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Serenity Or Self-Suffering?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A thing that worries human beings a lot, is when things do not go "their way". This perception of their way, is in almost all cases allocated to desires at a given moment in time, one's expectations, or how they believe certain things should be going in their life.

The moment that the above aspects of them are violated, they change their minds and they perceive that life is going wrong. Certain people also want on their own to generate this constant sense of feeling bad, it's almost habitual for them. This bad habit is the mother of most suffering that most humans undergo. There is objective suffering, such as let's say diseases or other actual problems. Yet most of what humans refer to as suffering is simply the lack of control of their own flow of thoughts and emotions.

Also expectations aside, their desires change at the same time (or almost all the time) and they therefore see what they saw yesterday as good, as bad the next day. Nothing has fundamentally changed in the thing itself. Water that was yesterday great, today is not good to drink.

When we reduce the noise of misplaced desires and false expectations, this is when the mind starts becoming a bit more free. In this state, one is able to listen to the actual tone of life. When you listen to this tone of life, you will start becoming filled with a sense of your existence, rather than the constant and never-ending cycle of desires that flow in and out of you.

Some people in this world also specialize in always finding mistakes in the process of life; in themselves or that of others. You put one thing here, it was supposed to be there. As their emotions change, it was supposed to be elsewhere. Then you move it again; you are at error, because it was supposed to be somewhere else. Then they throw it on the floor. Then they regret it. Then they shout at you; but all of that is their own mental illness and the state of restlessness I describe above.

Yet whether or not you were there, their suffering would be the same. They would just have nobody external to blame. And if they did not, they would see what the problem is: Themselves. This can be rather difficult to accept, that one is making their own self suffer. Seeing that one must make necessary changes of course to correct this, can look like the most arduous task for the professional self-sufferer and torturer.

You was in this university, you could be in the other university - your mind tells you. You are with this person, could be with that person. You are that tall, you could be that much taller. You have this much, you could have that much. A consistent restlessness is being generated all the time. Most of the time, this state does not have any functional use in life at all. It's just a never ending record that plays inside one's head to make someone suffer. What if you loved or appreciated the present moment and your existence?

Nothing is ever correct for these self sufferers; there is always another "standard" that much be reached, self-destruction sinks with it already existing standards, anything achieved is not appreciated - the pit is bottomless.

One if they want to be happy or pleased in their existence, must stop the never-ending flow of insanity that comes from rampant and uncontrolled desire, and misplaced thoughts. Or they will never be at peace. This state is also the most direct way to sever yourself from the process of life.

Spiritual Satanism approves of desire and accepts it fully. One way to understand desire, is to feed it in proportion to where it does not wither away, or become a monster. Either way it will torment you. When it relies in the Middle Path, you will be satisfied.

Nothing of value such as appreciation, love or higher understanding will rise inside you out of imbalance; it will be repressed under the burden of your own problem generation. Be not like these beings that repress this higher capacity. Then how will you reach a state of peace, when you constantly create this state within?

Perhaps one of the greatest blessings I have received from the path of the Gods, is that my soul is settled and at peace. The challenge after a point is maintenance of this; but when one learns that this exists, a lot of fears delete themselves on their own.

They taught me I can put things on their place, and that I can be content with where these are placed. No matter what happens in existence, within or without you, there can be peace inside. After you purify, there will be peace. Meditation and advancement is also a conscious choice to start absolving one's self from suffering. The movie that we call life, is also more than enough to cause suffering in many cases.

Yet, even in cases where the movie itself does not generate suffering, quite a few people self-generate it - so what you experience is not the key factor to how peaceful or settled you are, but rather mostly your choices around this state.

When the awareness of that you were born with the ability to stop a major aspect of the mental and emotional turmoil that exists in you, then you understand that you have a choice between serenity and suffering - and this choice extends up to a very high extent. Extent high enough so you can be rather peaceful. That choice and adherence to the path will remove you from the category of the false self sufferers, and move you gradually to the category of purity, where internal serenity can start taking place.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The correct way to channel these flows of desire and though is to be creative, to work to improving a practice.
Hard workers are like this. Their "torment" is how to work better.

But, to resource ourselves we need to know how to be serene - thing I discover here and highlighted in this sermon - else we'll switch off.

