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The Voice of The Gods Within

On the previous topic we were talking about the voice of God, and I was asked about "what is the voice of God". This is the God part of the consciousness that was put in human beings by the Gods, by design, to help us articulate, advance and propel ourselves upward in our existence.

This voice in the context of Spiritual Satanism is essentially the voice of your inner God ["to-be"] or in other words the Greek term Daimon or the Wise One. This Daimon is assigned to you and he is not getting away from you [like your Guardian Demon externally] with the sole difference that this Daimon is literally internally in you. It's not an outward entity, but it's your inner higher calling/voice/self.

It's rather easy to find this one out, but of course, not very easy to listen to it. The average person is rather severed from this voice and they seldom pay attention to it. The closer one goes to the bottom layers of existence, it's an echo if anything else.

It's essentially this voice in your head that propels you to growth, positivity, abundance and goodness overall. While the term "voice" is another word to use for volition, desire, will and many other ways, it's better we should call it voice. It's wiser and it's not like the regular thoughts of your own mind, but it can appear also through lesser thoughts, seeking expression or to reach a blocked mind.

How do you know this is the voice of the Gods from within? It's sometimes clear and sometimes less clear. But it's clear on many subjects. You will know it by what it propels you to do. When there is a voice that leads to errors, stupidity or falsehood, then it's not that voice.

A very typical example of this power, is when for example you are listening in your head that you must improve your physical condition by going to the gym, or wanting to improve something. Or when you know you must put a certain amount of work in order to improve your craft. This voice is very easy to deny as most humans are attuned to negativity, ie, listening to garbage that constantly puts them down. They therefore block this out and disallow their own development. The further one goes from goodness and the God power within, the further one also goes from the voice of development.

It's however in many contexts rather easy to recognize.

This "voice" is what tells a serial wife abuser to stop abusing his particular other; after anger has set down. Excessive anger and other forms of excessive forces, can temporarily tone it down. Anger, negativity, excessive doubt, evil tendencies, tend to lower the tone of this voice, while being strong, sound in the mind, and calm, tend to elevate it's function.

When it's the ruling voice in one's mind, then one can confidently say they are growing a lot spiritually. It's absence can indicate blockages that require rectification and removal. When you can actually follow it in most things, you know you are walking in the path of the Godhead straight. When you consistently not obey it and do nothing good for yourself and others (not in the sense of morality only, but in the sense of not doing anything progressive and developing based) the voice is stifled and one is probably not listening to it. It's the voice heroin addicts hear when something tells them "you should not start this" when they encounter these things; it's trying there to protect them from a negative turn in their existence.

While the Gods as forces can help largely in life to magnify it's power, as many people do not have the Gods, the voice can remain rather shrunk. The more one spends time around higher quality things, beings or mental information, the more it activates. The more one moves away from this, it deteriorates. That's why it's important to also dwell on positive things and subjects, no matter what is going on in life.

The longing of this power within is to turn you into a God over time, and God I do not mean in egoistical standards or comparisons, I mean to manifest your potential within the context of your life.

The more one is adherent in listening to these good tendencies that come from within, growth, evolution and progress will start taking place. The less one listens to this, the more problems will be encountered. The voice is activated by meditation, awakening the soul and dwelling on divine and positive thoughts, which reverberate in your existence and that of others.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Another lesson learned!
I have always felt this voice and presence within me ever since I was a child. I felt it connected to my intuition and "gut feeling". I would often note that when i would not listen to advice from this feeling or voice that things would happen in ways i would rather not. Then there was the feeling of "I told you so!"
I have had very similar experiences, I believe this is also how ESP works too.
On the previous topic we were talking about the voice of God, and I was asked about "what is the voice of God". This is the God part of the consciousness that was put in human beings by the Gods, by design, to help us articulate, advance and propel ourselves upward in our existence.

This voice in the context of Spiritual Satanism is essentially the voice of your inner God ["to-be"] or in other words the Greek term Daimon or the Wise One. This Daimon is assigned to you and he is not getting away from you [like your Guardian Demon externally] with the sole difference that this Daimon is literally internally in you. It's not an outward entity, but it's your inner higher calling/voice/self.

