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Please, can you explain to me why 666 is the perfection?


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2022
666 obviously is a result and not a basis of reality, but why of all the numbers in existence is 666 the perfection?

I am writing a pdf about it of some calculations, which I will publish as soon as it is finished.

Briefly, if I take the mirrored numbers:

The sum is 360.

Besides giving the basic numbers for the pentagon and golden polygons, 37, 73, and 36 are unique from all other numbers.

The summatory of 36 is 666, and this is the only case where 6+6+6=18 multiplied by 37 returns to 666. Even among planetary squares, 36 is the only triangular number unlike 9 16 25 49 64 81.

Then about 37 and 73, 37 is the 12th prime number and 73 is the 21st. It is the only pair of prime numbers. The result by multiplying them is 2701.

2701 is the only semi prime number, and it is the 74th traingular number. It can be divided into 4 traingles: 666 666 666 703.
703 is the 37th triangular number, 666 is the 36th. 666=37×18 703=37×19.

It is as if these numbers are the exception in the mirrored number system, and therefore related to a kind of perfection.

Other things worth noting are that the color Demonic blue would have a frequency of 666 hz, and that the solar chakra is strange. The solar chakra is the only downward-facing male chakra, it is the only golden one, and its square is 666.

And if this is the frequency of blue, it could be something yin and yang style between the 3rd and 6th chakras.

by strange I mean different.


If we multiply by 37 we get:

666 666
666 666 666
666 666 666 666

Just looking good ;)

These are some of my points, what do you think about 666?

If we multiply by 37 we get:

666 666
666 666 666
666 666 666 666
666 666
666 666 666
666 666 666 666

Which is 21 numbers. 21 is 3×7 or 7×3 (37, 74). (7+7+7)×37=777

you can do this piramid thing with also other numbers, but you don't get the precison of 21 related to 3 and 7.

If you do 55-55 twice, in total you get 22 numbers.

the enemy used this 37, 73, 2701 thing as a begining point in the first verse of genesis. "at the begining "god" (their mission) was created by AT (22 hebrew letters)".

in this way they would have 2 letters of value 0 (beggining and end) and 20 perfect letters of 666 value.

Even their tribes names are calculable with 37.

This number has power obviously.
They just exploited it like everything else.
Briefly, if I take the mirrored numbers:

The sum is 360.
The sum of what?
Then about 37 and 73, 37 is the 12th prime number and 73 is the 21st. It is the only pair of prime numbers.
That's quite interesting
2701 is the only semi prime number, and it is the 74th traingular number.
Isn't this just a consequence of the fact that it is formed by the only two prime numbers in the list?

If we multiply by 37 we get:

666 666
666 666 666
666 666 666 666

Just looking good ;)

These are some of my points, what do you think about 666?
This is not strange because they are all multiples of 18. And among "mirror numbers" the difference between the largest and smallest always produces a number divisible by 9. Not surprisingly, if you have 12 and want to get 21, you have to add 9. If you have 13 and want 31, you have to add 18. If you have 14 and want to get 41, you have to add 27. Etc...

In any case, I wonder if this time would not be better spent studying math properly, depending on your level. Think about it.
666 obviously is a result and not a basis of reality, but why of all the numbers in existence is 666 the perfection?
But it is.

Carbon-12 (12C) is the most abundant of the two stable isotopes of carbon (carbon-13 being the other), amounting to 98.93% of element carbon on Earth;[1] its abundance is due to the triple-alpha process by which it is created in stars. Carbon-12 is of particular importance in its use as the standard from which atomic masses of all nuclides are measured, thus, its atomic mass is exactly 12 daltons by definition. Carbon-12 is composed of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.

But it is.

Carbon-12 (12C) is the most abundant of the two stable isotopes of carbon (carbon-13 being the other), amounting to 98.93% of element carbon on Earth;[1] its abundance is due to the triple-alpha process by which it is created in stars. Carbon-12 is of particular importance in its use as the standard from which atomic masses of all nuclides are measured, thus, its atomic mass is exactly 12 daltons by definition. Carbon-12 is composed of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.
Yes, but this is 6+6+6=18, and not 666, you still to multiple by 37. Then an atom is a product, and not a basis, just think about that the atom is made by other things.

Here I am looking for a mathematical truth behind 666, like sacred geometry, numerology, soul ecc...

For now I saw that there is a system that generate the numbers behind the pentagram, the golden poligons and other shapes, and the whole (360°). And 37, 73, 36 are exeptional in this system, and very unique in also other ways.

Sorry but telling me about Carbon, is not enough, I want to understand why 666 in deeper ways.

About Carbon, it's the element behind the diamond, and you can get diamonds by using an high pressure. High pressure = high temperature.
Maybe with the speed of light we can reach the golden state and the diamond body (purification with fire)?

Thanks for pointing this out, but still I want to know the deeper reasons behind 666.
Yeah, I've said a few times about 666 being 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons (in regards to christians hating/fearing the number). This is also in biology, without which we cannot exist. I suspect the 3 6s also refer to the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, as well. That also means the trident, which is of Poseidon, who is Satan; Satan gives us knowledge and christians dislike/fear 666 because their "god" tells them not to have knowledge of things... (Is there an emoticon which is a sarcastic lol along with puking at the same time out of disgust for stupidity of christians worshipping ignorance?!) Plus 666 is 6 times the number of the Sun of 111; 6 is the Power Number of hard work and labour; we have to work hard to make things happen, which includes learning, having knowledge, understanding...

Some Truth Regarding 666
According to biblical teachings, God created the Universe and Biological Life. According to Science, we know about chemicals and tiny bits and pieces of things, and things that makes-up life.

We have Carbon, and specifically for the point I am making, Carbon-12. Carbon-12 is essential for Biological Life to exist. Some christians argue that Science is what God has given us, as in revealing things, secrets, understandings to us, so that we can learn. So if we put these two things together, we understand that -

  • God created the Universe,
  • God chose that Biological Life should exist,
  • God decided that Carbon should be abundant,
  • God wanted Carbon-12, specifically and inextricably, to be for Biological Life, and
  • God filled Carbon-12 with 666 - 6 neutrons, 6 electrons, 6 protons, without which, Biological Life cannot exist (as we know it);
then God proceeded to tell us that we are dirty and sinful and must die, and tell us that 666 is evil. God creates Universe, then calls Universe, Nature, Biological Life, YOU dirty, evil, wrong, on death row...

All of the arguments for christianity (and islam...), all of the preaches, all of the prayers, all of the "faith"... they are all irrelevant. Have faith, and have faith hard, that 666 is not for Biological Life to exist... or have faith, and have faith hard, that God was joking... or delusional... or an idiot... or trolling... or forgot... or made a mistake... or wanted to create something just to hate it and control it... If 666 is Satan's number, and God decided 666 must be in Biological Life, then... what?

I want to add to that - Satan is supposed to be "the Beast". We might notice that one letter away from "beast" is the word "best", and the letter A has significant power in Magickal work, vibrating Words of Power, so if we put these together, Satan is the Beast. "Beast" doesn't always have negative connotations; it can mean something or someone so powerful and strong and insurmountable and unconquerable and indomitable... (I think also the word "Devil" is from "divine" and "devi" in Sanskrit.) The triangle is also the strongest shape, and there are 3 6s in 666; 3 is the Power Number of creation and destruction (i.e. creating our biology...)...
These regard states of consciousness/soul and are hidden codes. It is supposed to not be understood and hidden.
There might be new information that I am not aware of, so if any of the information below is incorrect, then please correct me! I am considering these things, myself; I am not claiming any or all of what I say here is correct.
Yes, but this is 6+6+6=18, and not 666, you still to multiple by 37. Then an atom is a product, and not a basis, just think about that the atom is made by other things.

Here I am looking for a mathematical truth behind 666, like sacred geometry, numerology, soul ecc...

For now I saw that there is a system that generate the numbers behind the pentagram, the golden poligons and other shapes, and the whole (360°). And 37, 73, 36 are exeptional in this system, and very unique in also other ways.

Sorry but telling me about Carbon, is not enough, I want to understand why 666 in deeper ways.

About Carbon, it's the element behind the diamond, and you can get diamonds by using an high pressure. High pressure = high temperature.
Maybe with the speed of light we can reach the golden state and the diamond body (purification with fire)?

Thanks for pointing this out, but still I want to know the deeper reasons behind 666.
I can't answer your question, but I can remember HPS Maxine posting on the Joy of Satan website that 6*6*6=216 and in Astrological terms there are about 2160 years between each Astrological Age. Notice also


9 is also a Power Number and I call it a Power Power Number (if you'll go along with that!), which is the number of forceful change/endings. This might, or might, not make any difference -

0.16666666666666666666666666666667*2160=360 all adding-up to 9 again (3+6=9).

In an anti-christian manner, either literally true or creatively, like in poetry or symbolic - "god" created the Universe merely by saying something. That was so easy; the number 6 is hard work and labour - it takes an extremely long amount of time to create a Planet from scratch, in real-life... nevermind about the entire Universe! Hard work (6) to create or destroy (3) things, i.e. hard work to make things happen, to cause things, i.e. 3 6s, and 9 being forceful change/endings. "god" took 6 days (except days weren't established yet) of saying things (hard work and labour) to "create" existence, and because christians are so clever they supposedly had to be like monkeys seeing "god" resting, because they didn't know themselves that they had to rest on the 7th day, 7 being the number of the main Chakras.

I think you might be considering these similarly to me. I try to imagine the numbers and geometry like physical structures. Like some numbers are the base of a building, the foundations, and upon this are geometry - other numbers which create/look like a structure. Not literally, but more in terms of artistic expression or a creative idea of these things, similarly to what young Children might learn in maths in school with the times tables and the shapes that can be made within the chart when joining lines between certain numbers to each other, but more elaborate (and perhaps secret/esoteric), like with Saturn spinning on its axis it still produces a non-circle (as one might expect) shape at its north pole, i.e. hexagon.

