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Have To Say The Truth: I Am NOT Sorry

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Over the years I understand that certain things one says might come opposed with almost everything in a world where almost everything is a lie.

It's painful sometimes to see that almost "everything" that we think we know, is built on a castle of sand. As knowledge and understanding expands, we get a better understanding of this.

The reality of the world is that most of it is based on tragic and very extensive lies.

Most of us and human beings in general start from a point of extreme emotional immaturity, confusion, blindness, then before anything sets in, we have forced in our minds too many lies from all sides, more than anyone cares if we can handle or not.

This is created systematically by those who want to keep everyone blind instead of giving them the light of knowledge and understanding.

Naturally, false convictions, delusions and falsehood sets strongly in one's life. People hate what they "fear", such as is the case of Satan. Yet, all of this is done based on lies.

It's crazy enough to consider that our populations worldwide have been PROGRAMMED to hate Satya, Satyan or Satan or Satan, or Sat [or whatever you want to choose] which is a word that we know relates to the Truth.

Soon, I will also share more groundbreaking evidence in regards to how the program to hate "Satan" from the enemy is the worst and most miserable mistake in recent Human history.

We were born and bred to be Truth haters by definition. The way to achieve this end was only through belief in hoaxes and false convictions that have no value in them, and with sheer emotional immaturity to follow this gravely mistaken path.

Most of these convictions present themselves also in cultural mind-washing. There are people for example who will sit down and curse me everyday to no end just because someone agitated them, or because I am a Satanist.

In their language, they call this "praying to jeboo" or "allah" or "jehovah", to, you know, deal with "evil", such as the evil that they "believe" we represent here.

Little do their shrunken brains understand that in the assembly of the higher entities and the Gods, they are committing a grave crime and offense.

Above all, they destroy themselves by following the path of falsehood, and therefore there is nothing else I need to do but watch their slow decay.

When they find out that 'God' does nothing but empower me and help me or all of us, then they question themselves their convictions.

Denial reaches extents so high that the most obvious lies such as the recent programs of popular control, are "Truth", while eternal and universal understandings of the past are "false", as in, their own Ancestral Gods whose pottery and tablets really is beneath their own soil.

These people believe in power only, and not "God". These bogus systems of mindwashing have power now, so they "believe" in them. They have no judgement, and they are completely disconnected from anything that has to do with "God" as a notion.

Is "God" truly with them, or are the creators and maintainers of this world, or the "God" as they call it, closer aligned and in tune with us instead?

Who has penetrated into the wisdom of the universal consciousness or what we call 'God' further, us or them?

The average hateful Muslim, Christian, or bitter robbing Jew, is so disconnected from 'God' and anything related to the Divine, that only if they knew how much disconnected they are, they would desert their falsehood immediately.

Yet the reality is that most people who loudly preach about this 'God', seldom care to use anything of the term except when it is to justify crimes, certain dietary laws, or other fake cultural nonsense to keep Jewish Abrahamism going.

They have read that the context of our beliefs is great, they know it's sound, and True, but their "Convictions" in jewish lying and their programmed minds tell them otherwise.

Unfortunately the above is not enough to solicit the Gods or higher entities to do your nefarious bidding on me or anyone else.

Too many people live on lies, disregarding reality, or hardly looking for any fact or truth in anything. Not saying here an ultimate Truth or whatever, we are talking about just basic things.

We are not these people, we are those that go against these evil authorities of falsehood that tell us to look into nothing.

On one hand I am sorry if certain things come into some sort of negative wall or reaction from anyone. That is almost at all times not intended. But it's also rather unavoidable.

It does not feel great when this is towards SS in particular at all.

The more the Gods help me advance too, I have found oftentimes it's done in a great manner, yet at other times where the self's own denial is too high, it can clash and cause a reaction. I also had awakening calls from others who are worthy of respect and know what they are talking about.

There is no learning, understanding, growth or empowerment that arrives or can happen without this friction or reaction to the Truth.

If I hurt anyone's feelings I am not sorry. I cannot say the Truth and not hurt at least someone's feelings, and it is also regular that by saying it I hurt mine too.

It has to happen.

However, if there is something one does not understand, or I might have caused a misunderstanding, feel free to relate this. We are trying our earnest as a community to grow and expand into always better ways of dealing with all matters.

The degree of hurting here will range: certain people will say that this is awesome, as they rate awakening and Truth higher than fiction. Others might choose fiction or might decide they do not want to use their mind to think, and this can cause serious problems.

