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The autistic Children of sperm donor H898


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017

Single Sperm Donor Linked To Numerous Children With Autism, Other Disabilities
CHICAGO (CBS) — Two boys were born through a sperm donor, both were diagnosed with autism, and their mother eventually went on to learn something shocking.

The sperm donor is now linked to even more children with autism and other disabilities.

In her first TV interview, the children’s mother spoke to CBS 2’s Suzanne Le Mignot about her plea for change.


Sperm Donor Linked To Autism Cluster — Scientifically Fascinating, Legally Complicated
Parents turning to donor gametes ought to be fully informed -- or at least not actively deceived -- with respect to their future children’s genetic makeup.

The Wall Street Journal recently reported on how a single sperm donor has been linked to an extraordinary number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. The donor is known only by his code name, “H898,” which is how the sperm provider Idant Laboratories designated him. In the Wall Street Journal article, Danielle Rizzo, a mother to two children conceived with H898’s sperm, describes the difficulties she has had with raising her two sons on the autism spectrum, but she’s also faced even greater difficulties trying to prevent the use of H898’s sperm for other patients.


The autistic children of Donor H898
BARTLETT, Ill. - Danielle Rizzo's son is screaming. He is planted in the middle of the lobby of his elementary school, clinging to rainbow-colored blocks as she gently explains that she is here - off schedule, in the middle of the day - to take him to a doctor's appointment. But the first-grader is not listening.

"Happy Meal," he repeats over and over again. "Happy Meal!"

His little brother, who is also going to the appointment, is nearby, not moving. Rizzo is relieved that the two of them are not melting down at the same time, which happens all too often, and firmly guides them out the door.


Mother sues sperm bank over donor profile lies
A US single mother has settled a claim against a sperm bank for $250,000 after she discovered that her children’s father had lied about his background.

Danielle Rizzo conceived two children through sperm donation with her then lesbian partner. Both of her children, now aged six and seven, have severe autistic difficulties.

Rizzo discovered during the course of her research on their developmental delays that her children’s father ‘Donor H898’ had fathered several children, all of whom were on the autism spectrum.


Cluster Of Autism Cases All Linked To Same Sperm Donor Could Provide Genetic Insight Into Diagnosis
Donor H898 was blond and blue-eyed, 6-foot-1, 240 pounds, and appeared to be smart and accomplished. Now it turns out that many of the kids conceived with his sperm have autism. Experts are intrigued by the genetic clues the cluster of cases could offer. In other public health news: gene-editing, hospital care, maternal mistreatment, lead levels in water, heart attacks in women, and more.


The autistic children of Donor H898

Danielle Rizzo with her boys, ages 6 and 7, in Streamwood, Ill. After finding out her sons were part of an autism cluster, she sued the sperm bank and its parent company. MUST CREDIT: Photo by Taylor Glascock for The Washington Post


Danielle Rizzo's sons cover their ears as a loud vehicle drives by. Noise sensitivity is a common challenge for people with autism spectrum disorders. MUST CREDIT: Photo by Taylor Glascock for The Washington Post


Danielle Rizzo hopes her lawsuit will lead to greater oversight of the sperm bank industry. "I did not sue because my children are autistic," she says. "I was suing to right a wrong." MUST CREDIT: Photo by Taylor Glascock for The Washington Post


The children of Donor H898

The children of Donor H898

The children of Donor H898 – 12 autistic children fathered by same sperm donor (washingtonpost.com)
I guess this means I can't have children, having Aspergers and all....
The Alchemist7 said:
This happens when someone is retarted enough to choose artificial insemination with fuck knows who's sperm instead of normally breeding.
Some people have reproductive problems and can't breed (I'm talking about heterosexual couples).

Very unfortunate, very sad. But more importantly this guy would not have been allowed to donate sperm if thus was a sane society which had eugenics.
HP Mageson666 said:
Were the children all vaccinated...
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. I shared an article ages ago about the MMR jab leading to autism. I wonder how clean that sperm bank is, as well.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I guess this means I can't have children, having Aspergers and all....
You can if you heal. You are a SS and can get healed! Do not take this as a bad thing because every human being has some illness both physical and mental and that they will pass down to their kids, in a normal world one would use spirituality to fix themselves and then have kids.
Getting pregnant artificially is insane if you ask me since you don't even know who donor is. Then you get surprise when girl gives birth to mixed raced kid like I've read some time ago. Might as well put a revolver in your mouth and blow your brains out if that happens.

HP Mageson666 said:
Were the children all vaccinated...