With the elaborate structures I tried explaining above, they might be able to be translated into literal terms for how life and existence and Nature/the Universe happens, i.e. if I have a foundation of... being a bully in school, I probably would grow-up (with the structure on top) to be an abuser or murderer or narcissistic boss, or whatever, as an adult. It might also be worth noting that when adding-up for Numerology, 9=0; both can be ignored. Perhaps there is a structural or foundational meaning or secret to this, as well, or an artistic expression/creative idea.

0 is not nothing (I can express it, I can mention it, I can write/type it, I can use it... and also nothing itself is something - the state of emptiness or negation); I suspect 0 is the Aether, where everything comes from, so 9 equaling 0 in Numerology has the numbers and meanings/understandings of 3 (making things happen) and 6 (working hard for things to be) in it and 9 forceful change/endings, as well. Don't forget that Tesla, according to some, loved 3, 6 and 9, and he said that if you can work-out the secrets of these numbers, then...! you unlock the secrets of the Universe - and look at what jp morgan did to him... Oh, and in electricity there be electrons, for one thing!... We have electricity within us - bioelectricity...

6-6-6 = -6. There is up and down, yes and no, on and off, positive and negative, etc. Binary, duality, 2 Universes (Physical and Spiritual/Energetic, not meaning 'multiverses'). Even in computer technology, there is actual negative-voltage, believe it or don't. In Futurama, Fry asks something like, "So there are an infinite number of universes?", and the professor replies, "No. Only the two." (Yet in another episode, he creates many universes, but in some or all of those he creates, each Professor in each universe creates all of the other universes... What we are, good or bad, increases!). What does the jew know?! The 0 is infinite (the Aether, where we can bring-up Energy from, which scientists say cannot be created nor destroyed; Conservation of Energy...); the numbers from this 0 are infinite, but one could say there is 0 before there is anything made/conceived/decided/etc.; so there might be infinite numbers (and infinite decimals between each number) but they have to be counted; 0 is always infinite already, always there including when we are not considering it, before, during, after; like when a house is built, there are 0 occupants until they step-in and live there; there are 0 people in the house when they're at school/work, 0 people in the kitchen when... for example. 0 is always in existence and abundant. 0 is the balance between 6 and -6, the anchour, and all of the duality/existence.

Oh... The jew wants to build 3 temples (or "the third temple")... There are 3 6s, there are 3 knots blocking Kundalini ascension, 3-3=0. 3+3=6, 3*3=9, 3/3=1 (I think in the 'structure' of things, 0 is the 'bottom' for Physical things, the Energetic foundation; 1 'sits on' 0 (literally or symbolically/creatively) for Physical existence, upon which every physical thing exists; negative numbers represent the Energetic/Spiritual... 0 is the balance, the fixed and unmoveable point, for Physical and Spiritual. One might say that 6 is a balance, half-way, between 3 and 9, because we have to do hard work to make things happen and the more we do the more things build-up and become unshakeable/remain steadfast, forcefully; and 3 6s, 3 3s, 3 9s are a structure upon this foundation.

I may be speaking a load of nonsense and letting my imagination run away with me here, but these things are what I've noticed and have come-up with when considering them further. If any or all of it is nonsense, then forgive me and correct me!
These regard states of consciousness/soul and are hidden codes. It is supposed to not be understood and hidden.

Pretty much this ☝️

But expanding upon it, it is supposed to not be understood below a certain level of development after which it all becomes evident and there's no need to explain anything such as all obvious phenomena.

Also a curiosity is that the result of 666 multiplied by any number is numerologically always reduced to 9 by adding its individual constituent figures. No other number has this property and it reflects the relation it has to this universe and how it's built.

It has a facet that ties it to frequency not just in the sense of oscillation but also as repetition which brings it back to the previous premise.

So 666 = 18 = 9 = 216 ... and so much more that words can not fully explain. Graphic representations of the mathematical reality of this (and any other) number can be of great value if you wish to explore this further.

I suggest meditating on it and asking your guardian for knowledge on this subject.

All the best

There might be new information that I am not aware of, so if any of the information below is incorrect, then please correct me! I am considering these things, myself; I am not claiming any or all of what I say here is correct.

I can't answer your question, but I can remember HPS Maxine posting on the Joy of Satan website that 6*6*6=216 and in Astrological terms there are about 2160 years between each Astrological Age. Notice also


9 is also a Power Number and I call it a Power Power Number (if you'll go along with that!), which is the number of forceful change/endings. This might, or might, not make any difference -

0.16666666666666666666666666666667*2160=360 all adding-up to 9 again (3+6=9).

