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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
The double standards of the enemy are excruciatingly hypocritical as usual. Jews say “You have nothing to worry about in regards to monitoring if you have nothing to hide”, but I say “You have nothing to worry about in regards to free speech if you have nothing to hide”. Seems the idea of having nothing to hide cuts both ways, but of course the one owning the means of communication and the financial system decides how to apply those things in his favor.

Just as how the enemy decides who we should hate and who should we apply the “zero hatred philosophy” on. Concepts such as hate or revenge have been intentionally dismissed by the enemy because they, by their nature are most worthy of hate and deserve to feel the revenge of their victims after thousands of years of the same parasitic manner of existence.

It is simply common sense that when one is wronged to want justice. Justice and revenge are powerfully correlated, to the point that in many situations they are synonyms. Let us not forget that mercy for the guilty is injustice to the innocent especially in the most severe cases of offense.

A person who endlessly militates for mercy, forgiveness, ill placed tolerance, hate refraining and the related ilk is in most cases in need of constant forgiveness as they are constantly guilty. This is why, for example, gypsies are so emotionally tied to Christianity. This religion puts enormous emphasis on giving to parasites and forgiving enemies to the detriment of the elevated segment of the population. There is a great difference between a Jew or a gypsy and a dumb white who embraces Christianity. The gypsy and the Jew are on the side of being given, being forgiven and tolerated while continuing to live like a parasite, while the dumb white is on the side of the ones being scammed based on emotional retardation.

Revenge is a direct product of the feeling of hate and hate in turn is a necessary emotion. Hate is the impulse that springs out of us when someone or something threatens that which we love and right now, our people have far less hate in their hearts than the ones that wish to harm us. Of course, hate should be balanced. Contrary to what many delusional puppets of the enemy say, hate is not solely the emotion that makes us sick, but it can do so if accompanied by a total lack of resolve. If the problem which produces the hate is left unchecked, then hate, instead of being the driving factor for resolving the injustice in question, only becomes a constantly burning factor which wears us our and, yes, it can make us sick physically and psychologically. So, it is not hate itself that makes us sick, but the inability to resolve the injustice that only consumes the victim.

The idea of inflicting REVENGE must be done for the exact reason of JUSTICE! This way they stay synonyms and we do not fall into any dangerous delusions. Hate and revenge must not have to do with envy on individuals who, by their own efforts, have achieved good things for themselves. Hate must not be for falsely perceived reasons and break evenness. If a gang of thugs terrorizes people and one day one of them gets punched into yesterday or even worse, than the situation becomes even depending if the justice has been properly inflicted. Sometimes, the thugs or bullies must be subjected to a decent amount of physical or psychological torture in order to satisfy their victims by the laws of nature. Then, when the initial victim becomes satisfied, it can be called even. If the thug does not or refuses to acknowledge why this happens and starts pursuing “revenge” then this breaks the status of evenness which only proves the point that an enemy should be fully incapacitated or removed for good form our midst in order to have peace and prosperity.

All the numerous cases of injustice that the enemy facilitates on us by their cancerous legal system and penal code, have given the impression that parasites and the vermin of society can simply get away with it. Many fighting capable men and women are afraid to hit back on street situations simply for the fear of the law that states that one must only strike back with equal force. Such an insult and mockery should not be ever tolerated again when the enemy that infects our justice system is removed. What does that even imply? That I should first wait to get punched, measure the Newtons I have been hit with or the knife hole in my body and then, if I am still alive, try to do the same and not do worse. What a joke of a world this virus has designed. This is a long-standing insult that I will not tolerate in the future when we will dominate the world, remove the guilty and then heal it.

Many aggressors have far less to lose in such a confrontation than an educated person who is extremely careful about the implications of law. One could lose his entire life work.

Revenge is basically the emotional healing segment of justice. It is important for our children, in order to be raised and educated properly, to know that if they are mistreated or wronged, the perpetuators will be dealt with. That they will think twice before doing so again. This way, children can feel safe and protected by the power structure that feeds upon our efforts and that in turn is bound by constitution to protect us.

This is why, it is important to not forget past injustices of catastrophic proportions and just continue to live as they are no longer relevant. People must know and it must become the new culture as opposed to the current one, that their actions have consequences and when deciding for others, they are not exempt from consequences and they cannot pin all the blame on the officials that they have elected to magnify their distorted and manipulated visions. Mark Dice, a YouTube podcaster, has done a social experiment in 2021 and asked people several questions in regards to actions that must be taken against them if they did not comply with the CoVid-19 restrictions. It seems a lot of the interviewed people on the streets were absolutely in agreement to arrest the unvaccinated people and ban them from future elections. This again, proves my point about the current state of our collective minds, not being democracy oriented and only using that term for selfish and stupid desires. People do not believe in democracy, but in power. The problem with the Stockholm syndrome people is that the victims still hope to appease the aggressor to get him to act more like a protector than an aggressor, but this seldom is the case. Compliers always end up being the must hurt.

Their narrative is that people died because of us when in fact, those hypocrites were the most selfish people that did not give a damn about us and that would rather cheer our deaths for ideological reasons. Less non-progressive voters to influence elections. In reality those people that project their guilt on others are the ones responsible for the disaster we are in. If an extinction level phenomenon happens with white people and Western civilization it is the fault of those vermin for allowing the enemy to do so.

The natural conclusion of justice and revenge is that enemy will be completely eradicated from our society, the non-whites will be removed from our countries and ethno-states will be the norm for white people. As for white traitors, their punishment should be more severe than that of our enemies. Treason is the highest form of offense in any given context.

So, to the question “is it justice or revenge?” the answer is “it is both justice and revenge”. Perhaps in those circumstances, one only needs to say one word as they are synonyms.

It has been far too long since the enemy has been acting and operating on the same patterns and methodology, creating similar doctrines and ideologies with different names to mold on each culture and historical context. We are past the time of forgiveness as this is not just based on ill emotions, but on pragmatism.

A species in nature will show its dominant instincts and behaviors and even if there are exceptions for that species or race, the offsprings of those singular elements may be more racially aware and their instincts more powerful, thus the natural predispositions resurface in different generations.

Eugenics is a very important science that will have to be held in high esteem in the future. Genetics are directly correlated with one’s abilities to act, create, come up with solutions and even the spiritual potential which in turn amplifies every of the previously enumerated traits.

If breeding is left unchecked in such times, the exceptional individuals risk extinction by genetic overwhelming and there could be no turning back from such a phenomenon. The genetic factor must be witnessed, carefully observed and managed even within the white race so that some should be encouraged to breed more than others. Society must give equal chance to its citizens, but this should not invalidate the legacy of generation-to-generation wealth and education. Equality will not be applied as it was by the enemy. This way, anyone that feels they are not in the favored side of eugenics, should be able to prove us wrong. We simply cannot be appeased by the distorted emotions of individuals who talk and act like boulders. Rather, those people should strive to achieve more if they possess the will and ability to do so. A fat and ugly individual cannot ask to receive love and acceptance from someone who looks like Liv Tyler, instead he should strive to lose weight, gain muscle mass and definition, dress properly and take care of his overall physical appearance, hygiene and health.

The levels of understanding people have in regards to the threats we face are slightly decent. Most people comprehend to a certain degree what is happening. The issues are not revolving around logic and the rationale, but instead on the emotional realm in which each one of us dwells.

Those are some ideas for projects that we, the exceptional people should implement and/or coordinate. Visuals that give the right idea empowered by emotions like soundtracks and videos.

I was meditating on some thoughts and wanted to materialize an idea I had in mind which I was contemplating at the end of 2022.

