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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,

For those who have been here for a few years, you remember that there were some really important and informative documentaries created.

The Jewtrix Documentary, had reached about 50k views within a few months of launch in Youtube. It was snowballing and going viral. And of course, the Oy Vey's were alarmed.

At some point, hundreds and hundreds of subscribers were flocking in the channel we had created together and were promoting on a daily basis.

The snowball effect ended the life of this extremely successful endeavor short in 2017, alongside of millions of other people who got purged from Youtube for winning the war of ideas. Other bigger channels were gaining like 500 people a day. The enemy knew, that this had to be cut short if they are to survive. But it was already too late.

They can censor, they can attack, they can try to rip off every knowledge they can, but the boat has been set asail. We will just accelerate this. Their worthless movement towards an enslaved world won't be tolerated.

They are showing their fear more and more since. Every passing year, they are trying harder and harder, only to get exposed and hated further and further.

We understood on these critical times in 2017, that not only our ideas are accepted by a strong portion of the populace [the enemy is aware of this], but that we have the ability for extreme success in spreading our ideas. We will be more systematic with this. It's required and mandatory for the future.

We will fight against censorship and the enemy's plans for global damnation.

Since, due to lack of any serious alternative and time to focus on this, we had to let this project go, although it was by far one of the most favorite type of work for me. Anyhow, all is fine and up again. I am aware some are missing, but the most important and strong hitting videos are already up.

The reason for the delay on the Internet Warfare was that I had to re-create this and make sure it's reliable. We will be using this channel to promote our ideas to the populace. It's already being viewed and has some coverage. The platform of this is Odysee.

For those new, don't forget to watch these documentaries as they are a way to answer all your questions easily. It's also advised to open an account on the platform and distribute knowledge yourself. There are many people who have a functional mind there.

We will expand on other platforms within the next schedule.

Of course, the channel is small now. Like the other one was when we began...Then, it started becoming a mammoth that was stepping up on the enemy left and right.

We can make that happen and step on all of their stuff. Also, our plan henceforth will be to take over these "platforms" that are going to accept the Truth.

We don't need to do much either, just distribute safely and anonymously, all we have to do is promote. Information and knowledge will do it's job.


The Truth will NOT be infringed upon.

May Satan lead us all to victory in this war.


Below is the link:


I cannot create a account because it says this password has been leaked by this and that and it does not matter what i put in it just says it over and over again. What do i do?
This password has been found in a registry of leaked passwords (HIBP database). Please pick a safer password!.

I have tried many times it keeps giving me this why??
May Satan bless you beyond words!
Thank you for this! Will upload as well on this site since you do it.

On a binge re watching tonight.
I’d say open a bitchute channel as well but I had JoS videos on mine and it was completely deleted without any warning or trace.
Awesome. Thank you so much for this. I joined the JoS around spring 2019, all the videos and documentaries listed on Satanslibrary had dead links ever since, so I'll enjoy watching them.
It has the vid I've been looking for "Examples Of Race Mixing Propaganda."

Hopefully I can download it somehow.

Thanks HP!
The:"jesus admits christianity is a hoax", top notch comedy and truth. :lol:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I’d say open a bitchute channel as well but I had JoS videos on mine and it was completely deleted without any warning or trace.

Strange but Satchives(Ghost-banned potentially), DSB, and one more person has videos on JoS, NS, WW2 era videos.

I guess they took extreme measures on your maybe even completely unjustifiable. If they Ghostbanned you at least your videos are still seen and the channel is still up.
This is great news! :D :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


The Truth will NOT be infringed upon.

May Satan lead us all to victory in this war.


Below is the link:



Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

~UN Declaration of Human Rights

I make no apologies for sharing this again - nor shall I.
awesome I was going to move all the stuff over to odysee that was on my bitchute (mostly your videos/documentaries). but a lot of things happened, bitchute really has taken a turn for the worse, Odysee/LBRY and maybe sites like minds are a better choice now. I'll still move things over to an odyssee account the more the better.
Hail Victory!

Thank you, High Priest. This is very exciting. I have high hopes for this.

Hail Satan!
I checked the ranking of odyssey.com and it’s currently at 2,021 globally which is good and most of the traffic is coming from the US followed by Spain then France in that exact order. So keep that in mind for any future videos you make, you may want them to be translatable in Spanish and French. Also it would be good to try to target as many platforms with a high global ranking like how YouTube is ranked 1 globally.