Or maybe the father was that guy from "jazz hands" convention that complained about having sensory overload from chatter. :lol:
BlackJackal said:
Getting pregnant artificially is insane if you ask me since you don't even know who donor is. Then you get surprise when girl gives birth to mixed raced kid like I've read some time ago. Might as well put a revolver in your mouth and blow your brains out if that happens.

HP Mageson666 said:
Were the children all vaccinated...

Or maybe the father was that guy from "jazz hands" convention that complained about having sensory overload from chatter. :lol:
This technology feel so cold and alien....having a child this way just feels wrong to me.
luis said:
BlackJackal said:
Getting pregnant artificially is insane if you ask me since you don't even know who donor is. Then you get surprise when girl gives birth to mixed raced kid like I've read some time ago. Might as well put a revolver in your mouth and blow your brains out if that happens.

HP Mageson666 said:
Were the children all vaccinated...

Or maybe the father was that guy from "jazz hands" convention that complained about having sensory overload from chatter. :lol:
This technology feel so cold and alien....having a child this way just feels wrong to me.

Lol that shit is nothing compared to stuff that MGTOW guys want lately. Getting sexbots with artificial wombs and making them pregnant. WTF??!!!
You know I bet kikes are trying to use (((feminism))) and (((MGTOW))) to clash with eachother so they can then promote their genderless commie shit as solution.
"We can remove problems our society faces by removing gender and letting birthrates be controlled in lab vats." -Dr. Reptilestein
BlackJackal said:
Or maybe the father was that guy from "jazz hands" convention that complained about having sensory overload from chatter. :lol:

He can't even handle whispering or clapping and yet he wants to violently overthrow the government to install a Leninist dictatorship and "seize the means of production"
BlackJackal said:
luis said:
BlackJackal said:
Getting pregnant artificially is insane if you ask me since you don't even know who donor is. Then you get surprise when girl gives birth to mixed raced kid like I've read some time ago. Might as well put a revolver in your mouth and blow your brains out if that happens.

Or maybe the father was that guy from "jazz hands" convention that complained about having sensory overload from chatter. :lol:
This technology feel so cold and alien....having a child this way just feels wrong to me.

Lol that shit is nothing compared to stuff that MGTOW guys want lately. Getting sexbots with artificial wombs and making them pregnant. WTF??!!!
Dafuq did I just read? (I've never said/asked that before.) It makes me think of the Borg Queen and the bits of technology which grips and pulls her skin... Many pieces of flesh, alive (or "alive"?) with the ability to reproduce...

It reminds me of something I saw, I think in a TV programme, where there was an artificial farm animal's digestive system, which gives Children a basic understanding of that. I don't think it contained any organic material, though.
BlackJackal said:
luis said:
BlackJackal said:
Getting pregnant artificially is insane if you ask me since you don't even know who donor is. Then you get surprise when girl gives birth to mixed raced kid like I've read some time ago. Might as well put a revolver in your mouth and blow your brains out if that happens.

Or maybe the father was that guy from "jazz hands" convention that complained about having sensory overload from chatter. :lol:
This technology feel so cold and alien....having a child this way just feels wrong to me.

Lol that shit is nothing compared to stuff that MGTOW guys want lately. Getting sexbots with artificial wombs and making them pregnant. WTF??!!!
You know I bet kikes are trying to use (((feminism))) and (((MGTOW))) to clash with eachother so they can then promote their genderless commie shit as solution.
"We can remove problems our society faces by removing gender and letting birthrates be controlled in lab vats." -Dr. Reptilestein
Seems like the perfect conclusion for what the Jews want. Making man and women hate eachother and then push these type of things...probabilly if they get far enough they will promote to remove everyone genitalias like their Master did for the Grey's.
luis said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I guess this means I can't have children, having Aspergers and all....
You can if you heal. You are a SS and can get healed! Do not take this as a bad thing because every human being has some illness both physical and mental and that they will pass down to their kids, in a normal world one would use spirituality to fix themselves and then have kids.

And that's exactly what I plan on doing. I don't have any horrible health problems that would affect my children - but I do have some back problems that I want to deal with first.

I want to be at my best when I have children so I can give them the life they deserve.
luis said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I guess this means I can't have children, having Aspergers and all....
You can if you heal. You are a SS and can get healed! Do not take this as a bad thing because every human being has some illness both physical and mental and that they will pass down to their kids, in a normal world one would use spirituality to fix themselves and then have kids.

The good news is that I'm not on the "retarded" end of the spectrum, the bad news is that it could still be passed down to my children which in an ideal world i'd have to be sterilized because eugenics would become the number one governance of reproduction. This means that I could only be useful as a soldier.

