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Group & Teamwork First: How The Gods Work With Us

In the first two years I was not actively involved in Jos apart from the daily meditation and the group rituals we do and although there was personal progress there was a lack of the most important things and a feeling of isolation. After a certain point I felt a strong desire to start with translations and donations, then I started to actively participate in the forum as well and this catapulted me leaps and bounds to another level because the social work done for other people is the most important work. I don't know if it sounds a bit selfish but in many cases to overcome your lower self it is beneficial to think that if you don't do the work in question no one else will do it that it is up to you alone. In that sense I will keep trying one step further and of course Hoodedcobra is the living example in all of this with his awesome work
I'm dedicated (did the ritual 2007), strongly like JoS and what it's taught me, got me doing yoga etc.
Trying to contact any certain Gods/Demons though has never been a need for me personally.

That is what I have considered to be a bit higher up SS activity - for those more hardcore SS types; HPS Maxine and the rest of the clergy etc.
Yet I often see people in these forums claiming to have/had contact with this or that God, feeling their energies, seeing them in dreams etc.

Not that I don't believe these people, but I think one needs to be very advanced in the astral senses for those things to actually happen.
Some are born psychics with an already quite functioning and active third eye, like HPS Maxine I would guess.

Me - I have never experienced any paranormal sightings or happenings. Not worth mentioning at least.
I have always been in sceptic in that department.

Many people are in the scamming business claiming to "have contact" with the other side etc.
Some perhaps scam without knowing it; because they themselves believe in it even if it's delusional.

I'm certainly NOT saying that all seanses, astral projection, astral sensing is bs.
But since so much of what people claim to have contact with etc. is bs - it's something I'm also a bit more sceptical to overall.

Gods and contacting Gods in any way is thus for me more of a clergy thing, or very advanced SS thing.

I'm personally only into studying, yoga asanas, meditation, breath of fire and RTR's.
I have also done many videos for JoS, 3D/game projects, and visual art for JoS.

Since Spiritual Satanism has so much inspirational things; visuals, stories, music etc. It's not hard to find inspiration for such creative work.
It's win-win since I both find it so very fun to work with - and also can help JoS in some way forward.

If the Gods like what I do, that's great. I do work for JoS first of all though.

Lately I've been in a bit of a downward spiral one might say, with no work being done for a while.

But.. I'll be back.
The Hero state is something that exist in the path towards godhood, and there's not a single hero in all the world's mythology that doesn't receives help. It may be a Deity, a friend, a lover, a magic creature, but the help always comes.

Of course one's nature matters, but there's always time to step up, but remember even Hercules, the strongest of all, wasn't alone in his Twelve Labors, so why should you?
I was thinking yesterday about the fake it till you make it thing. That perhaps I should force myself into those "louder and outgoing" groups, so that I can develop that side of myself which I don't find particularly appealing in others.
If you don't like those personality traits, you don't need to develop them yourself. It is good to develop social skills, but you don't have to go to the other extreme. Lots of successful people are the more quiet introvert types.

Learn to be more comfortable with yourself, and this will give an inner confidence that will make you more comfortable being around others, in your own way. This is what I've found. I don't act like everyone else does, but other people tend to like me anyway.
Gods aside; groupwork is of course essential for the survival and growth of JoS.

I know social skills is majorly important overall in life. For finding a partner, friends and jobs etc.
In that comes also social understanding of group leadership and membership, it's social dynamics etc.

With lack of such skills, one becomes more alone in life.
Some people are loners, and I have always more or less thought of myself that way.

Social skills can however only be practiced and advanced by being social.
Consequently; by staying in alone-land, one does not advance in that very important life-depending skill.

That will increase the risk of being blotted out from all circles of people
- thus becoming both alone, unkown, unheard of and a blank nothing in the records of human history.

That is something I don't want. Nobody else really wants that either,
but some people are stuck in loneliness because of fear of stepping out from their comfy alone-comfort-zone.

If there is something of value my former "pick up artist" friend once taught me; then I would say it's just that thing.
One CAN learn social skills and also learn how to become a more outgoing and social individual
- thus having better odds in getting friends, partners, jobs etc.

But it's not without effort. It's the stepping out of comfort-zone which is the main key here, and that thing can be painful.
Painful like all the big steps in advancement can be. Nothing is for free.
When one works for the Gods on a highest level, they are graced and it’s important to know how to use this time not only for succeeding in the given mission one has for them, but also to extend their own life and advancement faster.

People who do not do any work for the Gods or don’t have any serious topic or aim for the JoS or humanity, I have found, are almost always delusional about where they stand with the Gods. When one that does nothing issues any statements like this, they are almost never where they assume they are. They are living it solo in their mind.

I have verified this case after knowing it for years from any Ancient text I have read. The Gods put people on a trajectory of social growth and a mission or a task, and that is a key to develop them as individuals as well. Groups of people who do these things, are furthered both as a group and as individuals, in a far better way.

When you have this privilege (many do not understand its value and therefore do not partake in social affairs, or Spiritual Satanism as a whole), it can also be used to get priority when it comes to your personal growth. Ie, yes, the Gods will answer you about work related to topics to help you extend your mission and grow from it. But you also get a privilege of being first in line when it comes to receiving help, guidance or empowerment to proceed with your personal goals or personal development.