Basically the more sites you can find with a high ranking like Odysee the better. That will ensure you aren’t wasting your time posting videos on sites that aren’t getting a lot of traffic and eye balls on them.
Also the average time spent on Odysee is under 6 minutes so that’s something else to keep in mind when making future videos but if people are liking your content that will cause them to stay on the site much longer which is good for you and Odysee and any other platform you post to.
Oh how I was so addicted until just recently on watching the covid conspiracy vids daily. Was eating all of my limited time up so cut them out until the weekends.

How about maybe making a conspiracy vid on how they pulled off the covid hoax. The enemy has stepped into the room now where people can see them.

The covid vax is to enslave people and greyify humanity by eventually making them no longer pro create. And eventually connecting them to AI so people can be controlled directly.

The next crises is going to be the global warming hoax.
Gear88 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I’d say open a bitchute channel as well but I had JoS videos on mine and it was completely deleted without any warning or trace.

Strange but Satchives(Ghost-banned potentially), DSB, and one more person has videos on JoS, NS, WW2 era videos.

I guess they took extreme measures on your maybe even completely unjustifiable. If they Ghostbanned you at least your videos are still seen and the channel is still up.

Bitchute cucked and possibly sold out. Maybe it happened this way, or maybe through intimidation, we will never know. But they have bent the knee.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Fantastic work, Commander! Perfect for the current schedule and doing lots of Communications RTRs! :D

One question: when I created the account it asked if I wanted to "link it to my jewtube channel".. I didn't allow it so I would keep a low profile, but I really don't care what happens to my measly channel on jewtube, I'm not getting monetized as long as oy veys rules it anyway.

I'll try to put some of the videos on jewtube as well but eh.. we all know how that happens there: censorship and channel deleted. I'll put the Odysee link for as many as possible to see them before they take it all down. jewtube needs to see flocks of people moving away from them and joining non controlled platforms. I can sense them panicking like the damn parasites they are ahahah!

This in itself is magickal HPHC

Thank you bro :cool:
HPHC can you find the video Heathens JOS version i miss that so much :D
YES!!!❤ Hail Satan!!!🐍☕👩‍💻👁❤ Thank you!!!!🤘
I am having a struggle trying to log into to log into the Odysee.com/@Commander.Cobra666:5 It won't accept my email address or User name and password. And I have tried several times to log in! And I use the same password in the same email address every time I log in here and this website so? Why won't it allow the same password and the same email address I used to log on to this website? And do I have to create a whole nother email address mailbox and password? Just to be able to get on to that new website? This is the thing that frustrates me with social media! And the mess that the Jews have put us through! We should not have to jump through hoops just to log into a program or just to be able to fit in somewhere where you will be accepted especially if you want to learn something! And be somewhere where you can be appreciated with your own kind
Commander HoodedCobra666 I love you!!!😀🔥 I just logged into the Odysee website and i enjoy watching your videos! And i enjoy learning from you and your works!! Hail Satan!!❤ i follow you and Satan anywhere!!!🔥🐍 This is my home !!! Satan is my home !!! And he always will be and always has been!!!🐍🌞 Thank you!!! For getting this program up and going!!!🔥🙂 HAIL SATAN!!! HAIL WODON!!!🔥🐍
Thank you!! For getting the JOS documents back up. Commander HoodedCobra666 💖🙏🔥 Your awesome!!! And I love you!!!🌹💞 Thank you for being here. Hail Satan!!!
CandiceLee1313 said:
Commander HoodedCobra666 I love you!!!😀🔥 I just logged into the Odysee website and i enjoy watching your videos! And i enjoy learning from you and your works!! Hail Satan!!❤ i follow you and Satan anywhere!!!🔥🐍 This is my home !!! Satan is my home !!! And he always will be and always has been!!!🐍🌞 Thank you!!! For getting this program up and going!!!🔥🙂 HAIL SATAN!!! HAIL WODON!!!🔥🐍

I hope to soon be able to devote a very large portion of time into creating videos. This would be very nice to be able to do. Unfortunately, time has been slim and this has dissuaded me from doing more in that regard.

