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The Tao Te Ching: where the jews stole all their pacifist teachings of christ, buddha and modern tolerance from

Edward Lonsa

Oct 3, 2017
There is, as it turns out, a source that almost completely formed the basis of the xian pacifist teachings of jewsus christ "bless those who curse you, pray for those who slander you, if they strike you on the right cheek, turn the left", etc., strangely enough, it is the Tao Te Ching. Moreover, there is even a completely identical to the biblical phrase "evil should be answered with good", or, at least, it is so translated and in this form has come down to us.

It is repeated several times in the Tao Te Ching near the end. But the rest of the 99% of the book makes it clear where it was stolen and perverted from, already even in the Tao Te Ching itself, to the fullest extent, not to mention its later fate. The jews truly infiltrated both China and all corners of the Far East before they perverted sources closer to us like Plato. They had indeed stolen it not only for their teachings of christ, but also for the rest of the world's pacifism: tolerance and liberalism in modern Europe, buddhism, and so on.

It is no accident that all such jewish contagion is built on an appeal to love. It is based on a stolen and perverted allegory of the Tao. The Tao is but a play of forces, as the book suggests. They are natural laws of attraction and repulsion that can be used at will, as modern science uses them. Building spaceships has nothing to do with morality, ethics, good and evil, mentality, etc., which are preached by jews to modern Taoists, buddhists, etc., tolerationists. It has to do with knowledge of the laws of physics and the ability to deploy them to serve one's purposes, and nothing else.

It can be either for good or for evil. Lao Tzu himself caustically remarks that he will easily crush and destroy the one who is not at ease with their own people, as one governor destroys another. And jewsus himself, when it comes not to the jews, but to their enemies, also caustically remarks that "a kingdom divided in itself will not stand" - this is exactly that stolen wisdom of the Tao. The treacherous jew on a stick uses all the wisdoms stolen from us for the benefit of his own jewish people, and with regard to the authors of these wisdoms, such as Lao Tzu, adheres to the opinion of its kike dad saying "I did not come to argue with torah but to restore it, so do not spare a witch, palls”. Absolutely all the wisdom of how to outwit their own people and their own fate, and how to conquer another people and another's fate, these two stole from the Tao Te Ching, the Art of War by Sun Tzu and other similar teachings.

The wisdom of the Tao speaks of the interconnectedness of some things with others, so that by affecting some things you can change others. If for some reason it is impossible to influence something directly, and, as a rule, this is always the case, it is always possible to change it by changing something else, often opposite to it in some way, but connected with it by inseparable ties. All sympathetic magic and all traditional Chinese medicine is also built on this.

For example, in order to weaken men in the West, the jews had to spread certain ideologies among women. But by weakening men, they left women unprotected and influenced their destiny by opening them to a danger that women by nature cannot resist. Jews do not need women's rights too much, because women educate the next generations, and their ruling leading power makes the country and its soldiers obey or not obey certain values, because women are natural bearers of culture, ideology, values and ideals. Jews are not too happy with a situation where no woman is subjected to violence and abuse, which she is by nature incapable of enduring and which would constantly destroy her and weaken her magical powers. The jews need constant violence and criminality, and for this they create ideologies like pisslam, mgtow and xianity among men. But they don't want strong men who can destroy them, the jews, either, so they create ideologies among women like "you can't want a strong man," because they know that a man's instinct is to satisfy a woman, and through her you can control what he will become as a result. If you indoctrinate women into the ideal of a man as a pinko fag with dyed hair and colored lips, you can defeat a country without firing a single shot.

The Tao exists independently of the sexes. It is simply a collaboration of unconscious forces, any that naturally create reality together. The following example will show this. For example, a planet with bad karma and jews attacking it. On the one hand, to conquer a planet you need a certain percentage of rottenness within societies, a high percentage of laziness, love of freebies, unwillingness to develop and become better, a low percentage of spiritual and other development. All these are weaknesses that inevitably attract destructive forces from the infinite universe, which will definitely be found there, since everything at infinity has a probability equal to one. And such do not make us wait. Nature is simply swarming with jews, reptilians and other similar species, which are constantly flying to the sick civilization like rotten bacteria to a corpse.

You see, it has nothing to do with solely the interaction of the two sexes, it is the way the universe works and how things manifest in it. This is why I say that human being is Tao, since they exist. That is, there are forces that support their existence and make that existence what it is, for good or evil.

Another example. In the body, according to Chinese traditional medicine, an external evil or external pathogen invades the body, but its invasion is counteracted by protective Qi, and it is met with its defense by the Yang channels, and only after passing through them it can penetrate into the Yin channels. Yes, there are reasons why men, and not women, defend the fatherland and their families. Both internally and externally. Qi is masculine and Blood is feminine, so before penetrating the Blood, the pathogen meets the defenses of Qi. I.e. from the very meeting of external evil and defensive forces of the organism, which, as I said in the article on the Devil Tarot card, it is not quite clear where it starts, because a person smoothly flows into his environment and it is difficult to say where his aura ends and the environment begins, although it seems obvious from the looks of it, so, from the very first meeting the struggle for one's boundaries begins, which, as I said, are not closed. This means that the war with evil never, in fact, begins or ends, it is eternal and endless. Victory is to conquer the entire infinite universe and drive evil out of it. And this means that, even being unimaginably far away from us, the pathogen senses that something is wrong with us, and there is weakness in us, and seeks us, just as a predator smells the odor of a sick animal, ready to become a victim, from afar. This, incidentally, is at the heart of the mystery of quantum entanglement, where one particle "knows" what is happening to another particle at a surprisingly distant distance. The answer lies in the smooth flow of everything into everything and the continuity of the world - there are no "closed balls" in nature. So, returning to TCM, in order for an external cold and Yin pathogen to penetrate into the body, the body's own Yang must be weakened quite noticeably, and this external pathogen makes a significant contribution to this weakening, do not think that it does not participate or that without it, the internal forces of the body themselves were able to destroy the latter. But also don't think that the external pathogen alone could have broken our organism without our participation.

This is why the jews so feed our weaknesses, so sponsor and protect crime in our societies and keep them in a constant state of internecine, disharmonious and brokenness. This is their key to being here in this world. And weakness in turn is drawn to the jews and all things abrahamic. I tried to explain this in the article on the Devil Tarot card, in regards to why it can fall on either an external or internal enemy. These things do not exist one without the other. The external enemy thoroughly feeds and keeps the poisonous in us from shriveling up, while the latter attracts it and ensures our inability to resist it. It is an indivisible process. There is no exact moment in time when a man degenerates into a criminal, just that at some point he is still an innocent and at some point he is already a criminal. These are the frames that an instrument can capture, but outside of them the electron is in both states at the same time. This is what the Tao describes. Moreover, it describes that there is no clear boundary between its own choice of its state and the influence of the environment that determines that state. It is also an indivisible process: there are individual frames from which we can confidently say that it is his decision, but there are also frames that show that he was helped in this by a fortunate set of circumstances. Like Yin and Yang in the Tao, one does not cancel out the other, they work together. Although one can only judge one person in such a couple, since "fate" is not an intelligent life but a mere force, yet purely technically man and the stars work together, and there is no clear line separating the area of impact of one and the other. The Tao simply describes the nature of this interaction.

The Tao is how all things in the world are embodied: they need both of these forces to emerge from their interaction, just as both parents are needed to conceive a child.

The Tao holds the key to how we can defeat the jews, and why they used to defeat us: "if anyone tyrannizes his own people, I will easily conquer and destroy them", "the highest builds on the lowest". As long as we tyrannize our own family members, as long as we suppress our own needs and nature, as long as we turn destruction on our own, our own dependents (and our own inevitably depend on us in one way or another), jews can be calm. But eradicate corruption and crime and imperfection and weakness in our societies, they will have nothing more to hold on to here. They will, of course, constantly try to renew it and give it new life, endlessly inventing new corrupting doctrines and infecting the weak parts of our society with them, remembering that "the weak always overcomes the strong", and "water always sharpens the stone" - this they have read in books stolen from the witches they have not spared. But these very books also say that the “weak parts” contain the key to both way in and way out, and they can be used not only by the jews.

