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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
Our future will have spiritual training at its core. Perhaps the process will be slow and gradual, but in time, our nature will lead us towards at least the curiosity about spirituality and making the bridge between science and occult.

Of course, the decision to embark on those training and learning programs will be individual, but the knowledge will not only be available for all who express this desire, but will no longer be impeded or discredited. More than this, it will be encouraged and people will be welcome to do so.

The Joy of Satan or the newly Joy of Satanas will be a well-known program worldwide and recognized as the hand of the Gods. Of course, the choice remains to each person to make, but the discrediting and lying about us will no longer stand. The world needs to move past the lies and pain the enemy has caused and turn towards advancement.

The Empire will have schools, universities, courses and scientific research programs in the area of occult. As the physical body is studied through biology, chemistry, physiology and anatomy so will the anatomy or the structure of the soul be studied in detail.

Spirituality must be in its first stages introduced to the masses as a scientific research. This ideally, should be done gradually until it becomes mainstream. I ask advanced people many times, to take and filter some of the enemy’s methods. Just because an enemy drinks water, we will not boycott water.

Social media advertising, information and news on this subject must be targeted step by step starting from the segments most interested on this subject. Then, while gaining popularity, the targeting can move to other segments as well. We know how social validation works and how one can use it to its advantage and it would be wise to use the pressure of the numbers as the enemy has done. Besides, what comes naturally is easier to digest.

The most zealous individuals about a subject care the least about social validation if it opposes their passion. In turn, the ones that care the most about validation will take any mission or passion if the pressure directs them to do so. This is why the wise one will start from the most passionate to the least. It is the most fertile path.

The occult is rationalized by science. Everything that exists is science. Even shorter, everything is science. For example, the aura can be considered the electro-magnetic field around living things. The chi energy, the chakras, the kundalini flux of energy can be correlated with the electric nervous system which we have. The soul is bound to the body with sort of a magnetic cord.

The stages of our mind focus can be defined by the frequency intervals of brain waves. For example, the lower the brainwaves are, the easier is to achieve a trance state and tap into the left side of the brain or the subconscious mind.

Astrology will also be studied hand in hand with astronomy. Astrology cannot be fully understood without astronomy. The orbits of the planets, the energy waves and the nature of those energies must be studied and understood as well as how it affects human behavior and consequently the events which define our reality. The character’s definition at birth must be understood in this regard analogous to how light is used to project an image when using an analogic camera.

Occult science and research will study a lot on the areas of energy and more specifically light, sound, vibration and how matter/molecules are affected by those phenomena.

The effects and therefore goals of spiritual training have a very vast range. People will understand how the constant and disciplined use of this practice affects not only their lives, but the lives of others around them and consequently, influences the events in their lives.

Training the soul can have many benefits. An increased natural understanding about live and reality, it gives one a clearer perception on how to solve issues and the courage to make decisions and take risks in a responsible way. It has lots of benefits on the areas of health as each chakra is correlated to a series of organs and body parts. This is also linked to physical training and it will increase one’s desire to train. It raises the intellect and makes one see the links between ideas, notions and events much easier. It gives one an unprecedented sense of integrity and honesty as when one starts understanding reality and how nature and the universe work one is unable to lie to themselves anymore. At this stage, lying to oneself feels like a betrayal or insult to the self. It is you attacking yourself.

Activating the soul also turns on the Gods given instinct that is strongly related to both soul and genetics. This call is the instinct to advance, become greater, help others raise as well and discover as much as possible from the mysteries of nature. It is what pushes people to be sportsmen, researchers, explorers and conquerors.

High Priest Hooded Cobra has defined this instinct as follows:

“This voice in the context of Spiritual Satanism is essentially the voice of your inner God ["to-be"] or in other words the Greek term Daimon or the Wise One. This Daimon is assigned to you and he is not getting away from you [like your Guardian Demon externally] with the sole difference that this Daimon is literally internally in you. It's not an outward entity, but it's your inner higher calling/voice/self.

It's rather easy to find this one out, but of course, not very easy to listen to it. The average person is rather severed from this voice and they seldom pay attention to it. The closer one goes to the bottom layers of existence, it's an echo if anything else.”

We must remember that the character of an individual is determined by four main factors: the genetic hereditary predispositions, the astrological natal configuration, education and life experience.

The Empire must have all four components taken into account when investing in the individual.

The spiritual activation of the soul makes one understand his own abilities to unprecedented levels and he is able to determine the strengths which also define his missions and goals. Fear gradually disappears as fear is a powerful reaction against the unknown. Once the unknown becomes charted, fear decreases.

Analogous to how we take care of our bodies, exercise, feed, take medicine when needed and bathe one should also train and maintain their soul as best as they can. There are so many links, correlations and connections between so many notions that is hard to elaborate here. To state a few chakras are connected to corresponding organs and body parts. Chakras have certain colors which are types of energies, types of feelings, emotional states, directions and predispositions. Planets are also correlated with energies which give emotions and abilities which in turn are connected to astrological signs which are constellations. Energies, predispositions and abilities are also connected to runes and mantras. The list can go on forever to substances, environments and how each one of those affects the other. At one point, one could define a table with all those components and make the connections between all of them. Maybe a multidimensional table would do the job, but ultimately, I think a software engineer could always represent this as a database where records from a table are linked through relationships to other records from another table by using a primary key.

Perhaps this could be a future project of the Joy of Satan community.

If one meditates even a little day by day and contemplates on those notions, they will see that ideas and connections come to the mind in ways that cannot even be expressed in words. At one point, it is best to calm and control the mind and perhaps write down what we find and what ideas, notions or events we are able to connect.

Intelligence is not solely given by the ability to memorize which could be translated through the number of neurons, but by the synapses and the ability to make connections and see patterns. IQ tests are based on this ability to determine patterns and determine the mission component in a series.

I had a dream once , very vivid, although cryptic, where there was a beautiful Island , like on the Irish coast , although dimly lighted , as though the sun was about to rise, but not yet visible. And on the background i could hear a Radio voice announcing that an actual "State of Magic" was internationally recognised along side it's territory. Afterwards the melody "Walking in the Air" by Nightwish was broadcast.

On this little Isle though there was a connection tower, a forest and a couple of Cabins. When I woke up, I had tears in my eyes. This dream I had I remember since around 5 years ago.
I had a dream once , very vivid, although cryptic, where there was a beautiful Island , like on the Irish coast , although dimly lighted , as though the sun was about to rise, but not yet visible. And on the background i could hear a Radio voice announcing that an actual "State of Magic" was internationally recognised along side it's territory. Afterwards the melody "Walking in the Air" by Nightwish was broadcast.

On this little Isle though there was a connection tower, a forest and a couple of Cabins. When I woke up, I had tears in my eyes. This dream I had I remember since around 5 years ago.
It also seems as a very clear dream and detailed. I often have very foggy dreams. I may need to put more work into cleaning especially around the upper chakras.
I am listening to the song now that you mentioned it :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
