
1)If you do not ban race mixing, race mixing will happen and your kids are not only your kids and you are not only an individual. You represent your race and your nation.

2)Hitler enacted the Nuremberg Laws which banned race mixing. Your directly opposed to National Socialism in your ideas.

3)Your personal choices affect the Volk,the society and the nation so they are not completely your choices. We can't let men try opioids,get addicted to them and die if that's their choice. We must ban opioids.

Your views suggest libertarianism which is the worst system of belief next to communism. You've just outed yourself for better or worse.

Ok jack enlighten me. How exactly does the state "ban" a sexual practice.

Do we install spy cameras and microphones in people's homes or collect data from their daily lives to determine if they are having interracial sex?

Listen to their calls and read their texts?

All you can do, and all you should do, is ban things that promote this, and inform people on the consequences of such. Which is something I endorsed, which basically means we are in agreement on this matter assuming you're not retarded enough to think spying on people's personal lives is correct but at this point I wouldn't be surprised.

You are twisting my statements because you desperately need to make me look bad, because I'm one of the few people here that calls you out on how retarded you and your posts are.
You literally never said ban. Infact you rallied against banning them and were encouraging libertarianism and radical individuality. I can quote you directly.
I am personally fine with absolutely anything that two or more consenting adults do with their bodies. They can even kill their partner and eat their corpse as long as there is a document proving the act is consensual, I don't care. In the same way they can damage their spirit with interracial sex. As long as they alone suffer the consequences of their actions, I don't see what the problem is. It is their choice and their bodies. As long as these things aren't pushed or promoted, and a child doesn't have to suffer for it, I don't see what the problem is.

And now that you've outed yourself your looking for ways to escape.

I don't normally quote entire posts but this one is too good. You addressed literally none of my points, just hiding behind technicalities of the english language to try to corrupt my message, as I knew you would it's how you debate every topic.

I didn't rally against banning interracial sex I pointed out how impossible and pointless it is to try to do this. You did not address that. How do you "ban" interracial sex without violating everybody's right to privacy. All you can do is what I told you, ban things which promote it. And this is more than enough. It'll be an extremely small number that still practices interracial sex once you remove all the propaganda around it.

You are so pathetic you literally have no other argument than "no ur wrong ur trying to escaep"

Escape what?? Do you think I'm sweating all over the place over a conversation on the internet like you do?

I told you already jack I don't care about my public image here. I know since you are playing a character here in the forums this is a big battle that frustrates you to no end but to normal human beings this is just a conversation. I'm not trying to escape anything. Exposing you for how petty you are is actually pretty fun.
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
Dahaarkan said:
Ok jack enlighten me. How exactly does the state "ban" a sexual practice.

Do we install spy cameras and microphones in people's homes or collect data from their daily lives to determine if they are having interracial sex?

Listen to their calls and read their texts?

All you can do, and all you should do, is ban things that promote this, and inform people on the consequences of such. Which is something I endorsed, which basically means we are in agreement on this matter assuming you're not retarded enough to think spying on people's personal lives is correct but at this point I wouldn't be surprised.

You are twisting my statements because you desperately need to make me look bad, because I'm one of the few people here that calls you out on how retarded you and your posts are.
You literally never said ban. Infact you rallied against banning them and were encouraging libertarianism and radical individuality. I can quote you directly.
I am personally fine with absolutely anything that two or more consenting adults do with their bodies. They can even kill their partner and eat their corpse as long as there is a document proving the act is consensual, I don't care. In the same way they can damage their spirit with interracial sex. As long as they alone suffer the consequences of their actions, I don't see what the problem is. It is their choice and their bodies. As long as these things aren't pushed or promoted, and a child doesn't have to suffer for it, I don't see what the problem is.

And now that you've outed yourself your looking for ways to escape.

I don't normally quote entire posts but this one is too good. You addressed literally none of my points, just hiding behind technicalities of the english language to try to corrupt my message, as I knew you would it's how you debate every topic.

I didn't rally against banning interracial sex I pointed out how impossible and pointless it is to try to do this. You did not address that. How do you "ban" interracial sex without violating everybody's right to privacy. All you can do is what I told you, ban things which promote it. And this is more than enough. It'll be an extremely small number that still practices interracial sex once you remove all the propaganda around it.

You are so pathetic you literally have no other argument than "no ur wrong ur trying to escaep"

Escape what?? Do you think I'm sweating all over the place over a conversation on the internet like you do?

