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Introduction to Spiritual Satanism

Rational Satanist

Active member
May 13, 2021
In this post, I will explain all the basics of Spiritual Satanism. This is an updated version of my Beginner's guide. My previous guide assumed that you have a basic knowledge of the JoS site. This one will be different: it is for everyone, even for people who have not aware of that site. I will give some basic information about each main subject relating to SS and provide links to JoS pages which you can visit if you want to learn more about it.

  • What is Spiritual Satanism?
  • Satan and the Demons
  • Power Meditation
  • Magick
  • The Dedication Ritual
  • Other Rituals, Celebrations, Satanic Holidays
  • Satanic Ethics and Dealing with Everyday Situations
  • Satanism and Enemy Religions
  • How to Get Started

i. What is Spiritual Satanism?

You may be familiar with the term "Satanism". At least a few things might come to your mind. There are many types of Satanism, but the type of Satanism we practice here is called "Spiritual Satanism". There's a reason for that: It's Spiritual, having to do with your soul's transformation. We also know Satan as a real being. Other groups which call themselves Satanists are either based on the Christian mythology about Satan and the Demons or are atheists. They also do not meditate or empower their souls. There are a few things that Spiritual Satanism is and isn't about:

What SS isn't about:

  • Human/animal/blood sacrifices and other disgusting blasphemous lies
    These things have nothing to do with Satanism whatsoever. These come from Satan's enemies, as the entire Jewish/Christian bible is full of them. Even Jesus, according to the bible, was a human sacrifice.
  • Ritual BDSM and orgies
    In Satanism, all form of sexual expression that isn't rape or pedophilia is accepted. But these are not "sacred practices" nor are there any BDSM or mass sex rituals here. This usually comes from enemy lies about Satan by people who believe or promote them, believing Satan is a fearful/evil entity. Sometimes people who have repressed themselves sexually because of enemy lies engage in extreme sex acts in Satan's name because of that reason.
  • Selling your soul for money/fame
    Since I said that Spiritual Satanism is about empowering and transforming your soul, this obviously doesn't make any sense. If you lost or sold or had your soul stolen, that would defeat the entire purpose of Spiritual Satanism. Of course your soul is yours and will be yours forever.

    The second part is false as well. There's no way to gain instant money/fame here. Everything requires effort. Yes, even magick. There are lots of people that come to Spiritual Satanism with a lazy mindset, but they don't get what they expected. Satan isn't a fan of lazy people either.
  • LARPing
    There have been many ancient vampire warlocks and incarnated gods. In Spiritual Satanism, we deal with reality. Fantasizing that you are ultra-powerful, a mythological creature or a god in human form because deeply inside you have an insecure ego and/or you were bullied in school and people take advantage of you is not what Spiritual Satanism is about. You are human and you will stay human. And that's a good thing.

    The same is for people who think Satanism is about listening to black/death metal, saying "Hail Satan" all the time and being edgy. Satanism isn't about behaving in a certain way to show how uber Satanic you are (usually based on the enemy lies as Satanism isn't "dark" or "evil"). Many Spiritual Satanists look like normal people and you will not know that they are Spiritual Satanists until you ask them. In fact it's advisable to hide the fact that you are a SS because it can be very dangerous in some situations and some countries to show it.
  • Psychic Vampirism
    Being a parasite is not what true Satanism is about. We learn to empower our souls and use our own energies instead of leeching them off others.
  • Being a politically correct sheep
    There are other groups that call themselves Satanists and are politically correct drones and MRNA vaccine pushers. They do whatever the media tell them and support the violent marxist anti-white organization called BLM (which has nothing to do with black lives, by the way: they only chose this fake name to guilt-trip people who oppose them).
    In Spiritual Satanism there's questioning of everything. It's not politically correct. Satan, for that matter, is not politically correct.
  • Dabbling
    Spiritual Satanism is a religion for serious and committed people. It has a higher purpose and values loyalty and commitment. People interested in SS for superficial/materialistic purposes don't get far. The same for people who want to mix it with other religions.

What SS is about:

  • Transforming and empowering your soul
    The ultimate goal of Spiritual Satanism is completing the Magnum Opus, which gives you physical and spiritual perfection and immortality. We also empower our soul, chakras and aura using daily power meditation.
  • Building strong relationships with Satan and the Demons
    Having a connection to Satan and the Demons is important to advance in Spiritual Satanism. They offer us guidance and support and are our trusted friends, guides and teacher.
  • Using Magick for improving our lives, helping our friends and family and harming our enemies
    Magick is directing mental energy in order to accomplish our goals. This will be explained later in this guide.
  • Living in accordance to your nature and accepting yourself as you are.
    In Spiritual Satanism you're free to enjoy pleasurable things. You are not expected to abstain from anything, nor are you forced to do things you don't like.
  • Red-pilling yourself
    Studying and learning about what is really true that you haven't been told by your priest, pastor or the mainstream media. This involves learning the truth about who controls the world, the media and is the evil one.

For more general information about Spiritual Satanism, read these pages from the JoS site:

For Those Who Are New to Spiritual Satanism
Spiritual Satanism
Satanic Information for Atheists and Other Skeptics
The True Origins of Satanism
Death, Hell and the Afterlife
Satanic Symbols

ii. Satan and the Demons

If you are like most people, you have probably been imagining Satan and the Demons as evil monsters who possess people. Like everything else, it's just enemy propaganda. So let me clear up a few things about them:

  • Satan and the Demons are our ancient Pagan Gods, the original Gods of humanity
    They are have been known through every ancient pantheon. Satan, for example, was known as Enki in Sumeria, Odin/Wotan in Germanic countries, Poseidon in Greece and Shiva in India. Similarly, Astaroth/Astarte is another Demoness/Ancient Goddess who was Ishtar/Aphrodite/Freya in different pantheons. This means that Satan and the Demons aren't enemy inventions, but they have been slandered by their enemies and the enemy religions. They aren't "fallen angels", "empty shells" or whatever else blasphemous lies the enemy spews. They were never "angels".