Of course, it requires an effort, so many prefer spend hours in front of the TV, that electric jew which thinks for them, or videogames... giving the false impression to occupy one's mind while being serene.
At end we become tired, irritated and unwell with such habits. Fortunately, there is a plenty of rewards in the fridge.
When the awareness of that you were born with the ability to stop a major aspect of the mental and emotional turmoil that exists in you, then you understand that you have a choice between serenity and suffering - and this choice extends up to a very high extent. Extent high enough so you can be rather peaceful. That choice and adherence to the path will remove you from the category of the false self sufferers, and move you gradually to the category of purity, where internal serenity can start taking place.
It explains everything I've been going through lately. I wanted to quote it again. Thank you, Commander.
I think REAL experiences go a long way in weeding out the frivolous desires.... I sat on a rock all night long up in the mountains surrounded by mountain ions with nothing but a pocket knife in my hands. Many things can come up in this situation where the lions just want to eat you. there was no help to be had it was all up to me, I could give up and be dinner and nobody would have known what happened to me. That was the wimp inside. He had to go. Have not seen him since. next to the rock was another rock with a lion sitting on it looking to jump onto my rock. So I moved to that end of the rock closer to him so he could not have a place to land on my rock and stayed there all night in a contest of wills holding my pocket knife up. if any of them jumped on my rock they risked going over the cliff of a 30 foot drop if they missed me. there I stayed all night. In the morning they left and I scrambled up the hill back to my car up the mountain. what one learns is the difference between real fear and fake fear. All the fake fear in society in social situations evaporates to nothing. Real fear is only when your life is on the line. That is how you become fearless. I think what happens is society is that people never get to experience real fear because they are so protected. So they create stress and fear about unreal things..... My next and last encounter with mountain lions, I started to play with them like you do a kitten, hide behind a corner and peek out and they start to sneak toward you. At the last moment my inner voice said "time to go" and I scrambled up the side of a huge vertical rock like spiderman. And then saw the second mountain lion that was directly above me in a tree when I was below where I was. He could have dropped right on me, before I scrambled up the rock cliff. Once they see, that you see them, they leave.
This is a very true and intense sermon! People often get mad when things don't go their way, without realizing that the "Way" is almost set by the Gods for them to evolve in a specific aspect of their life.

We are in charge of our destinies, that is true, but those who are new also need to know that in some cases the "Way" has a broader sense and is set by the Gods for times further than our comprehension.

Thank you HPHC for posting this! You are a man blessed by the Gods and may you continue their legacy, forever!
Thank you for posting this HP, I have been in a certain headspace lately as even though not much is going wrong in my life, on the contrary many things or going well, Most of what my mind focuses on are things that I perceive as not being good enough. I am aware that a large portion of this mindset is learned behavior as earlier in my life a lot of things were going terribly, so my minds default is to be in a depressive state because that's what it feels comfortable in.

I have been really trying to work with my GD on having more compassion and moving towards a healthy mindset as of late. I feel like this is also telling me that I am working towards the correct goal and to keep going.
Wow, the timing of this Sermon is incredible for me.

Because I have been suffering recently for these exact reasons. Things haven't been going my way for several months now, and I've been getting very, very angry, miserable and bitter about it. The other day, I nearly snapped in public, because I had bad luck with a few things on that day, and I felt like it was pushing me towards the edge. I had so much going on in my head that I felt like I was going to loose it. Then I remembered HPS Maxine's audio recording: Life in the Fast Lane, where she mentions that all it takes is five seconds or so for you to screw up your life. I had to think about that a bit and calm down.

My mindset has been too negative recently, and it needs to stop. I can consider this a calling to do more void meditation.

Now, I have just read your post, and it has helped, so thank you for this.
Yet most of what humans refer to as suffering is simply the lack of control of their own flow of thoughts and emotions.
A few minutes of Void meditation in the morning, followed by some pranayama, then some inner reflection, will help a lot in keeping the mind and emotions steady through the day.

Perhaps one of the greatest blessings I have received from the path of the Gods, is that my soul is settled and at peace.
Even when things go wrong, I have a sense of inner peace. Things that go wrong is only a temporary state, but in the long term, all will be right, as long as we have our Gods by our side :)
A thing that worries human beings a lot, is when things do not go "their way". This perception of their way, is in almost all cases allocated to desires at a given moment in time, one's expectations, or how they believe certain things should be going in their life.

The moment that the above aspects of them are violated, they change their minds and they perceive that life is going wrong. Certain people also want on their own to generate this constant sense of feeling bad, it's almost habitual for them. This bad habit is the mother of most suffering that most humans undergo. There is objective suffering, such as let's say diseases or other actual problems. Yet most of what humans refer to as suffering is simply the lack of control of their own flow of thoughts and emotions.

Also expectations aside, their desires change at the same time (or almost all the time) and they therefore see what they saw yesterday as good, as bad the next day. Nothing has fundamentally changed in the thing itself. Water that was yesterday great, today is not good to drink.

When we reduce the noise of misplaced desires and false expectations, this is when the mind starts becoming a bit more free. In this state, one is able to listen to the actual tone of life. When you listen to this tone of life, you will start becoming filled with a sense of your existence, rather than the constant and never-ending cycle of desires that flow in and out of you.

Some people in this world also specialize in always finding mistakes in the process of life; in themselves or that of others. You put one thing here, it was supposed to be there. As their emotions change, it was supposed to be elsewhere. Then you move it again; you are at error, because it was supposed to be somewhere else. Then they throw it on the floor. Then they regret it. Then they shout at you; but all of that is their own mental illness and the state of restlessness I describe above.

Yet whether or not you were there, their suffering would be the same. They would just have nobody external to blame. And if they did not, they would see what the problem is: Themselves. This can be rather difficult to accept, that one is making their own self suffer. Seeing that one must make necessary changes of course to correct this, can look like the most arduous task for the professional self-sufferer and torturer.

