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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Update: 4 July 2022

It is no wonder, I get confronted with this issue, of all days in the 4th of July. The 4th of July is a celebration for the fight of freedom and independence. We will fight for our freedoms and to maintain them. We must be clever and aware of what is going on in this world.

Certain SS have asked me about certain afflicted territories where the plague of freedom of speech and opinion has been getting erased, let alone other places like China etc.

I was also asked if this task was "pointless" in some Nations. I tell you this: NO, WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP! There is nothing POINTLESS! Even if 30 or 50 or 100 people get saved from a Nation, then this means that we have done great work.

In fact, where this situation occurs, this is mostly necessitated that information spreads itself. Where spiritual famine is being instigated, spiritual help of nutrition must arrive fast.

The real numbers resemble oftentimes thousands and more people who will come even in certain places where people thought this endeavor was "difficult" or "pointless".

Where this knowledge is forbidden, the love for it grows, and there are many souls like yourself who want to escape this prison of ignorance. No Nation State is at any authority to declare that people must not meditate or to forbid this knowledge.

Specific Nations where this has happened strongly, have done so, exactly because of great interest in these matters, and because they are enemies of Truth and they fear it.

Quit a few big and great Nations do censor information and so on.

We know what we must do. As time goes, there will be more solutions and more struggles and we will keep doing everything we can to adapt to this active warfare against information.

A handful of countries are very difficult to spread the Truth into, but we will do what we have to do. Even the so called "West" now, is rife with censorship and everyone remembers what was attempted on us a few years ago.

Translators must not worry and must do the work that is necessitated [we provide the means] and let us try to fight these censorship beasts and all of this bottomless evil as it goes.

You will not be alone in this, nor any region will be left alone.

We are no strangers to censorship, attacks, being defamed, and all of this warfare that must take place for the Truth to survive.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Update: 3 July 2022

We have successfully set up Joy of Satan Japan and will continue with the translation project related to Japanese.


Joy of Satan Romania is also going to be safeguarded further and the team expanded in a few days.

Thanks to both of our SS from these Nations, be aware that delays have been due to intricate problems in setting up the groundwork for these two Nations. It's all done now.


Update: 28 June 2022

BabySatan said:
Could you add Tamil language as well.I could help in translation but I am short on time due to being busy with my IT job.

Of course. We will. Send and e-mail here: [email protected]

Joy of Satan Romania is also being created currently, everyone who is part of the translation team will receive a notice soon.

Update: 26 June 2022

We are going to be settling in with the Japanese and Romanian Translation. Everyone else has been given as far as we can see whatever is necessary to work for.

If there is still anything pending, do mail me at [email protected].

Update: 24 June 2022

All projects have been successfully given all the tools they require. If anything has been missed, please contact at [email protected]

Everyone must actively start working and maintain these to the end. All of this work is for the Gods.


Update: 19 June 2022

Infrastructure is on preparation for everyone to do the translations. For some, it's already set and everything is in motion. We are doing our best to accelerate this, so that every translation team is accommodated.

There is a lot of work that is going on. Certain countries are posing a difficulty level compared to others, and to ensure that the sites will hold on and exist, research is required on our behalf. This delays things a bit. The same goes for weekends and other said dates.

If any translators have NOT received a domain and translation infrastructure, let us know. The e-mail to use is [email protected].

Thank you, and as always,


Update: 11 June 2022

Just wanted to update, that we had an enemy attack on some of our sites as of recently and they were attacked to the point they took them offline.

The vermin has attacked the Russian sites. Given the present condition in Russia, and the Communist undertones in the country right now, we cannot deny that the incident might be "Related".

This sets us a little back, but we are already working on the issue. We will have everything repaired, and soon we will be proceeding with the rest of the sites.

Quite a few projects have already began. Others are pending. Everything will go according to plan.


Update: 8 June 2022

Some translation projects are finished on the main site like Joy of Satan.org and many sites [like Russian, Romanian etc]. At the same time, there is always more non-translated material.

