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Is it safe to get a vaccine against covid ?


Apr 9, 2018
Hello there !

I'd like to work for an international cruise line but the problem is they require the workers to be vaccined. Is it safe to be vaccined with Pfizer or moderna ? I want to know your unbiased opinion on this. If it's not safe I will refuse to work for them and continue working in my hometown. I want to work for that company because I'm experiencing some financial problems these days...

Hail Satan!
Basically getting that "vaccine" is like playing russian roulette, it will have unexpected adverse effects on your health both in the short term and in the long term.
Personally, I do not get it and will continue to do everything possible to avoid it, even if it means giving up a well-paid job or living with certain limitations.
Wotanwarrior said:
Basically getting that "vaccine" is like playing russian roulette, it will have unexpected adverse effects on your health both in the short term and in the long term.
Personally, I do not get it and will continue to do everything possible to avoid it, even if it means giving up a well-paid job or living with certain limitations.
Personally, I have gotten the shots (Moderna 3X) and have had no issues but that is not the same case for all. I would recommend talking to a doctor before getting the shots if you are able to (insurance or not). Others on here have had problems with them so they may be able to shed some light on their troubles with them.
Pumpkin671 said:
Personally, I have gotten the shots (Moderna 3X) and have had no issues but that is not the same case for all. I would recommend talking to a doctor before getting the shots if you are able to (insurance or not). Others on here have had problems with them so they may be able to shed some light on their troubles with them.

Several people in my close environment developed adverse effects after getting this "vaccine": a neighbor was diagnosed with heart problems a year after getting it, she is only 50 years old and never had any health problems before and two acquaintances developed muscle pain and chronic fatigue.
Nero said:
Hello there !

I'd like to work for an international cruise line but the problem is they require the workers to be vaccined. Is it safe to be vaccined with Pfizer or moderna ? I want to know your unbiased opinion on this. If it's not safe I will refuse to work for them and continue working in my hometown. I want to work for that company because I'm experiencing some financial problems these days...

Hail Satan!

Institutions are required by law to show vaccine statuses on request, so they only accept people that have proof of being vaccinated. They don't usually check if the people actually have the vaccine or not. If you really want to work for this company or have no better alternatives, think about if it's worth the risk of getting caught with a fake one.

At the moment, there are only studies in which the short-term safety of the vaccines is examined. By their standards, the short-term safety of most vaccines is considered acceptable. There are no studies on the long-term safety of the COVID vaccines at the moment. You can take a look and see if you consider them trustworthy.

I know people that said to have noticed both positive and negative changes from it, mostly things entirely unrelated to the immune system, but no one has complained so far.

I know someone that was diagnosed with primary myelofibrosis not long after receiving the vaccine, but I don't have any way of proving that it was related to the vaccine. I've seen claims that the vaccine can cause mutations in genes, and myelofibrosis is caused by gene mutation.

I don't consider the vaccine to be safe and advised people I care about not to take it, those who did get vaccinated seem to be doing fine. As for me, I didn't and don't plan on getting it any time soon.

Hope I helped! Let me know if you have any other things you're concerned about :)
Wotanwarrior said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Personally, I have gotten the shots (Moderna 3X) and have had no issues but that is not the same case for all. I would recommend talking to a doctor before getting the shots if you are able to (insurance or not). Others on here have had problems with them so they may be able to shed some light on their troubles with them.

Several people in my close environment developed adverse effects after getting this "vaccine": a neighbor was diagnosed with heart problems a year after getting it, she is only 50 years old and never had any health problems before and two acquaintances developed muscle pain and chronic fatigue.
I know of a 20 yo dude who was fighting cancer, they wouldn't let him in the cancer research institute without the covid pass, so he got vaccinated and died after a week.

Then the grandpa of a dude i know got his testicles big as oranges after the vaccine.

My sister was pregnant and lost the baby.
Wotanwarrior said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Personally, I have gotten the shots (Moderna 3X) and have had no issues but that is not the same case for all. I would recommend talking to a doctor before getting the shots if you are able to (insurance or not). Others on here have had problems with them so they may be able to shed some light on their troubles with them.

Several people in my close environment developed adverse effects after getting this "vaccine": a neighbor was diagnosed with heart problems a year after getting it, she is only 50 years old and never had any health problems before and two acquaintances developed muscle pain and chronic fatigue.

Are vaccine producing companies owned by Jews ? Is it their plan to harm gentiles with these vaccines ?
Pumpkin671 said:
Personally, I have gotten the shots (Moderna 3X) and have had no issues but that is not the same case for all. I would recommend talking to a doctor before getting the shots if you are able to (insurance or not). Others on here have had problems with them so they may be able to shed some light on their troubles with them.

I guess you were forced to get the shots by your employer ?
Nero said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Personally, I have gotten the shots (Moderna 3X) and have had no issues but that is not the same case for all. I would recommend talking to a doctor before getting the shots if you are able to (insurance or not). Others on here have had problems with them so they may be able to shed some light on their troubles with them.

Several people in my close environment developed adverse effects after getting this "vaccine": a neighbor was diagnosed with heart problems a year after getting it, she is only 50 years old and never had any health problems before and two acquaintances developed muscle pain and chronic fatigue.
Are vaccine producing companies owned by Jews ? Is it their plan to harm gentiles with these vaccines ?
Yes and yes.

IMO, the associated health related risk is too high for any temporary benefit from being employed. The world is vast enough to find opportunities without such risk.

The benefits are , you will be accepted for the work , wait .. this is the only one benefit from vaccines.

Its risky to take the vaccine.
I know doktor who prefer not to do it because it can create bloodclots in your body. I had a coversation with a him in the past , they know about these problems but cant say anything about the vaccines. Statistics dont lie he said.

The first vaccination was unsuccesful , the girl died on the live television and they must find an another girl who looks like her to tell the world is fine , just do it goys.

I know people who did it and they live today.
Also people who got the vaccine and died at age (40-50) this year.

There is more about it , there is a big chance it can sterilize you so i would chose to not take it if you want children in the future.

Maybe look for a fake id or vaccination card or something but it can you put in a big trouble if they will find out its fake.

There is a studies that they put grafene in this poisons , so study more about it .


Nero said:
Hello there !

I'd like to work for an international cruise line but the problem is they require the workers to be vaccined. Is it safe to be vaccined with Pfizer or moderna ? I want to know your unbiased opinion on this. If it's not safe I will refuse to work for them and continue working in my hometown. I want to work for that company because I'm experiencing some financial problems these days...

Hail Satan!
You registered in 2019, I assume you have read all topics we posted about the pandemic? We never advocated anybody to ever take any covid vaccine, irrespective of what company produced it or the country of origin. The whole pandemic was engineered on a global scale by a bunch of jews and their allies like Bill Gates, Klauss Scwabb, Fauci and others. The jewish clique also own the companies that produced the 4 most popular covid vaccines.

We all know here that covid is just a mild flu, which is a lot less dangerous that any flu many people had before covid (me included which I had both covid and flu's a lot worse than covid). If you see governments and mass media brutalizing people with never ending propaganda and laws to force them to receive any of these 4 vaccines, then you know this is all a jewish plot by default because they have power to influence most governments of the planet, and have planted their agents in most governments.

Regarding the vaccine itself, since nobody has any clue about what they are made of (which by itself should question the whole pandemic paranoia and legalized terrorism that happened for a good 2 years in the entire planet) is difficult to tell whether it does indeed have dangerous elements that are harming all people on short or long term. Nobody knows this for a fact except those who made the vaccine, who probably will never say what they are made of. Now many people had severe side effects or even died, while others didn't have any problems but we don't know what is going to happen on longterm.

I came across several theories, one being that in a few years people will randomly have heart attacks and die but after years nobody will say it was because of the covid vaccine, or another one that the vaccines destroy the natural immune system of the body and replaces it with articial anticorps, which will make the body dependant on future vaccines (I am wondering here the reason why people had to take 3 vaccines instead of one). I don't know if any of this is true but one thing is certain, in normal circumstances no healthy human being needs a vaccine for a mild flu, the body can easiliy deal with this by itself. At worst one can take some basic and cheap medicines which are known for curing flu and related illness. There are people who suffer from chronic diseases and related, for which a flu is life-threatening, for them is a different matter.

What I would suggest is to dedicate yourself a day or something to the posts that have been posted on the forums about the covid, pandemic and the vaccine, literally there are probably hundreds. A lot of research, whistleblower accounts and exposing information have been posted on the forum, you can for example use the search function, write "covid" or "coronavirus" or "pandemic" or "vaccine/s" and select to search only for titles. This way you can make up your mind but the bottom line is that we definitely advocate against these jewish made vaccines. Now if you wish to take this risk to work on the cruise line is all up to you, it does indeed sound like a very exiting job to have.

Personally what I would do, if you have other job opportunities around you, I would work something else until eventually the cruise company won't be asking for covid vaccines anymore (if you will still have the opportunity). If they will still ask for this even years after the pandemic is gone they should be sued. The whole paranoia of discriminating people on this sort of medical preference was illegal from the beginning but nobody gave a shit about the laws or Constitutions anymore, those from the system who spoke against these laws and measures (doctors, politicians, journalists, lawyers etc.) were censored, arrested, threatened, fired probably some even assassinated.
Wotanwarrior said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Personally, I have gotten the shots (Moderna 3X) and have had no issues but that is not the same case for all. I would recommend talking to a doctor before getting the shots if you are able to (insurance or not). Others on here have had problems with them so they may be able to shed some light on their troubles with them.
Several people in my close environment developed adverse effects after getting this "vaccine": a neighbor was diagnosed with heart problems a year after getting it, she is only 50 years old and never had any health problems before and two acquaintances developed muscle pain and chronic fatigue.
It is not for everyone and shouldn't be advertised as so. I have also seen cases where people have complications that are similar to what you mention above.
I would most definitely not get this injected into my system. This basically hacks your own Epigenetics and Immune system and alters the very core or your physical existence.
Aquarius said:
My sister was pregnant and lost the baby.

Wow! I am sorry to hear about that. I hope you all are doing ok.
The Alchemist7 said:
Nero said:
Hello there !

I'd like to work for an international cruise line but the problem is they require the workers to be vaccined. Is it safe to be vaccined with Pfizer or moderna ? I want to know your unbiased opinion on this. If it's not safe I will refuse to work for them and continue working in my hometown. I want to work for that company because I'm experiencing some financial problems these days...

Hail Satan!
You registered in 2019, I assume you have read all topics we posted about the pandemic? We never advocated anybody to ever take any covid vaccine, irrespective of what company produced it or the country of origin. The whole pandemic was engineered on a global scale by a bunch of jews and their allies like Bill Gates, Klauss Scwabb, Fauci and others. The jewish clique also own the companies that produced the 4 most popular covid vaccines.

We all know here that covid is just a mild flu, which is a lot less dangerous that any flu many people had before covid (me included which I had both covid and flu's a lot worse than covid). If you see governments and mass media brutalizing people with never ending propaganda and laws to force them to receive any of these 4 vaccines, then you know this is all a jewish plot by default because they have power to influence most governments of the planet, and have planted their agents in most governments.

Regarding the vaccine itself, since nobody has any clue about what they are made of (which by itself should question the whole pandemic paranoia and legalized terrorism that happened for a good 2 years in the entire planet) is difficult to tell whether it does indeed have dangerous elements that are harming all people on short or long term. Nobody knows this for a fact except those who made the vaccine, who probably will never say what they are made of. Now many people had severe side effects or even died, while others didn't have any problems but we don't know what is going to happen on longterm.

I came across several theories, one being that in a few years people will randomly have heart attacks and die but after years nobody will say it was because of the covid vaccine, or another one that the vaccines destroy the natural immune system of the body and replaces it with articial anticorps, which will make the body dependant on future vaccines (I am wondering here the reason why people had to take 3 vaccines instead of one). I don't know if any of this is true but one thing is certain, in normal circumstances no healthy human being needs a vaccine for a mild flu, the body can easiliy deal with this by itself. At worst one can take some basic and cheap medicines which are known for curing flu and related illness. There are people who suffer from chronic diseases and related, for which a flu is life-threatening, for them is a different matter.

What I would suggest is to dedicate yourself a day or something to the posts that have been posted on the forums about the covid, pandemic and the vaccine, literally there are probably hundreds. A lot of research, whistleblower accounts and exposing information have been posted on the forum, you can for example use the search function, write "covid" or "coronavirus" or "pandemic" or "vaccine/s" and select to search only for titles. This way you can make up your mind but the bottom line is that we definitely advocate against these jewish made vaccines. Now if you wish to take this risk to work on the cruise line is all up to you, it does indeed sound like a very exiting job to have.

Personally what I would do, if you have other job opportunities around you, I would work something else until eventually the cruise company won't be asking for covid vaccines anymore (if you will still have the opportunity). If they will still ask for this even years after the pandemic is gone they should be sued. The whole paranoia of discriminating people on this sort of medical preference was illegal from the beginning but nobody gave a shit about the laws or Constitutions anymore, those from the system who spoke against these laws and measures (doctors, politicians, journalists, lawyers etc.) were censored, arrested, threatened, fired probably some even assassinated.

Thank you for your answer :)

Are vaccines against rubella, mumps, measles, chickenpox and varicella also bad?? They require these vaccines too ...
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=390445 time=1664239962 user_id=21286]
Aquarius said:
My sister was pregnant and lost the baby.

Wow! I am sorry to hear about that. I hope you all are doing ok.
I am, she's not, lol. I'm not the one who took the vax :p
Nero said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Personally, I have gotten the shots (Moderna 3X) and have had no issues but that is not the same case for all. I would recommend talking to a doctor before getting the shots if you are able to (insurance or not). Others on here have had problems with them so they may be able to shed some light on their troubles with them.

I guess you were forced to get the shots by your employer ?
Optional when they first came out. After a while they were required company wide to even be hired for new hirees then they made it required for all employees regardless. One person I know was let go because she didn't want to take the shot, sad to see that happen.
Aquarius said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Pumpkin671 said:
Personally, I have gotten the shots (Moderna 3X) and have had no issues but that is not the same case for all. I would recommend talking to a doctor before getting the shots if you are able to (insurance or not). Others on here have had problems with them so they may be able to shed some light on their troubles with them.

Several people in my close environment developed adverse effects after getting this "vaccine": a neighbor was diagnosed with heart problems a year after getting it, she is only 50 years old and never had any health problems before and two acquaintances developed muscle pain and chronic fatigue.
I know of a 20 yo dude who was fighting cancer, they wouldn't let him in the cancer research institute without the covid pass, so he got vaccinated and died after a week.

Then the grandpa of a dude i know got his testicles big as oranges after the vaccine.

My sister was pregnant and lost the baby.
Nicki Minaj shared the case of another person whose testicles got swollen and the media was going crazy on her. I don't really support her but she's been one of the few celebrities not going fully along with the fake pandemic and vaccines.

Nero said:
The Alchemist7 said:
Nero said:
Hello there !

I'd like to work for an international cruise line but the problem is they require the workers to be vaccined. Is it safe to be vaccined with Pfizer or moderna ? I want to know your unbiased opinion on this. If it's not safe I will refuse to work for them and continue working in my hometown. I want to work for that company because I'm experiencing some financial problems these days...

Hail Satan!
You registered in 2019, I assume you have read all topics we posted about the pandemic? We never advocated anybody to ever take any covid vaccine, irrespective of what company produced it or the country of origin. The whole pandemic was engineered on a global scale by a bunch of jews and their allies like Bill Gates, Klauss Scwabb, Fauci and others. The jewish clique also own the companies that produced the 4 most popular covid vaccines.