    Satan is their leader and the being to go to and get to know if you are new to Satanism. He's beautiful, protective and friendly to his loyal people.
  • They are not evil, but ethical and human friendly beings
    Satan and the Demons love humanity because they created us. That doesn't mean they tolerate evil or abuse. But in general, if you are a Gentile and not a Jew, the Demons are our Gods and teachers. Especially if you are a Dedicated Satanist. In the Demons' descriptions you will notice that quite a few of them teach ethics. This right there shows that they aren't "evil" at all.
  • They don't possess people
    The closest thing to possession is invoking a God/Demon into your body. But this you can do only for a few minutes, since the Gods' energy is too powerful for a human being. Obviously they can't possess people for a long time because their energy is powerful and can obliterate a human body if their soul/astral body stays in it for a long time. And they also have physical bodies of their own so they can't afford to be away from them for a long time. They have business of their own to attend to. They can't waste their energy and time doing silly, useless things like possessions that the enemies claim.
  • They are extraterrestrial beings
    They are of the Nordic race of extraterrestrials, which explains why many of them (including Satan) are tall, blond-haired and blue eyed. They currently live in a planet in Orion's belt, but they used to be on earth a long time ago, and they will come back to earth again, physically.
  • They don't expect or demand any sort of blind/slave-like worship
    This may be hard for you to grasp if you are coming from a mainstream religion, but, really, they don't. This isn't a necessary thing for a Satanist and it doesn't help the Gods in any way. If you are a Dedicated Satanist you may do a standard or thanksgiving ritual to thank Satan and honor him because you love him, but just telling Satan how great he is all the time is just meaningless flattery done for an ulterior motive by insincere people. And of course you don't get any extra material stuff for doing this.
  • They can and do help us in time of need, but they expect us to handle ourselves on our own
    Self-reliance is a very important thing in Spiritual Satanism, and Satan and the Gods value it. They teach us on how to empower ourselves spiritually, take control of our lives and handle our problems without depending on them. If they wanted to deceive us, on the other hand, they wouldn't teach us anything for ourselves but have us depend on them all the time.
  • There are some Gods which can form sexual/romantic relationships with human beings
    These are known as Incubi/Succubi. Again, many lies have been told about them by the enemy. No, they are not vampires and don't drain your energies. They are simply normal Gods/Demons who choose to have human beings as their partners. They are more than sex objects, as they also guide their human partners and help them spiritually as well as protect them.
  • To be able to see them astrally, you need to awaken your astral senses using power meditation
    Although even if you are new, you can still receive communication from them in other ways like signs and coincidences.
Links to more information:

Demons, the Gods of Hell (this entire section explains everything about Demons)

iii. Power Meditation

Power meditation is the basic practice of Spiritual Satanism. It's been said that if you are a Dedicated Satanist and only doing power meditation you aren't missing much else. On the other hand, if you do all the rituals of the world but never practice power meditation you will be like an outsider. Of course this is an exaggeration, but it makes an important point.

So, what do we do in Satanic Power Meditation?

First, let me be clear that Power Meditation is different than mainstream meditation. We do have a practice here that is almost the same mainstream meditation (it's called Void Meditation here) but it's done for a different purpose and it's also the only one. The purpose of Satanic Power meditation is not to relax or cure your depression (although doing it may help with that too) but to empower your soul, aura and chakras, train your mind and familiarize yourself with different energies in preparation for magick. For this reason, it's active and involves lots of visualization as well as trying to feel the specific energy or part of your soul.

If you feel intimidated by the word "visualization", let me assure you that it's no different to remembering or imagining something. If you have done these, you are able to visualize. Clairvoyance (seeing something visually while you have your eyes closed) is something totally different to visualization that most people need lots of training to do. So, visualization is seeing something with your mind's eye, not visually.

There are seven energy centers in the middle of your body with extensions to the front and back (your spine) that control most of your soul's hidden faculties. These are called chakras, and are among the most important things to focus on if you want a stronger soul, stronger magick and to open your astral senses to see the Gods, energy and other beings. They look like pyramids, but are usually spinning and when spun they look like energy vortexes. The chakras in most people lie dormant, so opening the chakras is important before doing anything else with them.

There's also an extension of your soul's energy a few inches farther from your body and this is called an aura. The aura contains energy that can be programmed using affirmations so you can be protected, confident, bring money to you and reflect enemy curses. It also needs to be cleaned daily for the same reason you shower and clean your body.

So, two basic meditations are spinning the chakras (after you've opened them) and cleaning your aura. Another one is the void meditation I mentioned above. In this meditation, you try to stay for several minutes without thinking anything. As I said, mainstream meditation is similar to this, but void meditation is done to train your mind to focus like a laser. It also helps in psychic self defense, to shut down any thoughts coming from enemy beings. The Foundation meditation also helps you breathe in and feel energy so that you can prepare yourself for using magick.

It's important to follow a daily program in which you include several important meditations to empower your soul in a balanced way, like the ones I mentioned above. There are also programs for beginner's such as the 40 day meditation program.

Before closing this section on Power meditation, I want to assure you that there's no wrong way to do that. If you are doing the visualization and are having the intention you're doing it correctly. In fact, the only way to do it wrong is to not do it at all. The mind will play many tricks when you try to meditate in order to stop you, such as telling you "it's boring" or "i'm doing it wrong" or "i can't get rid of my thoughts". Recognize them and dismiss them. If you stop meditating because you bought into one of these tricks, remember: the only way to do it wrong is not do it at all, and you fell right into the trap. Try again. If you have trouble with your thoughts, it's also normal for untrained minds and nothing to worry about. Just keep focusing on the object you're meditating.

