Serenidade88 said:Hey
I did my dedication a couple of years ago but I feel stuck in a loop of starting to meditate and stop.
Could you give me some advice, information on work with runes or something that can help me?
It’s most likely because your mind is programmed to be against meditation. Every night before you go to sleep, affirm this 20-30 times: “I am positively accepting the new habit of meditation in my life, and I know it is positive for me.”Serenidade88 said:Hey
I did my dedication a couple of years ago but I feel stuck in a loop of starting to meditate and stop.
Could you give me some advice, information on work with runes or something that can help me?
Source: JoS Newsletter 2008-2009 Sermons and Important Messages (Page 8)High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:When one encounters problems and obstacles, one should go to the bottom of this and every night before going to sleep, affirm 20-30 times when relaxed, for example: "I have perfect concentration."
Other affirmations for example- "I am always highly motivated and I always meditate every day", “I always have time to do quality meditations", “I am able to enter deep trances easily" you get the general idea. Remember, affirmations should always be in the present tense because the subconscious mind and soul do not have a time frame such as in the future tense "will" happen. Always make your affirmations in the present tense.
Before sleeping, affirmations should be done some 25-30 times for 40 days straight.
I believe it is a problem with persistence, perseverance, lack of discipline.Blitzkreig said:Serenidade88 said:Hey
I did my dedication a couple of years ago but I feel stuck in a loop of starting to meditate and stop.
Could you give me some advice, information on work with runes or something that can help me?
Depends what the problem is, more info is needed.
Is it mental, such as lacking in persistence or motivation? Check natal chart and see what your element profile is.
Is it physical, such as low energy or certain health issues? Wiped out after work?
Consistent meditation is not always easy, as it can take a large mental effort. It is possible you are doing too much and sort of burning yourself out. As you increase your overall bioenergy and mental capacity (notably through void meditation), then you can start to sustain a heavier workload.
I will try to wake up a little early to meditate. Maybe eat some fruit or a lighter meal to wake up in the mood. Tnks~Powerofjustice said:Yeah I would say try to make time and meditate first thing in the morning so you don't get distracted or overwhelmed by work and skip your meditation.
And if you're depressed or too exhausted after work you might see a drastic difference if you change up your diet to have foods that are high in energy and easy for your body to process like fruits or good meat.
mindy87 said:I have this same problem too.
Serenidade88 said:I believe it is a problem with persistence, perseverance, lack of discipline.
I remember seeing another topic with an interesting discussion about the same subject of this topic but I lost it.
I will begin to do these affirmations daily, I think that will help me.Academic Scholar said:It’s most likely because your mind is programmed to be against meditation. Every night before you go to sleep, affirm this 20-30 times: “I am positively accepting the new habit of meditation in my life, and I know it is positive for me.”Serenidade88 said:Hey
I did my dedication a couple of years ago but I feel stuck in a loop of starting to meditate and stop.
Could you give me some advice, information on work with runes or something that can help me?
Or if you want to go all out, you could go into the deepest trance possible and state the above affirmation 40 times, 100 times or 216 times everyday. How to go into a trance:
You should read this sermon:
Source: JoS Newsletter 2008-2009 Sermons and Important Messages (Page 8)High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:When one encounters problems and obstacles, one should go to the bottom of this and every night before going to sleep, affirm 20-30 times when relaxed, for example: "I have perfect concentration."
Other affirmations for example- "I am always highly motivated and I always meditate every day", “I always have time to do quality meditations", “I am able to enter deep trances easily" you get the general idea. Remember, affirmations should always be in the present tense because the subconscious mind and soul do not have a time frame such as in the future tense "will" happen. Always make your affirmations in the present tense.
Before sleeping, affirmations should be done some 25-30 times for 40 days straight.
Negative karma could also be the cause of your issue so you should remove negative karma.
Munka Working For Negative Karma by Luis
START: Waning moon in Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces. Recommended to do in the hour of the Sun but any hour works.
1. Raise your energies:
2. Vibrate MUNKA 9 times into each of your seven chakras (from root chakra to crown chakra) while visualizing a brilliant white-gold light.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“In a positive and healthy way for me, my 7 major chakras and their extensions are completely and permanently free from any and all negative karma now and forever.”
Do this everyday for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.
How to pronounce MUNKA:
Original working:
Your advice and all that information will be very useful to me. Thanks for your response.Blitzkreig said:mindy87 said:I have this same problem too.
