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Woman Beat To Death And Killed By Police In Iran Over ... Improper Hijab



I have made a post already where i invite you and seek your collective help with the RTRs so that we can take the enemy down.

But i am reiterating here so more people can see it.







Then please dear all, focus on removing any abrahamic filth from yourself, where you live, and where your brothers and sisters live.

Im going to assume that unfortunately, we do not have an abundance of SS in the middle east.

but we can make up for it if we as gentiles work to remove and KILL this garbage before it destroys any other nation.

The stupidity of our middle easterner ancestors allowed Islam to grow.
It is first and foremost OUR responsibility as Arabs, Persians and the like to take care of it.

But regardless of your race and nation, my dear family...
White, Black, Asian, Mediterranean...

so please put aside a regular 5 minutes a day when doing your RTRs, to visualize and WILL the downfall of Islam in the middle east, before it reaches and corrupts any nation further.

Im sure you see these leftist fucks preaching love of death and Islam.


I hereby invite all dedicated brothers and sisters to help us in this crucial point in history.

There have been many girls who died like Mahsa Amini, and there will be many more who WILL die worse than her from ALL NATIONS if we let this shit program spread.

Let her death not be in vain,
Personal Growth said:
EnkiUK55 said:
Personal Growth said:
I have a dog and with some of the muslims around here I feel defensive because of the hate vibes I feel off them for the dog.

A person can just pick up energetically their angry, hateful and potentially violent vibrations.

That's with the men the dog mostly. With their women I find them very aggressive in that they just walk straight at you. Into and over you.

And they drive another way which makes you have to drive defensively.

I find they love to lecture how great and peaceful their religion is. It's like you can't get away from them preaching.

But since I know they can be super sensitive in their emotions I have to keep them sweet for my personal safety living around them.

It's hard work like a second job suffering them. Like the other Abrahamic religions they have a need to preach it which is tiring.

Covering women up causes an unhealthy curiosity in the opposite sex. For harmony and equality in the sexes the body needs to be seen so that's it's normal and not some mysterious thing to lust and fantasize about.

Stupid discriminatory hijabs.

I think i know where you are talking about bro but not going to say for safety reasons.
Turned into a horrible place infested.

Yes and it has changed so quickly as well. The area was lovely and safe with mutual respect and harmony not that long ago. But some how they just everywhere so quickly.

They have masses of children that hang about in groups and are show off to each other how they have macho attitude. Very difficult to deal with because if you hurt their emotions the gang will go beserk with seething hatred.

Have they changed since the first gang or all just conected, i was in jail with one of the boys you are talking years ago. Not want mention who or what for they had a bit of clout. Got to have soldiers in the street but heard of a few non uk "Boys" all the time n a certain magazine.

Dont tell me they speak with the London accent :lol: :lol: at least the ones that i was in with tried and failed our native tounge.

take care bro.

Heard the local Goverment have let it happen.
This looks like a false flag organized by the west to create the protests in Iran. Now, I am in no way denying that they treat their women badly, but in this particular case, I don't think this woman was beaten to death by anybody. It could very well be the heart condition the iranian government claims it is. See the video in the twitter post below:

I am wondering how organic these protests are. I know what happened, and yes, I am completely aware that present day Iran is theocratic islamic dictatorship, and no sane human being would tolerate something like this? Kill a woman because she didn’t wear some cloth on her head? Insanity.

But the timing of this all is very convenient. Recently, Iran has sold some drones to Russia. The west might be slightly pissed off at them, and then you have israel, their arch enemy, who has been coming up with the plans about how to destroy Iran for decades now. Kvetching and begging USA to start another war on their behalf, but so far, all that oy veying has been in vain.

I am not saying that people shouldn’t protest. They have every right to protest this insanity. But I am 100 percent sure bad faith actors are taking advantage of these protest, and what might have started as organic civil unrest has became something completely else.

NOTHING in this world is as it seems. To think otherwise is naive.
silentstorm666 said:
This looks like a false flag organized by the west to create the protests in Iran. Now, I am in no way denying that they treat their women badly, but in this particular case, I don't think this woman was beaten to death by anybody. It could very well be the heart condition the iranian government claims it is. See the video in the twitter post below:


Her death was very much because she was beaten. Her family informed that she had absolutely no conditions that caused her death. The morality police beat her head multiple times in the van that was taking her by force to the "morality class". The effect of the trauma showed itself on camera while she was talking to one of the fuckers as she collapsed. Literally the other girls who were in the van with her admitted to this.

Please dont believe everything TWATter tells you.
It's sad to see SS jumping on the "I support the current thing" ship.

It's not unlikely that the woman was beaten to death, as this is a quite "normal" mudslim behavior, but to jump on to conclusions serves no one any good.

I believe we can say with certainty that the Iranian people are sick of being oppressed by their government and are sick of pisslam, but, just like the Arab "Spring", what's happening in Iran is beyond any doubt a Mossad insurgency, and just like Arabs the Iranians are falling for it.

A weak Iran means a strong pissrael, and other than war-torn Syria and Hizbullah militia, Iran is the only one left standing against pissrael. If the Iranian government gets overthrown, a greater pissrael will be guaranteed to exist.
No matter how shitty the current Iranian government currently is, this remains the sad reality of this planet.

If Iran is done, the whole planet is done as a consequence.

These protests are instigated by Mossad agents, stop falling for their obvious tricks.
Think before you react.
Shiva666 said:
I have a sister . She wear hijab. She became Muslim when she married a Muslim man. My Hindu family respect her hijab and respect her religion. No fight no hate in my Hindu family.

Because of some bad Muslims, the Muslim religion is being hated in the world.

Your post is pathetic. Islam is a jewish weapon against the Gentiles. I recommend this article to your attention. Translate it into English, you will understand the content.


And then stop this bullshit about "good muslims" for good. It's pathetic where the standards are sinking to... Mohamed and his desert gypsy brigade were "kind and good Muslims". They founded Islam through blood and genocide.

"allah"=pig , muslims=retards

have a nice day!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
Protests across Iran after 22-year-old woman dies in police detention



That's a saddening incident, a big waste, she was also at the age of motherhood, and who knows, maybe a mother too, married or soon to be.

Beautiful and young woman too and I don't see why anyone would kill her over something such as this. Islam warps the human mind. Maybe these assholes did this for other reasons too, and they used the Hijab as an excuse to get away with it.

Videos like this serve as a wake up call to all people. They serve as a wake up call over in the West, the East, the North and the South. They let us know of this: If Islam spreads, this might be everyday life.

As Europe and the US also slide through the slippery slope of moral relativism, where Islam which is clearly deadly is allowed to grow roots in order to replace the other brutal program of Christianity [all authored by jews] we really need to sit there and think strongly to ourselves if this is the world we want to live.

Also, Iran is limiting what it does due to public exposure and knowing that other Nations are watching it, disgusted by these affairs taking place. What if there was really nothing to stop anyone from behaving in this way? Where will the globe go?

Countries like Iran, albeit good in the fact they oppose the jews on the surface, while having adopted a jewish religion, are still dangerously mistreating their own citizens.

The hate of women begins and is hallmarked with the Abrahamic religions. While Islamics do all this treatment to women, Jews started the idea that women were disgusting, impure, pigs and so on, with the fake making of the false hoax of "Eve the sinner" and other cultural nonsense.

The first primary attacks against women over very simply being women came from the Jewish religion, because the women of the jewish people were naturally prostitutes and the lowest of the bunch worldwide.

In a desperate attempt to stop them from acting like prostitutes [this is recorded in the Bible, in detail], they invented brutal norms in order to limit them and lock them up because of their own strange reasons.

Later on, Islam and Christianity which also have adopted the same pseudepigraphical nonsense of the enemy, made up their own "norms" to continue on this already wrong path that had nothing to do with Gentiles in the first place. Yet, the brutality and nonsense was made sure to multiply by the jews who exported these programs of death to their enemies.

In regards to the above video, that is Islam in action. This is due to Islam which is undisputed in influence in the Middle East. The murderous history of Islam is that it also tried to invade India and of course Europe, but it failed.

If it hadn't failed, we might have all be in some effendi's gulag right now, so take a moment to reflect on what you see on the above. Even though Christianity also preaches much of the same, Europeans and others have slowly moved away from the adoption of this insanity through rationalizing it, thankfully.

Others however were not that lucky. But the situation is changing and people are waking up. At first, this will go through the phase of "securalizing Islam". Then progressively it will die out. Christianity in the West followed a similar procedure.

First, the brutal norms will die, and then, the enemy will be powerless to hold things together without the brutality of murder etc. Turkey for example claims to be "Islamic", but for all respects, many people are not, and even more are simply "Islamic" on paper.

I can say I am also moved and impressed by the bravery of the women in Iran to do these protests, where the Government can use crushing force against them and where this is not a joke.

These are some real BRAVE women, in the face of actual disasters and tyrannical governments. These women are soldiers.

I also cannot help but compare with Western women who are living in literally freeland where they have nothing like this, should take a few lessons in respect of attainments and respecting, focusing to maintain a civilization where these things do not occur.

And when the problems are serious, this is where it's important to protest, not when it's just simply bollocks.

Another serious problem is when you bring endless people with these beliefs, you might get acid attacks like women in Britain by radical muslims. This is what happens when you disrespect when what our ancestors have built, and women too.

Nobody protests this. In fact, most people are brainwashed to want to "protest" for more "Diversity", insofar this means to house any radical terrorist in your midst. This is about "Women's rights" in the West.

In "more diversity", you will be like these women here, running for your life. You'll be locked in and who knows what else.

The most serious violators of such are given in a state of confusion the "go ahead" to proceed with anything, yet, in real problems such as this, women will react by flexing their fingernails on Instagram and claiming we are living in a so so unjust world, then go act in no manner that fundamentally helps into any of this or hastens destruction and fall into this.

It's a good idea to also idolize proper women and not the garbage bins you see on TV or in many TikTok's. These women are not brave, have no inherent value, and do not represent the Goddesses in wisdom, power and in no way whatsoever.

The last time most of these women cared for something fundamental such as extinction rates, important social topics, or anything like this, was basically never.

As if this was not enough, the warped perception of many women has them also so mind washed as to not understand viable dangers that will enslave them permanently, like Islamization, but also to work to regress this by espousing moral weakness, emasculation of men who would protect them, and other antithetical norms which collapse society.

The above creates invalidation. This invalidation of a society allows hostile norms to take place in it, the ultimate end in what you see on this video.

Iranians at some point were Pagans and women and life was rife there too and things were not like this. But then this religious and cultural downfall by the enemy, made Iran and the position of women there as it is today. This happened because the Abrahamic programs were able to take roots there, and from there on, the rest is history.

So it's also proper sometimes to face the real issues, if a woman wants to be a woman in full. We have quite a few girls right now as a world, but not many women with the definition of the word.

For one, they should not welcome and espouse invasion and the hostile Abrahamic systems to take hold. That in itself, is insane, and in no woman's or man's benefit. Nor for the future generations.

Iran is where to women have basically no freedoms, and women are afraid this will escalate further into full enslavement. So at least these women, took the streets.

It's also a great idea to respect more well established societies that they take for granted or many try to undermine even due to boredom or just blind hate because your feminist who wants to import a billion Jamal's who will behead you here, tell you so.

These women in Iran, would kill to replace their norms with those of the "West", yet, we have to play damsel in distress while advocating that Radical Terrorist Jamal is not really a Terrorist and that we need 1 billions of them to come here, to coddle them and love them and teach them manners.

Now you'll see the moral outcry of the jewish hags in the European Union and the dumb idiots in the US: "That is unacceptable, oy vey, women violence, stand with Iran", they will say...

As they will import millions and millions more yearly of these people with the worst beliefs of women, or like in 2015, they will not only not try to change Iran or anyone else culturally, but they will literally import as many of the worst Islamic criminals as possible.

These "women" will also tell you that you must attack everything your forefathers and mothers of your Nation left here for you, and that this is because "we are getting into a better world and it wasn't good".

Even if you are living in 100 times better circumstances than most people, they will lie to you, telling you you must destroy what is protecting you. Knowing in full that is going to cause an accelerated collapse of these circumstances that protect you and could be used to protect others through positive instructions to them, such as the people in Iran, who are looking at the West for some form of help.

Any few foreigners or migrant people within these swarms they will import that will not agree with this or fled from persecution, will find that they arrived in Europe and in the US that is slowly becoming like the place that they left from to save themselves.

They will be more afraid than you are in that they understand where they left from, and they will be terrified to see what will happen.

The kindest of heart of them will even try to warn you [as quite a few of these people who defect Islam do] and you will not listen, because your social media and TV will be mind-washing you otherwise as they already are.

Then everyone will look at the heavens and say: "Why is our world in such a miserable state?".

In India women are going to be looking shocked at all that is happening, because they know that Islam is actually an invader program, and India successfully won against Islamization a long time ago. Europe did the same, but Europe "forgot".

These people thinking to themselves that they will be likely by then the last frontier where women can be treated as human beings to an extent. Is this the jewish future we want to live in, really?

As one understands these viable points, one must know that besides screeching it's a good idea to get real.

This is the height of Western Insanity. Steer away from this. Women who are strong must show sense. We need this power and the capable few women can play important parts here.

Think smarter than that. Women are integral in civilization and they must show real bravery when it's needed and learn to judge when this is necessary to do that. Women admired for bravery are admired for a reason.

Islam has to go, it's not even the ancestral religion of the Iran people. It's really a shame that this has to occur. People in Iran are clearly fed up and waking up. Nothing justifies death over this, and the thought that "Religion" should justify this is crazy in itself.

That will be followed by a Ritual that is upcoming, that was promised and will be delivered as promised. The RTR also counteracts the root of the "Abrahamic" programs, which are all based on the same Hebrew root of insanity.

Humanity has to be freed from this scourge.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

does the new ritual specifically target islam?
Darkspirit said:
Women are the complementary part in society, women deserve due respect and Women's rights, and if they are not given they have to fight for this (which, after all, is fought for "basic", basic things).

I think this is the main mistake of all Western people: woman can't fight and if she tries she dies. As well as men can't give birth, when they try, race die. Men exist to fight for any other human's rights and should take 100% responsibility for all humans' well-being and protect them according to the needs of everyone, because men are natural police and army. Asking women to fight is the same as to use your head in fight instead of using your hands and "giving your head and your hands equal responsibilities" - you will obviously lose such a fight.

Men and women are not created to "solve their problems alone" but only together. While we have same human needs such as Human Rights, healthcare, education, personal space, profession, love and family that does not put one into household slavery etc. we both need all, but in how we impact we are different: one is natural creator and giver, other is natural warrior and protector. We complement in how we attain things for each other. Thus everyone is created for serving society as a whole, not themselves.

Greatest of humans were those centered on something great for the sake of it not for money or other ego purposes. Till the times humans understand that they are not for egocentric lifestyles they will fail.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Beautiful and young woman too and I don't see why anyone would kill her over something such as this.
Probably this is one of the reasons.

I was not aware of this, but what you mention sounds true, and is more symptoms of insanity below a level which is incomprehensible.

They also didn't sit there for one moment to consider this could be someone's wife or something, and just beat her senseless to her death.

Even animals have certain limits, but apparently Islam removes these.

Borgs do not kill over Justice or any sensible thing. Women also logically can't be physically attacked "for a good reason" because the attack is needed only for protection which is ridiculous when it comes to women: they are not 2-3 but billion times weaker than men. Basically what is going on is inquisition: killing for talent and beauty. Women are meant to represent beauty and tender which kikes hate them for and envy our race the most.

It feels like some jewish ritual or holiday going on so they need a lot of victims around. They often use moslens - the best of all of their slaves - to do it for them. For example during this schedule some Chinese building up to 50 stores burned in 20 minutes according the news, so people could not even run away in these 20 min. They burned alive.
There is evidence that 35 tons of fuel for servers were stored in the building. Hundreds of people are believed to have died in the fire.

In Russia there also were fires.
Coraxo said:
It's sad to see SS jumping on the "I support the current thing" ship.

It's not unlikely that the woman was beaten to death, as this is a quite "normal" mudslim behavior, but to jump on to conclusions serves no one any good.

I believe we can say with certainty that the Iranian people are sick of being oppressed by their government and are sick of pisslam, but, just like the Arab "Spring", what's happening in Iran is beyond any doubt a Mossad insurgency, and just like Arabs the Iranians are falling for it.

A weak Iran means a strong pissrael, and other than war-torn Syria and Hizbullah militia, Iran is the only one left standing against pissrael. If the Iranian government gets overthrown, a greater pissrael will be guaranteed to exist.
No matter how shitty the current Iranian government currently is, this remains the sad reality of this planet.

If Iran is done, the whole planet is done as a consequence.

These protests are instigated by Mossad agents, stop falling for their obvious tricks.
Think before you react.

Please inform me on how you reached that conclusion.
No like, im serious. Im not sarcastic i really wanna know
Hungaryan said:
Shiva666 said:
I have a sister . She wear hijab. She became Muslim when she married a Muslim man. My Hindu family respect her hijab and respect her religion. No fight no hate in my Hindu family.

Because of some bad Muslims, the Muslim religion is being hated in the world.

Your post is pathetic. Islam is a jewish weapon against the Gentiles. I recommend this article to your attention. Translate it into English, you will understand the content.


And then stop this bullshit about "good muslims" for good. It's pathetic where the standards are sinking to... Mohamed and his desert gypsy brigade were "kind and good Muslims". They founded Islam through blood and genocide.

"allah"=pig , muslims=retards

have a nice day!

First of all here, I have no fucking desire for any religion. Even I also hate disgusting Sanatana dharma because every religion is currupted. So, only Spiritual Satanism is real. Mark it .

Secondly, yeah . Muslims are retards. Their soul is not powerful . But they are our brothers and sisters. My point was here that only Jews are our enemy. All people are involved in our Satan's blood except Jews. This was my main point. We have to spread our Satanic love among all Earth's people . This is my point. I said my sister is Muslim. So should I kill her ? Hate her? No. Because her soul is retard and she is not able to see the truth in this life. Her husband is also good. He is also Muslim. The couples are happy. I wanted to say about hijab that my sister wear hijab. We have no problem about her hijab. There was no need for Iran women to take off their hijab. They should have protested in other ways. The way they take off hijab and protest half naked is disgusting. I want to say that their protest is right but their method of protest is wrong and disgusting.
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.
Edward Lonsa said:
Darkspirit said:
Women are the complementary part in society, women deserve due respect and Women's rights, and if they are not given they have to fight for this (which, after all, is fought for "basic", basic things).

I think this is the main mistake of all Western people: woman can't fight and if she tries she dies. As well as men can't give birth, when they try, race die. Men exist to fight for any other human's rights and should take 100% responsibility for all humans' well-being and protect them according to the needs of everyone, because men are natural police and army. Asking women to fight is the same as to use your head in fight instead of using your hands and "giving your head and your hands equal responsibilities" - you will obviously lose such a fight.

Men and women are not created to "solve their problems alone" but only together. While we have same human needs such as Human Rights, healthcare, education, personal space, profession, love and family that does not put one into household slavery etc. we both need all, but in how we impact we are different: one is natural creator and giver, other is natural warrior and protector. We complement in how we attain things for each other. Thus everyone is created for serving society as a whole, not themselves.

Greatest of humans were those centered on something great for the sake of it not for money or other ego purposes. Till the times humans understand that they are not for egocentric lifestyles they will fail.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Alchemist7 said:
Probably this is one of the reasons.

I was not aware of this, but what you mention sounds true, and is more symptoms of insanity below a level which is incomprehensible.

They also didn't sit there for one moment to consider this could be someone's wife or something, and just beat her senseless to her death.

Even animals have certain limits, but apparently Islam removes these.

Borgs do not kill over Justice or any sensible thing. Women also logically can't be physically attacked "for a good reason" because the attack is needed only for protection which is ridiculous when it comes to women: they are not 2-3 but billion times weaker than men. Basically what is going on is inquisition: killing for talent and beauty. Women are meant to represent beauty and tender which kikes hate them for and envy our race the most.

It feels like some jewish ritual or holiday going on so they need a lot of victims around. They often use moslens - the best of all of their slaves - to do it for them. For example during this schedule some Chinese building up to 50 stores burned in 20 minutes according the news, so people could not even run away in these 20 min. They burned alive.
There is evidence that 35 tons of fuel for servers were stored in the building. Hundreds of people are believed to have died in the fire.

In Russia there also were fires.

Of course, not everyone has the same role in society. It is not that I suppose that the work or the responsibilities, which are of men, must be done / taken by women. But what I said makes sense, because you can fight in many ways, there are not only the physical ones or only the direct one.
For example, women could walk away from that hideous program and expose it as much as possible (a fight against evil and not against men or against everything) and there are other ways as well.
The problem is bigger and everyone (no gender difference) should work for the solution, but women seem to suffer more, that was the point. And as far as I said "for basic rights", these basic rights are in a healthy and normal society.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
father_is_daughter said:
Hello. I am an Iranian satanist. Iranian people are burning Quran and mosques. Other people are tired of Islam. Will Father Satan and his demons help us?

Hello @father_is_daughter ! Father will always help you if you show Him respect, do RTRs and develop. I sincerely am glad that many people are bothered of Islam and burn the Qu'Uran shit of their books and works of reference.

I see that you are new, search the Joy of Satan website. I will put some important links for you:
1. https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AllDemons.html

2. https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/NEWPEOPLE.html

3. https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Origins_of_Satanism.html (all 3 chapters)

4. https://satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html

Study the website in order to understand, ask questions here, on the forums, respect yours and other's privacy cause the forums are sadly watched by the Enemy, and in general, try to evolve into a better being until, after years of work and meditation and communication with the Gods, you will achieve The GodHead.


That is all I had to tell you my friend!
In rest, welcome to the family 👪! Hope you will develop and do RTRs and gradually deprogram yourself from Islam 🙂

Thank you very much. It's been a few months since I performed the dedication ceremony. I was really confused to do RTR. Exactly when I posted this, I had a dream, I don't know if it was my thoughts or a message from my father. He told me that I should never doubt his measures and be very careful of the grays. I was given a lot of hope to win this battle. I'm sorry if I have many spelling mistakes, I use a translator.
Dahaarkan said:
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.

I sure do hope thats the case but I dunno man.... do you think that Mossad agents have actually instigated these riots against the government in Persia in order to remove a political and military threat? Irans government albeit pisslamic, does oppose israel...at least thats what they say they are...
Dahaarkan said:
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.

Also the gullible people of Iran arent exactly rejecting islam. They're rejecting government more than the program.

But i do agree with the rest of the stuff you say. Personally im more excited that white ppl are finally rejecting the bullshit of a bunch of immigrants and kikes.
Dahaarkan said:
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.
Everything is true but perhaps Putin still has a chance of starting ww3, they are pulling every string towards that.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Dahaarkan said:
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.

I sure do hope thats the case but I dunno man.... do you think that Mossad agents have actually instigated these riots against the government in Persia in order to remove a political and military threat? Irans government albeit pisslamic, does oppose israel...at least thats what they say they are...

If they really oppose Israel they should allow Iran to develop into the superpower it can be. Iran barks at Israel but in reality they do not allow their people to advance and defeat Israel in all levels by development and advanced civilization. Iranians could easily do this, same as Syrians. But both are boggled down by Islam.

The missed argument is some bullshit from the Islamic government who has simply fucked up. They do the same thing in backwards xian nations, they claim to be antijews while they manifest on their people all evil of the jewish dogma.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.

Excuse me my as friend, not that I want to troll you or start a drama, but why such hate against LGBT? Based on what I read on the Thule Society of the Third Sex 666, people within the LGBT sexual sphere have very high astral powers from our Father. Just because AIDS was created in a lab by the jooish rats and the minds of current LGBT people's minds and lives are infested with jooish shit that doesn't mean all the LGBT people are bad.

We, instead should try to help LGBT people, but, if it is ill-will, I am afraid you are right my friend, we need to do RTRs and kiss them goodbye.

For the race mixing thing , instead, I can only agree with you. Every race was given the right from our Father to evolve and not mix. It looks like we are on the same pattern of thinking. Glad to see that even if we are zodiacally different, you are in Aries and I am in Cancer with Scorpio ascendant , we are thinking almost the same :)

By the way, the communistic CCP, Pisslam, Xianity and other jooish related programs will soon be dead as we have the greatest Spirtual Napalms, the RTRs.

HAIL SATAN forever :D

I am pretty sure he means jew modern fake GBLT.

In Spiritual Satanism there is no division of GBLT, as all people belong and are part of this without really needing a special corner. That is discrimination if you think about this.

You belong by default here and do not have to rally for any rights as everyone has rights.

GBLT as an idea is a jewish invention. After jews discriminate against non hetero people, they branded them as evil, and then sold them the idea to go join GBLT to attack society, to cause social fragmentation. This lack of acceptance made many people behave in extreme manners that the jews used to cause a form of a civil war between people.

GBLT did not exist in any ancient civilization. One belonged by default, you belong with everyone else equally in society, and you are accepted like all others.

Modern GBLT teaches people that one is a freak that must separate from the body of society, which is jewish bullshit. It is like all jewish theories based on fragmenting society to cause chaos and unrest.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Dahaarkan said:
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.

I sure do hope thats the case but I dunno man.... do you think that Mossad agents have actually instigated these riots against the government in Persia in order to remove a political and military threat? Irans government albeit pisslamic, does oppose israel...at least thats what they say they are...

If they really oppose Israel they should allow Iran to develop into the superpower it can be. Iran barks at Israel but in reality they do not allow their people to advance and defeat Israel in all levels by development and advanced civilization. Iranians could easily do this, same as Syrians. But both are boggled down by Islam.

The missed argument is some bullshit from the Islamic government who has simply fucked up. They do the same thing in backwards xian nations, they claim to be antijews while they manifest on their people all evil of the jewish dogma.

Thank you for the clarification dear high priest 🖤❤️🤍
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Dahaarkan said:
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.

I sure do hope thats the case but I dunno man.... do you think that Mossad agents have actually instigated these riots against the government in Persia in order to remove a political and military threat? Irans government albeit pisslamic, does oppose israel...at least thats what they say they are...

If they really oppose Israel they should allow Iran to develop into the superpower it can be. Iran barks at Israel but in reality they do not allow their people to advance and defeat Israel in all levels by development and advanced civilization. Iranians could easily do this, same as Syrians. But both are boggled down by Islam.

The missed argument is some bullshit from the Islamic government who has simply fucked up. They do the same thing in backwards xian nations, they claim to be antijews while they manifest on their people all evil of the jewish dogma.

The thing is that the leaders of the persian government, those in the top, always say they want to nuke israel basically... so i was thinking maybe israel was scared that a government poisoned by their own creation wants to nuke them so that could be why they could possibly have instigated these riots behind the curtains.

Id really appreciate your input on this so please do reply. Thanks again 🖤❤️🤍
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shiva666 said:
EnkiUK55 said:

patrioticgentile_666 said:

I want to stay for a moment on this point. Yes, Sheikh Adi and many others who knew the Truth had to adopt Islamic shells in order to not be destroyed, as brutal murder for being a "heretic" was the only place you would end up in Islam.

Because of the context of the time, they adopted terminology and statements from Islam [akin with infiltration] to allow themselves to navigate and exist without being killed. They followed the Gods and were along the lines known as "heretics". The same goes for many others who run into "Sufism", and they started creating their own schools of thought in Sufism.

The very same situation was also done by many others who were in Christianity and so on, during the Middle Ages, or the early Christian centuries. Because back then, the mob would easily kill anyone who did not accept Rabbi Yeshua or Rabbi Mohammed. It was a matter of literally existing back then.

The message is always the same, accept getting "Saved" or die, either materially or in the eternal fire.


Muslims are getting crazier since 2014 in India.At present there are many Muslim dominant areas in Indian states where sharia law is followed.Please read about love jihad issue and the recent public murders of Hindus by Muslim fanatics from PFI.
Also according to Indian law,the all india Muslim waqf board is the 3rd highest land owner in india.But the positive thing here is that more and more people are becoming aware of the Crimes committed by the Muslims.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Excuse me my as friend, not that I want to troll you or start a drama, but why such hate against LGBT? Based on what I read on the Thule Society of the Third Sex 666, people within the LGBT sexual sphere have very high astral powers from our Father. Just because AIDS was created in a lab by the jooish rats and the minds of current LGBT people's minds and lives are infested with jooish shit that doesn't mean all the LGBT people are bad.

We, instead should try to help LGBT people, but, if it is ill-will, I am afraid you are right my friend, we need to do RTRs and kiss them goodbye.

For the race mixing thing , instead, I can only agree with you. Every race was given the right from our Father to evolve and not mix. It looks like we are on the same pattern of thinking. Glad to see that even if we are zodiacally different, you are in Aries and I am in Cancer with Scorpio ascendant , we are thinking almost the same :)

By the way, the communistic CCP, Pisslam, Xianity and other jooish related programs will soon be dead as we have the greatest Spirtual Napalms, the RTRs.

HAIL SATAN forever :D

Also should point out, there is no "T" that most of us accept, for "LGBT" We accept Gays, Lesbians, and Bi, I mean the Roman were pretty clear on their opinion on that until xianity infested them.

But the tacked on "T" for "trans" shouldn't be defended here, it's a mental illness of dysphoria caused by serious spiritual imbalance and problems with ones sex or identity. The trans movement is inherently sick, and those people need heavy spiritual help assuming they're gentiles and not kikes doing it for clout and their movement.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Dahaarkan said:
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.

Excuse me my as friend, not that I want to troll you or start a drama, but why such hate against LGBT? Based on what I read on the Thule Society of the Third Sex 666, people within the LGBT sexual sphere have very high astral powers from our Father. Just because AIDS was created in a lab by the jooish rats and the minds of current LGBT people's minds and lives are infested with jooish shit that doesn't mean all the LGBT people are bad.

We, instead should try to help LGBT people, but, if it is ill-will, I am afraid you are right my friend, we need to do RTRs and kiss them goodbye.

For the race mixing thing , instead, I can only agree with you. Every race was given the right from our Father to evolve and not mix. It looks like we are on the same pattern of thinking. Glad to see that even if we are zodiacally different, you are in Aries and I am in Cancer with Scorpio ascendant , we are thinking almost the same :)

By the way, the communistic CCP, Pisslam, Xianity and other jooish related programs will soon be dead as we have the greatest Spirtual Napalms, the RTRs.

HAIL SATAN forever :D

The LGBT movement has spawned some of the most vile and degenerate behaviors that I've ever witnessed and this is no longer about gay rights or any of the sort. It has devolved into a celebration of degeneracy and lunacy.

I support anyone's right to experience their own sexuality and desires with their consenting adult partners, but I do not at all support these vile degenerates parading half naked in the streets, or drag queens preaching to children. Or teachers telling kids that pedophilia is okay in classrooms. This is pure lunacy.

It would be bitterly ironic for me to be against third sex considering I'm homosexual anyway. My issue is not sexuality but degeneracy, I don't hate anybody based on their sexual preferences so long as those preferences are between consenting adults. If you are third sex you should not be supporting these movements either. I have several gay friends who despise the LGBT movement for the same reasons I do.

Gay rights is about having the freedom to explore your sexuality without persecution, not the freedom to be a total degenerate. The LGBT movement may have begun as a positive thing, but has devolved into total degeneracy and must be abolished.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Dahaarkan said:
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.

I sure do hope thats the case but I dunno man.... do you think that Mossad agents have actually instigated these riots against the government in Persia in order to remove a political and military threat? Irans government albeit pisslamic, does oppose israel...at least thats what they say they are...

I wrote a post in the global situation thread that is relevant to your question.

Another thing to always keep in mind, the kikes love to act as if they are in perfect control of everything at all times, and when their plans fail, you will see a barrage of memes and messages on any group with awareness of the kikes that it was all planned.

This is just kike bots trying to demoralize gentiles and act as if everything was a part of the plan all along, but in truth many things are out of their control and many of their plans fail. At this point it seems like all of their plans fail and nothing really has the outcomes they are hoping for.

I'm convinced they were trying to push covid really hard to be the catalyst of the great reset, but this scam has died out and nothing drastic came out of it besides weakening our economies, and if anything all it's done is make gentiles more upset and riled up against governments and jewish shit.

They are not in control, they have influence over a great many things, but they have lost control a long time ago. They try to influence things their way, but many of these attempts simply backfire and expose them to more groups of gentiles. Hatred and blaming kikes is a trend that is spreading like wildfire on the internet despite their best attempts to censor and stop it.

All they have is influence and even that dwindles every day.

Kikes will always try to act as if everything is planned by them and they are in control. And I've noticed even when they take an L they will downplay it and spam woke groups saying it was actually a part of their plan all along.

A weaker islam is a great victory for humanity and a major L for the kikes. Islam is what truly weakens Iran and keeps this nation locked in the stone age. An Iran free of islamic garbage would be a far greater threat to israel and the kikes.

Never fall for the lie that xians or muslims oppose jews. Xians and muslims are ALL jewish slaves and serve jewish interests, they just aren't aware of it.
Shiva666 said:
Hungaryan said:
Shiva666 said:
I have a sister . She wear hijab. She became Muslim when she married a Muslim man. My Hindu family respect her hijab and respect her religion. No fight no hate in my Hindu family.

Because of some bad Muslims, the Muslim religion is being hated in the world.

Your post is pathetic. Islam is a jewish weapon against the Gentiles. I recommend this article to your attention. Translate it into English, you will understand the content.


And then stop this bullshit about "good muslims" for good. It's pathetic where the standards are sinking to... Mohamed and his desert gypsy brigade were "kind and good Muslims". They founded Islam through blood and genocide.

"allah"=pig , muslims=retards

have a nice day!

First of all here, I have no fucking desire for any religion. Even I also hate disgusting Sanatana dharma because every religion is currupted. So, only Spiritual Satanism is real. Mark it .

Secondly, yeah . Muslims are retards. Their soul is not powerful . But they are our brothers and sisters. My point was here that only Jews are our enemy. All people are involved in our Satan's blood except Jews. This was my main point. We have to spread our Satanic love among all Earth's people . This is my point. I said my sister is Muslim. So should I kill her ? Hate her? No. Because her soul is retard and she is not able to see the truth in this life. Her husband is also good. He is also Muslim. The couples are happy. I wanted to say about hijab that my sister wear hijab. We have no problem about her hijab. There was no need for Iran women to take off their hijab. They should have protested in other ways. The way they take off hijab and protest half naked is disgusting. I want to say that their protest is right but their method of protest is wrong and disgusting.

In short. Your sister and you, and whoever supports it, are traitors. That's all. It is not the jewish muslim who has converted, it is you. You are weak, 0 immune system.

One is either a jew/muslim or a Pagan Gentil. There is no transition.

She was not obliged to make that decision, but he would take the consequences if she had no principles or moral fibre.
Hungaryan said:
Shiva666 said:
Hungaryan said:
Your post is pathetic. Islam is a jewish weapon against the Gentiles. I recommend this article to your attention. Translate it into English, you will understand the content.


And then stop this bullshit about "good muslims" for good. It's pathetic where the standards are sinking to... Mohamed and his desert gypsy brigade were "kind and good Muslims". They founded Islam through blood and genocide.

"allah"=pig , muslims=retards

have a nice day!

First of all here, I have no fucking desire for any religion. Even I also hate disgusting Sanatana dharma because every religion is currupted. So, only Spiritual Satanism is real. Mark it .

Secondly, yeah . Muslims are retards. Their soul is not powerful . But they are our brothers and sisters. My point was here that only Jews are our enemy. All people are involved in our Satan's blood except Jews. This was my main point. We have to spread our Satanic love among all Earth's people . This is my point. I said my sister is Muslim. So should I kill her ? Hate her? No. Because her soul is retard and she is not able to see the truth in this life. Her husband is also good. He is also Muslim. The couples are happy. I wanted to say about hijab that my sister wear hijab. We have no problem about her hijab. There was no need for Iran women to take off their hijab. They should have protested in other ways. The way they take off hijab and protest half naked is disgusting. I want to say that their protest is right but their method of protest is wrong and disgusting.

In short. Your sister and you, and whoever supports it, are traitors. That's all.

You are totally brainwashed by Jews. I think you are Jew . Listen Jew, you have no right to blame any satanist here. You better understand English . You are fully ugly soul in this world Jew. Listen Jew I khow you are not Hungarian. I am 100% sure that you Jews people only can do backstabbing bitch . If you are not jew, then you need to wash your soul. You have to deprogram your soul first. Dedicate Satan and then deprogram your soul . Also Do FRTR everyday. It can help you to heal your mental mind .
Shiva666 said:
Hungaryan said:
Shiva666 said:
I have a sister . She wear hijab. She became Muslim when she married a Muslim man. My Hindu family respect her hijab and respect her religion. No fight no hate in my Hindu family.

Because of some bad Muslims, the Muslim religion is being hated in the world.

Your post is pathetic. Islam is a jewish weapon against the Gentiles. I recommend this article to your attention. Translate it into English, you will understand the content.


And then stop this bullshit about "good muslims" for good. It's pathetic where the standards are sinking to... Mohamed and his desert gypsy brigade were "kind and good Muslims". They founded Islam through blood and genocide.

"allah"=pig , muslims=retards

have a nice day!

First of all here, I have no fucking desire for any religion. Even I also hate disgusting Sanatana dharma because every religion is currupted. So, only Spiritual Satanism is real. Mark it .

Secondly, yeah . Muslims are retards. Their soul is not powerful . But they are our brothers and sisters. My point was here that only Jews are our enemy. All people are involved in our Satan's blood except Jews. This was my main point. We have to spread our Satanic love among all Earth's people . This is my point. I said my sister is Muslim. So should I kill her ? Hate her? No. Because her soul is retard and she is not able to see the truth in this life. Her husband is also good. He is also Muslim. The couples are happy. I wanted to say about hijab that my sister wear hijab. We have no problem about her hijab. There was no need for Iran women to take off their hijab. They should have protested in other ways. The way they take off hijab and protest half naked is disgusting. I want to say that their protest is right but their method of protest is wrong and disgusting.

no woman ever got "half naked" in Iran in any protests whatsoever. please stop talking about Iran like you know anything about it. because you simply dont.
Hungaryan said:
Shiva666 said:
Hungaryan said:
Your post is pathetic. Islam is a jewish weapon against the Gentiles. I recommend this article to your attention. Translate it into English, you will understand the content.


And then stop this bullshit about "good muslims" for good. It's pathetic where the standards are sinking to... Mohamed and his desert gypsy brigade were "kind and good Muslims". They founded Islam through blood and genocide.

"allah"=pig , muslims=retards

have a nice day!

First of all here, I have no fucking desire for any religion. Even I also hate disgusting Sanatana dharma because every religion is currupted. So, only Spiritual Satanism is real. Mark it .

Secondly, yeah . Muslims are retards. Their soul is not powerful . But they are our brothers and sisters. My point was here that only Jews are our enemy. All people are involved in our Satan's blood except Jews. This was my main point. We have to spread our Satanic love among all Earth's people . This is my point. I said my sister is Muslim. So should I kill her ? Hate her? No. Because her soul is retard and she is not able to see the truth in this life. Her husband is also good. He is also Muslim. The couples are happy. I wanted to say about hijab that my sister wear hijab. We have no problem about her hijab. There was no need for Iran women to take off their hijab. They should have protested in other ways. The way they take off hijab and protest half naked is disgusting. I want to say that their protest is right but their method of protest is wrong and disgusting.

In short. Your sister and you, and whoever supports it, are traitors. That's all. It is not the jewish muslim who has converted, it is you. You are weak, 0 immune system.

One is either a jew/muslim or a Pagan Gentil. There is no transition.

She was not obliged to make that decision, but he would take the consequences if she had no principles or moral fibre.
You are showing lack of empathy and understanding on how the current world and peoples operate. For your own sake, stop embarrassing yourself any more, shut up and grow up.
Dahaarkan said:
The reds are bleeding.

Islam is bleeding.

Christianity is taking it's last breaths.

We're actually fucking doing it.

Won't be long now boys.

I don't think you guys even realize how hard and deep we are fucking the kikes. Covid failed to bring the reset. Putin failed to start WW3. CCP is losing it's grip on China's soul. Islam is losing it's grip and gentiles are rejecting this program and protesting it. The pedo jewish governments are being exposed more and more. Their puppets like biden are mocked and exposed relentlessly in the mainstream. The west is beginning to reject LGBT and mixing poisons and people are rejecting black-wash media on a scale never before seen.

More and more people are waking to their crimes and it's only a matter of time now. The dagger was at our throats. They fucked it up and couldn't deliver the killing blow. They are fucked. It's coming.

NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Excuse me my as friend, not that I want to troll you or start a drama, but why such hate against LGBT? Based on what I read on the Thule Society of the Third Sex 666, people within the LGBT sexual sphere have very high astral powers from our Father.

That website was created by this guy Jake Carlson. He is not here anymore. He had some good intentions, but a large amount of what he wrote was just strange nonsense that he created. And he never meditated, he never participated in the rituals, he never did anything to try to help his soul. He was not a real Satanist, he was just some guy that wanted everybody to think he is special. These are the reasons why he is not here anymore.

Being gay is natural and normal for some people to be. There is nothing wrong with this, and nothing wrong with these people. But they are not special either. Being gay does not make anybody better than anybody else. And it also does not make anybody worse than anybody else. It really is not important and does not matter. It is a popular thing for many gay people to act like the only thing about them is being gay, it is the only thing they talk about, and it is the only thing they think about. This is not a healthy way to be, and it really just means that these people are extremely boring. If there is nothing else about them and they have zero interests and zero hobbies, it must be a boring person. Imagine if a straight person had it so that his entire personality and every word that he says is all about him being straight, everybody would think he is boring. Anyway, Jake was one of those boring people and he had to act like every gay person is automatically the best person in the entire world. And he said many lies and many strange things to try to spread this strange idea that he had.

The LGBT movement is a purely evil and destructive thing. It is controlled by billionaire organizations of jews and communists. There actually are extremely few humans who are involved with this at the high levels. And the largest thing that they do is to try to destroy as many people as possible. They promote pedophilia and try to get people to think pedophilia is a good thing. They promote sexual actions to young children in public schools, children who are only 5 years old are being exposed to images, videos, and detailed descriptions of sexual actions by pedophile jew teachers. And all of this is fully promoted and supported by the LGBT organizations.

Then they also lie to young children and try as hard as possible to confuse them and hurt them. Part of the imagination and the normal playing of a young child is to pretend to be other things, and a young child can truly believe that he can actually be an animal like a dog or even an object like a car or a toy. So when the pedophile jew tells a child that a boy can be a woman or a girl can be a man, it is very easy for the child to believe this. It can start with the child playing a game where he is emulating a female character from a movie or show just because she was the hero of the story, and the pedophile jew then extremely strongly tries to convince him that he actually is a girl and he needs to spend the rest of his life trying to turn into a girl. And while he is still a child before he is old enough to even be able to think about anything that is happening, he is given drugs which kill his endochrine system and kill his testicals and ensure that he will never be able to have any children. Like a vasectomy except it is in a pill so it does not seem as stressful as surgery. Then when he is finally old enough to look at himself and see what was done to him, it is very likely that he will kill himself.

You see most of all that all of these things are promoted extremely strongly to White people. You do not see any effort anywhere near as strong to promote these things to any other race. It is all just another weapon to try to cause the complete death and extinction of all White people. Which is the goal and the purpose of jews, their entire book is about instructing them to kill and destroy Amelek completely and permanently in all ways. Amelek is their word for the White race and the larger shared racial soul of all white people, and our extinction is what they are really working for.

There is nothing wrong with being gay. I wish every gay person to have good luck, live a good life, and be happy and successful in what they want to do. But you see how some very evil people spend hundreds of millions of dollars and effort to try to get the gay people to help them and work together with them, and what they are working for is what I described above. The regular gay people involved with this do not know what is happening and they do not know and do not care what the goals are or what is actually being done. They think it does not matter to them and they really do not care what happens. But they are lied to and they are convinced that they have to be part of it.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
We, instead should try to help LGBT people, but, if it is ill-will, I am afraid you are right my friend, we need to do RTRs and kiss them goodbye.

I said more than what I needed to say, but I want to help you and I want you to be aware of the whole situation.

Yes, gay people are part of our family and they are not our enemies. We do have to try to help them and teach them the truth. Because there is basically a very evil army that is trying to destroy the entire world, and this army tries to trick gay people into joining them and working for them. It does not have to be that way, our gay family members should stay with us and work together towards creating a safe and healthy world. Actually there are many gay people here.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Shiva666 said:
Hungaryan said:
Your post is pathetic. Islam is a jewish weapon against the Gentiles. I recommend this article to your attention. Translate it into English, you will understand the content.


And then stop this bullshit about "good muslims" for good. It's pathetic where the standards are sinking to... Mohamed and his desert gypsy brigade were "kind and good Muslims". They founded Islam through blood and genocide.

"allah"=pig , muslims=retards

have a nice day!

First of all here, I have no fucking desire for any religion. Even I also hate disgusting Sanatana dharma because every religion is currupted. So, only Spiritual Satanism is real. Mark it .

Secondly, yeah . Muslims are retards. Their soul is not powerful . But they are our brothers and sisters. My point was here that only Jews are our enemy. All people are involved in our Satan's blood except Jews. This was my main point. We have to spread our Satanic love among all Earth's people . This is my point. I said my sister is Muslim. So should I kill her ? Hate her? No. Because her soul is retard and she is not able to see the truth in this life. Her husband is also good. He is also Muslim. The couples are happy. I wanted to say about hijab that my sister wear hijab. We have no problem about her hijab. There was no need for Iran women to take off their hijab. They should have protested in other ways. The way they take off hijab and protest half naked is disgusting. I want to say that their protest is right but their method of protest is wrong and disgusting.

no woman ever got "half naked" in Iran in any protests whatsoever.

You are actually don't know what is happening in Iran.

And, by the way, Who are you to tell me to shut up?
Shiva666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Shiva666 said:
First of all here, I have no fucking desire for any religion. Even I also hate disgusting Sanatana dharma because every religion is currupted. So, only Spiritual Satanism is real. Mark it .