I told you already jack I don't care about my public image here. I know since you are playing a character here in the forums this is a big battle that frustrates you to no end but to normal human beings this is just a conversation. I'm not trying to escape anything. Exposing you for how petty you are is actually pretty fun.
People generally out how they feel about themselves in times of judgement, which you're doing now. If you do not know how to ban this then either
1)Your lying because being a National Socialist means you already should know this
2)You think you're a National Socialist but you actually don't know what it entails because you've never read anything about it.

How do you prevent people from killing each other ? How do you prevent people from swindling each other ? How do you prevent people from snorting coke and dying? How do you prevent pedophiles from raping children?

That's right,LAWS.

I didn't rally against banning interracial sex I pointed out how impossible and pointless it is to try to do this. You did not address that. How do you "ban" interracial sex without violating everybody's right to privacy. All you can do is what I told you, ban things which promote it. And this is more than enough. It'll be an extremely small number that still practices interracial sex once you remove all the propaganda around it.
This egregious statement really sums up all your intellectual output. Your inherent assumption behind this statement is that you have the right to interracial sex in the privacy of your home.

Let me put it in terms so itll get across your thick skull,
Just as you do not have the right to kill someone in the privacy of your home, you also do not have the right to engage in interracial sex in the privacy of your home. Race and Eugenic laws existed all across the European world. You simply do not have the right to betray your race,and if you do your going to be punished for that. Thus right to privacy does not include race mixing.
Jack said:
This egregious statement really sums up all your intellectual output. Your inherent assumption behind this statement is that you have the right to interracial sex in the privacy of your home.

Let me put it in terms so itll get across your thick skull,
Just as you do not have the right to kill someone in the privacy of your home, you also do not have the right to engage in interracial sex in the privacy of your home. Race and Eugenic laws existed all across the European world. You simply do not have the right to betray your race,and if you do your going to be punished for that. Thus right to privacy does not include race mixing.

Ya you are punished by it the punishment is you are literally destroying your own soul in the process. So explain to me the point of going the extra mile to punish these people further. It's a waste of time and money.

Why would you want to punish somebody for interracial sex but not say extreme bdsm that results in permanent physical damage. Because to me these are the same. Just strange and dangerous sexual practices that, done between consenting adults is not my business or anybody else's problem. Remember we are talking about interracial sex that does not result in a child and is not promoted, this is what I say I am fine with adults doing.

And yes two consenting adults having interracial sex is comparable to murder or the rape of a child very good point jack of course why not
Dahaarkan said:
Jack said:
This egregious statement really sums up all your intellectual output. Your inherent assumption behind this statement is that you have the right to interracial sex in the privacy of your home.

Let me put it in terms so itll get across your thick skull,
Just as you do not have the right to kill someone in the privacy of your home, you also do not have the right to engage in interracial sex in the privacy of your home. Race and Eugenic laws existed all across the European world. You simply do not have the right to betray your race,and if you do your going to be punished for that. Thus right to privacy does not include race mixing.

Ya you are punished by it the punishment is you are literally destroying your own soul in the process. So explain to me the point of going the extra mile to punish these people further. It's a waste of time and money.

Why would you want to punish somebody for interracial sex but not say extreme bdsm that results in permanent physical damage. Because to me these are the same. Just strange and dangerous sexual practices that, done between consenting adults is not my business or anybody else's problem. Remember we are talking about interracial sex that does not result in a child and is not promoted, this is what I say I am fine with adults doing.

And yes two consenting adults having interracial sex is comparable to murder or the rape of a child very good point jack of course why not

The point is not to get people punished by their own stupidity while one sits back and enjoys natural retribution take place.

The purpose of laws is to avoid the above because one is interested about the wellbeing of others. At least in an NS perspective.

The degree of destruction vs the destructive deed is not a measure of things. So one is allowed to snort consensual cocaine but is not allowed to die, or one is allowed to race mix but is not allowed to have children. The conclusive end is the worst one is trying to avoid but to reach the worst you have to start from the bad. And if the bad is not halted then the worst will have itself happen somehow.

If someone is so keen on having sex with other races, they may be able to opt in for sterilization like modern Democrats suppose and get free tickets to go screw elsewhere, because there is no way this behavior does not somehow reflect itself in the State.

Every personal action has reverberations into the whole, the fact that some action is small doesn't matter, because the sum of small actions fucks up the whole. Sure nothing changes if one or two people do it, or a hundred, in ten million, but when these are 10,000 or 100,000, then you have other things going, and when these make it to a million due to leniency, you have one tenth. Eventually what happens is what happened in the US where the White Race is just casually going extinct and people are being systematically replaced, all because of some first allowances which people trusted would be treated logically.

