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About Treating People and SS Joining The Forum

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oftentimes there are few people here who are always helpful, positive, corrective when needed, and a beacon of light to others. That is great. They have found a balance in helping others in a balanced manner. The Demons are highly fond of this behavior and approach.

It inspires people to open up, join, feel secure and welcomed, and so on.

We unfortunately have a share of jews, toxics [striking minority thankfully], and others here as well, who perceive this stance is actually great and makes them look smart. However weeding out crap can be necessary or a forum such as this will not survive, and we will be overrun by the enemy's games.

The definition however when the above is the case and therefore enforcement is required, has to be careful and case related. Many times it just shows one cannot deal with their own emotions or is completely inconsiderate of other people, rather than evening out an actual offense or shilling attempt. Care is required here.

Toxicity in itself, is not a total "sin", but it's something one has to eventually work around by healing the soul. Because toxicity spreads like a plague, and plagues can be rather costly. Many people don't do that and this means others have to overcompensate to gather the results of their issues.

If one doesn't manage it then others will have to clean this in a purgatory style, or it will keep spreading.

At worse, these people have to be removed and cut off from the group as a last resort, to avoid damage spreading to others. But this is not desirable. The only people truly the Gods want out of here are the Jews and those off the lowest far end. None else.

As for people who join this forum, there are different kinds of people to help out and answer you in different ways. Do not worry. Answers will come. This is why this place is here for.

Take the answers from those who give it to you how you understand them better, and move on. One is here to primarily advance, not make everyone their friend.

Our world is promoting weakness, lack of any objectivity, and a complete emotional bullshit rollercoaster on just about anything. Not everyone works in this way. Not everyone can even benefit from this approach even if this feels "Great".

We are also under a major threat to Free Speech right now, claiming falsely that this harms people "Emotionally". This is only a facade to remove Free Speech.

Free Speech, if people want it, could also be used to treat people in a kinder manner. One has to learn to grow in an environment of freedom, where the freedom of others may be used against them, because this is a true reflection of reality.

This is also why Satan gives people spiritual power and understanding. Because no matter what laws are put in place, and no matter what, life can be cruel and others can be harmful to someone.

Meanwhile the above is only a facade for the world, meaning, that the above is totally pointless. Behind the false and ineffective humanism, we have actually a most evil and psychopathic way this world is going.

An example here is, that when Free Speech will be obliterated to "protect the feelings of the weak", eventually, the feelings of all will be bound eternally, with people being unable to speak or be aggressive. Then, humanity will suffer from complete lack of expression, and emotionally wither away.

"Free Speech" has been sufficiently also used by the enemy as an excuse, to primarily hijack, destroy, and tear down and every and all norms and morals of Western Civilization. Now that they are done with this decay, they want it removed.

Our culture right now is saturated with manchildren, people who are mentally weak, and people filled with expectations on how many things that they deserve simply by breathing. This is the easy way of life, just demanding things from others and doing nothing one's self.

Meanwhile the external claim to this is that "We have to be polite" and they will whine on your TV about "Hate Speech".

The only way to guarantee people any safety in this world is individual responsibility, practicality, and strength. These forums try to persist in a fully hostile world and environment and we are so far succeeding. It's like a secluded temple somewhere higher up in the clouds.

When people run and go through the gates of this temple, they should be treated kindly for obvious reasons.

Satan didn't tell us in the things that he left for us to follow, that he will create an Utopia in which nobody else will never be offended again. He just gives us strength so we can withstand and persist, and rise above these challenges.

Rather what Satan constructs through giving us spiritual understanding is a balance of powers and affairs so that people learn, advance and evolve past this level of causing pointless mayhem. This takes time and development.

When people first come around here, they are misguided, misunderstand a lot of things, and the pieces of their own puzzle haven't fell together. This can take years, as it took for many here. One after a point may forget or feel like they can't anymore tolerate this kind of thing.

Yet, this does not create an excuse to treat other people in an very rude way or in a negative fashion. As to those who have a lot of posts here, people expect something from you, as you did expect something from people when you came around.

Everything has been steadily improving in that regard, that is a fact. But we can always do better.

While not eventually restraining one's personal freedom to be one's self, you have a part of responsibility over things you will say to others, and therefore, you have to start thinking also how these affect other people. Especially longterm posters, unmoderated posters now, and longterm members.

Most regular and advanced members think this way already, but a few need to make this more of a habit.

Treatment between human beings is a two way street. People generally think of this only in the way that affects themselves, ie, how they are treated by others. They want to be however they want to everyone else, and they want to be treated nicely by others. This mentality is one of already defunct individuals.

We have to deal with this in a manner as positive as possible when it comes to our own people here.

The greatest achievements of men in history came by utilization of correct empathy, towards what needs to grow, one's country, race, history, falling in love with a dream about the future.

These social issues presenting in people and creating hazardous situations on a social scale, came to be primarily because of sexual and other issues of appreciation, inner damage etc.

Except of this there is a category of people which is completely shit and there is nothing we can objectively do about. Only themselves can work on themselves.

Now, not all humans also have great social skills. One may actually be positive and have good intentions, but be a little off in how they communicate things. We have to be understanding. Or at least try our best to be.

You might be thinking someone comes here to troll for example, but they may be of really poor social skills. It is more beneficial to try to discover if they are having an issue describing their problem, rather than to go on the bandwagon attacking them.

As for those who can't comprehend this, only if the Gods had your mentality, you'd have no Gods, as nobody would want to concern themselves with the "lesser ones". How do they treat people?

Now, in regards to people who put themselves above Satan's interests, ie, you want to be toxic crap to others, without minding how this might affect Satanists [a common behavior in Jews], you will have to be liable to how many people may get off this place from your words or deeds.

We all remember one who was cast down into the gutter of existence which alongside other issues, has had beefs with 97% of all legitimate members here, driving half into a ban and half in leaving, attacking them and so on. This policy is counterproductive for everyone involved.

I've seen cults, individuals, and even medium sized groups getting obliterated because of being kikes, behaving in the worst manner, or simply violating Satan's interests.

Be an asshole if you want, but let this not cost Satan anything of His plans, please.

For those who want to be an asshole at all costs, you can do this in your personal life, experiencing the fruits of this behavior and getting them on your own. There are people who want to be toxic to others be this part of an appropriation of their character, or to generally vent.

It's not the most constructive way to do this here, against new Satanists, or what have you. In the military, this type of behavior makes one stripped of their badges if abused. Here it's no different.

If the cost of having one of these around comes at a severe cost of attacking other people and costing the future of other Satanists, you should know, this is an offense.

At the same rate, quite a few people, come here broken, isolated, attacked, confused, and greatly harboring most of the modern day mentalities that make one really agitated to see after advancing a bit.

The duty of these people is to start weeding out this toxicity and start healing to elevate, not whine on the feet of the stronger and more advanced, let alone attack them.

In this case, those above can use the boot very easily.

The above is nothing but common respect going upwards and downwards. If you want good treatment from upwards to yourself, do also yourself good treatment to those upwards so there is a healthy feedback relationship.

Even if someone is new and mistakes can be excused, this is not your free pass to also become ruinous to this place, advanced members, or individuals.

Satan's benefit and growth of the new people he brings in, is something of particular interest also for those who are already here.

If this doesn't happen on a Forum basis, stalkers, predators, and other jews are going to get in, and wreck these interested. Jews have feigned for a very long time to be caring, good, "loving", while they are nothing of the sort but everything of the reverse.

We are not talking about you becoming a good fake kind Jesus to these people and crucifying yourself for their benefit, but just normal politeness.

Lastly, I notice frequently that some people are agitated over things said by other members. This is unavoidable. Yet, consider what the JoS says and what the Gods have said, rather than what someone else has said here. An example here is your diet or your sexuality. These are up to you.

On a final and more personal note, all these years, I have frequently been confronted with a lot of the above from other people but also from own self, and the enemy has tried just about any method and any button one can press on a human being to get their way.

I've seen numerous people lose everything over these things, because they weren't paying much attention.

To name an example, many have been deceived here by egoistical nonsense such as that their opinion matters more than that of the Gods or actual reality, that "They are Gods", that they are somehow the most important or whatever, that after 2 years of super dedication they are now above everyone else, that it's "finally" time for them to "Move on" and leave everyone else behind, that the "world is beneath them" or whatever. I could write a list of a million of these and keep writing.

These falsehoods can be created by many intricate workings of planets, enemy, or misplaced behavioral patterns. They represent for all purposes, falsehoods however.

We already are the best Satanic Community, but there is infinite room for improvement.

We have to do this collectively and together. We definitely can do this and way more.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Blitzkreig said:
One of HPS Maxine's last posts, made a few months before her last, was correcting another member about starting a working during a VoC moon. Her reply was concise and without any hint of disdain or other negativity at the person for confusing a simple concept. To me, this served as a great example of her caring for others, even noobs. She could have admonished them, or simply ignored them, but chose not to.

If you tell another person here that the Gods had insulted you about something, others would quickly and accurately jump to inform you that that was an enemy attack, not the Gods. So most know that the beings of the highest level of spiritual advancement behave in a certain manner when it comes to correcting and guiding us. This should make it obvious what the correct approach to dealing with others is, especially those below you.


While I know that most have good intentions in regards to correcting others, care must be taken to not offend or insult while delivering advice. This is especially important when engaging with a person new to you. If a person perceives hostility directed towards them, they will react by fighting both you and your argument to protect their ego. If you act as an opponent towards another, even unintentionally, then they will respond similarly.

If you want someone to accept your advice, it must be seen as positively intended for them. Why would they accept something that "hurts" their brain to read? A message must be conveyed in a way that is pleasing in all aspects, both in grammar, syntax, but also emotionally.

If a message conveys a hostile tone, even subtly or unconsciously, it will be rejected by the recipient. At worst, it will make the person reject JOS entirely. This is the case when a person is attacked by many members, without anyone be positive towards them. At this point, they feel that everyone is against them, not just a select few.

If a person was to be separated from JOS, and Satanism by extension, this would be an utterly retarded blunder on those responsible. In many times, one could have just said nothing. Members are lost by attacks and other enemy influences, but losing a member by our own hand is easily avoidable. People fight their whole life to eventually come to Satan, so they should be pulled out of the clownworld pit and cemented here, not kicked in the head while climbing the ladder.


In the case of "trolls" or Jews or fedposting: know that most work in subtle ways. They take their time and worm their way in. They usually have professional support and are thus playing the long game. They may be following a handbook and so on.

Therefore, when you see a poster with a lower number of posts, who is also posting obviously incorrect or strange writing, it is more likely they are not trolling or fedposting. I think it is actually the "worse" the posts are, the more the person actually needs help. However, we all know what such people need: it could be healing, grounding, or detaching from negative energy/items. The last thing they need is someone powerful directing hate on them.

