Welcome to our New Forums!

Our forums have been upgraded and expanded!


jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
As the community expands the forum function is no longer sufficient considering the sheer volume of activity that occurs on a daily basis. Many useful articles, posts, advice and insight is basically lost in this disorganized fashion.

It's heartwarming to think that we have reached a stage where we need a more diversified staff besides just clergy and mods to manage the Joy of Satan collective. It is a sign that we are growing and evolving quite a bit.

Yes, there will be a Librarian for every section of foreign languages, and many editors and translators. I have already appointed many, but details will be forthcoming. Every language, their own librarian and so on. This has been done before this too.

This has been ongoing in many directions, not just the library.

Also, you could collect this information and these posts [without bias in regards to what one likes, but rather, their function, and even if they are repetitive], which later could be worked together with the English Librarian or person in charge of the Library, and an editor, and you put these up to improve the library? There is a vacancy here, and this work is really important. And only people with a certain standing in the community could do this for obvious reasons.

Please accept the job if you can, Dahaarkan. I trust your judgement.

I agree, Dahaarkan would be great for this role :)
I wanted to give advice in general that does not concern the library.
On some pages, at the end there is a symbol with a pentagram inside a circle with flames (from what it looks like), the colour of this image is grey, maybe it would be better to change it.
It would give a better image to the site.

Wow! The library looks absolutely incredible! Congrats and thank you to all involved for making this happen! :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Hey hp cobra, do you think it would be good to have the link to your 6 month meditation program in the featured section next to the 40 day med program?
b]Update: 25th May 2022[/b]

Greetings to all of our SS family,

We have been feverishly working on the new project for the Library which involves my writings and editorial checking for them.

Be aware, certain e-mails some SS might have send, could have went unanswered. If this is the case, don't hesitate to ask me again.

Editing work is fairly straight forward, and we have built a platform where everyone can work as their time permits. We are currently around 30% done. There is more for those who want to come and lay a hand for this.

As there have been some misunderstanding and issues in regards to the project, I wanted to clarify the thing below:

"Editing consists of correcting and fixing grammatical, orthographically errant or syntax errors, and alterations should only be made within this context. It does not involve:

Changing full sentences to "what you think would be best", making a single sentence twice as big.
Changing things you think would be said "better".
Changing whole words or anything of the sort.
Randomly including or substracting sentences and paragraphs, or adding your own out of the blue.

Editing also consists of making recommendations. If there are strong reasons to have to make said recommendations, these writings that contain un-clarified parts should be passed on me to verify. Heavily editing whole things out of posts and similar acts are not editing, and that is called desecration and alteration.

This project is about editing, not doing severe alterations.

If certain writings need to be looked into for heavier editing, contact me on [email protected] but don't act without advising either I or any admin of this project. Thank you."

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Bright Truth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As far as translating goes, is it okay to altering Astaroth to Astarte etc?


If there are any other questions, anyone can ask.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update: 25th May 2022

Greetings to all of our SS family,

We have been feverishly working on the new project for the Library which involves my writings and editorial checking for them.

Be aware, certain e-mails some SS might have send, could have went unanswered. If this is the case, don't hesitate to ask me again.

Editing work is fairly straight forward, and we have built a platform where everyone can work as their time permits. We are currently around 30% done. There is more for those who want to come and lay a hand for this.

As there have been some misunderstanding and issues in regards to the project, I wanted to clarify the thing below:

"Editing consists of correcting and fixing grammatical, orthographically errant or syntax errors, and alterations should only be made within this context.

It does not involve:

Changing full sentences to "what you think would be best", making a single sentence twice as big.
Changing things you think would be said "better".
Changing whole words or anything of the sort.
Randomly including or substracting sentences and paragraphs, or adding your own out of the blue.

Editing also consists of making recommendations. If there are strong reasons to have to make said recommendations, these writings that contain un-clarified parts should be passed on me to verify. Heavily editing whole things out of posts and similar acts are not editing, and that is called desecration and alteration.

This project is about editing, not doing severe alterations.

If certain writings need to be looked into for heavier editing, contact me on [email protected] but don't act without advising either I or any admin of this project. Thank you."


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Update: 20th May 2022

We have sent invitations to all those who want to participate. Since it's a lot of people, we are more than probably done with this.

THANK YOU ALL!! We look forward to finishing this great work for the Gods.

We will proceed to organize now other language sections with their appropriate managers, and those who speak and can write in these languages can work on these projects instead.

If anything is not clear in regards to any participant, do mail me at [email protected] or e-mail [email protected]

We will also announce in due time who will be Librarians for each JoS language translation, and give them abilities to upload the PDF's in the Library on the spot, so that information flows smoother.

Update: 19 May 2022

Pretty soon, we will update the Library for ALL languages to be as sleek looking and functional as the main English Library. The prototype for the Italian Library has been made already, thanks to Soaring and Cfecit:

https://josita.org/BIBLIOTECA.html - PS: JoSITA.org is also an additional domain for the Joy of Satan Italian website, officially owned by Joy of Satan.

