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Some Hard Talk

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Everytime one has to speak about Satanism, because we have "lost" our culture, most people are simply making things up. This can be done either due to enemy misinformation.

That's not really a literal sermon here, it's more like some hard talk. If you have an affinity for another approach or might consider certain expressed truths as heavy here, then might as well ignore this post, which is exactly what you shouldn't be doing.

Often-times I sit on my desk thinking how stupid, inepid and atheistic we have become as Gentiles. I do not exclude myself from this because if I was taking this route I would never made it anywhere or evolved.

The once people of the Gods are now literally on a whole level of stupid, where we are tasked and faced with trying to rectify them from.

The wonder and beauty of the past, of divinity and greater understanding is almost lost and lives inside very few people. That's for the few people.

When I write, I have to write 4-5 paragraphs of "calm down your reactions that will come out from Jewish programming" only to make a point. Thanks jews for the cultural misrepresentation and most people being mindwashed, I have to always spend 5 paragraphs as a sort of loan towards the kikes everytime because they lie of aeons.

For example, now that I will write about Apotheosis or how our own must focus on the Godhead, or anything else really from our culture, a very common practice in the Ancient World, many people will think a million things I have to answer in advance before the programming of the Jew starts jumping in all directions to attack me.

This takes a lot of courage, patience and persistence, and my culture right now feels like a sanatorium, filled with sick people, broken souls, and those lacking knowledge, or borderline atheists.

One can only imagine how the Gods feel about this, but with persistence, century after century, they are helping us.

Indeed I lament greatly every-time at the disconnection of our people from the Truth and how many are walking around in the curse of living without a soul.

Regardless I have infinite love and courage in my heart to say the Truth. Currently, that is rather painful and even demanding, because when one is brainwashed and you try to break this situation, you always have reactions.

Over the years I have seen people come and go from JoS, only because at some point even if the obvious Truth was in front of them, the programming started kicking in.

For what I can say, you will not become a God if you are constantly accepting this to happen like an NPC would. In order to ascend to the ranks of the Gods, you need to be able to defeat that programming.

Most people out there in this day and era, are bombarded from all directions and remain stupid - that is a slavery to a form of inner karma which has you obliterated to remain forever "trapped" in the Samsaric level of consciousness, and that you must fight this with meditation and effort. If you do not, no matter what changes in the world, people will remain the same.

Before starting on the subject of Apotheosis, or rather, recognizing humans who have ascended higher in the spiritual ranks, I have to go over a few things.

While all of you are sitting here [Not you SS but Gentiles who might be reading the JoS and too], sitting there godless, stupid, disconnected from the light of the Gods, in spiritual and physical poverty, the enemy is NOT in this situation. They are sitting where people should be sitting who were followers of the Gods, and they are aware of this.

For example, every-time I have to ask for a donation or something, people have to flip out, or when I make a mistake, it's often-times the case that I will receive enemies and responses just from saying what I should.

Thankfully, and I love the ascended minds who do not behave like monkeys, more and more people are understanding more of this as you allow the Gods to wake you up to your common purpose here. Be blessed for allowing to to happen, because you will be saved.

Now, as kikes will create pages to slander JoS and so on for example, they themselves only have to say ONCE to built a school or a memorial, and their own jump from all directions to build this and serve the Gods.

Yet they tell you shit like you don't need Ancient Philosophers, or Spiritual Texts, or that the Veda has to do with urination, or that if you support your culture you are racist if you even consider this, and to just die childless, and to do anything else imaginable that causes societal collapse.

My words here as this: Joy of Satan must be treated as our highest gospel because it is the highest gospel the world has ever seen until now. It's still a developing gospel of Truth and light. And the ONLY gospel which allows critical thought and freedom.

We are supposed to use that critical thought and freedom to expand on the TRUTH of things, rather than allow the doubt and lies to overshadow everything. That's so that we can defend what matters most as free agencies of free will, and not like slaves.

I cannot fathom we have to learn to be like humans from the beginning, because the enemy has corrupted humanity THAT far. Admittedly I had not understood prior the fall was that low, but it is.

It now takes a whole explanation as to "WHY" people should help those who help them, or hold in brotherhood those who hold them up in brotherhood. Imagine that, we are that retarded as people and humans now.

We must DISCONNECT from this retardation. Let the fools be fools, and let us who have decided, to be WISE.

Rabbis and Jews even, would never do this and they aren't that retarded. Because they aren't that retarded, they are running things for a while now.

The "Goyim" who are on the animal level the jews have imposed, commonly whine about this, and cry that the jews run anything, but they themselves are the literal fuel from where the jews are constructing this increasingly unholy world.

The "Goyim" also has another issue where they whine towards the Jews every so often, yet go down on their knees to worship them again in some sort of Mexican soap opera where the cheated person returns back to the cheater again and again.

Long story short if you want to be a Satanist you must deprogram from being a fucking "GOYIM". If you are a "GOYIM", then try to understand how this illness came about, and try to cure yourself in the eyes of the Gods once again. It's not very hard with all the knowledge in JoS.

In regards to jews again now, people whom are their spiritual pupil of their eye, and their associates, they band around them, protect them, and do everything they can to keep them alive. One example is Rabbi Schneerson whom they call a "Messiah".

Only if you saw what kikes have been doing for this "Great Patriarch" of their race, you would understand. Now, the "Goyim" is busy worshipping Kim Kardashian and leaving people like Tesla or others, or even dudes like me in the gutter.

We have to literally wage World War 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare just to get the stupid fucking "Goyim" to stop eating it's own flesh and delivering it to the jew, every single fucking time.

While the Jews complain to you about stupid lies like "Don't be idolater goy" and stupid shit, they themselves treat their own Rabbis like divinities, their holy books like the holiest thing in the universe, and could give a shit less about anything else.

If a Rabbi asks for anything and is a PROVEN and TRUE higher up, they do what is necessitated, because that is the will of "HASHEM" or the "Gods". Oy vey, they run from all directions.

That's because they are SMART. They look dumb only to dumb people who are still on the Samsaric level of consciousness, ie, where you and your fake ego solely reside. The average kike is instructed from infancy to stray from this errant thought process and proceed forward, and this makes them all stronger than most people out there.

A lower Rabbi would die for a higher Rabbi, yet they always tell you shit to treat your PROVEN leaders with suspicions and so on. We do not speak about UNPROVEN, CHARLATANS, RETARDS, OR FOOLS. We are speaking about PROVEN leaders. Kikes don't have to face that problem as they do not have many charlatans, definitely not as many as the "Goyim" does, because they make sure to cleanse their midst with vitriol from fools everytime.

Meanwhile, because Gentiles are ultimately clueless and never even read something like the JoS, every retard that sells snake oil quickly becomes the new "Guide and Guru" of all the "Goy". That's why I have to be harsh and tell you necessary Truths so that we can move outside of this situation of ignorance.