If someone here thinks it hard to help others who are in awful situations, even self-created ones, you better get used to it now while you can. What are you going to do in 5 or 10 years time when the normie swarm returns to Satan? The correct answer is to efficiently and politely point them towards the steps, workings, or meditations they need to prioritize to fix themselves.
I'm not exactly sure how to interect with someone saying kids should be able to transition by giving them pills to stop their hormones, other than telling them to fuck off. These kind of people I'd put them in mental institutions if it was up to me.
How am I supposed to act "balanced" and "constructively" with such pests?
Aquarius said:
I'm not exactly sure how to interect with someone saying kids should be able to transition by giving them pills to stop their hormones, other than telling them to fuck off. These kind of people I'd put them in mental institutions if it was up to me.
How am I supposed to act "balanced" and "constructively" with such pests?

I personally don't even think this applies to the thread and the issues written about here, as this is nothing really constructive, positive, for Satanism, or for anyone's benefit.

Satanism has nothing to do with any of this. This topic keeps coming up eventhough the position of the JoS is clear, as in, your personal life is your own. But nobody else has to have your personal life shoved into their face.

It's just people coming in to shill to us that Vikings were transexuals or something because they have emotional gaps they need to fill by construction of lies like their High Priestess Yaniv Biqueer. And they are just preaching a religion of what they are here, to make everyone forcibly accept this.

However, none of the JoS states that these people will be penaltized or removed, because these are part of their personal choices. But it's not "Social agenda" nor a subject that has as much magnitude as they ALWAYS make it look like.

Most real humans and real people out there don't give a shit, plain and simple. In this case, this is only a High Priestess Yaniv ranting and nothing more. Which has no constructive or positive outcome for nobody involved.

This will never be the official line in the JoS nor will it ever be, nor it ever was before. Even some insane degenerate things written never reflected any official statement from JoS, let alone the opinion of the Gods on the subject, which is fair and square.

It's not an agenda or large scale situation, has really nothing to do with advancement, and falls lowly on the domain of personal choices, which aren't deserving of all that much attention.

Personally as I see it it's just a time and energy sinkhole, sort of like the writings of Magnus Hierschfield on the subject which people falsely preach like fundamentalists here.

Severe reactions are to be expected if they engage people in these dialectics to abduct their children and force hormones down on them.
NakedPluto said:
Am I toxic? Real question

No. If anything, only a couple people have been, and this can come as a fleeting situation. Generally, overly toxic people who don't want to change don't really last on the forum a long time.

People generally understand this as the Gods do tend to explain this to people or they come to this conclusion on their own.

The topic was certainly to not make anyone overreact, but just to consider some things in the future.

As the JoS grows people here will affect more and more people, ie, the application of this understanding will be helpful.

Toxicity has also been extremely rare within here, despite what some people may claim that their feelings got hurt. Real, harmful toxicity, of deluded people etc, has been heavily present outside of here, in closed kosher groups etc.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Am I toxic? Real question

No. If anything, only a couple people have been, and this can come as a fleeting situation. Generally, overly toxic people who don't want to change don't really last on the forum a long time.

People generally understand this as the Gods do tend to explain this to people or they come to this conclusion on their own.

The topic was certainly to not make anyone overreact, but just to consider some things in the future.

As the JoS grows people here will affect more and more people, ie, the application of this understanding will be helpful.

Toxicity has also been extremely rare within here, despite what some people may claim that their feelings got hurt. Real, harmful toxicity, of deluded people etc, has been heavily present outside of here, in closed kosher groups etc.

I see, thank you for the reply
NakedPluto said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NakedPluto said:
Am I toxic? Real question

No. If anything, only a couple people have been, and this can come as a fleeting situation. Generally, overly toxic people who don't want to change don't really last on the forum a long time.

People generally understand this as the Gods do tend to explain this to people or they come to this conclusion on their own.

The topic was certainly to not make anyone overreact, but just to consider some things in the future.

As the JoS grows people here will affect more and more people, ie, the application of this understanding will be helpful.

Toxicity has also been extremely rare within here, despite what some people may claim that their feelings got hurt. Real, harmful toxicity, of deluded people etc, has been heavily present outside of here, in closed kosher groups etc.

I see, thank you for the reply

Did something in my post in particular confuse you to that end?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Did something in my post in particular confuse you to that end?

No, but it is a personal issue I try to fix in myself. I always have the impulse to overly overpower every situation, and sometimes I can unconciosly tend to be more like a "screaming teacher" and too tougher rather than normal. So I saw the affinity to the subject.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

One of HPS Maxine's last posts, made a few months before her last, was correcting another member about starting a working during a VoC moon. Her reply was concise and without any hint of disdain or other negativity at the person for confusing a simple concept. To me, this served as a great example of her caring for others, even noobs. She could have admonished them, or simply ignored them, but chose not to.

If you tell another person here that the Gods had insulted you about something, others would quickly and accurately jump to inform you that that was an enemy attack, not the Gods. So most know that the beings of the highest level of spiritual advancement behave in a certain manner when it comes to correcting and guiding us. This should make it obvious what the correct approach to dealing with others is, especially those below you.


While I know that most have good intentions in regards to correcting others, care must be taken to not offend or insult while delivering advice. This is especially important when engaging with a person new to you. If a person perceives hostility directed towards them, they will react by fighting both you and your argument to protect their ego. If you act as an opponent towards another, even unintentionally, then they will respond similarly.

If you want someone to accept your advice, it must be seen as positively intended for them. Why would they accept something that "hurts" their brain to read? A message must be conveyed in a way that is pleasing in all aspects, both in grammar, syntax, but also emotionally.

If a message conveys a hostile tone, even subtly or unconsciously, it will be rejected by the recipient. At worst, it will make the person reject JOS entirely. This is the case when a person is attacked by many members, without anyone be positive towards them. At this point, they feel that everyone is against them, not just a select few.