Focusing only on your individual self, is a very basic level for beginners. This is where you need to build up yourself from ruins of ignorance, there you must develop a strong sense of individual self. But even this process is widely accelerated when you partake in the community. Things you wouldn't find in 10 years time "alone", the community and others can accelerate you forward in finding out faster.

Yes, the Gods also help others who are on a loner path too, but for example, helping you have better health or a better organization of your time, is not the same importance as a general other person who is literally living is solo.

Hyper individualism is just delusion and death. Balanced individualism and a unity, is the way of life. One’s existence however good it might be, does not interact in anyway to make the existence of others or the common good better. Making your best version of yourself is one thing, but if it only benefits you alone, then it's only a task that matters to you.

It’s not that useful if you look at it from an alien standpoint. The reason of the investment only feeds a cancerous “ego” and nothing else. No net gain for anyone and anything else. If you look at the current Western Civilization, it promotes this topic all the time, "hyper-individualism". The results are broken societies, depressed people, even those who embark in this so called "Individualist Journey". It does not lead anyone far, nor the person practicing that in the majority of cases.

If a whole body and all it's cells are doing better, guided by better cells to restore their health, then the body grows, and there is a cycle of growth. But if an isolated cell somewhere in a body is doing "very well", that does not help the body and it eventually dies, and this cell will die also despite of how it perceives the subject.

Cases where "individual cells" also do not show growth but rather show death and detriment circumstances, do amount to a disease that is known as cancer. Beings who only care to improve "themselves" and nobody else, oftentimes have no idea what this "improvement" is about, and tend in 9 out of 10 cases to not even really improve, but improve at the "expense of" something else.

That “excessive ego” empowerment, is very much likely to work on the detriment of others, too. So the Gods put humans in social affairs to grow them both exponentially, but also to prolong the species and the important groups they exist into. That’s where the real full persona of a person can come out, to assist other beings and get assisted in return.

If you want maximum power of self, true individuality, and to experience a VIP status in front of the Gods, you must participate in tasks that require teamwork with others, such as projects from the JoS, giving donations, and essentially being part of the constructive vortex of this striving to communal development. This is where your own power will multiply, and that will also benefit others to have their own power multiplied, in an ever-going cycle of creative process.

If you also envision yourself as a being that will sit among the Gods one day, it's important for you to start considering their outlook of things, rather than your sole own. In this case, the point I explain comes again to be verified by this case: You must walk out of your own "self" a bit, to grow up a better self.

Very normal is the case that the Gods will help people who help others. That is a net gain for everyone else. The above is very obvious in the case that improving your case in anyway, also improves the general goals of our midst or the people affected by your own growth. It’s no wonder that this priority is the case, the people who get more responsibility, get more in front of that line, because them being better = the group succeeds better = everyone gets more help from these people = people grow and then this growth flows back in the group itself, helping more people in a never-ending cycle.

The hyper-individualist, "lone wolf" and the self deluded "individualist", is not flowing any of the creative energy invested into them into nobody else. The energy dies with them. Therefore, it does not procure a cycle of growth.

A Golden Age will do for individuals and every ego out there more than anything any “ego” can do for themselves. Social work is a grand accelerator, and the Gods want to teach us to be social beings, not isolated “egos” that are unable to function or operate. The ego-pathological isolation of the self where one does not lift a finger for nobody else, is not a very power or health or happiness prolonging state.

The Gods work as units in a unity, not only as individuals on a lone hunter game. One helps the other, and they are all working in chains and in commands and in teams. They help Satan and in turn Satan helps them all. They have a formal hierarchy for this process, where it's filled with leaders, powerful entities and extremely powerful selves, that all work in a formal unity of organization, not as "lone actors". Then all of them partake their portion according to their grown ego, which is constantly accelerated by the rest of their existence as a unified whole.

These "free for all" games exist only in television and nowhere else in the higher universe. The "free for all" person wouldn't last more than a week in the wilderness. The state of being able to live solely on your own is a temporary state and you never truly exist "only on your own".

"Only on your own" when there are militaries, supermarkets, hospitals and nursing homes (run by others) is also a delusion. "On your own" when you are reading the work of others, benefit from this, or when you inquire the Gods, or when a disease leads you to the hospital, is also another case of perpetual self delusion that does not exist - you are not on your own, you are pretending you are.

As a member of Spiritual Satanism you have your rights to yourself, privacy, loneliness if you want even, individuality at any point you consider, but you also are part of a larger family, and that is a good thing! Why not make use of this ability to prolong your existence and all your gifts, whilst also gaining favor from the Gods for this?

Some people also sometimes tell me things like "I am alone" in this and so on. You are NOT alone in this, we are NEVER alone! If you are doing things to back others up, the others will also have your back.

Spiritual Satanism will make an exceptional individual out of you, and you can see this in comparison to outsiders as well. This exceptionalism has to be brought to ally itself with our common objectives. Then this exceptionalism will multiply itself, while multiplying others.

So if you have any issues that need solving, do not hesitate to contact them and if you work for them and their purposes, that will help you immeasurably in getting more help. That help you receive improves YOU, and then YOU improve other people, who in turn improve others, in a cycle. Go to them and as you grow everything you grow too, they will help you. Those who do more always get more in return in this.