Past a point, we enjoy it and we thirst for this. As a sick body that is given medicine will have a bad reaction, then the reaction subsides and we have love of health and wisdom that starts to be created in our soul.

As we heal, pain from understanding lessens. Then, what others call as "pain" is the bestowed of more strength. Then, pain becomes to have to go further in ignorance.

Even in all cases, it's important to know in advance. Life isn't really fair in this matter. Better to know as many Truths as possible than not in life.

I have to say it how it is, or at least, in the way most close to the Truth as currently understood. We all walk towards this and to do otherwise would be bad.

I have to do this service to the Gods instead of lying to appease emotions. I respect in the highest manner the real emotions of our own, and the enemy's I do not, although I care about mankind as a whole.

The amount of cost for saying the Truth versus not saying is already too high, and I consciously have accepted the outcome of this rather than the latter of false lies.

As the lies will certainly would "be better" for everyone "short term", the Truth will save someone's soul and that of others "long term".

Our world has taken a wrong turn I am not in it. I reject the lies. Yet I have to face them as all of you have here to do.

Some people ask what difference does it make, when you have gorillions of people doing it wrong or lying. It doesn't matter.

Sometimes we have to mind ourselves and our own, and then whomever wants to remain in the Matrix will pay their consequences.

We just have to stay on the correct path and do our earnest to ask for the Truth as much as possible, with true heart and bravery.

I will not lie about the Gods for just the comfort of not being attacked by their blind "enemies", I will not lie constantly and without an end about our past or my own culture or that of other Gentiles because the popular narrative wants it, nor I am willing to succumb and submit to a life that is rife with lying to anyone about our potential origins.

I write "enemies" as the Gods cannot really have "enemies" that are equal to them, humans are so outsized they have no idea. They just have blind zealots that act against them that cannot harm them whatsoever. Humans harm THEMSELVES by engaging in this action.

Since they can harm their followers however or other incarnated souls that come from them, we have to wage a defensive war of retaliation against them, only so that we have to survive and move spiritually upwards, in a world where many have decided to go spiritually downwards.

Bitter locked souls in lower dimensions who have rejected for themselves to be brought up to the higher lights, and are sitting there in their own created suffering because they made a wrongly informed choice to follow the enemy for temporary conveniences here, which are not even the case.

The enemy is an abuser by nature and any said "conveniences" they offer are not real. The convenience of lies from their dogma for example, causes pain and misery in untold extends. It does not absolve the "suffering" that it promises, but only prolongs it for humanity.

I refuse to close my mind completely just because this world demands to keep a large jewish propaganda show going.

Yes, I am also aware there are threats against "Those that resist", but not everyone was made to join your borg. I am not sorry.

Lastly, it's hilarious how the threat for all of this is too high; to just mention the obvious in many ways, you have to be like Galileo.

In the place of Galileo one today is punished not for the earth's roundness, but over the fact to not believe in hoaxes instated by the popular "Trilateral Commission" of the Jewish religious systems of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

The audacity of modern jews is even worse, and getting worse by the day. Their insolence and expressed abominations are increasing and increasing, an eventful and necessary event that must take place before they crash themselves.

The fact that these have posed as "God" means nothing to me, for I have seen the ways of 'God' or the universal consciousness they so falsely misrepresent.

Lucifer as my Guide and my God has shown me the Light of the universe, and as He is Satan, he showed me the primordial darkness of birth and creation.

What has their "God" showed them?

As a closing note, only by knowing the Truth we gain any power, wisdom, understanding, and yes, peace and real lasting blessings.

One must choose the path of the Truth and try to cling on it with all your love and existence, and just deny the dogma of the enemy who tries to keep you blind, and you will eventually see the light of the Truth.

Yet they also lie to you that this is easy: It is not easy, and the rewarding part about it is that we struggle and gain power as we try to rise higher to it. It is definitely attainable, and only if you take the effort step by step and you are focused and patient.

Follow the path of balance between humility and of great self empowerment, supply this with true learning and meditation, and you will arrive to your final destination as the Gods have ordained for human beings.

Keep walking in the Middle Path, and you will rise higher and higher until you see the light.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
People get angry or upset for all sorts of reasons, including the fact that you upset their perceptions, or even indirect reasons like a miscommunication or prior trauma. The category of miscommunication itself is so broad that it can be applied hundreds of times to one scenario.