If a person was to be separated from JOS, and Satanism by extension, this would be an utterly retarded blunder on those responsible. In many times, one could have just said nothing. Members are lost by attacks and other enemy influences, but losing a member by our own hand is easily avoidable. People fight their whole life to eventually come to Satan, so they should be pulled out of the clownworld pit and cemented here, not kicked in the head while climbing the ladder.


In the case of "trolls" or Jews or fedposting: know that most work in subtle ways. They take their time and worm their way in. They usually have professional support and are thus playing the long game. They may be following a handbook and so on.

Therefore, when you see a poster with a lower number of posts, who is also posting obviously incorrect or strange writing, it is more likely they are not trolling or fedposting. I think it is actually the "worse" the posts are, the more the person actually needs help. However, we all know what such people need: it could be healing, grounding, or detaching from negative energy/items. The last thing they need is someone powerful directing hate on them.

If someone here thinks it hard to help others who are in awful situations, even self-created ones, you better get used to it now while you can. What are you going to do in 5 or 10 years time when the normie swarm returns to Satan? The correct answer is to efficiently and politely point them towards the steps, workings, or meditations they need to prioritize to fix themselves.
Aquarius said:
I'm not exactly sure how to interect with someone saying kids should be able to transition by giving them pills to stop their hormones, other than telling them to fuck off. These kind of people I'd put them in mental institutions if it was up to me.
How am I supposed to act "balanced" and "constructively" with such pests?

You can address the reasons they believe that so they walk away converted. In this case, you are the doctor at the mental institute. Telling them to fuck off just makes them go to someone more vulnerable or less intelligent to convince to their ways. However, when they are interacting with you, you can directly talk to them about why exactly they think that.

You act constructively by making them walk away with the correct opinions. These people were not born thinking this degenerate behavior, rather they were corrupted by the Jew to think that. How did the Jew do that? They packaged the degeneracy in a convincing and appealing manner.

You then must package your argument and belief system in a similar manner for them. You will be able to more easily do so, because you are right and have the backing of the Gods and nature.
As we will grow [Important implementations incoming] many here will be helpers and people who many are going to look up to. It's therefore imperative we start adjusting to this now. I included this amazing reply in my other post. I totally agree especially on the Normie Swarm theory.

It happening and is intensifying, the numbers don't lie.
NakedPluto said:
No, but it is a personal issue I try to fix in myself. I always have the impulse to overly overpower every situation, and sometimes I can unconciosly tend to be more like a "screaming teacher" and too tougher rather than normal. So I saw the affinity to the subject.

An easy band-aid that can be applied to this is to add a sentence to the end of your posts. This sentence could explain that you don't mean to be harsh towards the person, but you just feel strongly about the matter. Mention that you care about the issue and them and don't want them walking away confused about your views, or knowing less than they should.

In 90% of cases, you can easily just slap this on, whilst leaving the original conversations completely the same. This is because most people just need to hear confirmation that you are only trying to help. Then there is no doubt you are trying to overpower them.
Aquarius said:
I'm not exactly sure how to interect with someone saying kids should be able to transition by giving them pills to stop their hormones, other than telling them to fuck off. These kind of people I'd put them in mental institutions if it was up to me.
How am I supposed to act "balanced" and "constructively" with such pests?

We both are pretty similar in a sense, as when something triggers us, we react overly emotional.
This has to stop.

I realised now, Satan works to bring this people in. On a large scale, but also individually.

When you where new, didn’t you notice how Satan was communicating to you in so many infinite ways?

Now, if we harm those people with our behaviour, we are actively working against Satan, as he is pulling them in with his OWN efforts, while we drive them away with our behaviour.

If you don’t want to potentially work against Satan, you should become more composed when interacting with other people.

You can still tell those people, that everything they say is toxic, destructive, abusive, anti life, anti Satan and so on. But we shouldn’t let this become a habit to react overly emotional, as this will also drive people away.

Now imagine how new members who lurk around here would react, when someone promotes toxic practices or mindsets, and people here would actually explain in a professional and mannered way, that this is very wrong. - people would actually understand *why* this is so bad, and they would also see that people are composed, gathered, intelligent and considerate.
Nobody would be afraid to ask questions and get slapped for that, as well, we are very positive.

We should strive to be kind, considerate and understanding of people coming here, as Satan and Gods and Goddesses are pulling them in themselves.

Blitzkrieg and Lydia are very good examples here.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
I'm not exactly sure how to interect with someone saying kids should be able to transition by giving them pills to stop their hormones, other than telling them to fuck off. These kind of people I'd put them in mental institutions if it was up to me.
How am I supposed to act "balanced" and "constructively" with such pests?

I personally don't even think this applies to the thread and the issues written about here, as this is nothing really constructive, positive, for Satanism, or for anyone's benefit.

Satanism has nothing to do with any of this. This topic keeps coming up eventhough the position of the JoS is clear, as in, your personal life is your own. But nobody else has to have your personal life shoved into their face.

It's just people coming in to shill to us that Vikings were transexuals or something because they have emotional gaps they need to fill by construction of lies like their High Priestess Yaniv Biqueer. And they are just preaching a religion of what they are here, to make everyone forcibly accept this.

However, none of the JoS states that these people will be penaltized or removed, because these are part of their personal choices. But it's not "Social agenda" nor a subject that has as much magnitude as they ALWAYS make it look like.

Most real humans and real people out there don't give a shit, plain and simple. In this case, this is only a High Priestess Yaniv ranting and nothing more. Which has no constructive or positive outcome for nobody involved.

This will never be the official line in the JoS nor will it ever be, nor it ever was before. Even some insane degenerate things written never reflected any official statement from JoS, let alone the opinion of the Gods on the subject, which is fair and square.

