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Are b/w mixed raced children always of the non-white race?


Dec 12, 2023
This chick look's straight up white to me. She even has a white person's voice despite predominantly growing up with her non-white side of the family. Her sister look's like a typical Indian/Bengali, but for whatever reason, she doesn't.

So, I was wondering if in rare cases the individual is actually of the white race, because surely if she were to date an Indian it would be considered race-mixing, due to the high percentage of white DNA? Which race are they supposed to go with?

She has non-white features. Her nose, and the overall size of her chin/jaw area, the dimensions are a bit off, pure Whites do not have those dimensions. Actress Liv Tyler, who has a small amount of Black ancestry, has similar features.

And if she has a child with a pure white, her non-white genetics will probably come out in the child. One cannot just go by how the individual looks to predict how the offspring will be. The individual's parents and grandparents must always be taken into consideration. We always resemble our grandparents too, not just our parents. Some genetics can skip a generation.

There are cases where a couple who both "look white" have a child and the child is significantly darker, yet is their child. This comes from a grandparent.
When it comes to race, I personally would look at the soul level.

Physically speaking, you'll find Whites with varying nose shapes, lip shapes, ect, within certain limits though, you won't find a pure White with Sub-Saharan features for example, at least I haven't found one.

What changes/happens at the soul level matters imo. What happens if a White soul incarnates in a mixed body? Does their soul stop being White? Not sure how it works on a higher level tbh
She has non-white features. Her nose, and the overall size of her chin/jaw area, the dimensions are a bit off, pure Whites do not have those dimensions. Actress Liv Tyler, who has a small amount of Black ancestry, has similar features.

And if she has a child with a pure white, her non-white genetics will probably come out in the child. One cannot just go by how the individual looks to predict how the offspring will be. The individual's parents and grandparents must always be taken into consideration. We always resemble our grandparents too, not just our parents. Some genetics can skip a generation.

There are cases where a couple who both "look white" have a child and the child is significantly darker, yet is their child. This comes from a grandparent.

I truthfully find some of this still confusing at times myself.

Like for example, me and my wife have some amounts of Mediterranean and Native American in our bloodline, but this appears to be completely bred out in our children, who possessive very strong european features and racial characteristics.

Like, my children are basically almost nordic in their characteristics and features, and the amounts that were not this appear to not be passed down, and if so must be in very negligible amounts for this all to be the case.

All in all, this is confusing to me, as I verified the presence of Mediterranean and native american blood in both our bloodlines, yet both of us near on about 85% to 90% white and are very genetically compatiable.

Is it normal for me to be a bit confused on this?
In terms of behaviour, you find people from all races acting in all sorts of different ways, but I still sense an energetic "signature" that Whites or Blacks regardless of how they behave leave out.

Mixed people have their own energetic "signature" that is different from Whites and Blacks.
I'm speaking from my own experience here, how I "sense" others in terms of their energy.
Does a different energetic signature mean a different soul? Perhaps, I don't know what to say at this point since I can't really tell what truly differentiates souls of different races.
What happens if a White soul incarnates in a mixed body?
The body is a physical manifestation of the soul. How can a White person be a mixed-race person at the same time?
She has non-white features. Her nose, and the overall size of her chin/jaw area, the dimensions are a bit off, pure Whites do not have those dimensions.
I assumed this could be something as a result of Astrology, as I've heard certain ascendant sign's can produce "angular" features in the jaw for example. How do you tell the difference?

There are cases where a couple who both "look white" have a child and the child is significantly darker, yet is their child. This comes from a grandparent.
Does this always mean the person has non-white ancestry? For example, can a "pure white soul" reincarnate into a family who despite it having a previous history of non-white blood, AFTER several generation's of the white genetics being "stabilised"?

I still don't understand why Hitler has black hair, which could imply Asiatic blood, when there's no way he would engage in race-mixing. So, is it sometimes random or what?
I truthfully find some of this still confusing at times myself.

Like for example, me and my wife have some amounts of Mediterranean and Native American in our bloodline, but this appears to be completely bred out in our children, who possessive very strong european features and racial characteristics.

Like, my children are basically almost nordic in their characteristics and features, and the amounts that were not this appear to not be passed down, and if so must be in very negligible amounts for this all to be the case.