Basic information about Power Meditation:

Important Information Concerning Power Meditation
Preparing the Mind for Meditation
Satanism and Power Meditation
Basic Meditation Program

General information about the soul and chakras:

Information Concerning the Mind
The Chakras
Aspects of the Soul

Basic Meditations:

Satanic Void Meditation
The Breath: The Basis of Magick, Energy Manipulation and Mind Power
Opening the Chakras
EZ Chakra Spin
How to Clean Your Aura
Meditation for Protection
Yogic Breathing Basics

iv. Magick

Magick in Spiritual Satanism is explained as simply using the powers of your mind that you develop through power meditation. You empower you soul with power meditation, and as you become stronger spiritually you can improve your life, help your friends and loved ones and punish the ones who wrong you. But as usual there's much enemy propaganda concerning magick, so let me clear this up:

  • Magick isn't "bad" or "evil"
    As I said, it's using the powers of your mind to manipulate natural energies. It's a natural thing like electricity. And magick, like electricity, can be used for good or bad purposes. By itself is amoral, just like electricity.
  • Black magick isn't "bad" or "evil", and doesn't "come back" to you if you use it correctly
    Black magick is the magickal equivalent of guns and assault rifles. In the USA, at least in most states, people are allowed to carry and own guns to defend themselves and their property, against thieves and tyrannical governments. When you own a gun and you are trained, you can use the gun without harming yourself at all. If you are dumb and aim the gun at yourself or do anything dumb, that's not the fault of the gun, but your fault. The same as black magick. It's used for defending yourself and it's very important. If you are trained in using it correctly, no harm will come to you. On the other hand, if you are dumb and invoke the negative energy instead of visualizing it outside of you, it's your own fault that the spell backfired, and not a characteristic of black magick. I've used so much black magick in my life that if the enemy propaganda about it was true, I would be worse than dead now. There's a caution, however: It's better to become proficient with white and grey magick before using black magick.
  • You don't need any specific tools/props to use magick
    Tools help focus your mind and direct the energy better, but are not necessary. Also, in magick (and power meditation sometimes) you can use mantras/sound vibrations, usually from Sanskrit or Runes. These raise up energy. But the whole stereotype of repeating some gibberish in some language you aren't familiar with is just theatrical LARPing.
  • Most magickal workings need to be repeated more than once, especially if you are a beginner
    I've seen some people who, after using a certain spell/working once, claim that it didn't work. Of course when questioned, these people admit that they didn't follow this up but only did it once.

    When you are using a magickal working, it usually needs to be repeated every day for at least 40 days for most people. It may work if you do it once, but only if you are advanced.
  • Magick isn't a replacement for practical things to improve your life, especially if you are new
    If you are doing a working to solve a certain problem, it's better to take action in physical life towards solving it as well. For example, if you are doing a working to be attractive to the opposite sex, make sure you go out and meet people. Don't just sit in your basement playing Fortnite all day while expecting a HB (hot babe) to come knocking at your door being madly in love with you just because you used a spell. Although if you are really, really advanced (close to becoming a God) this may happen too. In which case you wouldn't need a spell anyway.

With that being said, here are some resources from JoS about magick, for more info:

Powers of the Mind and Soul
The Three Steps of Witchcraft
Satanic Witchcraft

v. The Dedication Ritual

Let me talk a bit about the most important (and most popular) ritual here. Many other religions and esoteric paths have an initiation which you must complete to join. Spiritual Satanism has the Dedication Ritual, which is your self-initiation to Spiritual Satanism. After you complete it, you become an official Spiritual Satanist for all life.

The Dedication Ritual is important if you are serious and you're planning to advance far in SS. Satan protects those who are dedicated Satanists and assigns to them a Guardian Demon so they may advance without running into serious troubles from enemy beings.

Since the Dedication Ritual is a serious lifetime commitment, you need to be sure you want to do it. Take as much time as you need, practice, connect with Satan if you want to be convinced first. But keep in mind that some practices are not safe to do if you are not a Dedicated Satanist (vibrating the Satanic Enochian Keys or summoning a Demon, for example).

In the Dedication Ritual, you renounce the enemy lies and accept Satan as your God and promise to honor Him in return for his assistance and protection. That's basically what it is about. So, it's not about "selling your soul" or any other blasphemous lies. It also does not guarantee that you will get instantly contacted by Satan or any other being. It's not a "blood sacrifice" as it only uses blood as your signature because it contains your DNA and life-force.

The Dedication has power as it's your commitment, but you need to follow it up and do your daily practices after doing the Dedication. Satanism isn't like other religions where you convert and sit on your butt and do nothing and just have blind faith. In Satanism you need to work to empower and transform yourself. Consider the Dedication as your initial commitment that you will follow the path and keep transforming yourself and becoming closer to Satan.

The Dedication Ritual:

Making a Commitment to Satan

vi. Other Rituals, Celebrations, Satanic Holidays

The Dedication Ritual may be the most popular ritual here, but there other rituals you can use for specific purposes.

The generic ritual is the Standard Ritual. If you want to ask something from Satan or just talk to him, this is the ritual you can use. Of course it needs some tools, but it can be done without them, especially if you are young and live with your parents. Doing regular standard rituals helps you build a stronger bond with Satan, as well as meditating on his sigil.

There are also a few other rituals. If you want to thank Satan (especially tomorrow night that is Satan's day) use the thanksgiving ritual. If an enemy entity bothers you, use the banishing ritual to get rid of it.

Tomorrow night to the day after tomorrow (the day I'm writing this is December 21st, in case you are reading this at a later time) is the most important Holiday in Spiritual Satanism. It's Satan's personal day, so it's the best day to connect with Him, thank him, meditate on Him as well as celebrate in other ways like partying and getting together with your family as well as making New Year Resolutions.

There are other holidays in Spiritual Satanism which are about the same as in Paganism, since Spiritual Satanism is based on Ancient Paganism. These include Samhain(Modern halloween) and Beltane.

Some people ask about the Satanic Wedding ceremony. Let me tell you: it's very hard to do this because it's very hard to find a Satanic High Priest to perform it. Usually a civil non-religious marriage will be OK for you if you are a Spiritual Satanist. After that, you and your spouse can perform a commitment ritual to Satan, similar to the dedication ritual, in which you affirm that you are married to eachother and ask Satan to bless you.

Some Satanic Rituals:

Standard Ritual to Satan
Satanic Thanksgiving Ritual
Banishing Ritual

Information on Satanic Holidays:

Satanic Holidays
The Yule Season

vii. Satanic Ethics and Dealing with Everyday Situations

If you are coming from an enemy religion, you may be surprised to learn that Satanism isn't about being a "good boy for Satan". Satan doesn't really care much about that, he accepts you as you are.

