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World Economic Forum, Critical Race Theory, Marxist Theory

AgniSarp 666

Jan 28, 2020
World Economic Forum Blasted for ‘Insane Pro-CRT Propaganda’:

Original Video from WEF:

World Economic Forum Agenda for racial equity:

The World Economic Forum came under fire online, being accused of promoting “divisive” propaganda after it released an explainer pushing critical race theory along with an accompanying essay describing racism as “persistent and prevalent” everywhere.

Against the backdrop of classrooms and racial protests, the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) video published on Tuesday begins by asking what critical race theory (CRT) is and why it’s “so controversial.”

CRT supporters say “it’s a way to understand and tackle racial inequality,” the video explains, while opponents say it “does the opposite.”

This is what you need to know about critical race theory.

Learn more about racial equality: https://t.co/aNh1BmXuyi pic.twitter.com/R0eAn4P7lJ

— World Economic Forum (@wef) February 8, 2022

The nearly two-minute clip defines CRT as a theory “first developed by US legal scholars in the 1980s” that “argues that the laws, rules and, regulations that govern society today have been shaped by the historical subordination of people of colour and that this is a driving force behind racial inequality today.”

The nearly two-minute clip defines CRT as a theory “first developed by US legal scholars in the 1980s” that “argues that the laws, rules and, regulations that govern society today have been shaped by the historical subordination of people of colour and that this is a driving force behind racial inequality today.”

The short-form clip lists only one example of such supposed inequality: the high number of incarcerated black males throughout the country.

“Take the US criminal justice system, for example,” it says. “While everyone is seen as equal under the law, Black Americans are imprisoned at 5 times the rate of white people.”

“CRT says this disparity is a legacy of America’s racist past,” it claims, adding that opponents complain that it “paints all white people as bigots.”

The video asserts that CRT supporters maintain that “a system doesn’t need racists working within it to produce racially imbalanced outcomes” and that the theory serves as “a lens through which to view racial inequality today.”

“Most importantly, it recognizes that racism is not a relic of the past and that by understanding its underlying causes we can start to build a more just society,” it states.

The clip, which has received over 230,000 views on Twitter as of Thursday evening, concludes by asking viewers, “What do you think about CRT?”

However, the post immediately links to an essay for readers to “learn more about racial equality” in which racism is described as “persistent and prevalent in every community, country and continent,” with “systemic and structural barriers hav[ing] long denied access and opportunity for leaders of colour.”

In response to the clip, many big names called out the Switzerland-based globalist organization, accusing it of pushing Marxism and propaganda.

“Insane pro-CRT propaganda video,” wrote author, writer, and researcher Christopher Rufo, who is also a senior fellow and director of the initiative on CRT at the Manhattan Institute.

Insane pro-CRT propaganda video.

— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) February 9, 2022

My Note: read the article completely if you want to meet other reactions to the video and statements of the word economic forum:
I guess judging from all this non-sense especially 80s non-sense. For some strange reason 1980s up to the early 90s. Always attracts people to it. For example Trump, whatever negatives he has, he is an 80s man, same for Reagan, same for many of the technologies currently. It seems society stopped in the 1980s and stayed an 80s society just with technology with 1950s post WW2-laws.

I'm assuming CRT proponents are using the Americana racialism properties to attack us. I'm not surprised America's race issues are indeed fueled by the very jewish hand that incited this whole thing. I'm not surprised if the entire point of jewish domination of America was to explode racialism, deracialize it as a backblow and Kalergi it from about the beginnings of the 1900s. Remember guys back in the 1700s Napoleon dealt a blow to the Jacobin/Frankist group causing them to go underground for a few good decades till SURPRISE Communist League.

This is similar except that instead of being a testing ground in Europe with the cucked Euros. As Hitler put it the hyper-individualism and marxism threats in Vienna and other large cities even Hitler was amused by Drexler coming to the same conclusion in the NS pamphlet. This is a global, internationalist assault of the Frankfort/Hirschfield variety.

The same old story as a matter of fact it begs the question how long History has been repeated. Repeat history till we goy them down for our greytarded/reptarded alien masters, OY vey. Reminds me of the situation in the book Sumerian Swindle. It's a crappy book but it does shed light on the jewish subversion of Sumerian culture. Apparently to paraphrase the book the Sumerians for the most part were mostly Northern Euro-looking people with some South-Euro looking people. After about two or three generations when the jews got involved with Sumeria they eventually made Sumeria into Southern areas. Apparently after a bit of time most of the Northern Euro-looking people were mixed with Southern Euro looking people and most of the Sumerians became darker and more Southern.

It really does by all means emphasize your race and sub-race are your most important part. 1. Race/Sub-Race, 2. Tribe, 3. Community, 4. Nation, 5. Economy etc.etc.etc. even if religion is one of the most important that is a shadow number. 0. Religion.

Anyways I'm not really surprised by this as a NS/SS personnel fact of the matter is we shouldn't really be surprised with Rabbi Schwab on the helm. The judio-bolshevik arm is activating it's fight of using racialism to destroy racialism. Or better yet use racialism to make it a joke and make people subvert themselves by ignorance and not knowing what is racialism.

This is simply lack of knowledge, lack of applied knowledge, and lack of everything really. I see it all the time with these black commercials and all these race-mixing, interracial couple commercials. They preach about black history and black pride and all this non-sense which can be good in an NS/SS way but not in current times. And yet they get no where they are carrots on a stick.

The jews just laugh their ass off and rake in the shekels giving them more power over the hamitic and darker races and sub-races. Just a matter of time when they are done with using them as useful idiots and have them exterminate them. Reminds me of the Chinese joke that everything is going to China and when the Asians take over the planet if it isn't Asian it's getting murdered. Modified Joke from American Dad with roger he says it better but serves the same effect.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
