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Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

We had some forum issues [downtime unrelated to an attack, it looks like] so the release of the second Ritual will be by tomorrow.

We ought keep steady on the given schedule as it is. Thanks to everyone in the family.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We had some forum issues [downtime unrelated to an attack, it looks like] so the release of the second Ritual will be by tomorrow.

We ought keep steady on the given schedule as it is. Thanks to everyone in the family.


I felt that. I did the Rtrs and tried to raise energy because I was worried we were under an attack, But I felt comfort in knowing everything would be back up and running.

I know the enemy will never succeed at shutting us down, but it was a little worrying.

Hail Satan!
Fuchs said:
Well they don´t look like, as they should (Fehu, Sowilo,Ansuz). If you compare the unicode and the pictures.

Egon said:
:) Now Runic unicode exists so you can type with actual runic letter as well as to not rely on an image link that may or may not disappear.

List of Runic letters to copy-paste from: https://www.personal.psu.edu/ejp10/blogs/gotunicode/charts/runes.html

Fehu x10, Sowilo x10, Odthal x10, Ansuz x10

The "Twig Bjarkan" looks more like Fehu, if you look at the list. And many are wrong, backwards Wunjo and upside-down Algiz.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We had some forum issues [downtime unrelated to an attack, it looks like] so the release of the second Ritual will be by tomorrow.

We ought keep steady on the given schedule as it is. Thanks to everyone in the family.


Im eager to perform this new ritual.

After today's rituals, I felt a pressure in my base chakra and my head felt heavier.

Let's keep going!

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=430319 time=1678773828 user_id=57]
, if you look at the list. And many are wrong, backwards Wunjo and upside-down Algiz.

What do you mean? They look as they should ᛉ ᚹ

The "Twig Bjarkan" looks more like Fehu
Don't think so, the upper line is too long and the diagonal lines too short
The actual Fehu looks exactly as the JoS picture version
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Berkano x10, Ansuz x10, Dagaz x10, Sowilo x10

Chant AUM 1 time and then vibrate the following word 20 times:


Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Heavenly Father Satan & Beelzebul, Bless us all in the Joy of Satan.
Heavenly Mother Astarte & Sun of Life Azazel, Bless us all in the Joy of Satan.

Then Vibrate 10 times: SA-TA-NA-MA, then chant AUM once and Affirm 3 times:

“Blessed are we - all of us Spiritual Satanists, are learning and growing in a blessed environment of Truth and Divinity.

Blessed is the Joy of Satan, Blessed is the Priesthood, Blessed are the Members, Blessed are the Ministers, Blessed are all those dedicated to Father Satan by Blood and members of the Joy of Satan!

Blessed are all our Dedicated and Loyal Members, now and permanently .”

Then chant AUM once, and close the Ritual.


AJOGA = A as in Almond, JO as in JOy, GA as in GAs.

KRA as in =CRO-w.
NA as in = NA-rcosis.
KA as in KA-Li.
BEE as the word BEE in English.
PURUSTHA as in PU from PUsh, RU as in RU-de, STHA as in Steady, but with a strong H after the T.
YAJA as in YA-smin and JU-stice.
SVA as in SVEN.
HE as in HE-y.

Egon said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=430319 time=1678773828 user_id=57]
, if you look at the list. And many are wrong, backwards Wunjo and upside-down Algiz.

What do you mean? They look as they should ᛉ ᚹ

The "Twig Bjarkan" looks more like Fehu
Don't think so, the upper line is too long and the diagonal lines too short
The actual Fehu looks exactly as the JoS picture version
They actually appear differently for different people because the fonts vary from computer to computer. For you they might look fine, but not for me. And for quite a few people, they will see empty boxes. :shock:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Here is the webpage with Rune images:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=430501 time=1678825443 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Here is the webpage with Rune images:

This is so exciting!!!!
Thank you!!
SS people, please thank HPHC to the point of beyond annoyance for these gifts. These are the highest echelons of magick we have ever done along with the Gods Rituals and all of your heavenly sent rituals.

Please all of you, write now an email to him and tell him how much you love him! I will spy all of you astrally and know who didn't!

At this last ritual, really give him the most loving energies on this planet! If not I will be upset on you!

Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=430495 time=1678824647 user_id=346]
Egon said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=430319 time=1678773828 user_id=57]
, if you look at the list. And many are wrong, backwards Wunjo and upside-down Algiz.

What do you mean? They look as they should ᛉ ᚹ

The "Twig Bjarkan" looks more like Fehu
Don't think so, the upper line is too long and the diagonal lines too short
The actual Fehu looks exactly as the JoS picture version
They actually appear differently for different people because the fonts vary from computer to computer. For you they might look fine, but not for me. And for quite a few people, they will see empty boxes. :shock:
Yeah, for me fehu there looks like a jew letter. Other runes are spun around so they don't really look like they should. And they're curvy instead of having hard angles which distorts them even more.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Berkano x10, Ansuz x10, Dagaz x10, Sowilo x10

Chant AUM 1 time and then vibrate the following word 20 times:


Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Heavenly Father Satan & Beelzebul, Bless us all in the Joy of Satan.
Heavenly Mother Astarte & Sun of Life Azazel, Bless us all in the Joy of Satan.

Then Vibrate 10 times: SA-TA-NA-MA, then chant AUM once and Affirm 3 times:

“Blessed are we - all of us Spiritual Satanists, are learning and growing in a blessed environment of Truth and Divinity.

Blessed is the Joy of Satan, Blessed is the Priesthood, Blessed are the Members, Blessed are the Ministers, Blessed are all those dedicated to Father Satan by Blood and members of the Joy of Satan!

Blessed are all our Dedicated and Loyal Members, now and permanently .”

Then chant AUM once, and close the Ritual.


AJOGA = A as in Almond, JO as in JOy, GA as in GAs.

KRA as in =CRO-w.
NA as in = NA-rcosis.
KA as in KA-Li.
BEE as the word BEE in English.
PURUSTHA as in PU from PUsh, RU as in RU-de, STHA as in Steady, but with a strong H after the T.
YAJA as in YA-smin and JU-stice.
SVA as in SVEN.
HE as in HE-y.

I apologize: I have a question, just one thing, in the text of the ritual it says "Ajoha" while in the pronunciations of the ritual it says "Ajoga", which of the two is the correct version? Thanks!
Egon said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=430319 time=1678773828 user_id=57]
, if you look at the list. And many are wrong, backwards Wunjo and upside-down Algiz.

What do you mean? They look as they should ᛉ ᚹ

The "Twig Bjarkan" looks more like Fehu
Don't think so, the upper line is too long and the diagonal lines too short
The actual Fehu looks exactly as the JoS picture version

Dear Brother, it seems like you have the same idea regarding doing a God ritual every day, related to the God. I am referring to your signature. I have nearly the exact same idea, but for me, Father Satan is on Monday since that's His day and Lord Abrasax goes on Wednesday, because all the Divine Forces He rules over deals with dualities and in some way, their union. So I felt Mercury would suit this better.

What do you think? I hate to post off-topic but it's the first time I'm noticing it on your signature. I'd like to hear your view at any rate.

Also, the new rituals are fire! They take a short time too. Might as well plan to incorporate these into my routine at least semi-regularly.
sshivafr said:
Personal experience with the RTR Serpent Empowerment. It's a bit embarrassing to talk about this, but it is to testify that this ritual is very powerful!!

Last night I thought I was a bit horny sexually speaking, but it wasn't that! I felt in the perineum as if something was sliding around, almost in a circle, coming and going in that area. I think my snake has REALLY woken up.

I panicked a bit and instantly thought, "oh no Father Satan, I don't think I'm ready for this! I don't want to get too empowered until I clean it up again and again."
I mentally visualized the sigil of Father Satan.

After about fifteen minutes, I could not feel anything in my perineum. The snake had fallen asleep again...
What an idiot I am...

A few things to mention here. This tingling is normal and because of how transformative this process is it can be very gradual. Sometimes it will be various sensations. The sex drive can be increased because of the kundalini waking up. This usually passes in time.

If you are not ready and it still continues to occur. Just do your best in balancing the mind and cleaning your soul.

Sometimes as well. The serpent as it circulates and rises through the chakras will lead to more and more dross surfacing in the mind as it wants us to deal with this.