The incentive here is to grow you and grow everyone around you, at the same time. Just do it and also go to them to help you if you ever need it.

A literally infinite never cycle of growth and expansion, eternal life and advancement, is the ideal of Spiritual Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Growing up in a hostile environment since early childhood, it's been extremely difficult for me to regain trust in humanity. Here I feel more at home. Thanks HPHC
Excuse me if off-topic, but funny.
Sidenote to my last post:

My former "pick up artist" friend did also smoke a LOT of weed,
went up to random girls on the street, and saying the most cringy pickup textbook things;
"You remind me of a Powerpuff girl". :sick:

One time a girl said "aren't you that weird guy going up to girls saying weird things?".
Another one said "I don't speak with idiots".

Some gave out their number though o_O
Then he almost never called these numbers.
Often just some kind of game of number collecting.

He was extremely commited to his thing.
Constant ongoing schedule for each day (day 1: eyecontact focus day 2: body language etc.)

"Maximize the attraction in each moment"

That was mostly the conversational thing.

I asked him what the end goal of it was, and he answered me;
"I want to have sex with the nicest looking stripper girls before I die, don't you?".

I want to advance - not be a fucking weed retard.

Some aspects of that pickup thing could have benefits though as I mentioned;
Going out of the comfort zone and approaching new people (regardless of gender) - will make one more confident for each approach.

That will actually make it easier in the long run to befriend people, regardless of gender.

I prefer not saying some cringy shit when I do though.

This had not so much to do with Group & Teamwork First: How The Gods Work With Us

But hope it's ok. I just find some of it hilarious.
People who are more solitary can be very successful if they are focused on reality and spend none/little time on the world of Netflix/videogames/anime or do not engage in mental masturbation of a certain kind (i.e. they have self-confidence).

Because they have fewer distractions concerning sociality and derived from emotional ties.

If they are then people with psychic abilities of a certain type, they can also have inner realisations. This could be seen also in people who experienced a lot of pain in their life.

As HPS Lydia pointed out in the sermon on goals, the most successful people are those who have fewer distractions and are more focused on their goals.

But I believe true mastery lies in forming emotional bonds with people without being negatively influenced by them. But this can only be achieved in social relationships with constructive people.

However, from my experience many lonelier people who have fewer friends have a somewhat more arrogant attitude and do not recognise the qualities of others.

A very extroverted person can be very lonely, but can have high adaptability skills in unfavourable social conditions for loners like being with people who don't understand them and if they do not have a false adolescent ego they can have high skills in recognising the qualities of other personalities.

In the last two paragraphs i talk only about ordinary people, not dedicated satanists who have the possibility to trascend these states.

Translated with DeepL and revised after.
She can learn how to repair a car, go to work, etc...
Once I watched a video about a woman who said she doesn't prepare any job meal for her husband, because "he is a grown ass man and he can do it alone". Yes, he can do it alone, he is grown up, but why? Where is love? Where is teamwork? Where is humanity? That woman is probably the same that says things like "chivalry is dead" or "men do not open up, they don't show emotions" or she even says the opposite "men who cry are weak".

While I fully understand these were just examples, yet this might be important to address some issues behind this that are more vast. Since this forum have influx of different people from different spheres, some might misinterpret things as people of specific sex being somehow «not in their place» when in presidential chair or professor desk while fully fit. Most modern professions and 100% of sheltered purely intellectual professions are not sex-dependent and the appeal for them lives in all hearts. People who are fit into some role can apply for this role. While teamwork is a must, roles in it are still free to be chosen and earned.

There is another deep misconception that the fact of people of specific sexes following their desired paths makes them somehow "less dependent" on all other society. Presidents are as interdependent with their kin as housewives if not more. Instead following one's heartfelt role makes person actually more engraved into their society. Teamwork does not exist without desired path.

One thing is addressing collectivism as an ideal and totally other is using collectivism and sacred ideals of teamwork to attack people’s natural roles given them by their souls and forcing hated unwanted unnatural for them roles down their throat. Xianity did it for 2000 years. All this idea that «women were created by g-d so that men did not have to be served by animals (paraphrasing «Gentile is created by g-d for the jews did not have to be served by animals») was forced down the throat of Gentile population only on xian/moslen period of time, our Ancestors never did this crime against human soul. Feminists lie that they did, but they would not have built their Megalithic civilizations if they did, since human soul needs vast self-realization to become that great. Ancient people knew that Magnum Opus is living your life to the fullest and if your greatest passion is profession then going for it. Woman’s soul has no less need in professional realization and being a provider than anyone’s else’, and Satanic women here who are in their way of finding their life purposes have to be in full opposition to this kike nonsense, thus if anyone wants to find pair here, they have to deal with it.

Then, after hearing that «she is expected to destroy her life goals, career and all dreams and alone take all most hated most disgusted household duties on her shoulders while crying seeing her husband enjoying her dream 24/7», of course no woman in a free country chooses to procreate under such conditions, and then they blame these women for race treason for not wanting to be destroyed. So either you accept destruction of your life or you are a race traitor. Well, since procreation is needed for reincarnation, I fully subscribe to never reincarnate into the place where I would be but a borg, nor do I see any sense of existence of some moslenized race whose people will never ever have their lives anyway. If life is not a life no wonder they do not feel any gravitation to the idea of procreating such life.

