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Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

Congratulations JG Karnonnos and Everyone mentioned for all their Hard work and Dedication,
May the Gods bless us all!
Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

View attachment 2091

Greetings to everyone in our Satanic Family,

Lately we have been making strides thanks to our concentrated efforts by everyone in our family. This topic will give a list of brief updates in regard to what is going on with news on many areas.

We are at this time, where the JoS Community is reaching status never seen before in it's history. There is endless work going behind the scenes. This post is to keep the community up to date with many of the ongoing topics, so everyone can know how much exceptional effort is being put in the development of this House of the Gods. Still, these are only the surface of what is being worked on, and there will be more updates on these topics as we go.

NEW JOY OF SATAN GUARDIAN: Before anything else, I want to thank JG Karnonnos for accepting the invitation to become a Joy of Satan Guardian. I stand very happy here . After a very long time of providing valuable help for the Joy of Satan and the community and thanks to his excellent merits in understanding and wisdom, knowledge and personality, He has been officially ordained as a new Joy of Satan Guardian.

Let's all welcome him to his new position and may all the Gods bless them abundantly to continue on this very important path. It's beautiful to see how people are evolving and their value in both themselves and for others is increasing exponentially. I personally also thank him for his excellent efforts to prolong the life, power and influence of our community and wish him the very best in this new position of service. May the Gods be with him to help him in all his tasks and endeavors, but above all to stand as a bright light that shines upon our community.

Welcome, JG Karnonnos!

About the JOS DONOR'S SYSTEM: Everyone has received the PDF's for Tier 4, 3 and 2, this is the 8th edition of the PDF. Tier 1 will receive this PDF in the next 24 hours.

There have been delays and I know this, but all of this is going to change in the short term future. All of these have illustrated to me to certain obstacles, which will be not only overcome, but gave birth to an entirely new approach to this system, since delays were of a systemic character if anything else.

In that, I reveal something very important which is a legendary project that has a very definite aim, for the maximum potential of Spiritual Satanists to be reached.

As the three tiers above have received this 8th issue of the PDF, I want to thank those who understood the importance of this and took the necessary time to answer this self-evaluation questionnaire, which also will help me articulate our next steps. Your patience and care is invaluable for this community. I have checked all the feedback from these until now and I am very certain we are heading to a very good direction. But the Donor System is about to get more exciting than ever before.

We are constructing a new, dedicated platform for Donors, that will have many abilities in accordance to Ranking. You will be able to download the PDF from there directly (ie, no delays) and you will have other benefits such as participation in advanced lessons that will serve to empower you in order for you to prolong the existence of the Joy of Satan whilst you are becoming the full and best version of yourself, receive blessings, the ability go communicate with me 1 on 1 (for higher ranks) and many other perks that I will not disclose, but that are MANY and like NOTHING seen before.

There will also be something for the top of the top of Spiritual Satanists, a definite end to Tier 4, where after one crosses a hidden set threshold of contributions, they will be enrolled in something of an ultimate character. Other than that, the JoS Donors who are in already, will be granted access to the new platform which will be of a phenomenal character, serious and amazing in every-way.

The previous system of the PDF's will be dwarfed compared to what the JOS DONOR system will be after it's overhaul, for which we are tirelessly working to manifest, alongside a FULLY dedicated website, thanks to JG BlackOnyx.

I want to thank the Donors for their patience. Through your efforts, the Joy of Satan is advancing in an exceptional rate, but your rewards will be plenty and unlike anything seen before. The platform will also allow me to have more time liberty, because the character of the previous system burned a lot of my time in details - such as mailing etc. When the platform is ready, I will have 90% more free time to devote on sheer content and excellent matters, as explained above. Donors will receive documentation explaining these topics in accordance to their level of clearance to know more.

You can see from the Demon Rituals, that the Gods have me working overtime on everything, at a level and degree of seriousness never seen before. Many of these are at a superhuman level to handle, and that's the reason we have the growth and progress that we do.

Joy of Satan Updates + Site Re-Designs + Site Updates: Granted everything and thanks to JG Apollo Above, many of our sites have went through a full scale visual and theming overhaul. The sites are now more attractive and easier to navigate than ever before, yet they retain their serious and simplistic character without any alterations. That will give us proper representation when it comes to the external world, but also make the reading of these sites far easier. JoS Astro, with HPS Lydia and HiddeWarrior, is also getting updated.

On top of everything, the Joy of Satan will start becoming improved, with overhauls on all the main JoS Site pages (no content changes, just improvements, new articles, and more comprehensive organization). I have embarked on this and have content ready which should be coming online every few days. Thanks to people who are very serious editors, we are having also a list of issues to fix any such mistakes that are found, like JG Power of Justice.

Translations: We are expanding globally thanks to all of the translators who are apostoles of Satan, doing the work of the Gods for people of non-english languages to learn the Truth. So far, we have done monumental progression on these as JG Alchemist is showing his impressive management skills in attaining these. All the translators of all our languages, are doing great and very important work. We also have founded the Joy of Satan Greek forum, so people who are Greeks should join there to also finish the related translations, to bring another one Nation to the light. As there are endless things to mention in this category, I need to also state that after everything is caught up to date, every community will get a Forum + Outreach progression. This brings us to the next topic of Outreach.

Outreach: Thanks to the formation of the Outreach and Enlightenment Wing, which is still new but has been scoring monumental amounts of attention, we are expanding on the outreach efforts. JG NakedPluto is doing wonderful work there, which many of you who participate in this initiative, know of firsthand. You also see me there everyday, doing consistent efforts to bring out the Truth to other people, and we have scored impressive numbers already. But that is only the beginning. I seriously advise people who want to do work for the Gods, but want to do easy tasks and have time, to participate here, as this wing is integral to the interests and the desired changes the Gods want to bring to the world. As our internal community is held together strongly by people like JG Blitzkrieg, and so many others who are fighting to educate our inner people on the daily, we are going to have more and more outwardly expansion that will enlighten humanity as well.


The above, constitutes only a part of what is going on. There are many more things going on. The level of progression is constantly rising.

Everyone mentioned here, or others who were not mentioned by name, are doing more than I can relate in a single topic. The number of creators and souls who are unlocking their capacities and creating in the Name of the Gods, are rising by the day.

On a conclusive note, I want to say, that when we are united and fighting together for our Gods, there are no limitations, besides those imposed on us by ourselves. The breaking of these, done by self improvement, shows the miracles of the Gods in front of us all.

When we improve as individuals and improve our community, there is this limitless boundary that keeps being pushed constantly. There is nothing that we cannot achieve as a community; and we must do this in order to bring ourselves and our whole into the proper deserving stature.

Everyone who does anything in that regard, big or small, should pride themselves in their attainments and you must know beyond any doubt, that the Gods are watching you and nodding at you, every step of the way.

May the Gods bless us all, my wonderful SS!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Many thanks, Our HPHC.
The Gods shall rule again, with us as Their hands, eyes and spokes(wo/)men serving on Earth. Every single bit of noble effort rendered for this grandest of endeavors, every single brick laid unto this holiest of temples, big or small, is of everlasting glory and endless beauty.

Incredible things await us all.

Many congratulations to our newest Guardian. May your efforts every day overshadow greatly that of all other days before.

Hail Father Satan, Hail the Gods of Hell, Hail Victory, Hail our royal Clergy and our noble Guardians, and Hail all the spiritual elite of the world who have done even a bit of effort to bring the eternally salubrious vision of the Gods into reality; in the past, now and forever. Ave Satanas.
"Coincidentally" 2024 in Chinese zodiac just happens to be the Year of the Dragon, and 2025 the Year of the Snake, two of Satan's holiest animal symbols, always had a feeling these next two years would show large growth within the JoS.

Also congrats to the new JG.
Would you throw me out if I told you that I could not participate in the collective for physical reasons...? While yes, I do have some imperfect ability to visit your Magical Land, but only for 9 minutes and 9 seconds and not a second more. :sneaky:✍️👁️🧜‍♀️🎒🐱

Nobody would ever "throw you out". We all have our obstacles in life. Just do your best to advance in your own pace and with your own abilities. Do not judge yourself wrongly here.

Everyone is understood for in that community. We know everyone has their own path and obstacles to face. Nothing to worry about here.

I forgot to mention will the donors have access to previous pdfs that they missed?

Or once one climbs ranks in donor system and becomes more engaged or trusted then they get to receive these?

Only if they attain the highest tiers, then maybe so, because if one donates 5$ they cannot invalidate the years long efforts of others and receive the same, because they decided to join 5 years later for just 5$, maybe in hopes to get everything after all others have done the heavy lifting.

Those who join earlier will always have more perks because they join earlier and they help the Joy of Satan during difficult times. But as it grows everyone will want to join, so everyone is very welcome to do so.