We are not in a position, as SS, that we can spend excessive time debating and worrying about the perceptions of others. In the future, we will have improved our marketing and media efforts, and these can do our talking in a more harmonious manner. For now, we seem to be within the "Aries stage", where we must fight for our survival and not look back.

As Cobra has said, it is always unfortunate when people get upset, but any compromise on our position would create more trauma later on. Therefore, if someone is upset with you, just be civil and disconnect. Even if you convince this person that you are correct, do you think they will dedicate and do RTR's? The likelihood is very low, and therefore the time spent was not fruitful.

You can spend hours talking to someone, but then all of that is undone by some shitty Tik Tok or other means which establish or aggravate negative programming within them.

If you are the diplomatic type, then focus your Venusian/Neptunian energies on the creation of Satanic media. This is how you can get people to accept our views without fighting. However, your Satanic knowledge itself must be defended with the opposite of Libra, which is Aries.

If this all sounds strange or annoying, it is because it is. We are not living within a normal situation on Earth. This requires us to modify the way we interact with people. When you are among SS of high value, then it is ok to relax your guard and be sensitive. When you are around negative influences, you must be guarded.
One thing I loved about HPHC when I was new was his brute honesty and sticking to the truth. It was a bit coarse especially with understanding the Black race better but I have grown so much over the years. I largely owe it to you Brother. Excellent sermon.

Hail Satan!
Nor should you ever be sorry.

Why would a literal High Priest have to apologize to a bunch of filthy xians, muslims or kikes?

Xians abandon their famly, treat them like trash and bring the world down through retardation, muslims kill their daughters for not wearing hijab and behead anyone and anything, and jews are the ones responsible for every single pain we go through.

Why, then, should you, we, or anyone be sorry for the absolute RETARDS these people are?

They can burn in their imaginary hellfire for all I care.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

You just dodged a nuke. I was only 1-2 days off, damn. Anyway, objectively it's for the best that you were straight forward on this.
Beautiful sermon!

A lot of people need to take the time to de-stress their minds, not be in a reactionary mode, and meditate on truths. Yoga is very useful for this, holding an asana while thinking about something, in a passive way though. Clear the mind, letting the truth shine brightly and clearly, allowing the walls in the mind to come down, reaching enlightenment.

There can be no advancement, no Serpent rising, with lies or hangups.
HP HoodedCobra666 Thank you for sharing this!!! ❤ I enjoyed it!
And you have every right to be angry! People should have every right to voice their opinions. And to be able to express their anger! And I think this is the best way to express it!. I have enjoyed every word of this sermon! And you are point on about everything! I couldn't express it better myself!❤
Sometimes you just have to say what you have to say! And get it out there well you can!❤ it is also very therapeutic! And very healing. Not to mention the fact you're just being you! Sharing your knowledge and the things that trouble you about this world! It's almost as if though you took it out of my mouth! Laugh out loud what I have to say about this world! Laugh out loud to hit the nail right on the head! About everything! The ignorance of people and religion! And what it has done to the many minds of people? And the fact that a lot of people know that they can walk away from all of these programs just put out by the enemy! It's like people have forgotten that they've got choices and people are forgotten that they've got a backbone that they don't even have the guts to speak up for themselves and tell it like it is. And take action while they can! It's like people have forgotten that their individual human beings with the mind of their own and now they think all together is one like a bunch of mindless robots! This world is slowly turning into a freak Show of zombies! And people are getting worse and worse letting these programs take control of them and how these Jews are getting rich off these stupid people and these stupid programs! Laughing at how fucking stupid this world has become! All because of these stupid Jews and their mind games! Knowing what they have done.. it is aggravating! It angers me too! And sometimes you just have to get on here and tell it like it is! Not that we don't laugh out loud! Because I enjoy reading every one of your sermons! And this one struck me pretty hard! And needless to say I enjoyed reading it! And I love it!❤ 100% ☆ everything that you share! I enjoy reading! It always gives me something to think about! And it helps me in many ways! And what you have shared tonight! Was point on! You hit the target! I enjoy learning from you! And I enjoy what I read! Everything everybody posts on here! Sharing their opinions and their point of view is what it's all about! I enjoyed this website and I have learned so many things from you guys! And I appreciate all that you do!☆❤🖤 ❤ Thank you !!! HAIL!!!
At a point all SS start to take the mentality of the God's, we begin to think and rationalize like them.