It's rather easy to find this one out, but of course, not very easy to listen to it. The average person is rather severed from this voice and they seldom pay attention to it. The closer one goes to the bottom layers of existence, it's an echo if anything else.

It's essentially this voice in your head that propels you to growth, positivity, abundance and goodness overall. While the term "voice" is another word to use for volition, desire, will and many other ways, it's better we should call it voice. It's wiser and it's not like the regular thoughts of your own mind, but it can appear also through lesser thoughts, seeking expression or to reach a blocked mind.

How do you know this is the voice of the Gods from within? It's sometimes clear and sometimes less clear. But it's clear on many subjects. You will know it by what it propels you to do. When there is a voice that leads to errors, stupidity or falsehood, then it's not that voice.

A very typical example of this power, is when for example you are listening in your head that you must improve your physical condition by going to the gym, or wanting to improve something. Or when you know you must put a certain amount of work in order to improve your craft. This voice is very easy to deny as most humans are attuned to negativity, ie, listening to garbage that constantly puts them down. They therefore block this out and disallow their own development. The further one goes from goodness and the God power within, the further one also goes from the voice of development.

It's however in many contexts rather easy to recognize.

This "voice" is what tells a serial wife abuser to stop abusing his particular other; after anger has set down. Excessive anger and other forms of excessive forces, can temporarily tone it down. Anger, negativity, excessive doubt, evil tendencies, tend to lower the tone of this voice, while being strong, sound in the mind, and calm, tend to elevate it's function.

When it's the ruling voice in one's mind, then one can confidently say they are growing a lot spiritually. It's absence can indicate blockages that require rectification and removal. When you can actually follow it in most things, you know you are walking in the path of the Godhead straight. When you consistently not obey it and do nothing good for yourself and others (not in the sense of morality only, but in the sense of not doing anything progressive and developing based) the voice is stifled and one is probably not listening to it. It's the voice heroin addicts hear when something tells them "you should not start this" when they encounter these things; it's trying there to protect them from a negative turn in their existence.

While the Gods as forces can help largely in life to magnify it's power, as many people do not have the Gods, the voice can remain rather shrunk. The more one spends time around higher quality things, beings or mental information, the more it activates. The more one moves away from this, it deteriorates. That's why it's important to also dwell on positive things and subjects, no matter what is going on in life.

The longing of this power within is to turn you into a God over time, and God I do not mean in egoistical standards or comparisons, I mean to manifest your potential within the context of your life.

The more one is adherent in listening to these good tendencies that come from within, growth, evolution and progress will start taking place. The less one listens to this, the more problems will be encountered. The voice is activated by meditation, awakening the soul and dwelling on divine and positive thoughts, which reverberate in your existence and that of others.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Self-knowledge and the ability to listen to oneself, one's true self, the call of the soul, the ability to listen to one's soul, which constantly calls out to a person, will help everyone to hear the Divine voice.
Dear Hoodedcobra666

Are the Yazidis basically Spiritual Satanists? Should we learn from them and research about them?
Father Satanas is a God If you take the time to read HPs Maxine you can understand alot.Father Satanas is known every where our Ancestors know Father.

Okay for now you can read Satan n Beelzebul- Two As One by HP Hoodedcobra666. PLEASE read more About Our Mother HPS Maxine she has alot to say about our Father.Take your time on Joy of Satan.org.
The longing of this power within is to turn you into a God over time, and God I do not mean in egoistical standards or comparisons, I mean to manifest your potential within the context of your life.
I have a question
If someone starts walking the path of the Godhead and grow closer to the Daimon in their mind but eventually fail to reach the Godhead and die along the road, is it possible that during their life the voice of the Daimon grew strong enough to more easily influence them in their next life to walk the path again?
I mean the voice being more clearer in their mind compared to other people.
I have a question
If someone starts walking the path of the Godhead and grow closer to the Daimon in their mind but eventually fail to reach the Godhead and die along the road, is it possible that during their life the voice of the Daimon grew strong enough to more easily influence them in their next life to walk the path again?
I mean the voice being more clearer in their mind compared to other people.

You probably worked towards the Godhead for many lifetimes already. When reincarnating all you really get to keep is your wisdom and karma. If you cultivate the Godhead in one lifetime you won't have to start from 0 in the next lifetime. With the internet we have access to a lot of knowledge that was nearly impossible to get in the past, there is a lot of opportunity for progress in this lifetime. Plus the Gods tend to help between lifetimes find our way back.
I have a question
If someone starts walking the path of the Godhead and grow closer to the Daimon in their mind but eventually fail to reach the Godhead and die along the road, is it possible that during their life the voice of the Daimon grew strong enough to more easily influence them in their next life to walk the path again?
I mean the voice being more clearer in their mind compared to other people.

Nothing is ever really lost in the path; the only development that stays consistent and comes always back up, is the investment a person makes in their soul and development. It re-manifests each lifetime and keeps growing through all the lifetimes.

Yes, the Gods will get someone back on the path in their next life [as they did to basically everyone here] and one continues.
Dear Hoodedcobra666

Are the Yazidis basically Spiritual Satanists? Should we learn from them and research about them?

Yes, the Yezidis worship and follow Father Satan/Lucifer. They are an Ancient sect in the Middle East who escaped persecution and did their best to keep many aspects of the Ancient Culture alive. They therefore call Satan the Chosen one of God [the universal intelligence] which He truly is.
Dear Hoodedcobra666

If a spiritual Satanist is from a wealthy and supportive family background, is it helpful for Spiritual Satanism to do a university degree in ancient Egyptology to prove Xianity and Islam wrong? Will research in this field help Spiritual Satanism? I am asking this question as a ex Xian now a spiritual satanist and I would like to contribute to Spiritual Satanism.
Dear Hoodedcobra666

If a spiritual Satanist is from a wealthy and supportive family background, is it helpful for Spiritual Satanism to do a university degree in ancient Egyptology to prove Xianity and Islam wrong? Will research in this field help Spiritual Satanism? I am asking this question as a ex Xian now a spiritual satanist and I would like to contribute to Spiritual Satanism.
In my opinion research in such fields can help uncover the truth about christianity and ancient Paganism but this is only worth doing if you actually have a passion in ancient Egyptology and related fields, and not strictly for the sake of combating christianity. This is definitely worth done if you enjoy such work and enjoy to do it as a long term commitment and career and exposing christianity should come as a much smaller priority to such important decision.

Exposing chrstianity and islam is relatively easy as far as researching and putting together the information is concerned but doing this from a position of authority or relative "fame" is a much more powerful way but this will require years of being extremely good in this field and becoming widely known.
Dear Hoodedcobra666

If a spiritual Satanist is from a wealthy and supportive family background, is it more helpful for Spiritual Satanist do a university degree in Ancient Egyptology or Religious Studies to prove Xianity and Islam wrong? Which one would you recommend more to be more effective? Will research in this field help Spiritual Satanism? I am asking this question as a Ex Xian now a spiritual satanist and I would like to contribute to Spiritual Satanism.
Dear Hoodedcobra666

If a spiritual Satanist is from a wealthy and supportive family background, is it more helpful for Spiritual Satanist do a university degree in Ancient Egyptology or Religious Studies to prove Xianity and Islam wrong? Which one would you recommend more to be more effective? Will research in this field help Spiritual Satanism? I am asking this question as a Ex Xian now a spiritual satanist and I would like to contribute to Spiritual Satanism.

Yes, that wouldn't be bad. But might as well begin and see where life takes you. It's important to be practical about development and not dwell all day on what if's.

It's not necessary to write about Christianity being wrong; it has been written in the past. Egyptology in general would be more interesting of a field of study. But that is something you must decide on your own accord.
Dear Hoodedcobra666

If a Spiritual Satanist can afford it financially, is it a good idea to create businesses with the Yazidi symbol the peacock? Like selling silver rounds with the peacock symbol or foods with the Yazidi peacock on it. And create props of the Yazidi Peacock to worship Satan? Also, should we focus on building Yazidi temples in Canada and America and in Western countries to worship Satan and attract new converts?
On the previous topic we were talking about the voice of God, and I was asked about "what is the voice of God". This is the God part of the consciousness that was put in human beings by the Gods, by design, to help us articulate, advance and propel ourselves upward in our existence.