More than a year ago, I was thinking about starting to write my thoughts and reflections in a book. I read a few quotes at the end of 2022 from Zahn’s Star Wars book "Thrawn". This character is a fictitious combination of Sun Tzu and Odysseus which often gives his own definitions, interpretations and views about subjects such as strategy, tactics, physical training, authority and many more. The way it was narrated inspired me on how I could better explain notions based on examples on the book I was planning to start at that time. That book was “Conclusions before the great storm”, my first creation of literature.

Now, more than one year later, I am contemplating about making or coordinating the making of simple videos with powerful orchestral and emotional soundtracks. I see that a lot of people are aware of the whole world situation, but what is further lacking is the right set of emotions. In my search and exploration, I came by a few composers online who have a natural talent for making extremely strong and aggressive soundtracks. One of them is Sebastien Angel and he makes soundtracks about Greek, Egyptian and Norse Gods and warriors. https://www.youtube.com/@SebastienAngel

What one must further reflect on, is what kind of imagery or videos should be best for such an initiative. There are a few ideas I will lay down here for both myself and for helping others who want to engage in similar projects. One should mostly want to trigger basic instincts so they won't necessarily go for National Socialist imagery or involve the enemy or other related elements of the mission. Of course, this can be done, but we must take the reach and platform rules into consideration to balance reach with knowledge.

Unfortunately reach and quality of a message are somewhat analogous to frequency and period in physics which are inversely proportional. f (frequency) = 1 / T (period).

Meaning that the more truthful the message is in regards to the enemy and all related knowledge the less is the permitted reach on their platforms. So, one should rather dwell on making the viewer deduce the message through visuals and soundtracks.

At least at first. I suggest just triggering the emotional side on already awaken minds with very subtle imagery as to turn on their thirst for justice. Examples would be all sorts of accomplishments and reasons of pride for European people like sports, athleticism, science, music, cars, technology, exploration, warriors, special troops, dances, songs, art, boxing, family, manliness, femininity and all the white exceptional traits. This will give an overall idea on what is our legacy and what we are missing on, what we are being robbed on. The viewer must feel that fighting back is possible and the drugs of fear and carelessness should mostly be invalidated by such combinations of sound and visuals. Then the instincts towards revenge will start growing as well.

One should try to give the idea and impulse towards the missions without too much details. Deduction logic as I have been thought by Commander Cobra, works the mind and when the information is not given for granted but is put to the thought, a sense of pride comes to the individual. When an individual is given pieces of information and he reaches his own conclusions based on those inputs, he feels proud for deducing those facts.

I do not have many subscribers on the platforms which I use at the moment of me, writing this, but it would be enough if they were to be picked up by the right people who would share them. Maybe a few short frames could even contain some links or symbols related to our community, but that should be carefully considered.

One could do something like just link his preferred platform profile which has information in the description about our sites to not seem like he is pushing for an ideology directly on the video, but whoever is open and sees them has a choice and whoever gets negatively triggered would only make a fool out of themselves in the context of the author being a Satanist who could have made propaganda but only cared about Europeans regardless of their theological affiliations.

Some of us did edit a bit before in Adobe CS6 and other video editing applications so with some effort and patience, even two or three videos per year should matter as long as they are of exceptional quality which is what we should aim for.

I wish we can exceed all other such combinations that were made for our side and create something that really emanates such a powerful sentiment which makes rejecting our mission impossible.

Justice and revenge walk hand in hand as justice cannot be achieved without the impulse of revenge. The white global culture must contain this thought as opposed to the global culture of the enemy that only empowers thieves, bums, drunkards, drug addicts, criminals, pedophiles, rapists, race mixers, scammers, tax evasion businessmen, corrupt politicians and warmongers.

The ones who have a susceptibility towards the ill envisioned tolerance of the enemy above the sense of justice are individuals that know they would be in the position which would require forgiveness. In other words, they view themselves as potential wrong doers and accept this instead of striving to do better.

