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Taoist - Chariot of ra and points concentration


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Mar 10, 2024

Hi Everyone,​

This article will compare our way to train the circulation of energy with the taoist ways . These are from compiled notes. I haven’t trace some of these details on internet but comparing to the old time, you will find now hundred sites on the subject.


Before start meditation rub starting from coccyx, rub 36 times then ming men with side upper thumb nail. Then ball spine, upper spine. Permit to chi to know path. And follow the natural path : circle with right hand. Then exteme up head, little bit above eyebrow (front = 24) thoat, solar plexus. Navel. Below navel

Chi must rise from tou mo not yum because it could be dangerous if the mind is not quiet . You will feel a hot current. Do not force it to go up, direct it gently, naturally. No need of hard concentration. Do not be excited, just be aware dimly l ike in a dream state. Do not concentrate on it so it will raise

Tou mo is the back line. With the person facing right , it will be a circle clockwise, the one we use. Once we got feeling of fire, concentrating on it increase fire but it stays there. The goal is to do the circle, so once heat felt we switch attention to next point. Mantak chia say same thing.

To be healthy must conserve chi, if spirit wander away (distraction…) chi will follow where he go then you got a living corpse moving. DO not let spirit wander away.

3 month just concentrate one one point, do not move.

Any points body will heat up the furnace. Logical way is down to up. Concentration is not visualisation. Focus on a point until mind blank then roughly aware of concentration there. As soon disturbed concentrate more there. It is like cooking, not too much, not too little. If use image, you will have problem get rid of it when really is beginning to open. Chi is built up every day, cannot be forced only when heat in abdomen then use help to direct it. Otherwise not truly the real chi, even if heat, alchemy mirage is… but only this in case of meditation.

Apart kundalinig goal I see no reason down up like new age. You may find different version of the circle like the wind (anticlockwise) , water path (clockwise but pathway change in). Usually anticlocwise was used in case blockage too strong, like digging a tunnel from both side to open passage. They all start normally from navel.
Since for us navel chakra is in fact solar plexus, I start and end at 3rd chakra. . It is ironic that we always want to ingest saliva. It cumulates energy from training for the teacher and many sites talk about the easiness of charging water . Seeing some spirit receiving it in stomach (grail region), opening/closing a lotus/ house door or box as said in my other articles is a matter of choice. The goal is open to receive and close to keep.
if we suppose corruption, the opposite of the common version will be the real training. So energy will flow down first front line (satanist thinking is pointing down). One chi kung training is also as a first step to put fire under lower dan tian (1st chakra central line) then move builted fire in circle so variant will be heat on pineal/6th chakra . Since fire cannot flame downward (science) , placing fire in throat chakra (the one under) will be logic,humid air will go up, at top crown cool down, and drop after from front line. Same principle for middle dan tian. I m going to try and see that idea. Jing is transformed to chi that settle in middle dantian (heart chakra seems), heat from solar chakra heat its contains transforming the new liquid/energy in shen to move it to higher dan tian . We may compare the process as juice fruit fermented becomes wine then with wine we do alchool. If we follow such idea, it imply different stages of kan and li (fire trigram and water one) .

Sleep the body and not the mind (spirit)

When concentrate mind is empty

First you empty everything then shall attain land of paradise.

Diligent = constant but not diligent = no excess/no forcing, slowly do it. Leisure = empty mind, no worries. That state only depends on you.

Mind must concentrate but not too mutch. It lis like the sea waves, you must be diligent and when its time do leisurely wandering. In one word focus on one point then at a moment forget the point then get back to focus, I wonder if a rythm has to be followed like in the books of Dr francis lefebure (one brain rytmnhe had found found is 2 seconds) … But since too mutch details imply using the mind, it may interfere with the goal of trance/ emptyness to be done before the flow . Teacher said the more detailed technics are for layman, higher the tecnic, less details. The more simple is the more complex technic to learn.. I will read again the details of Lefebure books and check if it helps or not.

Visualize only good when already hot current felt to direct

When you refine is going up then concentrate higher and higher with advancement (generally). If feel warm in abdomen, means chi strong; progress.

Change the point of concentration if you success with the one before.