All in all, this is confusing to me, as I verified the presence of Mediterranean and native american blood in both our bloodlines, yet both of us near on about 85% to 90% white and are very genetically compatiable.

Is it normal for me to be a bit confused on this?

Genetics always have active and recessive genes, and when you have children, a randomly selected 50% of your genetic line and a randomly selected 50% of her genetic line will combine into a new whole.

When you are both predominantly white, and especially if these parts do not overlap in your genetic lines, say the non white parts of her genes line up with white genes compared to your genetic line, and visa versa, you can get a situation where almost 100% of the genes given to your children are pure racially white genes, though this is statistically very unlikely, and in most cases impossible or very improbable, but depending on other factors, this could have happened under spiritual influence by the Gods for example, and it can be influenced through spiritual work as well.

Then it can also be a case that the non white genes given to your children ended up being mostly recessive, so they may have a similar percentage of non white genes as you both have, but it just so happens not to be visible on the appearance by much.

When they have children, it can be possible, depending on their partners as well, that your grand children could still get more noticeable non white traits, however it is also possible that these are actually for the most part bred out of your bloodline by then, through accidental eugenics that lined up well in your cases.
Genetics always have active and recessive genes, and when you have children, a randomly selected 50% of your genetic line and a randomly selected 50% of her genetic line will combine into a new whole.

When you are both predominantly white, and especially if these parts do not overlap in your genetic lines, say the non white parts of her genes line up with white genes compared to your genetic line, and visa versa, you can get a situation where almost 100% of the genes given to your children are pure racially white genes, though this is statistically very unlikely, and in most cases impossible or very improbable, but depending on other factors, this could have happened under spiritual influence by the Gods for example, and it can be influenced through spiritual work as well.

Then it can also be a case that the non white genes given to your children ended up being mostly recessive, so they may have a similar percentage of non white genes as you both have, but it just so happens not to be visible on the appearance by much.

When they have children, it can be possible, depending on their partners as well, that your grand children could still get more noticeable non white traits, however it is also possible that these are actually for the most part bred out of your bloodline by then, through accidental eugenics that lined up well in your cases.

This is very interesting, as I feel these traits are mostly bred out and that may be the circumstance. I was heavily working with the kundalini and cleansing my soul around the time my children were concieved, and my partner was also following my instructions on cleansing the soul and working more on chakras in this time frame, more then usual. So this may have contributed.
This is very interesting, as I feel these traits are mostly bred out and that may be the circumstance. I was heavily working with the kundalini and cleansing my soul around the time my children were concieved, and my partner was also following my instructions on cleansing the soul and working more on chakras in this time frame, more then usual. So this may have contributed.
Cleaning your soul will not make 2 mixed race parents produce a white child. Because being a different Human race is not a spiritual problem. All humans may grow to be spiritually perfected gods. There is nothing about this that would contribute to a person becoming more white.

This entire idea comes from a self hating victim mentality and false feeling of being inferior.

A mixed race person who grows and advances to eventually become a God, will still have all the same mixed race features, because this is simply who this person is. You are who you are, you are not somebody else.

The one thing that may come by spiritual growth and advancement is healing of medical problems. As race mixing most often creates genetic diseases, sicknesses, and weaknesses. These things may decrease over time with growth and advancement as the person simply becomes healthier and stronger in the soul and body.
The one thing that may come by spiritual growth and advancement is healing of medical problems. As race mixing most often creates genetic diseases, sicknesses, and weaknesses. These things may decrease over time with growth and advancement as the person simply becomes healthier and stronger in the soul and body.
And removal of bindings, curses. Then instating blessings instead. I suspect something of that nature is at play in this and similar cases.
Anybody who has an ancestor who is not white, is therefore not purely white. Anybody who is mixed race is not white by definition. If you are mixed race, then you are mixed race. It can't be any simpler.

In many cases I feel this can be a tough call. You can find many examples of people who are 85% to 90% and who are racially white at the soul.
Past a certain point yes, it's obvious someone is mixed race. You will be hard-pressed to find racially pure whites, if we are talking about a 99.99% to 100% mark of racial purity.

Nearly every nation has admixture at one point or another in the racial bloodline, and many of these nations and people of the white race are still of our collective racial soul.