It's not an agenda or large scale situation, has really nothing to do with advancement, and falls lowly on the domain of personal choices, which aren't deserving of all that much attention.

Personally as I see it it's just a time and energy sinkhole, sort of like the writings of Magnus Hierschfield on the subject which people falsely preach like fundamentalists here.

Severe reactions are to be expected if they engage people in these dialectics to abduct their children and force hormones down on them.
Alright thank you.
Great post HPHC

and also the highlighted comment i think by Blitz.

Hail Satan
Hail JOS
Blitzkreig said:
NakedPluto said:
No, but it is a personal issue I try to fix in myself. I always have the impulse to overly overpower every situation, and sometimes I can unconciosly tend to be more like a "screaming teacher" and too tougher rather than normal. So I saw the affinity to the subject.

An easy band-aid that can be applied to this is to add a sentence to the end of your posts. This sentence could explain that you don't mean to be harsh towards the person, but you just feel strongly about the matter. Mention that you care about the issue and them and don't want them walking away confused about your views, or knowing less than they should.

In 90% of cases, you can easily just slap this on, whilst leaving the original conversations completely the same. This is because most people just need to hear confirmation that you are only trying to help. Then there is no doubt you are trying to overpower them.

Despite of having to go to great lengths to make this "understandable", it's important to think that also many people have assosciated corrections or a reality check, as a full on assault or something.

This is something people should understand by default, but we are dealing with people accustomed to trolling levels like Reddit so the atmosphere of the forum may be completely foreign.
Blitzkreig said:
NakedPluto said:
No, but it is a personal issue I try to fix in myself. I always have the impulse to overly overpower every situation, and sometimes I can unconciosly tend to be more like a "screaming teacher" and too tougher rather than normal. So I saw the affinity to the subject.

An easy band-aid that can be applied to this is to add a sentence to the end of your posts. This sentence could explain that you don't mean to be harsh towards the person, but you just feel strongly about the matter. Mention that you care about the issue and them and don't want them walking away confused about your views, or knowing less than they should.

In 90% of cases, you can easily just slap this on, whilst leaving the original conversations completely the same. This is because most people just need to hear confirmation that you are only trying to help. Then there is no doubt you are trying to overpower them.

Perfect, you also helped me in the past on related health problems, I appreciate you.
Thank you for this. I will be taking care not to potentially push away a legit new member. Most of us also had the same attitudes, mental programming and circumstances when new but because of someone's kindness we are much better today and are stronger.
I want to know if this post is relevant to how in my opinion, problematic behavior & mentality should be addressed. Examples of it I'm sure you've seen.

My behavior can change if you think it's toxic but to be completely honest, I think not addressing problematic behavior, even taking into account all the temporary toxicity it creates, is worse than letting delusion, arrogance and stupidity fester indefinitely. But it's your decision.
Dahaarkan said:
I want to know if this post is relevant to how in my opinion, problematic behavior & mentality should be addressed. Examples of it I'm sure you've seen.

My behavior can change if you think it's toxic but to be completely honest, I think not addressing problematic behavior, even taking into account all the temporary toxicity it creates, is worse than letting delusion, arrogance and stupidity fester indefinitely. But it's your decision.

This post is about correct methodology in treating newbies and new people. We need to keep improving our methodology of communicating our points.

We might as well call this reddit shock, but many people coming here from other places are adjusted to another ways of communication etc which may look like total cancer trolling here. But they may not be...As these actually constitute the way people tend to be nowadays.

So, "knocking sense" in a brutal fashion seems to rarely have any desired effect for any party involved. It acts as a further deterrent that helps nobody.

It could be worse than letting delusion, arrogance and stupidity fester as you say, but it is not much better in that in itself this is not providing the perfect solution. Ie, an exhuming of sorts may not teach a newbie if not having a constructive character for reasons described above.

I think only in serious cases of major retardation/delusion, where these post a viable danger to the community [and are not part of a random statement or ordinary lax communication] one should go over the extreme extents to put things in their place. This is rarer than the consistency when it occurs.

This post is open for conversation and opinion exchange on said methodology.
Having a strong character is one thing.

Being toxic is another.

Often, people with weak egos and minds will tend to refer to someone who is the opposite as toxic. This is something very typical in France by the way. It's a Jew/Bolshevik mentality. Instead of taking inspiration from someone bigger than oneself and asking for advice, one will criticize the other.

What do you call being "toxic"? Can you elaborate? Because if a person is called toxic because he or she has a different opinion from the dogma and its practices...

Or are we talking about individuals who insult other members, seek to manipulate, or put themselves forward by taking advantage of others?

I must admit that I don't spend much time here. I look at the important posts, the attack planning, and I go back to my corner to work.

But I know this "toxicity". To have "tried" to create groups aligned with our ideology, fight the enemy with RTRs and share knowledge. I realized what a colossal job it was. As soon as a member started being negative and toxic about the future, the door would open, the whole group would be cold, until the negative energy dissipated, which was totally counterproductive.

And still, there was nobody compared to here.

In any case, we are in a rather special period. I myself am sometimes in a state of flux between being miserable and being open. The most important thing is to be aware of it, to improve.
Havok said:

But I know this "toxicity". To have "tried" to create groups aligned with our ideology, fight the enemy with RTRs and share knowledge. I realized what a colossal job it was. As soon as a member started being negative and toxic about the future, the door would open, the whole group would be cold, until the negative energy dissipated, which was totally counterproductive.

I have specified in my topic what this means.

Now, in regards to people who put themselves above Satan's interests, ie, you want to be toxic crap to others, without minding how this might affect Satanists [a common behavior in Jews], you will have to be liable to how many people may get off this place from your words or deeds.