Kikes, for all being lizards and insane, are doing WAY better than anyone else in staying together and banding together around their culture and what is important. Yes, they fuck up, do terrible mistakes, are criminally insane, and even them are able to do what they should do.

Strange right? Not strange at all. They simply know what keeps them alive. In our case, we think that we are alive by "chance" or "luck", they are fully aware of the importance of their agreements with their "God" and it's alien hive.

Yet most Gentiles think in their own little stupid bubble and at best worship a ready made Jew in Islam or Christianity because they are too lazy to make any considerations about anything truly Spiritual in this world like Spiritual Satanism for example.

It breaks my heart truly that "our" side is into [But coming out...] of such level of darkness, where people have not comprehended any of this yet. With pain I have to relate these points to wake people up and make you true inheritors of the glories of the Gods in a world where EVERYONE, literally closely EVERYONE wants you to be a slave.

But I will do everything in my power so that people finally understand this, and restore the work of the Gods on earth.

In regards to how they deal with money versus how you deal with it, if you have the balls of critical thought as lazy Gentiles commonly cite, then watch documentaries about what happens in Rosh Hashana when Rabbis go and ask from Jewish business owners and jews for donations: They are all running left and right to give money, to save and expand their community.

They make competitions on who will give more in holidays, in accordance to how much they can. When kikes write one Torah scroll, a situation often-times costly, they literally throw a fucking party left and right, and they fight one another on who will copy the scroll, dancing for hours and hours constantly.

Meanwhile, the "Goyim" is busy discarding and feeling it deserves everything because it has no clue how these things go anyway.

So I am letting you know how that shit goes for us to start appropriating our behavior and accepting the glories of the Gods in our lives with the necessary RESPECT and REVERENCE these require. When we respect our knowledge, we respect OURSELVES and OUR GODS.

Meanwhile, most Gentiles are just sitting there, picking their nose, and asking why Hitler hasn't arrived yet to save them because they are all to lazy and going back into playing League of Legends again as Islamic invaders are invading in.

The average Shiksha of the Goy is just sitting there trying to find the biggest dildo, and Tesla is somewhere dying in the background because of general negligence, because everyone was busy worshipping every enemy meme there is like "Muh self extinction lez mix dat up" or something instead.

Then 50-60 years into the future everyone sits there pretending they had no idea how the fuck they all ended up in a yoke under the New Jerusalem, or under Mohammed and going back into the Middle Ages from the Robotic Age. Hmm, yes, I wonder how?

Long story short, human beings and especially Westerners have been programmed largely into not only eventful self destruction, but also perpetual programs of stupidity, with veil after veil that keeps them from seeing the Truth.

A lot of irrationality you see in human beings today is simply because of embed programs of self destruction and self enslavement, put there by the enemy. Do NOT be like them. If enough of us are NOT like them, we will win and reverse all of this situation. Every generation has to do this and be aware of this, and so do we.

At the above level of passive, foolish, stupid and retard, there is no salvation. That's why Gentiles are slowly going culturally extinct and why the likes of the enemy are so confident and try to proceed with any insanity known to man.

They wouldn't tell you shit like that you don't even need to eat meat or for you to eat bugs if they were not extremely overconfident. They are on the height of overconfidence right now. They openly tell people of their imminent enslavement and domestication.

Yet thankfully we always have enough retards who might put the time on to DDOS or try to hack JoS instead. Good job retards, attack Satan once again, the side which is trying to save you. Congratulations to the SJW leftist retards here.

Just be careful because if you win, you might get the final Middle Ages which you truly deserve and the Gods whom you slander have been trying to keep you away from.

Without an ethical code, a code of conduct, and the Gods, humans are merely fit to serve as cattle and nothing else. Without Spiritual Satanism and the culture it saves, humanity will be for NOTHING, only bags of meat walking around without a soul.

This rate of affairs is unacceptable. IT SHOULD BE PUT IN YOUR MIND THAT ITS FULLY UNACCEPTABLE. We must retain common sense, but our passion has to run high and we must NOT TOLERATE ALL OF THIS DESTRUCTION.

The violation of the plan of the Gods on the earth, to turn humanity into the Godhead, MUST NOT be allowed to continue.

I will pay my duty to the Gods and have put all my faith in the Satanic Family, but you have to do your own end spiritually and towards YOURSELF. When you understand that you owe it to YOURSELF and OTHERS at the same time to walk the path to the Godhead, you will UNDERSTAND.

Going back to how they go into lunatic mode to sacrifice for their tribe and give whatever they can, to receive blessings and all the good things, while most Gentiles are always donating on OnlyFans but are giving infinite excuses for anything substaintial, I have to cut the "reasons why" here short and say that this is because:

1. People are animals
2. The animal consciousness is getting cursed by the jews
3. They succeed while you fail.
4. The above in the language of the cosmos is translated into that Gentiles don't deserve anything spiritually, and so it manifests.
5. Jews maintain superiority.
6. Gentiles remain locked in lower dimension of thoughts of understanding, power, spiritual and material wealth, knowledge and understanding.
7. It's a matter of time until Gentiles will be rallied like slaves based on universal laws if this path continues.
8. Crazy dudes like me cannot help humanity forever, but we can do some big lifting and certainly we are put here by Satan to do this together.
9. The utmost victim complex which many people complain against, ie "Waiting for a savior" has to be replaced with the Pagan understanding that we must save ourselves and help each other to save our society, turning ourselves in to Solar beings from vermin that dwells on the lower domains of existence where isolation, only caring for one's self, stupidity, inner poverty and inner disease are the rule.

Why I bring up the jews is that if you haven't noticed they are running shit for a while, and it's very easy to put them as an example so you can understand a few things in regards to if you ever thought it would be greater for, you know, for us to run shit after a while. Again that depends on us.

As they give and do work, they receive blessings from their hive collectively, blessings that the average shrunk Gentile brain cannot understand, any more than a flower disconnected from the light and withers around, cannot imagine how it would be to grow on a meadow.

Now that the opportunities are EXISTING, then MAKE USE OF THEM, because this opportunity has NOT existed in thousands of years. We have to be OPEN MINDED and STRONG.

Most Gentiles right now just deny the will of the Gods, or their wisdom, knowledge and input. It took titanic effort to even to be able to stop this torrent of stupidity from being the eternal constant for Gentiles.

We are to where all knowledge literally is being given out and more will be given, and people still find excuses. Satan and the Gods sent us here to evolve and advance, and it is by Divine Planning that all this knowledge is given out.

The limits of excuses will be eliminated due to this knowledge making it in the public. Soon, when people will visit the other side in front of the Gods, they will just say "I was a retard that did not apply the knowledge". Excuses like one had no clue or never knew will not exist.