The serpent energy is incredibly patient. And works with someone who is on the path and doing what they need to be doing for themselves.

This force is destructive only to those who force it and misuse it, and those kinds of people end up thoroughly ruined from pushing the serpent.

Fear should definitely be out with this. The experience is important to grow past and takes varying periods of time.

The reality as well is even after the serpent pierces the crown chakra initially for the first time, one has to continue working with it. Continued work on the soul and circulating the energy goes hand in hand.

As even after this point there will be still alot of work to be done.

To put this into perspective. It's like breathing for the first time again. The power and wisdom and what one is capable from achieving from this force is not usually available immediately.

Like in the case of people who expect such grand displays of power and knowledge, this is not the truth in regards to the kundalini.

It's an evolutionary force and very gradual. You don't have much to worry about in proceeding forward just be brave and do what you must in progressing.

Father Satan, other Demons and your Guardian Demon will help you.

In which order do we do the following,






Or we go from top words to bottom once





And that's considered one round then go back from the top word down again for the next round. Up until 4 times.

I've been doing it the first way but I would like some clarity. This will pretty much cover the same question for the second new ritual.
High Priest Hooded Cobra, are you sure about these two pronunciations?

- SA-VA = SA as in SA-rdine, VA is just a VA like in the word VA-sectomy.

That would be a short A then, like "SAT"? I would have guessed it was like "SAW"?

- SA as in SA-tan.
That would be like "SAY". I would have guessed it was "SAW".
Egon said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=430319 time=1678773828 user_id=57]
, if you look at the list. And many are wrong, backwards Wunjo and upside-down Algiz.

What do you mean? They look as they should ᛉ ᚹ

The "Twig Bjarkan" looks more like Fehu
Don't think so, the upper line is too long and the diagonal lines too short
The actual Fehu looks exactly as the JoS picture version

I'm glad JG Soaring cleared it up, that they look different based on the computer. The Fehu you are posting is not like the one on JoS, the lines are rounded, not straight. Which is why I said the "twig bjarkan" looks more like Fehu, as the lines are at least straight.

So this is completely useless as it does not even look correct for many people.

Egon said:
What do you mean? They look as they should
Obviously not or I would not have written that they are upside-down.
After performing the new second ritual, it felt as if my kundalini was physically manifesting itself, very fascinating experience not gonna lie.
Blessed is the Joy of Satan, Blessed is the Priesthood, Blessed are the Members, Blessed are the Ministers, Blessed are all those dedicated to Father Satan by Blood and members of the Joy of Satan!

What is the difference between "priesthood" and "ministers"?
Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AJOGA = A as in Almond, JO as in JOy, GA as in GAs.
Just to be clear, Brother, is it AJOHA or AJOGA?

AJOHA with an H, sound as described. Apologies for this very minor detail. Do not worry, this affects nothing at all. The exhale is what matters.

Artanis said:
Blessed is the Joy of Satan, Blessed is the Priesthood, Blessed are the Members, Blessed are the Ministers, Blessed are all those dedicated to Father Satan by Blood and members of the Joy of Satan!

What is the difference between "priesthood" and "ministers"?

Priesthood means specifically people who execute the priestly tasks an duties incumbent in these.

Minister would mean those who have ministerial tasks to execute, including management, position of power, or position of spiritual influence by acts inside the community.

Donovandal said:
After performing the new second ritual, it felt as if my kundalini was physically manifesting itself, very fascinating experience not gonna lie.

The Rituals are very carefully tailored. I am very glad. This schedule has been one of the best so far.

Jackalope said:
High Priest Hooded Cobra, are you sure about these two pronunciations?

- SA-VA = SA as in SA-rdine, VA is just a VA like in the word VA-sectomy.

That would be a short A then, like "SAT"? I would have guessed it was like "SAW"?

- SA as in SA-tan.
That would be like "SAY". I would have guessed it was "SAW".

The pronunctiations are exactly as I wrote there. The A could be drawn less or more, no worries either way, but it should be clearly pronounced.

hailourtruegod said:
Or we go from top words to bottom once





And that's considered one round then go back from the top word down again for the next round. Up until 4 times.