An example here would be a newbie that comes in, and someone doesn't like the question or thinks it's "retarded". Then they attack them verbally and so on.

Another example would be a so called "Satanist" that is busy attacking people on threads all day like a meth infested fiend, which has happened before.

These cases have been observed online. Incompetent 1 makes a place they claim is for Satan, or claim to be Prophets to Satan or something, leading people to dismay because they are retarded. This costs Satan followers. Jews specialize in this and do this copiously especially outside these forums, but when trying to draw people out of here.

For those who want to be an asshole at all costs, you can do this in your personal life, experiencing the fruits of this behavior and getting them on your own. There are people who want to be toxic to others be this part of an appropriation of their character, or to generally vent.

An example of this would be: Person wants something explained or an opinion. Instead of anything of value given, one goes in to just call them shit, delusional, stupid etc. Even if deserved in some cases, this answers nothing. Nor helps the poster build out of this.

This happens oftentimes when someone doesn't like something another posts. While this works for posts of obvious jews, this has been falsely done on other topic where something stupid was said.

If one is to act in this way, they might at least include something in their distasteful comment to show the facts to the other party, which the other party can take to help themselves.

About toxicity in general, we can bring our attention to a few cases of 2-3 people who have been trying to create all sorts of dogshit drama over misplaced feelings and so on, oftentimes, alongside with many kikes. These are always weeded out however in the end, and remain an external problem of the forum.
What is this in reference to ? Did something particular happen, promting the High Priest to make such a post ?
I feel this is an important post/topic. It is so true what you (HP Cobra) said, about some people not having good social skills. Also keep in mind English is not everyone's first language. Plus, cultural differences, one thing can mean something completely different to someone else.

When I was new, I was giving advice to someone, something about one of the attributes of a Goddess, and I accidentally used the wrong word (fallacy of speech instead of eloquence and flair for words, Bune's description, I can't believe I still remember that!). A more experienced member really verbally attacked what I said. I'm glad I'm impervious to things over the internet and I shrugged it off (yet evidently still remembered the incident). But some people are different. We have members here who grew up in abusive families, being called "stupid" and "useless" by their parents, and so on. This makes a person much more sensitive to negativity and criticism.

I think that anytime someone sees something they deem as stupid or troll-like here, perhaps they should just not reply, and leave it for someone else. Or maybe take the time to formulate a more "polished and professional" reply. It might seem a bit bland and lacking in personality, but it will be of help to someone who is lost.

These forums are our social life. But we also have a responsibility as all of us here are the elite, who have the knowledge and experience, so we should take it upon ourselves to go out of our way to help those who are new. Even if they don't seem to you like they are legit or have any Satanic potential, for all we know, they could be full of potential and will do much for Satan, they just need a helping hand and some extra guidance to get there :)
Jack said:
What is this in reference to ? Did something particular happen, promting the High Priest to make such a post ?

There is going to be heavy focus and utilization of advertising henceforth for going out to bring people in.

This needs an upgrade on the system of approach and methodology we have here. Because we will have an influx of things people might get seizures from, from the plebian normie world.

An occasional walk on 4chan and Reddit tells me the situation is going to be difficult. On a primary level of contact, people have to feel welcome.

Also, infiltrators and enemy gangs always use these emotional trickery to con people that if for example, they have a disagreement in the forum with an individual level, "This is how the JoS is".

Going forward, we have to rise to a next level, because as numbers might increase, influx of things that some may find intolerable might increase, and our capacity to transmute these people into higher level individuals will be more at stake than one's expression of "Fuk u jew" level of arguments where these do not fit.

An array of different individuated situations and patterns have been behind the construction of this post, to address everything in one swoop.
In regards to this, I don't think that I have been good or consistent.
I let my feelings take over and completely ignore if it would go against Sir Satan's wishes. Its like I completely block it out. There have also been times when I want to post something but I don't, considering many things.
Also, I turn on and off. Following a schedule to post on the forums to help other SS but can't hold on for long. This has happened two times.

However, I will persist and be better from now on. I shall not treat helping other SS lightly as I have been.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
What is this in reference to ? Did something particular happen, promting the High Priest to make such a post ?

There is going to be heavy focus and utilization of advertising henceforth for going out to bring people in.

This needs an upgrade on the system of approach and methodology we have here. Because we will have an influx of things people might get seizures from, from the plebian normie world.

An occasional walk on 4chan and Reddit tells me the situation is going to be difficult. On a primary level of contact, people have to feel welcome.

Also, infiltrators and enemy gangs always use these emotional trickery to con people that if for example, they have a disagreement in the forum with an individual level, "This is how the JoS is".

Going forward, we have to rise to a next level, because as numbers might increase, influx of things that some may find intolerable might increase, and our capacity to transmute these people into higher level individuals will be more at stake than one's expression of "Fuk u jew" level of arguments where these do not fit.

An array of different individuated situations and patterns have been behind the construction of this post, to address everything in one swoop.
We can incorporate Jordan Belforts Straight Line Persuasion system but a difficulty is that we have an enormous wealth of information that is read and quickly forgotten or better said ,uncategorized.

We can't just give a particular link. We need to quote a text or present a persuasive message and then give the links. All the enormous amounts of Sermons need to be properly categorized and I don't know who will be able to do that.

We need to have rebuttals of everything that is going to come at us, at hair trigger speed. That's how persuasion works. They give you objections and you quickly solve them and make them believe that they have a particular incentive to buy (or) in this case ,dedicate themselves to our cause.

I can send you Jordan Belforts products if you want. They can help you shape the way you're going to market this thing.
Jews always make a fuss about how this community cares about members. they infest people.