The thief on the stick stole his most famous comparison to a seed that can fall on different soil, and depending on where it falls, one can predict whether it will produce something there or not, precisely from this interaction of two forces, without which there is no fruit unless each of them enters into this interaction. It is from this that the image of the pure and holy Lady, who keeps her virginity intact, is derived. Pythagoras states in his Golden Verses that to one who has a pure soul, life presents no suffering beyond measure. If we regularly purify our soul, chakras, aura, we do not cling to dirt from the outside and the astral body is not darkened, which means that negative events are not prepared for incarnation in life, because these "seeds" are killed by the soil on which they fell and which is not glad to them. The burning of the karmic seeds of past lives, i.e. the contaminations received earlier, also goes back to this, so that they "died" in the soil unfavorable to them and never bore fruit. In fact, the biblical legend of the sower is a curse thrown on the Gentiles to give good soil to such karmic seeds, which from life to life bring a lush color and fertile harvest of evil and misfortune. All because the soil, susceptible and open to xian curses, is favorable to them. The interaction between the soil and the seed is the Tao.

As you can see, the Tao Te Ching is presented to us as a canon of turning the other cheek, tolerance and transhumanism, but in fact it is a science of war.

This is helpful, but what makes me think is how the hell the kikes managed to get themselves into China, would the Kaifeng Jew population hold some explanation as to how asian kikes literally happened?

Wildfire said:

This is helpful, but what makes me think is how the hell the kikes managed to get themselves into China, would the Kaifeng Jew population hold some explanation as to how asian kikes literally happened?


https://www.deathofcommunism.com/jews-in-china/ It seems that jews infiltrated China rather long ago and they made sure to corrupt Chinese religion and racial values.
Edward Lonsa said:
Wildfire said:

This is helpful, but what makes me think is how the hell the kikes managed to get themselves into China, would the Kaifeng Jew population hold some explanation as to how asian kikes literally happened?


https://www.deathofcommunism.com/jews-in-china/ It seems that jews infiltrated China rather long ago and they made sure to corrupt Chinese religion and racial values.

Wow, so the kikes successfully infiltrated in 1421 A.D. after one of them saved a Chinese emperor from a treasonous act by some prince and got himself called Chao Ch'eng/Chao the Honest. This is like some throwback to the tale of Haman and Mordechai in kike literature to me and I did not know this part of Death of Communism's website existed at all lol.

Thanks for telling me.
Or it could be that the same entities were talking to these people that were talking to these jews.
Wildfire said:
Edward Lonsa said:
Wildfire said:
This is helpful, but what makes me think is how the hell the kikes managed to get themselves into China, would the Kaifeng Jew population hold some explanation as to how asian kikes literally happened?


https://www.deathofcommunism.com/jews-in-china/ It seems that jews infiltrated China rather long ago and they made sure to corrupt Chinese religion and racial values.

Wow, so the kikes successfully infiltrated in 1421 A.D. after one of them saved a Chinese emperor from a treasonous act by some prince and got himself called Chao Ch'eng/Chao the Honest. This is like some throwback to the tale of Haman and Mordechai in kike literature to me and I did not know this part of Death of Communism's website existed at all lol.

Thanks for telling me.

DoC has a ful section on the Far Eastern kikes as a whole with very recommended videos https://www.deathofcommunism.com/communism-in-the-far-east/ they destroyed many countries there such as Cambodia (see https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ym25GjnwbqGV/)

The section is accessible from here https://www.deathofcommunism.com/en/ and is called Communist Paradise in the Far East.
I do not agree with this post as the Tao Te Ching describes ultimate "Tao" or the "Void", and it can easily be taken out of context of being objective physical reality. It is one of the holy books.

The Veda also has similar statements, but they don't mean the ultimate pacifism that they were interpreted to be meaning later.

They have stolen these texts, but they have not really kept them for Judaism. Christianity which was made for export to the "Goyim", has them all.

I have read it before and it's a very spiritual book.

Further, messages which later Christianity took such as "respond with good to evil" have been fully perverted in the Xian context, which is a victimization based context.

As about China, yes, they have actually attacked it severely. Communism, is an adoption from Karl Marx, the son of a Rabbi himself.
Edward Lonsa said:
There is, as it turns out, a source that almost completely formed the basis of the xian pacifist teachings of jewsus christ "bless those who curse you, pray for those who slander you, if they strike you on the right cheek, turn the left", etc., strangely enough, it is the Tao Te Ching. Moreover, there is even a completely identical to the biblical phrase "evil should be answered with good", or, at least, it is so translated and in this form has come down to us.

It is repeated several times in the Tao Te Ching near the end. But the rest of the 99% of the book makes it clear where it was stolen and perverted from

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have read it before and it's a very spiritual book.

