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Through meditation. Read the Jos.How to get to that advanced level?
Through meditation. Read the Jos.How to get to that advanced level?
You have to train everyday, for a good amount of time, start with the meditation program for 6 months, then you will see with what to continue.How to get to that advanced level?
Just because you ask something that does not mean that you're ignorant, quite the opposite.
Spacewhere the enemy came from
Here:like the story of the Annunaki and the divide between them over the fate of humanity? Or is it that these beings have some kind of origin in Father, but have turned against him?
Also: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/75955-confused-about-terms.296545/if Satan is the realm we inhabit. Is it that he is not the creator of the realm he is fromThe Gods do not only exist as external beings and essences, we are literally their progeny and we have them also "within". This is from where Abrahamism took the "From my image you were created". The origin of this was from Babylonian tablets, which said the same thing; how the Gods or the Annunaki, descended upon Earth and created humanity in their "image".
As this is multidimensional, you must study the JoS and pray to the Gods to unveil it slowly for you, and it will start unveiling as you also self-discover.
https://zeusisgod.org/Al_Jilwah - you can read the rest.if Satan is the realm we inhabit. Is it that he is not the creator of the realm he is from
When the God's created us , some did not wanted for us to be created and opposed Satan's Wish but He and our God's remained and fought[still do] for us to be created and evolved onto God's and becoming as Them, Immortal, when the One's who did not wanted us opposed they have allied with other Alien race's [Reptilians/Greys] , the Grey have had their own God but this has one has left them and they been invaded by the reptilians and are now under their full control , our God's become outnumbered by the enemy therefore leading to the creation of the one's which are not of Satan , the illegal alien within on our own very planet, the one who look like humans, you know who.these beings have some kind of origin in Father, but have turned against him?
The humans came in longer then the history can tell for exactify but they were first , before the Jews.So is it then that corrupt souls created all of this over time? And if so, why were they not stopped from doing this? From what I have read, the jewish soul is not of father.. so where does it come from? I have learned that a lot of things (manifestations, energies, etc) sometimes can have a "delay" in the universe before they take effect.. is it that the gods were too far away to stop this all from happening then? Because as far as I know the jews appeared around 3000 years ago, and that is a short while for the gods in their world?
Those things will make more sense in time, for now one can understand only what he can understand at his current level, the more you meditate the more meaning and understanding you will have on such things , even HPHC said :I seem to keep going back to the "duality" concept and perhaps my misunderstanding of it, in order to explain these things. I have been thinking about them for a long time and have not been able to devise an answer that I am happy with..
For as long as you're dedicated , you're under the protection of the God's and nothing is more stronger then Them , therefore , you sholdn't worry or think that there's something else with 'bigger powers' that control you, those are just psychic and astral messages/feelings send from the enemy towards your mind , just tricks and illusions to keep you away of the path.No matter what I have done thus far, I seem to always end up finding negative forces pressing in on me. Almost as if they have more power than I want to believe in this world, and then I think of the yin & the yang and also the age old idea of good vs evil.. I don't claim to understand the yin&yang, though I know it has to do with positive and negative, or probably what could accurately be described as opposing forces. If these are just the forces of the universe or realm we inhabit, and the source of all things is good/positive, then how is negative given so much power?
Angels don't care about Gentiles, they who tried to contact them didn't received any help, they are our enemy so they can't be guidance. And the Demons/Gods it's incorrect to be called "Spirits", the spirit is just a part of a being.How do I know if my Spirit guides are angels or demons? Do angels use flashes of light to get our attention? Do angels lie, confuse, torture, mislead, etc... their victims? Are humans both light and dark? Do people who follow angels get destroyed in the end?
It depends of what you're feeling when you are with them, is it something negative or something positive ? Also , just say to them 'Satan' or 'Beelzebul' and observe how they change in the mood and energy.How do I know if my Spirit guides are angels or demons? Do angels use flashes of light to get our attention? Do angels lie, confuse, torture, mislead, etc... their victims? Are humans both light and dark? Do people who follow angels get destroyed in the end?
You can either sit with your hands in the pocket, do nothing, live miserably or fight back. The choice is yours.Well I got tortured by them for 13 years, until one day I had enough of it and told them to stop and leave me alone, and they backed off but are still there watching and following me wherever I go. Whatever it is it is powerful and ruining my life. It has got me isolated too and is trying to make me homeless now for seeking the truth.
I cannot understand you, first you say you don't know what they are and what they can do(Angels), then you say they've been doing horrible things for 10+ years. Explain yourself better.Well I got tortured by them for 13 years, until one day I had enough of it and told them to stop and leave me alone, and they backed off but are still there watching and following me wherever I go. Whatever it is it is powerful and ruining my life. It has got me isolated too and is trying to make me homeless now for seeking the truth.
I know this might look like a ' He doesn't care' but I do. Look, the answer is to simply break free, simple as that. I get that can be hard but what other options do you have beside suffering and breaking free of it?I just want to break free and wake up from the illusions, delusions, etc... I have been trying for years and its soo hard to live a normal life or a life with meaning. I struggle with myself and life every day almost.
Then try more.I have been trying for years
Think about the goods things of yourself , how much you have endured and your strength , don't be too harsh with yourself as this will lead to more bad things.I struggle with myself and life every day almost.
angels are not literal beings, they are mental forms and they are NOT more powerful then a Demon. This blockage you've got I think it's just a illusion made by your own mind. For as long as you're dedicated, nobody would be able to touch you. Also, for more mental control I recommend you to do the void and flame meditation daily. Release yourself from any limitations and blockages. You can do anything you want. Think it as such.So I think what I'm dealing with is an angel as it won't let me raise my kundalini all the way. The demons are trying to help me raise it but the angel above my head won't let them. I can't meditate as their is a bunch of noise from the angel in my head. Am I screwed?
Yes. Read Here: https://zeusisgod.org/Cardinal_PointsHello! I have questions:
1) When I do a Venus Square (material, to improve my appearance, skin and hair) does it matter which side of the world I am looking at? I've heard that, for example, to get rid of something it's better to look to the west, and to get something to the east. Does this make sense in the case of planetary squares?
All right, use the solar number as the 10.2) When using runes (for example, 9x algiz and 9x uruz) to cleanse my soul, how many times should be affirmations after that? A number multiple of 9? 9, 18, 27?
Yes, it is possible to do that. But repeat the statement 21 times. I remember Hps Maxine saying that to program the subconscious mind. This number seems to be related in some way to “closure” and “attainment.”3) At night I say 10 times an affirmation such as, “I am always safe and sound.” Does it make sense to use AUM before (or after) these affirmations?
It was not deleted, it had just not been approved by the moderation team until now, which is why it appeared to be "gone". There is no issue, and the thread can now be found here: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/overcoming-esoteric-fear.298822/I posted a threat and it got delete pretty quickly. No message, notification or anything explaining what the problem was. Can someone tell me what was the issue?
You can use these tools to manipulate people or the masses.
This will take a long time. It takes years of work. Just start working, and you will feel improvements every step of the way.Hi everyone.
After going through the Jos texts and posts, I made decision to start on my journey to spiritual satanism . I read the story of Kundalini raising of which I was very interested in. I started practicing Kundalini yoga some two weeks ago. But I don't have much knowledge on it. I would like to ask for further clarification on how 'can I know that my Kundalini is rising,and what can I do in order to make it rise completely?'
Its high chance that enemy entities are attacking you. Start building a strong aura of protection step by step. Attacks will disappear in short time.Hello, I am starting the 40 day meditation program again and like the first time, in the first week I have nightmares, and very deep and realistic ones. Is this normal and why does this happen? Thank you
Returning to the path and seeking advice.
I was a follower and occultist for 3 years. I stopped in 2021 due to an experience that sort of spooked me due to ongoings in my personal life. However, I've felt empty since leaving the spiritual path and am seeking a way to return.
After 3 years of meditation and experiments with vision guided rituals, I had reached the point of being able to enter trance and hearing the spirit audibly. I had succeeded in manifesting paimon after a year of effort, trumpets, hooves, and all.
