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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
Every human, in time, defines for himself a set of goals and aspirations. Most, if not all of us, hope that there will be a straight and unhindered path towards our goals and objectives, but reality makes it that it is seldom so.

We, the SS (Spiritual Satanists), have set the most noble and selfless goals possibly imaginable which relate to saving and correcting humanity’s destiny in a time when doing so will earn you so much hate.
The warrior is defined as that person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Generalized principles such as “never give up on your dreams” are debatable in the sense that the dream must first be feasible and then it must be worth the effort. If such is the case, then one can engage on the path of seeing that dream through the ends of achievement. Along one’s path, the methods might change as circumstances always change and there is no use in persevering on a dead path. “Errare humanum est, (sed) perseverare diabolicum” as said by the Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

Despite the debatable moral reference term “diabolicum”, Seneca states that it is human to make mistakes, but it is unforgivable to persevere on the same failed method.

The warrior mindset must always contain the will to fight for one’s objective, the necessary physical and mental vigilance, endurance and the strength to do what must be done to achieve the goal.

In the previous chapter, I have elaborated on what it means and what it takes to be a leader. The correlation between the leader and the warrior is very strong as the two may be both and the leader must always have the mindset of a warrior and lead by example. Often, even a single warrior must think and act like a leader as he must strive to be in control of his own destiny. Most problems can be overcome by one’s own efforts, despite the endless external factors and impasses. So, the idea that one is the other goes both ways.

War is the general state of the universe and there are many forms of war in nature. It can be a military war for resources or subversion, it can also be a random physical confrontation with an anonymous thug on the street, a business rivalry, a legal case in court, a sports competition, a fight for one’s health, political games, a fight for one’s community or country or even the future of a species or race.

The warrior must understand that along his path, the goals might slightly vary or change completely as life’s circumstances are constantly changing as well. In a war of any kind there may also be an element of chance. This is why, if one is wise, he will study and train his mind and reflexes even on games of cards, board games and any friendly competition that involves intellect, quick thinking, improvisation, adaptation and reflex. Making it a general mindset to take even such games more seriously, will engrave the warrior mindset even more in one’s mind.

In my case, some of my main goals were relating to health and physical development. One issue was a recurring cough. While researching and making several investigations on areas such as respiratory diseases, allergies and even the possibility of an allergy-based asthma, I have been thrown off path as the cause was not a respiratory one, but a gastric one. The stomach acid was a little lower that it should have been and this was causing a few problems like acid reflux. As contradictory as it may sound, a hypochlorhydria condition with a not enough acidic PH (should normally be between 1-3), was not enough in turn to completely close the esophageal sphincter which caused the reflux. In short when the acid is high, the stomach closes, when it is not, even if the acid is lower you will fell it due to the mechanism of sphincter closing not getting triggered for that exact reason.

So instead of suppressing respiratory symptoms which were not the main cause, I continued to investigate the main cause which was simply relating to acid. The point I am making in this situation, is that I wanted this problem gone to further improve in my physical training so I continued to keep an open mind and make links and correlations between all investigations and medical forums I was researching until I found a few logical aspects.

In such a set of circumstances, the situation can be diagnosed based on symptoms. A low stomach acid is not enough to break the food in the necessary nutrients and the intestine may further not be able to absorb the nutrients to full capacity. For example, hair thinning and canker sores (Aphtous Stomatitis) can be a consequence of low protein, iron and vitamin B12 absorption. So, increasing the input of protein, B12 and iron was only helping a bit compared to fixing the main issue. As I set my mind on solving this issue, I continued to read, make medical investigations, ask doctors until I found the main cause. And to make a parallel here, I cannot emphasize enough on the importance of a healthy digestive system. All nutrients that our bodies need must be correctly processed by the digestive system. If this system has a problem, it will trigger further problems in turn as a logistical chain reaction of the body. An increase in the solar plexus chakra training and empowerment is also of great help in such a situation as both are linked and it is the most powerful and important chakra in our souls. Again, we see how the physical and spiritual realms are perfectly correlated and how the enormous importance of the solar plexus chakra relates to the enormous importance of the digestive system. Perhaps the most overused term in my writings is “correlated” as one must get this term and its importance engraved in his mind to understand Spiritual Satanism.

The warrior mindset is especially of utmost importance in the context of our endeavor against the enemy. One most important aspect of a man’s warrior spirit is physical training and especially physical combat. Hand to hand combat sports calibrate the instincts and help enormously in giving one much more mental clarity by being a consequence of self confidence in a modest and calculated way. The more one achieves and increased his own skills, the more he has a sense of safety and the fears of danger and constantly having something to prove lessen.