In an anti-christian manner, either literally true or creatively, like in poetry or symbolic - "god" created the Universe merely by saying something. That was so easy; the number 6 is hard work and labour - it takes an extremely long amount of time to create a Planet from scratch, in real-life... nevermind about the entire Universe! Hard work (6) to create or destroy (3) things, i.e. hard work to make things happen, to cause things, i.e. 3 6s, and 9 being forceful change/endings. "god" took 6 days (except days weren't established yet) of saying things (hard work and labour) to "create" existence, and because christians are so clever they supposedly had to be like monkeys seeing "god" resting, because they didn't know themselves that they had to rest on the 7th day, 7 being the number of the main Chakras.

I think you might be considering these similarly to me. I try to imagine the numbers and geometry like physical structures. Like some numbers are the base of a building, the foundations, and upon this are geometry - other numbers which create/look like a structure. Not literally, but more in terms of artistic expression or a creative idea of these things, similarly to what young Children might learn in maths in school with the times tables and the shapes that can be made within the chart when joining lines between certain numbers to each other, but more elaborate (and perhaps secret/esoteric), like with Saturn spinning on its axis it still produces a non-circle (as one might expect) shape at its north pole, i.e. hexagon.

With the elaborate structures I tried explaining above, they might be able to be translated into literal terms for how life and existence and Nature/the Universe happens, i.e. if I have a foundation of... being a bully in school, I probably would grow-up (with the structure on top) to be an abuser or murderer or narcissistic boss, or whatever, as an adult. It might also be worth noting that when adding-up for Numerology, 9=0; both can be ignored. Perhaps there is a structural or foundational meaning or secret to this, as well, or an artistic expression/creative idea.

0 is not nothing (I can express it, I can mention it, I can write/type it, I can use it... and also nothing itself is something - the state of emptiness or negation); I suspect 0 is the Aether, where everything comes from, so 9 equaling 0 in Numerology has the numbers and meanings/understandings of 3 (making things happen) and 6 (working hard for things to be) in it and 9 forceful change/endings, as well. Don't forget that Tesla, according to some, loved 3, 6 and 9, and he said that if you can work-out the secrets of these numbers, then...! you unlock the secrets of the Universe - and look at what jp morgan did to him... Oh, and in electricity there be electrons, for one thing!... We have electricity within us - bioelectricity...

6-6-6 = -6. There is up and down, yes and no, on and off, positive and negative, etc. Binary, duality, 2 Universes (Physical and Spiritual/Energetic, not meaning 'multiverses'). Even in computer technology, there is actual negative-voltage, believe it or don't. In Futurama, Fry asks something like, "So there are an infinite number of universes?", and the professor replies, "No. Only the two." (Yet in another episode, he creates many universes, but in some or all of those he creates, each Professor in each universe creates all of the other universes... What we are, good or bad, increases!). What does the jew know?! The 0 is infinite (the Aether, where we can bring-up Energy from, which scientists say cannot be created nor destroyed; Conservation of Energy...); the numbers from this 0 are infinite, but one could say there is 0 before there is anything made/conceived/decided/etc.; so there might be infinite numbers (and infinite decimals between each number) but they have to be counted; 0 is always infinite already, always there including when we are not considering it, before, during, after; like when a house is built, there are 0 occupants until they step-in and live there; there are 0 people in the house when they're at school/work, 0 people in the kitchen when... for example. 0 is always in existence and abundant. 0 is the balance between 6 and -6, the anchour, and all of the duality/existence.

Oh... The jew wants to build 3 temples (or "the third temple")... There are 3 6s, there are 3 knots blocking Kundalini ascension, 3-3=0. 3+3=6, 3*3=9, 3/3=1 (I think in the 'structure' of things, 0 is the 'bottom' for Physical things, the Energetic foundation; 1 'sits on' 0 (literally or symbolically/creatively) for Physical existence, upon which every physical thing exists; negative numbers represent the Energetic/Spiritual... 0 is the balance, the fixed and unmoveable point, for Physical and Spiritual. One might say that 6 is a balance, half-way, between 3 and 9, because we have to do hard work to make things happen and the more we do the more things build-up and become unshakeable/remain steadfast, forcefully; and 3 6s, 3 3s, 3 9s are a structure upon this foundation.

I may be speaking a load of nonsense and letting my imagination run away with me here, but these things are what I've noticed and have come-up with when considering them further. If any or all of it is nonsense, then forgive me and correct me!
What do you think about dodecahedron?
Apparently the triple digits numbers are behind RGB.

Red =444 hz
Green=555 hz
Blue= 666 hz

But this is questionable and probably isn't 100% precise.

It would be like:
12×37 1+2=3
15×37 1+5=6
18×37 1+8=9

12+15+18=45 just like Saturn Square.
666 obviously is a result and not a basis of reality, but why of all the numbers in existence is 666 the perfection?

I am writing a pdf about it of some calculations, which I will publish as soon as it is finished.

Briefly, if I take the mirrored numbers:

The sum is 360.

Besides giving the basic numbers for the pentagon and golden polygons, 37, 73, and 36 are unique from all other numbers.

The summatory of 36 is 666, and this is the only case where 6+6+6=18 multiplied by 37 returns to 666. Even among planetary squares, 36 is the only triangular number unlike 9 16 25 49 64 81.