Additionally, we need more participants in for the next project, so anyone who has time, knows how to use Microsoft word or Open Office, can join us to edit posts so that we update and put more things in the JoS Library.

We have already quite a few SS who will work in this, but the more people, the better, and less workload for anyone involved. One can assume as much responsibility as you can, even if this means doing a few things.

Please do mail at [email protected] to receive an invitation to the project.


With a lot of happiness I am here to announce that the New Satan's Library has been fully updated. In a sense, the current ongoing eclipse, fits this change: A full eclipse has taken place in the Library.

It is by far, the best it has ever been.

For the impatient: https://satanslibrary.org/English/

Endless hours have went by fellow SS to edit the posts, but also to update the code. This update, took about one whole year on the back end [an enormous amount of work and work hours]. This is one of the biggest projects of the year, and it's concluded. We started last year for this.

The written work has been edited [more will be edited AND new updated posts will be put there as PDF's, library work is endless]. It has been reformatted, and now has a full functional SEARCH BAR you can use. Find whatever you need immediately, no different than the super handy search of the JoS.

Currently, the Library boasts 1215 books. Material that the enemy considered "forbidden" and took down, has been restored inside better hosting solutions and alternatives, since we will not accept the enemy's censorship and their destruction of knowledge.

In regards to the number of books and more updates, even this enormous volume is nothing, given half of my posts are not even there. We will editorially check them and upload them too over time. Then, new material and other expansion plans which are now still private.

Beautiful and decent posts from other members will also go there too. Maybe we could open a thread for which posts the community considers good and valuable, so we can enrich it. This is after all for Satanists to be able to go there and read.

I have only the biggest thanks to give to every SS that has worked on this, SoaringEagle666, Lydia, Vanjunior and Serbon. For their help in this work, their names will be permanently included in the Library footer.

The Library only needs a few finishing touches, and then the libraries of other SS from other countries will be uploaded.

Everyone can meanwhile browse it here and let us know how you find it. Do this from the phone and the computer too if possible, or even a tablet.

Next time, we will need more volunteers. The only thing you need is to know good English and want to work a bit physically for the Gods on something tangible. Don't hesitate to mail me to begin. Anyone who wants to work on this is welcome, as we need to accelerate a second update. Work for the Gods is most rewarding.

The Joy of Satan wants to bring the best quality and uplift the name of the Gods. May the Gods bless us in our endeavor. Hope all of you find this helpful and it's a help to your journey in your development.



I have been attempting to stuck with editing grammar and punctuation ect and always listing what I edit. There may have been one or two sentences somewhere that I might have edited to be more grammatically correct but was trying to take care not to alter the meaning of the sentence or essence of information as this is not the idea.

Please let me know or give feedback if this oversteps any bounds.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update: 25th May 2022

Greetings to all of our SS family,

We have been feverishly working on the new project for the Library which involves my writings and editorial checking for them.

Be aware, certain e-mails some SS might have send, could have went unanswered. If this is the case, don't hesitate to ask me again.

Editing work is fairly straight forward, and we have built a platform where everyone can work as their time permits. We are currently around 30% done. There is more for those who want to come and lay a hand for this.

As there have been some misunderstanding and issues in regards to the project, I wanted to clarify the thing below:

"Editing consists of correcting and fixing grammatical, orthographically errant or syntax errors, and alterations should only be made within this context.

It does not involve:

Changing full sentences to "what you think would be best", making a single sentence twice as big.
Changing things you think would be said "better".
Changing whole words or anything of the sort.
Randomly including or substracting sentences and paragraphs, or adding your own out of the blue.

Editing also consists of making recommendations. If there are strong reasons to have to make said recommendations, these writings that contain un-clarified parts should be passed on me to verify. Heavily editing whole things out of posts and similar acts are not editing, and that is called desecration and alteration.

This project is about editing, not doing severe alterations.

If certain writings need to be looked into for heavier editing, contact me on [email protected] but don't act without advising either I or any admin of this project. Thank you."


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Update: 20th May 2022

We have sent invitations to all those who want to participate. Since it's a lot of people, we are more than probably done with this.

THANK YOU ALL!! We look forward to finishing this great work for the Gods.

We will proceed to organize now other language sections with their appropriate managers, and those who speak and can write in these languages can work on these projects instead.

If anything is not clear in regards to any participant, do mail me at [email protected] or e-mail [email protected]

We will also announce in due time who will be Librarians for each JoS language translation, and give them abilities to upload the PDF's in the Library on the spot, so that information flows smoother.

Update: 19 May 2022

Pretty soon, we will update the Library for ALL languages to be as sleek looking and functional as the main English Library. The prototype for the Italian Library has been made already, thanks to Soaring and Cfecit:

https://josita.org/BIBLIOTECA.html - PS: JoSITA.org is also an additional domain for the Joy of Satan Italian website, officially owned by Joy of Satan.

