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The European Proposal for Vaccination Passport - "Digital Green Certificate"

Syd Silver

Sep 22, 2017
4th Reich
"""On Wednesday afternoon, the European Commission presented its proposal for the “Digital Green Certificate” – so-called vaccination passports – to make free travel in the EU possible again this summer.

To avoid discrimination, the certificate will provide proof that a person has been vaccinated against Covid-19, has natural immunity from it, or has a recent negative test result, according to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

During a press conference on Wednesday, she stated that she hopes that the Member States and the European Parliament will adopt the certificate quickly, so that it can be used as early as June.
What will it look like?

The certificates will be issued in digital format, so they can be shown on a smartphone, or on paper, depending on the preference of its holder.

Both versions will work with a QR code that contains necessary data, as well as a digital signature that should guarantee the “authenticity, integrity and validity” of the certificate.

To improve cross-border acceptance, the information on the certificate should be written in the language(s) of the issuing Member State, and English

Which information will the certificate include?

It will contain necessary information such as the name and date of birth of the holder, the issuing Member State and a unique identifier of the certificate. Additionally, depending on whether the holder has been vaccinated, tested, or recovered, the added info will differ.

– A vaccination certificate will state the vaccine product and manufacturer, the number of doses and the date of vaccination.
– A test certificate will stat which type of test was used, as well as the date and time of test, at which testing centre the test was taken, and the result.
– A recovery certificate will show the date of the holder’s positive test result, the issuer of the certificate, the date of issuance, and the validity date.

How will the certificates be checked?

The Commission stressed that, as shown during the first months of the pandemic, the “uncoordinated and hasty reintroduction of internal border controls” does not stop the virus, but instead causes societal and economic disruption.

Checking people’s certificates “cannot as such justify the temporary reintroduction of border controls at internal borders,” they said, adding that those controls must remain a measure of last resort, in line with EU law.

Can the certificate be used for something else than travel?

The EU wants to avoid discrimination and does not want to say if the certificate can be used to, for example, lift or relax restrictions, or allow vaccinated people to take part in certain activities.

“That is up to the individual Member States to decide,” said Reynders. “We are organising all legal instruments on the basis of free movement.”
What will it cost?

Nothing. The certificate will be delivered to citizens free of charge

What happens to your data?

The health data of the holders remain in the hands of the Member State that issued the certificate in question.

When the certificate – with a digital signature to protect it against falsification – is checked, the QR code is scanned and the signature verified.

Each issuing body (such as a hospital, a test centre, or health authority) has its own digital signature key, which are all stored in a secure database in each country.

Member States agreed on a trust framework outline to ensure timely implementation of the Digital Green Certificates, their interoperability and full compliance with personal data protection.

The European Commission will build a gateway, through which all certificate signatures can be verified across the EU. The personal data of the certificate holder, however, does not pass through the gateway, as it is not necessary to verify the digital signature

Which vaccines will be accepted?

Member States should issue vaccination certificates regardless of the type of Covid-19 vaccine, according to the Commission.

Member States will be required to accept the vaccines that have received EU-wide marketing authorisation, which are currently Pfizer/BioNtech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson. However, countries will also have the option to accept vaccination certificates issued concerning other vaccines.
When will it be ready?

The Commission’s proposal still has to be approved by the Member States and the European Parliament, which sets a tight timeframe.

Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas said in an interview with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Wednesday morning that he hoped the certificate would be ready by June."""


Note, it is just a proposal (for now)

Good news
The initial proposal said that only vaccinated people will receive this vaccination passport, and only those will be able to travel freely, now as you see tested people and people who have gone through the disease can travel with this "Digital Green Certificate".
So the enemy made a step back.

Bad news
The enemy will not deviate from the initial plan, if this vaccination passport is accepted, it is just a matter of time until our rights and freedoms will be systematically conditioned through this "Digital Green Certificate."
See chinese "Social Credit" System to have an idea.