The law about jews entering the United States was lifted and gradually here we go again, they have taken over the world. It surely started with a few jews of course and arguments about how "One would be insane to marry them!". But guess what there are people who would do the absolutely most destructive decisions.

One jew, two jews, ten jews, ten jews in mixed families, then a hundred, then a thousand, then they take your Nation and bye bye. Some things cannot be tolerated not because of the size of their present magnitude but because of what will happen down the road socially if these are accepted.

Then you can't say but oh, those who married these jews destroyed themselves, or they will end up in some sort of moral hell because they did, so it's ok they will reap what they sow, what is it our business? No they won't reap anything all they will do is just keep going directly about it. Phenomena like this spread and expand if they are not uprooted in a basic way.
The State could effectively ban gay marriage by working towards a nation for Whites while working with other nations to repatriate other Races back to their homeland. In the meantime, laws against race-mixing could be enforced like other laws. If evidence suggests people are race-mixing, further investigation would be conducted. This could be done by legally segregating areas before full racially pure homelands for each Gentile race were achieved. If someone consistently violates laws or social norms about respecting segregated boundaries, it would prompt further investigation.

The fact that a law can't be enforced perfectly doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. Laws still help discourage behavior, at least for some people, and imperfectly enforcing a just law is still better than flagrantly allowing injustice.

In my opinion, these laws wouldn't have to exist for very long, as once they see the truth Gentiles would work to return to racially homogeneous homelands, at least this is what I hope for.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Jack said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
If there weren't serious issues involved, they wouldn't be using people as a toilet or injuring them.....
It could be said that these people have serious mental illnesses which may or may not have been due to traumatic sexual experiences that lead them to this point.
And these experiences may have happened in past lives, so that explains why they could be like this if nothing happened to them this lifetime to cause it. Either way, these people need to deeply heal and remove all of these problems. Not just be told that these actions are okay and they should stay on that damaging path that's making them worse.

Has everybody completely forgotten about the planets and how they dictate our likes and dislikes to a good degree? There's literally an entire categorized, ''step-by-step'' guide on the website explaining this exact thing and how we are literally influenced from birth. Granted those who are advanced enough can actually change these influences in their favour, but for the most part they are a good portion of what influences our likes, dislikes, interests and what we enjoy or despise.

They rule aspects such as violence, pain, misery, control, and all kinds of combined energies that 'breed' to produce all manner of things. Hell, Pluto sounds like the serious bdsm planet for pete's sake: "extremes, intensity, obsession, use of extreme force, willpower, extreme violence" and coupled with the influence of other planets who knows what crazy things they can make people get 'kinky' about, there's even a specific planetary position in one of the signs that incites a love for things that are considered taboo, but oh damn let's just DESTROY this person because the planet made them that way [sarcasm].

Yes there are things that are way fucking out of it that should be completely abolished like pedophilia and such, and these are things someone needs to work towards freeing themselves of because it is enemy influenced. As for other subjects you can't blame everything on things like mental illness or a sick soul. I've been cleaning my soul for years for example and have even completely cured myself of the only mental problem I ever had which was an anxiety disorder as a kid. But even with my whole soul and chakras cleaned and connections to negative things severed I still have my own unorthodox interests and can revel in a sick and twisted sadistic outlook (of which I vent by directing it at the enemy).

Despite how clean my soul is I still have a personality and to others this personality is not "good" in the moral sense of the good and evil spectrum. Saturn and Mars are the two major influencers for me, now try and imagine what the two malefics and their aspects of things like corpses, graves, fear, suffering, weapons, war, violence, strife and similar do to someone? I did a year-long working to free myself of the negative influences, but it was based on my perception of negative which was making bad things happen to me.

I don't deal with their negative aspects now but they still influence me in a positive way with increased endurance and ambition and such, but they also influence me in a 'positive' way in a bad way if that makes sense. I enjoy violence, I enjoy suffering (sadism and masochism), I revel in war (if that wasn't obvious by now) and I'm fascinated by the symbolical aspects of death and graves. And I've done years of discipline to control these traits so that I wasn't going around fantasizing about torturing innocent people. The enemy is a huge vent for these characteristics and any time I'm wondering what fear looks like on someone's face when they see their own guts on the floor that's when I do the RTR and visualize the enemy in that scenario.