Further, messages which later Christianity took such as "respond with good to evil" have been fully perverted in the Xian context, which is a victimization based context.

I am very sorry if I fucked it all up, but I tried my best to express exactly what you told here, my Lord. By "a source" I meant Pagan original where xianity was stolen and corrupted from, not different to 18+ crossed Gods etc. I also read it lately and found it the one of the least corrupted holy Pagan books in the world. And I made my OP only to show it. I noticed in general that Chinese Ancient literature on TCM and Alchemy is the least corrupted Pagan literature in the world, while for example Yellow Emperor Treatise on the Unseen I find 100% clear and pure at all and recommend it totally.

Other almost non-corrupted texts in my opinion are Emerald Tablets and Egyptian and Tibetan Books of the Dead.
Edward Lonsa said:
Wildfire said:
Edward Lonsa said:
https://www.deathofcommunism.com/jews-in-china/ It seems that jews infiltrated China rather long ago and they made sure to corrupt Chinese religion and racial values.

Wow, so the kikes successfully infiltrated in 1421 A.D. after one of them saved a Chinese emperor from a treasonous act by some prince and got himself called Chao Ch'eng/Chao the Honest. This is like some throwback to the tale of Haman and Mordechai in kike literature to me and I did not know this part of Death of Communism's website existed at all lol.

Thanks for telling me.

DoC has a ful section on the Far Eastern kikes as a whole with very recommended videos https://www.deathofcommunism.com/communism-in-the-far-east/ they destroyed many countries there such as Cambodia (see https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ym25GjnwbqGV/)

The section is accessible from here https://www.deathofcommunism.com/en/ and is called Communist Paradise in the Far East.

Yes I saw those while I used to be translating the website, maybe that just left my mind like some imbecile and now I need to reread some articles on how the hell China was infiltrated way long ago when this topic got me thinking of the Kaifeng kikes. Welp, looks like I got things solved on my end now.
There is, as it turns out, a source that almost completely formed the basis of the xian pacifist teachings of jewsus christ "bless those who curse you, pray for those who slander you, if they strike you on the right cheek, turn the left", etc., strangely enough, it is the Tao Te Ching. Moreover, there is even a completely identical to the biblical phrase "evil should be answered with good", or, at least, it is so translated and in this form has come down to us.

It is repeated several times in the Tao Te Ching near the end. But the rest of the 99% of the book makes it clear where it was stolen and perverted from, already even in the Tao Te Ching itself, to the fullest extent, not to mention its later fate. The jews truly infiltrated both China and all corners of the Far East before they perverted sources closer to us like Plato. They had indeed stolen it not only for their teachings of christ, but also for the rest of the world's pacifism: tolerance and liberalism in modern Europe, buddhism, and so on.

It is no accident that all such jewish contagion is built on an appeal to love. It is based on a stolen and perverted allegory of the Tao. The Tao is but a play of forces, as the book suggests. They are natural laws of attraction and repulsion that can be used at will, as modern science uses them. Building spaceships has nothing to do with morality, ethics, good and evil, mentality, etc., which are preached by jews to modern Taoists, buddhists, etc., tolerationists. It has to do with knowledge of the laws of physics and the ability to deploy them to serve one's purposes, and nothing else.

It can be either for good or for evil. Lao Tzu himself caustically remarks that he will easily crush and destroy the one who is not at ease with their own people, as one governor destroys another. And jewsus himself, when it comes not to the jews, but to their enemies, also caustically remarks that "a kingdom divided in itself will not stand" - this is exactly that stolen wisdom of the Tao. The treacherous jew on a stick uses all the wisdoms stolen from us for the benefit of his own jewish people, and with regard to the authors of these wisdoms, such as Lao Tzu, adheres to the opinion of its kike dad saying "I did not come to argue with torah but to restore it, so do not spare a witch, palls”. Absolutely all the wisdom of how to outwit their own people and their own fate, and how to conquer another people and another's fate, these two stole from the Tao Te Ching, the Art of War by Sun Tzu and other similar teachings.

The wisdom of the Tao speaks of the interconnectedness of some things with others, so that by affecting some things you can change others. If for some reason it is impossible to influence something directly, and, as a rule, this is always the case, it is always possible to change it by changing something else, often opposite to it in some way, but connected with it by inseparable ties. All sympathetic magic and all traditional Chinese medicine is also built on this.