Destroying people is not the way to engage into teamwork. Instead the good question to ask would be: aren’t those who try to destroy people’s desired roles and force hated thing on them themselves race traitors? Probably not so bad to nourish and cook for some genial 24/7 president woman who leads country to victory instead of burning her at the stake for being herself and put the unfit into presidential chair only to lose the war? Or if I have so much problems with this, how to deserve and where to find some special sort of person who prefers household on their own, or just hire some personal? This is teamwork.

I understand that the initial examples were not about this, but what I relate above is as well but an example of some wider issue inviting some wider understanding of the whole topic of teamwork. Forcing anyone into hated roles then telling them «where is your kin-altruism?» is a straight path to feminism-torn country and designed by kikes EXACTLY for this very purpose. Repression will only end in more and more insanity and kikes know this and insist on more repression exactly for this. People must be able to find their true selves to serve their society as selflessly as possible in desired roles. Because humans’ natural path is absolute altruism and service. If person can’t find this path they suffer because they were not designed for sitting and doing nothing for no one either.

Teamwork is humans' nature, and pain of being of no use is extreme and leads to shock lots of suicides, people need to be needed more than they need anything else. But the way to it is finding one's own way to engage, one's own role in it. Then one's impact and self-sacrifice might grow as profound as one wishes them to be.
Thank you.

Great article. It helped me understand some things.
For example, if helping others does not harm us, it is good.
Unfortunately, I have seen examples of the opposite.
Help those who deserve it who you know will appreciate it and really help you, not those who don't. Indiscriminate help and love has to do with the enemy who claims that you have to love everyone and your enemies, which will sooner or later lead to mental perversion
There have been hundreds of times that I have had a problem, or I have asked gods for help. Then in the next day or 2, somebody is asking here about a similar problem. Or even a problem that looks unrelated at first. And in my answer to that person, some detail or some part of it as I am writing is exactly the answer that I needed for myself. Then the gods bring me to pay very close attention to that detail and read it multiple times, and say "there is your answer."
Great post HPHC. Except when I create threads about working together, engaging in Satanic business, creating Satanic companies and what-not my threads get removed with braindead reasons like "do this in private first". What's the deal? Seems to be a policy problem. We need to collaborate and make headway in material world to accomplish the 10 year plan. I know this, but my posts keep getting deleted.
This sermon spoke to me on a rather personal level. Thank you, HP.

As it happens, I have been struggling with feelings of loneliness as of recent, so the timing of your post is quite interesting. I mean, I have things I enjoy doing alone, but generally speaking, I spend far too much time on the PC indoors. I wish I went out more and interacted with people, and I think I should make more effort to do so. I have a low self-esteem, and I've always assumed people will think I'm weird, or I'll be rejected.

It's kinda like that song: when I was younger, I wasn't so bothered, but as I get older, I feel it more.

The problem is, that I've always felt like an "outsider" in this society, the "odd one out", and that I don't really fit in or belong anywhere. There have been times where I've been lonely, gone outside, and felt even worse. I see all of the people around me with their kids, friends, etc., and then I feel like there's just me, alone, in the middle of them. I haven't had any friends for about 15 years now, and I feel like it would be easier for me to climb to the top of Mt. Everest than to find a partner. I've wanted to start my own family for a long time now, but the thought of it seems impossible.

Anyway, like a lot of the people here, I too felt a "drawing" towards making an account here, and participating, which I'm sure was the Gods pushing me forward to come here. I feel that same "drawing" towards studying the content in Satan's Library more, doing more with my power meditation, and even going outdoors and talking to people more. Up until now, I was only really lurking here and reading posts. Just joining these forums was a huge step forward to me.

I'll never forget one thing, also. During my Dedication Ritual, when I was about to cut my finger to sign my name, I said out loud to myself: "I wonder what my family would think of me doing this". And I'm sure I heard, in the faintest voice: "we are your family".
There have been hundreds of times that I have had a problem, or I have asked gods for help. Then in the next day or 2, somebody is asking here about a similar problem. Or even a problem that looks unrelated at first. And in my answer to that person, some detail or some part of it as I am writing is exactly the answer that I needed for myself. Then the gods bring me to pay very close attention to that detail and read it multiple times, and say "there is your answer."
This is interesting.
I will try this approach from now on. As my possibilities allow.
A very important topic. One of the most important lessons I remember from when I was in primary school was from one of my teachers constantly saying: "Your freedom ends when somebody else's freedom begins." She was one of those rare teachers in Italy that is not a left-wing loser. My grandmother was another of these exceptions in the teaching landscape. I wonder how she is now.
When one works for the Gods on a highest level, they are graced and it’s important to know how to use this time not only for succeeding in the given mission one has for them, but also to extend their own life and advancement faster.

People who do not do any work for the Gods or don’t have any serious topic or aim for the JoS or humanity, I have found, are almost always delusional about where they stand with the Gods. When one that does nothing issues any statements like this, they are almost never where they assume they are. They are living it solo in their mind.

I have verified this case after knowing it for years from any Ancient text I have read. The Gods put people on a trajectory of social growth and a mission or a task, and that is a key to develop them as individuals as well. Groups of people who do these things, are furthered both as a group and as individuals, in a far better way.

When you have this privilege (many do not understand its value and therefore do not partake in social affairs, or Spiritual Satanism as a whole), it can also be used to get priority when it comes to your personal growth. Ie, yes, the Gods will answer you about work related to topics to help you extend your mission and grow from it. But you also get a privilege of being first in line when it comes to receiving help, guidance or empowerment to proceed with your personal goals or personal development.

Focusing only on your individual self, is a very basic level for beginners. This is where you need to build up yourself from ruins of ignorance, there you must develop a strong sense of individual self. But even this process is widely accelerated when you partake in the community. Things you wouldn't find in 10 years time "alone", the community and others can accelerate you forward in finding out faster.

Yes, the Gods also help others who are on a loner path too, but for example, helping you have better health or a better organization of your time, is not the same importance as a general other person who is literally living is solo.

Hyper individualism is just delusion and death. Balanced individualism and a unity, is the way of life. One’s existence however good it might be, does not interact in anyway to make the existence of others or the common good better. Making your best version of yourself is one thing, but if it only benefits you alone, then it's only a task that matters to you.

It’s not that useful if you look at it from an alien standpoint. The reason of the investment only feeds a cancerous “ego” and nothing else. No net gain for anyone and anything else. If you look at the current Western Civilization, it promotes this topic all the time, "hyper-individualism". The results are broken societies, depressed people, even those who embark in this so called "Individualist Journey". It does not lead anyone far, nor the person practicing that in the majority of cases.

If a whole body and all it's cells are doing better, guided by better cells to restore their health, then the body grows, and there is a cycle of growth. But if an isolated cell somewhere in a body is doing "very well", that does not help the body and it eventually dies, and this cell will die also despite of how it perceives the subject.

Cases where "individual cells" also do not show growth but rather show death and detriment circumstances, do amount to a disease that is known as cancer. Beings who only care to improve "themselves" and nobody else, oftentimes have no idea what this "improvement" is about, and tend in 9 out of 10 cases to not even really improve, but improve at the "expense of" something else.

That “excessive ego” empowerment, is very much likely to work on the detriment of others, too. So the Gods put humans in social affairs to grow them both exponentially, but also to prolong the species and the important groups they exist into. That’s where the real full persona of a person can come out, to assist other beings and get assisted in return.

If you want maximum power of self, true individuality, and to experience a VIP status in front of the Gods, you must participate in tasks that require teamwork with others, such as projects from the JoS, giving donations, and essentially being part of the constructive vortex of this striving to communal development. This is where your own power will multiply, and that will also benefit others to have their own power multiplied, in an ever-going cycle of creative process.

If you also envision yourself as a being that will sit among the Gods one day, it's important for you to start considering their outlook of things, rather than your sole own. In this case, the point I explain comes again to be verified by this case: You must walk out of your own "self" a bit, to grow up a better self.

Very normal is the case that the Gods will help people who help others. That is a net gain for everyone else. The above is very obvious in the case that improving your case in anyway, also improves the general goals of our midst or the people affected by your own growth. It’s no wonder that this priority is the case, the people who get more responsibility, get more in front of that line, because them being better = the group succeeds better = everyone gets more help from these people = people grow and then this growth flows back in the group itself, helping more people in a never-ending cycle.

The hyper-individualist, "lone wolf" and the self deluded "individualist", is not flowing any of the creative energy invested into them into nobody else. The energy dies with them. Therefore, it does not procure a cycle of growth.

A Golden Age will do for individuals and every ego out there more than anything any “ego” can do for themselves. Social work is a grand accelerator, and the Gods want to teach us to be social beings, not isolated “egos” that are unable to function or operate. The ego-pathological isolation of the self where one does not lift a finger for nobody else, is not a very power or health or happiness prolonging state.

The Gods work as units in a unity, not only as individuals on a lone hunter game. One helps the other, and they are all working in chains and in commands and in teams. They help Satan and in turn Satan helps them all. They have a formal hierarchy for this process, where it's filled with leaders, powerful entities and extremely powerful selves, that all work in a formal unity of organization, not as "lone actors". Then all of them partake their portion according to their grown ego, which is constantly accelerated by the rest of their existence as a unified whole.

These "free for all" games exist only in television and nowhere else in the higher universe. The "free for all" person wouldn't last more than a week in the wilderness. The state of being able to live solely on your own is a temporary state and you never truly exist "only on your own".

"Only on your own" when there are militaries, supermarkets, hospitals and nursing homes (run by others) is also a delusion. "On your own" when you are reading the work of others, benefit from this, or when you inquire the Gods, or when a disease leads you to the hospital, is also another case of perpetual self delusion that does not exist - you are not on your own, you are pretending you are.

As a member of Spiritual Satanism you have your rights to yourself, privacy, loneliness if you want even, individuality at any point you consider, but you also are part of a larger family, and that is a good thing! Why not make use of this ability to prolong your existence and all your gifts, whilst also gaining favor from the Gods for this?

Some people also sometimes tell me things like "I am alone" in this and so on. You are NOT alone in this, we are NEVER alone! If you are doing things to back others up, the others will also have your back.