That is known by everyone in these communities. These sites, we will simply mirror them and continue working on them, while they will still remain under their head translators.

Other projects from the list below do not have the main site translated yet, so these will have to take priority. I write this because there seems to have been some sort of small ongoing confusion.

Already existing translations should NOT be redone. Maybe retouched a bit [if there are errors] but NOT redone, since this is wasting time for everyone involved. There is also plenty of other work that can be done with other JoS Sites, which may be non translated.

Update: 7 June 2022

We are adding more languages to what will be translated and organized. All of these languages will progressively also get their own Forum, if they do not have it already. All of these languages will also have their own Library and fully functional community within JoS, if the situations permit.

All of this work is going to take some time. Please be understanding and bear with us as we prepare the infrastructure and everything all of these projects will need.

Know that We are working tirelessly to provide everything to you so that you can translate easily and as flawlessly as possible, so that the work for you will be extremely easy and everything will be on the sites directly.

PS: More editors for our other Library Editing Project are also welcome. We also thank all those already working in the editorial project.



African [English]

Update: 2 June 2022

The Joy of Satan is being translated into many, many languages. We also have many projects that are being worked on the back end before publication.

If anyone wants to translate to the following languages, you must mail me at [email protected] so that you are assigned to a translation team and you can therefore contribute with your translations to Father Satan and His JoS.


As everyone can understand, we will reach MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people when the projects below are finished and solidified. Many are close to the end, others are progressing slower [more people will make this go way easier for everyone involved].

There is no set time one can choose to participate, you can do a few things, or many things.

We will provide anything that is necessary so that you won't have to. All one will have to do is just translate texts in a very easy way.

African [English]

PS: More editors for our other Library Editing Project are also welcome. We also thank all those already working in the editorial project.

Update: 25th May 2022

Greetings to all of our SS family,

We have been feverishly working on the new project for the Library which involves my writings and editorial checking for them.

Be aware, certain e-mails some SS might have send, could have went unanswered. If this is the case, don't hesitate to ask me again.

Editing work is fairly straight forward, and we have built a platform where everyone can work as their time permits. We are currently around 30% done. There is more for those who want to come and lay a hand for this.

As there have been some misunderstanding and issues in regards to the project, I wanted to clarify the thing below:

"Editing consists of correcting and fixing grammatical, orthographically errant or syntax errors, and alterations should only be made within this context.

It does not involve:

Changing full sentences to "what you think would be best", making a single sentence twice as big.
Changing things you think would be said "better".
Changing whole words or anything of the sort.
Randomly including or substracting sentences and paragraphs, or adding your own out of the blue.

Editing also consists of making recommendations. If there are strong reasons to have to make said recommendations, these writings that contain un-clarified parts should be passed on me to verify. Heavily editing whole things out of posts and similar acts are not editing, and that is called desecration and alteration.

This project is about editing, not doing severe alterations.

If certain writings need to be looked into for heavier editing, contact me on [email protected] but don't act without advising either I or any admin of this project. Thank you."


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Update: 20th May 2022

We have sent invitations to all those who want to participate. Since it's a lot of people, we are more than probably done with this.

THANK YOU ALL!! We look forward to finishing this great work for the Gods.

We will proceed to organize now other language sections with their appropriate managers, and those who speak and can write in these languages can work on these projects instead.

If anything is not clear in regards to any participant, do mail me at [email protected] or e-mail [email protected]

We will also announce in due time who will be Librarians for each JoS language translation, and give them abilities to upload the PDF's in the Library on the spot, so that information flows smoother.

Update: 19 May 2022

Pretty soon, we will update the Library for ALL languages to be as sleek looking and functional as the main English Library. The prototype for the Italian Library has been made already, thanks to Soaring and Cfecit:

https://josita.org/BIBLIOTECA.html - PS: JoSITA.org is also an additional domain for the Joy of Satan Italian website, officially owned by Joy of Satan.