Then about 37 and 73, 37 is the 12th prime number and 73 is the 21st. It is the only pair of prime numbers. The result by multiplying them is 2701.

2701 is the only semi prime number, and it is the 74th traingular number. It can be divided into 4 traingles: 666 666 666 703.
703 is the 37th triangular number, 666 is the 36th. 666=37×18 703=37×19.

It is as if these numbers are the exception in the mirrored number system, and therefore related to a kind of perfection.

Other things worth noting are that the color Demonic blue would have a frequency of 666 hz, and that the solar chakra is strange. The solar chakra is the only downward-facing male chakra, it is the only golden one, and its square is 666.

And if this is the frequency of blue, it could be something yin and yang style between the 3rd and 6th chakras.

by strange I mean different.


If we multiply by 37 we get:

666 666
666 666 666
666 666 666 666

Just looking good ;)

These are some of my points, what do you think about 666?
Hello, I don't know anything about numerology. All I know is the use of certain numbers in affirmations and repetitions. But is numerology only about simple mathematical calculations? Or is it a science about the structure of energy, the structure of the universe, in short, the origin of everything that exists? In this case, do we need to be knowledgeable about geometric structures, the way energy exists and works, the relationship of vibration with objects and energy, etc. in order to be knowledgeable about numerology?

That's how I think about it. I feel that in order to really know numerology, we need to have a serious spiritual development and have both physical and occult knowledge about ourselves, the universe and everything that exists. If everything exists following universal laws, we can compare many things and evaluate the common and different points. I feel like we can understand how numbers are the basis of existence. Am I wrong about that?
All multiples of 9 are formed by digits whose sum equals 9. This is one of the first things you learn in arithmetic; it is the method used to figure out whether a number is divisible by 9.

9 when added to any number while adding one digit to the tens takes one digit away from the units. Thus necessarily, 9 added to 9 produces a number whose sum of digits is still 9.

9 + 9 = 9 * 2;
9 + 9 + 9 = 9 * 3;
and so on


This is not peculiar to 666, in fact this happens with any number that has 3 among its prime factors, if it is repeated at least three times:

- 6*6*6 = 3*2*3*2*3*2 = 9*24; 9*24 inevitably produces a number whose sum of digits is 9, see above.

- 6+6+6 = 6*3 = 3*2*3 = 9*2; 9*2 inevitably produces a number whose sum of digits is 9, see above.
0.16666666666666666666666666666667*2160=360 all adding-up to 9 again (3+6=9).
(6/6/6)*216 = 1/6*6*6*6 = 6*6 = 36. I do not understand what is strange and peculiar about this.

As for the sum of the digits, the same argument as before applies: 6*6 = 3*2*3*2 = 9*4.

Basically you are talking about the properties of 9 attributing them to 666, I don't know if you realize that.

Also a curiosity is that the result of 666 multiplied by any number is numerologically always reduced to 9 by adding its individual constituent figures. No other number has this property and it reflects the relation it has to this universe and how it's built.
Totally false, this is a propiety of all multiples of 9, 666 being one of them.
What do you think about dodecahedron?
I suppose I haven't considered it enough. I am thinking something along the lines of molecule sctructures. I am very far away from being anywhere remotely informed-enough to say things correctly about molecule structures... but as I (probably mis)understand it, A + B + C in a molecule structure can be poisonous for us, but then add another A or B or C or add a D and it becomes OK. Like common table salt (there are more than the type of salt that we eat). Sodium is poisonous to us; chlorine is poisonous to us, but put the two together and bam, we have an essential ingredient for food as a preservative, flavouring and for our health. Similar to the dodecahedron, the more-basic or very basic structures in the Physical Universe are fundamental, of course, and such a basis upon which other things work.

Similar to the 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, 4-D (if not meaning time) the tesseract - it is still 3-D but just a few 3-D cubes stuck onto its faces - then again, 3-D is still multiple 2-Ds, and 3-D and 2-D are multiple 1-Ds. One might argue that the extra-3-D-ness of the tesseract might be like the opening of the Third Eye and Clairvoyance/Clairaudience points that we can't see until we open them. Part of this literal or figurative structure system, dimension-wise in the sense of the Spiritual Realm dimensions, maybe sort of like... maybe in sci-fi, a huuuge megastructure is floating in geosynchronous orbit near a Planet but we don't see it because it is always there and we don't notice it, but until we decide to go to land on it, then we notice it - with our Third Eye and Clairvoyance/Clairaudience points closed, we don't notice what's right in front of us until we get there - maybe with the dodecahedron is something like these fundamental structures and/or larger structures, figuratively or literally.

In Science, the laws of the very small do not work with the laws of the very large. Maybe scientists need a new perspective. Perhaps the tesseract and the dodecahedron are like interdimensional structures, like bonds or scaffolds between this dimension and that one (like the bonds between the tiny molecules in salt or in steel, etc.)... Similar to how cells multiply, they start of as a cell shape, then it morphs into another and another and gets bigger and bigger, and eventually becomes a living being, an entity. Maybe they're merely shapes.

Apparently the triple digits numbers are behind RGB.

Red =444 hz
Green=555 hz
Blue= 666 hz

But this is questionable and probably isn't 100% precise.

It would be like:
12×37 1+2=3
15×37 1+5=6
18×37 1+8=9

12+15+18=45 just like Saturn Square.
I forgot the correct numbers/frequencies, but between x and y is what we can see visually, i.e. the colours of the rainbow... which, of course, correspond to the main Chakras. Naturally, we can see green colour the best; our eyes are more in-tune with that colour/frequency, which is neutre/Heart Chakra/connector between the upper and lower, sort of like


but the shape of the Heart Chakra being two pyramid bases touching, like a diamond.

My Conversation with an AI Chatbot
The colors of the rainbow correspond to different wavelengths of light, and our eyes are indeed more sensitive to certain wavelengths. Here's a quick overview of the approximate wavelengths for each color of the visible spectrum:
  • Red: ~620–750 nm
  • Orange: ~590–620 nm
  • Yellow: ~570–590 nm
  • Green: ~495–570 nm
  • Blue: ~450–495 nm
  • Indigo: ~425–450 nm
  • Violet: ~380–425 nm
Our eyes are most sensitive to green light, which is around 495–570 nm. This sensitivity is due to the distribution of photoreceptor cells in the retina. The human eye has three types of cones, each sensitive to different ranges of wavelengths: long (L) for red, medium (M) for green, and short (S) for blue. The green-sensitive cones (M) are more numerous and have a higher sensitivity peak, making us more adept at perceiving green light. This heightened sensitivity to green is likely an evolutionary adaptation, as green is a common color in nature and distinguishing it can be crucial for detecting foliage and other environmental features.

I think also the L and S also overlap a bit with the M, so if I am not mistaken, that increases that visual range, as well. I haven't tested this, and other than practicing, I am not certain how one could easily without some relevant technology and a system/experiment, but I would surmise that the different vibrations, the Runes, the Words of Power, vibrating at certain frequencies correspond with the colours' frequencies; and Colour Magick also is used with their respective properties. Similar to Chladni plates, which vibrate at different frequencies and... I don't want to spoil it for you, so I will link you to it (I hope you/anyone haven't seen it yet!) -

Chladni Figures/Plates

(I actually uploaded this video on 13th May '23 (and found it years ago) but I didn't show it yet.)

The jew knows the secret -

In the beginning was the word, and the word was with "god" and the word was "god"
John 1:1

In real-life, vibration is existence - the Universe is a vibrational Aether field...

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth
~Genesis 1:1

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

and the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
~Genesis 1:2

What Earth? "god" formed nothing first? "god" created nothingness first? If Earth wasn't there yet... It wasn't anything yet... It was formless, empty, void... (and "god" was floating around in... nothingness before creating "heaven" and Earth?...) So "god" spoke things (vibrated) and things were formed. This "spirit of god" sounds like the Aether, Energy, which is everywhere ("god" is supposed to be everywhere). (Also, what water? It was nothing and formless and void and empty...)

So... anyway... vibration makes things; there are frequencies; there are colours... there are shapes... Don't forget also the shapes in Nature.




Humans also make art... and then the jew makes "art"...

and we might have seen Jeffrey Dahmer-esque... "art", but I don't want to show any of that. The jew knows some secrets of the Universe and Nature. That's why it has perverted and corrupted so much. Its ability is really rubbish. There are so many examples, e.g. all the sameness of media and "different" politics and "different" "jokes" in comedies, etc. As above, we see the Fibonacci sequence numbers... We see all sorts. Vibrations, including words spoken, create patterns - not just as we have seen, but patterns of existence, behaviour, things permeating through the World and in our lives...

I still can't answer your question directly, though. I just shared what I hope is somewhat relevant and helpful.
Hello, I don't know anything about numerology. All I know is the use of certain numbers in affirmations and repetitions. But is numerology only about simple mathematical calculations? Or is it a science about the structure of energy, the structure of the universe, in short, the origin of everything that exists? In this case, do we need to be knowledgeable about geometric structures, the way energy exists and works, the relationship of vibration with objects and energy, etc. in order to be knowledgeable about numerology?

That's how I think about it. I feel that in order to really know numerology, we need to have a serious spiritual development and have both physical and occult knowledge about ourselves, the universe and everything that exists. If everything exists following universal laws, we can compare many things and evaluate the common and different points. I feel like we can understand how numbers are the basis of existence. Am I wrong about that?
Well, mathematikos means to be inclined to understanding.

While science means knowledge.

To fully comprehend a number spiritual advancement is needed.
Speaking of other things, I will focus more on the number 8 and the octagram. Hexagram is cool and Eptagram is strange and looks like a fat Pentagram, but 8 gives me powerful vibes.

I just found out:

It has numbers in common with Pentagram 72, and Hexagram 120.

I will look more into this number.
Totally false, this is a propiety of all multiples of 9, 666 being one of them.