Again, this "Digital Green Certificate" is only in the form of a proposal at this time
To become mandatory, it must be voted in EU Parliament by all the countries of the European Union and must be accepted by the citizens of Europe.

I will remind you a well-known jews strategy, confirmed by Former President of EU (drunken jew)

We decide on Something, Leave It Lying Around, And Wait and See What Happens. IF No One Kicks Up A Fuss, Because Most People Don't Understand What Has Been Decide, We Continue Step By Step Until There Is No Turning Back.

- Jean-Claude Juncker

We are continuously attacked, we are under siege, all odds are against us
but guess what ...
Europe will Not fall ... Not now and Not ever.
To me this sounds like a typical devide and conquer strategy. By reiterating how they don't want to "discriminate" against those who didn't get the vaccine by only allowing those who got it to practice normal-life activities again, they basically mean "oy vey goy it's the fault of those with no vaccince that you can't live normally again".

Besides what you said, this is basically the mask spiel all over again, where they said unless we all wear the mask we will never get over the virus.

Fucking kikes will wish they were lampshades soon if they keep up this bullshit.
People will rebel,after this proposal, The Jews will escape from Europe, It's time to leave their fancy villas.
no one can handle this pressure ,Jews will be targeted, and they will get what they deserve.
Syd Silver said:
"""On Wednesday afternoon, the European Commission presented its proposal for the “Digital Green Certificate” – so-called vaccination passports – to make free travel in the EU possible again this summer.

To avoid discrimination, the certificate will provide proof that a person has been vaccinated against Covid-19, has natural immunity from it, or has a recent negative test result, according to Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.


This is the document upon which all basis of discrimination in the private or work sector will take place.

But it's ok goyim it's not like the passport discriminates you now, is it?

It's just that your employer can kick you out for not having this non discriminatory document which proves the thing that separates you from everyone else, aka a vaccination or not having one.

These people must think the average IQ of Europeans is already at kalergi level, at around 70 or so.

sonnenkraft said:
People will rebel,after this proposal, The Jews will escape from Europe, It's time to leave their fancy villas.
no one can handle this pressure ,Jews will be targeted, and they will get what they deserve.

In regards to comments saying how jews have been evacuating...

I read many Rabbis are already evacuated in Israel, places like New Zealand, Australia, and are silently leaving Europe and the United States. Not all, but the important ones...

Then, this year, despite the CoVid, return for jews in Israel is up by 26%...

This tells everyone that shit is going to quite possibly hit the fan, and they know it.
But I thought one of EU points was to get rid of passports when crossing countries...

I don't know how they gonna pull whole 70% vaccination thing when only 20% of people said they will get vaccinated. One interesting thing I noted is that people that go vaccinate themselves are either hardcore christians or theyre commie retards. They're just self-destructing and collapsing inside at this point. Backlash on jews will increase and they gonna kill their NPC foot soldiers in the process :lol: .
Also, even if you've had the vaccine you can still catch the virus and transmit it to others they say.

Its just BS.
A ticking time bomb.

As well as that this promotion of mass vaccination should have never been allowed. As there was no real case of mass death etc.
Was an article on the FvD parties' website.
I doubt Babiš is ever going to follow the Israeli model e.g. let those who got vaccinated return to the normal because he's incompetent as fuck and may as well be afraid of more slaves( even potential ones) dying following vaccination doses than COVID itself
I hope he succumbs to COVID ASAP anyway
BlackJackal said:
But I thought one of EU points was to get rid of passports when crossing countries...
This conronavirus is a "punishment" for Brexit, et al. happening. The dirty jewkike can't get its own way, so it has to pretend to punish us for Brexit and the European jewnion dying. The jew is trying to throw us around like ragdolls in a rabid dog's mouth, or like pinballs in a pinball machine.