Humanity will reach a situation where forced facing of the reality of why this world exists in the first place, which is for human beings to advance and finish Satan's Great Work, will come in front of humans more and more.

As I live on a planet and a world where an average hoe that shows her ass is generating infinite revenue and gets more power than presidents of small Nations, I will not mourn and cry if this world truly goes to shit.

Imagine now a fucking Roman General looking at the desperate cucks who give millions yearly to an unarticulated woman just because she is "beautiful", without any actual benefit of this beauty to society, or for her to literally bring invaders in or her literally being a jewess that mind washes people to self exterminate.

Your Roman General ancestors aren't fucking proud guys, I tell you that fucking much.

Yet because I don't exactly want or envision or think this world should always stay like this, it was an important thought to put other obligations first.

The Joy of Satan has been a salvation and a house of love and sanity in the sea of infinite stupidity and superficiality. We do what we can.

If you built your mentality, society, existence, around all of these stupid matters and you never bat an eyelid to what matters, the collapse of everything back into oblivion is what will arrive and will come soon. It's with mathematical precision.

Likewise, my own path ahead of me is unlocked and I am perfectly fine. What this means is, I am on a sacrifice mission to save and help what is important. This elevated me beyond myself, so few things matter.

I will just live a life with the honest statement of trying and doing my best, and succeeding in what must be done, and saying the Truth in the meanwhile. The question is also what are YOU doing? What are WE doing?

The opportunity to become a God is not to be taken for granted. MAKE USE OF IT.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HoodedBro, what a big bad boy are you to tell us to get off our asses and do something worthwhile in our life.

No but seriously, in a world of fake idols, you're my inspiration.
Aquarius said:
HoodedBro, what a big bad boy are you to tell us to get off our asses and do something worthwhile in our life.

No but seriously, in a world of fake idols, you're my inspiration.

NitrateOsfatate666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Wow! Now this is hard talk, not gonna lie!

I'll tell you what's hard from my perspective. Kikes meanwhile will throw parties everytime one shitty Torah scroll is written for days on end.

On the contrary, the December 23rd approaches and certain translators have bailed out from translating and potentially saving millions of Gentiles for generations with their translation with everything being given, ready, and certain to be done.

What brings love in my perspective is this: When certain few people are working to actually manifest the will and power of the Gods, getting infinite blessings in the process and awakening their soul while helping society.

Instead of throwing a party literally and receiving the fulfillment of work of the Gods or progress in one's life and the world, many people choose the shit path.

Don't be one of these people. You'll be disappointed.
Your sermon made me think of a pessimistic thought I've been having for some time. Bear with me: Do you think that it was a mistake to introduce fame and glory to gentiles? Because nowadays, people are really desperate for fame, an audience, and basically money. I feel that it was a mistake to value people for their accomplishments, because now people willing to do anything for a reputation boost, chrap memories, or small moments in their lives. I believe social media was a mistake for these very reasons.

Samsaric? Where did this Samsaric reasoning originate? It sounds like a grisly fate...

I'm seriously wondering myself. Where did our ancestors go wrong to lead to this?
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Your sermon made me think of a pessimistic thought I've been having for some time. Bear with me: Do you think that it was a mistake to introduce fame and glory to gentiles? Because nowadays, people are really desperate for fame, an audience, and basically money. I feel that it was a mistake to value people for their accomplishments, because now people willing to do anything for a reputation boost, chrap memories, or small moments in their lives. I believe social media was a mistake for these very reasons.

Samsaric? Where did this Samsaric reasoning originate? It sounds like a grisly fate...

I'm seriously wondering myself. Where did our ancestors go wrong to lead to this?

Our ancestors didn't really go wrong. They lived and many individuals and groups of them excelled and reached the Gods even. They reached the highest highs.

Clearly certain people go higher, a landmass remains lower, because of entropic factors of the world and cosmos. The Gods left us the steps and a whole culture to not fall in this fate, we were hereditary receivers of this. This status requires a certain maintenance and we were doings this for a very very long time. Then we got attacked.

All the psychological things you describe above such as wealth, fame, power etc, are all NORMAL and GOOD, yet for a human to achieve higher states of existence they MUST connect these with Spirituality. These attainments are to be connected to also the self and also a higher mission, which is the natural purpose of Spiritual Satanism.

With the above removed, people only want to grow for stupid reasons, which stupid reasons tend to create a backfire into society.

Our ancestors were all about glory and important things. Yet, glory back then meant precious and socially important things.

People nowadays aren't valued on accomplishments. Doing squats to make a big ass is not a fucking accomplishment, it's only a small aesthetic accomplishment. Our ancestors went to the gym to have a healthy and desirable body, not just to literally do nothing and for no reason.

Purposeful devaluation of what is socially and existentially valuable is done by the enemy to deconstruct and collapse society.

Discovering things about the world or society, or building up your neighbourhood, having kids, or being a decent doctor, or a therapist, a lifeguard, or someone who cleans beaches and plants trees, or someone who actually exercises for well-being, or who studies, or a million other useful things, these are accomplishments. There are infinites of positive accomplishments yet nowadays people are rewarded for:

1. Being retarded

2. Doing drugs

3. Showing ass (and not even giving it to any male at this point...LOL)

4. Criminality and murdering or whatever

The list goes.

We are now rewarding not accomplishment but retardation. This retardation is also rewarded purposefully by the jews as rulers of the current system, to promote a society of serfs and retards who are enslaved under millions of pointless and useless desires for the people themselves, others, their partners, their families, or other human beings or society, who have no end to them.

In that state of foolishness and created decay, the jew rules supreme as the person who can see among the fools.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:

If everything you acceepted as normal, then just how did people become so stupid? Chemicals? I could not for the life of me undertand how people have become stupid besides jewish deception.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:

If everything you acceepted as normal, then just how did people become so stupid? Chemicals? I could not for the life of me undertand how people have become stupid besides jewish deception.

The problem is not only the "stupid" people as much as it is the lack of better people.

In life you don't have to know why the stupid are as stupid, you have to know how you can become better. And you know this through JoS.

Then you can help them in your own way and in accordance to what we can do as individuals or collectively to better them.

That is more important than anything else.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

If everything you acceepted as normal, then just how did people become so stupid? Chemicals? I could not for the life of me undertand how people have become stupid besides jewish deception.

The problem is not only the "stupid" people as much as it is the lack of better people.

In life you don't have to know why the stupid are as stupid, you have to know how you can become better. And you know this through JoS.

Then you can help them in your own way and in accordance to what we can do as individuals or collectively to better them.

That is more important than anything else.

I appreciate your very supporting words High Priest.

I know I don't come here, but have contributed much besides logical posts and make memes?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As I live on a planet and a world where an average hoe that shows her ass is generating infinite revenue and gets more power than presidents of small Nations, I will not mourn and cry if this world truly goes to shit.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

best part of the text, me too.
I just don't react, stress shortens life :roll:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everytime one has to speak about Satanism, because we have "lost" our culture, most people are simply making things up. This can be done either due to enemy misinformation.