For example, I have strong Hungarian ancestry, western european ancestry, and some admixture of Mediterranean and Native American blood. But this small in comparison to the rest of my racial line.

You can find whole nations of whites with similar examples of admixture who are white, this is why I mean it can be difficult, unless one is very obviously mixed in appearance and in their racial line.
Cleaning your soul will not make 2 mixed race parents produce a white child. Because being a different Human race is not a spiritual problem. All humans may grow to be spiritually perfected gods. There is nothing about this that would contribute to a person becoming more white.

This entire idea comes from a self hating victim mentality and false feeling of being inferior.

A mixed race person who grows and advances to eventually become a God, will still have all the same mixed race features, because this is simply who this person is. You are who you are, you are not somebody else.

The one thing that may come by spiritual growth and advancement is healing of medical problems. As race mixing most often creates genetic diseases, sicknesses, and weaknesses. These things may decrease over time with growth and advancement as the person simply becomes healthier and stronger in the soul and body.

Mixed race? I am not half black, half native, or anything of the sort. I mainly highlighted admixture in my bloodline which many people who are white have in one way or another. If one is in the percentage of about 85% to 90% white, one is not mixed race, there is just some admixture.

This is the case for MOST whites. Unless one is a nordic, or has a very strong clear bloodline. Which most people at this point can at least highlight some issues in their line at one point in another.

Yes, I am white. My wife is white, and my children are white. Just because It's not 100%, doesn't make this any less of a reality.

If I was half native, or a mongol or something I'd understand the concern and point of being mixed race. However I am not.
About genetics the selection of what is random and what is active is said by (((the science))) to be purely random but I believe it has to do with the essence of the soul and ones personal behavior so not random at all just not understood.

The ancients would consider the race of the father as the determining factor on what a child’s race is. I work as a butcher and see a lot of people in my job and I can state that when I see white women with no white kids they look like goblin-apes but when I see white men with non white children they look like white people, this could also have to do with the fact that when white women date non whites they are the scum of the earth while non white women who bag white men are the vary best that race has to offer. This woman likely has a white father.

(This is not an ethnical statement just an observation of facts this is also talking about human races, mixing with jews or blacks will always make a non human regardless of the parents.)

we also don’t have enough pure whites left to recognize a white person when we see one
Perhaps I should have further clarified the admixture I mentioned when bringing up the circumstances and example I mentioned in my case. Nonetheless, I tried to clarify further what I meant by my posts and points.
About genetics the selection of what is random and what is active is said by (((the science))) to be purely random but I believe it has to do with the essence of the soul and ones personal behavior so not random at all just not understood.

The ancients would consider the race of the father as the determining factor on what a child’s race is. I work as a butcher and see a lot of people in my job and I can state that when I see white women with no white kids they look like goblin-apes but when I see white men with non white children they look like white people, this could also have to do with the fact that when white women date non whites they are the scum of the earth while non white women who bag white men are the vary best that race has to offer. This woman likely has a white father.

(This is not an ethnical statement just an observation of facts this is also talking about human races, mixing with jews or blacks will always make a non human regardless of the parents.)

we also don’t have enough pure whites left to recognize a white person when we see one

I would suggest you look at this a bit differently. You seem to not be getting the full picture here. One is mixed when they have parents of different racial backgrounds procreating.

Other cases like the one I describe above of someone having a racial bloodline with 1 or 2 people or varying ethnic descent, can also show mixed racial traits in a person.

Again this depends, on the closeness of this in your bloodline, where this is, as there are cases were this is mitigated somewhat, and one is predominately 85%, or 90% the race they are born into.

This is where it gets tricky, as someone can be very mixed and have alot of mixture in the bloodline and it's hard to tell. I would study this further if I were you, that and others here may also have better information on this.
If one is in the percentage of about 85% to 90% white, one is not mixed race, there is just some admixture.
If you are 90% one thing and 10% something else, than you are 2 different things. This is not one thing. You have 2 clear parts here. 12% is a great grandparent, this is very recent still. By basic definition, if you are not 100% of one thing, than you are more than one thing to add up to 100%.

Admixture is the noun and mixed is the adjective, but they are forms of the same word.

I could understand if you were talking about an event one time several hundred years ago. But when you are talking about grandparents and great grandparents who are not white, then the grandchild is also not fully white. It is ridiculous to act like this is not real. This is some strange form of wishful thinking.

If somebody is mixed race but mostly white, then he or she is mixed race but mostly white. I don't understand what is wrong with saying the truth that this is what it is. Somebody who is mostly white but partly native american is mostly white but partly native american. Native american is an asian subracial group. Both parts exist and are valid together. You can't just suppress and ignore your herritage just because you might wish it was something different.
1/(2^x) with x being the number of generations since a race mixing event. This is the fraction of how much of you is the other race.

Limit as X goes to infinity, basically it eventually goes to 0. But there will really always be some very small fraction.

If you are 99.999999999999% white, then okay you are white. But if you are 87.5% white and 12.5% asian, than you are a mixed race between white and asian and mostly white. I just don't understand what reason there is to want to try to pretend this doesn't exist, except for some kind of emotional reasons. But facts are what facts are.
If you are 90% one thing and 10% something else, than you are 2 different things. This is not one thing. You have 2 clear parts here. 12% is a great grandparent, this is very recent still. By basic definition, if you are not 100% of one thing, than you are more than one thing to add up to 100%.

Admixture is the noun and mixed is the adjective, but they are forms of the same word.

I could understand if you were talking about an event one time several hundred years ago. But when you are talking about grandparents and great grandparents who are not white, then the grandchild is also not fully white. It is ridiculous to act like this is not real. This is some strange form of wishful thinking.

If somebody is mixed race but mostly white, then he or she is mixed race but mostly white. I don't understand what is wrong with saying the truth that this is what it is. Somebody who is mostly white but partly native american is mostly white but partly native american. Native american is an asian subracial group. Both parts exist and are valid together. You can't just suppress and ignore your herritage just because you might wish it was something different.

No, at this point this is just splitting hairs.

You have endless examples of whites with some percentages of mixture, and they are still white. They incarnate as white, live in white nations, and have some mixture at a certain point in their bloodline.

The closer this is, yes one would not qualify as white, and if it isn't a small amount then yes one is most certainly mixed.

You will find this in many places if you wanted to look hard enough, as most whites are 90% to 85% in terms of racial purity. I'm not some exception here to this, neither are a solid majority of the world's population of white people.

The majority of whites you see in europe, america, eastern Europe, and many in Russia, are all white. Many whites in our world could be classified and fall within this 90% to 85% range.

As we would slide further with this, then yes one would be something else, one would be mixed.

If I looked in the mirror and I was dark skinned wirh Asian features, or black racial traits were present in myself, or any of this was the case for my wife, or my children, then I'd feel inclined to agree with you. If I was fair skinned and had other traits, then yes I'd be mixed.

I've reincarnated into a white nation, where a majority of the white people and racial collective of our race has maintained a similar racial makeup. Along with life times where I've been white, and I still am white.

What further clarification do I need to provide here? I don't see the point in this.
1/(2^x) with x being the number of generations since a race mixing event. This is the fraction of how much of you is the other race.

Limit as X goes to infinity, basically it eventually goes to 0. But there will really always be some very small fraction.

If you are 99.999999999999% white, then okay you are white. But if you are 87.5% white and 12.5% asian, than you are a mixed race between white and asian and mostly white. I just don't understand what reason there is to want to try to pretend this doesn't exist, except for some kind of emotional reasons. But facts are what facts are.

Wait until you see just how many whites are racially white and do not fall within this very strict range you have set.

You'd be hard pressed to find 99.9999999% whites practically anywhere. That's just the reality of how things are at this point in our world.
I agree there are many countries where the people are not entirely white. Like most of the Middle East. But having many people who are all part of a smaller subracial group which originally formed by mixing, like the Arabic or Indian groups, is not the same as being white. There are probably billions of mixed people who are partially white, if you look at India, Pakistan, and Middle East.

But being mostly white is not the same as just being white. A Saudi Arabian man is not the same racially as an Irish man.

The existence of millions or billions of people who are mixed does not mean that there is nobody in other places who are not mixed.
I agree there are many countries where the people are not entirely white. Like most of the Middle East. But having many people who are all part of a smaller subracial group which originally formed by mixing, like the Arabic or Indian groups, is not the same as being white. There are probably billions of mixed people who are partially white, if you look at India, Pakistan, and Middle East.

But being mostly white is not the same as just being white. A Saudi Arabian man is not the same racially as an Irish man.

The existence of millions or billions of people who are mixed does not mean that there is nobody in other places who are not mixed.

This is where you misunderstand me though, I'm referring mainly to whites who are European, as many have certain degrees of admixture and they are racially white.

This is what I mean. Not the case of where one is clearly mixed and something else.

Slavic, Hungarian, Polish, Italian, and also many other western Europeans who are white but have had other blood in their racial line at a certain point to varying degrees.

Not to the extent one is shifted and mixed to something else, but just some of this in the racial line.

These are the cases I am mainly referring to as examples. You won't find pure whites in the majority of the world.

In the case of other races that emerged from mixing, like Arabs, that's a different conversation I feel.

Many American whites and even most European whites can pinpoint at least some smaller amounts of mixture in their bloodline and they are all still white.

Lastly, I'm not trying to really debate or pick things apart here either. I greatly respect you Ol Argedco Luciftias.
99.9999999% is an exaggeration. Maybe just 99%.

But 10% of a different race is significantly large. It is not negligible.

This is the state for many whites. I am not exaggerating here, I'm just trying to be realistic. You'll find many racial whites who are of our race around that percentage.
Where would a white guy having sex with a woman like this stand? Would it damage the soul or more importantly be seen as a transgression by the Gods? At that point how could you even tell if you met her at a bar or something?
This is the state for many whites. I am not exaggerating here, I'm just trying to be realistic. You'll find many racial whites who are of our race around that percentage.
I like and respect you too. I am not angry or anything like that. I just think you are wrong about some things. I also think you are extremely exaggerating the number of people in that situation. Western Europeans have not encountered anybody from other races almost at all until the last couple hundred years. And for the ones who were enslaved and raped in the northern african slave trade in the last hundreds of years, this has been confined to northern africa and the middle east, and this is what created the arabic race. But this really has not affected western europe except maybe in extremely few rare events.
And for some eastern european populations who have received some asian dna from the mongol invasian a thousand years ago, not everybody was raped. There were some people who were half white half asian, and a lot of the population was still fully white. Over the last thousand years, there have been enough generations where the population in general has become like 99.999% white. Its just that that last 0.001 has left behind some phenotype traits that are still visible. Or whatever the number is.
I understand. I know for certain
I like and respect you too. I am not angry or anything like that. I just think you are wrong about some things. I also think you are extremely exaggerating the number of people in that situation. Western Europeans have not encountered anybody from other races almost at all until the last couple hundred years. And for the ones who were enslaved and raped in the northern african slave trade in the last hundreds of years, this has been confined to northern africa and the middle east, and this is what created the arabic race. But this really has not affected western europe except maybe in extremely few rare events.

I understand, thank you for the explanation on this. Personally I feel we both have some solid points and could learn from one another, maybe in time when we both have more information and knowledge on this, we will have to compare and contrast on this and see where we end up concluding on all of this.

Thank you Brother.
And for some eastern european populations who have received some asian dna from the mongol invasian a thousand years ago, not everybody was raped. There were some people who were half white half asian, and a lot of the population was still fully white. Over the last thousand years, there have been enough generations where the population in general has become like 99.999% white. Its just that that last 0.001 has left behind some phenotype traits that are still visible. Or whatever the number is.

Yes I do remember looking more into this, perhaps I have to do some more research and I've made a mistake somewhere. Thank you.
Where would a white guy having sex with a woman like this stand? Would it damage the soul or more importantly be seen as a transgression by the Gods? At that point how could you even tell if you met her at a bar or something?

I wouldn't. Just stick to people who are the same racial makeup as yourself and you'll be fine. No sense in taking your bloodline through a blender.
And for some eastern european populations who have received some asian dna from the mongol invasian a thousand years ago, not everybody was raped. There were some people who were half white half asian, and a lot of the population was still fully white. Over the last thousand years, there have been enough generations where the population in general has become like 99.999% white. Its just that that last 0.001 has left behind some phenotype traits that are still visible. Or whatever the number is.
HPS Maxine said 85-90% was normal for a lot of people.
I would suggest you look at this a bit differently. You seem to not be getting the full picture here. One is mixed when they have parents of different racial backgrounds procreating.