There are some basic ethical principles in Spiritual Satanism:

  • Never harm an animal(except for food or self-defense)
    Animals are sacred to Satan and the Gods and contrary to the enemy lies, "sacrificing" them, harming or torturing them is offensive and blasphemous to them.
  • Never harm a child
    Children are also sacred to Satan and the Gods because they are more psychically open and less brainwashed by the enemy lies. So again, contrary to the enemy lies, harming or abusing them, not to speak of trying to "sacrifice" them incurs Satan's and the Gods' wrath.
  • Never harm a fellow Spiritual Satanist
    Spiritual Satanists are a minority and we can't afford to fight each other. When two Dedicated Satanists have disputes, they go to the Gods to reconcile them. If a person claims to be a Spiritual Satanist and attacks fellow Spiritual Satanists, either physically or using magick, that person will be punished.
  • Always respect Satan and the Demons and never try to control them or abuse them or use them for your selfish purposes
    To disobey this one you have to be very stupid. Don't you know that the Gods are very advanced beings and know your behaviors beforehand? It's very foolish to try to control these very powerful beings or to use them, because they are not stupid, nor are they "evil".
  • Fight back instead of turning the other cheek
    In Spiritual Satanism, unlike many fluffy wuzzy "white light" religions, we don't turn the other cheek but we fight back using legal means or magick. Obviously we can't afford to break the law, and we're law abiding. We also accept hatred and anger as legitimate emotions that help us fight tyranny and those who harm and oppress us. So we don't seek to suppress them or "turn them into love" like enemy religions do.
  • Avoid spiritually harming activities, for your own good
    Drugs, smoking, drinking and other things harm your aura and soul, not just your physical body. It will make it very hard to advance spiritually, so avoid them if you can. But if you are addicted to any of them, don't worry and don't beat yourself down. With meditation and working on your soul you can overcome your addictions.
  • Avoid telling people you're a Satanist, for your own protection
    This is not to say that you can't mention Satanism to someone who is open minded, but most people will react negatively and even disown you, stop talking to you or even harm you if you tell them you're a Satanist. It's even worse if you are young and you live with your parents. In the old Teens for Satan Yahoo Group, there was at least one horror story each month from desperate teenagers whose parents learned that they are Satanists. Well you can imagine what happened to them: being dragged to churches, sent to psychiatrists, kicked out of the home, had a Christian priest "exorcise" them, and even worse things like suffering physical harm and abuse.

Spiritual Satanism generally follows the Ancient Pagan warrior way of life instead of the Christian/New Age "love everyone and be a victim" or the materialistic/nihilistic/atheistic "there's no higher purpose, just follow your lower nature and be as degenerate as you can". In Spiritual Satanism, there is a higher purpose: constantly empowering and transforming yourself spiritually, to reach Godhood/The Magnum Opus. We seek to improve ourselves and become better, more knowledgeable, more wise, more powerful, more understanding. A stagnant person who keeps chasing temporary pleasures and putting things off and not meditating or working to improve him/herself won't advance very far here.

More information about Ethics and the Satanic Way of Life:

The Al Jilwah; The Black Book of Satan
The Commandments of Satan
Satanic Love
Reverence and Respect

viii. Satanism and Enemy Religions

If you come from an enemy religion, you need to deprogram yourself from it. Christianity and Islam are enemy religions. Judaism is an enemy racial religion, and racial jews even if they renounce judaism can't be accepted as Satanists. If you are a Gentile (non-jew) you will be accepted by Satan.

I'm not much familiar with Islam so I can only talk about Christianity myself here.

If you are coming from Christianity, please read the Exposing Christianity website (which is linked below). To sum up that website's message: Christianity is a stolen hoax which has stolen everything from ancient Pagan religions and mass murdered their people, burned down the Library of Alexandria as well as destroyed Pagan temples and build churches on top of them. Jesus is a fictional being which never existed and was stolen from virgin-born, crucified and resurrected Pagan Gods and his teachings were stolen from Buddhism. Christianity, unlike Satanism is based on blind faith, directing energy this way to nefarious human-hating alien beings that are behind it and masquerade as "Yahweh".

You also need to un-learn and re-learn certain things. As I said above, Spiritual Satanism isn't based on worshiping a being, isn't about being a "good boy" for Satan and the main practice is power meditation instead of robotic prayer.

In regards to dealing with people who are Christians, if you live with them, it's better not to tell them at all that you're a Satanist and don't leave any physical traces (like written rituals, journals or the JoS website in your browser's history). Do everything in your mind and your astral temple. Yes, you can do every ritual there.

Useful links for deprogramming with Christianity and dealing with Christians:

Exposing Christianity
Coping with Christians
The Truth about Christian Prayer
Kids and Teens for Satan

ix. How to get Started

What to do if you are new and you have read the above:

  • Make sure you understand everything relating to the basic things of Spiritual Satanism
  • Do the Dedication Ritual when you are ready
  • Start a daily power meditation program and follow it every day, at least 10 minutes a day
  • Do rituals and/or meditate on Satan's sigil to connect with Satan, at least one week (preferably every day if you can)

These are the absolutely necessary things, but feel free to add any other practices you like. Some practices are unnecessary though. You don't need to "find your Guardian Demon". Even if you do find a correct name and not a false one your over-exited subconscious may be giving you, it still doesn't mean your Guardian will contact you. Also, be sure to have done the Dedication Ritual and practicing daily power meditation for a while before trying to summon a Demon.

Above all, keep studying and learning more. Learning more and improving yourself is always a good thing.

I wish you a happy and safe journey in your Spiritual Satanic path!
Rational Satanist said:
In this post, I will explain all the basics of Spiritual Satanism. This is an updated version of my Beginner's guide. My previous guide assumed that you have a basic knowledge of the JoS site. This one will be different: it is for everyone, even for people who have not aware of that site. I will give some basic information about each main subject relating to SS and provide links to JoS pages which you can visit if you want to learn more about it.

  • What is Spiritual Satanism?
  • Satan and the Demons
  • Power Meditation
  • Magick
  • The Dedication Ritual
  • Other Rituals, Celebrations, Satanic Holidays
  • Satanic Ethics and Dealing with Everyday Situations
  • Satanism and Enemy Religions
  • How to Get Started

i. What is Spiritual Satanism?