On one hand we understand what needs to be done and we feel very little about what needs to happen for the great good. On the other you want to help every single person which is hard to do to various reason. Even in that there'll be people you offend or enrage with your actions.

It's not sensible to adjust your mentality to fit someone's who can't even spend 5 minutes thinking on bigger world issues. When we see the fruits of our efforts working globally; it came to no surprise to me when " Kenya West threated death to all Jewish people and was addressing how sean was controlled by them " in the face of that i don't feel required to empathic, we are winning why would i need to feel sorry for anything?

As SS we are war and that we understand. We understand as the children of our Father Satan what we are working towards, for those who came here searching for genuine truth will find it and grow from learning about it.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=393352 time=1665551650 user_id=21286]

I confirm.
Once I talked to a person about some truths, who was able to understand but only that every 5 minutes he had to turn on his mobile and check how many and that Snap was there (on Snapchat, the little brother of tik tok), and it was like talking to a dog who was distracted at every little noise.
You have given me many wonderful sermons! And I thank you! I love satanism, even as a kid I was always at heart a satanist. I love him and the gods! It’s a pretty hard path and sometimes I feel like giving up, and I find it difficult to deprogram from Christianity. And I think that’s in part what makes it hard for me.

I see Bune my guardian demon, and she’s usually friendly, I remembered her name from jos, but not what it said about her, I then looked it up just 10minutes ago! And it said she teaches worldly wisdom and wealth. And I do feel much wiser than when I first started this journey!

So it must be her helping me! Which is fantastic! And I see these blue lights surrounding me! Sometimes green. But I worry that if I fall for the tricks and brainwashing of Christianity they will leave me :( can anyone give me some advice on how to stop worrying about the gods leaving me? Anyway thank you! HAIL SATAN!
People in their ignorance throw themselves into irrelevant and destructive things that sooner or later degrade them as a person, and then manifest themselves, and as a group of people. Soul destroying organizations called religions operate on this principle and norm, believers deceive each other and one deceived person deceives another person and this list creates a squirrel wheel.

Satan, the Gods, me, and the JoS are with you and we are here. We will fight together and we will walk the long Path together and we will win together. I often feel that human instincts (which have become debased instincts in this society due to hostile manipulation) are beyond the bounds of normality. Most often I feel that ignorance does not deserve all that we do here, either as individuals or as families.

We give and give, trying to help the ignorant. Conversely, how do the ignorant help us?
You give them all the good boot up the ass they deserve and need Cobra I for one back you up all the way you can depend on me every month solid donation all the time solid warfare program if i miss a day because i was too tired then i make up for it the next day by doubling the effort i will never tire i have fought for 1000s of years im not going to quit now for some god wannabes.
Bitter Truths are best swallowed like any bitter medicine. Even if they hurt, they were the most valuable things me and my friends have read.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=393352 time=1665551650 user_id=21286]

We are not in a position, as SS, that we can spend excessive time debating and worrying about the perceptions of others. In the future, we will have improved our marketing and media efforts, and these can do our talking in a more harmonious manner. For now, we seem to be within the "Aries stage", where we must fight for our survival and not look back.

This makes me wonder, what is the JoS's "birthday". I assume that's something known only to the Cobra or even Maxine and will remain a closely guarded secret, but if things like nations have these charts the same way, does any organization have a chart like this? Including of course the JoS? I never thought of this til I read that.
Once I was very insistent on telling a friend some things and he obviously refused everything without examining things and doing research and checking. And he told me, by force you can take from others but not give.

But if you think about it, you can also give to others by force. A perfect example is children, if you allow them to choose, they will choose to play all day and become donkeys, and then they will regret it when they are adults and give you the blame you deserve too.

You cannot exist without duties. Just as children must learn by force what they must learn, so too must adults be forced and punished severely and forced to learn what they must learn.

You cannot not know what the internet is and how to use computers and smartphones. And then my grandmother brags about being old. What old woman? She doesn't deserve that title. Does it make sense for parents and grandparents to know less than their children and grandchildren?

Actually, today's so-called old people are just degenerates and total and complete failures. When they seek and work to know a lot and to be permanently young of course adults, then they will deserve that title.

The problem is the Jews who use force and power to take from people and not give, to inferiorise and imbecile them, to exploit them and discard them like cattle.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Nor should you ever be sorry.

Why would a literal High Priest have to apologize to a bunch of filthy xians, muslims or kikes?

Xians abandon their famly, treat them like trash and bring the world down through retardation, muslims kill their daughters for not wearing hijab and behead anyone and anything, and jews are the ones responsible for every single pain we go through.