The same way one trains spiritually is analogous to physical training. Each chakra is corelated to a set of organs, muscles and their health. By combining meditation with physical training, this helps in increasing our view and perception of nature and the world. We gain a better understanding about all elements in our life and how each one ties to the others. Such practices increase our mental clarity and give us the desire to achieve more. This combination is the start of being a true warrior as it gives us a thirst for success, fixing issues and achieving objectives, regardless of the risks. As one progresses through life, due to both age and experience, they will care less and less about the consequences and risks of trying and will be more prone to take that risk then avoid losing and regretting the wasted opportunity. After certain stages of maturity which involve both our minds and souls, it becomes more painful to let opportunities slip, even if we were to fail, than not taking it for comfort purposes. Here pride plays a major role.

Feelings like pride, anger and determination, if calculated and managed properly, are a set of weapons against all adversaries in our lives. Avoiding risks endlessly, ultimately leads to disappointment and great regret. Once a soul is sufficiently mature to comprehend this inner drive, the warrior mindset is completely unleashed and on a growing path. Safety and wisdom must always be there to balance the process and avoid recklessness, but without a decent amount of bravery, one will not grow or achieve much of anything.
Community and the tribal instinct are always part of the warrior’s life, unless for some very unavoidable reason, the warrior chooses to be a lone wolf. The more others share the same goals and characteristics, the more alliances and friendships are possible. It is one of my deepest impulses and an advice to the world to do your best and find the friends that resonate the most with you and your hopes and aspirations. If one wants to form a community against a bunch of thugs, he will need to find men that are strong and capable of fighting, some that know the penal code and all must have a strong sense of justice and integrity. Those, in my mind, are the main characteristics that every exceptional person should have. If one wants to take the fight to the system, he will need people with fighting skills, legal knowledge, economists and political people, individuals skilled in sociology and of course, integrity and courage must not lack. If a woman wants to have great company, she must find friends that share her intense sense of integrity, natural understanding and the common sense of the nurturing side. There are many influencers and activists that promote a waste of life or a false methodology for raising children, stuffing them with all sorts of substances and engaging them in unnatural behavior such as excessive spoiling or overprotection. Such people often praise the woman emancipation process, but in most cases sabotage the career and academic segments of their lives by playing on their egos and emotions. This is why a warrior, regardless of their gender, must have a very strong and balanced emotional control. This is achieved in time.

This is why unity is of such a great importance. The same goes for the army. Soldiers must have an overall uniformity in their thinking which must be oriented towards the oath they take towards the good of their people. If the system is so corrupt and fails to give us back the power over our country, if the institutions cannot be reverse-infiltrated, then the army could be the last resort in case the situation is as bad as to require a coup. Knowing your enemy is always a good thing. In this regard, I am studying books of the enemy such as “Coup d’etat” by Edward Luttwak or “The latest confessions of an economic hitman” by John Perkins. Movies such as Valkyrie (2008) or Vice (2018) are also interesting to watch and understand, or at least perceive how one manipulates the system and the institutions either in a step-by-step subtle takeover such as in the case of Vice or under a forced state of emergency such as the case of the historical Operation Valkyrie, where the treacherous colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, tried to assassinate Hitler and blame the SS in order to quickly seize the institutions.

The army must also be racially homogenous with the rest of the population. As previously established, race is strongly correlated with instincts, goals and culture. Army unity is given by race, and this is especially important in the context that the enemy has made the white race into a target for extermination. Diversity in the army is used by them for disunity. In the grave possibility of a civil unrest event, the non-white segments may not be drawn to the cause by the same sense of loyalty. Their interests would in most of the cases be very different and may even see the enemy as their ally. The Jews well know that a coup is a valid possibility if all other institutional, economic and political peaceful options fail.

A warrior must strive for perfection, but must keep in mind that perfection is not a destination it is a journey, a direction. You constantly grow as long as you are alive. Even the Gods constantly grow, discover new areas of the universe, conquer new edges and possibly find and learn new dimensions.