I've been doing it the first way but I would like some clarity. This will pretty much cover the same question for the second new ritual.

The second way is the most optimal way. One full round, then another full round.

existentialcrisis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Are these rituals sanskrit? The first one seemed like greek, maybe ancient greek. What do the words mean?

There are few things I would say in regards to this. Yes, Sanskrit and Ancient Greek do play a part, all of this, goes back to the Gods.

Focus and feel.

NakedPluto said:
SS people, please thank HPHC to the point of beyond annoyance for these gifts. These are the highest echelons of magick we have ever done along with the Gods Rituals and all of your heavenly sent rituals.

Please all of you, write now an email to him and tell him how much you love him! I will spy all of you astrally and know who didn't!

At this last ritual, really give him the most loving energies on this planet! If not I will be upset on you!


Thank you, I am very glad everyone will get excellent help. I am already receiving many testimonials. Feedback is beautiful.

People should also thank and say HAIL BEELZEBUL.

I want everyone to be engaged in the environment of love, brotherhood, and support. May everyone be blessed in their whole existence.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=430501 time=1678825443 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Here is the webpage with Rune images:

Thank you JG Soaring. Appreciated. Now I update the original topic.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
SS people, please thank HPHC to the point of beyond annoyance for these gifts. These are the highest echelons of magick we have ever done along with the Gods Rituals and all of your heavenly sent rituals.

Please all of you, write now an email to him and tell him how much you love him! I will spy all of you astrally and know who didn't!

At this last ritual, really give him the most loving energies on this planet! If not I will be upset on you!


Thank you, I am very glad everyone will get excellent help. I am already receiving many testimonials. Feedback is beautiful.

People should also thank and say HAIL BEELZEBUL.

I want everyone to be engaged in the environment of love, brotherhood, and support. May everyone be blessed in their whole existence.

You're right, NakedPluto.

HP HoodedCobra666 is nothing but an absolute blessing to us all!

I feel blessed to have the honor of being in the presence (albeit through forums for obvious reasons...) of such an amazing HP!!

Thank you, HP HoodedCobra666 for not abandoning us, for guiding us, helping us, for letting such beautiful rituals and whatnot come to light!! :)

Thank you very much for your comments and explanations which help me a lot.

Yes, this is what I am afraid of: that the awakening of Kundalini could make me lose my mind, go crazy.

I don't force kundalini at all, as I don't force it on other dangerous subjects like black magic.

I feel very comfortable clearing the dross and freeing the soul. I am not in any hurry at all, on the contrary.

Thank you SerpentWalker for taking the time to explain the kundalini process and the intelligence of this force that will not make me do anything. I just need to keep working on myself and relax about it.

In conclusion, I will say: this ritual program is extremely powerful!!!

I felt so many things, emotions, a lot of love for my brothers and sisters, a lot of love for the Gods, physical sensations so, it's just beautiful.

As NakedPluto says: thank you Brother Cobra, I send you all my gratitude and my deep friendship. 🖤
Glory Lord Belzebul !
Glory Lord Satan !
Glory to the many wonderful Gods !
Thank you Gods help over the last few days.
Special thanks to Goddess Astarte for her help. After her rituals, I learned a yoga asana that I have long wanted to do.
I just didn't know how to start until now.
NakedPluto said:
SS people, please thank HPHC to the point of beyond annoyance for these gifts. These are the highest echelons of magick we have ever done along with the Gods Rituals and all of your heavenly sent rituals.

Please all of you, write now an email to him and tell him how much you love him! I will spy all of you astrally and know who didn't!

At this last ritual, really give him the most loving energies on this planet! If not I will be upset on you!


Yes! Every time I do the employment ritual, I actually feel SS members getting jobs and/or increased financial stability! And that's with me probably pronouncing at least some of the words wrong, but it is still effective :)
Thank you HP for these rituals, and most of all our gods who were a part of having these made. This will really help me a lot.
Lightningsnake said:
Thank you Gods help over the last few days.
Special thanks to Goddess Astarte for her help. After her rituals, I learned a yoga asana that I have long wanted to do.
I just didn't know how to start until now.