For example, in order to weaken men in the West, the jews had to spread certain ideologies among women. But by weakening men, they left women unprotected and influenced their destiny by opening them to a danger that women by nature cannot resist. Jews do not need women's rights too much, because women educate the next generations, and their ruling leading power makes the country and its soldiers obey or not obey certain values, because women are natural bearers of culture, ideology, values and ideals. Jews are not too happy with a situation where no woman is subjected to violence and abuse, which she is by nature incapable of enduring and which would constantly destroy her and weaken her magical powers. The jews need constant violence and criminality, and for this they create ideologies like pisslam, mgtow and xianity among men. But they don't want strong men who can destroy them, the jews, either, so they create ideologies among women like "you can't want a strong man," because they know that a man's instinct is to satisfy a woman, and through her you can control what he will become as a result. If you indoctrinate women into the ideal of a man as a pinko fag with dyed hair and colored lips, you can defeat a country without firing a single shot.

The Tao exists independently of the sexes. It is simply a collaboration of unconscious forces, any that naturally create reality together. The following example will show this. For example, a planet with bad karma and jews attacking it. On the one hand, to conquer a planet you need a certain percentage of rottenness within societies, a high percentage of laziness, love of freebies, unwillingness to develop and become better, a low percentage of spiritual and other development. All these are weaknesses that inevitably attract destructive forces from the infinite universe, which will definitely be found there, since everything at infinity has a probability equal to one. And such do not make us wait. Nature is simply swarming with jews, reptilians and other similar species, which are constantly flying to the sick civilization like rotten bacteria to a corpse.

You see, it has nothing to do with solely the interaction of the two sexes, it is the way the universe works and how things manifest in it. This is why I say that human being is Tao, since they exist. That is, there are forces that support their existence and make that existence what it is, for good or evil.

Another example. In the body, according to Chinese traditional medicine, an external evil or external pathogen invades the body, but its invasion is counteracted by protective Qi, and it is met with its defense by the Yang channels, and only after passing through them it can penetrate into the Yin channels. Yes, there are reasons why men, and not women, defend the fatherland and their families. Both internally and externally. Qi is masculine and Blood is feminine, so before penetrating the Blood, the pathogen meets the defenses of Qi. I.e. from the very meeting of external evil and defensive forces of the organism, which, as I said in the article on the Devil Tarot card, it is not quite clear where it starts, because a person smoothly flows into his environment and it is difficult to say where his aura ends and the environment begins, although it seems obvious from the looks of it, so, from the very first meeting the struggle for one's boundaries begins, which, as I said, are not closed. This means that the war with evil never, in fact, begins or ends, it is eternal and endless. Victory is to conquer the entire infinite universe and drive evil out of it. And this means that, even being unimaginably far away from us, the pathogen senses that something is wrong with us, and there is weakness in us, and seeks us, just as a predator smells the odor of a sick animal, ready to become a victim, from afar. This, incidentally, is at the heart of the mystery of quantum entanglement, where one particle "knows" what is happening to another particle at a surprisingly distant distance. The answer lies in the smooth flow of everything into everything and the continuity of the world - there are no "closed balls" in nature. So, returning to TCM, in order for an external cold and Yin pathogen to penetrate into the body, the body's own Yang must be weakened quite noticeably, and this external pathogen makes a significant contribution to this weakening, do not think that it does not participate or that without it, the internal forces of the body themselves were able to destroy the latter. But also don't think that the external pathogen alone could have broken our organism without our participation.

This is why the jews so feed our weaknesses, so sponsor and protect crime in our societies and keep them in a constant state of internecine, disharmonious and brokenness. This is their key to being here in this world. And weakness in turn is drawn to the jews and all things abrahamic. I tried to explain this in the article on the Devil Tarot card, in regards to why it can fall on either an external or internal enemy. These things do not exist one without the other. The external enemy thoroughly feeds and keeps the poisonous in us from shriveling up, while the latter attracts it and ensures our inability to resist it. It is an indivisible process. There is no exact moment in time when a man degenerates into a criminal, just that at some point he is still an innocent and at some point he is already a criminal. These are the frames that an instrument can capture, but outside of them the electron is in both states at the same time. This is what the Tao describes. Moreover, it describes that there is no clear boundary between its own choice of its state and the influence of the environment that determines that state. It is also an indivisible process: there are individual frames from which we can confidently say that it is his decision, but there are also frames that show that he was helped in this by a fortunate set of circumstances. Like Yin and Yang in the Tao, one does not cancel out the other, they work together. Although one can only judge one person in such a couple, since "fate" is not an intelligent life but a mere force, yet purely technically man and the stars work together, and there is no clear line separating the area of impact of one and the other. The Tao simply describes the nature of this interaction.