Additionally, we need more participants in for the next project, so anyone who has time, knows how to use Microsoft word or Open Office, can join us to edit posts so that we update and put more things in the JoS Library.

We have already quite a few SS who will work in this, but the more people, the better, and less workload for anyone involved. One can assume as much responsibility as you can, even if this means doing a few things.

Please do mail at [email protected] to receive an invitation to the project.


With a lot of happiness I am here to announce that the New Satan's Library has been fully updated. In a sense, the current ongoing eclipse, fits this change: A full eclipse has taken place in the Library.

It is by far, the best it has ever been.

For the impatient: https://satanslibrary.org/English/

Endless hours have went by fellow SS to edit the posts, but also to update the code. This update, took about one whole year on the back end [an enormous amount of work and work hours]. This is one of the biggest projects of the year, and it's concluded. We started last year for this.

The written work has been edited [more will be edited AND new updated posts will be put there as PDF's, library work is endless]. It has been reformatted, and now has a full functional SEARCH BAR you can use. Find whatever you need immediately, no different than the super handy search of the JoS.

Currently, the Library boasts 1215 books. Material that the enemy considered "forbidden" and took down, has been restored inside better hosting solutions and alternatives, since we will not accept the enemy's censorship and their destruction of knowledge.

In regards to the number of books and more updates, even this enormous volume is nothing, given half of my posts are not even there. We will editorially check them and upload them too over time. Then, new material and other expansion plans which are now still private.

Beautiful and decent posts from other members will also go there too. Maybe we could open a thread for which posts the community considers good and valuable, so we can enrich it. This is after all for Satanists to be able to go there and read.

I have only the biggest thanks to give to every SS that has worked on this, SoaringEagle666, Lydia, Vanjunior and Serbon. For their help in this work, their names will be permanently included in the Library footer.

The Library only needs a few finishing touches, and then the libraries of other SS from other countries will be uploaded.

Everyone can meanwhile browse it here and let us know how you find it. Do this from the phone and the computer too if possible, or even a tablet.

Next time, we will need more volunteers. The only thing you need is to know good English and want to work a bit physically for the Gods on something tangible. Don't hesitate to mail me to begin. Anyone who wants to work on this is welcome, as we need to accelerate a second update. Work for the Gods is most rewarding.

The Joy of Satan wants to bring the best quality and uplift the name of the Gods. May the Gods bless us in our endeavor. Hope all of you find this helpful and it's a help to your journey in your development.



I have been attempting to stuck with editing grammar and punctuation ect and always listing what I edit. There may have been one or two sentences somewhere that I might have edited to be more grammatically correct but was trying to take care not to alter the meaning of the sentence or essence of information as this is not the idea.

Please let me know or give feedback if this oversteps any bounds.


Sorry, on this phone auto correct is horrible XD.
I would like to help, did send a mail. If I don´t here from you will write in 2 days again.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=355441 time=1652754350 user_id=346]
AgainstAllAuthority said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The compactness would benefit mostly Tor users (which should be everyone). It takes forever to download something through Tor.
It would improve security as well since the more one downloads through Tor, the easier it is to correlate the traffic.

It would be beneficial to those that may want to distribute the library in the form of throw away USB drives.

It would also be beneficial to those that want to hide the content using steganography. The smaller the size, the less likely that the content is overwritten by something else on the disk.

Right now most MP3s contain a very loud background noise. Most of them can be de-noised by an automated process but a quarter will have to be done manually. Plus I'd have to check every single one for proper de-noising. This would take quite a bit of time.

Good idea, that would be very handy!

Most of the size of the PDFs is the embedded images. So, you can shrink it way down if you convert to text only, and yes, the HTML format is more efficient than PDF, but the biggest advantage is that HTML is uncompressed, which means that the archive format (like 7z) can actually compress files together, which is a huge advantage!

I experimented with audio de-noising and compression a few years ago. The noise on HPS Maxine’s audio is mostly 60Hz hum, which is easy to remove with a high-pass filter, which won't affect her voice. There is a lot of potential to shrink the size, but as expected for lossy encoding, the quality degrades noticeably just by re-encoding even at the same size. However, I found that the quality is still sufficient to understand her at about 1/3 of the current size, and the best results are if you switch to the AAC format and you merge the stereo to mono.

I never did much on this, because after all my work, I still preferred the original audios, with the noise, because they had no quality loss on her voice from re-compression.

However, I had not considered a super-compressed all-in-one zip. That would be very handy, and the quality loss of re-compression is actually expected there, so you could crank it to the max!

I'll send you an email soon to help you get started!

You're a genuine tech wiz SoaringEagle! I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to archive compression but I have experimented with DAWs for a period of time.

I might be talking out my butt here but perhaps a way to enhance the audio after formatting/compression could be to widen the audio to become more stereo. In LMMS there's a plugin that does this called 'Stereoenhancer Effect.'

Apart from this and the highpass filter perhaps some EQ (LMMS's 'Equalizer' has a built in spectrum analyzer to monitor the frequency band) and a compressor (to bring out quiet parts) might help. Audacity also has an effect called 'Normalize' that sets a peak amplitude and helps remove DC offset.

You probably know a lot more about this than I do. Very interesting stuff though! I've been very eager to create industrial/EBM music for a while and I'm finally making some progress.

The part you lost me at was 'switching to AAC format and merging stereo to mono'. I take it AAC retains more of the original audio than MP3, but what benefit is there to switching to mono?

Thank you and everyone else for this fantastic project. The search feature works flawlessly and is an amazing tool, not just for quickly linking information to share with others but also to learn about specific topics. Amazing work!

If there are any pages/PDFs left that need editing I'd be elated to contribute. I'm a bit of a closeted grammar/punctuation freak TBH. :lol:
sublimestatanist said:
You're a genuine tech wiz SoaringEagle! I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to archive compression but I have experimented with DAWs for a period of time.

I might be talking out my butt here but perhaps a way to enhance the audio after formatting/compression could be to widen the audio to become more stereo. In LMMS there's a plugin that does this called 'Stereoenhancer Effect.'

Apart from this and the highpass filter perhaps some EQ (LMMS's 'Equalizer' has a built in spectrum analyzer to monitor the frequency band) and a compressor (to bring out quiet parts) might help. Audacity also has an effect called 'Normalize' that sets a peak amplitude and helps remove DC offset.

You probably know a lot more about this than I do. Very interesting stuff though! I've been very eager to create industrial/EBM music for a while and I'm finally making some progress.

The part you lost me at was 'switching to AAC format and merging stereo to mono'. I take it AAC retains more of the original audio than MP3, but what benefit is there to switching to mono?

Thank you and everyone else for this fantastic project. The search feature works flawlessly and is an amazing tool, not just for quickly linking information to share with others but also to learn about specific topics. Amazing work!

If there are any pages/PDFs left that need editing I'd be elated to contribute. I'm a bit of a closeted grammar/punctuation freak TBH. :lol:

I'm not an audio expert, but mono would take roughly only half the space, and you would lose any stereo panning. With voice only files though, it shouldn't be an issue.
sublimestatanist said:
You're a genuine tech wiz SoaringEagle! I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to archive compression but I have experimented with DAWs for a period of time.

I might be talking out my butt here but perhaps a way to enhance the audio after formatting/compression could be to widen the audio to become more stereo. In LMMS there's a plugin that does this called 'Stereoenhancer Effect.'

Apart from this and the highpass filter perhaps some EQ (LMMS's 'Equalizer' has a built in spectrum analyzer to monitor the frequency band) and a compressor (to bring out quiet parts) might help. Audacity also has an effect called 'Normalize' that sets a peak amplitude and helps remove DC offset.

You probably know a lot more about this than I do. Very interesting stuff though! I've been very eager to create industrial/EBM music for a while and I'm finally making some progress.

The part you lost me at was 'switching to AAC format and merging stereo to mono'. I take it AAC retains more of the original audio than MP3, but what benefit is there to switching to mono?

Thank you and everyone else for this fantastic project. The search feature works flawlessly and is an amazing tool, not just for quickly linking information to share with others but also to learn about specific topics. Amazing work!

If there are any pages/PDFs left that need editing I'd be elated to contribute. I'm a bit of a closeted grammar/punctuation freak TBH. :lol:
Yes, there are lots of possible enhancements in addition to de-noising! Feel free to try some of those you mentioned on a few MP3s and see how they sound.

The benefit of switching to mono is compression. These MP3s do not need to be stereo, so it wastes data to compress two nearly identical tracks instead of one (but not quite double size because compression is done between tracks).

AAC is more efficient at compression than MP3. It can make the file size smaller at the same quality level. Opus is even better (as another member commented here), but it's so new that compatibility is iffy. However, that's less of a concern here because the library will still have regular MP3s too, so Opus will probably be used for the compression project.

E-mail me if you want to help with PDF editing. :)
[email protected]
I only have access to the internet thru a semi old smart phone. Is it still possible to help? I can send an email if the details are better told there but I thought I might as well write it here first.
hailourtruegod said:
I only have access to the internet thru a semi old smart phone. Is it still possible to help? I can send an email if the details are better told there but I thought I might as well write it here first.