Thank you for pointing out this blunder.

Bad wording on my part but it is still quite a unique number and it is related to natural laws.

Thank you for pointing out this blunder.

Bad wording on my part but it is still quite a unique number and it is related to natural laws.


Sorry for the arrogance, but I think numerology should be more about how numbers manifest themselves in certain events, both of individual and collective life, that is, the same as what astrology does with planets.

So rather than playing these little games with numbers look at how 666 manifests itself in reality, WWW etc.

And if we want to study math, let's open an algebra book.
Basically you are talking about the properties of 9 attributing them to 666, I don't know if you realize that.
Well, I realise that 6+6+6=18=9, so... Also I've been seeing the number 9 or numbers adding up to it an inordinate amount for ages. It's not new, actually; it used to be my a nice number, maybe not quite my favourite, in primary school, but that's because of in the times tables how the numbers add-up to 9... but now I keep seeing it all the time... including what appear to be coincidences of it, in various, unrelated places/incidents, and some where it seems so coincidental that it's like, "harr-harr, very funny" or sarcastic... I've yet to figure out if there is a meaning or it's merely me noticing it a lot, but that's getting rather off-topic, so...
Well, I realise that 6+6+6=18=9, so... Also I've been seeing the number 9 or numbers adding up to it an inordinate amount for ages. It's not new, actually; it used to be my a nice number, maybe not quite my favourite, in primary school, but that's because of in the times tables how the numbers add-up to 9... but now I keep seeing it all the time... including what appear to be coincidences of it, in various, unrelated places/incidents, and some where it seems so coincidental that it's like, "harr-harr, very funny" or sarcastic... I've yet to figure out if there is a meaning or it's merely me noticing it a lot, but that's getting rather off-topic, so...
I agree, it is hard to know when you happen to see the same number often whether that is not simply because you notice it.
In my life I saw 17 as an unlucky number, because unlucky events were happening on the 17th day of the month, it wasn't so much something I noticed, I guess.
Sometimes I see the same numbers over and over again, when I look at what time it is on my smartphone. But in that case that does not seem related to an event of any kind.
Well, mathematikos means to be inclined to understanding.

While science means knowledge.

To fully comprehend a number spiritual advancement is needed.
The thing about 666 is that it can’t really be explained with just numerology.
Similar to a puzzle whereas numerology only makes up a few pieces. You will never find the meaning with just numbers.

Numerical perfection and spiritual perfection are different things yet are related.

You are on the right track with shapes though for example you might have read Korpi’s post in which he relates that two 3s can actually be 8 when mirrored. The same be seen with 5
If you take a pentagon and mirror it you get an octagon.
As well as 3+5 =8 there is a distinct connection between these numbers.

Although I would say mirroring is important it’s better to understand what numbers are worth examining.

One can also learn a lot about numbers by the similarities between Carbon and Silicon. Silicon is the only other element that supports consciousness( carbon and silicon both have 4 spaces for bonding) we have normal and Super computers (quantum) but what exactly makes them super?
What exactly does 11 9 mean to Jews? The September 11 incident was a ritual, wasn't it?
What exactly does 11 9 mean to Jews? The September 11 incident was a ritual, wasn't it?
I can remember HPS Maxine saying "911" or "9/11" was an attack against language, related to Genesis 11:9 - the Tower of Babel. Some, such as myself, say "11th of September" while obviously North Americans say "September the 11th", and then some say "September 11" (which I have noticed being contaminated over here...), which actually means September 1911, 2011, 2111, etc., i.e. September '11 - one was not born on the 2011th of September, but they might have been born in September '11.

Genesis 11:6-8
The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city.


...and the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.
Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.
So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city


Genesis 11:9
That is why it was called Babel - because there the LORD confused the language of the whole world. From there the LORD scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

therefore, is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.

I believe the word "babbling" or "to babble" comes from this Tower of Babel, as well. Remember also - "Satan" means "enemy, adversary" in hebrew - one language, of the jew, that the bibles were written in originally; whereas in real-life, "Satan" means "Truth Eternal" or as we translate it "Eternal Truth". I wonder if, despite referring to people in general, this "they" (who the bibles say were scattered all over Earth) refers to the jew, so as to make sure they it doesn't get destroyed easily... "god", i.e. the jew, saw that Humans were achieving heights and needed to scupper the plans of Humans everywhere, so scattered about Earth to ruin and rape Earth. There is so much reading between the lines with what the jew has written and said...

It's also good to realise that that biblical "god" is so good that it confounds language (as I say, the jew dissimilates) and throws spanners in the works of Humans to prevent us from achieving heights. "god" is also so good that it never told any christian, "11th of September Twin Towers attack!" (nor "CoVID-19 disease!" where xians reckoned it was the end of the World and "jesus" was "returning", PMSFL, lol). It never gave any warning nor information whatsoever about those attacks nor the 7/7 London attacks nor any other attacks nor disease nor anything. In fact, it might have "happened" only in the bibles, where "god" raped Pharaoh of his free will and forced him to have his heart hardened. In real-life, "god" never informed nor warned anyone about any attacks, including the 11/Sept/2001 attacks which you mentioned, nor diseases nor anything. Stupid "god" and stupid christians.
I agree, it is hard to know when you happen to see the same number often whether that is not simply because you notice it.
In my life I saw 17 as an unlucky number, because unlucky events were happening on the 17th day of the month, it wasn't so much something I noticed, I guess.
Sometimes I see the same numbers over and over again, when I look at what time it is on my smartphone. But in that case that does not seem related to an event of any kind.
It's weird because 17 is a spiritual number. 1 + 7 = 8. It relates to infinity.
I was born on 17th. To me it is special and earlier brought even some luck...
It's weird because 17 is a spiritual number. 1 + 7 = 8. It relates to infinity.
I was born on 17th. To me it is special and earlier brought even some luck...
Note that I wrote in my life.

I did in fact expect to offend someone born on 17th.

But it's also kind of a cliché that the 17th is unlucky, it seems to me, Saturn also suffered the same treatment after all.

The Romans loved Saturn and thought the odd numbers were lucky the even unlucky, and I doubt they would have reduced XVII to 8.
Note that I wrote in my life.

I did in fact expect to offend someone born on 17th.

But it's also kind of a cliché that the 17th is unlucky, it seems to me, Saturn also suffered the same treatment after all.

The Romans loved Saturn and thought the odd numbers were lucky the even unlucky, and I doubt they would have reduced XVII to 8.
Oh you did not offend me! It's ok! Lol
Do Jews use 666 for any other purpose?
As known, it is a Natural number, that being Biology, and the jew decided that people should hate and be afraid of the Natural, Biological number. The jew also is afraid because in its numerology, the letter W is the number 6, and if we get the World Wide Web, we get 666, lol. Poor jew. I seriously wonder why the jew "allowed" the WWW to be named the WWW...

The jew loves the number 6 (I think the jew manipulated time management into being 60 seconds, 60 minutes, and obviously in the bibles 6 days of hard work and labour), and it also loves the number 66 (how many books of the bibles, usually, are there?!), but 666 is mentioned only negatively. Hopefully, others can say other uses the jew has for 666, if any.
From what I can see, the whole structure is the same of our soul.

For example you can find that many basis numbers for other things are related to Saturn. As in our souls, Saturn govern the first chakra which is the root.
2×9=18; 1+8=9
3×9=27; 2+7=9
4×9=36; 3+6=9
Et cetera....
The hexagram ,which like everything the yids stole , is itself representative of 6×6×6...
The ancient Sumerians based their mathematical systems, units of measurement, etc. on units of six.
With Greek and Islamic innovations in geometry, it was discovered the 360 was not only the length of time of the earth’s ideal orbit but also the perfect measurement of a circle. The sexagesimal system thus began to solidify its place in history by becoming essential for mathematics and navigation (the earth being divided into degrees of longitude and latitude). Finally, with the invention of the timepiece in the 14th century, the circular clock face was divided into neat, sexagesimal quadrants...

Sumerian and Babylonian mathematics was based on a sexegesimal, or base 60, numeric system, which could be counted physically using the twelve knuckles on one hand the five fingers on the other hand. Unlike those of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, Babylonian numbers used a true place-value system, where digits written in the left column represented larger values, much as in the modern decimal system, although of course using base 60 not base 10.
It has been conjectured that Babylonian advances in mathematics were probably facilitated by the fact that 60 has many divisors (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30 and 60 – in fact, 60 is the smallest integer divisible by all integers from 1 to 6), and the continued modern-day usage of of 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 360 (60 x 6) degrees in a circle, are all testaments to the ancient Babylonian system.
If we consider 37 as our soul, 13 chakras + 24 paths.

The numbers 666 , 777, 888 are the perfection you obtain with a system.
With our current one 24 runes, or with greek 24 letters, it will be 888 (37×24).

About Heptagram, you can see that there are 42 points and 21 lines, and it seems to be related to the matrix of the seven planets, or the mastery of the seven chakras or maybe it's related to metals. So this will give more light to numbers such as 42 and 777.

I will do more researches on this.
If we consider 37 as our soul, 13 chakras + 24 paths.

The numbers 666 , 777, 888 are the perfection you obtain with a system.
With our current one 24 runes, or with greek 24 letters, it will be 888 (37×24).

About Heptagram, you can see that there are 42 points and 21 lines, and it seems to be related to the matrix of the seven planets, or the mastery of the seven chakras or maybe it's related to metals. So this will give more light to numbers such as 42 and 777.

I will do more researches on this.
Not related neccessary to this thread, but it seems that mirror numbers like 1881, 5665, 3443, ecc... hide some sort of code, like an incomplete Triangular number. The hidden code in 1881 for example is 18+19+20+21...+81. In this case I found out the every result is divisible by 11. Another method may be 1+2+3+4+5...+881.

This can give an interesting key of interpretation in isopsephy.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