The ideal individual in the coming Age of Aquarius should ascribe to develop and elevate both himself and others as all people that form a society affect each other. What signal one sends in the multitude of people will be felt sooner or later as an effect of a cause. Every action causes a reaction. The ideal individual should also have a justified sense of pride. Pride is the opposite of humbleness as justice is the opposite of meekness.

Without pride, one cannot desire justice and revenge when wronged. This is the exact reason why the enemy has placed endless parables and verses about meekness, forgiveness and anti-justice teachings in the Bible.

This is the sign of a potential criminal, one obsessing about forgiveness and as little justice as possible. It is a dead giveaway that the person in question intends to do something bad. In rare cases, the person can only be a vegetable.

Again, I find Thrawn’s definition of pride, from the book of Zahn, to be one of the best detailed definitions of the notion: “Every individual has had a feeling of pride in their lives. Pride is defined as reasonable self-esteem or confidence and satisfaction in oneself. It is the state or feeling of being proud. A becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one’s position or character; self-respect; self-esteem. It is the pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself, or believed to reflect credit upon oneself. If it’s positive, constructive or celebratory, but is kept in a proper sense of perspective, then pride is a good and helpful emotion; lets one know to be confident in one’s best traits and abilities. If pride is excessive and misplaced: It closes one’s mind to the possibility that one is not perfect; or it is taken to a point of demeaning or resenting others for whatever it is one’s proud of. Then pride will become arrogance; the love of one’s own excellence. The specific feeling through which egoism manifests. It may relate to one’s own abilities or achievements; positive characteristics of friends or family. It diminishes self-awareness. Like an arrogant leader who’s always exaggerating his achievements to denigrate his rivals. Excessive pride is an exaggerated appreciation of oneself by devaluating others. One can turn others like friends and family into our competitors. A warrior must always be wary of this feeling. Because from this feeling can result overconfidence. And from overconfidence will eventually, almost always follow disaster.”

Pride in the context of justice must always be an element of balance and not an empowerment of ego and selfishness as concluded form the above definition. Justice and revenge must be done for the sake of the innocent and not for the sake of our hurt pride if it is for a good reason. One must be wise enough to acknowledge if he was in the position of making a mistake and that he is not to respond with revenge when he was brought to justice.

No feeling is inherently bad, the point being that one must apply it with balance and in the right context or circumstances.

Our view on the world is the exact opposite of what the enemy envisions. We advocate for strength the enemy stands for weakness. We advocate for justice the enemy stands for injustice and forgiveness. They promote humbleness we stand for pride. We wish to free ourselves, advance and evolve they wish to enslave and control our thoughts and bodies. Our Gods are Odin, Horus, Zeus, Jupiter and Vishnu their God is a zombie Jew in the sky that promotes self-hate and the denial of the physical and spiritual realms.

One cannot in his sane state of mind, support the enemy’s ideological spectrum, unless guided by fear of repercussion, but the men and women of the Gods should transcend that fear and keep the vision of the Gods in their hearts first and foremost. As Emperor Marcus Aurelius writes in his book, Meditations: “Nothing ever happens to a man that he is not fitted by nature to bear.”

Touching on the subject of pride, Adolf Hitler had an interesting word about pride especially in the context of race: “Pride in one's own race-and that does not imply contempt for other races-is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.”

One must always wield his power with great carefulness and wisdom, and be a guide to others. Arrogance, foolishness and selfishness would just invalidate all that has been written here. One must always know when to apply power and when to show restraint, but justice must always prevail!
Congratulations on getting this chapter out. It is excellent and on another level compared to the previous ones. I've been following your work and am happy to say that you have grown since the beginning of this series, it is evident.

Keep honing your craft and the impact your work makes on future developments and our cause will be significant.

A subject I've been contemplating for a long time and even more intensely lately and one that of great importance to everyone personally as well as to the current situation this world finds itself in.

There is a dimension of justice that I believe we are yet to understand as we approach the perfection of our Gods. I was deeply touched by the following words when they were imparted to us not long ago.