You was in this university, you could be in the other university - your mind tells you. You are with this person, could be with that person. You are that tall, you could be that much taller. You have this much, you could have that much. A consistent restlessness is being generated all the time. Most of the time, this state does not have any functional use in life at all. It's just a never ending record that plays inside one's head to make someone suffer. What if you loved or appreciated the present moment and your existence?

Nothing is ever correct for these self sufferers; there is always another "standard" that much be reached, self-destruction sinks with it already existing standards, anything achieved is not appreciated - the pit is bottomless.

One if they want to be happy or pleased in their existence, must stop the never-ending flow of insanity that comes from rampant and uncontrolled desire, and misplaced thoughts. Or they will never be at peace. This state is also the most direct way to sever yourself from the process of life.

Spiritual Satanism approves of desire and accepts it fully. One way to understand desire, is to feed it in proportion to where it does not wither away, or become a monster. Either way it will torment you. When it relies in the Middle Path, you will be satisfied.

Nothing of value such as appreciation, love or higher understanding will rise inside you out of imbalance; it will be repressed under the burden of your own problem generation. Be not like these beings that repress this higher capacity. Then how will you reach a state of peace, when you constantly create this state within?

Perhaps one of the greatest blessings I have received from the path of the Gods, is that my soul is settled and at peace. The challenge after a point is maintenance of this; but when one learns that this exists, a lot of fears delete themselves on their own.

They taught me I can put things on their place, and that I can be content with where these are placed. No matter what happens in existence, within or without you, there can be peace inside. After you purify, there will be peace. Meditation and advancement is also a conscious choice to start absolving one's self from suffering. The movie that we call life, is also more than enough to cause suffering in many cases.

Yet, even in cases where the movie itself does not generate suffering, quite a few people self-generate it - so what you experience is not the key factor to how peaceful or settled you are, but rather mostly your choices around this state.

When the awareness of that you were born with the ability to stop a major aspect of the mental and emotional turmoil that exists in you, then you understand that you have a choice between serenity and suffering - and this choice extends up to a very high extent. Extent high enough so you can be rather peaceful. That choice and adherence to the path will remove you from the category of the false self sufferers, and move you gradually to the category of purity, where internal serenity can start taking place.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I self suffer often but i also know its because im very ambitious so i always try to reach higher and higher levels of attainment in all aspects i have recently learned to accept things a little more setting more generous deadlines which in a way i guess is a little bit stupid because of the things i have been allowed to experience by Satan's grace there is no real time limit for me like most others which is something im eternally thankful for no doubt about it but i always try to learn from why i did not achieve a desired end within the given time frame and i will attempt again to try better in all honesty life is going quite well right now for me personally even with the rest of the world and people's lives in it are going down into a shit show some how magically everytime i quit a job i get an even better one given to me everytime i hear about prices for something going up well its not the case for me or the state i live in every time i come across some bullshit government rules or laws getting in the way some how a means to circumvent such things falls into my lap my gods favour me surely because a lot of the worlds negativity bounces off me completely and i sit back and i say what inflation what financial crisis what lack of jobs but i think its good to have a little bit of pressure on yourself to all ways reach higher to become a great man one day that many can admire and learn from i would love to seize control of the world and bring Satan's kingdom around like a big super hero but it won't happen this way simply enough people will eventually have enough and will no longer subscribe to the antics, deceptions and degeneracy of the jews and then they will simply erase themselves with all their own jewtrix clandestine operation bullshit while the actual humans of humanity will simply go on our way forward let the fools obliterate themselves while we simply side step and avoid the cross fire as best we can while we twist their curses and doctrines against them so the jews, the traitors and the fools can all be expunged from our existence a race worthy of coexisisting in the galaxy with the gods is all that remains.
This reminds of someone close to me who is going through a rough time, even though things are turning very bad for her she is adamant on doing things her way, she knows how bad things are and admits she doesn't know how to get out of it. Yet she refuses to make use of any advice I gave her, a big portion of those problems are caused by her own inability to take control over her own mind, always reaffirming negative things over and over, always inflating small details into big problems, always imagining things to severely escalate etc.

Everything has to go her way, if it doesn't she becomes obsessed & stubborn.