The two things that had spooked me were:
1. I had a dream where I was in a greek looking area, a mailman drove up to me and put me in the back of a sort of ambulance. There, the mailman and 3 others cut open my stomach and pulled out a ball of what looked like golden yarn and said "this is what happens when you eat people". I felt every last bit of it. I was then transported to my house in, but everything was greyish. A familiar face, pretty much a dude dressed in a suit, said "we didn't do this to you, but we can teach you how to protect yourself". Then a blond haired girl, who I often see attending my guides in dreams, walked up and directed me to the mirror, my face morphed into a sort of draconic looking thing and then I woke up. Everything started manifesting more vividly after this, like my senses had been forced open.
2. I was in a very dark place due to my gf of the time having cheated on me multiple times and being sexually assaulted by one of the men she cheated on me with. So I cursed him with ashtoreth, my intention was to invoke the darkest aspect of the goddess as I could. I created a focus, with bone, and also blood from my now ex, and asked that she interfere in any attempt by the other man and that she protect my gf. But the manifestation was dark. My gf, not knowing about the focus, started complaining about scratches on the floors and walls, growling from her empty dog kennel, and would send me videos of her shit shaking and falling off shelves and walls. For her sake I went on a struggle of banishing everything and left the path. Swore to never curse or use I'll intent again.
Prior to the manifestations I used geography to mark 5 points in my city and drew sigils at each point. On the map it made a Pentagram. I made offerings at each point, a sort of self invented ritual. Which is when stuff started ramping up.
It's been years now and I'd like to reopen my senses. The advice I'm seeking is where I went wrong, how to avoid my mistakes, and how to reopen my senses and connection. I sort of feel like spirit has abandoned me now. I haven't had a vision since the banishing, I can still sense spirits but not to the extent I used to. And I want to take up those spirits' offer of teaching me how to protect myself. Also if anyone could help me identify the spirits I was interacting with, I'd be grateful.
Spirit 1: a wolf that was mangled, black fur, that would guide me through certain visions. Usually to a house where humanoid spirits would be. Id also seen this wolf jump out in front my friend and I, whilst driving through a wooded area. He saw it too.
Spirit 2: the Spirit the wolf guided me to. A tall African man with pale blue eyes and very long finger nails. He'd usually point me to a room where I'd see what I was supposed to see before waking up.
Spirit 3: short blond girl who never made eye contact, she seemed like a servant. She was present and serving both the tall black figure and the next figure.
Spirit 4: a handsome but normal looking white dude in a suit. I've only seen him once. But he was the one that pulled be out of the dream where I was being cut open and said "they" could teach me to protect myself.
The numbers I've been seeing and using as synchronistic guides for 6 years are :222, 333, 555.
Any help, guidance or advice is very appreciated, I'm at a dead end.
You can directly ask gods for guidance. I hope you are dedicatedReturning to the path and seeking advice.
I was a follower and occultist for 3 years. I stopped in 2021 due to an experience that sort of spooked me due to ongoings in my personal life. However, I've felt empty since leaving the spiritual path and am seeking a way to return.
After 3 years of meditation and experiments with vision guided rituals, I had reached the point of being able to enter trance and hearing the spirit audibly. I had succeeded in manifesting paimon after a year of effort, trumpets, hooves, and all.
The two things that had spooked me were:
1. I had a dream where I was in a greek looking area, a mailman drove up to me and put me in the back of a sort of ambulance. There, the mailman and 3 others cut open my stomach and pulled out a ball of what looked like golden yarn and said "this is what happens when you eat people". I felt every last bit of it. I was then transported to my house in, but everything was greyish. A familiar face, pretty much a dude dressed in a suit, said "we didn't do this to you, but we can teach you how to protect yourself". Then a blond haired girl, who I often see attending my guides in dreams, walked up and directed me to the mirror, my face morphed into a sort of draconic looking thing and then I woke up. Everything started manifesting more vividly after this, like my senses had been forced open.
2. I was in a very dark place due to my gf of the time having cheated on me multiple times and being sexually assaulted by one of the men she cheated on me with. So I cursed him with ashtoreth, my intention was to invoke the darkest aspect of the goddess as I could. I created a focus, with bone, and also blood from my now ex, and asked that she interfere in any attempt by the other man and that she protect my gf. But the manifestation was dark. My gf, not knowing about the focus, started complaining about scratches on the floors and walls, growling from her empty dog kennel, and would send me videos of her shit shaking and falling off shelves and walls. For her sake I went on a struggle of banishing everything and left the path. Swore to never curse or use I'll intent again.