It will always be worth it to join, but I will never forgive those who have helped the Joy of Satan to get off the ground, or who believed in us where others only faced me with hesitations, doubts, attacks, or even in the case of some richer members "waiting it out" all the time.

As the Joy of Satan grows, the contributions needed to reach the top are also going to change, but not in a way that will be bad or unattainable. It's just that early helpers of the JoS will know always that they are being favored, and we are still on the very early stage with all of these matters.

It will all scale naturally.
"Coincidentally" 2024 in Chinese zodiac just happens to be the Year of the Dragon, and 2025 the Year of the Snake, two of Satan's holiest animal symbols, always had a feeling these next two years would show large growth within the JoS.

Also congrats to the new JG.
Indeed. When you take this into account along with the current positions of Pluto and Neptune in western astrology; all signs point to this being the beginning of the end for the Jews.
Congratulations to Joy of Satan Guardian Karnonnos! I wish you great blessings.
I'm certain you will do very well in your service.
Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

View attachment 2091

Greetings to everyone in our Satanic Family,

Lately we have been making strides thanks to our concentrated efforts by everyone in our family. This topic will give a list of brief updates in regard to what is going on with news on many areas.

We are at this time, where the JoS Community is reaching status never seen before in it's history. There is endless work going behind the scenes. This post is to keep the community up to date with many of the ongoing topics, so everyone can know how much exceptional effort is being put in the development of this House of the Gods. Still, these are only the surface of what is being worked on, and there will be more updates on these topics as we go.

NEW JOY OF SATAN GUARDIAN: Before anything else, I want to thank JG Karnonnos for accepting the invitation to become a Joy of Satan Guardian. I stand very happy here . After a very long time of providing valuable help for the Joy of Satan and the community and thanks to his excellent merits in understanding and wisdom, knowledge and personality, He has been officially ordained as a new Joy of Satan Guardian.

Let's all welcome him to his new position and may all the Gods bless them abundantly to continue on this very important path. It's beautiful to see how people are evolving and their value in both themselves and for others is increasing exponentially. I personally also thank him for his excellent efforts to prolong the life, power and influence of our community and wish him the very best in this new position of service. May the Gods be with him to help him in all his tasks and endeavors, but above all to stand as a bright light that shines upon our community.

Welcome, JG Karnonnos!

About the JOS DONOR'S SYSTEM: Everyone has received the PDF's for Tier 4, 3 and 2, this is the 8th edition of the PDF. Tier 1 will receive this PDF in the next 24 hours.

There have been delays and I know this, but all of this is going to change in the short term future. All of these have illustrated to me to certain obstacles, which will be not only overcome, but gave birth to an entirely new approach to this system, since delays were of a systemic character if anything else.

In that, I reveal something very important which is a legendary project that has a very definite aim, for the maximum potential of Spiritual Satanists to be reached.

As the three tiers above have received this 8th issue of the PDF, I want to thank those who understood the importance of this and took the necessary time to answer this self-evaluation questionnaire, which also will help me articulate our next steps. Your patience and care is invaluable for this community. I have checked all the feedback from these until now and I am very certain we are heading to a very good direction. But the Donor System is about to get more exciting than ever before.

We are constructing a new, dedicated platform for Donors, that will have many abilities in accordance to Ranking. You will be able to download the PDF from there directly (ie, no delays) and you will have other benefits such as participation in advanced lessons that will serve to empower you in order for you to prolong the existence of the Joy of Satan whilst you are becoming the full and best version of yourself, receive blessings, the ability go communicate with me 1 on 1 (for higher ranks) and many other perks that I will not disclose, but that are MANY and like NOTHING seen before.

There will also be something for the top of the top of Spiritual Satanists, a definite end to Tier 4, where after one crosses a hidden set threshold of contributions, they will be enrolled in something of an ultimate character. Other than that, the JoS Donors who are in already, will be granted access to the new platform which will be of a phenomenal character, serious and amazing in every-way.

The previous system of the PDF's will be dwarfed compared to what the JOS DONOR system will be after it's overhaul, for which we are tirelessly working to manifest, alongside a FULLY dedicated website, thanks to JG BlackOnyx.

I want to thank the Donors for their patience. Through your efforts, the Joy of Satan is advancing in an exceptional rate, but your rewards will be plenty and unlike anything seen before. The platform will also allow me to have more time liberty, because the character of the previous system burned a lot of my time in details - such as mailing etc. When the platform is ready, I will have 90% more free time to devote on sheer content and excellent matters, as explained above. Donors will receive documentation explaining these topics in accordance to their level of clearance to know more.