That's not really a literal sermon here, it's more like some hard talk. If you have an affinity for another approach or might consider certain expressed truths as heavy here, then might as well ignore this post, which is exactly what you shouldn't be doing.

Often-times I sit on my desk thinking how stupid, inepid and atheistic we have become as Gentiles. I do not exclude myself from this because if I was taking this route I would never made it anywhere or evolved.

The once people of the Gods are now literally on a whole level of stupid, where we are tasked and faced with trying to rectify them from.

The wonder and beauty of the past, of divinity and greater understanding is almost lost and lives inside very few people. That's for the few people.

When I write, I have to write 4-5 paragraphs of "calm down your reactions that will come out from Jewish programming" only to make a point. Thanks jews for the cultural misrepresentation and most people being mindwashed, I have to always spend 5 paragraphs as a sort of loan towards the kikes everytime because they lie of aeons.

For example, now that I will write about Apotheosis or how our own must focus on the Godhead, or anything else really from our culture, a very common practice in the Ancient World, many people will think a million things I have to answer in advance before the programming of the Jew starts jumping in all directions to attack me.

This takes a lot of courage, patience and persistence, and my culture right now feels like a sanatorium, filled with sick people, broken souls, and those lacking knowledge, or borderline atheists.

One can only imagine how the Gods feel about this, but with persistence, century after century, they are helping us.

Indeed I lament greatly every-time at the disconnection of our people from the Truth and how many are walking around in the curse of living without a soul.

Regardless I have infinite love and courage in my heart to say the Truth. Currently, that is rather painful and even demanding, because when one is brainwashed and you try to break this situation, you always have reactions.

Over the years I have seen people come and go from JoS, only because at some point even if the obvious Truth was in front of them, the programming started kicking in.

For what I can say, you will not become a God if you are constantly accepting this to happen like an NPC would. In order to ascend to the ranks of the Gods, you need to be able to defeat that programming.

Most people out there in this day and era, are bombarded from all directions and remain stupid - that is a slavery to a form of inner karma which has you obliterated to remain forever "trapped" in the Samsaric level of consciousness, and that you must fight this with meditation and effort. If you do not, no matter what changes in the world, people will remain the same.

Before starting on the subject of Apotheosis, or rather, recognizing humans who have ascended higher in the spiritual ranks, I have to go over a few things.

While all of you are sitting here [Not you SS but Gentiles who might be reading the JoS and too], sitting there godless, stupid, disconnected from the light of the Gods, in spiritual and physical poverty, the enemy is NOT in this situation. They are sitting where people should be sitting who were followers of the Gods, and they are aware of this.

For example, every-time I have to ask for a donation or something, people have to flip out, or when I make a mistake, it's often-times the case that I will receive enemies and responses just from saying what I should.

Thankfully, and I love the ascended minds who do not behave like monkeys, more and more people are understanding more of this as you allow the Gods to wake you up to your common purpose here. Be blessed for allowing to to happen, because you will be saved.

Now, as kikes will create pages to slander JoS and so on for example, they themselves only have to say ONCE to built a school or a memorial, and their own jump from all directions to build this and serve the Gods.

Yet they tell you shit like you don't need Ancient Philosophers, or Spiritual Texts, or that the Veda has to do with urination, or that if you support your culture you are racist if you even consider this, and to just die childless, and to do anything else imaginable that causes societal collapse.

My words here as this: Joy of Satan must be treated as our highest gospel because it is the highest gospel the world has ever seen until now. It's still a developing gospel of Truth and light. And the ONLY gospel which allows critical thought and freedom.

We are supposed to use that critical thought and freedom to expand on the TRUTH of things, rather than allow the doubt and lies to overshadow everything. That's so that we can defend what matters most as free agencies of free will, and not like slaves.

I cannot fathom we have to learn to be like humans from the beginning, because the enemy has corrupted humanity THAT far. Admittedly I had not understood prior the fall was that low, but it is.

It now takes a whole explanation as to "WHY" people should help those who help them, or hold in brotherhood those who hold them up in brotherhood. Imagine that, we are that retarded as people and humans now.

We must DISCONNECT from this retardation. Let the fools be fools, and let us who have decided, to be WISE.

Rabbis and Jews even, would never do this and they aren't that retarded. Because they aren't that retarded, they are running things for a while now.

The "Goyim" who are on the animal level the jews have imposed, commonly whine about this, and cry that the jews run anything, but they themselves are the literal fuel from where the jews are constructing this increasingly unholy world.

The "Goyim" also has another issue where they whine towards the Jews every so often, yet go down on their knees to worship them again in some sort of Mexican soap opera where the cheated person returns back to the cheater again and again.

Long story short if you want to be a Satanist you must deprogram from being a fucking "GOYIM". If you are a "GOYIM", then try to understand how this illness came about, and try to cure yourself in the eyes of the Gods once again. It's not very hard with all the knowledge in JoS.

In regards to jews again now, people whom are their spiritual pupil of their eye, and their associates, they band around them, protect them, and do everything they can to keep them alive. One example is Rabbi Schneerson whom they call a "Messiah".

Only if you saw what kikes have been doing for this "Great Patriarch" of their race, you would understand. Now, the "Goyim" is busy worshipping Kim Kardashian and leaving people like Tesla or others, or even dudes like me in the gutter.

We have to literally wage World War 3 or Call of Duty Modern Warfare just to get the stupid fucking "Goyim" to stop eating it's own flesh and delivering it to the jew, every single fucking time.

While the Jews complain to you about stupid lies like "Don't be idolater goy" and stupid shit, they themselves treat their own Rabbis like divinities, their holy books like the holiest thing in the universe, and could give a shit less about anything else.

If a Rabbi asks for anything and is a PROVEN and TRUE higher up, they do what is necessitated, because that is the will of "HASHEM" or the "Gods". Oy vey, they run from all directions.

That's because they are SMART. They look dumb only to dumb people who are still on the Samsaric level of consciousness, ie, where you and your fake ego solely reside. The average kike is instructed from infancy to stray from this errant thought process and proceed forward, and this makes them all stronger than most people out there.

A lower Rabbi would die for a higher Rabbi, yet they always tell you shit to treat your PROVEN leaders with suspicions and so on. We do not speak about UNPROVEN, CHARLATANS, RETARDS, OR FOOLS. We are speaking about PROVEN leaders. Kikes don't have to face that problem as they do not have many charlatans, definitely not as many as the "Goyim" does, because they make sure to cleanse their midst with vitriol from fools everytime.

Meanwhile, because Gentiles are ultimately clueless and never even read something like the JoS, every retard that sells snake oil quickly becomes the new "Guide and Guru" of all the "Goy". That's why I have to be harsh and tell you necessary Truths so that we can move outside of this situation of ignorance.

Kikes, for all being lizards and insane, are doing WAY better than anyone else in staying together and banding together around their culture and what is important. Yes, they fuck up, do terrible mistakes, are criminally insane, and even them are able to do what they should do.

Strange right? Not strange at all. They simply know what keeps them alive. In our case, we think that we are alive by "chance" or "luck", they are fully aware of the importance of their agreements with their "God" and it's alien hive.

Yet most Gentiles think in their own little stupid bubble and at best worship a ready made Jew in Islam or Christianity because they are too lazy to make any considerations about anything truly Spiritual in this world like Spiritual Satanism for example.

It breaks my heart truly that "our" side is into [But coming out...] of such level of darkness, where people have not comprehended any of this yet. With pain I have to relate these points to wake people up and make you true inheritors of the glories of the Gods in a world where EVERYONE, literally closely EVERYONE wants you to be a slave.

But I will do everything in my power so that people finally understand this, and restore the work of the Gods on earth.

In regards to how they deal with money versus how you deal with it, if you have the balls of critical thought as lazy Gentiles commonly cite, then watch documentaries about what happens in Rosh Hashana when Rabbis go and ask from Jewish business owners and jews for donations: They are all running left and right to give money, to save and expand their community.

They make competitions on who will give more in holidays, in accordance to how much they can. When kikes write one Torah scroll, a situation often-times costly, they literally throw a fucking party left and right, and they fight one another on who will copy the scroll, dancing for hours and hours constantly.

Meanwhile, the "Goyim" is busy discarding and feeling it deserves everything because it has no clue how these things go anyway.

So I am letting you know how that shit goes for us to start appropriating our behavior and accepting the glories of the Gods in our lives with the necessary RESPECT and REVERENCE these require. When we respect our knowledge, we respect OURSELVES and OUR GODS.

Meanwhile, most Gentiles are just sitting there, picking their nose, and asking why Hitler hasn't arrived yet to save them because they are all to lazy and going back into playing League of Legends again as Islamic invaders are invading in.

The average Shiksha of the Goy is just sitting there trying to find the biggest dildo, and Tesla is somewhere dying in the background because of general negligence, because everyone was busy worshipping every enemy meme there is like "Muh self extinction lez mix dat up" or something instead.

Then 50-60 years into the future everyone sits there pretending they had no idea how the fuck they all ended up in a yoke under the New Jerusalem, or under Mohammed and going back into the Middle Ages from the Robotic Age. Hmm, yes, I wonder how?

Long story short, human beings and especially Westerners have been programmed largely into not only eventful self destruction, but also perpetual programs of stupidity, with veil after veil that keeps them from seeing the Truth.

A lot of irrationality you see in human beings today is simply because of embed programs of self destruction and self enslavement, put there by the enemy. Do NOT be like them. If enough of us are NOT like them, we will win and reverse all of this situation. Every generation has to do this and be aware of this, and so do we.

At the above level of passive, foolish, stupid and retard, there is no salvation. That's why Gentiles are slowly going culturally extinct and why the likes of the enemy are so confident and try to proceed with any insanity known to man.

They wouldn't tell you shit like that you don't even need to eat meat or for you to eat bugs if they were not extremely overconfident. They are on the height of overconfidence right now. They openly tell people of their imminent enslavement and domestication.

Yet thankfully we always have enough retards who might put the time on to DDOS or try to hack JoS instead. Good job retards, attack Satan once again, the side which is trying to save you. Congratulations to the SJW leftist retards here.

Just be careful because if you win, you might get the final Middle Ages which you truly deserve and the Gods whom you slander have been trying to keep you away from.

Without an ethical code, a code of conduct, and the Gods, humans are merely fit to serve as cattle and nothing else. Without Spiritual Satanism and the culture it saves, humanity will be for NOTHING, only bags of meat walking around without a soul.

This rate of affairs is unacceptable. IT SHOULD BE PUT IN YOUR MIND THAT ITS FULLY UNACCEPTABLE. We must retain common sense, but our passion has to run high and we must NOT TOLERATE ALL OF THIS DESTRUCTION.

The violation of the plan of the Gods on the earth, to turn humanity into the Godhead, MUST NOT be allowed to continue.

I will pay my duty to the Gods and have put all my faith in the Satanic Family, but you have to do your own end spiritually and towards YOURSELF. When you understand that you owe it to YOURSELF and OTHERS at the same time to walk the path to the Godhead, you will UNDERSTAND.

Going back to how they go into lunatic mode to sacrifice for their tribe and give whatever they can, to receive blessings and all the good things, while most Gentiles are always donating on OnlyFans but are giving infinite excuses for anything substaintial, I have to cut the "reasons why" here short and say that this is because:

1. People are animals
2. The animal consciousness is getting cursed by the jews
3. They succeed while you fail.
4. The above in the language of the cosmos is translated into that Gentiles don't deserve anything spiritually, and so it manifests.
5. Jews maintain superiority.
6. Gentiles remain locked in lower dimension of thoughts of understanding, power, spiritual and material wealth, knowledge and understanding.
7. It's a matter of time until Gentiles will be rallied like slaves based on universal laws if this path continues.
8. Crazy dudes like me cannot help humanity forever, but we can do some big lifting and certainly we are put here by Satan to do this together.
9. The utmost victim complex which many people complain against, ie "Waiting for a savior" has to be replaced with the Pagan understanding that we must save ourselves and help each other to save our society, turning ourselves in to Solar beings from vermin that dwells on the lower domains of existence where isolation, only caring for one's self, stupidity, inner poverty and inner disease are the rule.

Why I bring up the jews is that if you haven't noticed they are running shit for a while, and it's very easy to put them as an example so you can understand a few things in regards to if you ever thought it would be greater for, you know, for us to run shit after a while. Again that depends on us.

As they give and do work, they receive blessings from their hive collectively, blessings that the average shrunk Gentile brain cannot understand, any more than a flower disconnected from the light and withers around, cannot imagine how it would be to grow on a meadow.

Now that the opportunities are EXISTING, then MAKE USE OF THEM, because this opportunity has NOT existed in thousands of years. We have to be OPEN MINDED and STRONG.

Most Gentiles right now just deny the will of the Gods, or their wisdom, knowledge and input. It took titanic effort to even to be able to stop this torrent of stupidity from being the eternal constant for Gentiles.

We are to where all knowledge literally is being given out and more will be given, and people still find excuses. Satan and the Gods sent us here to evolve and advance, and it is by Divine Planning that all this knowledge is given out.

The limits of excuses will be eliminated due to this knowledge making it in the public. Soon, when people will visit the other side in front of the Gods, they will just say "I was a retard that did not apply the knowledge". Excuses like one had no clue or never knew will not exist.