May Perun grant us the eyes to see and may we become deserving of the power to make that possible.

The double standards of the enemy are excruciatingly hypocritical as usual. Jews say “You have nothing to worry about in regards to monitoring if you have nothing to hide”, but I say “You have nothing to worry about in regards to free speech if you have nothing to hide”. Seems the idea of having nothing to hide cuts both ways, but of course the one owning the means of communication and the financial system decides how to apply those things in his favor.

Just as how the enemy decides who we should hate and who should we apply the “zero hatred philosophy” on. Concepts such as hate or revenge have been intentionally dismissed by the enemy because they, by their nature are most worthy of hate and deserve to feel the revenge of their victims after thousands of years of the same parasitic manner of existence.

It is simply common sense that when one is wronged to want justice. Justice and revenge are powerfully correlated, to the point that in many situations they are synonyms. Let us not forget that mercy for the guilty is injustice to the innocent especially in the most severe cases of offense.

A person who endlessly militates for mercy, forgiveness, ill placed tolerance, hate refraining and the related ilk is in most cases in need of constant forgiveness as they are constantly guilty. This is why, for example, gypsies are so emotionally tied to Christianity. This religion puts enormous emphasis on giving to parasites and forgiving enemies to the detriment of the elevated segment of the population. There is a great difference between a Jew or a gypsy and a dumb white who embraces Christianity. The gypsy and the Jew are on the side of being given, being forgiven and tolerated while continuing to live like a parasite, while the dumb white is on the side of the ones being scammed based on emotional retardation.

Revenge is a direct product of the feeling of hate and hate in turn is a necessary emotion. Hate is the impulse that springs out of us when someone or something threatens that which we love and right now, our people have far less hate in their hearts than the ones that wish to harm us. Of course, hate should be balanced. Contrary to what many delusional puppets of the enemy say, hate is not solely the emotion that makes us sick, but it can do so if accompanied by a total lack of resolve. If the problem which produces the hate is left unchecked, then hate, instead of being the driving factor for resolving the injustice in question, only becomes a constantly burning factor which wears us our and, yes, it can make us sick physically and psychologically. So, it is not hate itself that makes us sick, but the inability to resolve the injustice that only consumes the victim.

The idea of inflicting REVENGE must be done for the exact reason of JUSTICE! This way they stay synonyms and we do not fall into any dangerous delusions. Hate and revenge must not have to do with envy on individuals who, by their own efforts, have achieved good things for themselves. Hate must not be for falsely perceived reasons and break evenness. If a gang of thugs terrorizes people and one day one of them gets punched into yesterday or even worse, than the situation becomes even depending if the justice has been properly inflicted. Sometimes, the thugs or bullies must be subjected to a decent amount of physical or psychological torture in order to satisfy their victims by the laws of nature. Then, when the initial victim becomes satisfied, it can be called even. If the thug does not or refuses to acknowledge why this happens and starts pursuing “revenge” then this breaks the status of evenness which only proves the point that an enemy should be fully incapacitated or removed for good form our midst in order to have peace and prosperity.

All the numerous cases of injustice that the enemy facilitates on us by their cancerous legal system and penal code, have given the impression that parasites and the vermin of society can simply get away with it. Many fighting capable men and women are afraid to hit back on street situations simply for the fear of the law that states that one must only strike back with equal force. Such an insult and mockery should not be ever tolerated again when the enemy that infects our justice system is removed. What does that even imply? That I should first wait to get punched, measure the Newtons I have been hit with or the knife hole in my body and then, if I am still alive, try to do the same and not do worse. What a joke of a world this virus has designed. This is a long-standing insult that I will not tolerate in the future when we will dominate the world, remove the guilty and then heal it.

Many aggressors have far less to lose in such a confrontation than an educated person who is extremely careful about the implications of law. One could lose his entire life work.

