Blitzkreig said:
JeraOpus said:
Sorry that you have not received a lot of advice. I think your situation is unique and not a lot of people know where to begin with it. I, too, cannot give specific advice, but I can try to offer some general advice:
1) Have you tried communication with Satan or your GD about this? Even if your ability has not been practiced, you can try asking which action to take, and you might receive a blissful feeling if you suggest the right action.
2) Have you tried alternate nose breathing, like another has suggested. It is said to balance Ida and Pingala. Also, what happens when you do Hatha Yoga? Also what do you do for cleaning? The more detail you give, the more someone can potentially help. I think your last post was good with the detail you provided. You will likely have to try a few things, and you should report back on what happens, to provide a clear picture of your situation.
3) Please don't go to a guru in the Himalayas. Again, sorry you haven't received a satisfactory response here, but I don't think a Himalayan guru will be useful either. They have been corrupted for centuries, and will probably try to make you vegan and praise "Oneness".
Well, I've already become a vegan without them telling. I don't know why but suddenly after serpent awakening i was able to talk with Dogs as if they respond to me in a different way just by looking at me.
I stopped eating Chicken, Never ate a Goat's meat ever once offered in past but somehow my gut feeling told me not to eat it so i didn't.
Well i contacted my Demon but she made me out of control and my consciousness went into Sacral Chakra and i had to Spin it again and again to Stimulate it and then Serpent went up from Right side and Went down through Left Side of Face after going through Crown Also gave me Oil on face which then turned White a being dried and made my face dry. It was very less on the Left Side aka Pingala Side Compared to IDA.
Is it possible that i have Blocks on Pingala rather than IDA?
I remember the Insomnia i had Fried my Left Brain for 4 months but gave me super Demon strength, That focus i had using left brain was insane and My connected with Left eye to 3rd was Extremely powerful and i could sense the bond between Left eye and 3rd eye plus Solar plexus Made me Super demon my Bioelectricity was way beyond superhuman and Focus was extremely extreme that no one dared to make eye contact with me and the energy running within my veins was insane but i lost more conscious of the lower body then i started working on IDA.
What happened is-
My IDA started becoming powerful and I think IDA or Right eye or even both are connected to the Pituitary gland.
Left eye connected with Pineal? - The reason i'm asking this is-
The more focused i was on left eye and 3rd eye's bond then more i future outcomes i could see and think.
The more i focused on the Link of Right eye and 3rd eye i wasn't thinking as much but staying in the moment.
Then what i did is-
I took the entry or serpent from the Left eye and transferred it into the Right eye going trough the 3rd eye. I believe it went into the Pituitary gland.
I remember i made me feminine and i was in a blissful state unable to move from bed as if i don't want to control this body anymore - Then what happened is it was too much and I masturbated thinking i'll work from start to raise focus on the link and also the visions i was getting from Sushsmana+Pingala + Heart chakra were very brutal that i just wanted to escape.
Now i'm scared to be this way and as well as going back into Pingala and seeing those visions and then walking on the street with that face and then thinking about people who saw me.
It's like Sushmana and Pingala were combined and purifying the body and past ["" I was also getting visions from past life which i believe, There was fire everything was burning there were horses, Huts being burned""]
It was like Either Present - Future - Middle was demon face that looking at everyone as if going to attack on them so people were scared of me... There was this another guy in my class who i believe did the meditation as well i could see his face was calm i could tell his serpent was out of Crown.
The next day i went into Class after transferring the serpent into the Right side and the serpent getting to the bottom... He smashed his leg on the ground while entering as if I've made a major mistake.
He was the only person who wasn't scared of my Solar plexus.
I tried to do yoga but it's hard, very hard.
RAUM meditation messes up Right side of Throat.
However, i could sense going down at a very low rate from the Left Pingala channel compared to Right side which is coming up.
My Left Jaw also seems closed I remember when i sent serpent into Right side--- Something went upwards through Left Jaw -> Going into 3rd eye --> Then right side. Something also went downwards navel into Sacral and I lost the sense to Solar plexus that's when I became totally feminine.
When I try to spin Solar plexus the Right side of my body shakes.
When i did RAUM 108 times and AUM 108 Serpent was stuck in the Right side of the backward [spinal] throat and there was tension in the right side of the forward throat skin.
I think the Serpent of Pingala went into IDA and Serpent of IDA is in IDA.
And doing RAUM and AUM Stimulated both the serpents which are in the same Channel, pff.
I've also tried to get into my body and raise the serpent from forwarding right side upward into the pituitary gland but it goes into Crown and then back of Left Side and goes back into Root chakra and root chakra pains. Then i comes into Sacral stimulates and continues the same cycle.
One more thing!!! The way I enter sushmana is by focusing on Left eye and directing the serpent to 3rd eye and then left side of the Nose+Middle [ I did that intuitively ] but now i cannot do that i digged my own grave by letting serpent escape through that way without letting it complete its work and form perfect cycle.