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Reset Serpent(s)


Dec 12, 2019
My Pingala serpent was raised and I was inexperienced at the time.
I tried to raise IDA's serpent so I sent Pingala's Serpent into IDA through the 3rd eye.
And now the serpent is trapped Forward Right side of IDA's Channel.

Every time i try to raise IDA's true Serpent i can sense it coming up but the right side of Throat chakra gets locked and my Skull starts to bend backward.
Doing RAUM meditation makes it go out of control.
Pingala channel seems empty and there's only Feminine side left to me right now.
Can someone suggest to me how to fix this and reset the Pingala's Serpent?
Please help.

I try to send the serpent back but what happens is.
Pingala's True serpent goes up to the crown chakra from IDA's side and comes into Pingala's channel and goes back down to the base. and then comes up again through IDA's upward channel from Front Side ( Which is where it's trapped)
Uruz rune is stimulating Pingala, Berkano is stimulating Ida. Maybe try something with energies of moon, venus too, program it to stimulate your Ida. Don't forget to clean that pathway.
Azorm said:
Uruz rune is stimulating Pingala, Berkano is stimulating Ida. Maybe try something with energies of moon, venus too, program it to stimulate your Ida. Don't forget to clean that pathway.

Do you think to do RAUM 108 times and then Vibrating Uruz and Berkano... Will i have to Vibrate those 2 runes on any specific chakras or Vibrating it in Air will do the work?
And Thank you.
JeraOpus said:
Azorm said:
Uruz rune is stimulating Pingala, Berkano is stimulating Ida. Maybe try something with energies of moon, venus too, program it to stimulate your Ida. Don't forget to clean that pathway.

Do you think to do RAUM 108 times and then Vibrating Uruz and Berkano... Will i have to Vibrate those 2 runes on any specific chakras or Vibrating it in Air will do the work?
And Thank you.

In your whole body. Concentrate on that energy, try to feel it and tune in it.

Maybe some weak and blocked chakra is blocking energy to be raised fully so vibrate some raum in it, try to make it stronger and clean that chakra near where you are feeling issues. You might feel some pain directly in some chakras too if they are too blocked.

You might need to work with some feminine energies for a while tho if the problem is stubborn.

Hope this helps. Good luck.
Azorm said:
JeraOpus said:
Azorm said:
Uruz rune is stimulating Pingala, Berkano is stimulating Ida. Maybe try something with energies of moon, venus too, program it to stimulate your Ida. Don't forget to clean that pathway.

Do you think to do RAUM 108 times and then Vibrating Uruz and Berkano... Will i have to Vibrate those 2 runes on any specific chakras or Vibrating it in Air will do the work?
And Thank you.

In your whole body. Concentrate on that energy, try to feel it and tune in it.

Maybe some weak and blocked chakra is blocking energy to be raised fully so vibrate some raum in it, try to make it stronger and clean that chakra near where you are feeling issues. You might feel some pain directly in some chakras too if they are too blocked.

You might need to work with some feminine energies for a while tho if the problem is stubborn.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

The problem is lying in the Throat Chakra and Backward right side 3rd eye which is IDA's flow.
I try to Vibrate HAUM on throat chakra but it feels nearly impossible to Make that Cat's hissing sound now also the flow of energy is upwards.
One more thing, Since i've sent that serpent into IDA the Serpent coming upward Through Throat and right side of my Face and Making it Oily and when that Oily liquid is Dried it makes my Face white and Turns into White dry stuff.
And after that it's going to Crown i believe and Comes back down through Pingala's Channel (Forward) and Doing same thing, The only difference is that Intensity is much more on IDA's side.
Also the Mass on the right side of my body and Head are more compared to Left side.

***One more thing, When i try to Sent the serpent of Upward it senses as if there's no body and all i sense is vibrations in my body but they senses as if they're in the surroundings.
Also, There's this energy goes outside of Head(Right side) and enters upward through the right foot and i can sense this Energy or Serpent coming up and repeating this, (It dropped my Heartbeat by a huge degree and gave me High) *** But this is another thing***
Sounds to me like you’re trying to make gopi Krishnas story your own. Doing a terrible job at it in my opinion. :roll: :lol:
The problem is lying in the Throat Chakra and Backward right side 3rd eye which is IDA's flow.
I try to Vibrate HAUM on throat chakra but it feels nearly impossible to Make that Cat's hissing sound now also the flow of energy is upwards.