Revenge is basically the emotional healing segment of justice. It is important for our children, in order to be raised and educated properly, to know that if they are mistreated or wronged, the perpetuators will be dealt with. That they will think twice before doing so again. This way, children can feel safe and protected by the power structure that feeds upon our efforts and that in turn is bound by constitution to protect us.

This is why, it is important to not forget past injustices of catastrophic proportions and just continue to live as they are no longer relevant. People must know and it must become the new culture as opposed to the current one, that their actions have consequences and when deciding for others, they are not exempt from consequences and they cannot pin all the blame on the officials that they have elected to magnify their distorted and manipulated visions. Mark Dice, a YouTube podcaster, has done a social experiment in 2021 and asked people several questions in regards to actions that must be taken against them if they did not comply with the CoVid-19 restrictions. It seems a lot of the interviewed people on the streets were absolutely in agreement to arrest the unvaccinated people and ban them from future elections. This again, proves my point about the current state of our collective minds, not being democracy oriented and only using that term for selfish and stupid desires. People do not believe in democracy, but in power. The problem with the Stockholm syndrome people is that the victims still hope to appease the aggressor to get him to act more like a protector than an aggressor, but this seldom is the case. Compliers always end up being the must hurt.

Their narrative is that people died because of us when in fact, those hypocrites were the most selfish people that did not give a damn about us and that would rather cheer our deaths for ideological reasons. Less non-progressive voters to influence elections. In reality those people that project their guilt on others are the ones responsible for the disaster we are in. If an extinction level phenomenon happens with white people and Western civilization it is the fault of those vermin for allowing the enemy to do so.

The natural conclusion of justice and revenge is that enemy will be completely eradicated from our society, the non-whites will be removed from our countries and ethno-states will be the norm for white people. As for white traitors, their punishment should be more severe than that of our enemies. Treason is the highest form of offense in any given context.

So, to the question “is it justice or revenge?” the answer is “it is both justice and revenge”. Perhaps in those circumstances, one only needs to say one word as they are synonyms.

It has been far too long since the enemy has been acting and operating on the same patterns and methodology, creating similar doctrines and ideologies with different names to mold on each culture and historical context. We are past the time of forgiveness as this is not just based on ill emotions, but on pragmatism.

A species in nature will show its dominant instincts and behaviors and even if there are exceptions for that species or race, the offsprings of those singular elements may be more racially aware and their instincts more powerful, thus the natural predispositions resurface in different generations.

Eugenics is a very important science that will have to be held in high esteem in the future. Genetics are directly correlated with one’s abilities to act, create, come up with solutions and even the spiritual potential which in turn amplifies every of the previously enumerated traits.

If breeding is left unchecked in such times, the exceptional individuals risk extinction by genetic overwhelming and there could be no turning back from such a phenomenon. The genetic factor must be witnessed, carefully observed and managed even within the white race so that some should be encouraged to breed more than others. Society must give equal chance to its citizens, but this should not invalidate the legacy of generation-to-generation wealth and education. Equality will not be applied as it was by the enemy. This way, anyone that feels they are not in the favored side of eugenics, should be able to prove us wrong. We simply cannot be appeased by the distorted emotions of individuals who talk and act like boulders. Rather, those people should strive to achieve more if they possess the will and ability to do so. A fat and ugly individual cannot ask to receive love and acceptance from someone who looks like Liv Tyler, instead he should strive to lose weight, gain muscle mass and definition, dress properly and take care of his overall physical appearance, hygiene and health.

The levels of understanding people have in regards to the threats we face are slightly decent. Most people comprehend to a certain degree what is happening. The issues are not revolving around logic and the rationale, but instead on the emotional realm in which each one of us dwells.

Those are some ideas for projects that we, the exceptional people should implement and/or coordinate. Visuals that give the right idea empowered by emotions like soundtracks and videos.

I was meditating on some thoughts and wanted to materialize an idea I had in mind which I was contemplating at the end of 2022.

More than a year ago, I was thinking about starting to write my thoughts and reflections in a book. I read a few quotes at the end of 2022 from Zahn’s Star Wars book "Thrawn". This character is a fictitious combination of Sun Tzu and Odysseus which often gives his own definitions, interpretations and views about subjects such as strategy, tactics, physical training, authority and many more. The way it was narrated inspired me on how I could better explain notions based on examples on the book I was planning to start at that time. That book was “Conclusions before the great storm”, my first creation of literature.

Now, more than one year later, I am contemplating about making or coordinating the making of simple videos with powerful orchestral and emotional soundtracks. I see that a lot of people are aware of the whole world situation, but what is further lacking is the right set of emotions. In my search and exploration, I came by a few composers online who have a natural talent for making extremely strong and aggressive soundtracks. One of them is Sebastien Angel and he makes soundtracks about Greek, Egyptian and Norse Gods and warriors. https://www.youtube.com/@SebastienAngel

What one must further reflect on, is what kind of imagery or videos should be best for such an initiative. There are a few ideas I will lay down here for both myself and for helping others who want to engage in similar projects. One should mostly want to trigger basic instincts so they won't necessarily go for National Socialist imagery or involve the enemy or other related elements of the mission. Of course, this can be done, but we must take the reach and platform rules into consideration to balance reach with knowledge.

Unfortunately reach and quality of a message are somewhat analogous to frequency and period in physics which are inversely proportional. f (frequency) = 1 / T (period).

Meaning that the more truthful the message is in regards to the enemy and all related knowledge the less is the permitted reach on their platforms. So, one should rather dwell on making the viewer deduce the message through visuals and soundtracks.

At least at first. I suggest just triggering the emotional side on already awaken minds with very subtle imagery as to turn on their thirst for justice. Examples would be all sorts of accomplishments and reasons of pride for European people like sports, athleticism, science, music, cars, technology, exploration, warriors, special troops, dances, songs, art, boxing, family, manliness, femininity and all the white exceptional traits. This will give an overall idea on what is our legacy and what we are missing on, what we are being robbed on. The viewer must feel that fighting back is possible and the drugs of fear and carelessness should mostly be invalidated by such combinations of sound and visuals. Then the instincts towards revenge will start growing as well.

One should try to give the idea and impulse towards the missions without too much details. Deduction logic as I have been thought by Commander Cobra, works the mind and when the information is not given for granted but is put to the thought, a sense of pride comes to the individual. When an individual is given pieces of information and he reaches his own conclusions based on those inputs, he feels proud for deducing those facts.

I do not have many subscribers on the platforms which I use at the moment of me, writing this, but it would be enough if they were to be picked up by the right people who would share them. Maybe a few short frames could even contain some links or symbols related to our community, but that should be carefully considered.

One could do something like just link his preferred platform profile which has information in the description about our sites to not seem like he is pushing for an ideology directly on the video, but whoever is open and sees them has a choice and whoever gets negatively triggered would only make a fool out of themselves in the context of the author being a Satanist who could have made propaganda but only cared about Europeans regardless of their theological affiliations.

Some of us did edit a bit before in Adobe CS6 and other video editing applications so with some effort and patience, even two or three videos per year should matter as long as they are of exceptional quality which is what we should aim for.

I wish we can exceed all other such combinations that were made for our side and create something that really emanates such a powerful sentiment which makes rejecting our mission impossible.

Justice and revenge walk hand in hand as justice cannot be achieved without the impulse of revenge. The white global culture must contain this thought as opposed to the global culture of the enemy that only empowers thieves, bums, drunkards, drug addicts, criminals, pedophiles, rapists, race mixers, scammers, tax evasion businessmen, corrupt politicians and warmongers.

The ones who have a susceptibility towards the ill envisioned tolerance of the enemy above the sense of justice are individuals that know they would be in the position which would require forgiveness. In other words, they view themselves as potential wrong doers and accept this instead of striving to do better.