For the most part I am a good person. The love I feel for humanity and our family is very real and I do what is the right thing. But beside all of this I am also a very brutal and 'dark' guy, and I use all of this as a weapon against the enemy, and it's also the means as to why I can easily work with black magic and know so much about fighting, information of which I share with you guys so you can learn to defend yourself. You're average joe SS wouldn't run headfirst into tearing a grey apart if he didn't revel the opportunity to exact violence and bloodshed. This is why I get excited whenever the enemy actually comes to attack me, because suddenly I have prey to play with and I haven't had one last longer than 15 minutes, and if I start getting exhausted or ever get way in over my head, that's when my GD Andras steps in, and he's a total badass. I think he lets me have my fun and to practice in combat, because I'll be fighting by myself for the most part and handle most of the attacks just fine on my own all the while enjoying every second of it.

ALL these kinds of things can make all kinds of different people each in their own ''specialty''. So sometimes that's just how people are. Whether it's something they need to 'fix' or change is up to them to discover and decide. Personally for me, so long as I'm not hurting anybody undeserving or innocent and so long as I'm not crossing any lines by Satan's standards, I feel fine this way. I've been guided in the past about certain things to myself by the gods that DID need fixing and I did make the effort and did so, if there was ever anything more that needed to be changed or worked on, I would do the effort again.


Now if I want to fantasize about my sexy lover overpowering me, I damn well will, heh.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Jack said:
It could be said that these people have serious mental illnesses which may or may not have been due to traumatic sexual experiences that lead them to this point.
And these experiences may have happened in past lives, so that explains why they could be like this if nothing happened to them this lifetime to cause it. Either way, these people need to deeply heal and remove all of these problems. Not just be told that these actions are okay and they should stay on that damaging path that's making them worse.

Has everybody completely forgotten about the planets and how they dictate our likes and dislikes to a good degree? There's literally an entire categorized, ''step-by-step'' guide on the website explaining this exact thing and how we are literally influenced from birth. Granted those who are advanced enough can actually change these influences in their favour, but for the most part they are a good portion of what influences our likes, dislikes, interests and what we enjoy or despise.

They rule aspects such as violence, pain, misery, control, and all kinds of combined energies that 'breed' to produce all manner of things. Hell, Pluto sounds like the serious bdsm planet for pete's sake: "extremes, intensity, obsession, use of extreme force, willpower, extreme violence" and coupled with the influence of other planets who knows what crazy things they can make people get 'kinky' about, there's even a specific planetary position in one of the signs that incites a love for things that are considered taboo, but oh damn let's just DESTROY this person because the planet made them that way [sarcasm].

Yes there are things that are way fucking out of it that should be completely abolished like pedophilia and such, and these are things someone needs to work towards freeing themselves of because it is enemy influenced. As for other subjects you can't blame everything on things like mental illness or a sick soul. I've been cleaning my soul for years for example and have even completely cured myself of the only mental problem I ever had which was an anxiety disorder as a kid. But even with my whole soul and chakras cleaned and connections to negative things severed I still have my own unorthodox interests and can revel in a sick and twisted sadistic outlook (of which I vent by directing it at the enemy).

Despite how clean my soul is I still have a personality and to others this personality is not "good" in the moral sense of the good and evil spectrum. Saturn and Mars are the two major influencers for me, now try and imagine what the two malefics and their aspects of things like corpses, graves, fear, suffering, weapons, war, violence, strife and similar do to someone? I did a year-long working to free myself of the negative influences, but it was based on my perception of negative which was making bad things happen to me.

I don't deal with their negative aspects now but they still influence me in a positive way with increased endurance and ambition and such, but they also influence me in a 'positive' way in a bad way if that makes sense. I enjoy violence, I enjoy suffering (sadism and masochism), I revel in war (if that wasn't obvious by now) and I'm fascinated by the symbolical aspects of death and graves. And I've done years of discipline to control these traits so that I wasn't going around fantasizing about torturing innocent people. The enemy is a huge vent for these characteristics and any time I'm wondering what fear looks like on someone's face when they see their own guts on the floor that's when I do the RTR and visualize the enemy in that scenario.

For the most part I am a good person. The love I feel for humanity and our family is very real and I do what is the right thing. But beside all of this I am also a very brutal and 'dark' guy, and I use all of this as a weapon against the enemy, and it's also the means as to why I can easily work with black magic and know so much about fighting, information of which I share with you guys so you can learn to defend yourself. You're average joe SS wouldn't run headfirst into tearing a grey apart if he didn't revel the opportunity to exact violence and bloodshed. This is why I get excited whenever the enemy actually comes to attack me, because suddenly I have prey to play with and I haven't had one last longer than 15 minutes, and if I start getting exhausted or ever get way in over my head, that's when my GD Andras steps in, and he's a total badass. I think he lets me have my fun and to practice in combat, because I'll be fighting by myself for the most part and handle most of the attacks just fine on my own all the while enjoying every second of it.