Spiritual Satanism will make an exceptional individual out of you, and you can see this in comparison to outsiders as well. This exceptionalism has to be brought to ally itself with our common objectives. Then this exceptionalism will multiply itself, while multiplying others.

So if you have any issues that need solving, do not hesitate to contact them and if you work for them and their purposes, that will help you immeasurably in getting more help. That help you receive improves YOU, and then YOU improve other people, who in turn improve others, in a cycle. Go to them and as you grow everything you grow too, they will help you. Those who do more always get more in return in this.

The incentive here is to grow you and grow everyone around you, at the same time. Just do it and also go to them to help you if you ever need it.

A literally infinite never cycle of growth and expansion, eternal life and advancement, is the ideal of Spiritual Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I really like this post it was
Inspiring and good information
A person is not obliged by anyone to give 3500000000000000000000 (i added some 0s) specifics of what he says in order not to be misunderstood.
I will be more active on the Forums and helping on this front as well. I have no excuses, and can always make more time. Thank you for your motivating and beautiful article.
Great post HPHC. Except when I create threads about working together, engaging in Satanic business, creating Satanic companies and what-not my threads get removed with braindead reasons like "do this in private first". What's the deal? Seems to be a policy problem. We need to collaborate and make headway in material world to accomplish the 10 year plan. I know this, but my posts keep getting deleted.
The outside world becomes dangerous when you tell people you're a Satanist.
When one works for the Gods on a highest level, they are graced and it’s important to know how to use this time not only for succeeding in the given mission one has for them, but also to extend their own life and advancement faster.

People who do not do any work for the Gods or don’t have any serious topic or aim for the JoS or humanity, I have found, are almost always delusional about where they stand with the Gods. When one that does nothing issues any statements like this, they are almost never where they assume they are. They are living it solo in their mind.

I have verified this case after knowing it for years from any Ancient text I have read. The Gods put people on a trajectory of social growth and a mission or a task, and that is a key to develop them as individuals as well. Groups of people who do these things, are furthered both as a group and as individuals, in a far better way.

When you have this privilege (many do not understand its value and therefore do not partake in social affairs, or Spiritual Satanism as a whole), it can also be used to get priority when it comes to your personal growth. Ie, yes, the Gods will answer you about work related to topics to help you extend your mission and grow from it. But you also get a privilege of being first in line when it comes to receiving help, guidance or empowerment to proceed with your personal goals or personal development.

Focusing only on your individual self, is a very basic level for beginners. This is where you need to build up yourself from ruins of ignorance, there you must develop a strong sense of individual self. But even this process is widely accelerated when you partake in the community. Things you wouldn't find in 10 years time "alone", the community and others can accelerate you forward in finding out faster.

Yes, the Gods also help others who are on a loner path too, but for example, helping you have better health or a better organization of your time, is not the same importance as a general other person who is literally living is solo.

Hyper individualism is just delusion and death. Balanced individualism and a unity, is the way of life. One’s existence however good it might be, does not interact in anyway to make the existence of others or the common good better. Making your best version of yourself is one thing, but if it only benefits you alone, then it's only a task that matters to you.

It’s not that useful if you look at it from an alien standpoint. The reason of the investment only feeds a cancerous “ego” and nothing else. No net gain for anyone and anything else. If you look at the current Western Civilization, it promotes this topic all the time, "hyper-individualism". The results are broken societies, depressed people, even those who embark in this so called "Individualist Journey". It does not lead anyone far, nor the person practicing that in the majority of cases.

If a whole body and all it's cells are doing better, guided by better cells to restore their health, then the body grows, and there is a cycle of growth. But if an isolated cell somewhere in a body is doing "very well", that does not help the body and it eventually dies, and this cell will die also despite of how it perceives the subject.

Cases where "individual cells" also do not show growth but rather show death and detriment circumstances, do amount to a disease that is known as cancer. Beings who only care to improve "themselves" and nobody else, oftentimes have no idea what this "improvement" is about, and tend in 9 out of 10 cases to not even really improve, but improve at the "expense of" something else.

That “excessive ego” empowerment, is very much likely to work on the detriment of others, too. So the Gods put humans in social affairs to grow them both exponentially, but also to prolong the species and the important groups they exist into. That’s where the real full persona of a person can come out, to assist other beings and get assisted in return.

If you want maximum power of self, true individuality, and to experience a VIP status in front of the Gods, you must participate in tasks that require teamwork with others, such as projects from the JoS, giving donations, and essentially being part of the constructive vortex of this striving to communal development. This is where your own power will multiply, and that will also benefit others to have their own power multiplied, in an ever-going cycle of creative process.

If you also envision yourself as a being that will sit among the Gods one day, it's important for you to start considering their outlook of things, rather than your sole own. In this case, the point I explain comes again to be verified by this case: You must walk out of your own "self" a bit, to grow up a better self.

Very normal is the case that the Gods will help people who help others. That is a net gain for everyone else. The above is very obvious in the case that improving your case in anyway, also improves the general goals of our midst or the people affected by your own growth. It’s no wonder that this priority is the case, the people who get more responsibility, get more in front of that line, because them being better = the group succeeds better = everyone gets more help from these people = people grow and then this growth flows back in the group itself, helping more people in a never-ending cycle.