This makes me see how free I am compared to most others, being an SS as taught me many things over the years, understanding, reflecting & self-improvement to name a few is something I am very grateful for.
Dear HP, in your sermon you described my wife perfectly: There is always a problem, small ones are magnified and seem insurmountable, bad view of her life, she has a tendency to involve others in her negative view. I see that hers is a mental problem, controlling thoughts that like a monkey jumping from one branch to another.
Unfortunately it is also impossible to help her, I have already suggested to her several times the practice of meditation but it is just wasted breath; and as you have written several times you cannot help those who do not want to be helped.
I think REAL experiences go a long way in weeding out the frivolous desires.... I sat on a rock all night long up in the mountains surrounded by mountain ions with nothing but a pocket knife in my hands. Many things can come up in this situation where the lions just want to eat you. there was no help to be had it was all up to me, I could give up and be dinner and nobody would have known what happened to me. That was the wimp inside. He had to go. Have not seen him since. next to the rock was another rock with a lion sitting on it looking to jump onto my rock. So I moved to that end of the rock closer to him so he could not have a place to land on my rock and stayed there all night in a contest of wills holding my pocket knife up. if any of them jumped on my rock they risked going over the cliff of a 30 foot drop if they missed me. there I stayed all night. In the morning they left and I scrambled up the hill back to my car up the mountain. what one learns is the difference between real fear and fake fear. All the fake fear in society in social situations evaporates to nothing. Real fear is only when your life is on the line. That is how you become fearless. I think what happens is society is that people never get to experience real fear because they are so protected. So they create stress and fear about unreal things..... My next and last encounter with mountain lions, I started to play with them like you do a kitten, hide behind a corner and peek out and they start to sneak toward you. At the last moment my inner voice said "time to go" and I scrambled up the side of a huge vertical rock like spiderman. And then saw the second mountain lion that was directly above me in a tree when I was below where I was. He could have dropped right on me, before I scrambled up the rock cliff. Once they see, that you see them, they leave.
That's honestly extremely badass and an excellent point on what true fear is and how to overcome it....
Everything has to go her way, if it doesn't she becomes obsessed & stubborn.

here is always a problem, small ones are magnified and seem insurmountable, bad view of her life, she has a tendency to involve others in her negative view
This disposition is represented by the Queen of Coins, decribed like this in my booklet :

Rich but mean woman, sensuous but understood by nobody.
On its own : Is carried away by her imagination; suffer from imaginary troubles.

Maybe facing real and rough problems or being pushed just beyond their limits can help them mature.
Physical effort is often the best method, it unloads the nervous system while allowing us to focus on the concrete.
Most "normal" people are depressed when they have to spend time with themselves. That's why they're always occupied with something and are usually found in large groups. This is a curse that SS do not have to bear, though we tend to forget this. Just take a look at the world around you and you'll know you're on the right Path.
A thing that worries human beings a lot, is when things do not go "their way". This perception of their way, is in almost all cases allocated to desires at a given moment in time, one's expectations, or how they believe certain things should be going in their life.

The moment that the above aspects of them are violated, they change their minds and they perceive that life is going wrong. Certain people also want on their own to generate this constant sense of feeling bad, it's almost habitual for them. This bad habit is the mother of most suffering that most humans undergo. There is objective suffering, such as let's say diseases or other actual problems. Yet most of what humans refer to as suffering is simply the lack of control of their own flow of thoughts and emotions.

Also expectations aside, their desires change at the same time (or almost all the time) and they therefore see what they saw yesterday as good, as bad the next day. Nothing has fundamentally changed in the thing itself. Water that was yesterday great, today is not good to drink.

When we reduce the noise of misplaced desires and false expectations, this is when the mind starts becoming a bit more free. In this state, one is able to listen to the actual tone of life. When you listen to this tone of life, you will start becoming filled with a sense of your existence, rather than the constant and never-ending cycle of desires that flow in and out of you.

Some people in this world also specialize in always finding mistakes in the process of life; in themselves or that of others. You put one thing here, it was supposed to be there. As their emotions change, it was supposed to be elsewhere. Then you move it again; you are at error, because it was supposed to be somewhere else. Then they throw it on the floor. Then they regret it. Then they shout at you; but all of that is their own mental illness and the state of restlessness I describe above.

Yet whether or not you were there, their suffering would be the same. They would just have nobody external to blame. And if they did not, they would see what the problem is: Themselves. This can be rather difficult to accept, that one is making their own self suffer. Seeing that one must make necessary changes of course to correct this, can look like the most arduous task for the professional self-sufferer and torturer.

You was in this university, you could be in the other university - your mind tells you. You are with this person, could be with that person. You are that tall, you could be that much taller. You have this much, you could have that much. A consistent restlessness is being generated all the time. Most of the time, this state does not have any functional use in life at all. It's just a never ending record that plays inside one's head to make someone suffer. What if you loved or appreciated the present moment and your existence?

Nothing is ever correct for these self sufferers; there is always another "standard" that much be reached, self-destruction sinks with it already existing standards, anything achieved is not appreciated - the pit is bottomless.

One if they want to be happy or pleased in their existence, must stop the never-ending flow of insanity that comes from rampant and uncontrolled desire, and misplaced thoughts. Or they will never be at peace. This state is also the most direct way to sever yourself from the process of life.

Spiritual Satanism approves of desire and accepts it fully. One way to understand desire, is to feed it in proportion to where it does not wither away, or become a monster. Either way it will torment you. When it relies in the Middle Path, you will be satisfied.

Nothing of value such as appreciation, love or higher understanding will rise inside you out of imbalance; it will be repressed under the burden of your own problem generation. Be not like these beings that repress this higher capacity. Then how will you reach a state of peace, when you constantly create this state within?

Perhaps one of the greatest blessings I have received from the path of the Gods, is that my soul is settled and at peace. The challenge after a point is maintenance of this; but when one learns that this exists, a lot of fears delete themselves on their own.

They taught me I can put things on their place, and that I can be content with where these are placed. No matter what happens in existence, within or without you, there can be peace inside. After you purify, there will be peace. Meditation and advancement is also a conscious choice to start absolving one's self from suffering. The movie that we call life, is also more than enough to cause suffering in many cases.

Yet, even in cases where the movie itself does not generate suffering, quite a few people self-generate it - so what you experience is not the key factor to how peaceful or settled you are, but rather mostly your choices around this state.

When the awareness of that you were born with the ability to stop a major aspect of the mental and emotional turmoil that exists in you, then you understand that you have a choice between serenity and suffering - and this choice extends up to a very high extent. Extent high enough so you can be rather peaceful. That choice and adherence to the path will remove you from the category of the false self sufferers, and move you gradually to the category of purity, where internal serenity can start taking place.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
In some cases I have noticed that troublesome woes are just an obstacle, and most of the time there are those looking to express their feelings, rather than looking for attention. This is thought provoking because this can go both ways. Nothing much to it other than to focus on oneself when something like this is observed. I have been put in this position many times and had no choice but to move on from it.
A few minutes of Void meditation in the morning, followed by some pranayama, then some inner reflection, will help a lot in keeping the mind and emotions steady through the day.

Even when things go wrong, I have a sense of inner peace. Things that go wrong is only a temporary state, but in the long term, all will be right, as long as we have our Gods by our side :)
This is a great way to interact with topics, as one read a problem that HPHC mention, one can also give a solution to it, or give examples of why are certain things like "sense of inner peace" good. Thank you HPS Lydia!
When we reduce the noise of misplaced desires and false expectations, this is when the mind starts becoming a bit more free. In this state, one is able to listen to the actual tone of life. When you listen to this tone of life, you will start becoming filled with a sense of your existence, rather than the constant and never-ending cycle of desires that flow in and out of you.

I have had unrealistic expectations of my husband lately. I wanted more attention than he has available time to give me. I was at the point, that I wanted him to show me that I am most important in his life and therefore that I come first. This was not only selfish, it was making me miserable. I no longer recognized myself. This sermon has reminded me that with marriage, you are partners in life and help each other. you don't act like a child and need all of the attention of someone who has more on his plate than what you want him to have. thank you HPHC for reminding me how to be responsible for my own happiness and to share the happiness I can find within myself with my husband rather than making selfish demands that he supply my happiness. I will put this sermon into effect immediately. Thank you

What if you loved or appreciated the present moment and your existence?

I can hardly wait to start experiencing the "Tone of Life" again. This was an intense and well-thought out Sermon. It hit it right on the nose. I take it to heart and will apply the lessons you are teaching. Much love and appreciation to you, brother HPHC.

Hail Satan!!!
A thing that worries human beings a lot, is when things do not go "their way". This perception of their way, is in almost all cases allocated to desires at a given moment in time, one's expectations, or how they believe certain things should be going in their life.

The moment that the above aspects of them are violated, they change their minds and they perceive that life is going wrong. Certain people also want on their own to generate this constant sense of feeling bad, it's almost habitual for them. This bad habit is the mother of most suffering that most humans undergo. There is objective suffering, such as let's say diseases or other actual problems. Yet most of what humans refer to as suffering is simply the lack of control of their own flow of thoughts and emotions.

Also expectations aside, their desires change at the same time (or almost all the time) and they therefore see what they saw yesterday as good, as bad the next day. Nothing has fundamentally changed in the thing itself. Water that was yesterday great, today is not good to drink.

When we reduce the noise of misplaced desires and false expectations, this is when the mind starts becoming a bit more free. In this state, one is able to listen to the actual tone of life. When you listen to this tone of life, you will start becoming filled with a sense of your existence, rather than the constant and never-ending cycle of desires that flow in and out of you.

Some people in this world also specialize in always finding mistakes in the process of life; in themselves or that of others. You put one thing here, it was supposed to be there. As their emotions change, it was supposed to be elsewhere. Then you move it again; you are at error, because it was supposed to be somewhere else. Then they throw it on the floor. Then they regret it. Then they shout at you; but all of that is their own mental illness and the state of restlessness I describe above.

Yet whether or not you were there, their suffering would be the same. They would just have nobody external to blame. And if they did not, they would see what the problem is: Themselves. This can be rather difficult to accept, that one is making their own self suffer. Seeing that one must make necessary changes of course to correct this, can look like the most arduous task for the professional self-sufferer and torturer.

You was in this university, you could be in the other university - your mind tells you. You are with this person, could be with that person. You are that tall, you could be that much taller. You have this much, you could have that much. A consistent restlessness is being generated all the time. Most of the time, this state does not have any functional use in life at all. It's just a never ending record that plays inside one's head to make someone suffer. What if you loved or appreciated the present moment and your existence?

Nothing is ever correct for these self sufferers; there is always another "standard" that much be reached, self-destruction sinks with it already existing standards, anything achieved is not appreciated - the pit is bottomless.

One if they want to be happy or pleased in their existence, must stop the never-ending flow of insanity that comes from rampant and uncontrolled desire, and misplaced thoughts. Or they will never be at peace. This state is also the most direct way to sever yourself from the process of life.

Spiritual Satanism approves of desire and accepts it fully. One way to understand desire, is to feed it in proportion to where it does not wither away, or become a monster. Either way it will torment you. When it relies in the Middle Path, you will be satisfied.

Nothing of value such as appreciation, love or higher understanding will rise inside you out of imbalance; it will be repressed under the burden of your own problem generation. Be not like these beings that repress this higher capacity. Then how will you reach a state of peace, when you constantly create this state within?

Perhaps one of the greatest blessings I have received from the path of the Gods, is that my soul is settled and at peace. The challenge after a point is maintenance of this; but when one learns that this exists, a lot of fears delete themselves on their own.

They taught me I can put things on their place, and that I can be content with where these are placed. No matter what happens in existence, within or without you, there can be peace inside. After you purify, there will be peace. Meditation and advancement is also a conscious choice to start absolving one's self from suffering. The movie that we call life, is also more than enough to cause suffering in many cases.

Yet, even in cases where the movie itself does not generate suffering, quite a few people self-generate it - so what you experience is not the key factor to how peaceful or settled you are, but rather mostly your choices around this state.

When the awareness of that you were born with the ability to stop a major aspect of the mental and emotional turmoil that exists in you, then you understand that you have a choice between serenity and suffering - and this choice extends up to a very high extent. Extent high enough so you can be rather peaceful. That choice and adherence to the path will remove you from the category of the false self sufferers, and move you gradually to the category of purity, where internal serenity can start taking place.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is wonderful.
I want to comment here because I have a few things to say.. also because it was something that I seem to have been reminded of the past day or 2.. Post may seem a bit incoherent though.

That is that I personally find my mental health suffering from lack of proper rest, which causes the negative thinking, creeping up of fears or otherwise being a negative impact on how I am feeling.
Or the percieved notion that one has to live up to a 'societal ideal' which can in many cases also worry persons, along with stereotypes that are out there, and other people forcing these ideals onto you.
Or the pressure that everything has to be 'now' and the 24 hour economy that is going on in many of the first world places.

Those that do better when they slow down, don't seem to quite fit in with what is demanded nowadays..

...When you've found the serenity, and the place that moves you forward properly that comes with it, guard it well. Don't let anybody or anything get in between that.
A thing that worries human beings a lot, is when things do not go "their way". This perception of their way, is in almost all cases allocated to desires at a given moment in time, one's expectations, or how they believe certain things should be going in their life.

The moment that the above aspects of them are violated, they change their minds and they perceive that life is going wrong. Certain people also want on their own to generate this constant sense of feeling bad, it's almost habitual for them. This bad habit is the mother of most suffering that most humans undergo. There is objective suffering, such as let's say diseases or other actual problems. Yet most of what humans refer to as suffering is simply the lack of control of their own flow of thoughts and emotions.

Also expectations aside, their desires change at the same time (or almost all the time) and they therefore see what they saw yesterday as good, as bad the next day. Nothing has fundamentally changed in the thing itself. Water that was yesterday great, today is not good to drink.

When we reduce the noise of misplaced desires and false expectations, this is when the mind starts becoming a bit more free. In this state, one is able to listen to the actual tone of life. When you listen to this tone of life, you will start becoming filled with a sense of your existence, rather than the constant and never-ending cycle of desires that flow in and out of you.

Some people in this world also specialize in always finding mistakes in the process of life; in themselves or that of others. You put one thing here, it was supposed to be there. As their emotions change, it was supposed to be elsewhere. Then you move it again; you are at error, because it was supposed to be somewhere else. Then they throw it on the floor. Then they regret it. Then they shout at you; but all of that is their own mental illness and the state of restlessness I describe above.

Yet whether or not you were there, their suffering would be the same. They would just have nobody external to blame. And if they did not, they would see what the problem is: Themselves. This can be rather difficult to accept, that one is making their own self suffer. Seeing that one must make necessary changes of course to correct this, can look like the most arduous task for the professional self-sufferer and torturer.

You was in this university, you could be in the other university - your mind tells you. You are with this person, could be with that person. You are that tall, you could be that much taller. You have this much, you could have that much. A consistent restlessness is being generated all the time. Most of the time, this state does not have any functional use in life at all. It's just a never ending record that plays inside one's head to make someone suffer. What if you loved or appreciated the present moment and your existence?

Nothing is ever correct for these self sufferers; there is always another "standard" that much be reached, self-destruction sinks with it already existing standards, anything achieved is not appreciated - the pit is bottomless.

One if they want to be happy or pleased in their existence, must stop the never-ending flow of insanity that comes from rampant and uncontrolled desire, and misplaced thoughts. Or they will never be at peace. This state is also the most direct way to sever yourself from the process of life.

Spiritual Satanism approves of desire and accepts it fully. One way to understand desire, is to feed it in proportion to where it does not wither away, or become a monster. Either way it will torment you. When it relies in the Middle Path, you will be satisfied.

Nothing of value such as appreciation, love or higher understanding will rise inside you out of imbalance; it will be repressed under the burden of your own problem generation. Be not like these beings that repress this higher capacity. Then how will you reach a state of peace, when you constantly create this state within?