BUT WAIT! The United States military only fights for ZOG and for moral reasons I can't be apart of that. I most certainly would not mind dying in battle, if I even die at all, as a warrior's life is the most honorable form of life on the planet because you are protecting your own people and interests while raining destruction, death, and chaos against all who oppose you whether you're wielding an M240 or flying an A-10 Warthog decimating enemy positions with the sound of brrrrrrrrrrrt coming from its cannons.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I guess this means I can't have children, having Aspergers and all....
Meditation removes every bad condition over time, no exceptions. You are fine. :)
ShadowTheRaven said:
luis said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
I guess this means I can't have children, having Aspergers and all....
You can if you heal. You are a SS and can get healed! Do not take this as a bad thing because every human being has some illness both physical and mental and that they will pass down to their kids, in a normal world one would use spirituality to fix themselves and then have kids.

The good news is that I'm not on the "retarded" end of the spectrum, the bad news is that it could still be passed down to my children which in an ideal world i'd have to be sterilized because eugenics would become the number one governance of reproduction. This means that I could only be useful as a soldier.

BUT WAIT! The United States military only fights for ZOG and for moral reasons I can't be apart of that. I most certainly would not mind dying in battle, if I even die at all, as a warrior's life is the most honorable form of life on the planet because you are protecting your own people and interests while raining destruction, death, and chaos against all who oppose you whether you're wielding an M240 or flying an A-10 Warthog decimating enemy positions with the sound of brrrrrrrrrrrt coming from its cannons.
You don't need to die in battle or anything like that. You just need to heal and then make as many kids you want. The point of meditation is to become perfect, a God.
luis said:
You don't need to die in battle or anything like that. You just need to heal and then make as many kids you want. The point of meditation is to become perfect, a God.

You mean "make as many kids as I can afford" the answer to which is none, unless I wanna leech off of the state like all these other welfare parasites I've had the displeasure of growing up in. I'm not saying I want to die in battle I'm saying I wouldn't mind dying in battle because that's an honorable death and the one thing that I want to be known for is my honorable way of life.

And yes, that is the point of meditation to attain Godhood but who knows when or even if that's going to happen at all in my lifetime. I got about 60 years of life left granted I'm not shot or imprisoned for being white (see the thread I just made about the DHS which Cobra stickied) and if the jews have it their way, I won't have a white body to reincarnate into so the whole Godhood thing is completely uncertain in my case. I've been doing this 9 years and I'm not even close to it.
I forgot to say that if you wanna have kids its better to adopt them than gamble with this artificial shit from god knows what donor.

luis said:
BlackJackal said:
luis said:
This technology feel so cold and alien....having a child this way just feels wrong to me.

Lol that shit is nothing compared to stuff that MGTOW guys want lately. Getting sexbots with artificial wombs and making them pregnant. WTF??!!!
You know I bet kikes are trying to use (((feminism))) and (((MGTOW))) to clash with eachother so they can then promote their genderless commie shit as solution.
"We can remove problems our society faces by removing gender and letting birthrates be controlled in lab vats." -Dr. Reptilestein
Seems like the perfect conclusion for what the Jews want. Making man and women hate eachother and then push these type of things...probabilly if they get far enough they will promote to remove everyone genitalias like their Master did for the Grey's.

Considering there are commie NPCs taking selfies and posting it on internet how they cut off their... you know what, I'd say its pretty obvious where this is all going.

FancyMancy said:
BlackJackal said:
luis said:
This technology feel so cold and alien....having a child this way just feels wrong to me.

Lol that shit is nothing compared to stuff that MGTOW guys want lately. Getting sexbots with artificial wombs and making them pregnant. WTF??!!!
Dafuq did I just read? (I've never said/asked that before.) It makes me think of the Borg Queen and the bits of technology which grips and pulls her skin... Many pieces of flesh, alive (or "alive"?) with the ability to reproduce...

It reminds me of something I saw, I think in a TV programme, where there was an artificial farm animal's digestive system, which gives Children a basic understanding of that. I don't think it contained any organic material, though.