It's not supposed to be too complicated really. Just keep cleaning and try to stimulate it with some runes and mantras. Do what you can. You don't have to direct them really, they naturally want to move, just clean the pathway and chakras. When you are ready they will move further and your soul will feel more balanced.
I found where the block is, It's on the Left cheek Channel flow.
This channel is connected to Throat's Pingala side.
Also, I remember i did that close that path intentionally through imagination by removing all the energy of that path.
I did that because I developed a Psychic ability to Read and Transfer thought using the third eye along with Pingala and it made it hard for me to go to university. Which I left anyways after this incident.
And sending it into the Right side of IDA through 3rd eye, I'm able to sense energy but i'm not sure if 3rd eye is open or not.

When energy goes upwards IDA along with Serpent it goes directly into Crown rather than connecting with 3rd eye.
Also, this serpent has entered the Right side of Leg, Which has feels more heavy compared to left.

That Throat Lock is happening because there are 2 serpents in the IDA side and both try to go upwards through forward and backward channels.

I had orgasms last night and 2 nights ago. Which made it hard to sense this serpent.
It also senses as if the Pingala's Original serpent is moving outward into the body rather than inward because of that Left eye's Connection with 3rd eye closed.
Darksage666 said:
Sounds to me like you’re trying to make gopi Krishnas story your own. Doing a terrible job at it in my opinion. :roll: :lol:

This is no joke i had 4 months of Insomnia and sleep was like 3-4 hours in 2-3 days.
Azorm said:
The problem is lying in the Throat Chakra and Backward right side 3rd eye which is IDA's flow.
I try to Vibrate HAUM on throat chakra but it feels nearly impossible to Make that Cat's hissing sound now also the flow of energy is upwards.

It's not supposed to be too complicated really. Just keep cleaning and try to stimulate it with some runes and mantras. Do what you can. You don't have to direct them really, they naturally want to move, just clean the pathway and chakras. When you are ready they will move further and your soul will feel more balanced.

Got it, thanks.
I tried to do it but it seems as if my Sushmana and IDA are connected.
And everything i breathe with Middle of my nose there are burning sensations on Right side of my Face and back Side of Head.
Also on several other places in Body.
There's more Glow to my Right Eye compared to Left one.

Also The Skin of Left Eye Near Nose seems dull as if there's no Flow of energy.
I did rune Bjork stimulated Crown and it seems Crown is super active so is Sacral and Right Side of Hear Chakra.

* Is there a connection between Pituitary, Sacral and Crown?
* Is left brain Connected with 6th Chakra?
* Left eye is connected with Right brain?

I think i'll have to try to focus on Pituitary and send the energy there and then try to send it back to 6th Chakra.

I've tried only to Focus on Sushmana and Take my consciousness as much inside as i can get. And i can sense Energy moving very slowly and Dull in Crown, Is this a good sign?
Today i tried to spin 3rd eye.
And it activated Pituitary Gland there was energy coming upwards and From Right side And going into Left side,
And then going Bottom Through Left channel.
And it made my Legs burning Hot, Very hot Till Foot and there's Tension on my Right Side of Face and Left Foot is bring so badly while i'm spinning White Wheel on Either 3rd eye or Pituitary gland.
And it's giving me Chill in my front Stomach.
Is that a good sign?
JeraOpus said:

Sorry that you have not received a lot of advice. I think your situation is unique and not a lot of people know where to begin with it. I, too, cannot give specific advice, but I can try to offer some general advice:

1) Have you tried communication with Satan or your GD about this? Even if your ability has not been practiced, you can try asking which action to take, and you might receive a blissful feeling if you suggest the right action.

2) Have you tried alternate nose breathing, like another has suggested. It is said to balance Ida and Pingala. Also, what happens when you do Hatha Yoga? Also what do you do for cleaning? The more detail you give, the more someone can potentially help. I think your last post was good with the detail you provided. You will likely have to try a few things, and you should report back on what happens, to provide a clear picture of your situation.

3) Please don't go to a guru in the Himalayas. Again, sorry you haven't received a satisfactory response here, but I don't think a Himalayan guru will be useful either. They have been corrupted for centuries, and will probably try to make you vegan and praise "Oneness".
Blitzkreig said:
JeraOpus said:

Sorry that you have not received a lot of advice. I think your situation is unique and not a lot of people know where to begin with it. I, too, cannot give specific advice, but I can try to offer some general advice:

1) Have you tried communication with Satan or your GD about this? Even if your ability has not been practiced, you can try asking which action to take, and you might receive a blissful feeling if you suggest the right action.

2) Have you tried alternate nose breathing, like another has suggested. It is said to balance Ida and Pingala. Also, what happens when you do Hatha Yoga? Also what do you do for cleaning? The more detail you give, the more someone can potentially help. I think your last post was good with the detail you provided. You will likely have to try a few things, and you should report back on what happens, to provide a clear picture of your situation.

3) Please don't go to a guru in the Himalayas. Again, sorry you haven't received a satisfactory response here, but I don't think a Himalayan guru will be useful either. They have been corrupted for centuries, and will probably try to make you vegan and praise "Oneness".

Well, I've already become a vegan without them telling. I don't know why but suddenly after serpent awakening i was able to talk with Dogs as if they respond to me in a different way just by looking at me.
I stopped eating Chicken, Never ate a Goat's meat ever once offered in past but somehow my gut feeling told me not to eat it so i didn't.

Well i contacted my Demon but she made me out of control and my consciousness went into Sacral Chakra and i had to Spin it again and again to Stimulate it and then Serpent went up from Right side and Went down through Left Side of Face after going through Crown Also gave me Oil on face which then turned White a being dried and made my face dry. It was very less on the Left Side aka Pingala Side Compared to IDA.
Is it possible that i have Blocks on Pingala rather than IDA?
I remember the Insomnia i had Fried my Left Brain for 4 months but gave me super Demon strength, That focus i had using left brain was insane and My connected with Left eye to 3rd was Extremely powerful and i could sense the bond between Left eye and 3rd eye plus Solar plexus Made me Super demon my Bioelectricity was way beyond superhuman and Focus was extremely extreme that no one dared to make eye contact with me and the energy running within my veins was insane but i lost more conscious of the lower body then i started working on IDA.
What happened is-
My IDA started becoming powerful and I think IDA or Right eye or even both are connected to the Pituitary gland.
Left eye connected with Pineal? - The reason i'm asking this is-
The more focused i was on left eye and 3rd eye's bond then more i future outcomes i could see and think.
The more i focused on the Link of Right eye and 3rd eye i wasn't thinking as much but staying in the moment.
Then what i did is-
I took the entry or serpent from the Left eye and transferred it into the Right eye going trough the 3rd eye. I believe it went into the Pituitary gland.
I remember i made me feminine and i was in a blissful state unable to move from bed as if i don't want to control this body anymore - Then what happened is it was too much and I masturbated thinking i'll work from start to raise focus on the link and also the visions i was getting from Sushsmana+Pingala + Heart chakra were very brutal that i just wanted to escape.

Now i'm scared to be this way and as well as going back into Pingala and seeing those visions and then walking on the street with that face and then thinking about people who saw me.

It's like Sushmana and Pingala were combined and purifying the body and past ["" I was also getting visions from past life which i believe, There was fire everything was burning there were horses, Huts being burned""]
It was like Either Present - Future - Middle was demon face that looking at everyone as if going to attack on them so people were scared of me... There was this another guy in my class who i believe did the meditation as well i could see his face was calm i could tell his serpent was out of Crown.
The next day i went into Class after transferring the serpent into the Right side and the serpent getting to the bottom... He smashed his leg on the ground while entering as if I've made a major mistake.
He was the only person who wasn't scared of my Solar plexus.

I tried to do yoga but it's hard, very hard.
RAUM meditation messes up Right side of Throat.
However, i could sense going down at a very low rate from the Left Pingala channel compared to Right side which is coming up.

My Left Jaw also seems closed I remember when i sent serpent into Right side--- Something went upwards through Left Jaw -> Going into 3rd eye --> Then right side. Something also went downwards navel into Sacral and I lost the sense to Solar plexus that's when I became totally feminine.

When I try to spin Solar plexus the Right side of my body shakes.
When i did RAUM 108 times and AUM 108 Serpent was stuck in the Right side of the backward [spinal] throat and there was tension in the right side of the forward throat skin.
I think the Serpent of Pingala went into IDA and Serpent of IDA is in IDA.
And doing RAUM and AUM Stimulated both the serpents which are in the same Channel, pff.

I've also tried to get into my body and raise the serpent from forwarding right side upward into the pituitary gland but it goes into Crown and then back of Left Side and goes back into Root chakra and root chakra pains. Then i comes into Sacral stimulates and continues the same cycle.

One more thing!!! The way I enter sushmana is by focusing on Left eye and directing the serpent to 3rd eye and then left side of the Nose+Middle [ I did that intuitively ] but now i cannot do that i digged my own grave by letting serpent escape through that way without letting it complete its work and form perfect cycle.
JeraOpus said:

I've read through your posts a couple times and it is hard for me to understand entirely what is going on. I think instead of trying to manipulate Ida or Pingala into certain pathways, you should try and clear all blockages. You said earlier that you felt a burning sensation on parts of your blockages: I remember HP Maxine said that a burning spot is where the energy is trapped.

You could try using Munka, which is said to remove blockages and negative karma, see this thread here:

You could also try vibrating SaTaNaMa, said to help with general healing.

As far as your GD, perhaps they were trying to get you to relief some of the energy buildup with orgasm. Hard to say exactly what the idea was. You should try and work on your astral hearing. If you can get more clear communication from your GD, I think you can get the solution. It is hard for us to tell exactly what is going on in your body. Hopefully the extra energy you have can quickly empower these points. Link here:

Here is some additional page on the kundalini, may prove a little useful: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Transformation.html
JeraOpus said:

I've read through your posts a couple times and it is hard for me to understand entirely what is going on. I think instead of trying to manipulate Ida or Pingala into certain pathways, you should try and clear all blockages. You said earlier that you felt a burning sensation on parts of your blockages: I remember HP Maxine said that a burning spot is where the energy is trapped.

You could try using Munka, which is said to remove blockages and negative karma, see this thread here:

You could also try vibrating SaTaNaMa, said to help with general healing.

As far as your GD, perhaps they were trying to get you to relief some of the energy buildup with orgasm. Hard to say exactly what the idea was. You should try and work on your astral hearing. If you can get more clear communication from your GD, I think you can get the solution. It is hard for us to tell exactly what is going on in your body. Hopefully the extra energy you have can quickly empower these points. Link here:

Here is some additional page on the kundalini, may prove a little useful: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Transformation.html
Blitzkreig said:
JeraOpus said:

I've read through your posts a couple times and it is hard for me to understand entirely what is going on. I think instead of trying to manipulate Ida or Pingala into certain pathways, you should try and clear all blockages. You said earlier that you felt a burning sensation on parts of your blockages: I remember HP Maxine said that a burning spot is where the energy is trapped.

You could try using Munka, which is said to remove blockages and negative karma, see this thread here:

You could also try vibrating SaTaNaMa, said to help with general healing.

As far as your GD, perhaps they were trying to get you to relief some of the energy buildup with orgasm. Hard to say exactly what the idea was. You should try and work on your astral hearing. If you can get more clear communication from your GD, I think you can get the solution. It is hard for us to tell exactly what is going on in your body. Hopefully the extra energy you have can quickly empower these points. Link here:

Here is some additional page on the kundalini, may prove a little useful: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Transformation.html

One more thing,, My perception is changing extremely fast based on where the serpent is and day by day i sense i'm sensing outside the body rather than inside, I've also sensed heat on my Sacral chakra and right side of the chest.
When i was inside body i was able to manipulate where the serpent goes and that part of body over functions and if i remember correctly on January my body was super hot when the serpent was in left-brain, And sushmana was active along with it but lost sense of lower body in that state, maybe that created blocks in the lower body.
I'll do as you've said. Also, they stated they started working on MUNKA on 25th October, that's my birth date.
Blitzkreig said:

I can sense the serpent is trying to go to the crown through Right channel upwards and roaming in Crown for some time also hitting this Clairaudience chakra at the back of the head but it goes back to the base and repeats itself, I just cannot understand the meaning of this repeated cycle.

I try to send the serpent into Left side of the body which I have to force it to, But it feels hollow there and it returns back to Right side.

Also when Serpent goes up through Side it gives uncomfortable sensation as if the aura of face keeps changing.
And there's this old man in a shop said " I do magic " -___-
Then I said " I'll make you see ghosts "
Then he said " I used to Drink Alcohol with ghosts on the graveyard " :geek:
I've a thing more to add,

The energies are trying to move as it's Said in Magnum Opus which is strange.
Serpent or Ball is trapped right side because the Link of Left eye with 3rd eye is gone, I did that intentionally because of visions i was getting.

Now when i go inside my body by imagining as if i'm inside this body i start to sense there's trapped energy or serpent on the Right jaw and up to right side of Forehead along with on the right eye.

I tried to do 3rd eye breathing exercise but my body starts to shake and there's a huge tension on my nose mostly Right side.

Today something went upwards from the back of the Spine as if it was a ball and to the Crown which is trying come down but cannot and is clashing with IDA on the Crown then giving up and going back to base.
Left Jaw is closed.
That ball thing happened when i did SATANAMA.
i'll do MONKA now.

Are there ways to forcefully open 3rd. I also think the power of 6th Chakra is directly linked with Solar Plexus and Since the Solar plexus mostly dormant " Recently i did 3rd eye breathing exercise which i think didn't work and energy went into 6th Chakra and my Solar plexus started vibrating "

One more thing.

Left eye in not Inwardly Focused, After i removed its connection with 3rd eye it's forward.
It feels as if the nerve of left eye is focused upwards rather than towards 3rd eye.

What i can conclude is IDA is super active and Middle part of 3rd eye is supporting IDA and there's little to no link between Pingala and 3rd eye.

So technically the Energies of Pingala are coming through Crown and The energies to Crown is coming through IDA.
And here's what it's like.
I have new info-
I went into deep meditative state yesterday ( By focusing falling and becoming small within the body while laying)

When I try to focus backward of Right Side of Head ( Ida's back Side )
Then I sense something's trying to go up and when I allowed it to go up it was burning and as if something was going up through the back of the neck and there's this feeling of unease as if it's getting hard to breathe the more up it gets but it gets blocked at some time.

When I focus forward Right Side of Head ( IDA's Front Side ) Focusing on Sending Energy upwards

Something or Serpent comes up and goes up through the front right side of the throat but without burning anything.
And then it goes into Right eye upwards then it touches Pituitary gland and My Sacral chakra gets activated to a huge extreme.
It relaxes me to a huge degree.
I was laying on the bed and it was so pleasurable that I didn't want to getup also my sacral chakra was stimulating so hard and sending something into the Pituitary gland ( I believe ) Which is slightly above the brow of Right eye.
But the right-side eye portion is super active.
I become very light.
It also increases the size of my right side of the right brain.

I masturbated afterward because it was getting out of control and I told myself while doing it that i'll have to put that much work into it again to reach this point in future.
It's nearly impossible to do mantras when the serpent is in IDA's Side it feels as if I'm blowing away air, I did SATANAMA and it exhausted in 20 reps however i still went on and did over 50 and then laid down and focused on
Then today an hour earlier I became depressed and mad because of losing control, My family is calling me.
And I can't go back because of the vision I had about the future.

What I did in the past is that I sent the serpent from Pineal or 6th chakra into Pituitary Gland.


And there are these sensing people giving off a subconscious message to me that I should get tight, Which is because my Solar plexus is dormant and I've no access to it I try to send energy upwards

During this time I sense something coming up from right Foot and forward.
The burning sensation that i had on my Left Foot Seems to have had happened because of the activation of Spiritual chakras on the bottom of the left foot.
JeraOpus said:

As far as opening the third eye and solar chakra, try the vibrations here:


You mentioned a feeling on your nose, it reminded me of this pranayama, mentioned by HP Mageson:

"This practice generates a flow of purifying spiritual fire through the sushumna nadi the Shakti nadi which transforms the soul for the raising of the Kundalini. This opens this nadi and sends the purifying spiritual fire through all the chakras and the male and female nadis while generating the power in the Shakti nadi of the sun and moon to raise the serpent. This pranayama is also stated to destroy all impurities in the body."


Hopefully these can help you better regulate the flow of energy.
Blitzkreig said:
JeraOpus said:

As far as opening the third eye and solar chakra, try the vibrations here:


You mentioned a feeling on your nose, it reminded me of this pranayama, mentioned by HP Mageson:

"This practice generates a flow of purifying spiritual fire through the sushumna nadi the Shakti nadi which transforms the soul for the raising of the Kundalini. This opens this nadi and sends the purifying spiritual fire through all the chakras and the male and female nadis while generating the power in the Shakti nadi of the sun and moon to raise the serpent. This pranayama is also stated to destroy all impurities in the body."


Hopefully these can help you better regulate the flow of energy.

I tried to apply mula bandha but it's like as if my Stomach has turned into a soft bubble.
This is because Solar plexus in not able to Send energy downwards.

I remember when I had this predatory sensing inside me and Solar plexus was super active in past.
My Maha Bandha was super active and I was in a super Hot state.
The energy was Rushing downwards through the Link of Pingala and Sushmana and i lost the sense of downward body...But that's past.

Just now i focused on on Sushmana And there's energy moving in different parts in my head and i could sense it.
My eyes have become light and there's this very light feeling in my chest and it's cool.
Something's coming up Through my Right Jaw and is in connected to Pituitary Gland.
But The Left Jaw is Blocked and the energy is trying to make it downwards Through the Bottom Left Side of Nose,

Then there's Energy movement in my Top right side of head,
And there very heavy crawling sensations happening on my Top of Crown Chakra and is trying to come down but more it's happening the more sensing I'm getting my chest and Boobs.
And then there's very heavy pressure on the Crown Chakra which is still there and then energy went down Forward after going through Chakra, And has reached Sacral Chakra.
Filling the Sacral chakra and making Penis soft. and there's this bliss sensation happening.

Now Crown - Sacral - Root Chakra are active and Right Side of Head.
Now Right Side of Throat is getting pressured and tight and there's Energy went downward Forward left side of Cheek.
And after going through left channel downwards and Sacral and Down the Right Leg.

Now my Right Side of ForeHead near IDA is starting to Burn and Right Left is getting heavy and Senses as if Energy becoming Tight There and there's very little heat.
And now Crown is Vibrating.

Recently i had Burn on Left Side forward throat and Right Side face near nose and jaw.
Also, When the serpent went on right Leg there was a Spider came to the same spot and sat there. Then the serpent went downward on the leg and the Spider followed it.

Also, all the Bandas are Disabled.
JeraOpus said:

Did you try the pranayama? That one by HP Mageson may help clear blockages, and the alternate nose breathing could maybe better regulate the Ida and Pingala. That might help the nose pressure and maybe the jaw.

Also, how was the yoga painful? Are you able to perform it at all? The Hatha Yoga will open up the flow of energy, and the Kundalini will help with blockages, I think. If you can try doing some light Hatha Yoga, that might help the Sacral Chakra, for example.

How did your solar chakra and 3rd eye respond to the chakra opening vibrations? If you think they are dormant and weak, these should quickly open them.

I know you said you have a weird flow of energy in the head, but are you able to empower the astral hearing points? Regardless of whether there is a good energy flow, you should try to work on them. I can keep suggesting various things to try, but I don't think I have the entire solution. You need to establish good communication with your GD for them to advise you on what to do.

Your situation is unique, and I don't think many people have experience in actually fixing specific problems like Jaw blockage, foot burning, etc. I can only suggest general exercises to aid the energy flow and hope that fixes it.

Getting advice from your GD or Satan would the best way to 100% fix your situation. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You have a lot of power behind you, but you need help stabilizing it. If you are able to comfortably mediate on the astral hearing points, you should spend as much time as possible doing that.
JeraOpus said:
Blitzkreig said:
3) Please don't go to a guru in the Himalayas. Again, sorry you haven't received a satisfactory response here, but I don't think a Himalayan guru will be useful either. They have been corrupted for centuries, and will probably try to make you vegan and praise "Oneness".

Well, I've already become a vegan without them telling.
Veganism is stupid and unhealthy.
FancyMancy said:
Veganism is stupid and unhealthy.