The hyper-individualist, "lone wolf" and the self deluded "individualist", is not flowing any of the creative energy invested into them into nobody else. The energy dies with them. Therefore, it does not procure a cycle of growth.

A Golden Age will do for individuals and every ego out there more than anything any “ego” can do for themselves. Social work is a grand accelerator, and the Gods want to teach us to be social beings, not isolated “egos” that are unable to function or operate. The ego-pathological isolation of the self where one does not lift a finger for nobody else, is not a very power or health or happiness prolonging state.

The Gods work as units in a unity, not only as individuals on a lone hunter game. One helps the other, and they are all working in chains and in commands and in teams. They help Satan and in turn Satan helps them all. They have a formal hierarchy for this process, where it's filled with leaders, powerful entities and extremely powerful selves, that all work in a formal unity of organization, not as "lone actors". Then all of them partake their portion according to their grown ego, which is constantly accelerated by the rest of their existence as a unified whole.

These "free for all" games exist only in television and nowhere else in the higher universe. The "free for all" person wouldn't last more than a week in the wilderness. The state of being able to live solely on your own is a temporary state and you never truly exist "only on your own".

"Only on your own" when there are militaries, supermarkets, hospitals and nursing homes (run by others) is also a delusion. "On your own" when you are reading the work of others, benefit from this, or when you inquire the Gods, or when a disease leads you to the hospital, is also another case of perpetual self delusion that does not exist - you are not on your own, you are pretending you are.

As a member of Spiritual Satanism you have your rights to yourself, privacy, loneliness if you want even, individuality at any point you consider, but you also are part of a larger family, and that is a good thing! Why not make use of this ability to prolong your existence and all your gifts, whilst also gaining favor from the Gods for this?

Some people also sometimes tell me things like "I am alone" in this and so on. You are NOT alone in this, we are NEVER alone! If you are doing things to back others up, the others will also have your back.

Spiritual Satanism will make an exceptional individual out of you, and you can see this in comparison to outsiders as well. This exceptionalism has to be brought to ally itself with our common objectives. Then this exceptionalism will multiply itself, while multiplying others.

So if you have any issues that need solving, do not hesitate to contact them and if you work for them and their purposes, that will help you immeasurably in getting more help. That help you receive improves YOU, and then YOU improve other people, who in turn improve others, in a cycle. Go to them and as you grow everything you grow too, they will help you. Those who do more always get more in return in this.

The incentive here is to grow you and grow everyone around you, at the same time. Just do it and also go to them to help you if you ever need it.

A literally infinite never cycle of growth and expansion, eternal life and advancement, is the ideal of Spiritual Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I tried hard to be apart of this community, but how can I be when moderators delay in approving my comments or at times deleting my comments or my posts, please speak to your moderators especially Blitzkreig JG who is always around to defend my complaints but not keen on approving my comments, I agree we all should be partakers in this ministry, andım hoping that this comment will get approved I will screenshot it just in case they delete it, like I said, if I am going to be upset over these matters I’m sorry but my donations are going to cease as well!

Hail Satan
I tried hard to be apart of this community, but how can I be when moderators delay in approving my comments or at times deleting my comments or my posts, please speak to your moderators especially Blitzkreig JG who is always around to defend my complaints but not keen on approving my comments, I agree we all should be partakers in this ministry, andım hoping that this comment will get approved I will screenshot it just in case they delete it, like I said, if I am going to be upset over these matters I’m sorry but my donations are going to cease as well!

Hail Satan
Sister, please, stop attacking the moderators. The situation was already explained to you multiple times. All comments, except for a handful of trusted people, need to be manually read and approved by the moderators. The reason for this is not that someone wants to demean you, but because it protects people from posting vulnerable information and aggressive posts that could be used as a pretext for taking our forums down.
I tried hard to be apart of this community, but how can I be when moderators delay in approving my comments or at times deleting my comments or my posts, please speak to your moderators especially Blitzkreig JG who is always around to defend my complaints but not keen on approving my comments, I agree we all should be partakers in this ministry, andım hoping that this comment will get approved I will screenshot it just in case they delete it, like I said, if I am going to be upset over these matters I’m sorry but my donations are going to cease as well!

Hail Satan
Our Guardians are trustworthy and are doing their best to keep our community safe. I don't think any of them are targetting you.
I tried hard to be apart of this community, but how can I be when moderators delay in approving my comments or at times deleting my comments or my posts, please speak to your moderators especially Blitzkreig JG who is always around to defend my complaints but not keen on approving my comments, I agree we all should be partakers in this ministry, andım hoping that this comment will get approved I will screenshot it just in case they delete it, like I said, if I am going to be upset over these matters I’m sorry but my donations are going to cease as well!