Yes, depending on what kind of app you're using to open the PDF files, it can get messy with the spacing. What you can easily do is edit those that have links to the original post, and you open the link and then copy the text from the forum into your text processor. When you're done, copy-paste it into the platform and save it.
hailourtruegod said:
I only have access to the internet thru a semi old smart phone. Is it still possible to help? I can send an email if the details are better told there but I thought I might as well write it here first.
Probably, yes. The only minimum requirement is that you can open a PDF and copy-paste the text. Send me an email and I'll let you try to help. If it's too hard on your phone, then at least you tried. :)

[email protected]
Greetings! As I was working on the pdfs, after seeing some names, the question arose: how many and who are our HPs and HPSes? Are all the names listed here valid? https://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/JoSClergy.html
It's obvious that I've heard from HPS Maxine, HPHC and HPS Shannon in the forums. But about mageson and jake carlson (and more but not listed there) there's been different stories, are they still in the position to be listed here? And meanwhile the other names, I don't recognize them, but maybe I haven't (yet) gotten into those parts of the forums. :D
Can someone clear this up? Thanks!
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings! As I was working on the pdfs, after seeing some names, the question arose: how many and who are our HPs and HPSes? Are all the names listed here valid? https://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/JoSClergy.html
It's obvious that I've heard from HPS Maxine, HPHC and HPS Shannon in the forums. But about mageson and jake carlson (and more but not listed there) there's been different stories, are they still in the position to be listed here? And meanwhile the other names, I don't recognize them, but maybe I haven't (yet) gotten into those parts of the forums. :D
Can someone clear this up? Thanks!

Brother this is an obsolete link. We will update this too soon.
Update: 2 June 2022

The Joy of Satan is being translated into many, many languages. We also have many projects that are being worked on the back end before publication.

If anyone wants to translate to the following languages, you must mail me at [email protected] so that you are assigned to a translation team and you can therefore contribute with your translations to Father Satan and His JoS.


As everyone can understand, we will reach MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people when the projects below are finished and solidified. Many are close to the end, others are progressing slower [more people will make this go way easier for everyone involved].

There is no set time one can choose to participate, you can do a few things, or many things.

We will provide anything that is necessary so that you won't have to. All one will have to do is just translate texts in a very easy way.

African [English]

Bump so that this post goes on the top of the announcements.
I sent you an email HP, but I thought I would post here as well for others to see.

If there are any native Dutch speaking SS not working on the library that are willing to proofread, I have several sites already fully translated with others partially done. I am using deepL translator for this and my freehand translations aren't really up to par with it being my second language so proofreaders at least are essential, however more translators, and esp native speakers is desirable.

If any native speaker wants to take hold of this project please do. And if you do, let me know if you want what I have already translated, I can post it here in the translation forums. I will continue translations again after the library is updated, but whoever takes this on needs to be consistent please. We all have lives and routines to adhere to also but it is not impossible to fit in a little bit each day.

For those who have volunteered to do any work for the Gods, (and this apparently seems to be a theme with several languages) and don't follow through don't come crying if a time comes and you hold out your hand and get nothing. Especially if you say you are going to do something for the Gods your word needs to be kept.
The Joy of Satan is being translated into many, many languages. We also have many projects that are being worked on the back end before publication.

If anyone wants to translate to the following languages, you must mail me at [email protected] so that you are assigned to a translation team and you can therefore contribute with your translations to Father Satan and His JoS.


As everyone can understand, we will reach MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people when the projects below are finished and solidified. Many are close to the end, others are progressing slower [more people will make this go way easier for everyone involved].

There is no set time one can choose to participate, you can do a few things, or many things.

We will provide anything that is necessary so that you won't have to. All one will have to do is just translate texts in a very easy way. ... German ... //////..... The Joy of Satan wird in viele, viele Sprachen übersetzt. Wir haben auch viele Projekte, die vor der Veröffentlichung im Backend bearbeitet werden.

Wenn jemand in die folgenden Sprachen übersetzen möchte, müssen Sie mir eine E-Mail an [email protected] senden, damit Sie einem Übersetzungsteam zugewiesen werden und Sie daher mit Ihren Übersetzungen zu Pater Satan und Seiner JoS beitragen können.


Wie jeder verstehen kann, werden wir MILLIONEN UND MILLIONEN von Menschen erreichen, wenn die untenstehenden Projekte abgeschlossen und verfestigt sind. Viele sind kurz vor dem Ende, andere kommen langsamer voran [mehr Leute werden diesen Weg für alle Beteiligten viel einfacher machen].

Es gibt keine festgelegte Zeit, zu der man sich für die Teilnahme entscheiden kann, man kann ein paar Dinge oder viele Dinge tun.

Wir stellen alles Notwendige zur Verfügung, damit Sie es nicht tun müssen. Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist, Texte auf sehr einfache Weise zu übersetzen.
Open in Google Translate
• Google translate or other translating sites can translate small articles. Or take pieces of them until finished. I did this one on google translate
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bump so that this post goes on the top of the announcements.

Is it maybe possible to create a "lock-function" of important posts, so that they are put on top for a desirable amount of time until the VIP-post has served its purpose? E.g. make a flag-function of the post or just "lock" them in the top with some sort of high-light mark with such a purpose?

I guess that would be more convenient than using the comment section for the same purpose, as multiple announcements are on display. Which in turn makes the VIP-post fall "under" again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update: 2 June 2022

The Joy of Satan is being translated into many, many languages. We also have many projects that are being worked on the back end before publication.

If anyone wants to translate to the following languages, you must mail me at [email protected] so that you are assigned to a translation team and you can therefore contribute with your translations to Father Satan and His JoS.