Additionally, we need more participants in for the next project, so anyone who has time, knows how to use Microsoft word or Open Office, can join us to edit posts so that we update and put more things in the JoS Library.

We have already quite a few SS who will work in this, but the more people, the better, and less workload for anyone involved. One can assume as much responsibility as you can, even if this means doing a few things.

Please do mail at [email protected] to receive an invitation to the project.


With a lot of happiness I am here to announce that the New Satan's Library has been fully updated. In a sense, the current ongoing eclipse, fits this change: A full eclipse has taken place in the Library.

It is by far, the best it has ever been.

For the impatient: https://satanslibrary.org/English/

Endless hours have went by fellow SS to edit the posts, but also to update the code. This update, took about one whole year on the back end [an enormous amount of work and work hours]. This is one of the biggest projects of the year, and it's concluded. We started last year for this.

The written work has been edited [more will be edited AND new updated posts will be put there as PDF's, library work is endless]. It has been reformatted, and now has a full functional SEARCH BAR you can use. Find whatever you need immediately, no different than the super handy search of the JoS.

Currently, the Library boasts 1215 books. Material that the enemy considered "forbidden" and took down, has been restored inside better hosting solutions and alternatives, since we will not accept the enemy's censorship and their destruction of knowledge.

In regards to the number of books and more updates, even this enormous volume is nothing, given half of my posts are not even there. We will editorially check them and upload them too over time. Then, new material and other expansion plans which are now still private.

Beautiful and decent posts from other members will also go there too. Maybe we could open a thread for which posts the community considers good and valuable, so we can enrich it. This is after all for Satanists to be able to go there and read.

I have only the biggest thanks to give to every SS that has worked on this, SoaringEagle666, Lydia, Vanjunior and Serbon. For their help in this work, their names will be permanently included in the Library footer.

The Library only needs a few finishing touches, and then the libraries of other SS from other countries will be uploaded.

Everyone can meanwhile browse it here and let us know how you find it. Do this from the phone and the computer too if possible, or even a tablet.

Next time, we will need more volunteers. The only thing you need is to know good English and want to work a bit physically for the Gods on something tangible. Don't hesitate to mail me to begin. Anyone who wants to work on this is welcome, as we need to accelerate a second update. Work for the Gods is most rewarding.

The Joy of Satan wants to bring the best quality and uplift the name of the Gods. May the Gods bless us in our endeavor. Hope all of you find this helpful and it's a help to your journey in your development.


It looks perfect! Thank to everyone who helped. I tested it on my phone and tablet and it works well.
I would love to help with this project or anything else. I may still be living with my strict parents, but that is no excuse when I have a laptop to be used and a library close by.

Let me know if there is any way I can help. Even if it's a drop in the bucket.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Next time, we will need more volunteers. The only thing you need is to know good English and want to work a bit physically for the Gods on something tangible. Don't hesitate to mail me to begin. Anyone who wants to work on this is welcome, as we need to accelerate a second update. Work for the Gods is most rewarding.


What do you need help with?
Amazing! Thank you so much High Priest Hoodedcobra666, JG Lydia, JG Soaring Eagle666, Vanjunior, and Serbon!
YES!! I was wondering when an announcement was going to be made. It looks fantastic, and very cleanly formatted.
The little detail of being able to use the large red letters to skip back to the top of the library is super handy, too. Both phone and computer versions function very well for the models I have. I use heavy "warm/night mode" all the time for my phone and it still shows up great.

Well done, everyone involved :)
tabby said:
YES!! I was wondering when an announcement was going to be made. It looks fantastic, and very cleanly formatted.
The little detail of being able to use the large red letters to skip back to the top of the library is super handy, too. Both phone and computer versions function very well for the models I have. I use heavy "warm/night mode" all the time for my phone and it still shows up great.