We must also thank ourselves, and we must understand, that we are doing this under the Gods. So as a community we should be proud of ourselves.

Wildfire said:
Thank you HP for these rituals, and most of all our gods who were a part of having these made. This will really help me a lot.

Personally I can only imagine how much this would have helped me when I was around and entered the JoS, or many years ago. It was very difficult to literally go about everything without any help.

Now it's anything but that.

I am very glad to have done the things that I have, we came from nothing essentially. I do hope that everyone understands and does receive from this.
I think this has been the most intense energy response in a single schedule consistently for each day of the rituals that I've had. For all of the Gods rituals, though I've felt different things with them, the energies of all of them felt so potent and strong. Even for the serpent rituals and the newest ones added this week.

A lot of heat in my soul, a lot of head tingles especially the crown, and overall feeling embraced by the energies. I'm very grateful for the new rituals. It felt like pathways were opening up and things that were really hard to get to manifest are feeling just that much more easier.

Thank you, High Priest Hooded Cobra !!!
Hail Satan!!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Vibrate in a series the following Runes x10 times teach.

Berkano x10, Ansuz x10, Dagaz x10, Sowilo x10

Then, Chant AUM 1 time and then vibrate the following word 20 times:


Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Heavenly Father Satan & Beelzebul, Bless us all in the Joy of Satan.
Heavenly Mother Astarte & Sun of Life Azazel, Bless us all in the Joy of Satan.

Then Vibrate 10 times: SA-TA-NA-MA, then chant AUM once and Affirm 3 times:

“Blessed are we - all of us Spiritual Satanists, are learning and growing in a blessed environment of Truth and Divinity.

Blessed is the Joy of Satan, Blessed is the Priesthood, Blessed are the Members, Blessed are the Ministers, Blessed are all those dedicated to Father Satan by Blood and members of the Joy of Satan!

Blessed are all our Dedicated and Loyal Members, now and permanently .”

Then chant AUM once, and close the Ritual.


AJOHA = A as in Almond, JO as in JOy, HA as in HAilstorm.

KRA as in =CRO-w.
NA as in = NA-rcosis.
KA as in KA-Li.
BEE as the word BEE in English.
PURUSTHA as in PU from PUsh, RU as in RU-de, STHA as in Steady, but with a strong H after the T.
YAJA as in YA-smin and JU-stice.
SVA as in SVEN.
HE as in HE-y.



Blessings For Employment, Financial Safety & Protection RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Fehu x10, Sowilo x10, Odthal x10, Ansuz x10

Chant AUM 3 times, then vibrate the following words 4 times:





Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Lord Beelzebul, Lord Amon Ra, Lord Raum, take care of our lots. Lord Gods under Satan and Beelzebul, help hear our prayer. We pray to you in homage and respect, hear us Great Lords.

Then AUM again, and then affirm 3 times:

“All Spiritual Satanists, dedicated to Father Satan by blood, are always, financially safe, have their needs accommodated for, are prosperous and safeguarded from any and all threats to their livelihood and income.

All Spiritual Satanists dedicated to Father Satan by blood, always find easily and effortlessly matching employment and resources for their life, well-being and progress.

The Gods who are our supporters, may our Gods bless us all with safety, well-being, prosperity and abundance. I pray that all my brothers and sisters, dedicated to Father Satan by their blood like myself, are now and permanently blessed.”

Chant AUM once more after you are done with the affirmation for 3 times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


SA-VA = SA as in SA-rdine, VA is just a VA like in the word VA-sectomy.

PRATA as in PRADA, but with a T.

SA as in SA-tan.

AYATE as in AYA-TE with the TE as in TE-chnology.

ET-AM as in ET-ernal and AM-on from the word AMON.

PAR-DU as in PAR-agraph and DU-ke.

PA-VO as in PA-ragraph and VO-ltaire.

DI as in DI-stance, NU as in Nu-clear, MA as in MA-ster.


Ritual Schedule Original Post, March 6th.

Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Satanic Family,

Due to the favors of the planets we will be doing certain Rituals. It's been a while since our latest Ritual for Lord Andras, which was most impressive and certainly did bless everyone with endless positive and bolstered energy.

A point to make here is to treat the Rituals with respect and with awareness of how these contribute to your long journey as a soul. The Gods are opening up to us so that we will receive from them and advance ourselves, and there is nothing more important than this relation.

Participation in these shows willingness, openness, and opens up your mind and soul to what in other ways would have remained dormant. We will repeat some of the already done Rituals. Shortly after, two more Rituals will be released.

Then, after this, another Demon Ritual will follow. But we are now on this schedule.

Soon it will be the Satanic New Year, and we are preparing for this to enter the New Year with developments and strongly.

This Schedule will be focused primarily on delivering blessings to everyone. As a result, there are two new Rituals there, so that everyone in the community can benefit. We want everyone to be safe, powerful, and able to proceed in life with a support backing everyone up.

Below you will see that in some spaces some Rituals will be coming. These are scheduled for release within 48 hours.*

The FRTR is a given as per usual.

https://evilgoy.com/ - Here all the Rituals can be found.

Ritual List and Dates:

6. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
7. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
8. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
9. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
10. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
11. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
12. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
13. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
14. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
15. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists
16. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists
17. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Links to the Rituals:

Beelzebul's Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Baalzebul_Power_Ritual.html
Astarte's Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Astarte_Power_Ritual.html
Azazel's Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Azazel_Power_Ritual.html
Serpent is Free: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse324Ritual.html
Serpent Empowered: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/E712.html
Serpent Ascended: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse314Ritual.html
Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/ProsperityRitualRunes.html
Blessing for Employment, Progress and Financial Safety Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Blessings_Financial_Safety_Ritual.html
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: https://satanslibrary.org/Community_Blessing_Ritual.html
Backup is good. We stick together. Even at war.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Vibrate in a series the following Runes x10 times teach.

Berkano x10, Ansuz x10, Dagaz x10, Sowilo x10

Then, Chant AUM 1 time and then vibrate the following word 20 times:


Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Heavenly Father Satan & Beelzebul, Bless us all in the Joy of Satan.
Heavenly Mother Astarte & Sun of Life Azazel, Bless us all in the Joy of Satan.

Then Vibrate 10 times: SA-TA-NA-MA, then chant AUM once and Affirm 3 times:

“Blessed are we - all of us Spiritual Satanists, are learning and growing in a blessed environment of Truth and Divinity.

Blessed is the Joy of Satan, Blessed is the Priesthood, Blessed are the Members, Blessed are the Ministers, Blessed are all those dedicated to Father Satan by Blood and members of the Joy of Satan!

Blessed are all our Dedicated and Loyal Members, now and permanently .”

Then chant AUM once, and close the Ritual.


AJOHA = A as in Almond, JO as in JOy, HA as in HAilstorm.

KRA as in =CRO-w.
NA as in = NA-rcosis.
KA as in KA-Li.
BEE as the word BEE in English.
PURUSTHA as in PU from PUsh, RU as in RU-de, STHA as in Steady, but with a strong H after the T.
YAJA as in YA-smin and JU-stice.
SVA as in SVEN.
HE as in HE-y.



Blessings For Employment, Financial Safety & Protection RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Fehu x10, Sowilo x10, Odthal x10, Ansuz x10

Chant AUM 3 times, then vibrate the following words 4 times:





Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Lord Beelzebul, Lord Amon Ra, Lord Raum, take care of our lots. Lord Gods under Satan and Beelzebul, help hear our prayer. We pray to you in homage and respect, hear us Great Lords.

Then AUM again, and then affirm 3 times:

“All Spiritual Satanists, dedicated to Father Satan by blood, are always, financially safe, have their needs accommodated for, are prosperous and safeguarded from any and all threats to their livelihood and income.

All Spiritual Satanists dedicated to Father Satan by blood, always find easily and effortlessly matching employment and resources for their life, well-being and progress.

The Gods who are our supporters, may our Gods bless us all with safety, well-being, prosperity and abundance. I pray that all my brothers and sisters, dedicated to Father Satan by their blood like myself, are now and permanently blessed.”

Chant AUM once more after you are done with the affirmation for 3 times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


SA-VA = SA as in SA-rdine, VA is just a VA like in the word VA-sectomy.

PRATA as in PRADA, but with a T.

SA as in SA-tan.

AYATE as in AYA-TE with the TE as in TE-chnology.

ET-AM as in ET-ernal and AM-on from the word AMON.

PAR-DU as in PAR-agraph and DU-ke.

PA-VO as in PA-ragraph and VO-ltaire.

DI as in DI-stance, NU as in Nu-clear, MA as in MA-ster.


Ritual Schedule Original Post, March 6th.

Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Satanic Family,

Due to the favors of the planets we will be doing certain Rituals. It's been a while since our latest Ritual for Lord Andras, which was most impressive and certainly did bless everyone with endless positive and bolstered energy.

A point to make here is to treat the Rituals with respect and with awareness of how these contribute to your long journey as a soul. The Gods are opening up to us so that we will receive from them and advance ourselves, and there is nothing more important than this relation.

Participation in these shows willingness, openness, and opens up your mind and soul to what in other ways would have remained dormant. We will repeat some of the already done Rituals. Shortly after, two more Rituals will be released.

Then, after this, another Demon Ritual will follow. But we are now on this schedule.

Soon it will be the Satanic New Year, and we are preparing for this to enter the New Year with developments and strongly.

This Schedule will be focused primarily on delivering blessings to everyone. As a result, there are two new Rituals there, so that everyone in the community can benefit. We want everyone to be safe, powerful, and able to proceed in life with a support backing everyone up.

Below you will see that in some spaces some Rituals will be coming. These are scheduled for release within 48 hours.*

The FRTR is a given as per usual.

https://evilgoy.com/ - Here all the Rituals can be found.

Ritual List and Dates:

6. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
7. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
8. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
9. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
10. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
11. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
12. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
13. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
14. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
15. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists
16. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists
17. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Links to the Rituals:

Beelzebul's Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Baalzebul_Power_Ritual.html
Astarte's Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Astarte_Power_Ritual.html
Azazel's Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Azazel_Power_Ritual.html
Serpent is Free: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse324Ritual.html
Serpent Empowered: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/E712.html
Serpent Ascended: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse314Ritual.html
Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/ProsperityRitualRunes.html
Blessing for Employment, Progress and Financial Safety Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Blessings_Financial_Safety_Ritual.html
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: https://satanslibrary.org/Community_Blessing_Ritual.html
I just hope Satan helps us get what we deserve..
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
11. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
12. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
13. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
14. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
15. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists
16. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists
17. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Hi, i am a litle bit confused about the Progress and Wealth Ritual, it is the same with Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual?
The first day of Lord Azazel's Ritual I was nearly brought to tears of joy. The sheer magnitude of what He has done for JOS set in, and I was brought to realize that. How much I appreciate Him, High Priest Cobra, Maxine, and the priesthood and clergy who made all of this possible is impossible to express with words.
Also on the second day of Lord Azazel's Ritual, my device literally bricked on me attempting to thwart my participation, but it failed as I had to break routine, but logged in from another secure source. Which brings me to this question... What are the implications of physically writing or storing hard copies of the Final RTR?
To avoid such technological inconveniences would it be unwise to record the enemy's rotten aleph-bet in form of RTR in a curse book? I view this as a tool, and have no fear of doing it, but would appreciate advice from advanced members on this subject.
In my opinion, since I have pdf format of RTR in cold storage and printable version, the kike letters exist the same as they would in an unopened book. I would go all out and not allow the letters to be viewed and plan to keep them under lock and key to avoid innocent prying eyes.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=430501 time=1678825443 user_id=346]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Here is the webpage with Rune images:

This is truly cool and good :)

Thank you for your work
I've learned to have a much greater appreciation for Lord Apollo during this schedule. When I do these power rituals of the Gods, I feel like they were never strangers, like they have always been there for us. Their friendliness towards us is amazing and comforting. Lord Apollo's Influence, for example, remains even well after the ritual.

Hail Satan and all of our Gods!
Thank you HP for the rituals, they really got me back into meditating and improving my life.

I would like to ask, will we be doing a ritual for Mother Lilith? To clense her name, and the curses dumb and ignorant people trow at her ( Diablo 4 is comming out @oon, and it seems that they put Mother Liliths name as the main antagonist)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