Hail Satan
Moderators have a life full of commitments just as any other person on this planet which means that posts get approved when they have time for it, not for any other reason, such as preference over a member over another. There was a time not too long ago, more precisely around two years ago when people had to wait for new posts to be approved as much as over 48 hours, and here you are complaining about this when you don't have to wait for much at all while also forgetting that real human beings have to comb through hundreds and hundreds of posts every day. Take it easy!
Moderators have a life full of commitments just as any other person on this planet which means that posts get approved when they have time for it, not for any other reason, such as preference over a member over another. There was a time not too long ago, more precisely around two years ago when people had to wait for new posts to be approved as much as over 48 hours, and here you are complaining about this when you don't have to wait for much at all while also forgetting that real human beings have to comb through hundreds and hundreds of posts every day. Take it easy!
Okay, maybe I have been impatient but I just thought that this mod was irritated by me and I felt I was someone to be on his radar! Yep I’ll take it easy, I feel a little better today
I tried hard to be apart of this community, but how can I be when moderators delay in approving my comments or at times deleting my comments or my posts, please speak to your moderators especially Blitzkreig JG who is always around to defend my complaints but not keen on approving my comments, I agree we all should be partakers in this ministry, andım hoping that this comment will get approved I will screenshot it just in case they delete it, like I said, if I am going to be upset over these matters I’m sorry but my donations are going to cease as well!

Hail Satan
You are more impatient than anyone else I have seen here in the last several years. All of this has already been explained to you how this works.

You are lucky if you are waiting a couple hours. Years ago, the average time was like 10 or 12 hours, and some times a couple days. This is a small community with only a few people working to uphold all of this infrastructure. You are lucky for what you get. This is not the scam call center in India with 5,000 people at all times waiting for your phone call.
You are more impatient than anyone else I have seen here in the last several years. All of this has already been explained to you how this works.

You are lucky if you are waiting a couple hours. Years ago, the average time was like 10 or 12 hours, and some times a couple days. This is a small community with only a few people working to uphold all of this infrastructure. You are lucky for what you get. This is not the scam call center in India with 5,000 people at all times waiting for your phone call.
Okay I’m new here so I thought I was treated like this because my comments maybe not appropriate, I’m just getting to know this place, sorry if I seemed impatient, I’ve come from a world of untrustworthy people so at times I get insecure about people
We all are happy to help you with any problem that you have. But it has to be a real problem, or we have nothing to say.
I don’t think I have a problem, I somehow got the wrong idea, I felt my comments was not good enough to be posted, it’s just an emotional reaction, I have been here 2 1/2 months so I’m still pretty new and I’m just getting to know how things work around here, I know I was told before but I don’t know something just triggered in me and I went on ramp! Maybe I do need help I don’t know!
I tried hard to be apart of this community, but how can I be when moderators delay in approving my comments or at times deleting my comments or my posts, please speak to your moderators especially Blitzkreig JG who is always around to defend my complaints but not keen on approving my comments, I agree we all should be partakers in this ministry, andım hoping that this comment will get approved I will screenshot it just in case they delete it, like I said, if I am going to be upset over these matters I’m sorry but my donations are going to cease as well!

Hail Satan
It may be that a post or comment is late because of the huge amount of work done by moderators in other areas, but to delete it seems a bit strange to me, unless your comments are abusive and aggressive. Perhaps you should look at it from a different perspective because it would not be right to stop donations because of a misunderstanding
The outside world becomes dangerous when you tell people you're a Satanist.
My posts explicitly stated that no Satanist needs to tell the public they're Satanists. In order to create and operate Satanic Businesses we Satanists have to get to know each other (and in that process, tell each other we're Satanists). Association of individuals with Satanism stays inside the company—outside, only the company itself is vaguely associated with Satanic/Pagan influences.

For the Gods' sake, please don't operate with such a simplistic mindset. You're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. If you had actually read and considered my posts you wouldn't have deleted them in compliance with that thought process.
My posts explicitly stated that no Satanist needs to tell the public they're Satanists. In order to create and operate Satanic Businesses we Satanists have to get to know each other (and in that process, tell each other we're Satanists). Association of individuals with Satanism stays inside the company—outside, only the company itself is vaguely associated with Satanic/Pagan influences.

For the Gods' sake, please don't operate with such a simplistic mindset. You're throwing the baby out with the bathwater. If you had actually read and considered my posts you wouldn't have deleted them in compliance with that thought process.
Organisations and companies can be infiltrated and attacked from the inside. It's much worse in real life.
Organisations and companies can be infiltrated and attacked from the inside. It's much worse in real life.
You're literally proving you didn't read my original post. I specifically stated "when you look at the face, see the aura, you'll know who is an enemy and who is not". It's far worse on the internet because we can't immediately tell who's a jew/abrahamic filth and who is a Gentile, they can hide behind avatars and fancy text.

Can you explain how in the world an enemy could slip past you when you talk to them face to face on a daily basis? How they would even make it past the hiring process? Did you think about this at all?
You're literally proving you didn't read my original post. I specifically stated "when you look at the face, see the aura, you'll know who is an enemy and who is not". It's far worse on the internet because we can't immediately tell who's a jew/abrahamic filth and who is a Gentile, they can hide behind avatars and fancy text.

Can you explain how in the world an enemy could slip past you when you talk to them face to face on a daily basis? How they would even make it past the hiring process? Did you think about this at all?
You're not wrong. But he's just trying to be very careful.
Great post HPHC. Except when I create threads about working together, engaging in Satanic business, creating Satanic companies and what-not my threads get removed with braindead reasons like "do this in private first". What's the deal? Seems to be a policy problem. We need to collaborate and make headway in material world to accomplish the 10 year plan. I know this, but my posts keep getting deleted.
There is no policy problem. This space is closely watched by the enemy, and thus, publicly speaking about business collaborations would doxx parties involved.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