You may be familiar with the term "Satanism". At least a few things might come to your mind. There are many types of Satanism, but the type of Satanism we practice here is called "Spiritual Satanism". There's a reason for that: It's Spiritual, having to do with your soul's transformation. We also know Satan as a real being. Other groups which call themselves Satanists are either based on the Christian mythology about Satan and the Demons or are atheists. They also do not meditate or empower their souls. There are a few things that Spiritual Satanism is and isn't about:

What SS isn't about:

  • Human/animal/blood sacrifices and other disgusting blasphemous lies
    These things have nothing to do with Satanism whatsoever. These come from Satan's enemies, as the entire Jewish/Christian bible is full of them. Even Jesus, according to the bible, was a human sacrifice.
  • Ritual BDSM and orgies
    In Satanism, all form of sexual expression that isn't rape or pedophilia is accepted. But these are not "sacred practices" nor are there any BDSM or mass sex rituals here. This usually comes from enemy lies about Satan by people who believe or promote them, believing Satan is a fearful/evil entity. Sometimes people who have repressed themselves sexually because of enemy lies engage in extreme sex acts in Satan's name because of that reason.
  • Selling your soul for money/fame
    Since I said that Spiritual Satanism is about empowering and transforming your soul, this obviously doesn't make any sense. If you lost or sold or had your soul stolen, that would defeat the entire purpose of Spiritual Satanism. Of course your soul is yours and will be yours forever.

    The second part is false as well. There's no way to gain instant money/fame here. Everything requires effort. Yes, even magick. There are lots of people that come to Spiritual Satanism with a lazy mindset, but they don't get what they expected. Satan isn't a fan of lazy people either.
  • LARPing
    There have been many ancient vampire warlocks and incarnated gods. In Spiritual Satanism, we deal with reality. Fantasizing that you are ultra-powerful, a mythological creature or a god in human form because deeply inside you have an insecure ego and/or you were bullied in school and people take advantage of you is not what Spiritual Satanism is about. You are human and you will stay human. And that's a good thing.

    The same is for people who think Satanism is about listening to black/death metal, saying "Hail Satan" all the time and being edgy. Satanism isn't about behaving in a certain way to show how uber Satanic you are (usually based on the enemy lies as Satanism isn't "dark" or "evil"). Many Spiritual Satanists look like normal people and you will not know that they are Spiritual Satanists until you ask them. In fact it's advisable to hide the fact that you are a SS because it can be very dangerous in some situations and some countries to show it.
  • Psychic Vampirism
    Being a parasite is not what true Satanism is about. We learn to empower our souls and use our own energies instead of leeching them off others.
  • Being a politically correct sheep
    There are other groups that call themselves Satanists and are politically correct drones and MRNA vaccine pushers. They do whatever the media tell them and support the violent marxist anti-white organization called BLM (which has nothing to do with black lives, by the way: they only chose this fake name to guilt-trip people who oppose them).
    In Spiritual Satanism there's questioning of everything. It's not politically correct. Satan, for that matter, is not politically correct.
  • Dabbling
    Spiritual Satanism is a religion for serious and committed people. It has a higher purpose and values loyalty and commitment. People interested in SS for superficial/materialistic purposes don't get far. The same for people who want to mix it with other religions.

What SS is about:

  • Transforming and empowering your soul
    The ultimate goal of Spiritual Satanism is completing the Magnum Opus, which gives you physical and spiritual perfection and immortality. We also empower our soul, chakras and aura using daily power meditation.
  • Building strong relationships with Satan and the Demons
    Having a connection to Satan and the Demons is important to advance in Spiritual Satanism. They offer us guidance and support and are our trusted friends, guides and teacher.
  • Using Magick for improving our lives, helping our friends and family and harming our enemies
    Magick is directing mental energy in order to accomplish our goals. This will be explained later in this guide.
  • Living in accordance to your nature and accepting yourself as you are.
    In Spiritual Satanism you're free to enjoy pleasurable things. You are not expected to abstain from anything, nor are you forced to do things you don't like.
  • Red-pilling yourself
    Studying and learning about what is really true that you haven't been told by your priest, pastor or the mainstream media. This involves learning the truth about who controls the world, the media and is the evil one.

For more general information about Spiritual Satanism, read these pages from the JoS site:

For Those Who Are New to Spiritual Satanism
Spiritual Satanism
Satanic Information for Atheists and Other Skeptics
The True Origins of Satanism
Death, Hell and the Afterlife
Satanic Symbols

ii. Satan and the Demons

If you are like most people, you have probably been imagining Satan and the Demons as evil monsters who possess people. Like everything else, it's just enemy propaganda. So let me clear up a few things about them:

  • Satan and the Demons are our ancient Pagan Gods, the original Gods of humanity
    They are have been known through every ancient pantheon. Satan, for example, was known as Enki in Sumeria, Odin/Wotan in Germanic countries, Poseidon in Greece and Shiva in India. Similarly, Astaroth/Astarte is another Demoness/Ancient Goddess who was Ishtar/Aphrodite/Freya in different pantheons. This means that Satan and the Demons aren't enemy inventions, but they have been slandered by their enemies and the enemy religions. They aren't "fallen angels", "empty shells" or whatever else blasphemous lies the enemy spews. They were never "angels".