ALL these kinds of things can make all kinds of different people each in their own ''specialty''. So sometimes that's just how people are. Whether it's something they need to 'fix' or change is up to them to discover and decide. Personally for me, so long as I'm not hurting anybody undeserving or innocent and so long as I'm not crossing any lines by Satan's standards, I feel fine this way. I've been guided in the past about certain things to myself by the gods that DID need fixing and I did make the effort and did so, if there was ever anything more that needed to be changed or worked on, I would do the effort again.


Now if I want to fantasize about my sexy lover overpowering me, I damn well will, heh.

Similar goes to me. That's why I keep saying that people should be let free to decide what they will do in bed. Ofc super extreme dangerous things and race mixing is not okay but other things are stupid to even talk about too much. I completely agree with you and yes I also have same habits of turning aggressive, violent, dark and my Guardians never told me I am a bad person or that I should be ashamed of myself. I have some little bit weird fetishes and I thought they will go away after I clean my soul but they are still here, some things changed a bit but some didn't changed at all. Not even sure is that dirt at all, lot of those things aren't even bad I think, just weird. I actually before thought that Gods will abandon me because of my fetishes but they didn't. I tried often for weeks or few months even to stop myself from even thinking about those things and it made me almost go crazy, it backfired hard on me.

This is one of the reasons I hate opening up to another people, they are too immature and too close-minded to understand anything or anyone different than them.
HailVictory88 said:
The State could effectively ban gay marriage by working towards a nation for Whites while working with other nations to repatriate other Races back to their homeland./quote]

Why do you think the state should ban homosexual marriages?


@Dahaarkan, I left to get popcorns but I didn't like what I saw from both parties when I came back. So I decided to keep quiet. Missed me?
Ghost in the Machine said:
I think you are probably perfect in your own way, at least mostly. Just don't hurt anyone, and don't let anyone hurt you. The world needs some people who are able to deal with the ugly things in the world, because not everything is comfortable. Like the world needs surgeons, but you can't be a surgeon if you can't handle seeing those kind of things. This is not a problem that needs to be fixed unless it's something harmful.
Stormblood said:
HailVictory88 said:
The State could effectively ban gay marriage by working towards a nation for Whites while working with other nations to repatriate other Races back to their homeland./quote]

Whoops, I meant to say race mixing.
the nature and consequences of faggotry
loki88 said:
the nature and consequences of faggotry
A faggot is a food which one eats. A fag is a slang term for a cigarette.

Homosexuality exists in thousands and thousands of species of Animal, and it has existed for thousands and thousands of years, and it is Natural and Spiritual. Many Women, namely in Africa, have HIV/AIDS and pass it on to their Children - which includes Girls. In case you didn't know, Women and Girls, who can have this disease, also are not gay Males.

The jewish ignorant and ignoring misinformation need correcting. Those who subscribe to that jew bullshit and continue to scream into their megaphones over other people who are trying to tell them the actual truth, while also ignoring them who are trying to say the actual truth, also need correcting. No amount of hatred, discrimination or harsh words and attacks will stop homosexuality, ever.
Loki according to your other thread right now, Aleister Crowley who was openly and proudly sodomized up the bum by Victor Neuburg and bragged about raping innocent children (he didn't actually do this because he was an edgelord moron, but still bragged about it) is a really great guy, but also according to your link apparently random homosexuals are inherently evil, apparently all have AIDS and apparently need to go to hell. Except Holy Crowley of course... because he got ass rammed by a Holy Grey in order to aid Churchill, and dis izz Most Holy according to the Holiest of Holies, kraparoth section 69.a, and makes him righteous among the nations.

Here is Crowley in action!

FancyMancy said:
loki88 said:
the nature and consequences of faggotry
A faggot is a food which one eats. A fag is a slang term for a cigarette.

Homosexuality exists in thousands and thousands of species of Animal, and it has existed for thousands and thousands of years, and it is Natural and Spiritual. Many Women, namely in Africa, have HIV/AIDS and pass it on to their Children - which includes Girls. In case you didn't know, Women and Girls, who can have this disease, also are not gay Males.

The jewish ignorant and ignoring misinformation need correcting. Those who subscribe to that jew bullshit and continue to scream into their megaphones over other people who are trying to tell them the actual truth, while also ignoring them who are trying to say the actual truth, also need correcting. No amount of hatred, discrimination or harsh words and attacks will stop homosexuality, ever.
That all may well be true but HIV is highest among homosexuals and bisexuals, that is an undeniable statistic.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