As everyone can understand, we will reach MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people when the projects below are finished and solidified. Many are close to the end, others are progressing slower [more people will make this go way easier for everyone involved].

There is no set time one can choose to participate, you can do a few things, or many things.

We will provide anything that is necessary so that you won't have to. All one will have to do is just translate texts in a very easy way.

African [English]

PS: More editors for our other Library Project are also welcome. We also thank all those already working in the editorial project.

Update: 25th May 2022

Greetings to all of our SS family,

We have been feverishly working on the new project for the Library which involves my writings and editorial checking for them.

Be aware, certain e-mails some SS might have send, could have went unanswered. If this is the case, don't hesitate to ask me again.

Editing work is fairly straight forward, and we have built a platform where everyone can work as their time permits. We are currently around 30% done. There is more for those who want to come and lay a hand for this.

As there have been some misunderstanding and issues in regards to the project, I wanted to clarify the thing below:

"Editing consists of correcting and fixing grammatical, orthographically errant or syntax errors, and alterations should only be made within this context.

It does not involve:

Changing full sentences to "what you think would be best", making a single sentence twice as big.
Changing things you think would be said "better".
Changing whole words or anything of the sort.
Randomly including or substracting sentences and paragraphs, or adding your own out of the blue.

Editing also consists of making recommendations. If there are strong reasons to have to make said recommendations, these writings that contain un-clarified parts should be passed on me to verify. Heavily editing whole things out of posts and similar acts are not editing, and that is called desecration and alteration.

This project is about editing, not doing severe alterations.

If certain writings need to be looked into for heavier editing, contact me on [email protected] but don't act without advising either I or any admin of this project. Thank you."


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Update: 20th May 2022

We have sent invitations to all those who want to participate. Since it's a lot of people, we are more than probably done with this.

THANK YOU ALL!! We look forward to finishing this great work for the Gods.

We will proceed to organize now other language sections with their appropriate managers, and those who speak and can write in these languages can work on these projects instead.

If anything is not clear in regards to any participant, do mail me at [email protected] or e-mail [email protected]

We will also announce in due time who will be Librarians for each JoS language translation, and give them abilities to upload the PDF's in the Library on the spot, so that information flows smoother.

Update: 19 May 2022

Pretty soon, we will update the Library for ALL languages to be as sleek looking and functional as the main English Library. The prototype for the Italian Library has been made already, thanks to Soaring and Cfecit:

https://josita.org/BIBLIOTECA.html - PS: JoSITA.org is also an additional domain for the Joy of Satan Italian website, officially owned by Joy of Satan.

Additionally, we need more participants in for the next project, so anyone who has time, knows how to use Microsoft word or Open Office, can join us to edit posts so that we update and put more things in the JoS Library.

We have already quite a few SS who will work in this, but the more people, the better, and less workload for anyone involved. One can assume as much responsibility as you can, even if this means doing a few things.

Please do mail at [email protected] to receive an invitation to the project.


With a lot of happiness I am here to announce that the New Satan's Library has been fully updated. In a sense, the current ongoing eclipse, fits this change: A full eclipse has taken place in the Library.

It is by far, the best it has ever been.

For the impatient: https://satanslibrary.org/English/

Endless hours have went by fellow SS to edit the posts, but also to update the code. This update, took about one whole year on the back end [an enormous amount of work and work hours]. This is one of the biggest projects of the year, and it's concluded. We started last year for this.

The written work has been edited [more will be edited AND new updated posts will be put there as PDF's, library work is endless]. It has been reformatted, and now has a full functional SEARCH BAR you can use. Find whatever you need immediately, no different than the super handy search of the JoS.

Currently, the Library boasts 1215 books. Material that the enemy considered "forbidden" and took down, has been restored inside better hosting solutions and alternatives, since we will not accept the enemy's censorship and their destruction of knowledge.

In regards to the number of books and more updates, even this enormous volume is nothing, given half of my posts are not even there. We will editorially check them and upload them too over time. Then, new material and other expansion plans which are now still private.

Beautiful and decent posts from other members will also go there too. Maybe we could open a thread for which posts the community considers good and valuable, so we can enrich it. This is after all for Satanists to be able to go there and read.

I have only the biggest thanks to give to every SS that has worked on this, SoaringEagle666, Lydia, Vanjunior and Serbon. For their help in this work, their names will be permanently included in the Library footer.

The Library only needs a few finishing touches, and then the libraries of other SS from other countries will be uploaded.

Everyone can meanwhile browse it here and let us know how you find it. Do this from the phone and the computer too if possible, or even a tablet.

Next time, we will need more volunteers. The only thing you need is to know good English and want to work a bit physically for the Gods on something tangible. Don't hesitate to mail me to begin. Anyone who wants to work on this is welcome, as we need to accelerate a second update. Work for the Gods is most rewarding.

The Joy of Satan wants to bring the best quality and uplift the name of the Gods. May the Gods bless us in our endeavor. Hope all of you find this helpful and it's a help to your journey in your development.