You can see from the Demon Rituals, that the Gods have me working overtime on everything, at a level and degree of seriousness never seen before. Many of these are at a superhuman level to handle, and that's the reason we have the growth and progress that we do.

Joy of Satan Updates + Site Re-Designs + Site Updates: Granted everything and thanks to JG Apollo Above, many of our sites have went through a full scale visual and theming overhaul. The sites are now more attractive and easier to navigate than ever before, yet they retain their serious and simplistic character without any alterations. That will give us proper representation when it comes to the external world, but also make the reading of these sites far easier. JoS Astro, with HPS Lydia and HiddeWarrior, is also getting updated.

On top of everything, the Joy of Satan will start becoming improved, with overhauls on all the main JoS Site pages (no content changes, just improvements, new articles, and more comprehensive organization). I have embarked on this and have content ready which should be coming online every few days. Thanks to people who are very serious editors, we are having also a list of issues to fix any such mistakes that are found, like JG Power of Justice.

Translations: We are expanding globally thanks to all of the translators who are apostoles of Satan, doing the work of the Gods for people of non-english languages to learn the Truth. So far, we have done monumental progression on these as JG Alchemist is showing his impressive management skills in attaining these. All the translators of all our languages, are doing great and very important work. We also have founded the Joy of Satan Greek forum, so people who are Greeks should join there to also finish the related translations, to bring another one Nation to the light. As there are endless things to mention in this category, I need to also state that after everything is caught up to date, every community will get a Forum + Outreach progression. This brings us to the next topic of Outreach.

Outreach: Thanks to the formation of the Outreach and Enlightenment Wing, which is still new but has been scoring monumental amounts of attention, we are expanding on the outreach efforts. JG NakedPluto is doing wonderful work there, which many of you who participate in this initiative, know of firsthand. You also see me there everyday, doing consistent efforts to bring out the Truth to other people, and we have scored impressive numbers already. But that is only the beginning. I seriously advise people who want to do work for the Gods, but want to do easy tasks and have time, to participate here, as this wing is integral to the interests and the desired changes the Gods want to bring to the world. As our internal community is held together strongly by people like JG Blitzkrieg, and so many others who are fighting to educate our inner people on the daily, we are going to have more and more outwardly expansion that will enlighten humanity as well.


The above, constitutes only a part of what is going on. There are many more things going on. The level of progression is constantly rising.

Everyone mentioned here, or others who were not mentioned by name, are doing more than I can relate in a single topic. The number of creators and souls who are unlocking their capacities and creating in the Name of the Gods, are rising by the day.

On a conclusive note, I want to say, that when we are united and fighting together for our Gods, there are no limitations, besides those imposed on us by ourselves. The breaking of these, done by self improvement, shows the miracles of the Gods in front of us all.

When we improve as individuals and improve our community, there is this limitless boundary that keeps being pushed constantly. There is nothing that we cannot achieve as a community; and we must do this in order to bring ourselves and our whole into the proper deserving stature.

Everyone who does anything in that regard, big or small, should pride themselves in their attainments and you must know beyond any doubt, that the Gods are watching you and nodding at you, every step of the way.

May the Gods bless us all, my wonderful SS!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's just perfect :love:
Thanks to all who wished well, this is a great responsibility as well as privilege, I endeavor to do as much as possible for the Gods. I would like to thank HP Cobra for his kind words and prove myself totally worthy of them.

Alongside the Gods, I owe everything to HP Cobra, HPS Maxine and HPS Lydia. The excellent Guardians thus far have also done so much to uphold Satan's name, so I will work to uphold myself among them.

May the radiant Gods bless the JoS members in each and every aspect of their lives!
My congratulations, JG Karnonnos! (y) :)
I wish you prosperity and new successes in your spiritual ascent and development ;)
Congratulations to everyone, especially the new JG. A very well-deserved acknowledgement! I always enjoyed your post and the amount of knowledge you project. I can't wait to see where your guardianship leads, brother!
Congratulations and thank you for your tireless work in lieu of our Satanic cause thus far, JG Karnonnos! May the blessings of the Gods continue to guide your in your endeavors both personally and on behalf of the Joy of Satan.

Sieg Heil!
Congratulations to JG Karnonnos! I have always enjoyed reading your posts, overfilled with wisdom. I also want to thank the High Priest and the High Priestess and all the Guardians for their hard work. Of course, I also want to thank everyone else who is participating in any form to the growth of our beautiful house of the Gods on Earth.
Hail Satan!
Hail all Gods of Du'at!
Congratulations to JG Karnonnos and all the brothers who contribute to the promotion of Jos
Finally, HP HoodedCobra, I'd like to note that I haven't received the 8th donor PDF. :(

Greetings Sister, it appears Protonmail is branding me falsely as a "spammer" for trying to send it. I am sending this into a message via the platform here.
Greetings Sister, it appears Protonmail is branding me falsely as a "spammer" for trying to send it. I am sending this into a message via the platform here.
Greetings HP,

May I also receive the same message according to my Donor Tier? Also, I know you are busy but if I can get an answer to my latest mail to you sooner rather than later, I'll be endlessly grateful. A very short reply will suffice too, and you can also respond here on our forums if Proton keeps giving you trouble.
What wonderful news! 😍 Thanks for everyone's hard work and dedication! Congratulations to our new guardian! :D

Hail Satan!
Hail Astarte!
Hail Azazel!
Hail Salos!
Hail Felix!
Hail Lerajie!
Hail Buer!
Hail All the Gods/Goddess and demons/Demoness' of Hell!
Welcome JG Karnonnos, I'm very glad you have joined us!

Be blessed Brother, for having you is a blessing for the JoS and our community.
Congratulations JG Karnonnos, and thanks to everyone in this community who works for all of us every day.🌹
My heartily congratulations to you JG Karnonnos, wish you to grow to the fullest potential, in the best way possible!
Seeing all of you getting the recognition deserved by rivers of sweat and mountains of dedication is immensely touching and inspiring!

Rather glad to be among the ranks of those constantly giving a helping hand and expanding my own domain of responsibilities.
Hoping that more SS shall look up to all of you and follow the footsteps of yours as well.

Thanks to everyone working for the Goal, you all deserve it to the fullest.
Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

View attachment 2091

Greetings to everyone in our Satanic Family,

Lately we have been making strides thanks to our concentrated efforts by everyone in our family. This topic will give a list of brief updates in regard to what is going on with news on many areas.

We are at this time, where the JoS Community is reaching status never seen before in it's history. There is endless work going behind the scenes. This post is to keep the community up to date with many of the ongoing topics, so everyone can know how much exceptional effort is being put in the development of this House of the Gods. Still, these are only the surface of what is being worked on, and there will be more updates on these topics as we go.

NEW JOY OF SATAN GUARDIAN: Before anything else, I want to thank JG Karnonnos for accepting the invitation to become a Joy of Satan Guardian. I stand very happy here . After a very long time of providing valuable help for the Joy of Satan and the community and thanks to his excellent merits in understanding and wisdom, knowledge and personality, He has been officially ordained as a new Joy of Satan Guardian.

Let's all welcome him to his new position and may all the Gods bless them abundantly to continue on this very important path. It's beautiful to see how people are evolving and their value in both themselves and for others is increasing exponentially. I personally also thank him for his excellent efforts to prolong the life, power and influence of our community and wish him the very best in this new position of service. May the Gods be with him to help him in all his tasks and endeavors, but above all to stand as a bright light that shines upon our community.

Welcome, JG Karnonnos!

About the JOS DONOR'S SYSTEM: Everyone has received the PDF's for Tier 4, 3 and 2, this is the 8th edition of the PDF. Tier 1 will receive this PDF in the next 24 hours.

There have been delays and I know this, but all of this is going to change in the short term future. All of these have illustrated to me to certain obstacles, which will be not only overcome, but gave birth to an entirely new approach to this system, since delays were of a systemic character if anything else.

In that, I reveal something very important which is a legendary project that has a very definite aim, for the maximum potential of Spiritual Satanists to be reached.

As the three tiers above have received this 8th issue of the PDF, I want to thank those who understood the importance of this and took the necessary time to answer this self-evaluation questionnaire, which also will help me articulate our next steps. Your patience and care is invaluable for this community. I have checked all the feedback from these until now and I am very certain we are heading to a very good direction. But the Donor System is about to get more exciting than ever before.