Why, then, should you, we, or anyone be sorry for the absolute RETARDS these people are?

They can burn in their imaginary hellfire for all I care.

Yeah, no SS, be it an HP, or just any SS or anyone that embraces High Knowledge should "apologize" to a bunch of self-egoistic, narcassistic, and useless peoples.

I get really extremely parasitic and dross-filled vibes whenever near militant Christians, even if they're Gentile. I've had experiences were simply "looking in their direction" gets them all pent up, you'll see this same rhetoric in ghetto neighborhoods (which too, are militantly Xian). As exposed before by our HPs, many times these people often use Christianity as an excuse for whatever bullshit they're going through, or have gone through, to feel the need to unload all of their dross into the unsuspecting person. Quite frankly, as you'll read in Exodus 15:3, among the slew of other verses promoting deranged behavior - it's pretty good excuse.

All you gotta do note their demeanor, that's probably a cue not to go near them, or even look in their direction, it's not that hard to tell the kind of person that they are. People often wonder why I don't attend biker events, or Trump rallies, anti-vax rallies or other "patriotic events" or pro-GOP shit when they see my Betsy Ross, American and Rebel flags, well.....I just stated the reason in the first sentence. I don't need to be stupid or deranged to be patriotic.

There's a couple gun stores in my area, the ones near me is where all the Christian retards go, the owners too as well are grumpy militant Xians, who clearly have never "at least seen" the words "customer service".

But there's other gun stores within a further drive into the urbanite area and strip malls - it's much more spiritually diverse clientele - those are the stores that I go to, as a matter of fact I've actually had conversations with fellow clientele where they admitted they either aren't Christian, aren't "strictly Christian" or outright hate Christianity. People always ask me why I don't go to the ones near me when they find out where live....well again, read the first sentence of this entire reply.

As a matter of fact, in these urban gun stores, I can't even recall the last time I ever heard a client or the employee babbling or ranting about Rabbi Jebu or some other pro-degenerate bullshit, I hear more about the Constitution which is a GREAT SIGN. Very positive vibes, it's farther, but I'd rather spend a little more gas money to save my energy, not worth it having to constantly be around deranged cuck warlords and having to worry if I'm gonna to use my newly-bought gun right away you, "just in case......" Best thing about these "non-Christian gun stores" as I refer to them....it's next to or near a bunch of restaurants, where I can buy foods when celebrating Pagan feasts, both American (where I go for the Nordic Pagan holidays), as well as Authentic Chinese, Indian and Mexican where I go to for Chinese Moon Festival, or Diwaali, Day of Dead and etc.

The last time I ever went to those ones near me where all the Christians go to, was....quite some time ago, I believe 2017,

I recall back in college, taking a history course where the professor exposed the "Holy Crusades" as being nothing more but a mass murder campaign and a Salem Witch Trials on steroids, (masqueraded as a "Holy War against Islam", and was nothing more but a money campaign for the pope, basically a "Christian jihad" - because that's all it was. Let's remember....Islam was created from the Jesuit Papacy.

You don't need a Satanic whistleblower or a militant Atheist to tell you that....just look up the "Sack of Constantinople", where Christian Crusaders killed.........Christians and ruthlessly sacked, destroyed, burned and pillaged the city, a city that Christians soooooooo prided themselves in as being the "birth" of Greek Christianity.

Not to mention that these various Christian "crusader" groups constantly back-stabbed one another, broke all of their oaths....

And the most embarrassing fact about it all, is that after raping, pillaging, sacking, destroying and looting Constantinople/Byzantium, these Christians never ended up fighting the Muslims which was their so-called "original intent".

I have a gut feeling this is the precedent that these false flag and phony wars stemming from events like 9/11 are all about. Prop up a Hegalian enemy, get all the "patriots" riled up, only to find you you were literally sent for the sole purpose of destroying a Gentile civilization, raping the people, and then pillaging all of their wealth and treasures.

Some "wise victorious god" we got here......

Yep, we don't know anything to Christians, Muslims or Kikes.

Christians do absolutely nothing but excessively whine and complain about living under a Pagan government, the same Pagan government that gifted them with the Constitution and Bill of Rights......the same document they're trying to mock and nullify with their pathetic "Xian right" agenda.

But thank Satan and the Gods of Orion.....that the Xian right is fading and fading away. I often notice, those "miserable Xians" are also the ones caught "in-between", they "want to remain faithful to Rabbi Jebu" but life is clearly showing them what Rabbi Jebu has in store for them and for their Country and their families but the stupid fear-mongering ideology of an eternal baking oven still has them hanging and clinging on this foul odious program.

Give it a decade, when these idiots find out that their precious doomsday/rapture never came, HOPEFULLY they'll abandon the entire "eternal baking oven" lie.

This isn't just America, but everywhere.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
They can burn in their imaginary hellfire for all I care.

I have heard, that Greys kidnap weak Souls, and throw them into the baking oven pits. This just goes to show how evil they are. Then they go around showing equally-weak and non-discerned Souls still physically living on Earth these visions of fiery torture chambers, to scare people into these foul religions.

Often-not, they'll also throw in a vision of an evil Jew illuminati or Jewish hollywood person burning in Hell just to "make it credible".

How I REALLY know that "Jew-hovah" is pure evil, is how he also shows all of the Enlightenment people, and many other caring peoples who helped civilization "burning in Hell", just for one pathetic reason of them not being slaves.

That one that infuriates me the most, is when some proclaim "I saw my brother/sister/mother in Hell....so you BETTER run to Rabbi Jabo"........said-person will also admit that brother/sister/mother didn't do anything wrong, and was a good person in life, but just because they refused to be Rabbi Jebu's slave and warlord, they're now in a hideous and vicious burning torture chamber.

I mean, if I had a significant-other who cared for me, and took care of me, and I found out some cosmic big daddy decide to throw them in a fiery torture chamber for eternity, for literally no good reason, I'd be quite infuriated and that would only encourage me to further expose Jew-hova for the evil scum that he is.

Not sure how ReveLIEtion 21:4 is gonna work out at that point where Jewhovah supposedly "wipe every tear" for someone's eye and "eliminates all mourning/crying".........not possible when asshole Cosmic Big Daddy sent all your good friends and loved-ones in a fiery eternal torture chamber for literally, no good reason.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These people believe in power only, and not "God". These bogus systems of mindwashing have power now, so they "believe" in them. They have no judgement, and they are completely disconnected from anything that has to do with "God" as a notion.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I see that most christians, muslims and other brainwashed idiots just follow because that's how they were upbringing parents and they stupidly follow their fasts simply because it is accepted in their society, and I don’t mean frostbitten fanatics, but typical brainwashed people. In my opinion, in order for the majority of such zombies to go over to the side of our gods, it will be necessary to completely destroy the stinking trinity: islam, christianity and judaism, and this will happen when all the main jewish decision-making centers will fall, for example, Vatican will fall. Or in other words, when our side seizes state and religious control from the jews, for example, JOS and Gentilism (Paganism) become the main world religions, and the smelly trinity among the masses of ordinary people will be considered miserable and dangerous sects + when the jews will lose control in the media, and our people will control the media, for example, the very rich members of the JOS and the very rich gentiles (pagans), which will have power, as well as individual magnates and politicians, which work for Satan (if there are no such people now, then I hope that such people will appear in the near future). This may take 30 to 100 years.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
However, if there is something one does not understand, or I might have caused a misunderstanding, feel free to relate this. We are trying our earnest as a community to grow and expand into always better ways of dealing with all matters.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Our gods reincarnate the souls of people, whites, blacks, Asians, in general, all races except the race of the enemy (jews). I've always wanted to ask the following questions (I'll only ask some of the questions, as I have many):
1. Questions about enemies (jews, grays): Who reincarnates the souls of the jews? Will they be reincarnated by the grays? Why are jewish souls allowed to reincarnate, and why aren't all jewish souls destroyed immediately after the death of their physical body?
2. Questions about the reincarnation of Gentiles (Pagans): Pole, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, cat. do not have relatives in the United States and Western Europe can be reincarnated in the US and Western Europe? The reincarnation of a white person must necessarily be tied, connected with the blood of relatives, ancestors from one's Slavic ethnic group, or does it not matter much and can one be reincarnated as a German, Anglo-Saxon, Irish, while not having a drop of German, Anglo-Saxon, Irish blood? If in this life I live in Eastern Europe being Slav, could I in a past life, in past centuries, live in the USA, England, being Anglo-Saxon, German, or Irish? I am frightened by the idea that souls can live many lives in one territory, especially if this territory has not been safe for living for many centuries in the sense that some kind of wars, epidemics, robbing peoples are constantly taking place on it, gulags and other shit. I want to know how things really are with reincarnation.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
One must choose the path of the Truth and try to cling on it with all your love and existence, and just deny the dogma of the enemy who tries to keep you blind, and you will eventually see the light of the Truth.