The ideal individual in the coming Age of Aquarius should ascribe to develop and elevate both himself and others as all people that form a society affect each other. What signal one sends in the multitude of people will be felt sooner or later as an effect of a cause. Every action causes a reaction. The ideal individual should also have a justified sense of pride. Pride is the opposite of humbleness as justice is the opposite of meekness.

Without pride, one cannot desire justice and revenge when wronged. This is the exact reason why the enemy has placed endless parables and verses about meekness, forgiveness and anti-justice teachings in the Bible.

This is the sign of a potential criminal, one obsessing about forgiveness and as little justice as possible. It is a dead giveaway that the person in question intends to do something bad. In rare cases, the person can only be a vegetable.

Again, I find Thrawn’s definition of pride, from the book of Zahn, to be one of the best detailed definitions of the notion: “Every individual has had a feeling of pride in their lives. Pride is defined as reasonable self-esteem or confidence and satisfaction in oneself. It is the state or feeling of being proud. A becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one’s position or character; self-respect; self-esteem. It is the pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself, or believed to reflect credit upon oneself. If it’s positive, constructive or celebratory, but is kept in a proper sense of perspective, then pride is a good and helpful emotion; lets one know to be confident in one’s best traits and abilities. If pride is excessive and misplaced: It closes one’s mind to the possibility that one is not perfect; or it is taken to a point of demeaning or resenting others for whatever it is one’s proud of. Then pride will become arrogance; the love of one’s own excellence. The specific feeling through which egoism manifests. It may relate to one’s own abilities or achievements; positive characteristics of friends or family. It diminishes self-awareness. Like an arrogant leader who’s always exaggerating his achievements to denigrate his rivals. Excessive pride is an exaggerated appreciation of oneself by devaluating others. One can turn others like friends and family into our competitors. A warrior must always be wary of this feeling. Because from this feeling can result overconfidence. And from overconfidence will eventually, almost always follow disaster.”

Pride in the context of justice must always be an element of balance and not an empowerment of ego and selfishness as concluded form the above definition. Justice and revenge must be done for the sake of the innocent and not for the sake of our hurt pride if it is for a good reason. One must be wise enough to acknowledge if he was in the position of making a mistake and that he is not to respond with revenge when he was brought to justice.

No feeling is inherently bad, the point being that one must apply it with balance and in the right context or circumstances.

Our view on the world is the exact opposite of what the enemy envisions. We advocate for strength the enemy stands for weakness. We advocate for justice the enemy stands for injustice and forgiveness. They promote humbleness we stand for pride. We wish to free ourselves, advance and evolve they wish to enslave and control our thoughts and bodies. Our Gods are Odin, Horus, Zeus, Jupiter and Vishnu their God is a zombie Jew in the sky that promotes self-hate and the denial of the physical and spiritual realms.

One cannot in his sane state of mind, support the enemy’s ideological spectrum, unless guided by fear of repercussion, but the men and women of the Gods should transcend that fear and keep the vision of the Gods in their hearts first and foremost. As Emperor Marcus Aurelius writes in his book, Meditations: “Nothing ever happens to a man that he is not fitted by nature to bear.”

Touching on the subject of pride, Adolf Hitler had an interesting word about pride especially in the context of race: “Pride in one's own race-and that does not imply contempt for other races-is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them.”

One must always wield his power with great carefulness and wisdom, and be a guide to others. Arrogance, foolishness and selfishness would just invalidate all that has been written here. One must always know when to apply power and when to show restraint, but justice must always prevail!
I have big hatred since i was child i was discriminated and got physically bullied at my Elementary School cause that called psychopathic 'friend' doing it just for fun and release their emotion and used me to be their Boxing Samsack , they destroy my childhood, and till i grow up i hate that kind of people and injustice in this world system so my condition get worse and worse so i can be called 'Fallen' and finally i found Father Satan/Lucifer and i want to RISE with him and get REVENGE

Hail Satan
Hail Lucifer
Hail Joy of Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