    Satan is their leader and the being to go to and get to know if you are new to Satanism. He's beautiful, protective and friendly to his loyal people.
  • They are not evil, but ethical and human friendly beings
    Satan and the Demons love humanity because they created us. That doesn't mean they tolerate evil or abuse. But in general, if you are a Gentile and not a Jew, the Demons are our Gods and teachers. Especially if you are a Dedicated Satanist. In the Demons' descriptions you will notice that quite a few of them teach ethics. This right there shows that they aren't "evil" at all.
  • They don't possess people
    The closest thing to possession is invoking a God/Demon into your body. But this you can do only for a few minutes, since the Gods' energy is too powerful for a human being. Obviously they can't possess people for a long time because their energy is powerful and can obliterate a human body if their soul/astral body stays in it for a long time. And they also have physical bodies of their own so they can't afford to be away from them for a long time. They have business of their own to attend to. They can't waste their energy and time doing silly, useless things like possessions that the enemies claim.
  • They are extraterrestrial beings
    They are of the Nordic race of extraterrestrials, which explains why many of them (including Satan) are tall, blond-haired and blue eyed. They currently live in a planet in Orion's belt, but they used to be on earth a long time ago, and they will come back to earth again, physically.
  • They don't expect or demand any sort of blind/slave-like worship
    This may be hard for you to grasp if you are coming from a mainstream religion, but, really, they don't. This isn't a necessary thing for a Satanist and it doesn't help the Gods in any way. If you are a Dedicated Satanist you may do a standard or thanksgiving ritual to thank Satan and honor him because you love him, but just telling Satan how great he is all the time is just meaningless flattery done for an ulterior motive by insincere people. And of course you don't get any extra material stuff for doing this.
  • They can and do help us in time of need, but they expect us to handle ourselves on our own
    Self-reliance is a very important thing in Spiritual Satanism, and Satan and the Gods value it. They teach us on how to empower ourselves spiritually, take control of our lives and handle our problems without depending on them. If they wanted to deceive us, on the other hand, they wouldn't teach us anything for ourselves but have us depend on them all the time.
  • There are some Gods which can form sexual/romantic relationships with human beings
    These are known as Incubi/Succubi. Again, many lies have been told about them by the enemy. No, they are not vampires and don't drain your energies. They are simply normal Gods/Demons who choose to have human beings as their partners. They are more than sex objects, as they also guide their human partners and help them spiritually as well as protect them.
  • To be able to see them astrally, you need to awaken your astral senses using power meditation
    Although even if you are new, you can still receive communication from them in other ways like signs and coincidences.
Links to more information:

Demons, the Gods of Hell (this entire section explains everything about Demons)

iii. Power Meditation

Power meditation is the basic practice of Spiritual Satanism. It's been said that if you are a Dedicated Satanist and only doing power meditation you aren't missing much else. On the other hand, if you do all the rituals of the world but never practice power meditation you will be like an outsider. Of course this is an exaggeration, but it makes an important point.

So, what do we do in Satanic Power Meditation?

First, let me be clear that Power Meditation is different than mainstream meditation. We do have a practice here that is almost the same mainstream meditation (it's called Void Meditation here) but it's done for a different purpose and it's also the only one. The purpose of Satanic Power meditation is not to relax or cure your depression (although doing it may help with that too) but to empower your soul, aura and chakras, train your mind and familiarize yourself with different energies in preparation for magick. For this reason, it's active and involves lots of visualization as well as trying to feel the specific energy or part of your soul.

If you feel intimidated by the word "visualization", let me assure you that it's no different to remembering or imagining something. If you have done these, you are able to visualize. Clairvoyance (seeing something visually while you have your eyes closed) is something totally different to visualization that most people need lots of training to do. So, visualization is seeing something with your mind's eye, not visually.

There are seven energy centers in the middle of your body with extensions to the front and back (your spine) that control most of your soul's hidden faculties. These are called chakras, and are among the most important things to focus on if you want a stronger soul, stronger magick and to open your astral senses to see the Gods, energy and other beings. They look like pyramids, but are usually spinning and when spun they look like energy vortexes. The chakras in most people lie dormant, so opening the chakras is important before doing anything else with them.

There's also an extension of your soul's energy a few inches farther from your body and this is called an aura. The aura contains energy that can be programmed using affirmations so you can be protected, confident, bring money to you and reflect enemy curses. It also needs to be cleaned daily for the same reason you shower and clean your body.

So, two basic meditations are spinning the chakras (after you've opened them) and cleaning your aura. Another one is the void meditation I mentioned above. In this meditation, you try to stay for several minutes without thinking anything. As I said, mainstream meditation is similar to this, but void meditation is done to train your mind to focus like a laser. It also helps in psychic self defense, to shut down any thoughts coming from enemy beings. The Foundation meditation also helps you breathe in and feel energy so that you can prepare yourself for using magick.

It's important to follow a daily program in which you include several important meditations to empower your soul in a balanced way, like the ones I mentioned above. There are also programs for beginner's such as the 40 day meditation program.

Before closing this section on Power meditation, I want to assure you that there's no wrong way to do that. If you are doing the visualization and are having the intention you're doing it correctly. In fact, the only way to do it wrong is to not do it at all. The mind will play many tricks when you try to meditate in order to stop you, such as telling you "it's boring" or "i'm doing it wrong" or "i can't get rid of my thoughts". Recognize them and dismiss them. If you stop meditating because you bought into one of these tricks, remember: the only way to do it wrong is not do it at all, and you fell right into the trap. Try again. If you have trouble with your thoughts, it's also normal for untrained minds and nothing to worry about. Just keep focusing on the object you're meditating.

Basic information about Power Meditation:

Important Information Concerning Power Meditation
Preparing the Mind for Meditation
Satanism and Power Meditation
Basic Meditation Program

General information about the soul and chakras:

Information Concerning the Mind
The Chakras
Aspects of the Soul

Basic Meditations:

Satanic Void Meditation
The Breath: The Basis of Magick, Energy Manipulation and Mind Power
Opening the Chakras
EZ Chakra Spin
How to Clean Your Aura
Meditation for Protection
Yogic Breathing Basics

iv. Magick

Magick in Spiritual Satanism is explained as simply using the powers of your mind that you develop through power meditation. You empower you soul with power meditation, and as you become stronger spiritually you can improve your life, help your friends and loved ones and punish the ones who wrong you. But as usual there's much enemy propaganda concerning magick, so let me clear this up:

  • Magick isn't "bad" or "evil"
    As I said, it's using the powers of your mind to manipulate natural energies. It's a natural thing like electricity. And magick, like electricity, can be used for good or bad purposes. By itself is amoral, just like electricity.
  • Black magick isn't "bad" or "evil", and doesn't "come back" to you if you use it correctly
    Black magick is the magickal equivalent of guns and assault rifles. In the USA, at least in most states, people are allowed to carry and own guns to defend themselves and their property, against thieves and tyrannical governments. When you own a gun and you are trained, you can use the gun without harming yourself at all. If you are dumb and aim the gun at yourself or do anything dumb, that's not the fault of the gun, but your fault. The same as black magick. It's used for defending yourself and it's very important. If you are trained in using it correctly, no harm will come to you. On the other hand, if you are dumb and invoke the negative energy instead of visualizing it outside of you, it's your own fault that the spell backfired, and not a characteristic of black magick. I've used so much black magick in my life that if the enemy propaganda about it was true, I would be worse than dead now. There's a caution, however: It's better to become proficient with white and grey magick before using black magick.
  • You don't need any specific tools/props to use magick
    Tools help focus your mind and direct the energy better, but are not necessary. Also, in magick (and power meditation sometimes) you can use mantras/sound vibrations, usually from Sanskrit or Runes. These raise up energy. But the whole stereotype of repeating some gibberish in some language you aren't familiar with is just theatrical LARPing.
  • Most magickal workings need to be repeated more than once, especially if you are a beginner
    I've seen some people who, after using a certain spell/working once, claim that it didn't work. Of course when questioned, these people admit that they didn't follow this up but only did it once.

    When you are using a magickal working, it usually needs to be repeated every day for at least 40 days for most people. It may work if you do it once, but only if you are advanced.
  • Magick isn't a replacement for practical things to improve your life, especially if you are new
    If you are doing a working to solve a certain problem, it's better to take action in physical life towards solving it as well. For example, if you are doing a working to be attractive to the opposite sex, make sure you go out and meet people. Don't just sit in your basement playing Fortnite all day while expecting a HB (hot babe) to come knocking at your door being madly in love with you just because you used a spell. Although if you are really, really advanced (close to becoming a God) this may happen too. In which case you wouldn't need a spell anyway.

With that being said, here are some resources from JoS about magick, for more info:

Powers of the Mind and Soul
The Three Steps of Witchcraft
Satanic Witchcraft

v. The Dedication Ritual

Let me talk a bit about the most important (and most popular) ritual here. Many other religions and esoteric paths have an initiation which you must complete to join. Spiritual Satanism has the Dedication Ritual, which is your self-initiation to Spiritual Satanism. After you complete it, you become an official Spiritual Satanist for all life.

The Dedication Ritual is important if you are serious and you're planning to advance far in SS. Satan protects those who are dedicated Satanists and assigns to them a Guardian Demon so they may advance without running into serious troubles from enemy beings.

Since the Dedication Ritual is a serious lifetime commitment, you need to be sure you want to do it. Take as much time as you need, practice, connect with Satan if you want to be convinced first. But keep in mind that some practices are not safe to do if you are not a Dedicated Satanist (vibrating the Satanic Enochian Keys or summoning a Demon, for example).

In the Dedication Ritual, you renounce the enemy lies and accept Satan as your God and promise to honor Him in return for his assistance and protection. That's basically what it is about. So, it's not about "selling your soul" or any other blasphemous lies. It also does not guarantee that you will get instantly contacted by Satan or any other being. It's not a "blood sacrifice" as it only uses blood as your signature because it contains your DNA and life-force.

The Dedication has power as it's your commitment, but you need to follow it up and do your daily practices after doing the Dedication. Satanism isn't like other religions where you convert and sit on your butt and do nothing and just have blind faith. In Satanism you need to work to empower and transform yourself. Consider the Dedication as your initial commitment that you will follow the path and keep transforming yourself and becoming closer to Satan.

The Dedication Ritual:

Making a Commitment to Satan

vi. Other Rituals, Celebrations, Satanic Holidays

The Dedication Ritual may be the most popular ritual here, but there other rituals you can use for specific purposes.

The generic ritual is the Standard Ritual. If you want to ask something from Satan or just talk to him, this is the ritual you can use. Of course it needs some tools, but it can be done without them, especially if you are young and live with your parents. Doing regular standard rituals helps you build a stronger bond with Satan, as well as meditating on his sigil.

There are also a few other rituals. If you want to thank Satan (especially tomorrow night that is Satan's day) use the thanksgiving ritual. If an enemy entity bothers you, use the banishing ritual to get rid of it.

Tomorrow night to the day after tomorrow (the day I'm writing this is December 21st, in case you are reading this at a later time) is the most important Holiday in Spiritual Satanism. It's Satan's personal day, so it's the best day to connect with Him, thank him, meditate on Him as well as celebrate in other ways like partying and getting together with your family as well as making New Year Resolutions.

There are other holidays in Spiritual Satanism which are about the same as in Paganism, since Spiritual Satanism is based on Ancient Paganism. These include Samhain(Modern halloween) and Beltane.

Some people ask about the Satanic Wedding ceremony. Let me tell you: it's very hard to do this because it's very hard to find a Satanic High Priest to perform it. Usually a civil non-religious marriage will be OK for you if you are a Spiritual Satanist. After that, you and your spouse can perform a commitment ritual to Satan, similar to the dedication ritual, in which you affirm that you are married to eachother and ask Satan to bless you.

Some Satanic Rituals:

Standard Ritual to Satan
Satanic Thanksgiving Ritual
Banishing Ritual

Information on Satanic Holidays:

Satanic Holidays
The Yule Season

vii. Satanic Ethics and Dealing with Everyday Situations

If you are coming from an enemy religion, you may be surprised to learn that Satanism isn't about being a "good boy for Satan". Satan doesn't really care much about that, he accepts you as you are.

There are some basic ethical principles in Spiritual Satanism:

  • Never harm an animal(except for food or self-defense)
    Animals are sacred to Satan and the Gods and contrary to the enemy lies, "sacrificing" them, harming or torturing them is offensive and blasphemous to them.
  • Never harm a child
    Children are also sacred to Satan and the Gods because they are more psychically open and less brainwashed by the enemy lies. So again, contrary to the enemy lies, harming or abusing them, not to speak of trying to "sacrifice" them incurs Satan's and the Gods' wrath.
  • Never harm a fellow Spiritual Satanist
    Spiritual Satanists are a minority and we can't afford to fight each other. When two Dedicated Satanists have disputes, they go to the Gods to reconcile them. If a person claims to be a Spiritual Satanist and attacks fellow Spiritual Satanists, either physically or using magick, that person will be punished.
  • Always respect Satan and the Demons and never try to control them or abuse them or use them for your selfish purposes
    To disobey this one you have to be very stupid. Don't you know that the Gods are very advanced beings and know your behaviors beforehand? It's very foolish to try to control these very powerful beings or to use them, because they are not stupid, nor are they "evil".
  • Fight back instead of turning the other cheek
    In Spiritual Satanism, unlike many fluffy wuzzy "white light" religions, we don't turn the other cheek but we fight back using legal means or magick. Obviously we can't afford to break the law, and we're law abiding. We also accept hatred and anger as legitimate emotions that help us fight tyranny and those who harm and oppress us. So we don't seek to suppress them or "turn them into love" like enemy religions do.
  • Avoid spiritually harming activities, for your own good
    Drugs, smoking, drinking and other things harm your aura and soul, not just your physical body. It will make it very hard to advance spiritually, so avoid them if you can. But if you are addicted to any of them, don't worry and don't beat yourself down. With meditation and working on your soul you can overcome your addictions.
  • Avoid telling people you're a Satanist, for your own protection
    This is not to say that you can't mention Satanism to someone who is open minded, but most people will react negatively and even disown you, stop talking to you or even harm you if you tell them you're a Satanist. It's even worse if you are young and you live with your parents. In the old Teens for Satan Yahoo Group, there was at least one horror story each month from desperate teenagers whose parents learned that they are Satanists. Well you can imagine what happened to them: being dragged to churches, sent to psychiatrists, kicked out of the home, had a Christian priest "exorcise" them, and even worse things like suffering physical harm and abuse.

Spiritual Satanism generally follows the Ancient Pagan warrior way of life instead of the Christian/New Age "love everyone and be a victim" or the materialistic/nihilistic/atheistic "there's no higher purpose, just follow your lower nature and be as degenerate as you can". In Spiritual Satanism, there is a higher purpose: constantly empowering and transforming yourself spiritually, to reach Godhood/The Magnum Opus. We seek to improve ourselves and become better, more knowledgeable, more wise, more powerful, more understanding. A stagnant person who keeps chasing temporary pleasures and putting things off and not meditating or working to improve him/herself won't advance very far here.

More information about Ethics and the Satanic Way of Life:

The Al Jilwah; The Black Book of Satan
The Commandments of Satan
Satanic Love
Reverence and Respect

viii. Satanism and Enemy Religions

If you come from an enemy religion, you need to deprogram yourself from it. Christianity and Islam are enemy religions. Judaism is an enemy racial religion, and racial jews even if they renounce judaism can't be accepted as Satanists. If you are a Gentile (non-jew) you will be accepted by Satan.

I'm not much familiar with Islam so I can only talk about Christianity myself here.

If you are coming from Christianity, please read the Exposing Christianity website (which is linked below). To sum up that website's message: Christianity is a stolen hoax which has stolen everything from ancient Pagan religions and mass murdered their people, burned down the Library of Alexandria as well as destroyed Pagan temples and build churches on top of them. Jesus is a fictional being which never existed and was stolen from virgin-born, crucified and resurrected Pagan Gods and his teachings were stolen from Buddhism. Christianity, unlike Satanism is based on blind faith, directing energy this way to nefarious human-hating alien beings that are behind it and masquerade as "Yahweh".

You also need to un-learn and re-learn certain things. As I said above, Spiritual Satanism isn't based on worshiping a being, isn't about being a "good boy" for Satan and the main practice is power meditation instead of robotic prayer.

In regards to dealing with people who are Christians, if you live with them, it's better not to tell them at all that you're a Satanist and don't leave any physical traces (like written rituals, journals or the JoS website in your browser's history). Do everything in your mind and your astral temple. Yes, you can do every ritual there.

Useful links for deprogramming with Christianity and dealing with Christians:

Exposing Christianity
Coping with Christians
The Truth about Christian Prayer
Kids and Teens for Satan

ix. How to get Started

What to do if you are new and you have read the above:

  • Make sure you understand everything relating to the basic things of Spiritual Satanism
  • Do the Dedication Ritual when you are ready
  • Start a daily power meditation program and follow it every day, at least 10 minutes a day
  • Do rituals and/or meditate on Satan's sigil to connect with Satan, at least one week (preferably every day if you can)

These are the absolutely necessary things, but feel free to add any other practices you like. Some practices are unnecessary though. You don't need to "find your Guardian Demon". Even if you do find a correct name and not a false one your over-exited subconscious may be giving you, it still doesn't mean your Guardian will contact you. Also, be sure to have done the Dedication Ritual and practicing daily power meditation for a while before trying to summon a Demon.

Above all, keep studying and learning more. Learning more and improving yourself is always a good thing.

I wish you a happy and safe journey in your Spiritual Satanic path!

Beautiful post. For many people who are new, they should read this to understand things.
I was focused for about a year, I managed to get out of a marriage with an abusive fake Satanist, I went back to my parents' house, I managed to go three months without drinking or smoking... I felt strong, I got the job I wanted. wanted and suddenly everything fell apart. I'm going to start from scratch again, I got back to yoga yesterday and I'm going to organize my schedules to be able to reconcile work with my spiritual practices. (This was just a small rant) I write here with a doubt about some Gods being born of virgins... What would this virgin concept be here? I once read that a virgin in the old days was not a virgin literally, just a woman without a husband who lived with spiritual sexual practices (which would be those temples of love of Aphrodite and similar things)... Can someone clarify this please?
(Sorry for typos, I'm using google translator)

I love the work you did here! It's good to revisit these things from time to time.

On the topic of inccubus/succubus, I have a little confusion there. This idea is something I'm not against, although It's not really for me. I respect and understand that our Gods are physical beings just as we humans are; wanting to explore and feel an intimate connection with others.

Spiritual sex sounds strange to me though... like how does it work? Does the Demon/Demoness have the same experiences in an ethereal form?

Also, which Gods/Goddesses are of this category? I cannot think or fathom those high in the pantheon as inccubi/succubi. Some of them are married if I'm not mistaken; not to mention they are quite busy and (not to mention) beings that are far beyond our level.

My brain is just having a little trouble adjusting to this idea. Any information and thoughts are very welcome.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