Once got one forget one

Teacher didn’t talk about all points since his idea was get heat first down then raise it at the next point in spine then down front line. He was putting too mutch emphasis on empty mind (trance). But I just click with last paragraph. Furnace is dan tian, so any points choosen will increase its heat .
For my part , I do not believe in a series of closed door or a tunnel filled 100% of junk to dig. I think more as a case of jammed arteris with fat. The goal is to clean the excess of fat with fire so the flow is smooth, regular without obstacles . Mind programming once we finish training like the poem of CFQ (mind suggestion at end series motion as hands rest on navel teid to channels) may help too (programming energy built).
Teacher did said to be careful of false heat that is caused by visualisation since harder to get rid of after. Imagination/illusion is not your natural fire that you have built up and cumulate. The difficulities is therefore to perceive what kind of heat you have. I wonder if invoking fire as bardon help the process ? But the taoist idea repeated by si fu is inner alchemy, in one word training prenatal energy not postnatal one (coming from air, food, intake energy). Still We do use postnatal (6 healing breath, sharing energy with trees, planets, invoking elements) but it seems just to be for health. Only a taoist expert could clarify why cannot be merged postnatal and prenatal to improve levels of prenatal in us.

Change concentration point if success with one only.

Meditation is not breathing, shouldn’t merge with this session but one in morning. Sage no need concentrate but laymen need focus

  • Concentrate on point out body. dot on wall look at till nothing. Since Taoist were scare that shen go out body they prefer inside
  • Concentrate on point in body. Too mutch same place give problems, head gives headache, low dan tien gives loss semen, heart point gives bood circulation problem. All points good. One is best for each
  • Youngster not married focus on lower dan tien, married on upper an tien. Head any spot very effective (shen reside there). When mind calm relax heavy concentrate but not to state none at all since concentration = fire, cooking is not overboiled or not enough cooking.Question is timing fire, key to success.
  • Void (highess hardest for layman)


Yin hours is more for resting so it is harder waking.

At winter solstice even if 1 hour or 1hr and half, not much but still enough. Concentrate fully at that time on around navel

During rat hour better too.

For minimum effect do 45 minutes at least.


You will find them on internet. Here are some pointers that no one talk about.

General :

Some concentration point are better for some people.

Points concentration not same man woman.

Lady avoid concentration during period

Since energy follow where you concentrate, a woman that focus up in her menstruation time, may interfere with the natural flow out. In case of men the same idea is repeated if we go too far and ejaculate. That jing once out is considered by si fu polluted and cannot be used or recycle for training..
The black tantrism which is said evil by many, is known in taoism as a version of bedroom art. You can resume it in stay united until it calms down as concentrate on crown calling back what it is lost after matter is mixed inside the partner then do the microcosmic orbit.. The white tantrism and some taoism school choose no lost, exchanging energy instead of matter as they mate stopping before it is too late . Naturally, when you want kids you do what you must be done . And we have also to remember that even if there is no sign of ejaculation there is sligth loss before, pregnancy is still possible.
To resume Both black and white put emphasis on jing and both are probably correct depending the circunstances. Since Refining takes time to be done (efforts,etc…) and to recirculate in the wheel, loosing refinement here imply starting over from scratch. Therefore the dark solution was block the flow out if can, and whahever full or partial flow, call back the loss in..
Anyway scientificly, all is condense there (by exprience, do not eat it if you are allergic and your partner in same day has taken what you are allergic to, hard to talk about at hospital) . Hasard but that may explain their tendency to keep refinement. If all our training by nature goes there, it must be secure. Just remember that orgasm is not ejaculation as mantak chia expained and as repeated in forum even if they are quite close.

Tou mo points :

  • Yom kiu (between anus and sex) Is perineum
  • Garb jack (behind navel
  • Jade pillow / yoke jum (base skull)

These points are for both sex, the 3 gates. They are going inside the spinal cord, coccyx to chin

Yin mo points :

  • Middle breasts, tan chung, high of heart
  • Above navel (2 inches), yellow court / wong ting
  • Dan tien at the navel, chi moon
  • Lower dan tien (11/2 below navel), ha dan tin

Ladies concentrate at tan chung, man at ha dan tin

Else :


Forehead => unmarried

3rd eye => Unmaried guy … between eyebrows on skin.

Higher dan tian is 3 inches inside level eyebrow

Middle dan tien => Center spot between breat is as of chi for woman. Slightly imagine chi going up not during monthly period then wait 2 days .. meditation before will prevent lose too much chi instead of letting it go in water. Woman lack something less important than man (blood instead of chi) Heart For man never concentrate on heart.

Ladies on heart center or nothing (they are higher) or middle eye. Blood become chi. LAck chi is more important. Middle dan tian (heart point) is for ladies. . Ladies do not concentrate on lower dan tien but between breast (not heart), just be aware of it, no hard concentration

Reason was never said. But technicly man has advantage of chi, woman of blood. Woman can also empty their mind faster but he never said why. Chi is tied to lower dan tien, blood to heart (middle) . The ideas here is probably to use what is strongest for each gender. He sayd Golden flour text was make only for man, Wong tin king is made for woman but since his emphasis is on upper dan tien, both gender can use the technics. There is probably a text reserved only for woman training but he never talk about it (class 99% man)

Navel => Concentrate around navel, This is the kingly region, good particularly for middle-age. Less side effects if concentrated below navel.

Lower dan tien => Unmarried man concentrate on tan tien. Lower dan tian is more for young man. 3 inches below navel

Behind navel => Sea of chi, the spine essential part, center, beware energy can stay there

Yin kiu => Perinea, good for old people when yang chi weak, death door (leak there) can become life door intersection … Old people and weak middle age man, married man, advice is concentrate yien chao (between 2 yin orifice, hui yin = perineum) then energy go up

Jade pillow (back head bone) => Small hole there, difficult to pass (headache), unconscious

I think when he said forehead he meant 3rd eye. We often see in hindu text a mix up between both. Some people had concluded that there is an extra main chakra between crown and 3rd eye (Choa chok sui of pranic healing) . Due to the energy proxemity of the crown and 3rd eye it is less visible and seems to be a mix of both forces. But it is Funny that in myth on Athena (goddess of wisdom and war) she came out from forehead of zeus not 3rd eye. Wisdom in forum is said to come from opening the crown and 3rd eye is the burning ray of shiva which has ties to war (fire laser to kill, myth of emiting deities to kill for shiva and others deities).
Note that chinese inches are not equal to western ones . He never precised which he used. So best check both (dan tian placement)


In our site we concentrate on the points corresponding to chakras on back line and front line

The difference of goal is that taoist want to open the blocked meridians (this are 2 of the 8 wonderful channels) for health and preparing immortality using different and common points to us, points that are quite close to chakras. On our site we called now this training circulating energy. Before we sayd chariot of ra since we were using the mantra ra on each chakra.

We do not use macrocosmic orbit but we do have talked about training minor chakras on the feet ahd hand, in forum particularly on joints (if I remember correctly, they are close to marma points)

Macrosmic orbit is basically adding a circle on the 4 limbs which are tied to the 2 knots (hips, shoulder). So if down midle back leg it is up middle front leg to keep the flow. Idem for arms (if twist forearm out). We do not have circle for the temples since we have no horns

Remark that in tien tao chi kung they add a circle aroung the ears starting from yu chen (jade pillow).which imply passing where are the temples knots. I haven’t remarked that variant elsewhere.

I failed to trace the site of the woman expert in chi kung. But she had an unorthodox idea. Why complicate allways on a specific point or meridian exact line position in chi kung ? The body knows where energy must go. She choose to see for microcosmic orbit the ball of ligth outside the body (in aura ). The concept was interessant and you will remark that heat is faster, size of the ball for my case increase zone of heat. The ball is just an idea , attention of the zone is enough.

Following Whnat said in the article, we may apply same points of concentration at different depth :

  • A point In spine ( i guess front line will be same distance of depth, the only clue is when teacher said that the point is behind navel)
  • A point on the skin ( common version mantak chia and others chikung practitioners)
  • A point in aura not touching the skin.

Note that the reason that the point is inside can also be that taoist put more emphasis on the inside. (calling back shen) contrary to other systems. And since kundalini pass by sushumna, concentrating on a point in the spine may have more impact.


Ever remarked the importance of the belt in kung fu, iaido, karate. Apart holding the pants and showing your level, Could it be to push people to concentrate on that zone ? Think of jewish helmet, catholic priest one , crowns of kings, the collar slave of priest ( similar to the slaves in metal), the hindu dot or symbol on 3rd eye . The idea is probably to help concentrating on the corresponding zone .

For the belt Teacher said

  • There is a road like belt channel but higher around solar plexus used by thibetan. Dangerous because open all.
By opening all he meant the 8 wonderful meridians since they pass by it. What is interessant is that all text and sites say the belt meridian ( one of the 8 wonderful meridians) is just for advanced , we must not do it , it is dangerous and is at level of the navel . Ironicly, It may explain the difference of width of belts. Santa claus, kung fu and iaido has a wider belt that covers up to solar plexus and cesarian lines (level 2nd chakra) So my belief it that we may try a variant chariot of ra level navel or the edges.. Since for us 3rd chakra is key of the graal and not navel, I use that level . I do feel heat when I do it.

Old westerners magicians seem to have the same idea EG : the image of a guy with a cicle aroung navel with the constelaltions divisions. Since The sun move through the zodiac and so other planets it looks like a hidden western version of fusion of 5 elements but for belts instead microcosmic orbit. It is interessant to know That image is also done sideway .


Trying circle sideway felt hard to concentrate at first. I can only think of the points as 1s chakra hips temples shoulder and crown charkas using as raum meditation on our site A U M. We follow the shape but pass through shoulders. I fail to find sites which talk about conncetion with side of arms to do circles like macrocosmic orbit. Still they do exist merdians for legs sideway used as variant of marcocosmicorbit , but the books and sites found do not talked about sideway arms.

Westerner Statues shows the circle sideway with divison of constelaltion (12 zones), The tarot word card also. But theseimages do not gives the points to concentrate except if border zone or symbol od the contstellation in it at center are hidden indication where to concentrate. On bing you will see often on hidden chakras tapistries buddhist and hindu : little gods/ animals/ jewels wherewe jknow there is chakras or points. Concidence or hidden indication?

As for the statues I failed with bing to trace them back for reference. May be it is just my way of searching. There is a lot of garbage mix with the images I search for.


In western alchemy you will see variant of ouroboros. One serpent on a circle, one up and down on same circle, and one as number 8 or as infinite sign. They may well be a hidden reference of variant of microcosmic orbit.

I like to do the chariot as the infinte sign (back line chakra then pass down in center to front). But up by center, it gave me pressure on stomach so I prefer down motion on center line instead going up with mantras we used for chakras points.

Note that pathway forming the number 8 DO exist in yoga. They do the motion of energy through chakras and jonction is throat chakra. Search for swami-satyananda—saraswati-kundalini-tandra.pdf page 179. Although the design looks more a a triangle on an egg, the concept is swtiching points of concentration , he avoid crown and front 3rd eye.

Note that tai chi symbol (8 in a circle) is draw with body to loose the limb in tai chi chuan (yang jwing ming, yang style teachers). There is also an other similar taoist exercise with 3 circle called dragon dance (book of z g shi) , jonction are throat, thoraxic cage, lower body. I point this concept of circles here because many motion of chi kung by experience are just props. The outside motion is reflected inside. EG : in soft chi kung, push sky can imply that energy inside is going up to crown by whole body, by aura or by back line chakras ). It may be a trail of training.


Allthoug variants may be possible. The great question remains what are the gains of different pathways ? There seems to be no clues yet.

Doing mantra chakras or mantra RA on each points meridian seems to help me but it is easier our way. Since tao is made of opposites, our concept looks like a training for a full serie of chakras interconnected rather than just focusing on just one chakra . If it is just one, you will probably do it like me at right time (sun chakra = sun hour ….) to get more results but if we do global we advance all of them at same pace in harmony..

Taoist got also deities assigned to organs, zones of the body , each section dan tian (10 in tien tao chi kung) to call (names are in won tin king canon) but my problem was always in which chinese the cannon was written first and since I do not speak cantonese (9 tones), vibrating is hard. Teacher used cantonese since he is cantonese. Also we haven’t yet officially sayd than any god names can be used as mantras. There is probably a clean up in names to make due to corruption (errors of copie, misguiding or hidden traps by ennemy)

I haven’t remark on the site but may be the training of the wheel is first cleaning with fire and motion (air move and increase fire). Once the flow is better without obstacles, then we do something else , like the steps in magnum opus in the site (alchemy steps to get the stone).

We may compare the process as opening the first pathways as produce and refine more energy of choice, circulate it in orbit so the whole body profits of it. Any eXcess (you keep building up energy so where will you store it ?) will open the next In serie of 8 wonderful merdian and once the 8 are all opened comes a new unknown training, finalizing the magum opus.

Finally I hope it gives trail to better and deeper working with any energy . (planets ,elements, jing, tree, chakras..) . It is only the first part of something bigger. And that is what we must rediscover.


Mantak chia

Book qi cpong empowerment from liang and wu

Tien tao chi kung basic courses


Daoist Meditation Lesson Eight Theory: Golden Fluid & The Micro-Cosmic Orbit – Internal Arts International

16th centuries cabbalistic astrological drawings around humans - Recherche Images (bing.com)


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