Humanity will reach a situation where forced facing of the reality of why this world exists in the first place, which is for human beings to advance and finish Satan's Great Work, will come in front of humans more and more.

As I live on a planet and a world where an average hoe that shows her ass is generating infinite revenue and gets more power than presidents of small Nations, I will not mourn and cry if this world truly goes to shit.

Imagine now a fucking Roman General looking at the desperate cucks who give millions yearly to an unarticulated woman just because she is "beautiful", without any actual benefit of this beauty to society, or for her to literally bring invaders in or her literally being a jewess that mind washes people to self exterminate.

Your Roman General ancestors aren't fucking proud guys, I tell you that fucking much.

Yet because I don't exactly want or envision or think this world should always stay like this, it was an important thought to put other obligations first.

The Joy of Satan has been a salvation and a house of love and sanity in the sea of infinite stupidity and superficiality. We do what we can.

If you built your mentality, society, existence, around all of these stupid matters and you never bat an eyelid to what matters, the collapse of everything back into oblivion is what will arrive and will come soon. It's with mathematical precision.

Likewise, my own path ahead of me is unlocked and I am perfectly fine. What this means is, I am on a sacrifice mission to save and help what is important. This elevated me beyond myself, so few things matter.

I will just live a life with the honest statement of trying and doing my best, and succeeding in what must be done, and saying the Truth in the meanwhile. The question is also what are YOU doing? What are WE doing?

The opportunity to become a God is not to be taken for granted. MAKE USE OF IT.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 66
Given that military I injections affect chemical in brains and also the 3rd eye.. freind in army got affected for being known nazi socialist in USA army
It is true that humanity has gone south, but I love my people.

The Gentile peoples will come back up on top, I swear this even upon my own life and livelihood!

The Gentile people MUST wake up and I know they will one day and it is coming soon as everything draws to a head on this ugly canker sore!

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
All this I understand. But as for me, I have no money, because I do not work, there is a war in my country, I even have to starve sometimes. I just come to JOS and read your articles, but I don't even have internet, I take everything from my neighbor and this neighbor gives me some help as far as food is concerned.There is no job for me anywhere, as it is a small town and I can't leave either. Why are other morons who have opportunities but don't want to help?! When I could, I helped as much as I could, but now I'm broke. And I keep going in the direction of improving the situation, but the process is clearly slowing down.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It this moment in time I feel really demotivated..
I try to see the best part but I am so fucking done with the degens around me. Its not even that they talk like they have 0 IQ ... I just cant relate.

I have never felt part of this world. And I still don't. I can't live up to the insane expectations of continuously running around for an entire day every day.
Im not a machine.

I want to do better but .. it feels very hard.
I really wish I had more to offer the JOS. Or anything really. I don't have enough, am not enough to make a meaningful difference.

I'm grateful to have found it, and to be aware. Even if I fail to live in a satanic way. Maybe it's true what they say that not everyone is built for it. I'm not sure what my place is if that is true. But then I also wonder the same about life.

Anyway, thank you HPHC for being the steward of the JOS. It is an oasis in a barren and hostile world.
Don't wait for others to save you, step up and do it yourself.

Act on the knowledge you have in your hands here.

Be brave, upright and strife toward enlightenment and truth.

Do what you should do, and advance.

Hail Satan!
If it means anything I am with you completely HPC, and I would fight, live, and die for you. Without you we would not be where we are collectively today, nor would I be becoming the individual I am today.

As to the translators, you will figure it out, I know you will, for our sakes you will.

I wish I could be of more help in extra-ordinary tasks, but I am progressing steadily and will be able to provide more when I reach higher heights.

Not be soft but I love you HP, I know I do.

That was real talk that is much needed,! And You HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!! With every word you said Brother HP HoodedCobra666 🔥 I needed to hear that. And it was much needed here. People do need to wake up and know the difference! And what to do about it. And start pushing them selves forward and let go of silly fears and nonsense that is poultice to them. Created by the enemy and figure things out and learn take a better approach? And Take a different attitude on learning the truth about us people. And what we should be doing. And take action!! 🙏⚡️ Hail Satan!!!
What you mention here as "hard truth" is simply the reality which can be hard to swallow.

As I deep dived into academic study on my own, I've seen just how far jews have climbed while many gentiles have given a fuck less.

A few examples here I can give is the field of Mathematics, and Computer Science, which lately I've been rather obsessed with.

Advanced mathematics and computer programming is dominated in certain areas by motivated, advanced jews and this unfortunately is hard to stomach.

I've seen a very advanced Common Lisp program, written by a literal fucking rabbi. Like a very involved, advanced program involving alot of experience.

Then we have many gentiles who won't pick up a pencil to brush up on algebra.

It's appalling to say the least to see jews absolutely dominate over gentiles in many things. The little I mention here is just the tip of the iceberg.

We need to be honest with ourselves as a people. And just work gradually to make things right.

Past a point our own feelings mean nothing when approaching this subject. Its just about what we MUST do. In advancing spiritually and building ourselves up as Satanists.

We have much more capabilities then the skewer scum that has shackled our planet. And as a people it's NECESSARY we reach as HIGH AS POSSIBLE when it comes to physical, emotional, mental, intellectual, and spiritually development so we can be forged in the image our creator Satan intended us to be.

I'm not saying so hard we burn out though. A gradual upward spiral, at a slower or faster pace depending on the individual is more so what I mean.

I can hardly imagine how some of the demons feel seeing how retarded and weak some gentiles have become, and watching the cancer that is the jews, lord over them and many just not waking up and trying to escape the nightmare that is the jewtrix.

It's very sad. What you write here is very necessary to comprehend deeply for us. I've often thought similar to how you feel, in seeing some of the foolishness and stupidity in our people, and just absolutely in awe at it.
It doesn't matter to me how long it will take for our goals to be realized.

We must all stay consistent and loyal to this path until then.

We have to.

We must promise this to ourselves and the gods.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I don't see any hard talk here. Just some unstructured text with a lot of logical fallacies and vague..you are vague in 3 words and in a 5000 words.

Jews can't be an example for us in every aspect..just because they serve their community with great zeal they do it for their own safety and survival due to their history. Even this place I suspect, is helping jews much more than gentiles. They can LEARN about their history for free here. More than that, a rabbi would go to them and say: see how much the nations are hating you LOOK HERE and you got the point. Oppression is what really helps them. For sure they even instil it artifically to keep their herd in check. a random jew is cattle as well. Total replaceable slave to their own kind. They are locked in the houses eating biscuits at the candle light to save shekels. Like christians following the herd and their leaders blindly.
Taking people and turning them into profets or SAINTS. Wtf. We Satanists are turning them into GODS equals to our actual Gods - such an arrogance if you ask me. This is not a model to follow. At least not for me.
Satanism is not a reaction to christinaity and is not reverse christianity but aparently we are doing only reversals and even mirroring. Jos is gospel you say. No, it's not. It's an imperfect GREAT WORK but still imperfect and incomplete.