The Jew hates the smart white. You will ask it a question and it will reply with another question. Typical tactic, but if you insist on your question and refuse to change the subject it will start dwelling on whining and throwing labels to attract your weak-minded fellow white on his side. This is why I am putting enormous emphasis on having as many of your friends as possible think and feel as you do. Numbers in any confrontation constitute a major factor and the enemy dwells a lot on their stupidity. When reason and logic fail their manipulation tactics, they will always try to mobilize your own people against you based on emotional retardation and intimidation. The average imbecile is in fact an ideological whore who thrives on comfort and social validation. If the tables turn, we may find such individuals whoring for our side, but one must be very careful who you make close friends with as such repulsive and disgusting humans may later on betray you for another apparently stronger faction.

Whether we like it or not, we must all accept the reality that the universe with its natural laws of science, constantly throws pain and challenges at us. War can be found at any level as previously elaborated. In fact, all life is a constant fight and struggle. No pain, no gain. Without this reality, we would be vegetables so in a way we must welcome it. Wars and conflicts have pushed humanity to evolve. Disease can either kill, cripple or increase the immunity of a body. This is where what does not kill us makes us stronger. Where natural immunity fails, we have vaccines, medicine and antibiotics, another aspect of our evolution. What the Black Death plague of the 14th century did to humanity, it cannot do nowadays. Such disasters have pushed us in time to find solutions, to wage war on pathogens and fight for our health. This is not to be taken for granted! A global disaster can reset much of humanity’s progress. Also, medicine, if not managed properly can be in turn harmful to the human body, as many leftist pseudo-intellectuals fail to admit. They generalize everything due to mental retardation and ideological whoring.

Analogous to this situation we have humanity and the white race, as an organism, struggling with infiltrators and subverters. In this war the body is struggling with a high fever and it's either the virus or the immune system that will prevail.

The notions of “warrior” and “leader” are always tied to selflessness. Most inferiors are actually immature from all points of view and have no perception about all elements being linked to each other and that what one does over here, matters over there. That is why humanity is plagued by an extreme sense of selfishness that often goes all the way to thievery and crimes. A stupid entrepreneur will think it is in the best advantage to pay all his workers the minimum wage at all times. A smart businessman will not pay his employees the minimum wage which will further develop the individual who pumps money into the economy and creates prosperity for all and also for the one who paid his employee well enough.

This is how help always returns in nature. Sure, the money system is fluid, but as a small businessman where would you want the money to go? In the area of the middle class, small business and medium enterprises or the big Jews, corporations and banks?

The same goes for unreasonable prices. An entrepreneur that does not force the hand of everyone with high prices will attract good attention and increase the demand. In a natural free market this is simply common sense, but in a corrupt and plagued by mafia and cartel system, you will have all the brands align their prices at the same unreasonable prices and if a small business tries to gain clients by lowering the prices a bit, it may attract the attention of those thugs that leech onto our society like a worthless parasite. This is why when the system fails, forming coalitions to fight them BY ANY MEANS becomes the primary option. The priority remains the well-being of the people and the warrior and leader must make this their main objective!
Life has many paths to chose from, but none of us are exempt from consequences and they find us one way or another, sooner or later.

Let both body and mind complete each other and lift you higher than you could possibly imagine. Go to the gym, practice combat sports and do whatever pushes your body to the limit. Physical fitness is a trigger for the rest of your organism, therefore physical exercise has a tremendous chain effect in oxygen and blood circulation, immunity and detoxification, freeing one's intellect and opening up spiritual capabilities.
Music and sound constitute a major stimulator in pushing a warrior more towards his goals if chosen properly.

Let the sound of the ancient spirits guide you in making the best decisions for lifting both yourself and the white race. And remember that one will always attract the energy he focuses on, so we must be mindful about what thoughts and actions we dwell on. One must carefully consider which wolf he will chose to feed and which will starve to death. What we lack in numbers, we must make up in determination and quality.
I loved reading this! The warrior mindset! Was my favorite! ♥️⚡
And ️ I enjoyed reading every one of them! Democracy versus authoritism! Is another one I enjoyed reading! And parallelism and leadership! Was very inspiring to me! And I think all of your writings are inspiring to me! I want to thank you for sharing those with us! And sharing those with me as well!♥️ HAIL SATAN OATH!!
Every human, in time, defines for himself a set of goals and aspirations. Most, if not all of us, hope that there will be a straight and unhindered path towards our goals and objectives, but reality makes it that it is seldom so.

We, the SS (Spiritual Satanists), have set the most noble and selfless goals possibly imaginable which relate to saving and correcting humanity’s destiny in a time when doing so will earn you so much hate.
The warrior is defined as that person who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Generalized principles such as “never give up on your dreams” are debatable in the sense that the dream must first be feasible and then it must be worth the effort. If such is the case, then one can engage on the path of seeing that dream through the ends of achievement. Along one’s path, the methods might change as circumstances always change and there is no use in persevering on a dead path. “Errare humanum est, (sed) perseverare diabolicum” as said by the Roman philosopher Lucius Annaeus Seneca.

Despite the debatable moral reference term “diabolicum”, Seneca states that it is human to make mistakes, but it is unforgivable to persevere on the same failed method.

The warrior mindset must always contain the will to fight for one’s objective, the necessary physical and mental vigilance, endurance and the strength to do what must be done to achieve the goal.

In the previous chapter, I have elaborated on what it means and what it takes to be a leader. The correlation between the leader and the warrior is very strong as the two may be both and the leader must always have the mindset of a warrior and lead by example. Often, even a single warrior must think and act like a leader as he must strive to be in control of his own destiny. Most problems can be overcome by one’s own efforts, despite the endless external factors and impasses. So, the idea that one is the other goes both ways.

War is the general state of the universe and there are many forms of war in nature. It can be a military war for resources or subversion, it can also be a random physical confrontation with an anonymous thug on the street, a business rivalry, a legal case in court, a sports competition, a fight for one’s health, political games, a fight for one’s community or country or even the future of a species or race.

The warrior must understand that along his path, the goals might slightly vary or change completely as life’s circumstances are constantly changing as well. In a war of any kind there may also be an element of chance. This is why, if one is wise, he will study and train his mind and reflexes even on games of cards, board games and any friendly competition that involves intellect, quick thinking, improvisation, adaptation and reflex. Making it a general mindset to take even such games more seriously, will engrave the warrior mindset even more in one’s mind.

In my case, some of my main goals were relating to health and physical development. One issue was a recurring cough. While researching and making several investigations on areas such as respiratory diseases, allergies and even the possibility of an allergy-based asthma, I have been thrown off path as the cause was not a respiratory one, but a gastric one. The stomach acid was a little lower that it should have been and this was causing a few problems like acid reflux. As contradictory as it may sound, a hypochlorhydria condition with a not enough acidic PH (should normally be between 1-3), was not enough in turn to completely close the esophageal sphincter which caused the reflux. In short when the acid is high, the stomach closes, when it is not, even if the acid is lower you will fell it due to the mechanism of sphincter closing not getting triggered for that exact reason.

So instead of suppressing respiratory symptoms which were not the main cause, I continued to investigate the main cause which was simply relating to acid. The point I am making in this situation, is that I wanted this problem gone to further improve in my physical training so I continued to keep an open mind and make links and correlations between all investigations and medical forums I was researching until I found a few logical aspects.

In such a set of circumstances, the situation can be diagnosed based on symptoms. A low stomach acid is not enough to break the food in the necessary nutrients and the intestine may further not be able to absorb the nutrients to full capacity. For example, hair thinning and canker sores (Aphtous Stomatitis) can be a consequence of low protein, iron and vitamin B12 absorption. So, increasing the input of protein, B12 and iron was only helping a bit compared to fixing the main issue. As I set my mind on solving this issue, I continued to read, make medical investigations, ask doctors until I found the main cause. And to make a parallel here, I cannot emphasize enough on the importance of a healthy digestive system. All nutrients that our bodies need must be correctly processed by the digestive system. If this system has a problem, it will trigger further problems in turn as a logistical chain reaction of the body. An increase in the solar plexus chakra training and empowerment is also of great help in such a situation as both are linked and it is the most powerful and important chakra in our souls. Again, we see how the physical and spiritual realms are perfectly correlated and how the enormous importance of the solar plexus chakra relates to the enormous importance of the digestive system. Perhaps the most overused term in my writings is “correlated” as one must get this term and its importance engraved in his mind to understand Spiritual Satanism.

The warrior mindset is especially of utmost importance in the context of our endeavor against the enemy. One most important aspect of a man’s warrior spirit is physical training and especially physical combat. Hand to hand combat sports calibrate the instincts and help enormously in giving one much more mental clarity by being a consequence of self confidence in a modest and calculated way. The more one achieves and increased his own skills, the more he has a sense of safety and the fears of danger and constantly having something to prove lessen.

The same way one trains spiritually is analogous to physical training. Each chakra is corelated to a set of organs, muscles and their health. By combining meditation with physical training, this helps in increasing our view and perception of nature and the world. We gain a better understanding about all elements in our life and how each one ties to the others. Such practices increase our mental clarity and give us the desire to achieve more. This combination is the start of being a true warrior as it gives us a thirst for success, fixing issues and achieving objectives, regardless of the risks. As one progresses through life, due to both age and experience, they will care less and less about the consequences and risks of trying and will be more prone to take that risk then avoid losing and regretting the wasted opportunity. After certain stages of maturity which involve both our minds and souls, it becomes more painful to let opportunities slip, even if we were to fail, than not taking it for comfort purposes. Here pride plays a major role.

Feelings like pride, anger and determination, if calculated and managed properly, are a set of weapons against all adversaries in our lives. Avoiding risks endlessly, ultimately leads to disappointment and great regret. Once a soul is sufficiently mature to comprehend this inner drive, the warrior mindset is completely unleashed and on a growing path. Safety and wisdom must always be there to balance the process and avoid recklessness, but without a decent amount of bravery, one will not grow or achieve much of anything.
Community and the tribal instinct are always part of the warrior’s life, unless for some very unavoidable reason, the warrior chooses to be a lone wolf. The more others share the same goals and characteristics, the more alliances and friendships are possible. It is one of my deepest impulses and an advice to the world to do your best and find the friends that resonate the most with you and your hopes and aspirations. If one wants to form a community against a bunch of thugs, he will need to find men that are strong and capable of fighting, some that know the penal code and all must have a strong sense of justice and integrity. Those, in my mind, are the main characteristics that every exceptional person should have. If one wants to take the fight to the system, he will need people with fighting skills, legal knowledge, economists and political people, individuals skilled in sociology and of course, integrity and courage must not lack. If a woman wants to have great company, she must find friends that share her intense sense of integrity, natural understanding and the common sense of the nurturing side. There are many influencers and activists that promote a waste of life or a false methodology for raising children, stuffing them with all sorts of substances and engaging them in unnatural behavior such as excessive spoiling or overprotection. Such people often praise the woman emancipation process, but in most cases sabotage the career and academic segments of their lives by playing on their egos and emotions. This is why a warrior, regardless of their gender, must have a very strong and balanced emotional control. This is achieved in time.

This is why unity is of such a great importance. The same goes for the army. Soldiers must have an overall uniformity in their thinking which must be oriented towards the oath they take towards the good of their people. If the system is so corrupt and fails to give us back the power over our country, if the institutions cannot be reverse-infiltrated, then the army could be the last resort in case the situation is as bad as to require a coup. Knowing your enemy is always a good thing. In this regard, I am studying books of the enemy such as “Coup d’etat” by Edward Luttwak or “The latest confessions of an economic hitman” by John Perkins. Movies such as Valkyrie (2008) or Vice (2018) are also interesting to watch and understand, or at least perceive how one manipulates the system and the institutions either in a step-by-step subtle takeover such as in the case of Vice or under a forced state of emergency such as the case of the historical Operation Valkyrie, where the treacherous colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, tried to assassinate Hitler and blame the SS in order to quickly seize the institutions.

The army must also be racially homogenous with the rest of the population. As previously established, race is strongly correlated with instincts, goals and culture. Army unity is given by race, and this is especially important in the context that the enemy has made the white race into a target for extermination. Diversity in the army is used by them for disunity. In the grave possibility of a civil unrest event, the non-white segments may not be drawn to the cause by the same sense of loyalty. Their interests would in most of the cases be very different and may even see the enemy as their ally. The Jews well know that a coup is a valid possibility if all other institutional, economic and political peaceful options fail.

A warrior must strive for perfection, but must keep in mind that perfection is not a destination it is a journey, a direction. You constantly grow as long as you are alive. Even the Gods constantly grow, discover new areas of the universe, conquer new edges and possibly find and learn new dimensions.

The Jew hates the smart white. You will ask it a question and it will reply with another question. Typical tactic, but if you insist on your question and refuse to change the subject it will start dwelling on whining and throwing labels to attract your weak-minded fellow white on his side. This is why I am putting enormous emphasis on having as many of your friends as possible think and feel as you do. Numbers in any confrontation constitute a major factor and the enemy dwells a lot on their stupidity. When reason and logic fail their manipulation tactics, they will always try to mobilize your own people against you based on emotional retardation and intimidation. The average imbecile is in fact an ideological whore who thrives on comfort and social validation. If the tables turn, we may find such individuals whoring for our side, but one must be very careful who you make close friends with as such repulsive and disgusting humans may later on betray you for another apparently stronger faction.

Whether we like it or not, we must all accept the reality that the universe with its natural laws of science, constantly throws pain and challenges at us. War can be found at any level as previously elaborated. In fact, all life is a constant fight and struggle. No pain, no gain. Without this reality, we would be vegetables so in a way we must welcome it. Wars and conflicts have pushed humanity to evolve. Disease can either kill, cripple or increase the immunity of a body. This is where what does not kill us makes us stronger. Where natural immunity fails, we have vaccines, medicine and antibiotics, another aspect of our evolution. What the Black Death plague of the 14th century did to humanity, it cannot do nowadays. Such disasters have pushed us in time to find solutions, to wage war on pathogens and fight for our health. This is not to be taken for granted! A global disaster can reset much of humanity’s progress. Also, medicine, if not managed properly can be in turn harmful to the human body, as many leftist pseudo-intellectuals fail to admit. They generalize everything due to mental retardation and ideological whoring.

Analogous to this situation we have humanity and the white race, as an organism, struggling with infiltrators and subverters. In this war the body is struggling with a high fever and it's either the virus or the immune system that will prevail.

The notions of “warrior” and “leader” are always tied to selflessness. Most inferiors are actually immature from all points of view and have no perception about all elements being linked to each other and that what one does over here, matters over there. That is why humanity is plagued by an extreme sense of selfishness that often goes all the way to thievery and crimes. A stupid entrepreneur will think it is in the best advantage to pay all his workers the minimum wage at all times. A smart businessman will not pay his employees the minimum wage which will further develop the individual who pumps money into the economy and creates prosperity for all and also for the one who paid his employee well enough.

This is how help always returns in nature. Sure, the money system is fluid, but as a small businessman where would you want the money to go? In the area of the middle class, small business and medium enterprises or the big Jews, corporations and banks?

The same goes for unreasonable prices. An entrepreneur that does not force the hand of everyone with high prices will attract good attention and increase the demand. In a natural free market this is simply common sense, but in a corrupt and plagued by mafia and cartel system, you will have all the brands align their prices at the same unreasonable prices and if a small business tries to gain clients by lowering the prices a bit, it may attract the attention of those thugs that leech onto our society like a worthless parasite. This is why when the system fails, forming coalitions to fight them BY ANY MEANS becomes the primary option. The priority remains the well-being of the people and the warrior and leader must make this their main objective!
Life has many paths to chose from, but none of us are exempt from consequences and they find us one way or another, sooner or later.

Let both body and mind complete each other and lift you higher than you could possibly imagine. Go to the gym, practice combat sports and do whatever pushes your body to the limit. Physical fitness is a trigger for the rest of your organism, therefore physical exercise has a tremendous chain effect in oxygen and blood circulation, immunity and detoxification, freeing one's intellect and opening up spiritual capabilities.
Music and sound constitute a major stimulator in pushing a warrior more towards his goals if chosen properly.

Let the sound of the ancient spirits guide you in making the best decisions for lifting both yourself and the white race. And remember that one will always attract the energy he focuses on, so we must be mindful about what thoughts and actions we dwell on. One must carefully consider which wolf he will chose to feed and which will starve to death. What we lack in numbers, we must make up in determination and quality.
Is this meant for white people or all people cause I see you said smart white
And like so many of us on here! We each have our problems and we strive to overcome them and do our very best!. Especially is SS being in the knowing! And taking the responsibility of our actions owning up to our mistakes and taking care of them! Along with learning of past experiences letting go and knowing when to let go! Looking forward to making better changes setting forth that goal and being able to enjoy the pleasures of moving on and enjoying ourselves along the way as well! Having a mindset and being a warrior knowing what's ahead of us and what we need to prepare for perfecting ourselves more and more everyday overcoming problems and overcoming flaws and we all strive to be perfect! In all and everything putting forth the time and the effort
I loved reading this! The warrior mindset! Was my favorite! ♥️⚡
And ️ I enjoyed reading every one of them! Democracy versus authoritism! Is another one I enjoyed reading! And parallelism and leadership! Was very inspiring to me! And I think all of your writings are inspiring to me! I want to thank you for sharing those with us! And sharing those with me as well!♥️ HAIL SATAN OATH!!
Thank you! I will do my best to keep this up in the future :)
Is this meant for white people or all people cause I see you said smart white
This book is mostly addressed to white people. The purpose is the awakening of our instincts.
It is mostly oriented towards the exceptional segment that is able to lead by example, but anyone who comprehends the message can help with changing the trajectory.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
