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Roger Hallam (Extinction Rebellion founder) cales holohox just a "just another fuckery in human history"

GG Allin

Active member
Feb 27, 2019
Even if this was just a pr stunt to sell his book better, I like the trend to use the holohox as a attention magnet.

Extinction Rebellion founder’s Holocaust remarks spark fury

German politicians accuse Roger Hallam of downplaying significance of genocide


A co-founder of Extinction Rebellion has sparked anger in Germany after referring to the Holocaust as “just another fuckery in human history”.

Roger Hallam has been accused of downplaying the Nazis’ genocide of 6 million Jews by arguing in an interview that the significance of the Holocaust has been overplayed.

In the interview with the weekly Die Zeit, in which he referred to the Holocaust several times, Hallam said: “The fact of the matter is, millions of people have been killed in vicious circumstances on a regular basis throughout history.”

He listed other mass killings in the past 500 years, including the Belgians’ slaughter in the Congo. “They went to the Congo in the late 19th century and decimated it.” He said that seen in this context, the Holocaust was “almost a normal event … just another fuckery in human history.”

Germany’s foreign minister, Heiko Maas, was among those to condemn Hallam’s remarks, saying the systematic state-sponsored killing that wiped out two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population between 1939 and 1945 could not be referred to as “just another fuckery”.

Maas tweeted: “The Holocaust is more than millions of dead and horrific torture methods. To want to murder and exterminate Jewish women and men is uniquely inhumane. We must always be aware of that so we can be certain: never again!”

The German publisher Ullstein announced on Wednesday it was pulling out of publishing Hallam’s book Common Sense for the 21st Century, which had been due to appear in German bookshops next Tuesday.

In the interview, due to be published in full on Thursday, Hallam said Germans were being constrained by what he referred to as their obsession with the Holocaust, describing it as a national trauma the extremity of which “can create a paralysis in actually learning the lessons from it”.

Hallam’s remarks drew the ire of fellow climate campaigners, historians and politicians across Germany.

The German branch of Extinction Rebellion tweeted: “We explicitly distant ourselves from Roger Hallam’s belittling and relativising statements about the Holocaust. In so doing he contravenes the principles of XR, which does not tolerate antisemitism, and he is no longer welcome in XR Germany.”

The group accused Hallam of “often paralysing” Extinction Rebellion’s work through other controversial statements on sexism, racism and democracy, several of them made in interviews with German media.

It said it had “definitely not been hindered by remembrance of the systematic mass murder of millions of Jewish people in our country”.

Tino Pfaff, a spokesman for Extinction Rebellion Germany, told German media he was in favour of excluding Hallam from the movement.

Hallam claimed his comments had been taken out of context. “I want to fully acknowledge the unimaginable suffering caused by the Nazi Holocaust that led to all of Europe saying ‘never again’,” he said.

“But it is happening again, on a far greater scale and in plain sight. The global north is pumping lethal levels of CO2 into the atmosphere and simultaneously erecting ever greater barriers to immigration, turning whole regions of the world into death zones. That is the grim reality.”

He added: “We are allowing our governments to willingly, and in full knowledge of the science, engage in genocide of our young people and those in the global south by refusing to take emergency action to reduce carbon emissions.”

Other German commentators said Hallam’s remarks were reminiscent of comments made by the anti-immigrant Alternative für Deutschland, which has sought to downplay the crimes of the Nazi era. In 2016, AfD’s co-leader Alexander Gauland drew widespread criticism after referring to the 12-year-long Nazi era in Germany as a “mere birdshit” in 1,000 years of “otherwise successful German history”. He later called his statement “misconstruable” and “politically unwise”.

source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/nov/20/extinction-rebellion-founders-holocaust-remarks-spark-fury

it is also funny how fast the german goyims attack the evil holohox downplayer ( the german news are full of it):

"Am 20. November 2019 erschienen Auszüge aus einem Interview mit Hallam in der Zeitung Die Zeit, in dem er den Holocausts relativierte und dessen Singularität bestritt.[7] Kurz nach Veröffentlichung des Interviews distanzierten sich Extinction Rebellion Deutschland sowie mehrere deutsche Ortsgruppen auf Twitter öffentlich von Hallam.[8][9][10][11][12] Anschließend berichtete wiederum Die Zeit, dass die Ullstein Buchverlage die Veröffentlichung Hallams Buchs stoppen.[13]"

On November 20, 2019, excerpts from an interview with Hallam appeared in the newspaper Die Zeit, in which he relativized the Holocaust and denied its singularity.[7] Shortly after the publication of the interview, Extinction Rebellion Deutschland and several German local groups publicly distanced themselves from Hallam on Twitter.[8][9][10][11][12] Subsequently, Die Zeit again reported that the Ullstein book publishers were stopping the publication of Hallam's book.[13]


on the english wiki site just stands : In an interview with Die Zeit on 20 November 2019, Hallam called the Holocaust "just another fuckery in human history".[24]
GG Allin said:
Always great to see a jew exposing the jews out of jewish ignorance. It's hilarious to read.
Shael said:
GG Allin said:
Always great to see a jew exposing the jews out of jewish ignorance. It's hilarious to read.

indeed. a person from die rechte did once had a domain ww.w.antisem.it
he got wide free news puplicy until his domain got taken.

the more the people hear it the more they don´t care anymore. which is a great sign.
GG Allin said:
Shael said:
GG Allin said:
Always great to see a jew exposing the jews out of jewish ignorance. It's hilarious to read.

indeed. a person from die rechte did once had a domain ww.w.antisem.it
he got wide free news puplicy until his domain got taken.

the more the people hear it the more they don´t care anymore. which is a great sign.
If it's the same one, then the site is antisem.eu now.
Shael said:
GG Allin said:
Always great to see a jew exposing the jews out of jewish ignorance. It's hilarious to read.

Probably one of those butt licking jews that will go "It was all just a joke; we didnt mean it" when the world will turn against them in the future.
FancyMancy said:
GG Allin said:
Shael said:
Always great to see a jew exposing the jews out of jewish ignorance. It's hilarious to read.

indeed. a person from die rechte did once had a domain ww.w.antisem.it
he got wide free news puplicy until his domain got taken.

the more the people hear it the more they don´t care anymore. which is a great sign.
If it's the same one, then the site is antisem.eu now.

no he did choose a other name and antisem.eu makes no sense.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