We all know here that covid is just a mild flu, which is a lot less dangerous that any flu many people had before covid (me included which I had both covid and flu's a lot worse than covid). If you see governments and mass media brutalizing people with never ending propaganda and laws to force them to receive any of these 4 vaccines, then you know this is all a jewish plot by default because they have power to influence most governments of the planet, and have planted their agents in most governments.

Regarding the vaccine itself, since nobody has any clue about what they are made of (which by itself should question the whole pandemic paranoia and legalized terrorism that happened for a good 2 years in the entire planet) is difficult to tell whether it does indeed have dangerous elements that are harming all people on short or long term. Nobody knows this for a fact except those who made the vaccine, who probably will never say what they are made of. Now many people had severe side effects or even died, while others didn't have any problems but we don't know what is going to happen on longterm.

I came across several theories, one being that in a few years people will randomly have heart attacks and die but after years nobody will say it was because of the covid vaccine, or another one that the vaccines destroy the natural immune system of the body and replaces it with articial anticorps, which will make the body dependant on future vaccines (I am wondering here the reason why people had to take 3 vaccines instead of one). I don't know if any of this is true but one thing is certain, in normal circumstances no healthy human being needs a vaccine for a mild flu, the body can easiliy deal with this by itself. At worst one can take some basic and cheap medicines which are known for curing flu and related illness. There are people who suffer from chronic diseases and related, for which a flu is life-threatening, for them is a different matter.

What I would suggest is to dedicate yourself a day or something to the posts that have been posted on the forums about the covid, pandemic and the vaccine, literally there are probably hundreds. A lot of research, whistleblower accounts and exposing information have been posted on the forum, you can for example use the search function, write "covid" or "coronavirus" or "pandemic" or "vaccine/s" and select to search only for titles. This way you can make up your mind but the bottom line is that we definitely advocate against these jewish made vaccines. Now if you wish to take this risk to work on the cruise line is all up to you, it does indeed sound like a very exiting job to have.

Personally what I would do, if you have other job opportunities around you, I would work something else until eventually the cruise company won't be asking for covid vaccines anymore (if you will still have the opportunity). If they will still ask for this even years after the pandemic is gone they should be sued. The whole paranoia of discriminating people on this sort of medical preference was illegal from the beginning but nobody gave a shit about the laws or Constitutions anymore, those from the system who spoke against these laws and measures (doctors, politicians, journalists, lawyers etc.) were censored, arrested, threatened, fired probably some even assassinated.

Thank you for your answer :)

Are vaccines against rubella, mumps, measles, chickenpox and varicella also bad?? They require these vaccines too ...
The concept of vaccines is ingenious and has saved many lives. But the pharmaceutical industry has been in the hands of jews who went into full kike mode during the covid pandemic, injecting people with dangerous substances whose effects are not even fully understood. While there have been cases of vaccines doing serious harm in the past, it was not as much of a serious problem as it has been with the covid pandemic.

I was vaccinated as a child. Currently there's not a vaccine I can take since I don't trust these companies anymore. Plus I don't really need vaccines anymore.
Nero said:
Thank you for your answer :)

Are vaccines against rubella, mumps, measles, chickenpox and varicella also bad?? They require these vaccines too ...
Hello. To be honest I don't know much about the above mentioned vaccines, however what I read before is that "vaccines" in general since their creation were controversial and problematic, allthough this wouldn't mean that all vaccines are controversial or problematic. I know about the covid vaccines since I lived through the pandemic and had the chance to research and document about it. I just don't want to give you a wrong or misleading answer. I think the safest thing to do in this regard is to research the list of ingredients of these vaccines and research how they impact the body, or find accounts of how others have been impacted by these vaccines in the past, however that would mean to "trust" that the lists of ingredients you find is real and there are no hidden elements. In the same time there are many vaccines that are genuine about protecting you from diseases or infections but is the case issue of not knowing what other elements they contain.
try getting a medical or a religious exemption. money from a better paying job isnt going to help you if you are sick, injured or dead, which are real possibilities from these vaccines

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