This voice in the context of Spiritual Satanism is essentially the voice of your inner God ["to-be"] or in other words the Greek term Daimon or the Wise One. This Daimon is assigned to you and he is not getting away from you [like your Guardian Demon externally] with the sole difference that this Daimon is literally internally in you. It's not an outward entity, but it's your inner higher calling/voice/self.

It's rather easy to find this one out, but of course, not very easy to listen to it. The average person is rather severed from this voice and they seldom pay attention to it. The closer one goes to the bottom layers of existence, it's an echo if anything else.

It's essentially this voice in your head that propels you to growth, positivity, abundance and goodness overall. While the term "voice" is another word to use for volition, desire, will and many other ways, it's better we should call it voice. It's wiser and it's not like the regular thoughts of your own mind, but it can appear also through lesser thoughts, seeking expression or to reach a blocked mind.

How do you know this is the voice of the Gods from within? It's sometimes clear and sometimes less clear. But it's clear on many subjects. You will know it by what it propels you to do. When there is a voice that leads to errors, stupidity or falsehood, then it's not that voice.

A very typical example of this power, is when for example you are listening in your head that you must improve your physical condition by going to the gym, or wanting to improve something. Or when you know you must put a certain amount of work in order to improve your craft. This voice is very easy to deny as most humans are attuned to negativity, ie, listening to garbage that constantly puts them down. They therefore block this out and disallow their own development. The further one goes from goodness and the God power within, the further one also goes from the voice of development.

It's however in many contexts rather easy to recognize.

This "voice" is what tells a serial wife abuser to stop abusing his particular other; after anger has set down. Excessive anger and other forms of excessive forces, can temporarily tone it down. Anger, negativity, excessive doubt, evil tendencies, tend to lower the tone of this voice, while being strong, sound in the mind, and calm, tend to elevate it's function.

When it's the ruling voice in one's mind, then one can confidently say they are growing a lot spiritually. It's absence can indicate blockages that require rectification and removal. When you can actually follow it in most things, you know you are walking in the path of the Godhead straight. When you consistently not obey it and do nothing good for yourself and others (not in the sense of morality only, but in the sense of not doing anything progressive and developing based) the voice is stifled and one is probably not listening to it. It's the voice heroin addicts hear when something tells them "you should not start this" when they encounter these things; it's trying there to protect them from a negative turn in their existence.

While the Gods as forces can help largely in life to magnify it's power, as many people do not have the Gods, the voice can remain rather shrunk. The more one spends time around higher quality things, beings or mental information, the more it activates. The more one moves away from this, it deteriorates. That's why it's important to also dwell on positive things and subjects, no matter what is going on in life.

The longing of this power within is to turn you into a God over time, and God I do not mean in egoistical standards or comparisons, I mean to manifest your potential within the context of your life.

The more one is adherent in listening to these good tendencies that come from within, growth, evolution and progress will start taking place. The less one listens to this, the more problems will be encountered. The voice is activated by meditation, awakening the soul and dwelling on divine and positive thoughts, which reverberate in your existence and that of others.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
wow just yesterday i was talking about this and thought its a childhood introvert thing to talk to yourself as if u were two and many times when venting to it it sparks solutions in ur mind
This topic reminded me of something a friend asked me when I explained him my first encounter with Father Satan in this lifetime.

After I have explained him on 'how' he then in the end asked ' How do you know that voice of His[Lucifer] is not the voice within yourself ? ' but he asked that with an accent of not believing in other beings 'he's an atheist' and your Seromon HPHC brought me to that , I have realized in full now that it was not only Him but also Me , indeed. I believe we are more and we are becoming more of Satan in ourselves, more then the rest of the people , by that I refer to this higher voice within ourselves , the more we awaken our kundalini the more clearer and louder this voice becomes , it feels like my own thought but it's a lower sound voice , sometimes feels like when I think in my mind there's two voices , the superior one being very low in sound but more perceived as feeling/intuition.