And why judge people who are showing their asses that gain more money than presidents? Who cares? Why this example. Why comparing such things. ". Showing ass (and not even giving it to any male at this point...LOL)" - High priest - be a serious person - this are not jokes to be made, if you want to be taken serious.

I would write more as you don't pay close attention to what you write always, despite you being an extremely inteligent individual but I am time restricted.
Respectfully my aim is not to offend anybody and especially you since you carry the heavy burden of taking care of things. My respect for you and Maxine always and beyond words.

my appreciation once again for all the time and hard work invested here and for helping this community. May Satan bless you, protect you and enlighten you.
wishing the best to each SATANIC soul in here.
This is very true. Many members here are essentially blasphemous atheists to the Gods, in that they ignore them, don't even try to get to know them, don't even try to get guidance or wisdom from them.

We are literally from the Gods. They made our souls, gave us our Pagan cultures, all of our... well, everything!

People need to remove the jewish programmings they have. Clean the soul and chakras, take time to sit and think, read sermons in the JoS Library.

Allow the walls in the mind to come down, allow enlightenment to happen. The Gods want us to advance, they want us to have enlightenment, they want us to raise our serpents, they want us to also become Gods! Stop fighting it because of enemy programming and false beliefs. Strive to find the Truth!

Also, without donations, the JoS will crash. The websites need to be maintained, that costs money. Do you want to JoS to go under? Then if you have a bunch of money sitting around, donate. (This is only for those who have a bunch of money sitting around, not for those who struggle financially.)

Remove the enemy programs from your minds. Seek to know Satan!

Also, members need to change their mindset on some things. Yes, you could be doing "more fun" things, or something that actually pays money, but instead you can work on translations or the pdf library. The mindset to have is: this is a great honor to do, and it will help future members, and help all of humanity.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I went through a phase that I call "spiritual death" where I came to a complete stop, became blind and deaf... a lot of bad things happened to me during that time. I got over it and started walking again, and I'm glad I started over here with JoS. Now I struggle with guilt for being lost, but I will overcome that too, because today I know that that "dark" period brought me to a deeper knowledge of myself and the limits I have to overcome.

It's much easier to amalgamate with this world and live a life of nothing, rape your own nature, and choose to remain "blind," but in the end what is left?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Wow! Now this is hard talk, not gonna lie!

I'll tell you what's hard from my perspective. Kikes meanwhile will throw parties everytime one shitty Torah scroll is written for days on end.

On the contrary, the December 23rd approaches and certain translators have bailed out from translating and potentially saving millions of Gentiles for generations with their translation with everything being given, ready, and certain to be done.

What brings love in my perspective is this: When certain few people are working to actually manifest the will and power of the Gods, getting infinite blessings in the process and awakening their soul while helping society.

Instead of throwing a party literally and receiving the fulfillment of work of the Gods or progress in one's life and the world, many people choose the shit path.

Don't be one of these people. You'll be disappointed.


I really don't understand why some people are just .... :cry:
I don't know from which country they were, but if you are one of the translators who is still loyal and you are reading my reply, let me tell you two things:

1. First of all preferably do not use google translate, or if you have no other choice, MAKE SURE THAT THE TRANSLATION IS COHERENT. There are many other factors and dimensions of the meanings of some terms exclusive to JoS. Don't just copy and paste, that is EXTREMELY rude and disrespectful to the Gods and honestly you'd be better off not translating anything.

2. If you see that things are going slowly and people aren't putting much effort, remind them. If you see they don't listen, then start taking on more responsibility, or even do their part of the work yourself if you are actually serious in all this. There is absolutely no shame in translating a few pages for the Gods. People in the Ancient times went to war and DIED for the glory of their Gods, and you can't translate a few pages?
DisillusionedCitizen said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:

If everything you acceepted as normal, then just how did people become so stupid? Chemicals? I could not for the life of me undertand how people have become stupid besides jewish deception.

In my opinion, many people are so ignorant and retarded because they do not like knowledge. The corrupt society and false jewish religions do not make them the right way and these are the consequences in a chain reaction.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
On the contrary, the December 23rd approaches and certain translators have bailed out from translating and potentially saving millions of Gentiles for generations with their translation with everything being given, ready, and certain to be done.

Because it's all fun and games when they're looking at the rewards, but then they have a reality check of what the actual painful work to get there looks like. I've had many people come and go wanting to make "their own websites", "their own translations" etc., some have done wonderful jobs helping me out but most people are weak and will quit at the very start.

1. First of all preferably do not use google translate, or if you have no other choice, MAKE SURE THAT THE TRANSLATION IS COHERENT.
For the most part of the project people are using DeepL which even though it is also automated it still does a great and coherent translation. That is because there is an imense amount of languages out there and not many people who can speak those languages, let alone make proper translations. Lmfao at the amount of times my laptop broke with me halfway through doing a manual translation back when I started Satanism, now things are much easier. Still, it is appaling to learn that even with this tool people are just too meek to bother themselves using it to make everyone's life easier.
I recall reading that if the whole planet would do the FRTR daily we'd end this war in months. So when I'm unmotivated I remind myself "A few more decades, a few more decades" and there is nothing worth stopping our true Service for! We have to be up to it and fulfill the expectations of our Gods!
In my eyes, HPHC is of the calibrate of Hitler and Alexander the Great. Satanic souls who bring sense to the people and save them in dire times. The highest caliber of Satanic souls.

Yes guys we have extremely huge responsibilities. Don't waste time and figure out how you can do more for your people wherever you are. Always remember, Hitler came from nothing and achieved the greatest things. There is really nothing you can't achieve if you put your mind to it.

Most importantly we must advance spiritually and help others who come after us to follow the same path.

Hail Satan!
VerSus said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I don't see any hard talk here. Just some unstructured text with a lot of logical fallacies and vague..you are vague in 3 words and in a 5000 words.

You have a long way to go. Take some time to reflect on this.

As this is indicative of a need to learn and grow for you rather than an issue with HP HoodedCobra's writing.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

It this moment in time I feel really demotivated..
I try to see the best part but I am so fucking done with the degens around me. Its not even that they talk like they have 0 IQ ... I just cant relate.

I have never felt part of this world. And I still don't. I can't live up to the insane expectations of continuously running around for an entire day every day.
Im not a machine.

I want to do better but .. it feels very hard.

I tried to "emulate" that life in my old career which required me to live in a vehicle for weeks at a time, it wasn't very fulfilling. I agree, I think their 0 IQ is also their body temperature in Kelvin.
Extremely enlightening! You’re posts have empowered me! And I thank you!