Yet they also lie to you that this is easy: It is not easy, and the rewarding part about it is that we struggle and gain power as we try to rise higher to it. It is definitely attainable, and only if you take the effort step by step and you are focused and patient.

Follow the path of balance between humility and of great self empowerment, supply this with true learning and meditation, and you will arrive to your final destination as the Gods have ordained for human beings.

Keep walking in the Middle Path, and you will rise higher and higher until you see the light.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Excellent sermon. HR Cobra's sermons always inspire me a lot, what I like the most is that they are very voluminous and there is a lot of wisdom in every sentence.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=393352 time=1665551650 user_id=21286]
People get angry or upset for all sorts of reasons, including the fact that you upset their perceptions, or even indirect reasons like a miscommunication or prior trauma. The category of miscommunication itself is so broad that it can be applied hundreds of times to one scenario.

We are not in a position, as SS, that we can spend excessive time debating and worrying about the perceptions of others. In the future, we will have improved our marketing and media efforts, and these can do our talking in a more harmonious manner. For now, we seem to be within the "Aries stage", where we must fight for our survival and not look back.

As Cobra has said, it is always unfortunate when people get upset, but any compromise on our position would create more trauma later on. Therefore, if someone is upset with you, just be civil and disconnect. Even if you convince this person that you are correct, do you think they will dedicate and do RTR's? The likelihood is very low, and therefore the time spent was not fruitful.

You can spend hours talking to someone, but then all of that is undone by some shitty Tik Tok or other means which establish or aggravate negative programming within them.

If you are the diplomatic type, then focus your Venusian/Neptunian energies on the creation of Satanic media. This is how you can get people to accept our views without fighting. However, your Satanic knowledge itself must be defended with the opposite of Libra, which is Aries.

If this all sounds strange or annoying, it is because it is. We are not living within a normal situation on Earth. This requires us to modify the way we interact with people. When you are among SS of high value, then it is ok to relax your guard and be sensitive. When you are around negative influences, you must be guarded.

I d like to know why Im spending so much time arguing with NPCs on twitter about the stupid covid show. Is it because Im a Libra? Ive always fight for justice my entire life, I get angry when I see people making fun of liberty and accepting every stupid thing my Government took from us just for a stupid vaccine that change nada.

As I read your post, I realise that giving time to the french translation, and then help you with your project, is what will make me stay away from twitter.
Masterj810610 said:
I d like to know why Im spending so much time arguing with NPCs on twitter about the stupid covid show. Is it because Im a Libra? Ive always fight for justice my entire life, I get angry when I see people making fun of liberty and accepting every stupid thing my Government took from us just for a stupid vaccine that change nada.

As I read your post, I realise that giving time to the french translation, and then help you with your project, is what will make me stay away from twitter.

That could be one reason, but you probably have multiple points that facilitate that in various ways.

Doing online warfare is good, but it has to be done correctly. The best way to do this is through creating and posting memes or other declarative statements. Basically, you want to impress your will onto the masses, but don't get bogged down trying to debate it or anything.

It is like how TV advertisements work: They just pop up and display their content, then leave. You can't complain or argue with them directly. They will likely just ignore you. Yet, they reach many people and create new opinions, whether good or bad.
Thank you HP!
I will do my utmost to examine and meditate on the true harsh realities of our planet and current existence. I have definitely first hand experienced much tragedies, but they are nothing in comparison to the total view of our planet. Their is just way too much filth and shit..

I fight now in hope to give the God's to the people again. They must be able to fight! Someone has to fight!
what about our family members? We should have some tolerance right?

I had some misunderstandings with family members in the past that made me cut for a while. I couldnt see a reason to tolerate. After a long time distant, for a reason that I cant mentally understand yet, I realised that totally cutting was not the right way. I cant get along with everyone due to compatibility matters and time and space limitations but at least someone in the family I should have a link. I think the concerns that I was having was because of a exagerated projection of myself on them. I think I should treat them as the gods treat me with patience and a level of tolerance. I hate to watch their decay without being able to do anything. I can hear their hungry spirits but they cant due to their highly brainwashed and cursed minds. It feels so close to help them but at the same time distant and dangerous for me and for them. I have asked myself some times "should I at least try to approach the truth?" but I fear their reaction going beyond my control and things getting worst than are. I really wish they could be on the way to enjoy life like I am.

