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  • All education systems are completely crashed and corrupted in Bangladesh.
    All Job sections are completely corrupted in Bangladesh .

    To get a government job , A student have to pay 20/30 lakh money to a bastard broker. If you are a woman, you have to make your body " Public Asset " to get any earning ways.

    Reverse Koran Ritual should be released soon by our Satan and Gods.

    All education systems are completely crashed and corrupted in Bangladesh.
    All Job sections are completely corrupted in Bangladesh .

    To get a government job , A student have to pay 20/30 lakh money to a bastard broker. If you are a woman, you have to make your body " Public Asset " to get any earning ways.

    Reverse Koran Ritual should be released soon by our Satan and Gods.

    Just for informing:

    There is no freedom speech in Bangladesh. Recently in all areas of Bangladesh, there is no internet. Enemies cut off the communication channels during the attack so that we could not protest freely. All bastards have same greys DNA.

    Jews, Christians, Muslims and others enemy agenda are same.

    Killing students should be stoped.

    #Save_Bangladeshi_students #DhakaUniversityUnderAttack
    I am sick. Sore throat problem. After taking rest 3 days, can I do the Lord Focalor Ritual ? There have many runes in the ritual.
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    Reactions: Hellenic SS
    BlackOnyx8 [JG]
    BlackOnyx8 [JG]
    This is not an answer to your question, but I wanted to suggest this, hope you get better soon
    I used to get colds and sore throats in the often. Used to be. But I have been invoking a fire element for some time. One breath is enough.
    And you need to strengthen your immune system in the most positive and healthy way possible with this energy. X9

    But it is not recommended for high blood pressure or inflammation or bleeding.
    If you still have a sore throat try adding some salt to your water (Preferably ancient salt like Himalaya salt), if you have mucus buildup on top of this, limit your sugar intake.

    Foods like honey & garlic can also be very helpful & healing.
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