I feel as though I’m on this path, and I think maybe… just maybe… I’m waking up. Slowly of course. The gods have been giving me knowledge lately… it’s almost like this intuition and inconceivable intelligence from the gods.. showing me how the world would and could be without these disgusting programs of Christianity Islam ect.

I see and hear things, you know.. like my guardian demon, covered in blue. Or there’s this eye in the sky I sometimes see just looking at me.. it’s cool but I make sure I tell no one.. is it the all seeing eye? And what is it?

I just feel, deep inside that something is off about the world. And people pick up on it and squash you for it. It’s like a lot of people just know your a satanist.. I feel blessed on this path. I feel the chains of a sick world pulling me away from them. And I’m fervently fighting to rid myself of my program..

To all my satanic family. Thank you! And I love you! And I love Satan. My philosophical mind has woken up. And I thank the gods.

Stay blessed. And once again thank you. Great post hphc!
WoW, this post is kind of depressing…
I was thinking : if someone try to take down the website, maybe put a backup one using the Onion protocol (or any other almost anonymous protocol). That way no one, even the enemy will manage to take the information down easily.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=397525 time=1667546685 user_id=57]
This is very true. Many members here are essentially blasphemous atheists to the Gods, in that they ignore them, don't even try to get to know them, don't even try to get guidance or wisdom from them.

We are literally from the Gods. They made our souls, gave us our Pagan cultures, all of our... well, everything!

This is very true, I have noticed a mindset with many here who don't dare seek guidance from the gods or even regularly communicate with them because they are "too busy" or some other nonsense. Then they have the nerve to ask the gods for things in time of crisis when they haven't even built a relationship with them at all. People need to realize that the worst thing that can happen when you try communication with the gods is you are ignored with no ill will on either side, but the benefits of their guidance if they agree are tremendous.

I read a post of yours a while ago in which you suggested to look at the SS calendar for what demon's day it was and then learn about them and visualize their sigil to communicate with them. I now do this on a weekly basis at least and it has been very beneficial thank you sister!
DisillusionedCitizen said:
I believe social media was a mistake for these very reasons.

Social networking was imposed on the free internet by kikes who designed it to be non-anonymous by default to collect other's info, spy on everyone, put nose everywhere and have daily statistics where goyim have or have not weak places. Jews need it to know where and when they may inject their poisons here and there. They need mass surveillance to collect and analyze statistics, opinions and have better control over the masses. knowledge is power. Jews were the race most interested in Gentile psychology to learn all its mechanics to be able to intervene into it, manipulate it and destroy it from within.

They created social networks (if you look, Google was founded by Russian jew, facebook/watsapp belongs to the jew, VK, Mail.Ru Rambler and other Russian social networking belongs to the jewish oligarch Usmanov and it's MailRu Group, etc.) because they need to own and control all personal lives of all Gentiles, most personal things such as books they read, people they prefer to meet, topics they are touched with etc. All this is needed to collect data and surround the victim with "personal content" to better control them.

The other important thing is instilling this subhuman psyche HP perfectly describes in his sermon: people are put into groups, there are not too many options for them: they learn to "like", "dislike" etc. not too much to put someone on the top or to the bottom. One just needs to be a brainless whore to be clicked billions times by even less brained animals wanting it, basically the IQ of a rapefugee is enough to make a click. One rapefugee after raping a victim suggested her to "be friends in facebook". They easily learn facebook because it is done very simple so that all apes can use it.

Basically all social networking is based on the dumbocracy principle: the opinion of the mob, of the lowest, the attention-whoring and the no-lifers, since no Stanford professor has time to go "like" someone. Most busy productive people have no accounts in those places because they simply has no time for this. Nor anyone should.

Internet, WWW (666) was originally designed to serve productive purposes, online libraries, pdfs, important news and information, not for attention whoring social networking is all about. No wonder the last is largely used by the worst - the social trash, degenerates, worst schoolchildren having a lot free time for crap, and the least productive elements, while original free anonymous platforms usually served better and more productive purposes: professional forums, websites, news channels etc.

Social networks are also the main source of all fifth-columns, kike riots, political instability, left and general kike sectors activity, criminal danger against the youth and the vulnerable due to personal data theft and many other trash influences that stagnate the society and let the worst rule.

Those who impersonate JoS name do it in social networks to steal information and easily control a potential Satanist:

The ugly orc product HP describes in his sermon is very much the result of what immense ability of mindset formation social networking gave to kikes.
serpentwalker666 said:
As I deep dived into academic study on my own, I've seen just how far jews have climbed while many gentiles have given a fuck less.

A few examples here I can give is the field of Mathematics, and Computer Science, which lately I've been rather obsessed with.

Advanced mathematics and computer programming is dominated in certain areas by motivated, advanced jews ...

It's appalling to say the least to see jews absolutely dominate over gentiles in many things. The little I mention here is just the tip of the iceberg.

Absolutely. HPs Maxine who was into very high circles once told exactly this thing - the highest spheres are shock full of jews. You can find Gentiles in night clubs, social networks, dating websites - the places for brainless cattle and cretins who have whole lifetime to waste on nothing. While when it comes to heights of sciences and intellectual centers of the biggest countries such as USA or Russia you will not find a single Gentile there. Literally. It is VERY hard to find a Gentile - they do not even conceal their names and origins, as well as they do not even conceal guess what... their cooperation with xian churches on the highest levels that are also rules by jews. So you literally can find an open jew who cooperate with popular xian priest also of jewish racial origin. They are so confident that no conscious Gentiles will ever enter there that they do not even bother concealing anything!

Political riots, different sectors, man-woman and other social problems - all this is for the goyim in their cages, and needed for experiments on them like those on mice. Jews keep away of all this scam, though playing role as if they "participated". When Gentiles are beaten during riot kikes who organized this riot are safely conveyed to their apartment protected by special services to watch and enjoy from safe distance.

All the highest qualified the most peaceful the most protected professions known in the Ancient World as Higher Casts (Priesthood, Alchemy) - their remnants known in 19-20 cen. as intelligentsia / high educated classes - are now close to 100% in the hands of kikes at least in the most sensitive countries. I mentioned 19-20 cen. for a reason, these circles were mass restoring Paganism, and kike communist revolutions were needed to destroy and mass murder these classes and stop their bloodlines (they murdered families). That's why the first places kikes put themselves into were exactly these places.

For example, Hitler and Nazi kicked most Mathematical teachers off of German University - because kikes there disproportionally outnumbered Gentiles who were a minority. While kikes used Gentiles mostly in war, the first thing kikes did to their own after war was putting them all back into Universities and other sensitive spheres of great influence and seeing to that they form there overwhelming majority again. While all world was so busy studying holyhoax, kikes had time and space to put themselves everywhere.

Not only Nazi cleansed University of racial kike blood, but they also cleansed a lot of theoretical disinformation kikes injected into Mathematical faculty. Right now our children have to study this filth again.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