Serenidade88 said:I believe it is a problem with persistence, perseverance, lack of discipline.
I remember seeing another topic with an interesting discussion about the same subject of this topic but I lost it.
First make sure you practice void meditation daily, and do a decent amount as well, such as 10-30 minutes, depending on your level and what time you have. VM is critical for increasing your willpower. It also "detoxes" your brain from the highly stimulating world around it:
Speaking of which, if you play lots of video games, browse tiktok/youtube frequently, use porn, and so on... These are all highly stimulating (and made to be addictive), and they compete for your attention. Of course your brain, now used to this, is going to find meditation and other forms of mental work as boring in comparison. Just keep this in mind and try to get your entertainment to safe levels or forms if this is a problem for you.
Runes to be used include Sowilo (Sun rune), Nauthiz (Saturn rune), Eiwhaz (plutonian), Uruz (increases energy and activity). You can't go wrong with any of them, but if you had to pick, I would suggest Nauthiz.
You can affirm it such that it increases willpower, or perhaps you could say it is making you quickly and consistently advance spiritually, on a daily basis.
Next, look at your natal chart. See if you have any particular specific weaknesses. In addition, look at your elemental balance. If you are lacking in earth or fire, this could also be a cause.
If this is the case for you, you could practice balancing them, just BE CAREFUL AND START SMALL. Also, starting with inhaling ether energy is much safer, since it is already balanced. However, sometimes it is useful to feel each element individually.
Start with like 2-3 breaths of fire or earth and program it to balance you and work in a fully healthy manner. Earth is critical for grounding and discipline, whereas fire is useful for energy and motivation.
Be careful of too much because you can get a bit of a backlash of the opposing element. If you start small every day, then you will get used to it.
While working with the elements is considered an advanced concept, if the cause of your inabilty to meditate is due to a severe elemental balance, then I would say it is worth trying. It can be done completely safely as long as you heed all warning. Also note that the runes represent safe forms of the elements and planets that they represent, but invoking pure elements is more of a short term solution.
Invoking the elements:
Invoking Fire:
Invoking Earth:
Invoking Ether:
Last, but not least, you need to be mindful of your physical energy and state of the body. The most prominent organ system involved with willpower are the kidneys.
If you have trouble waking up in the morning, undereye bags/discoloration, feeling cold, feeling low on willpower/focus, easily stressed or startled, low back back or knee pain, waking up constantly in the night time to pee... these are all kidney deficiency symptoms. (Traditional Chinese Medicine Symptoms)
If the above applies to you, see a TCM doctor and also make a habit of massaging the Kidney 3 acupoint.
Without diving into a huge tirade about health, just make sure you doing your yoga daily. The hatha yoga routine is great. An easier, yet also useful routine includes the Tibetan 5 Rites. A full routine of yoga does so much for all parts of your body that nothing really competes. For this it is mandatory.
One last thing that can screw up your general health and kidneys is a messed up sleep schedule. The body does not like operating past 1am much at all, and everything will take more energy than it should. This is due to circadian timing of the organs and also the yin/yang balance of the time of day. You should be sleeping during the yin time and so on.
Make sure you are in bed at 11pm. Just do your best here. If the cause of staying up late is due to a job, my opinion is that you are not nearly compensated enough for it and should look elsewhere for that reason alone.
Anyway, good luck.
Yes, it is best to do meditations and yoga right after waking up. This will set the tone for the day so to speak. If one has to wake up super early for work, then one could simply go to sleep earlier and wake up even earlier to get the essentials done after waking up. No excuse is a good one here. When there is more time after daily work or school and so on, one should strive to do more spiritual matters on their spare time, or perhaps study or something else that helps oneself or Satans cause to make this world a better place. It's all about making new healthy habits in stead of old not so healthy habits and change begins from you!Fuil said:I was finding it hard to meditate every day as well, when I wake up and check the time I've made it a discipline to always do the meditation at the end of the hour(so if the time was 7:05 I'll do the meditation at 7:59, same if the time was 7:58) this way it doesn't matter so much what time I wake up at in the morning. I'm not sure if that would suit anyone else to do but thought just to share it
HailVictory88 said:Is it recommended that people wait until their at an intermediate level to do a Munka working, so as to not remove Karma that might be beneficial?
SouthernWhiteGentile said:Blitzkrieg I would like to email you privately with some concerns about my health.
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan