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What’s our stance on adultery?


Jul 14, 2021
To be honest I’m very highly sexually charged. I love sex and everything about it but I don’t beg or sissy for it. However when I do get to have sex I like to be very sensual and sloppy and dirty.
However this high libido has made me kind of not have a drawn line between marriage and singlehood.
What am I saying? 😂.
What’s our stance on adultery?
Is marriage sacred to us?
Are we to indulge our desires since we won’t get punished whatsoever?
Your sexual needs and desires is only your business and that of your partner.
If your partner doesn’t satisfy you, you either need to spice it up a bit, discuss it with him that he isn’t capable of satisfying, breaking up, or staying unsatisfied.
Nobody will punish you, you are an adult, it is your life and you are responsible for your relationships.
Sarjam05 said:
To be honest I’m very highly sexually charged. I love sex and everything about it but I don’t beg or sissy for it. However when I do get to have sex I like to be very sensual and sloppy and dirty.
However this high libido has made me kind of not have a drawn line between marriage and singlehood.
What am I saying? 😂.
What’s our stance on adultery?
Is marriage sacred to us?
Are we to indulge our desires since we won’t get punished whatsoever?

Are you monoganous orr polygamous?
Sarjam05 said:

Nobody is going to inflict punishment on you, but that doesn't mean you cannot ruin a relationship through cheating, for example. It is up to you to organize your relationships within a framework that all parties agree upon, including yourself. This means don't enter into a relationship that leads you to cheat later. Any problems should be dealt with responsibly.

Any relationship can be long-standing and fruitful, not just a monogamous relationship. However, not everyone wants a polygamous relationship, so just be careful you aren't screwing yourself out of a stable partner by choosing to be more individualistic, however that may manifest.
In most people who have been studied in this way, long term promiscuity eventually completely destroys the pair-bonding instinct and makes a long term relationship impossible. And since this effect is part of the karma of your soul, this kind of damage would probably also effect your future lives.

You are free to do whatever you want, and you are allowed to have whatever kind of relationships you want. But that does not mean that it is a good idea, and just because you may want to do something does not automatically mean that that thing is not harmful for you.

My suggestion would be to find one person who is a good match for you, and has similar sex drive as your own. And is compatible with you in every way, not just in this way.
Sarjam05 said:
To be honest I’m very highly sexually charged. I love sex and everything about it but I don’t beg or sissy for it. However when I do get to have sex I like to be very sensual and sloppy and dirty.
However this high libido has made me kind of not have a drawn line between marriage and singlehood.
What am I saying? 😂.
What’s our stance on adultery?
Is marriage sacred to us?
Are we to indulge our desires since we won’t get punished whatsoever?

Follow your heart. The enslavement contract of merriage was idea only for business purposes. What I meant is because of need to make sure that our child/children will inherit our goods (Roman idea) but before that 'monogamy', 'marriage', 'love to death' that bullshit didn't exist.... of course I know that there are ppl that desires to be monogamous.
Sarjam05 said:
What’s our stance on adultery?
Is marriage sacred to us?
Are we to indulge our desires since we won’t get punished whatsoever?

There is no "Divine Punishment" for this, however the punishments of life, ie, that you might lose your partner, lose the respect of others, invite longterm or lifelong hatred, curses, or other massive issues that might affect you or your kids, or that you might pointlessly waste your life in contrast to spending it with a worthwhile partner and building it to something, acting indecently and how this affects one's relationship, all of these dangers are even more real than a mere "Divine Punishment".

Marriage between two Satanists is sacred and it also depends on the dynamics of each relationship and the people involved how sacred they make it out to be, or how they treat their relationship. From observing many lives, I don't see the Gods punishing people for infidelities, but commonly that behaviour can breed an array of too many problems which become difficult to handle past a point.
It really depends on who's involved. For some not much as some couples don't mind this much. For others it leads to problems and a break up.

The problem is the kind of sneaking around stuff that shouldn't be done. If someone is totally not meeting someone else's needs this needs to be discussed. Maybe they love each other they can find a person who more fits their needs sometimes. Not bad but it should be talked about. Maybe they both can work on more meeting each other's needs.

I believe the telling lies and sneaking around stuff is bad myself more so than the actual act it says you can't trust your partner even as a more freedom loving venus sign I would hate that. It didn't happen though to me but just saying.
Cheating/having affairs goes against the meaning, intention and agreement of the relationship. If it's an open-relationship, or maybe you both want to experiment with others joining in, then fine. If you go into the relationship as just both of you, then you go against that, then obviously that is a lie and treacherous. Monogamy/monoamoury is taken seriously, but so is polygamy/polyamoury. One doesn't just say they'll be committed to their other one just for the fun of it or for the empty words of it. If you're polygamous/polyamourous, then the partners need to know/you should find others who also are.
As others have, rightfully, said there is no "divine punishment". However the physical world, as in the individual who has been cheated on, might punish you. Maybe they'll kick you out of the house, steal from you, or maybe they're so infuriated they inflict bodily harm.

Or maybe you're young, not in a serious relationship, and can get away with it.

From what I can conclude is that this person is giving you something. Probably a place to live, money or something you can't or don't want to acquire on your own. So you're just leading them along. If you are living with someone you'll get caught sooner or later.

The basic question is, if this individual isn't satisfying you either physically or emotionally. Why are you staying with them?

You're better off being honest with your partners, and letting them know you like open relationships. Or if you're just using them for money and stability.
Responsibility to the Responsible.

If you are willing to accept the consequences of your actions then you can do what ever the fuck you want.
The fact divine punishment does not exist in reality unless you offend the Gods doesn't mean there aren't consequences to one's action. That can be considered a form of punishment. As morality and ethics grow inside of a person, so diminishes the amount of punishment they receive from 'reality' as they understand what they are doing and what they are supposed to do. They mature and evolve.

Are your desire yours or fabricated from porn and media brainwashing? (e.g. tv shows, films, videogames and so on)

If I have to guess, you're likely to have desires that are not yours, since you mentioned 'dirty'. In most cases, dirty is programming from the enemy. For example, scat and 'water sports' fall under this category of mental illness.

Understanding of Saturn helps you bring these 'desires' under perspective.

Other people have brilliantly elaborated on how relationships work for humans, and I have nothing to add.
Sarjam05 said:
Is marriage sacred to us?

According to ancient Pagan traditions, marriage is sacred. But, contrary to xianity and other mainstream religions, marriage in Spiritual Satanism is not for everyone. Some people aren't comfortable with having a single partner for their entire lives, and we respect that. Add to that the fact that modern-day marriage is nothing compared to how the Gods intended it to be. It has been made a cheap thing where you can divorce someone for no reason at all and not something based on mutual respect of two people who complement each other. Most marriages are just co-dependent and that's why they have so many problems.

In my opinion, marriage is something you should do when you are completely sure, just like with your Dedication to Satan commitment. They are both serious commitments. Don't marry just because you're forced to or pressured to by society or because you want to have someone close to you. Just make sure the person you want to marry is the best for you. Otherwise, it's better to stay single.

If people thought this way, most of the problems with marriages would be avoided.

Sarjam05 said:
Are we to indulge our desires since we won’t get punished whatsoever?

There's no punishment on that, and any punishment on that matter wouldn't make you more happy. Let me tell you a fun social study/experiment that was done:

Two group of children were in a room full of toys. They were allowed to play with all toys except with a robot. The first group of children were punished when they tried to play with the robot. The second group were simply told "you shouldn't touch the robot", but they weren't punished. What happened with the first group is that they didn't touch the robot when any adult was in the room, but as soon as all adults left they started playing with it. The second group who were not punished just avoided playing with the robot, even if they were alone without any adults in the room.

So you can see from the above, punishment only causes people to do the punishable things in secret.

Sarjam05 said:
What’s our stance on adultery?

As I said, marriage is a sacred commitment and should be honored. But it may not be for you at all. In that case, it's better not to marry.
Although I haven’t been answered. I appreciate the attempts. I also understand the philosophical nature of the subject as there are no right or wrong answers. It’s an abstract question.
My reason for saying I haven’t been answered is cause the responses I have received are all normative. It tell me what marriage ought to be. I know what marriage ought to be. However I want to know why I would not commit adultery if I won’t be caught and won’t be punished? What’s stopping me?
Sarjam05 said:
Although I haven’t been answered. I appreciate the attempts. I also understand the philosophical nature of the subject as there are no right or wrong answers. It’s an abstract question.
My reason for saying I haven’t been answered is cause the responses I have received are all normative. It tell me what marriage ought to be. I know what marriage ought to be. However I want to know why I would not commit adultery if I won’t be caught and won’t be punished? What’s stopping me?

This is based on your personal morality. If one really cares about their partner, they wouldn't sleep around with other people behind their backs, as it is very wrong to do so.

No partner in this world will be fine with this. If one wants to have an open relationship, this can be fine for some people, but it must be discussed before hand and openly with a partner, so one does not lie and adulterate behind their backs.

Relationships are based on trust, if one cannot trust their own partner to be faithful to them, then why be together with someone? Why dedicate your life to another person?

Sex is very sacred, especially after one decides to dedicate their life to a partner of their choice. You build a deep and powerful connection with that person. Adulterating stains that connection, and breaks the sacredness of deep, monogamous love.

Why choose to have such a relationship if you do not plan to uphold it? One needs to choose something that suits them, and something they can uphold.

Breaking this trust is the same as squandering the love and the promises you have made to a person you decide to be with.

You can be certain if it is ever found out, or even suspected, your life will be ruined as the relationship violently breaks apart.

For something like this to be considered, usually shows the relationship is disfunctional in the first place. As with functional relationship between two loving partners, there is no desire to adulterate with anyone else, since the partner whom the person loves satisfies the persons need for love, affection, companionship and sex.

Talk with your partner to solve issues first, and if it doesn't work, you have to discuss separation since there is no point staying in a disfunctional relationship together.

After separating, one can sleep around as much as they like, without any sort of adultery taking place. It becomes a harmless act that doesn't break any vows or upright morals.

Do things the right way and uphold decent moral standards. That is the SS way.

As there is too much moral degradation and degeneracy in this world, if nobody sets and adheres to higher moral standards, this never improves. Even if other people do not care for it, we are to set higher examples and uphold high moral standards, as taught to us by the Gods, so this isn't lost in the world.

Hail Satan!
Just don't lie to women. Be honest and a man of your word. Don't make false promises that you may break later on.
Sarjam05 said:
Although I haven’t been answered. I appreciate the attempts. I also understand the philosophical nature of the subject as there are no right or wrong answers. It’s an abstract question.
My reason for saying I haven’t been answered is cause the responses I have received are all normative. It tell me what marriage ought to be. I know what marriage ought to be. However I want to know why I would not commit adultery if I won’t be caught and won’t be punished? What’s stopping me?
Hopefully you would have enough morals that you would not want to be a shitty person. It is clear from your responses that you know it is wrong, but you don't care.

It is Karma which stays attached to your soul. Irresponsible and negative behavior like promiscuity does actual damage to your soul by damaging your pair-bonding mechanism. If you do enough of this damage, it is possible for it to be permanently destroyed and you will never be able to be in any relationship. And since it is part of your soul, it will stay with you throughout future lifetimes. It could take several different generations to heal from the damage you cause yourself, and you may never be able to be in a good relationship.

I am not trying to scare you, and I am not saying that you're in this situation yet. Just an extreme example of where this behavior could take you over time.
If you are old enough to have sex you should be old enough to make your own decisions regarding your sex life. If you truly feel the need to ask online for validation of your stance on your personal sex life then perhaps deep down you know there's something wrong with you or the way to choose to live out your life.

People should avoid relationships with a partner who cannot fully satisfy them sexually. This is the main culprit of ruined relationships in my opinion. Different people love differently and some people are very open to have sex with friends or even strangers.

You cannot and should not be in a relationship with a person who has different views or stance when it comes to your sexual lives. A person who is by nature very jealous or possessive is never going to have a stable relationship with a person who is open about sex with friends/strangers.

Some people see sex as just a pleasure or need like eating food or drinking water, others see it as an extremely intimate act that they wish to carry out only with someone they love deeply.

Compatibility when it comes to sexual preferences and sexual life in general is a requirement for stable relationships and when this doesn't exist the relationship is doomed.

When it comes to the morality of certain choices, there really aren't consequences if you're not caught. But also consider you wouldn't be the first to have their dick cut off while they sleep for cheating on their partner.

The level of emotional damage your actions can cause when you are disloyal to someone who fully dedicated themselves to you can be immense, even irreparable. And you can expect heavy handed consequences when this kind of damage is done to a dedicated soul.

I've seen this kind of stance on morality discussed more than once on the forums recently. You are entirely free to carry out abuse on people. As most have been pacified and will not retaliate.

But if you believe signing a piece of paper protects you from all consequences of your actions, you are delusional. If you abuse the wrong person, you can get seriously hurt, disabled or killed. And if you are unlucky enough to carry out a serious offense or severe abuse on a Satanist, do not think Belial enables such behavior, or if he intervenes should your victims start cursing you.

You are not exempt from justice by performing the dedication ritual. And when you callously create enemies all around you with abhorrent behavior, neither Satan nor your GD will protect you from the consequences of your own behavior should your victims take justice into their own hands and beat you to death on the streets.
Jack said:
Just don't lie to women. Be honest and a man of your word. Don't make false promises that you may break later on.

I'd say this is advice that needs to be applied for every bond with people you care about.
Stormblood said:
Jack said:
Just don't lie to women. Be honest and a man of your word. Don't make false promises that you may break later on.

I'd say this is advice that needs to be applied for every bond with people you care about.
That's absolutely true. And that's why I don't tell lies to anyone as a policy. I sometimes lied when I was a child and got caught everytime, so I just made a mental note to never lie again. You could always persuade people through your oratory abilities that doesn't involve lying. And to cover up one lie you have to invent a 100 ,which you'll be caught in. It's just a bad strategy overall.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sarjam05 said:
Although I haven’t been answered. I appreciate the attempts. I also understand the philosophical nature of the subject as there are no right or wrong answers. It’s an abstract question.
My reason for saying I haven’t been answered is cause the responses I have received are all normative. It tell me what marriage ought to be. I know what marriage ought to be. However I want to know why I would not commit adultery if I won’t be caught and won’t be punished? What’s stopping me?
Hopefully you would have enough morals that you would not want to be a shitty person. It is clear from your responses that you know it is wrong, but you don't care.

It is Karma which stays attached to your soul. Irresponsible and negative behavior like promiscuity does actual damage to your soul by damaging your pair-bonding mechanism. If you do enough of this damage, it is possible for it to be permanently destroyed and you will never be able to be in any relationship. And since it is part of your soul, it will stay with you throughout future lifetimes. It could take several different generations to heal from the damage you cause yourself, and you may never be able to be in a good relationship.

I am not trying to scare you, and I am not saying that you're in this situation yet. Just an extreme example of where this behavior could take you over time.

This sorts of makes sense.
All the other posts too but they make me think SS morality is self morality. I mean the power to control the self and do good for good and not for fear of punishment or hope of reward.
However when there’s no law to jail a robber then robbery increases. Law of nature.
This karmic principle kind of puts that in place in the context. I wouldn’t ever want to lose my pair bonding mechanism in the future lives. That’d be a miserable reincarnation experience.
Thanks everyone. I’m glad to be amongst well read and intelligent family.
I love you all.
I truly do.
Sarjam05 said:
Although I haven’t been answered. I appreciate the attempts. I also understand the philosophical nature of the subject as there are no right or wrong answers. It’s an abstract question.
My reason for saying I haven’t been answered is cause the responses I have received are all normative. It tell me what marriage ought to be. I know what marriage ought to be. However I want to know why I would not commit adultery if I won’t be caught and won’t be punished? What’s stopping me?

K you know what lets flip the situation upside down. I assume you are male and have a woman as a counterpart.
She feels frustrated in the relationship because you are too oppressive and she can't express herself or whatever other reason.
Or maybe she just really has the hots for someone. Or maybe she is too insecure to express herself properly to you.

Anyway her eye falls on another man. She goes out with him. Has fun. And at first its like a normal friendship. But after some time it goes more romantic. You do not notice it however because you trust her to be only yours and the thought doesn't even come up in your head.

Then she sleeps with him. Aka has sex etc. You still don't notice. Then one day she comes to you and confesses. That she feels really bad about sleeping around and cheating on you or that she breaks up with you to be with him or even worse you walk in on them when you were looking for your wife wondering if she was still at your friends house.

How would the above situation(s) make you feel?

If after all this reasoning you still cannot imagine it or have any kind of understanding, I'll say this: Go and fuck up your relationship. You've been warned. Go sow and reap your consequences.
I personally think that makes you a degenerate loser to cheat on someone in a relationship. If world hunger could by solved by rubbing our bellies then there'd be few problems to begin with. If you have a polygamous partner that isn't "cheating", but if you use sex addiction as a means to justify dangerous behavior that threatens the stability of your life then you simply just have an addiction and are like a heroin addict doing the same thing over and over again even though it ruins your life.
It sounds like you are conflating adultery and polyamorous relationships, which are two distinct things.

Adultery simply means sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse. If the cheating is occurring between two unmarried persons (who are cheating on their Bf/Gf or with someone in an unmarried relationship), then that is not the textbook definition of adultery. That is just standard cheating.

Its pretty simple. Do whatever you want as long as you are honest. If you have sexual relations with someone else behind your partner's back, and that framework wasn't previously agreed upon, then you are a betrayer and you should accept the consequences of betraying someone like the other SS said above.
Rational Satanist said:
Let me tell you a fun social study/experiment that was done:

Two group of children were in a room full of toys. They were allowed to play with all toys except with a robot. The first group of children were punished when they tried to play with the robot. The second group were simply told "you shouldn't touch the robot", but they weren't punished. What happened with the first group is that they didn't touch the robot when any adult was in the room, but as soon as all adults left they started playing with it. The second group who were not punished just avoided playing with the robot, even if they were alone without any adults in the room.

Thanks for sharing this, very interesting.
Sarjam05 said:
Although I haven’t been answered. I appreciate the attempts. I also understand the philosophical nature of the subject as there are no right or wrong answers. It’s an abstract question.
My reason for saying I haven’t been answered is cause the responses I have received are all normative. It tell me what marriage ought to be. I know what marriage ought to be. However I want to know why I would not commit adultery if I won’t be caught and won’t be punished? What’s stopping me?
I don't know if you know this or not but when you make commitments to other people with the intent of carrying it out in that moment it creates Karmic bonds even if later on you decide to change your mind. For each specific Karmic Entanglement you create and not complete, it will make it harder for your spiritual progression because a lot of Karmic debts haven't been fulfilled. In order to break free you'll have to do munka workings for each specific little thing. The people who experience serious burning pain with their Kundalini when it rises also have a lot of unsettled Karmic debts and Entanglements at each chakra. The Kundalini will burn all the Entanglements but it will also be very painful . Don't do things in your life that sabotages you spiritual progression.
Jack said:
Sarjam05 said:
Although I haven’t been answered. I appreciate the attempts. I also understand the philosophical nature of the subject as there are no right or wrong answers. It’s an abstract question.
My reason for saying I haven’t been answered is cause the responses I have received are all normative. It tell me what marriage ought to be. I know what marriage ought to be. However I want to know why I would not commit adultery if I won’t be caught and won’t be punished? What’s stopping me?
I don't know if you know this or not but when you make commitments to other people with the intent of carrying it out in that moment it creates Karmic bonds even if later on you decide to change your mind. For each specific Karmic Entanglement you create and not complete, it will make it harder for your spiritual progression because a lot of Karmic debts haven't been fulfilled. In order to break free you'll have to do munka workings for each specific little thing. The people who experience serious burning pain with their Kundalini when it rises also have a lot of unsettled Karmic debts and Entanglements at each chakra. The Kundalini will burn all the Entanglements but it will also be very painful . Don't do things in your life that sabotages you spiritual progression.

I think this is very succinct Jack. Very well written. Coming into more lifetimes with karmic dirt would only end up suffering one in more and more lifetimes. I like the way you wrote it. Very well understood.
Also I wanted to say I think it's weird you ask what's "our" stance on adultery as if we're in a relationship or something. This isn't a cult, I mean in some sense you might technically might classify it as one whether you consider Hitler or Maxine to be a "deity" or not, but still the dynamic is totally different because the average posters' word actually holds weight under and against the ideology. "We" can give advice on how to best live your life to be as healthy as possible but as individuals not everything works the same for everyone and adultery is not the same thing as wanting to kiss someone you don't want to marry or something. Also, pedophiles say they have a really high sex drive.... Just something to keep in mind if you think libido has something to do with having a fetish for things like cheating because deviancy definitely not a symptom of high testosterone, which is what causes sex drive in men and women. Something cheaters don't get is it's actually more common for people with low sex drives to have frequent fantasies about abnormal sexual or romantic situations, just something you should know if you feel that your attitude is causing a problem in your life it could be a chemical imbalance causing you to be unable to attracted to a person you're naturally chemically attracted to that you chose in the first place for that reason. That is why some people are not even attracted to adults at all and choose animals or children instead, they have a low sex drive.
I'm sorry for this double/triple post but I would also say that if you don't believe in marriage you probably won't be getting married anyways. Marriage was another Pagan religious practice before the Jews turned it into a state legal system to control reproduction. The original purpose was as a process of creation and betterment for children to have a superior karma to their ancestors and inherit a fighting spirit from their parents rather than a bunch of trauma from their failure to learn and overcome their parent's traumas. It's not exactly a cycle but culture goes back and forth on this and your choice whether you want to go up or down. If you have a bad home life for instance, you would view marriage with someone who shares your goals as sacred because you truly care about creating children who won't suffer like you did, and you will be happy to make predetermined arrangements and sort out the details to plan this out and make sacrifices for it to happen which will ultimately better you as a person as well. It benefits both people on a literal religious level. Because it makes you a better person and helps humanity as a whole, marriage is typically viewed as sacred and if you can't respect it you are just too naive to understand the logical value of the religious aspect of it to society. Common sense to pretty much everyone here, but I do understand where you're coming from, you just can't marry someone you don't love, that's about it. They say you can, but you literally can't because the actual process is designed as a ceremonial ritual that doesn't "work" if you don't "believe" in it, and maybe that's a bit too trippy for some people to fully understand but a so called sacred ghetto marriage is probably better than a transactional legal arrangement because the actual love is at least still being combined with an agreement to better ones' selves for a goal. Just remember that Christians didn't invent marriage or monogamy, and it's fair to not respect the Christian definition of it, just stupid to involve yourself in that when you know it's a lie.
newbie40 said:
Sarjam05 said:
To be honest I’m very highly sexually charged. I love sex and everything about it but I don’t beg or sissy for it. However when I do get to have sex I like to be very sensual and sloppy and dirty.
However this high libido has made me kind of not have a drawn line between marriage and singlehood.
What am I saying? 😂.
What’s our stance on adultery?
Is marriage sacred to us?
Are we to indulge our desires since we won’t get punished whatsoever?

Follow your heart. The enslavement contract of merriage was idea only for business purposes. What I meant is because of need to make sure that our child/children will inherit our goods (Roman idea) but before that 'monogamy', 'marriage', 'love to death' that bullshit didn't exist.... of course I know that there are ppl that desires to be monogamous.

What you're saying is nonsense, and it reminds the awful brave new world where the Jewish dream of order, without the continuity of the family and the lineage. You are a mammal, not an ant. For mammals, the flock (family) comes first, while ants live alone and the state (colony) raises the children together. be aware of your own nature, it is stupid to live against nature.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