I don't know how they gonna pull whole 70% vaccination thing when only 20% of people said they will get vaccinated. One interesting thing I noted is that people that go vaccinate themselves are either hardcore christians or theyre commie retards. They're just self-destructing and collapsing inside at this point. Backlash on jews will increase and they gonna kill their NPC foot soldiers in the process :lol: .
I can't fecking wait for (if I am getting the Astrology right) 2024 to get here. The jew's pain will be my perverse pleasure, as I'm sure it will be many others', as well.
Syd Silver said:

Just replied to a personal attack on me gave you one back looking at this OP you certainly arent a mongo :lol: but why personal attack me you dont know me is that why beacuase its internet easy to say oh he a jew he a jew.

Would a jew be on this since 2013

Disregard my relpy to your attack on me if you want but i thought i stated no more personal attacks on posts then seen yours.

One of your reasons for me getting the thing you have stated above mate.

See if i wanted to I could have lied (said I never got it) would have been much easier :lol: i dont need to lie even on a forum.

Have a good day
FancyMancy said:
BlackJackal said:
But I thought one of EU points was to get rid of passports when crossing countries...
This conronavirus is a "punishment" for Brexit, et al. happening. The dirty jewkike can't get its own way, so it has to pretend to punish us for Brexit and the European jewnion dying. The jew is trying to throw us around like ragdolls in a rabid dog's mouth, or like pinballs in a pinball machine.

I don't know how they gonna pull whole 70% vaccination thing when only 20% of people said they will get vaccinated. One interesting thing I noted is that people that go vaccinate themselves are either hardcore christians or theyre commie retards. They're just self-destructing and collapsing inside at this point. Backlash on jews will increase and they gonna kill their NPC foot soldiers in the process :lol: .
I can't fecking wait for (if I am getting the Astrology right) 2024 to get here. The jew's pain will be my perverse pleasure, as I'm sure it will be many others', as well.

I will also enjoy it when the time comes :D
Amazon is to open contactless shops in the UK, and China pioneered "digital certificate", a precursor to "virus passport". It's just a jewish surname of cohen-cidence that all of these "different" government"s" are just doing the same thing at the same time, so cohen-cidentally.
BlackJackal said:
But I thought one of EU points was to get rid of passports when crossing countries...

I don't know how they gonna pull whole 70% vaccination thing when only 20% of people said they will get vaccinated. One interesting thing I noted is that people that go vaccinate themselves are either hardcore christians or theyre commie retards. They're just self-destructing and collapsing inside at this point. Backlash on jews will increase and they gonna kill their NPC foot soldiers in the process :lol: .
That was to reinforce the race mixing and refugee crisis, that was the point behind the schengen treaty. And now they are going to dissolve the schengen treaty and reinforce the vacpass to strip our freedom.
The climax for the New Reality & Revolution is approaching

The proposed Vaccination Passport aka Digital Green Certificate will be discussed next week at a summit of EU leaders.

Exactly my thoughts. First, the Schengen was supposed to unite Europeans and foster better ties between them. Good, understandable.

Then, they make up this "passport" to just create total discrimination between people and even divide them in two frontiers, sending European people in being outcasts or dredges of society, if they don't get their experimental and nonsensical [and ineffective, it prevents nothing] cell editing shot.

Meanwhile, while Europeans will have to face all these limitations and segregations, millions of Pisslamics are in 5 star hotels, invading Europe as casually as ever, and moving borders completely unchecked, and outside any and all curfews.

We are living in a hebrew psychodrama movie at this point. People are understanding this and will react.

Jax911 said:
BlackJackal said:
But I thought one of EU points was to get rid of passports when crossing countries...