The Tao is how all things in the world are embodied: they need both of these forces to emerge from their interaction, just as both parents are needed to conceive a child.

The Tao holds the key to how we can defeat the jews, and why they used to defeat us: "if anyone tyrannizes his own people, I will easily conquer and destroy them", "the highest builds on the lowest". As long as we tyrannize our own family members, as long as we suppress our own needs and nature, as long as we turn destruction on our own, our own dependents (and our own inevitably depend on us in one way or another), jews can be calm. But eradicate corruption and crime and imperfection and weakness in our societies, they will have nothing more to hold on to here. They will, of course, constantly try to renew it and give it new life, endlessly inventing new corrupting doctrines and infecting the weak parts of our society with them, remembering that "the weak always overcomes the strong", and "water always sharpens the stone" - this they have read in books stolen from the witches they have not spared. But these very books also say that the “weak parts” contain the key to both way in and way out, and they can be used not only by the jews.

The thief on the stick stole his most famous comparison to a seed that can fall on different soil, and depending on where it falls, one can predict whether it will produce something there or not, precisely from this interaction of two forces, without which there is no fruit unless each of them enters into this interaction. It is from this that the image of the pure and holy Lady, who keeps her virginity intact, is derived. Pythagoras states in his Golden Verses that to one who has a pure soul, life presents no suffering beyond measure. If we regularly purify our soul, chakras, aura, we do not cling to dirt from the outside and the astral body is not darkened, which means that negative events are not prepared for incarnation in life, because these "seeds" are killed by the soil on which they fell and which is not glad to them. The burning of the karmic seeds of past lives, i.e. the contaminations received earlier, also goes back to this, so that they "died" in the soil unfavorable to them and never bore fruit. In fact, the biblical legend of the sower is a curse thrown on the Gentiles to give good soil to such karmic seeds, which from life to life bring a lush color and fertile harvest of evil and misfortune. All because the soil, susceptible and open to xian curses, is favorable to them. The interaction between the soil and the seed is the Tao.

As you can see, the Tao Te Ching is presented to us as a canon of turning the other cheek, tolerance and transhumanism, but in fact it is a science of war.
i'm studying TCM and DAOIST magic at the moment, this is such a good article. Very very refreshing insights. Thank you Edward

what i know from tao te ching what i get from past reincarnation Goddess Byleth make that with Goddess Bune in that era.i dont know this was truth or false memory in past.
There is, as it turns out, a source that almost completely formed the basis of the xian pacifist teachings of jewsus christ "bless those who curse you, pray for those who slander you, if they strike you on the right cheek, turn the left", etc., strangely enough, it is the Tao Te Ching. Moreover, there is even a completely identical to the biblical phrase "evil should be answered with good", or, at least, it is so translated and in this form has come down to us.

It is repeated several times in the Tao Te Ching near the end. But the rest of the 99% of the book makes it clear where it was stolen and perverted from, already even in the Tao Te Ching itself, to the fullest extent, not to mention its later fate. The jews truly infiltrated both China and all corners of the Far East before they perverted sources closer to us like Plato. They had indeed stolen it not only for their teachings of christ, but also for the rest of the world's pacifism: tolerance and liberalism in modern Europe, buddhism, and so on.

It is no accident that all such jewish contagion is built on an appeal to love. It is based on a stolen and perverted allegory of the Tao. The Tao is but a play of forces, as the book suggests. They are natural laws of attraction and repulsion that can be used at will, as modern science uses them. Building spaceships has nothing to do with morality, ethics, good and evil, mentality, etc., which are preached by jews to modern Taoists, buddhists, etc., tolerationists. It has to do with knowledge of the laws of physics and the ability to deploy them to serve one's purposes, and nothing else.