Other cases like the one I describe above of someone having a racial bloodline with 1 or 2 people or varying ethnic descent, can also show mixed racial traits in a person.

Again this depends, on the closeness of this in your bloodline, where this is, as there are cases were this is mitigated somewhat, and one is predominately 85%, or 90% the race they are born into.

This is where it gets tricky, as someone can be very mixed and have alot of mixture in the bloodline and it's hard to tell. I would study this further if I were you, that and others here may also have better information on this.
I was speaking of social legal and appearances. From a technical standpoint you are correct but I do believe races and bloodlines change over time rather than just being a static sum of their prerequisite parts. I believe the genetics you have at birth are a range of possibilities your karma selected from and consistently making good karmic choices over generations can enhance the quality of your gene pool, this is how higher casts evolve.

Every race has a higher and lower manifestation and a degree of purity and the struggle to achieve Godhood is not just an effort of a single lifetime but a racial struggle a people undergoes over centuries. Exceptional individuals pull up the collective and are pulled down by those at the bottom, that is the moral justification for eugenics and the elimination of vice because an attack on oneself is an attack on the spirit of the entire race.

I don’t believe in the dominance of genetic code in determining the traits of human beings or the random chance that science saids the universe runs on. When science declares something is random that should be an immediate indicator that they admit they don’t know the mechanism behind a certain event.
IIRC, the soul usually stems from the mother's lineage whereas the outward appearance largely stem's from the father.
That would have interesting implications for reincarnation because typically it is understood the soul is separate entirely from the mother and father that finds its way the vessel. My assumption is that the mother provides the physical body while the father provides something more subtle like the spirit.
I still don't understand why Hitler has black hair, which could imply Asiatic blood, when there's no way he would engage in race-mixing. So, is it sometimes random or what?
In some ancient epics, there are people with dark hair. In northern Scotland, Norway, etc. Are we certain dark hair is from Asians? Because in the epics it is stated they are from other Gods, not from other human races.

when I see white men with non white children they look like white people
All mixed children from white fathers look non-white to me.

we also don’t have enough pure whites left to recognize a white person when we see one
There are plenty of pure Whites. I recognize a mixed person when I see one because they don't look like my family or every other pure white I've known and seen.
In some ancient epics, there are people with dark hair. In northern Scotland, Norway, etc. Are we certain dark hair is from Asians? Because in the epics it is stated they are from other Gods, not from other human races.
I read somewhere that when the God's first mixed with human women many of their children (demi-God's) were born with black hair and blue eye's.

But I thought Hitler was supposed to have blonde/red hair, so why did his *change* is what I'm confused about.
In some ancient epics, there are people with dark hair. In northern Scotland, Norway, etc. Are we certain dark hair is from Asians? Because in the epics it is stated they are from other Gods, not from other human races.

I would like to know that too, would be a bit strange that some very ancient humans that became Gods looked like that because mixing in such an Ancient Time and since many have spiritual backgrounds, maybe some different sub-races existed or some genetic modification on some Gentiles from the Middle East (like Asmodeus etc.)

On a second note I've seen a family of 1/4 mix siblings (Nordic mother with half native-American dad), all the females had blonde hair and green or brown eyes and all the males had jet black hair and blue eyes. They all looked like fair skinned Russians with that distinctive skull shape resembling the Asiatic side, problems with bad temper and alcohol abuse were also present in at least one (most were successful people).
I read somewhere that when the God's first mixed with human women many of their children (demi-God's) were born with black hair and blue eye's.

But I thought Hitler was supposed to have blonde/red hair, so why did his *change* is what I'm confused about.
What do you mean, change? He had dark hair, or do you mean different from his previous life? We don't carry the same genetics from our past lives, there will be variations based on our new birth parents.

This is why eugenics is important, so people can be born with the best genetics for their soul. The soul's expression will play a large factor in influencing the best genetic outcome, but there is only so much that can be done based on the genetics given.

An advanced and pure soul will express the best possible genetics from their new incarnation.
Wow, the situation with race-mixing in recent years has made everything so complicated.

If I ever get into dating, I have to know which women to reject for being racially-incompatible, potential jews, etc. I feel like it's a bit of a minefield out there. I can only hope/assume my GD could help me in such a situation. I'm not exactly 100% White myself, to complicate matters...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