Secondly, yeah . Muslims are retards. Their soul is not powerful . But they are our brothers and sisters. My point was here that only Jews are our enemy. All people are involved in our Satan's blood except Jews. This was my main point. We have to spread our Satanic love among all Earth's people . This is my point. I said my sister is Muslim. So should I kill her ? Hate her? No. Because her soul is retard and she is not able to see the truth in this life. Her husband is also good. He is also Muslim. The couples are happy. I wanted to say about hijab that my sister wear hijab. We have no problem about her hijab. There was no need for Iran women to take off their hijab. They should have protested in other ways. The way they take off hijab and protest half naked is disgusting. I want to say that their protest is right but their method of protest is wrong and disgusting.

no woman ever got "half naked" in Iran in any protests whatsoever.

You are actually don't know what is happening in Iran.

And, by the way, Who are you to tell me to shut up?

I am someone who has seen the horrors of pisslam more than you have and I am telling you to shut up because what you say is bullshit and is not the reality of that country.
How about you stop being so entitled and start meditating seriously from now on, and actually being critical of what you see on the (((news)))?
And I have actually re-read your post. I thought you were talking about that picture of the woman who took off her every clothing and just covered her nipples as a form of "protest", somewhere in France or something.
And if you mean that women of Iran or ANY WOMAN OR ANY HUMAN, ANYWHERE needs to conform to shitjab, then you are still too dumb to even realize what you are saying or even understand what this whole thing is about, and you are still pretty fucked up in the brain.
If you were one of the "morality police" in there, people would definitely tear you apart limb from limb one day if they hear you say this absolutely retarded shit.
Not wearing a mark of pisslamic shame isnt getting half naked
Stop being a nuisance, and advance.
Thank you.
CaspianTheDreamer said:

And for all these reasons and many more problems an anti-islam program is coming!

(Arabs, hall of fame post)

The situation is so bad and upcoming schedule will help also and misguided gentiles as well.
But think not everyone just lost way, are xians and muslims as well who have consciously chosen the side of the enemy.

The most effective and successful way to deal with the jewish plague are RTRs.
blueFlame666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:

And for all these reasons and many more problems an anti-islam program is coming!

(Arabs, hall of fame post)

The situation is so bad and upcoming schedule will help also and misguided gentiles as well.
But think not everyone just lost way, are xians and muslims as well who have consciously chosen the side of the enemy.

The most effective and successful way to deal with the jewish plague are RTRs.

I wish we had anti-islam rituals way sooner... because we could have prevented a lot of their shit happening in this world and a lot of innocents dying.
Shiva666 said:
Hungaryan said:
Shiva666 said:
I have a sister . She wear hijab. She became Muslim when she married a Muslim man. My Hindu family respect her hijab and respect her religion. No fight no hate in my Hindu family.

Because of some bad Muslims, the Muslim religion is being hated in the world.

Your post is pathetic. Islam is a jewish weapon against the Gentiles. I recommend this article to your attention. Translate it into English, you will understand the content.


And then stop this bullshit about "good muslims" for good. It's pathetic where the standards are sinking to... Mohamed and his desert gypsy brigade were "kind and good Muslims". They founded Islam through blood and genocide.

"allah"=pig , muslims=retards

have a nice day!

First of all here, I have no fucking desire for any religion. Even I also hate disgusting Sanatana dharma because every religion is currupted. So, only Spiritual Satanism is real. Mark it .

Secondly, yeah . Muslims are retards. Their soul is not powerful . But they are our brothers and sisters. My point was here that only Jews are our enemy. All people are involved in our Satan's blood except Jews. This was my main point. We have to spread our Satanic love among all Earth's people . This is my point. I said my sister is Muslim. So should I kill her ? Hate her? No. Because her soul is retard and she is not able to see the truth in this life. Her husband is also good. He is also Muslim. The couples are happy. I wanted to say about hijab that my sister wear hijab. We have no problem about her hijab. There was no need for Iran women to take off their hijab. They should have protested in other ways. The way they take off hijab and protest half naked is disgusting. I want to say that their protest is right but their method of protest is wrong and disgusting.
Muslims were the ones who forced non muslims to wear hijab in the first place,so NO taking off allah's symbol that is forced on you is not wrong or disgusting.If you love hijab you can go there and wear it yourself instead of trashtalking against innocent teen girls who are being raped,tortured and killed because they hate hijab,Islam and muslims, and no muslims are not my brothers and sisters.They are my enemies just like jews.Also middle eastern women didnt have to cover their breasts before islam so being topless is ok in the middle eastern Paganism but jailing women in a black trash bag like TRASH is not.Be it your sister or mine...
Our love for our family shouldnt blind us from seeing the truth.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Shiva666 said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
no woman ever got "half naked" in Iran in any protests whatsoever.

You are actually don't know what is happening in Iran.

And, by the way, Who are you to tell me to shut up?

I am someone who has seen the horrors of pisslam more than you have and I am telling you to shut up because what you say is bullshit and is not the reality of that country.
How about you stop being so entitled and start meditating seriously from now on, and actually being critical of what you see on the (((news)))?
And I have actually re-read your post. I thought you were talking about that picture of the woman who took off her every clothing and just covered her nipples as a form of "protest", somewhere in France or something.
And if you mean that women of Iran or ANY WOMAN OR ANY HUMAN, ANYWHERE needs to conform to shitjab, then you are still too dumb to even realize what you are saying or even understand what this whole thing is about, and you are still pretty fucked up in the brain.
If you were one of the "morality police" in there, people would definitely tear you apart limb from limb one day if they hear you say this absolutely retarded shit.
Not wearing a mark of pisslamic shame isnt getting half naked
Stop being a nuisance, and advance.
Thank you.

They are not the ones who live in Iran so they clearly have no compassion for all the non muslims who are being tortured in Iran and other islamic countries.To THEM burning a headscarf is worse than raping Iranian non muslim teen girls which is happening right now.
Hungaryan said:
Shiva666 said:
I have a sister . She wear hijab. She became Muslim when she married a Muslim man. My Hindu family respect her hijab and respect her religion. No fight no hate in my Hindu family.

Because of some bad Muslims, the Muslim religion is being hated in the world.

Your post is pathetic. Islam is a jewish weapon against the Gentiles. I recommend this article to your attention. Translate it into English, you will understand the content.


And then stop this bullshit about "good muslims" for good. It's pathetic where the standards are sinking to... Mohamed and his desert gypsy brigade were "kind and good Muslims". They founded Islam through blood and genocide.

"allah"=pig , muslims=retards

have a nice day!
God bless you for the second part of your comment)))) I do understand that Shiva666 has compassion for his sister because of how important family is.My own family is muslim and Im an ex muslim.I hate islam and I dont like muslims at all(I just love my own family) but we need to understand what is wrong is wrong.When my family defend teachings of islam I tell them how stupid that is.I educate them about Islam's errors and evil teachings of it because that is the right thing to do.There are so many muslims who kill their own non muslim family member.In shorts I think it is Ok to love your family(which is sadly muslim) but its not Ok to love islam and defend islamists.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