Years ago i was banned from here, for nothing. I just disagree with Magestein and he ban me. called me autistic etc. Many attacks on many ppl. Im not surprised years later Satan got them all out.

It angers them you care Cobra. all the LHP is filled with toxic shitlords with zero care. they make Satanism look ugly.

Over years I see major improvement, less jews. all groups that formulate with jews and some kosher lackeys always get destroyed by Gods.

the dwelling of Satan is here. Ill try to be more active in forums too.

Respect, thanks.
This and the other extreme of people who bash adult healthy homosexuality, because they know all what is "natural" and screw if the JoS teaches otherwise. I don't even read this type of threads anymore, my compliments to people who have the ability to go on auto-mode and answer to this like it was nothing.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
I'm not exactly sure how to interect with someone saying kids should be able to transition by giving them pills to stop their hormones, other than telling them to fuck off. These kind of people I'd put them in mental institutions if it was up to me.
How am I supposed to act "balanced" and "constructively" with such pests?

I personally don't even think this applies to the thread and the issues written about here, as this is nothing really constructive, positive, for Satanism, or for anyone's benefit.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

"Yet, this does not create an excuse to treat other people in an very rude way or in a negative fashion. As to those who have a lot of posts here, people expect something from you, as you did expect something from people when you came around.

Everything has been steadily improving in that regard, that is a fact. But we can always do better.

While not eventually restraining one's personal freedom to be one's self, you have a part of responsibility over things you will say to others, and therefore, you have to start thinking also how these affect other people. Especially longterm posters, unmoderated posters now, and longterm members.

I came here begging for help and was bullied and gaslighted and called a rat, fed, crazy, all sorts of names sir lmao wtf, and when i stood up for myself they used my reaction as blame as to why they treated me curel. im so mind boggled rn.
itsstarfire2 said:
I came here begging for help and was bullied and gaslighted and called a rat, fed, crazy, all sorts of names sir lmao wtf, and when i stood up for myself they used my reaction as blame as to why they treated me curel. im so mind boggled rn.
You have received advice which will work for you when you apply it in correct fashion. It's up to you to work on yourself and better yourself, no one else can do this for you.

You are correct that there has been numerous cases where apporach was not very polite, to say the least. There are many aspects that count into this, but in the end it is best to focus on what matters and not let unneccessary posts make you go grazy or whatever.

I hope you don't continue you saga of drama on this topic as this is not about you specifically.
itsstarfire2 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

"Yet, this does not create an excuse to treat other people in an very rude way or in a negative fashion. As to those who have a lot of posts here, people expect something from you, as you did expect something from people when you came around.

Everything has been steadily improving in that regard, that is a fact. But we can always do better.

While not eventually restraining one's personal freedom to be one's self, you have a part of responsibility over things you will say to others, and therefore, you have to start thinking also how these affect other people. Especially longterm posters, unmoderated posters now, and longterm members.

I came here begging for help and was bullied and gaslighted and called a rat, fed, crazy, all sorts of names sir lmao wtf, and when i stood up for myself they used my reaction as blame as to why they treated me curel. im so mind boggled rn.

This is your thread: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=56141

You are ranting at this point same as your unapproved posts where everyone is getting attacked, you posted nudes, and started suddenly attacking people for perceived offenses that never really happened, but only after you began offending people, in this case, Pluto, who told you his opinion that what you state is overblown.

None of this makes any sense nor is in anyway decent. Structural advice has been provided to you, if you want to apply it. If not, might as well continue with the shitfest and moderation might have to consider banning again and again.

The same behavior as explained seems to also contribute to your walking life problems.

Blackdragon666 said:
Sounds like it's strongly fated in your birth chart. You can do a 40 day working with Sowilo or Algiz and affirm that you are always protected from people who try to push enemy programs on you. The enemy can also use xians and muslims to get to you. Also, if you wear clothing with Satanic art on it you're definitely going to attract more nutcase xians and muslims than the average Satanist. You can't even throw a curse in peace because they will easily put two and two together. The best way to survive is to keep your mouth shut and not tell any outsider about your beliefs, not wear Satanic clothing or get tattoos on a visible place, or send links to just anyone. What you call gangstalking is the normal behavior of xians toward Satanists or anyone they suspect to be associated with Satan.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
itsstarfire2 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Blackdragon666 said:

I only attacked people because they attacked me, and I posted nudes because people kept trolling me so I did what they asked me of and trolled them, becuase initially i was not trolling at all. you also didnt approve the post where i posted evidence multiple people on reddit saying they get gangstalked by christians so you can push the narrative im crazy and not based in reality.

they attacked me first? if they dont like it, dont throw the first punch.
itsstarfire2 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
itsstarfire2 said:

Blackdragon666 said:

I only attacked people because they attacked me, and I posted nudes because people kept trolling me so I did what they asked me of and trolled them, becuase initially i was not trolling at all. you also didnt approve the post where i posted evidence multiple people on reddit saying they get gangstalked by christians so you can push the narrative im crazy and not based in reality.

they attacked me first? if they dont like it, dont throw the first punch.

Your other account was banned because of endless psychotic spamming to people and personal attacks to other members. Despite of what was said, you were given information to fix your issues.

So no, nothing was approved, same as your pics which you thought were smart to throw in people's faces, including teens also. We aren't closing down the forum for you and your self entitled rants.

You sound like one of these drunken people one meets at clubs in most of your replies. Ranting all day, but not making much sense.