Well done, everyone involved :)
Excellent! Thank you. :D

Does the orange [MP3] and red [PDF] text contrast look ok in the night mode? Do the colors still look different enough?
Also HP i just wanted to say, just now i happened to look at the library again and bumped into this sermon. I don't think it was by accident: https://satanslibrary.org/English/Accepting_ones_self_by_HP_HC666.pdf

Thank you so much for this one. It has put many things together and a lot into perspective for me. This continues to be and has been one of by biggest obstacles on many levels. Self acceptance. It will truly aid me when i start deep cleaning again. I hope to see many things more clearly after a time, as well as even positive changes when it comes to certain manifestations in my chart. I feel like this is telling us not to literally obliterate any planet or placement...but to just find ways to manifest the positives of them and ideally nothing else.
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=355050 time=1652663968 user_id=346]
tabby said:
YES!! I was wondering when an announcement was going to be made. It looks fantastic, and very cleanly formatted.
The little detail of being able to use the large red letters to skip back to the top of the library is super handy, too. Both phone and computer versions function very well for the models I have. I use heavy "warm/night mode" all the time for my phone and it still shows up great.

Well done, everyone involved :)
Excellent! Thank you. :D

Does the orange [MP3] and red [PDF] text contrast look ok in the night mode? Do the colors still look different enough?

On mine, yes, it does. It seems the shade of the orange is slightly more to the "yellow" side of the spectrum rather than red, so in nightmode it warms to a nice rich orange color, and the red is still bright. The eyes pick up on it well with and without nightmode. :)

The yellow of the title names warms to a nice light golden orange and still provides nice contrast to the document labels as well.

For [Link], it turns to a more washed blue/grey kind of color (though nice and bright when not in nightmode), and the [video] turns to a more wine burgundy shade. Though not as bright as the other two labels when in nightmode, the contrast of the colors still makes it easy to pick up on them.

Figured I'd mention the other ones, though they weren't part of your original question.
We are indeed grateful for this tedious and handwork. I pray that each and everyone of us in this path Works diligently to help Satan and the Gods, in this great work of saving the world and securing our better existence.
Wow amazing work guys!

Is there a link to download ALL UPDATED PDFs yet??
] https://satanslibrary.org/English/ HAIL SATAN!!!!!! [/quote said:
You all are truly awesome. I look forward to lending my assistance in the future. Recently the gods have blessed me with recent success in my career so I will also be assisting with generous financial donations shortly.

Once again, thank you for all of your hard work. Hail Stan!
Excellent news! It looks clean and efficient! I especially like how the Jewtrix Documentary and video links are at the top for all to see with ease!
Hail Satan!
Bless SS!
Curse israel...
Sweet, couldn't have done this at better time. My only suggestion, if this isn't already in the process of being implemented, is to have an all in one file as a download option categorized in the same way so everyone easily has a backup and doesn't need to manually download each one.

Everyone can meanwhile browse it here and let us know how you find it. Do this from the phone and the computer too if possible, or even a tablet.
I think we should also start taking e-readers into consideration too. I had just purchased mine awhile ago and it's seriously worth every penny when it comes to reading, love the e-ink technology and it's very good for the eyes. Maybe have epub formats too, but the one I have is near high end so it's not really a problem as its hardware permits a lot of features, but not too sure about kindle or kobo.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I would like to volunteer to help. i dont have much computer or internet knowledge for very specific things. but i have other talents which could be of use, if you would think it could help.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Very nice. But it can be categorized like satanisgod.org sites. It will make researchs easier.
I noticed that the mp3 files in The Blue Star Athenaeum are corrupt. Will this issue be fixed?
Best congratulations from Pillar and thanks to all people working on it.

Is there a way to download the full pdf files in one shot ?
Thank you so much for this SoaringEagle666, Lydia, Vanjunior, Serbon and HPHC.

Very useful update and a BEAUTIFUL one too <3 I love the color-codes you used for different file types. This will make browsing the library a delight. This really made my day!
It's wonderful! Thank you, everyone involved.