I don't know how they gonna pull whole 70% vaccination thing when only 20% of people said they will get vaccinated. One interesting thing I noted is that people that go vaccinate themselves are either hardcore christians or theyre commie retards. They're just self-destructing and collapsing inside at this point. Backlash on jews will increase and they gonna kill their NPC foot soldiers in the process :lol: .
That was to reinforce the race mixing and refugee crisis, that was the point behind the schengen treaty. And now they are going to dissolve the schengen treaty and reinforce the vacpass to strip our freedom.
Coraxo said:
To me this sounds like a typical devide and conquer strategy. By reiterating how they don't want to "discriminate" against those who didn't get the vaccine by only allowing those who got it to practice normal-life activities again, they basically mean "oy vey goy it's the fault of those with no vaccince that you can't live normally again".

Besides what you said, this is basically the mask spiel all over again, where they said unless we all wear the mask we will never get over the virus.

Fucking kikes will wish they were lampshades soon if they keep up this bullshit.
"They" will keep up this bullshit, it is their agenda.

sonnenkraft said:
People will rebel,after this proposal, The Jews will escape from Europe, It's time to leave their fancy villas.
no one can handle this pressure ,Jews will be targeted, and they will get what they deserve.
Exactly, and has already begun .

BlackJackal said:
But I thought one of EU points was to get rid of passports when crossing countries...

I don't know how they gonna pull whole 70% vaccination thing when only 20% of people said they will get vaccinated. One interesting thing I noted is that people that go vaccinate themselves are either hardcore christians or theyre commie retards. They're just self-destructing and collapsing inside at this point. Backlash on jews will increase and they gonna kill their NPC foot soldiers in the process :lol: .
20% of people vaccinated is jewish Fake News, official statistics says less than 5% are vaccinated in Europe
How will "they" vaccinate 70% of the EU population until the summer?! When "they" want to implement this “Digital Green Certificate”
It will not happen.
According to data compiled by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, less than 5% of European citizens have been fully vaccinated

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Exactly my thoughts. First, the Schengen was supposed to unite Europeans and foster better ties between them. Good, understandable.

Then, they make up this "passport" to just create total discrimination between people and even divide them in two frontiers, sending European people in being outcasts or dredges of society, if they don't get their experimental and nonsensical [and ineffective, it prevents nothing] cell editing shot.

Meanwhile, while Europeans will have to face all these limitations and segregations, millions of Pisslamics are in 5 star hotels, invading Europe as casually as ever, and moving borders completely unchecked, and outside any and all curfews.

We are living in a hebrew psychodrama movie at this point. People are understanding this and will react.
There is no other way, it is Satan's will, jews will get what they deserve.
Today EU Parliament fast-tracks procedure to adopt Digital Green Certificate by June
To facilitate its adoption by the summer, MEPs decided to accelerate the approval of the Digital Green Certificate, allowing for safe and free movement during the pandemic.

With 468 votes in favour, 203 against and 16 abstentions, MEPs supported using the urgency procedure (Rule 163), which allows for faster parliamentary scrutiny of the Commission’s proposals, while fully respecting its democratic prerogatives.

During the plenary debate on Wednesday, a large majority of MEPs supported a swift creation of the Digital Green Certificate, which aims to facilitate safe and free movement inside the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Commission proposal, this could include information on whether a traveller has been vaccinated against COVID-19, a COVID-19 test result, and information on recovery from a COVID-19 infection.Several speakers highlighted the need to have strong data protection safeguards on personal and medical data, and stressed that those who have not been vaccinated must not face discrimination

Next steps
Plenary will adopt its mandate for negotiations with Council, which may include amendments to the Commission’s proposal, during the next plenary session (26-29 April). As the committee steering this file through Parliament, the Civil Liberties Committee can request to have the file back, in order to start the talks. The outcome of the negotiations among the co-legislators will have to be endorsed by both Parliament and Council.

After the vote, the Chair of the Civil Liberties Committee Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR (S&D, ES) said: “We need the Digital Green Certificate to re-establish our confidence in the Schengen zone while continuing to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The certificate cannot be a precondition for free movement as this is a fundamental right in the European Union, and it cannot lead to discrimination against those individuals who do not hold one. Citizens’ data must be safe and only necessary data should be included in the certificate."""


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