Lol I still remember when I was reading comments they were making in their MGTOW reddit about this. I left that webpage with scarred mind.
BlackJackal said:
I forgot to say that if you wanna have kids its better to adopt them than gamble with this artificial shit from god knows what donor.

luis said:
BlackJackal said:
Lol that shit is nothing compared to stuff that MGTOW guys want lately. Getting sexbots with artificial wombs and making them pregnant. WTF??!!!
You know I bet kikes are trying to use (((feminism))) and (((MGTOW))) to clash with eachother so they can then promote their genderless commie shit as solution.
"We can remove problems our society faces by removing gender and letting birthrates be controlled in lab vats." -Dr. Reptilestein
Seems like the perfect conclusion for what the Jews want. Making man and women hate eachother and then push these type of things...probabilly if they get far enough they will promote to remove everyone genitalias like their Master did for the Grey's.

Considering there are commie NPCs taking selfies and posting it on internet how they cut off their... you know what, I'd say its pretty obvious where this is all going.

FancyMancy said:
BlackJackal said:
Lol that shit is nothing compared to stuff that MGTOW guys want lately. Getting sexbots with artificial wombs and making them pregnant. WTF??!!!
Dafuq did I just read? (I've never said/asked that before.) It makes me think of the Borg Queen and the bits of technology which grips and pulls her skin... Many pieces of flesh, alive (or "alive"?) with the ability to reproduce...

It reminds me of something I saw, I think in a TV programme, where there was an artificial farm animal's digestive system, which gives Children a basic understanding of that. I don't think it contained any organic material, though.

Lol I still remember when I was reading comments they were making in their MGTOW reddit about this. I left that webpage with scarred mind.
Eurgh, it takes all sorts, doesn't it?!
ShadowTheRaven said:
luis said:
You don't need to die in battle or anything like that. You just need to heal and then make as many kids you want. The point of meditation is to become perfect, a God.

You mean "make as many kids as I can afford" the answer to which is none, unless I wanna leech off of the state like all these other welfare parasites I've had the displeasure of growing up in. I'm not saying I want to die in battle I'm saying I wouldn't mind dying in battle because that's an honorable death and the one thing that I want to be known for is my honorable way of life.

And yes, that is the point of meditation to attain Godhood but who knows when or even if that's going to happen at all in my lifetime. I got about 60 years of life left granted I'm not shot or imprisoned for being white (see the thread I just made about the DHS which Cobra stickied) and if the jews have it their way, I won't have a white body to reincarnate into so the whole Godhood thing is completely uncertain in my case. I've been doing this 9 years and I'm not even close to it.
It wont take you lifetimes, this is what HP Shannon said in this posthttps://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=22613&p=102016#p99781:
We are all individual and a consistent dedicated satanist is a different case compared to an average person doing standard yoga and meditation.

I was told by Azazel that it can take anywhere between 7-10 years to raise the kundalini, and another 10 years to complete the magnum opus. He said the RTRs are shortening the time.

Now, this is a case by case basis and depends solely on the individual and how often and consistently they work on their souls, applies the satanic knowledge that we now have and if a god is guiding them. And now that we have the RTRs, it is possible and it shortens the time to advance. The Jewish curses were to bind the gentile soul and the Kundalini itself, as well as our psychic awareness.

Before the JoS and this new satanic revelation we have, these things were not the case. Knowledge was corrupted, meditations and spiritual techniques corrupted and watered down and the centuries of Hebrew curses-- raising the serpent is a major thing and this was super rare because of what I just mentioned, and not to mention attempting to raise the serpent was dangerous because of the curses.

The situation is different now. Its been a year since the Final RTR came out and I am already having kundalini stimulation and experiences when I meditate.
ShadowTheRaven said:
if the jews have it their way, I won't have a white body to reincarnate into so the whole Godhood thing is completely uncertain in my case.
We are winning this war and taking back our planet. As long as you sufficiently protect yourself, do your part with the RTRs, and don't do anything retarded, you will be safe. Maxine has said before that there will be diseases and disasters of all kinds coming around in the future, but all of us SS who protect themselves and work under Satan will be kept safe.

In 20 years from now (or earlier if we keep up the winz, who knows) the Gods will arrive and help us in finding the best and most powerful ways of advancing ourselves. Not only is it likely that you will attain the MO in your lifetime, but within 60 years you will at the very least reach a point where you can slow down your aging process enough to gain additional time (provided you keep working on advancing yourself of course).

And even on the off-chance that you would die because of something stupid, or for whatever other reason, you will most definitely have a white body to reincarnate into. That is what we, and you, too, are fighting for here. And we are winning hard. All that is there to worry about is to keep the RTRs going.
ShadowTheRaven said:
I guess this means I can't have children, having Aspergers and all....
Aspergers was a psychopath jew that killed 800 childen. You don't have aspergers. Maybe autism, but I start to roll my eyes over that too because these doctors are all dumb, creating labels and putting them on people. You can clear it up easily though. :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