Consider people's advice or just continue and then be banned again. Last reply on this thread with this nonsensical, and unrelated thread pollution.
Jordan Belfort is only a jew, who primarily specialized in swindling and selling pennystocks based on mass advertising. He just utilized methods of subjective manipulation. No Truth, nor Satan, or the Gods, need to resonate with these methods, because these flat out suck.

These kike methods can work to an extent for promoting lies, swindling, and other practices of inferior quality. But nothing factual can be built upon them.

The JoS is not a cheap penny stock you need to manipulate people into buying. The fact this is even "offered" here is almost insulting.

Manipulation of the low tier works primarily on stupid people, and the inner circle [JoS members] is in no need of jewish methods.

The fact also this is brought up appears to be reflective of your general understanding of how these affairs should work. Which would only be good to deconstruct the enemy but not for building here.

The ends in this case don't justify shit means.

Maybe if you stopped reading jewish mindwashing tactics that account to only the dullest individuals or abuse basic mechanisms, you'd understand the objective here is rather higher and liability to these methods is nonsense. These tactics don't really work as much as they promise, it's all marketing to get people to consider them.

Also, the simplifying of affairs to promote them [What Jew Belfort tries to describe in his own jewish terms and has appropriated] is what Hitler has already described in Mein Kampf about simplification of messages for further appeal, and directly projecting them for easier understanding.

These are only one part of this, and don't consistent the powerful core of an idea, but rather, generalized "marketing" of it.

Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
What is this in reference to ? Did something particular happen, promting the High Priest to make such a post ?

We can incorporate Jordan Belforts Straight Line Persuasion system but a difficulty is that we have an enormous wealth of information that is read and quickly forgotten or better said ,uncategorized.

We can't just give a particular link. We need to quote a text or present a persuasive message and then give the links. All the enormous amounts of Sermons need to be properly categorized and I don't know who will be able to do that.

We need to have rebuttals of everything that is going to come at us, at hair trigger speed. That's how persuasion works. They give you objections and you quickly solve them and make them believe that they have a particular incentive to buy (or) in this case ,dedicate themselves to our cause.

I can send you Jordan Belforts products if you want. They can help you shape the way you're going to market this thing.
I can safely assume that post with psychic vampirism is but one of many reasons to bring up this point. and I agree with you, I was surprised when I was reading posts from various members. I can only assume the reasons you didn't intervene because this means to test/trial/reminder/consequence when one gives in to something akin to hatred and attack other. The only thing that could have easily solve this is to just post helpful advice.

I understand we have troll and fedposter and stuff. But in this case, could it not be better if one just ignores the bait lest one make themselves look bad in eyes of newbies. But also we are Satanists that are meant to think of not just the present but of the future.

Even if it was bait and likewise, helpful advice is great, because if it is useless for baiter, it can be useful for future newbies who may have similar questions and come across your post and walk away satisfied with their knowledge and improving themselves rather than see you screaming and accusing and become afraid and wondering if Christianity and other are right about satanism be evil and all that.

We live in times where people judge all based on the action of a few, after all, if fedposter and the like are truly bad, then HP holds the right to ban them, so it is not really up to us to get into an argument and accusing but to just post helpful advice and ignore them in case future members come across your advice when they need it. What they do with knowledge is up to them, they will get consequences to depend on what they sowed, just like our Gods doesn't go around and punishing people for their bad deeds and instead let nature run their course as they will reap what they have sown.

So just post helpful advice and then ignore them, nature will run its course and they will disappear either by been banned or by be disliked enough that they are automatically ignored and have to make a new account to pretend to be newbies or advanced members that happen to observe beforehand and only just now join us by making a new account, etc.

Hopefully, my line of thinking on this matter is correct, but if it is not and is in errors, can you please enlighten me so I may learn and improve myself for future encounters.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Well i didn't know he was a jew so I apologize. I've studied marketing as a requirement and as I've studied the world, this actually is the way that the world works. Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok,Bogus products, Etc the entire ecosystem of the economy is based on this.

The majority of humanity is under a mass marketing scheme and some of them have delved into niches but even in those niches these principles are the same. Mindwashing is exactly how the entire society is run.

Those with critical thinking skills have the ability to use their skills to get others to do things that they want. It may be positive but in our generation, its mostly negative.

Where im coming from ,since we're promoting betterment of them and humanity as a whole we should try to use their own tactics which are extremely effective against them. But it could also be that im coming from a logical perspective and the Gods want only the select few here.

I understand since I didn't believe in the Satanism and everything until i studied it for months on end personally and eventually dedicated. It was my own critical thinking that brought this about.

99.99% of humanity is going to instantly skip everything that this site tells them and that is fact. I've personally made my parents convinced of everything that is written on this site when i was in high school, and they agreed 100% but simply didn't care. How many people in society take the time to research things, research themselves or the world around them ? Not many and the extreme polarization of this stream of thought will automatically disqualify many people to even think about researching all this. These people won't even look at the information much less consider it.

If the Gods want only the most genuine souls from the get go ,then we'll have a very hard time creating a mass advertising campaign. It was much easier when we had your documentaries on YouTube and the Holocaust materials were easily searchable on sesrch engines.
Makes sense. I remember recently I attacked a new Comer on the forum who claimed to be a grandmaster of somewhere 😂, HP Hoodedcobra666 cautioned me and I understood perfectly.
Not only total novices will come here but some "self glorified gurus of powerless limbo" will try coming here, let's outmatch them with wisdom not verbal violence.,and with Power.
I'm one of those people who is extremely blunt and judgmental because of the character traits I've been dealt by my chart. Simply going to shut up and ignore it when I feel like someone is screwing around because while it bothers me, it doesn't bother me enough for me to go around causing a bunch of unnecessary chaos.

Besides, I'm not perfect either. I just think I am.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