Perhaps one of the greatest blessings I have received from the path of the Gods, is that my soul is settled and at peace. The challenge after a point is maintenance of this; but when one learns that this exists, a lot of fears delete themselves on their own.

They taught me I can put things on their place, and that I can be content with where these are placed. No matter what happens in existence, within or without you, there can be peace inside. After you purify, there will be peace. Meditation and advancement is also a conscious choice to start absolving one's self from suffering. The movie that we call life, is also more than enough to cause suffering in many cases.

Yet, even in cases where the movie itself does not generate suffering, quite a few people self-generate it - so what you experience is not the key factor to how peaceful or settled you are, but rather mostly your choices around this state.

When the awareness of that you were born with the ability to stop a major aspect of the mental and emotional turmoil that exists in you, then you understand that you have a choice between serenity and suffering - and this choice extends up to a very high extent. Extent high enough so you can be rather peaceful. That choice and adherence to the path will remove you from the category of the false self sufferers, and move you gradually to the category of purity, where internal serenity can start taking place.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Wonderful post thank you :3 For me my life is in shambles and disarray for this whole year so far, now just in flight or fight mode right now. lost my grandfather 1 month back and in so much pain ect. financially is completely broken only barely able to afford my 4 walls and rent and barely survie with the food can afford for the month. No time for any thing else but wake up eat other things and back to sleep - repeat, working on getting another job but i am just an complete mess up inside that i am beyond dead inside every day any more and mental health is down the drain. i am just going to end it there for now.

hope you all having a good day or night.
Wonderful post thank you :3 For me my life is in shambles and disarray for this whole year so far, now just in flight or fight mode right now. lost my grandfather 1 month back and in so much pain ect. financially is completely broken only barely able to afford my 4 walls and rent and barely survie with the food can afford for the month. No time for any thing else but wake up eat other things and back to sleep - repeat, working on getting another job but i am just an complete mess up inside that i am beyond dead inside every day any more and mental health is down the drain. i am just going to end it there for now.

hope you all having a good day or night.
Things will get better, it may seem hopeless but we will overcome these struggles!
Wonderful post thank you :3 For me my life is in shambles and disarray for this whole year so far, now just in flight or fight mode right now. lost my grandfather 1 month back and in so much pain ect. financially is completely broken only barely able to afford my 4 walls and rent and barely survie with the food can afford for the month. No time for any thing else but wake up eat other things and back to sleep - repeat, working on getting another job but i am just an complete mess up inside that i am beyond dead inside every day any more and mental health is down the drain. i am just going to end it there for now.

hope you all having a good day or night.

Focus on the fire element. Something simple like the breath of fire, solar kriya, Tibetan 5 Rites, and so on can be done easily and these give you energy to continue. Of course it is not the full solution to one's problems, but it helps give you the will to keep pushing.

Look at your Sun sign and 5th house to see what fulfills you, then maybe set aside some time for activities of this nature. The same goes for the Moon.

The upcoming Sag moon would be good for uplifting yourself, as would the Aquarius moon. You can use Fehu and Sowilo and program it to improve your condition in the best way, leaving the energy to address either mental or material concerns as it needs to. The Venus Square can also be used similarly.
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Thanks family for the kind words on the comments, I am glad you found it helpful.
Thank you.

Not long ago, I came to understand even better that we are defined by our thoughts. I was immersed in it.
I realised that this is the basis. If it goes completely wrong then magic is a waste of time.

We need to get our thinking right. In my case, with affirmations. The subconscious has to be reprogrammed.
But the truth is that every person is unique. Based on life circumstances, social, cultural aspects. So reinforcements need to be experimented with. If you are lucky, you will soon find the right one.

I am a thought. What I think is. But these thoughts have not served my development. But I'm on the way to changing that.

I used to think it was best not to think about anything. But that's part of control. Which is not really the main line.

The main line is to shift and keep thoughts and mentalities in the right direction. Repairing.
Since I was very young I believe I heard or thought for myself

"Is it out of my control? Than I don't have to worry. Is it in my control? Then I don't have to worry."

I believe this one thought pattern has contributed much as to why I, aside from a few truly terrible times, have ever felt I've "suffered".

To suffer is too often a choice of those who can't figure out the answers to their problems or cannot realize there is no 'solution', like those who constantly complain or act like their day or even life is ruined, because someone cut them off on the road or they perceived an employee working minimum wage was 'rude' to them when they gave them their cheeseburger.

Life as enough real suffering to pile on more onto your mind.
A thing that worries human beings a lot, is when things do not go "their way". This perception of their way, is in almost all cases allocated to desires at a given moment in time, one's expectations, or how they believe certain things should be going in their life.

The moment that the above aspects of them are violated, they change their minds and they perceive that life is going wrong. Certain people also want on their own to generate this constant sense of feeling bad, it's almost habitual for them. This bad habit is the mother of most suffering that most humans undergo. There is objective suffering, such as let's say diseases or other actual problems. Yet most of what humans refer to as suffering is simply the lack of control of their own flow of thoughts and emotions.

Also expectations aside, their desires change at the same time (or almost all the time) and they therefore see what they saw yesterday as good, as bad the next day. Nothing has fundamentally changed in the thing itself. Water that was yesterday great, today is not good to drink.

When we reduce the noise of misplaced desires and false expectations, this is when the mind starts becoming a bit more free. In this state, one is able to listen to the actual tone of life. When you listen to this tone of life, you will start becoming filled with a sense of your existence, rather than the constant and never-ending cycle of desires that flow in and out of you.

Some people in this world also specialize in always finding mistakes in the process of life; in themselves or that of others. You put one thing here, it was supposed to be there. As their emotions change, it was supposed to be elsewhere. Then you move it again; you are at error, because it was supposed to be somewhere else. Then they throw it on the floor. Then they regret it. Then they shout at you; but all of that is their own mental illness and the state of restlessness I describe above.

Yet whether or not you were there, their suffering would be the same. They would just have nobody external to blame. And if they did not, they would see what the problem is: Themselves. This can be rather difficult to accept, that one is making their own self suffer. Seeing that one must make necessary changes of course to correct this, can look like the most arduous task for the professional self-sufferer and torturer.

You was in this university, you could be in the other university - your mind tells you. You are with this person, could be with that person. You are that tall, you could be that much taller. You have this much, you could have that much. A consistent restlessness is being generated all the time. Most of the time, this state does not have any functional use in life at all. It's just a never ending record that plays inside one's head to make someone suffer. What if you loved or appreciated the present moment and your existence?

Nothing is ever correct for these self sufferers; there is always another "standard" that much be reached, self-destruction sinks with it already existing standards, anything achieved is not appreciated - the pit is bottomless.

One if they want to be happy or pleased in their existence, must stop the never-ending flow of insanity that comes from rampant and uncontrolled desire, and misplaced thoughts. Or they will never be at peace. This state is also the most direct way to sever yourself from the process of life.

Spiritual Satanism approves of desire and accepts it fully. One way to understand desire, is to feed it in proportion to where it does not wither away, or become a monster. Either way it will torment you. When it relies in the Middle Path, you will be satisfied.

Nothing of value such as appreciation, love or higher understanding will rise inside you out of imbalance; it will be repressed under the burden of your own problem generation. Be not like these beings that repress this higher capacity. Then how will you reach a state of peace, when you constantly create this state within?

Perhaps one of the greatest blessings I have received from the path of the Gods, is that my soul is settled and at peace. The challenge after a point is maintenance of this; but when one learns that this exists, a lot of fears delete themselves on their own.

They taught me I can put things on their place, and that I can be content with where these are placed. No matter what happens in existence, within or without you, there can be peace inside. After you purify, there will be peace. Meditation and advancement is also a conscious choice to start absolving one's self from suffering. The movie that we call life, is also more than enough to cause suffering in many cases.

Yet, even in cases where the movie itself does not generate suffering, quite a few people self-generate it - so what you experience is not the key factor to how peaceful or settled you are, but rather mostly your choices around this state.

When the awareness of that you were born with the ability to stop a major aspect of the mental and emotional turmoil that exists in you, then you understand that you have a choice between serenity and suffering - and this choice extends up to a very high extent. Extent high enough so you can be rather peaceful. That choice and adherence to the path will remove you from the category of the false self sufferers, and move you gradually to the category of purity, where internal serenity can start taking place.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Self-control, thought control, peace of mind, a calm state of mind, in my experience, comes with working on the higher chakras, when awareness improves, and the perception of reality as it is becomes even better.

Spiritual work and daily meditations on the higher chakras should help everyone to come to a level of awareness when the soul finds peace, especially in difficult situations.
Since I was very young I believe I heard or thought for myself

"Is it out of my control? Than I don't have to worry. Is it in my control? Then I don't have to worry."

I believe this one thought pattern has contributed much as to why I, aside from a few truly terrible times, have ever felt I've "suffered".

To suffer is too often a choice of those who can't figure out the answers to their problems or cannot realize there is no 'solution', like those who constantly complain or act like their day or even life is ruined, because someone cut them off on the road or they perceived an employee working minimum wage was 'rude' to them when they gave them their cheeseburger.

Life as enough real suffering to pile on more onto your mind.
Wise words to live by! I'm doing to adopt this into my philosophy, Hakuna Matata pretty much!
Wise words to live by! I'm doing to adopt this into my philosophy, Hakuna Matata pretty much!
In essence, although Hakuna Matata(No Worries) is so simple, it's easy to misinterpret like Timon, Pumba, and Simba do in the movie.

Some advice can be so simplistic as to be detrimental if not explained properly clearly. It does not mean to avoid responsibility but to live knowing that unneeded thoughts and recognizing when your thoughts have become useless and repetitive worrying over the same problem or getting worked up over nothing.

In hindsight, it's really just the basic advice we use for Magick, doing your spell and not thinking of it/worrying about it afterwards so it can do it's job.

That would explain why I get told I took to the "Mage Mindset" far too quickly. I had basically been practicing it my whole life.
This sermon has more value and provides more information than 10 books of Zen and self-improvement together. Thank you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