There's much more about our own self that we know of , I once felt my higher self taking over me entire being in a death-life situation where some monstrous and disgusting entity was haunting me and one of my friend. In that very moment of 'despair' I have literally , all of the sudden, astral projected myself out of nowhere without even wanting and without thinking of it , it was darkness everywhere but a light within myself which at that very moment I did not knew from where it came from me ,was lightning the whole room like, the Sun [I've asked myself: Wow..I wonder where is this light come from] I then looked down at my feet and I literally seen my solar chakra for the first time ,in all of it's perfection and function, just emanating a lot of light/energy.

Then somehow I've astral projected myself again ,like double projection ,and I was seeing myself from the above , my own mind spectating my own spirit , then I could see myself from the above , 'Me' was screaming very angry and vengeful ,haunting that own very being [somehow I felt that this 'ME' was angry for having to force awaken myself in a sudden way, I could see myself looking at that other being [the one which was haunting us] and the face of it and the feeling it emanating was different , it was very afraid of me and I could see 'Me' running and yelling at it like 'Why are you running now??? COME HERE YOU LIL SHIT!' , for months that being did not disturbed that house anymore, even after I left, but it came back eventually according of what my friend said to me [ because it was my friends house where I lived there for a while] and I said to him, look, It's your responsibility to grow and get rid of it [he was not SS neither, if he would had been then I would had help him , teaching him how to empower and protect himself] but him not being an SS then I knew that If I put him into occult and spiritual practices without being dedicated to the Gods that would make him more harm then good .

This 'voice' or the begin inside the being , the God within ourselves exist, for those who never meditate in their lives it's harder to believe this, that's why the enemy has tried for so long to suppress the spiritual/occult knowledge , they are not afraid of what we are but of what we can become , we have potent potential onto becoming Gods and evolve and becoming more as Father Satan , the reason I've told the above story is to show people that we are more powerful then we even realize and we should always keep the positive thinking no matter what , it is better to be positive then negative and this is common sense and makes full logic based on true fact of how we and the Universe is functioning. I also encourage many to add and keep doing Kundalini Yoga, this is Satan's yoga and its the most powerful of all , this is what awakes the supernatural within us , getting us closer to the Gods and closer to becoming One.

You're a great Leader HPHC and a Wise man, I truly personally thank you for all the good things you've done in the help of humanity and the divine and greater cause.
May Satan and the Gods bless all of us and we shall always stay great and becoming greater, always. HAIL SATAN!
I'm just gonna leave this here as I find this the right place to do so:

Socrates spoke of his inner voice—the daimonion—as a personal, divine sign that warned him against taking certain actions. In his account, this voice never urged him on but only prevented him from doing what might be wrong, and it was experienced as an intimate, positive guide. In ancient Greek thought, the term daimon (and its diminutive daimonion) was essentially neutral. It could represent a divine presence or intermediary spirit, not necessarily with any moral polarity.

Over time, however, as Christianity developed its strict monotheistic framework and a dualistic view of good versus evil, many earlier pagan concepts were reinterpreted. Early Christian writers redefined the neutral or even benevolent daimones as malevolent demons—agents of evil working under Satan. This shift was partly due to the influence of the Septuagint’s translation of Hebrew texts and the early New Testament, which cast spiritual beings in a more negative light. Thus, whereas Socrates’ daimonion was seen in his cultural context as a personal guardian or inner check, the Christian tradition recast similar experiences under the label “demonic,” associating them with temptation and sin rather than with divine guidance.

In short, the change in terminology reflects a broader transformation in religious thought: what was once a neutral or positive spiritual presence in the Greek world became, in the Christian tradition, an embodiment of evil forces.
Nice post HoodedCobra666! I've hearing the god inside myself for a long time. I have been taught so much by his wisdom, I mean- I don't read books, but I know so much, even though I can't explain how grateful I am... Ave Satana!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