I am not good with words and articulation but what I feel I can do is to show them by living my life and through my actions that there is a way. There is something that I know that they dont. It is possible. At least I can make them indirectly question themselves. This will cause unconfort, denying and a negative reaction to some as not every person have a inquiring spirit(or else they would be here).

They were told many lies about Satan and life through lifetimes. Jews managed to hide the truth and weaken people. But now the Truth lovers have a chance. Through seeing with there physical eyes a real living example of a beyond average incarnated natural forces, people will see the truth to a undeniable point. Or they accept, or they are insane. I cant hide for ever even if I try. Lies will be burnt with time.

Satanists cant hide for ever. It is what Asmodeus meant right? "You cant see them and they cant see you. But you will be able to when we reach the climax of our cause.". For several times discussed here we should not make anything stupid and keep the most discrition possible. But it will get to a point that we will just shine.

People are very confused. Behind unreasonable demoralising attacks transverted of false ego there is a suplicant spirit asking for help. Deep, attackers are like "How you can be satisfied and succeed living like that. Please, prove your wellbeing to me, Im looking after mine". I cant even bother. People dont comprehend that what causes them itches is their own ignorance. As they cant find healing in themselves they will whine to others.

Now I can see clearer what is behind what I see with my eyes and what I hear with my ears than before.

Behind every fake smile, undesiring meetings where people share there admiration to their cellphones together, random conversations that is a chain of articulated words that express a unexisting creativity or a real felt perception,
no self expression, juts a mere exchange of information, seeking for uneeded stuff like 8 thousand uncared random followers on instagram, people crawling working hard just to feed their bodies and to fill other people expectations of how money should be spent, they have happy singings and whistles but in an inner empty and desperate state in one more day of their dacaying routine. Behind all that and more, there is a try to enjoy life, to fullfill something that does not exist in the current state.
muriceias said:
what about our family members? We should have some tolerance right?

Yes. Respect consists of saying what you should say or can say to them, or simply falling completely silent. You must also respect the Gods and do not put yourself in jeopardy for your family. The walk towards realization is a personal path of every human being, even if they are family. If you are the father or mother, then you might have a different approach, but in many cases saying the Truth to your family will be confronted with monumental failure, similar like saying this to other people or worse. One must become a wise judge of the situation, and decide to act properly if at all.

Some people are blockheads and they might be family members, and them being family makes that worse. Other people are not blockheads and them being family will be a good omen. But in all cases one has to look at the INDIVIDUAL case and be VERY careful.
muriceias said:
It is what Asmodeus meant right? "You cant see them and they cant see you. But you will be able to when we reach the climax of our cause."
I want to make a correction. The full quote is "Just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause." and it is from AMDUSIAS.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=393367 time=1665557070 user_id=57]
Beautiful sermon!

A lot of people need to take the time to de-stress their minds, not be in a reactionary mode, and meditate on truths. Yoga is very useful for this, holding an asana while thinking about something, in a passive way though. Clear the mind, letting the truth shine brightly and clearly, allowing the walls in the mind to come down, reaching enlightenment.

There can be no advancement, no Serpent rising, with lies or hangups.

This is needed too Lydia stressed out my nut just now.
We look after our own here.

Hail JOS
Nice picture Cobra, Ares the God of War ;) aka Andras with the Black Wolf, right?
GoyVeyII said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

You just dodged a nuke. I was only 1-2 days off, damn. Anyway, objectively it's for the best that you were straight forward on this.

Your gif in your signature is not appropriate change it, we have young people also.
EnkiUK55 said:
We look after our own here.

Hail JOS

Exactly, this is why we are strong together.
Trying to refrain from posting and study as much as I can. But I do just want to say you are right, nobody should ever have to apologize for saying what they feel or know to be true. That's what this site is. Truth, another way of looking through this journey with open mind and liberation from rules and restraints that are tried to be applied to us everyday.

Let us continue to grow into gods!!
Hey all ..I am a new member to this community ..Could anyone plz tell where I can post my doubt so that others can answer
Hey guys! I am also new to this forum, please help me out with my queries.
Can i ask, what do you mean by the middle path?

would you say the middle path is...

a balance between

female and male

yin and yang

no god and one god

is it left and right political ideologies as well?

is it worth then trying to get left and right gentiles to see eye to eye?

Satanama <3

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