This brought me back to the work of editing the translated articles. Is it possible to be added translated articles here? I began to think that this might be better than making a Japanese language website. Of course, either is fine.
It looks wonderful ! Many thanks to each and every SS that did their part in creating this!
Whenever you need any more help, I'm here. Perhaps make a thread and all us volunteers can sign up! :D
We're better and better everyday! Hail Satan!
Thank you for your work.
I am ready to help anytime with anything, just send me an e-mail. All the best.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you so much for your hard work. I really like this new version!

By the way, I sent you an email about the translations.
tabby said:
Soaring Eagle 666 [JG said:
" post_id=355050 time=1652663968 user_id=346]
tabby said:
YES!! I was wondering when an announcement was going to be made. It looks fantastic, and very cleanly formatted.
The little detail of being able to use the large red letters to skip back to the top of the library is super handy, too. Both phone and computer versions function very well for the models I have. I use heavy "warm/night mode" all the time for my phone and it still shows up great.

Well done, everyone involved :)
Excellent! Thank you. :D

Does the orange [MP3] and red [PDF] text contrast look ok in the night mode? Do the colors still look different enough?

On mine, yes, it does. It seems the shade of the orange is slightly more to the "yellow" side of the spectrum rather than red, so in nightmode it warms to a nice rich orange color, and the red is still bright. The eyes pick up on it well with and without nightmode. :)

The yellow of the title names warms to a nice light golden orange and still provides nice contrast to the document labels as well.

For [Link], it turns to a more washed blue/grey kind of color (though nice and bright when not in nightmode), and the [video] turns to a more wine burgundy shade. Though not as bright as the other two labels when in nightmode, the contrast of the colors still makes it easy to pick up on them.

Figured I'd mention the other ones, though they weren't part of your original question.
Wonderful, thank you. During testing, one member's phone had a weird night mode that makes the red and orange look identical, but I knew that shouldn't happen in a properly implemented night mode, so thank you for testing it.

Yes, the [Link] color will change in night mode. There are only so many colors available, so I had to choose a blue of some kind, but as you discovered I made sure that even in night mode it's still distinguishable.

SagittarianMage said:
Excellent news! It looks clean and efficient! I especially like how the Jewtrix Documentary and video links are at the top for all to see with ease!
Hail Satan!
Bless SS!
Curse israel...
Yes, all the featured items are there that were at the top of the old library. I added the Exit the Jewtrix documentary because that's my favorite. :)

Specter said:
Sweet, couldn't have done this at better time. My only suggestion, if this isn't already in the process of being implemented, is to have an all in one file as a download option categorized in the same way so everyone easily has a backup and doesn't need to manually download each one.

Everyone can meanwhile browse it here and let us know how you find it. Do this from the phone and the computer too if possible, or even a tablet.
I think we should also start taking e-readers into consideration too. I had just purchased mine awhile ago and it's seriously worth every penny when it comes to reading, love the e-ink technology and it's very good for the eyes. Maybe have epub formats too, but the one I have is near high end so it's not really a problem as its hardware permits a lot of features, but not too sure about kindle or kobo.
Sure. I didn't provide an all-in-one zip because I personally have no use for them. They're almost always out of date (because it's not feasible to update a 4GB file every time 1 PDF is added), so I always just use a mirroring program like HTTrack.
However, if people want it, I'm happy to make an all-in-1 zip.

Do e-readers not support PDFs? I thought just about everything does.
Awesome, really good.

I didn't see a bulk pdf download listed, maybe I missed it.

Here is one that has all PDFs in English.

or if you prefer another mirror
I do speak English and Spanish very well, I would be honored to help, what do I have to start?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Amazing work! This is an indescribable contribution to the Joy of Satan! Many thanks to everyone who participated in the creation of this library. I want to help in this and other material matters, but my English is unfortunately not that good for this job. For the time being, I will continue to work spiritually for the good of Satan and the Joy of Satan, but if there is anything I can do to help, please email me! ☀️

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