It can be either for good or for evil. Lao Tzu himself caustically remarks that he will easily crush and destroy the one who is not at ease with their own people, as one governor destroys another. And jewsus himself, when it comes not to the jews, but to their enemies, also caustically remarks that "a kingdom divided in itself will not stand" - this is exactly that stolen wisdom of the Tao. The treacherous jew on a stick uses all the wisdoms stolen from us for the benefit of his own jewish people, and with regard to the authors of these wisdoms, such as Lao Tzu, adheres to the opinion of its kike dad saying "I did not come to argue with torah but to restore it, so do not spare a witch, palls”. Absolutely all the wisdom of how to outwit their own people and their own fate, and how to conquer another people and another's fate, these two stole from the Tao Te Ching, the Art of War by Sun Tzu and other similar teachings.

The wisdom of the Tao speaks of the interconnectedness of some things with others, so that by affecting some things you can change others. If for some reason it is impossible to influence something directly, and, as a rule, this is always the case, it is always possible to change it by changing something else, often opposite to it in some way, but connected with it by inseparable ties. All sympathetic magic and all traditional Chinese medicine is also built on this.

For example, in order to weaken men in the West, the jews had to spread certain ideologies among women. But by weakening men, they left women unprotected and influenced their destiny by opening them to a danger that women by nature cannot resist. Jews do not need women's rights too much, because women educate the next generations, and their ruling leading power makes the country and its soldiers obey or not obey certain values, because women are natural bearers of culture, ideology, values and ideals. Jews are not too happy with a situation where no woman is subjected to violence and abuse, which she is by nature incapable of enduring and which would constantly destroy her and weaken her magical powers. The jews need constant violence and criminality, and for this they create ideologies like pisslam, mgtow and xianity among men. But they don't want strong men who can destroy them, the jews, either, so they create ideologies among women like "you can't want a strong man," because they know that a man's instinct is to satisfy a woman, and through her you can control what he will become as a result. If you indoctrinate women into the ideal of a man as a pinko fag with dyed hair and colored lips, you can defeat a country without firing a single shot.

The Tao exists independently of the sexes. It is simply a collaboration of unconscious forces, any that naturally create reality together. The following example will show this. For example, a planet with bad karma and jews attacking it. On the one hand, to conquer a planet you need a certain percentage of rottenness within societies, a high percentage of laziness, love of freebies, unwillingness to develop and become better, a low percentage of spiritual and other development. All these are weaknesses that inevitably attract destructive forces from the infinite universe, which will definitely be found there, since everything at infinity has a probability equal to one. And such do not make us wait. Nature is simply swarming with jews, reptilians and other similar species, which are constantly flying to the sick civilization like rotten bacteria to a corpse.

You see, it has nothing to do with solely the interaction of the two sexes, it is the way the universe works and how things manifest in it. This is why I say that human being is Tao, since they exist. That is, there are forces that support their existence and make that existence what it is, for good or evil.

Another example. In the body, according to Chinese traditional medicine, an external evil or external pathogen invades the body, but its invasion is counteracted by protective Qi, and it is met with its defense by the Yang channels, and only after passing through them it can penetrate into the Yin channels. Yes, there are reasons why men, and not women, defend the fatherland and their families. Both internally and externally. Qi is masculine and Blood is feminine, so before penetrating the Blood, the pathogen meets the defenses of Qi. I.e. from the very meeting of external evil and defensive forces of the organism, which, as I said in the article on the Devil Tarot card, it is not quite clear where it starts, because a person smoothly flows into his environment and it is difficult to say where his aura ends and the environment begins, although it seems obvious from the looks of it, so, from the very first meeting the struggle for one's boundaries begins, which, as I said, are not closed. This means that the war with evil never, in fact, begins or ends, it is eternal and endless. Victory is to conquer the entire infinite universe and drive evil out of it. And this means that, even being unimaginably far away from us, the pathogen senses that something is wrong with us, and there is weakness in us, and seeks us, just as a predator smells the odor of a sick animal, ready to become a victim, from afar. This, incidentally, is at the heart of the mystery of quantum entanglement, where one particle "knows" what is happening to another particle at a surprisingly distant distance. The answer lies in the smooth flow of everything into everything and the continuity of the world - there are no "closed balls" in nature. So, returning to TCM, in order for an external cold and Yin pathogen to penetrate into the body, the body's own Yang must be weakened quite noticeably, and this external pathogen makes a significant contribution to this weakening, do not think that it does not participate or that without it, the internal forces of the body themselves were able to destroy the latter. But also don't think that the external pathogen alone could have broken our organism without our participation.