Bengali language is Top 4 language in the world and 32,50,00,000 people speak in Bengali Language.

Please, add " Bengali / Bangla language "

Bengali / Bangla
Shiva666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Update: 2 June 2022

The Joy of Satan is being translated into many, many languages. We also have many projects that are being worked on the back end before publication.

If anyone wants to translate to the following languages, you must mail me at [email protected] so that you are assigned to a translation team and you can therefore contribute with your translations to Father Satan and His JoS.


As everyone can understand, we will reach MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people when the projects below are finished and solidified. Many are close to the end, others are progressing slower [more people will make this go way easier for everyone involved].

There is no set time one can choose to participate, you can do a few things, or many things.

We will provide anything that is necessary so that you won't have to. All one will have to do is just translate texts in a very easy way.

African [English]

PS: More editors for our other Library Project are also welcome. We also thank all those already working in the editorial project.

Update: 25th May 2022

Greetings to all of our SS family,

We have been feverishly working on the new project for the Library which involves my writings and editorial checking for them.

Be aware, certain e-mails some SS might have send, could have went unanswered. If this is the case, don't hesitate to ask me again.

Editing work is fairly straight forward, and we have built a platform where everyone can work as their time permits. We are currently around 30% done. There is more for those who want to come and lay a hand for this.

As there have been some misunderstanding and issues in regards to the project, I wanted to clarify the thing below:

"Editing consists of correcting and fixing grammatical, orthographically errant or syntax errors, and alterations should only be made within this context.

It does not involve:

Changing full sentences to "what you think would be best", making a single sentence twice as big.
Changing things you think would be said "better".
Changing whole words or anything of the sort.
Randomly including or substracting sentences and paragraphs, or adding your own out of the blue.

Editing also consists of making recommendations. If there are strong reasons to have to make said recommendations, these writings that contain un-clarified parts should be passed on me to verify. Heavily editing whole things out of posts and similar acts are not editing, and that is called desecration and alteration.

This project is about editing, not doing severe alterations.

If certain writings need to be looked into for heavier editing, contact me on [email protected] but don't act without advising either I or any admin of this project. Thank you."


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Update: 20th May 2022

We have sent invitations to all those who want to participate. Since it's a lot of people, we are more than probably done with this.

THANK YOU ALL!! We look forward to finishing this great work for the Gods.

We will proceed to organize now other language sections with their appropriate managers, and those who speak and can write in these languages can work on these projects instead.

If anything is not clear in regards to any participant, do mail me at [email protected] or e-mail [email protected]

We will also announce in due time who will be Librarians for each JoS language translation, and give them abilities to upload the PDF's in the Library on the spot, so that information flows smoother.

Update: 19 May 2022

Pretty soon, we will update the Library for ALL languages to be as sleek looking and functional as the main English Library. The prototype for the Italian Library has been made already, thanks to Soaring and Cfecit:

https://josita.org/BIBLIOTECA.html - PS: JoSITA.org is also an additional domain for the Joy of Satan Italian website, officially owned by Joy of Satan.

Additionally, we need more participants in for the next project, so anyone who has time, knows how to use Microsoft word or Open Office, can join us to edit posts so that we update and put more things in the JoS Library.

We have already quite a few SS who will work in this, but the more people, the better, and less workload for anyone involved. One can assume as much responsibility as you can, even if this means doing a few things.

Please do mail at [email protected] to receive an invitation to the project.


With a lot of happiness I am here to announce that the New Satan's Library has been fully updated. In a sense, the current ongoing eclipse, fits this change: A full eclipse has taken place in the Library.

It is by far, the best it has ever been.

For the impatient: https://satanslibrary.org/English/

Endless hours have went by fellow SS to edit the posts, but also to update the code. This update, took about one whole year on the back end [an enormous amount of work and work hours]. This is one of the biggest projects of the year, and it's concluded. We started last year for this.

The written work has been edited [more will be edited AND new updated posts will be put there as PDF's, library work is endless]. It has been reformatted, and now has a full functional SEARCH BAR you can use. Find whatever you need immediately, no different than the super handy search of the JoS.

Currently, the Library boasts 1215 books. Material that the enemy considered "forbidden" and took down, has been restored inside better hosting solutions and alternatives, since we will not accept the enemy's censorship and their destruction of knowledge.

In regards to the number of books and more updates, even this enormous volume is nothing, given half of my posts are not even there. We will editorially check them and upload them too over time. Then, new material and other expansion plans which are now still private.

Beautiful and decent posts from other members will also go there too. Maybe we could open a thread for which posts the community considers good and valuable, so we can enrich it. This is after all for Satanists to be able to go there and read.

I have only the biggest thanks to give to every SS that has worked on this, SoaringEagle666, Lydia, Vanjunior and Serbon. For their help in this work, their names will be permanently included in the Library footer.

The Library only needs a few finishing touches, and then the libraries of other SS from other countries will be uploaded.