Prior to the manifestations I used geography to mark 5 points in my city and drew sigils at each point. On the map it made a Pentagram. I made offerings at each point, a sort of self invented ritual. Which is when stuff started ramping up.
It's been years now and I'd like to reopen my senses. The advice I'm seeking is where I went wrong, how to avoid my mistakes, and how to reopen my senses and connection. I sort of feel like spirit has abandoned me now. I haven't had a vision since the banishing, I can still sense spirits but not to the extent I used to. And I want to take up those spirits' offer of teaching me how to protect myself. Also if anyone could help me identify the spirits I was interacting with, I'd be grateful.
Spirit 1: a wolf that was mangled, black fur, that would guide me through certain visions. Usually to a house where humanoid spirits would be. Id also seen this wolf jump out in front my friend and I, whilst driving through a wooded area. He saw it too.
Spirit 2: the Spirit the wolf guided me to. A tall African man with pale blue eyes and very long finger nails. He'd usually point me to a room where I'd see what I was supposed to see before waking up.
Spirit 3: short blond girl who never made eye contact, she seemed like a servant. She was present and serving both the tall black figure and the next figure.
Spirit 4: a handsome but normal looking white dude in a suit. I've only seen him once. But he was the one that pulled be out of the dream where I was being cut open and said "they" could teach me to protect myself.
The numbers I've been seeing and using as synchronistic guides for 6 years are :222, 333, 555.
Any help, guidance or advice is very appreciated, I'm at a dead end.
Dont try any kind of magic written outside of josJust dont try any kind of magic outside ofanswer Clean your aura daily . do aura of protection. Read sermons. Open chakras. And read jos and forum. You will find answers here
I have been in need of worshipping the Gods for over two years now. Although I do this, I do not know the actual days that recommended for The God to be worshipped. I have thought it wise to ask for assistance. Which days can I worship the Gods , the days that are appreciated?
The immediate response is highly appreciated. Thank you .
What was the reason for her leaving the relationship?Questions regarding restoring lost brokenrelationship, I have a relationship with a girl who has recently do to fucked up circumstances left me and I allowed her leave the city we was together in back to the other side of the state not knowing she was trying to break up with me and all terribly sad nightmare circumstances damn near I'm madly in love with her I failed us miserably and unbearably I've been dedicated since I was 17 I'm 31 the girl whom I've gotten to do the dedication ritual she dedicated but besides that regarding love spell relationship recovery restoration and retrieveing , does the love spell sex magic work come easier when the person attracting the other person have already had mad sexual relations and knows the others life force combined before familiar I have ascended our life force energy climax countless times directing our energy to the powers of hells army sending our energy directly towards visualization of fathers two sigils giveing our life force chi energy powerfully put of to father so I know our souls are still attached in many way does this make it easier to simply attract program her aura spirit aspects and being by simply affirmation that the person is uncontrollably and irresistibly in love and drawn attracted to me that she shall want to be together back with me and we shall restore our relationship and intimate love together once again ... Any thoughts input at all? Regarding love spell please anything anyone incite regarding the matter please help thank you for your time, I could move on but I'm a sucker for love my greatest vulnerability it kills me cause I allow love so much her I do and all to say the least please any help concerning regards??,,, much love my fellow ss brothers sisters forever hail hells army hail the shining ones destruction and death to our enemies curse theirs souls relentlessly !!!!! Bless all u n bless yours always in all ways good spirits always thank you
Must a person's will be respected even if the will is harmful to theirself and/or others? E.g. life-long drug abuse.What was the reason for her leaving the relationship?
I ask this because her will has to be respected.
In this regard, yes. From society's perspective, some limitations can be put in place. That is why we have social, medical, and judicial systems to take care of these kinds of issues.Must a person's will be respected even if the will is harmful to theirself and/or others? E.g. life-long drug abuse.
At which point, if any, may a person's will not be respected?
Have you read the new information on this subject?Hi, I have a question that came to mind with these new changes. Isn't our main god supposed to be Satan? Because reading the forum, Zeus is Beelzebub, who, as far as I understand, is Satan's brother, Enki (Enlil).
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan