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High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Be aware... A blatant example of how Jews get control and then ruin things. This has been going on for centuries, where the Jews come from behind, get
control and ruin things. The internet. Yahoo, Google and many others used to be very user friendly, years ago.

This has all changed for the worst in the past several years and is continuing to get worse.

For every significant success, the Jews step in, take control, then work to keep non-Jews out and ruin it.

Just be aware of how the internet has changed for the worst and continues to get worse.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Fuck this rotten alien race/species.

i sometimes feel that the jews are alien species not an alien race :lol:
I agree, but Google has been jewish from day one.
Firefox used to be better and was a big "Fuck you" to M$hit, etc., but that has changed, as always.
Jews are moving to buy every single private company on earth... they own 95% of the money I think the only way to stop the mis spiritually ... IDK if there are solutions politically or financially. Hopefully a lot of RTR will shortcircuit their soul. But I am open for other methods as well. My advice to anyone owning a business is to b carefull who you sell it to in case you need to do so. In my country a lot of jews, arabs, indians and chinese own land and renting business
Yeah the good times are gone, this sewage has reached new levels.
The Jews are scrambling for control everything since they know they are losing this war and they are scared.
The internet is their biggest threat because they cannot control it.

Without the internet many here would still be lost.

Hope the Internet can be saved and preserved for us and the people that created it because it's an amalgam of societies input. It's the people's and needs to be free.

The Internet gives everyone a voice.
Well the internet provides truth, knowledge, information, and freedom to everyone who connects with it. These are the 4 things they hate the most, and these 4 things are pure Satanic.
Larissa666 said:
I agree, but Google has been jewish from day one.
True, but since when can jews create things? They are intelligent, sneaky, and cunning, but they have contributed literally nothing to the advancement of science and technology. Einstein was their best scientist... :roll: Even the structure of their government and secret order was not their creation. It was programmed into the jewish genetics by their reptilian creators. Only gentiles could have created the advanced software and math behind Google. It's not easy to search the entire internet for a word, let alone partial matches of a phrase! The founders may have been jewish (I don't know), but most employees must have been gentiles, at least to begin with.
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Larissa666 said:
I agree, but Google has been jewish from day one.
True, but since when can jews create things? They are intelligent, sneaky, and cunning, but they have contributed literally nothing to the advancement of science and technology. Einstein was their best scientist... :roll: Even the structure of their government and secret order was not their creation. It was programmed into the jewish genetics by their reptilian creators. Only gentiles could have created the advanced software and math behind Google. It's not easy to search the entire internet for a word, let alone partial matches of a phrase! The founders may have been jewish (I don't know), but most employees must have been gentiles, at least to begin with.

Adolf Hitler says in Mein Kampf that they never had any culture - they always stealed Aryan inventions / uses and destroyed / corrupted them.
ahana666 said:
Adolf Hitler says in Mein Kampf that they never had any culture - they always stealed Aryan inventions / uses and destroyed / corrupted them.

Have you read "The Great Jewish Masque Or The Ass In The Lion's Skin"? It's legally available online. It talks about this sort of stuff, gives examples.
Jonathon said:
ahana666 said:
Adolf Hitler says in Mein Kampf that they never had any culture - they always stealed Aryan inventions / uses and destroyed / corrupted them.

Have you read "The Great Jewish Masque Or The Ass In The Lion's Skin"? It's legally available online. It talks about this sort of stuff, gives examples.

Jews are the thing I hate the most, they're the cancer of this world, they never created anything good, they always created things to destroy us, they never had honor and they will not have it.

They've never fought for anything, they CAN'T fight because they're SCARED of us.

They defend themself using lies, doing the " victims ".

We will destroy them and the people who are working for them.
I plan to go into the field of cyber security as a career. What's this going to mean for me? I think it would be important to have some of our own involved with one of the last things that belongs and should always belong to us. The WWW shouldn't go down without a fight.
Creating a DW server for us is appealing more and more to me every day...hope it doesn't come to that.
How do you recognize a jew in your environment? What are the inner signs of a jew you feel?
Sorry i don't speak english well.
Ankh666 said:
The new goyim-trend - minimalism

This is being promoted everywhere in the Jewish media and is straight out of the Torah. The Torah says the Jews own all the people, all the money and all the material things in the world.

Since the Jews have already stolen your money, now they're coming for your stuff. Basically what minimalism tells you is to give away as much of your personal belongings as possible (to your local rapefugees or synagogue). The less you own the cooler you are.

This is how the Jews condition us Gentiles to accept communism, and how they set us up for it. Not all at once because that would be too obvious, but step by step.

Guess what would be really minimalist, some hardcore shit? A fucking communist gulag, that's what. But hey, at least it's trendy!

And when the Jews own all your money and all your stuff, the only thing left is a microshipped you.

"Oy vey, that will now fool the goyim to think that I am one of them. My kvetching and attacks on these goyim are only to test this goyim to my high moral standards...Oy vey, I am so full of myself!"
Jonathon said:
ahana666 said:
Adolf Hitler says in Mein Kampf that they never had any culture - they always stealed Aryan inventions / uses and destroyed / corrupted them.

Have you read "The Great Jewish Masque Or The Ass In The Lion's Skin"? It's legally available online. It talks about this sort of stuff, gives examples.
I've read it but I'm not too completely sure on it's accuracy.

It does expose the buybull and how so much was stolen from the gentiles to make up the Jewish fairy tales they like to call their history.

It also talks about the true history of Palestine (at least I think it's accurate anyway) and how (((Jerusalem))) used to be called Urusalem under gentile rule etc. etc.

Pretty interesting little book though...the cover, lol.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