Everyone can meanwhile browse it here and let us know how you find it. Do this from the phone and the computer too if possible, or even a tablet.

Next time, we will need more volunteers. The only thing you need is to know good English and want to work a bit physically for the Gods on something tangible. Don't hesitate to mail me to begin. Anyone who wants to work on this is welcome, as we need to accelerate a second update. Work for the Gods is most rewarding.

The Joy of Satan wants to bring the best quality and uplift the name of the Gods. May the Gods bless us in our endeavor. Hope all of you find this helpful and it's a help to your journey in your development.



Bengali language is Top 4 language in the world and 32,50,00,000 people speak in Bengali Language.

Please, add " Bengali / Bangla language "

Bengali / Bangla

We can add anything as long as someone agrees to help translate the certain language.
Greetings! I sent 2 emails on different addresses but they are still unanswered so I thought of writing here - I understand that you're very busy. :)
I want to sign up for translation, in Romania's team. You have my email in my signature so I'm looking forward to being directed to the platform :D
There is an error in your listing: the language of Brazil is Portuguese and not Spanish, since I started the work to obliterate my Saturn I started to have problems with my daily schedule time and due to this reason and because the person with whom I worked closely with the translations left the JOS and I am no longer in contact with her, I temporarily put aside the work of translations in Spanish but I want to resume it in the near future when I solve my time schedule problems.
To all editors who spent a lot of time editing nearly every sentence of HP Cobra's work, only to have us say it was too much, and now you haven't done any more since then:

I'm sorry the instructions were not clear enough, and I'm sorry your time was wasted. You did a very good job, but that kind of editing is not what HP Cobra wants.

However, the fact that you over-edited proves that you are capable of doing a great job at editing the way HP Cobra wants. Please consider trying again. I have also posted an example for editors of what editing should look like. Just try to imitate that.

And don't worry about making "bad" edits that leave things worse than when you started. We check all edited text with my difference highlighter, so it's easy to make sure every edit was good. The hard part is finding what to edit, which is why we need lots of good editors.

If you're still not entirely sure, please try just one, and e-mail me ([email protected]), and I will check it right away and tell you how you did.

Your help on this project would be greatly appreciated. :)
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=362377 time=1654368440 user_id=346]
However, the fact that you over-edited proves that you are capable of doing a great job at editing the way HP Cobra wants. Please consider trying again. I have also posted an example for editors of what editing should look like. Just try to imitate that.

As someone who writes and edits for money, I admit, it's been a pretty funny process for me personally, since I'm used to doing sweeping edits and total rewrites with things, so it's been an interesting challenge to approach the edits with a more minimalistic approach to keep HPHC's writing style intact. Me personally, I've stuck to fixing typos, punctuation and missing words, leaving syntax the same. Hopefully however, I haven't opted to be too minimalistic.
Don't be afraid to join, if you can write sentences with proper grammar and punctuation, you should be able to help :D

My goal is to check 50 PDF's for now, even though my exams are coming and my whole routine is based on meditation, yoga, studying for the exams and checking PDF's, there is nothing that can stop me 💪
Greetings. In case the enemy manages a critical hit and one day our sites are closed without the possibility of being put back up, do we have The Meditations, Rituals and Witchcraft pages, The Library and The Forums saved somewhere, in an archive or such (I don't know much technology, if someone would explain it would be much appreciated :p) ?
If there's ever a project where one needs to speak or read out loud or translate Spanish to English then I can help with that too instead of just editing which I don't mind doing also. My Spanish isn't the best but it's definitely above being "broken". I wouldn't be able to translate that well in writing though as I haven't even written in Spanish in years unlike just speaking it almost everyday. But like I said I could always do the reversal if a chance ever came up or the other things I mentioned.
Arcadia said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=362377 time=1654368440 user_id=346]
However, the fact that you over-edited proves that you are capable of doing a great job at editing the way HP Cobra wants. Please consider trying again. I have also posted an example for editors of what editing should look like. Just try to imitate that.

As someone who writes and edits for money, I admit, it's been a pretty funny process for me personally, since I'm used to doing sweeping edits and total rewrites with things, so it's been an interesting challenge to approach the edits with a more minimalistic approach to keep HPHC's writing style intact. Me personally, I've stuck to fixing typos, punctuation and missing words, leaving syntax the same. Hopefully however, I haven't opted to be too minimalistic.

My sometimes atrocious writing has to be maintained as testament of a man that loved this community too much to evolve for all of you. :lol:
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Do you want existing translators from the translations threads to put on hold what websites they were translating and focus as much as possible on the library?

No, the websites are our most important priority. Any Translators that require infrastructure, must also mail me directly or go through you as head of the Project, so we can accommodate the most of their translation needs.
ramses13th said:
Just one of my curiosities, how do you make sure that somebody does not join with bad intentions?

We are in control of the situation and we monitor things. If anything might go bad in this situation, then we will be able to act very quickly and efficiently eliminate any said issue.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