We are constructing a new, dedicated platform for Donors, that will have many abilities in accordance to Ranking. You will be able to download the PDF from there directly (ie, no delays) and you will have other benefits such as participation in advanced lessons that will serve to empower you in order for you to prolong the existence of the Joy of Satan whilst you are becoming the full and best version of yourself, receive blessings, the ability go communicate with me 1 on 1 (for higher ranks) and many other perks that I will not disclose, but that are MANY and like NOTHING seen before.

There will also be something for the top of the top of Spiritual Satanists, a definite end to Tier 4, where after one crosses a hidden set threshold of contributions, they will be enrolled in something of an ultimate character. Other than that, the JoS Donors who are in already, will be granted access to the new platform which will be of a phenomenal character, serious and amazing in every-way.

The previous system of the PDF's will be dwarfed compared to what the JOS DONOR system will be after it's overhaul, for which we are tirelessly working to manifest, alongside a FULLY dedicated website, thanks to JG BlackOnyx.

I want to thank the Donors for their patience. Through your efforts, the Joy of Satan is advancing in an exceptional rate, but your rewards will be plenty and unlike anything seen before. The platform will also allow me to have more time liberty, because the character of the previous system burned a lot of my time in details - such as mailing etc. When the platform is ready, I will have 90% more free time to devote on sheer content and excellent matters, as explained above. Donors will receive documentation explaining these topics in accordance to their level of clearance to know more.

You can see from the Demon Rituals, that the Gods have me working overtime on everything, at a level and degree of seriousness never seen before. Many of these are at a superhuman level to handle, and that's the reason we have the growth and progress that we do.

Joy of Satan Updates + Site Re-Designs + Site Updates: Granted everything and thanks to JG Apollo Above, many of our sites have went through a full scale visual and theming overhaul. The sites are now more attractive and easier to navigate than ever before, yet they retain their serious and simplistic character without any alterations. That will give us proper representation when it comes to the external world, but also make the reading of these sites far easier. JoS Astro, with HPS Lydia and HiddeWarrior, is also getting updated.

On top of everything, the Joy of Satan will start becoming improved, with overhauls on all the main JoS Site pages (no content changes, just improvements, new articles, and more comprehensive organization). I have embarked on this and have content ready which should be coming online every few days. Thanks to people who are very serious editors, we are having also a list of issues to fix any such mistakes that are found, like JG Power of Justice.

Translations: We are expanding globally thanks to all of the translators who are apostoles of Satan, doing the work of the Gods for people of non-english languages to learn the Truth. So far, we have done monumental progression on these as JG Alchemist is showing his impressive management skills in attaining these. All the translators of all our languages, are doing great and very important work. We also have founded the Joy of Satan Greek forum, so people who are Greeks should join there to also finish the related translations, to bring another one Nation to the light. As there are endless things to mention in this category, I need to also state that after everything is caught up to date, every community will get a Forum + Outreach progression. This brings us to the next topic of Outreach.

Outreach: Thanks to the formation of the Outreach and Enlightenment Wing, which is still new but has been scoring monumental amounts of attention, we are expanding on the outreach efforts. JG NakedPluto is doing wonderful work there, which many of you who participate in this initiative, know of firsthand. You also see me there everyday, doing consistent efforts to bring out the Truth to other people, and we have scored impressive numbers already. But that is only the beginning. I seriously advise people who want to do work for the Gods, but want to do easy tasks and have time, to participate here, as this wing is integral to the interests and the desired changes the Gods want to bring to the world. As our internal community is held together strongly by people like JG Blitzkrieg, and so many others who are fighting to educate our inner people on the daily, we are going to have more and more outwardly expansion that will enlighten humanity as well.


The above, constitutes only a part of what is going on. There are many more things going on. The level of progression is constantly rising.

Everyone mentioned here, or others who were not mentioned by name, are doing more than I can relate in a single topic. The number of creators and souls who are unlocking their capacities and creating in the Name of the Gods, are rising by the day.

On a conclusive note, I want to say, that when we are united and fighting together for our Gods, there are no limitations, besides those imposed on us by ourselves. The breaking of these, done by self improvement, shows the miracles of the Gods in front of us all.

When we improve as individuals and improve our community, there is this limitless boundary that keeps being pushed constantly. There is nothing that we cannot achieve as a community; and we must do this in order to bring ourselves and our whole into the proper deserving stature.

Everyone who does anything in that regard, big or small, should pride themselves in their attainments and you must know beyond any doubt, that the Gods are watching you and nodding at you, every step of the way.

May the Gods bless us all, my wonderful SS!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Magnificent Work, all of you!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