Thanks for your words.
Okay. If I have crossed..the line with people here.. all because I had issues trying to get on a website on here. And finally was able to yesterday morning! And was over board excited about it. Goes to show you how some people don't give up trying. To learn and figure things out. And yet in the same trying to keep there sanity. !!! And I was also expressing my frustration. As well. And I apologize!! For being a pain in the ass on here. If I am. And I apologize for upsetting some of you yesterday afternoon!! I may have gotten under Commander HoodedCobra's skin. She didn't seem to happy! with what I posted. And what I said. And made myself look like a fool. And made an ass of myself on here, plus I probably made other people look bad too. I understand how that goes. My apology!. And I expressed to much emotion or over emphasized. It's because I am happy to be here.. or I try to hard to learn and get caught up on the things I read. And sometimes I get angry with some of the content, because it hits me to much. With the covid and the propaganda, And the political drama. Seeing and hearing about the jews and Muslims and what these religitards are doing to this planet as it is. Along with the suffering of people. And what we are all going threw as it is. And what we need to do, and what we should be doing as individuals. 👀🙏💖 I have my days. Just like everyone else on this planet. And I know alot of you have your days too. And even the lot of you express emotions and feelings to. And even show your anger and lash out too. And even though... weather its appropriate or not? We all make mistakes, and embarrassment is expected. And yet we learn from our mistakes and improve. Isn't that what Satan wants. And expects. Along with exploring the mind and body. And along with it we gain friends and lose friends too. Nobody! Is perfect! I am not perfect! Nor will I ever be. And neither will you. But ! We try and question. Live and learn.. and we gradually get somewhere. And evolve! And we believe in ourselves! And we become a higher I intelligent people! We grown out of that awkward school kid body and mind and become perfect! 🔥 especially if you know who you are and own up to your mistakes and problems. And take care of them ! By showing respect for others the same in a group or community! That is how people over come fears and handicaps and what ever seems to be an issue with yourself! And others around you. 💖 Correct me if I'm wrong?.. Hail Satan!

I am also moving my animated videos there. My channel is this: https://odysee.com/@Spiritual_Satanism:1

I'm still not sure how the Credits work and how to use them in my videos. I didn't find any satisfactory videos from the Odysee help channel, but I should probably search for other people's videos on this (there are probably a few explaining it? Perhaps).

I have 2 notes:
1: If you verify your account you can use Credits. If you have Credits, we can use them on HP HoodedCobra's videos to "boost" his content! (so that more people can see his videos)
I am still NOT sure how this works and it's why I haven't done it yet. How many views can 1.0 Credit give? Is anyone familiar with this, or have they found any video explaining it?

2: It appears to be that there will be a new Suicide Squad movie. I'm not interested in it, but I think that this is one "trending" topic right now (and will be in the foreseen future)... How about a video with the Suicide Squad trailer main song (it's a lovely one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fzpQzuA7UE) and mentioning it in the title of the video (eg: "Rain - Suicide Squade | A Different Kind of Reality") and it can be like a AMV (anime music video lol), that's basically a video with scenes and music on top of it. These scenes (in the AMVs) usually feature one specific character from the anime or a battle and so forth. But it can be something with the jews, the Jewtrix and so forth... But ONLY images, not text! (eg: Bill Gates or whoever, advertising a new technological device-Microsoft etc- and then an image of an article (yes, that will be text but not a 'heavy' one) which will talk about that device recording us or stealing our personal information etc)

This is a very loose idea right now... We can basically take ANYTHING that's going to get viral (or that is viral right now) and use it to our purpose. It's also important though to write the Title of the video in a way that will emphasize that it has to do with that viral thing (although it won't be - not directly).

Okay, it's like a Clickbait but goddamnit it will be worth it! And in the case like my example above, it won't really be a clickbait, as the video WILL have that specific song in it - it's just that the content of the video won't be related to Suicide Squad at all.
AH!!! I forgot to say one last thing.
IF you can use Credits now, we can all receive and help HP HoodedCobra get Credits in this way:

  • Click on your Avatar on the upper right of the screen.
  • Click on Rewards.
  • There will be one option that says "Invites" or something similar. You claim Credits by saying who invited you to Odysee (and that person ALSO gets Credits!!), so we can help HP HoodedCobra get Credits as well!!
  • In the place where it says, who invited you (and asks for their channel name) just copy-paste: @Commander.Cobra.666

Let's help HP HoodedCobra make more of these videos!! Let's spread the Truth about Satan in any way we can!! (anonymously and safely)
HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
