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Open Thank You Letter to JoS 5 Years of Satanism

May 2, 2018
Recently I landed a dream job of mine and honestly, a *THANK YOU* message has been long overdue.

First and foremost, I would like to thank the Gods for never turning their backs on humanity and never giving up on us.

Second, I would like to thank all the Clergy for putting in the time and the work so that the efforts of the Gods can manifest and be maintained in this physical realm.

Without going into too much detail I will say this about myself, I have always been the kind of person that deeply valued spiritual knowledge/power and art, specifically painting. I always wanted to go to art school but unfortunately, it just wasn't in the cards for me.

However, I never truly stopped drawing and painting and tried my best to teach myself through free online courses and youtube. I still have a very long way to go and for those who are interested, check out Proko on Youtube he is a great resource

After school, I landed a slightly above-average paying job but I was absolutely miserable because I knew in my heart of hearts that I was not utilizing my artistic ability to its fullest potential and in a meaningful way.

One night when I was working late, I just remember having this extreme emotional buildup and frustration and I looked up into the sky and said '' Satan I know you can hear me, I try not to ask for help unless I think it absolutely is necessary but I truly need your help this time'' Later that evening,(or a couple of days later I don't exactly remember the time) something quite out of the ordinary happened to me and let's just say I met someone who gave me a shot into the kind of life that I wish I had since childhood. I would even go as far as to say, the kind of job that is so right for me but somehow I didn't think of it before. As if this was done by a being that knows me better than I know myself :D ;)

But the reason why I was able to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime shot was because of the things I have learned on Joy of Satan. I always knew I had potential but I just was never able to reach out and grab it and make it work for me if that makes sense.

1)I was unmotivated
3)Couldnt stick to anything more than a couple of days at best
4)Didint see the value in small steps so I would just not even try (10 push-ups is better than 0 push-ups. 5-minutes of meditation is better than 0)
5)Abused drugs + video games

I'm not going to say after dedication all of these changed within a week, it actually took me a couple of years to settle into myself and make some profound and lasting changes. When I first found JoS I thought I was going to be that prodigy kid who mastered telekinesis/astral travel in 1 year.

However, I realized to be able to do these things I needed a strong skill-building foundation which I did not have and unfortunately, no one ever taught me. So with the help of this website, I taught myself. These teachings later translated itself into different aspects of my life. For example, when I did the chakra opening meditations/the 40-day program by HP Cobra I knew I in fact did have what it takes to stick to a program that is a month long.

There is so much to be said but,in closing, I am so incredibly grateful to the Gods, to the HP's, and to certain members who have been here forever, you guys truly are like a family to me. The idea of being able to log in here and just talk about magic and not be publicly ridiculed is something the young me thought they would never have. Finally, I am so proud of myself for being able to make all this happon for me.

Thank You
A success story alongside the majority of beautiful when the knowledge is applied and one sets focus. Truly a pleasure to read. Wish you the best, thank you.

That is a story of both appreciation of your own efforts, and their fruit, and the help of the Gods. These two things always work together.
That is amazing story, very happy for you.

One of the best stories to read, when someone from our family makes it.

Looking forward to reading more of these.

This is what it's all about, reading stuff like this gives me such a warmth in my soul. Congratulations on your dream job! Following this path, working hard on it, and sticking with it truly leads each and every one of us to happiness and fulfillment. Your post shows a great example of that! Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Hail Satan!!
Congratulations. Keep going and never give up :D
what a great success story, I enjoyed the read, and congratulations, keep up the good work in overcoming your problems, succeeding in life
MoonlessNight666 said:
A motivating read.

I am in my 6th year, life is amazing under the Gods and their knowledge :)

When I first found JoS I thought I was going to be that prodigy kid who mastered telekinesis/astral travel in 1 year.
We all do :lol:
I guess that's our true inner self giving us a push, motivating us to finally work on ourselves in the name of cool stuff.
But once we firmly establish our base in Spiritual Satanism, we begin to understand how deep the knowledge goes, and how long the journey is going to be. I love walking this path :D

Nothing is interesting if you get instant results, life actually becomes shit and meaningless without challenges. A true Borg has no challenges, just eat, sleep, shit, repeat... or die.
My job is very hard work.
However, we need cash and our
mutual friends will always support us.
/very thankful.