This is why the jews so feed our weaknesses, so sponsor and protect crime in our societies and keep them in a constant state of internecine, disharmonious and brokenness. This is their key to being here in this world. And weakness in turn is drawn to the jews and all things abrahamic. I tried to explain this in the article on the Devil Tarot card, in regards to why it can fall on either an external or internal enemy. These things do not exist one without the other. The external enemy thoroughly feeds and keeps the poisonous in us from shriveling up, while the latter attracts it and ensures our inability to resist it. It is an indivisible process. There is no exact moment in time when a man degenerates into a criminal, just that at some point he is still an innocent and at some point he is already a criminal. These are the frames that an instrument can capture, but outside of them the electron is in both states at the same time. This is what the Tao describes. Moreover, it describes that there is no clear boundary between its own choice of its state and the influence of the environment that determines that state. It is also an indivisible process: there are individual frames from which we can confidently say that it is his decision, but there are also frames that show that he was helped in this by a fortunate set of circumstances. Like Yin and Yang in the Tao, one does not cancel out the other, they work together. Although one can only judge one person in such a couple, since "fate" is not an intelligent life but a mere force, yet purely technically man and the stars work together, and there is no clear line separating the area of impact of one and the other. The Tao simply describes the nature of this interaction.

The Tao is how all things in the world are embodied: they need both of these forces to emerge from their interaction, just as both parents are needed to conceive a child.

The Tao holds the key to how we can defeat the jews, and why they used to defeat us: "if anyone tyrannizes his own people, I will easily conquer and destroy them", "the highest builds on the lowest". As long as we tyrannize our own family members, as long as we suppress our own needs and nature, as long as we turn destruction on our own, our own dependents (and our own inevitably depend on us in one way or another), jews can be calm. But eradicate corruption and crime and imperfection and weakness in our societies, they will have nothing more to hold on to here. They will, of course, constantly try to renew it and give it new life, endlessly inventing new corrupting doctrines and infecting the weak parts of our society with them, remembering that "the weak always overcomes the strong", and "water always sharpens the stone" - this they have read in books stolen from the witches they have not spared. But these very books also say that the “weak parts” contain the key to both way in and way out, and they can be used not only by the jews.

The thief on the stick stole his most famous comparison to a seed that can fall on different soil, and depending on where it falls, one can predict whether it will produce something there or not, precisely from this interaction of two forces, without which there is no fruit unless each of them enters into this interaction. It is from this that the image of the pure and holy Lady, who keeps her virginity intact, is derived. Pythagoras states in his Golden Verses that to one who has a pure soul, life presents no suffering beyond measure. If we regularly purify our soul, chakras, aura, we do not cling to dirt from the outside and the astral body is not darkened, which means that negative events are not prepared for incarnation in life, because these "seeds" are killed by the soil on which they fell and which is not glad to them. The burning of the karmic seeds of past lives, i.e. the contaminations received earlier, also goes back to this, so that they "died" in the soil unfavorable to them and never bore fruit. In fact, the biblical legend of the sower is a curse thrown on the Gentiles to give good soil to such karmic seeds, which from life to life bring a lush color and fertile harvest of evil and misfortune. All because the soil, susceptible and open to xian curses, is favorable to them. The interaction between the soil and the seed is the Tao.

As you can see, the Tao Te Ching is presented to us as a canon of turning the other cheek, tolerance and transhumanism, but in fact it is a science of war.
I have thought the same. When I have watched youtubes on TAO te chi - the intro is always sounding new age and Jewish, whereas the TAO te Ching doesn’t. I will go back to it.

I’m reading the Tibetan book of the dead at the moment, but I already have reservations about it.
I have thought the same. When I have watched youtubes on TAO te chi - the intro is always sounding new age and Jewish, whereas the TAO te Ching doesn’t. I will go back to it.

I’m reading the Tibetan book of the dead at the moment, but I already have reservations about it.

I'm studying Falun Gong/Falun Dafa, which combines Daoism and Esoteric Buddhism, and reading their books after fascination with the movement.....sadly, there is a lot of enemy teachings, though it's been said by other SS that very likely the Falun Gong is similar to the Yazidis and Sufis, forced to preach Abrahamist and Buddhist pacificist shit to hide their Satanic core.

Their founder Li Hongzhi opposes race-mixing, bullshit fake spirituality influencers and the communist party.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