Congratulations, that’s good news

I am really happy to hear this! This thing right here that you said -> "10 push-ups is better than 0 push-ups. 5-minutes of meditation is better than 0"
This is so important and it builds up so much. I also went trough this. HP Cobra also hinted about this in regards to meditation and other work. And you will feel bit by bit that you want to do more, and even in the busiest days if you can only do a little it's still a lot of satisfaction and it means your efforts are still in business ;)
Congratulations I'm happy for you! Hard work always pays off, and a true and sincere SS will be aided by Gods when he serves. It is very good reading successful stories. :)
Congratulations! I love seeing SS make it!
I wish you an eternity of advancement!
Hail Satan and the Gods!
MoonlessNight666 said:
Recently I landed a dream job of mine and honestly, a *THANK YOU* message has been long overdue.


One night when I was working late, I just remember having this extreme emotional buildup and frustration and I looked up into the sky and said '' Satan I know you can hear me, I try not to ask for help unless I think it absolutely is necessary but I truly need your help this time'' Later that evening,(or a couple of days later I don't exactly remember the time) something quite out of the ordinary happened to me and let's just say I met someone who gave me a shot into the kind of life that I wish I had since childhood. I would even go as far as to say, the kind of job that is so right for me but somehow I didn't think of it before. As if this was done by a being that knows me better than I know myself :D ;)

Thank You

I love reading a story like this!

Congratulations on your dream job! :D

Indeed Father knows what's best for us, even if we don't even know it ourselves.
MoonlessNight666 said:
Recently I landed a dream job of mine and honestly, a *THANK YOU* message has been long overdue.

First and foremost, I would like to thank the Gods for never turning their backs on humanity and never giving up on us.

Second, I would like to thank all the Clergy for putting in the time and the work so that the efforts of the Gods can manifest and be maintained in this physical realm.

Without going into too much detail I will say this about myself, I have always been the kind of person that deeply valued spiritual knowledge/power and art, specifically painting. I always wanted to go to art school but unfortunately, it just wasn't in the cards for me.

However, I never truly stopped drawing and painting and tried my best to teach myself through free online courses and youtube. I still have a very long way to go and for those who are interested, check out Proko on Youtube he is a great resource

After school, I landed a slightly above-average paying job but I was absolutely miserable because I knew in my heart of hearts that I was not utilizing my artistic ability to its fullest potential and in a meaningful way.

One night when I was working late, I just remember having this extreme emotional buildup and frustration and I looked up into the sky and said '' Satan I know you can hear me, I try not to ask for help unless I think it absolutely is necessary but I truly need your help this time'' Later that evening,(or a couple of days later I don't exactly remember the time) something quite out of the ordinary happened to me and let's just say I met someone who gave me a shot into the kind of life that I wish I had since childhood. I would even go as far as to say, the kind of job that is so right for me but somehow I didn't think of it before. As if this was done by a being that knows me better than I know myself :D ;)

But the reason why I was able to make the most of this once-in-a-lifetime shot was because of the things I have learned on Joy of Satan. I always knew I had potential but I just was never able to reach out and grab it and make it work for me if that makes sense.

1)I was unmotivated
3)Couldnt stick to anything more than a couple of days at best
4)Didint see the value in small steps so I would just not even try (10 push-ups is better than 0 push-ups. 5-minutes of meditation is better than 0)
5)Abused drugs + video games

I'm not going to say after dedication all of these changed within a week, it actually took me a couple of years to settle into myself and make some profound and lasting changes. When I first found JoS I thought I was going to be that prodigy kid who mastered telekinesis/astral travel in 1 year.

However, I realized to be able to do these things I needed a strong skill-building foundation which I did not have and unfortunately, no one ever taught me. So with the help of this website, I taught myself. These teachings later translated itself into different aspects of my life. For example, when I did the chakra opening meditations/the 40-day program by HP Cobra I knew I in fact did have what it takes to stick to a program that is a month long.

There is so much to be said but,in closing, I am so incredibly grateful to the Gods, to the HP's, and to certain members who have been here forever, you guys truly are like a family to me. The idea of being able to log in here and just talk about magic and not be publicly ridiculed is something the young me thought they would never have. Finally, I am so proud of myself for being able to make all this happon for me.

Thank You

Congratulations! so happy for your spiritual enhancement and dream job!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