I sympathize with people who want to do the right thing or eat healthier or whatever. I think it is safe to say that anything that gets widespread traction, such as veganism, is not truly healthy, because it was pushed by Jews.

I think it is also especially hilarious when people eat meat substitutes, which are simply processed food items with awful ingredients. Imagine trying to avoid the 1 or 2 bad molecules in meat (likely due to factory farming) just to introduce 100 more bad things to your health.

To stay on topic though, I think JeraOpus has bigger problems than Veganism. I would recommend to him to eat some eggs or cheese, as those don't result from direct animal harm, but I don't think that will fix his issues with energy flow.
Blitzkreig said:
FancyMancy said:
Veganism is stupid and unhealthy.

I sympathize with people who want to do the right thing or eat healthier or whatever. I think it is safe to say that anything that gets widespread traction, such as veganism, is not truly healthy, because it was pushed by Jews.

I think it is also especially hilarious when people eat meat substitutes, which are simply processed food items with awful ingredients. Imagine trying to avoid the 1 or 2 bad molecules in meat (likely due to factory farming) just to introduce 100 more bad things to your health.

To stay on topic though, I think JeraOpus has bigger problems than Veganism. I would recommend to him to eat some eggs or cheese, as those don't result from direct animal harm, but I don't think that will fix his issues with energy flow.

What i noticed after doing that pryanama is that heat on the right side of head at crown.
And there's this bliff sensation on right side of sensation as the energy is coming up and the Right side of Crown is getting more heated.

Now the left Left side of Forehead above the eye.
There's the serpent trapped Right side of Crown at top and at the right Jaw.

Trying to go up but it's like the hole isn't big enough to pass through easily, The pressure is increasing the more i focus on that part.

Also, Recently i noticed energy went into top of the behind Crown Clairaudience.
Coming to food part.
I'm attracted to sweet things don't know why- Mostly drinking milkshakes and eating watermelon.

Also, Sadguru, Indian mystic said it's not good to eat meat or chicken our body's code isn't made to consume it.
And I've stopped eating nonveg since the serpent went on right IDA's side and i feel like vomiting thinking about eating nonveg.

What i've also noticed is the Serpent goes through each and every organ in the body.
Including inside eyes!!!!
I think that's how u perform bio kenesis by becoming fully conscious of eye and all its parts inside and using elements or performing various color breathing within the it.
Meat is totally healthy and good. As a SS you should know better than to take advice from a guy like Sadguru.
JeraOpus said:
Also, Sadguru, Indian mystic said it's not good to eat meat or chicken our body's code isn't made to consume it.
Yeah, jewsus gets around a bit. It's not called the ubiquitous nazarene for nothing. If our DNA was not coded to eat meat, we'd have died out 6 million years ago.

Aquarius said:
Meat is totally healthy and good. As a SS you should know better than to take advice from a guy like Sadguru.
The phrase "balance is required" comes to mind again! Of course, people need to fine-tune food for their individual selves.

I'm conscious of the Pituitary gland and Sacral base and Right side of the Crown.
But it seems the energy is traveling at surface level and i cannot access middle chakras, Even if i try to activate Sushmana, Which i can but it leads to to becoming conscious of IDA's channel and right side of eye.

Energy is coming up but not going down at same pace.

Also, When I do RAUM, Satanama which laying or Sitting. then The (Energy or Serpent) tries to go up but gets trapped and skull starts to bend backward, I think this is because of the Deactivation of Solar plexus.
Also, Doing RAUM starts to shake my body while laying.
I asked a friend of mine to define the changes in me and he said my back hip side has grown like women have and my middle body Shrinked.
Also, Pingala Channel seems empty but when a little bit of energy goes into it fires up my face and I literally look like a demon with a cat's eye.

Also, I'm afraid when I let loose the serpent in the body then Lust arises to a very huge degree, I get tired very easily now and sleep a lot more than 12 hours then wake up and start with meditation and sleep again.

Also Since the Back of Pingala seems blocking energy flow, and Serpent is dormant.
Is it good to keep stimulating Sacral chakra since it's connected to the Pituitary somehow?

(Sushmana) --- I burned my skin when I activated it and left side of the throat, Should I stay on that? Also, all Bandhas are closed.
Evening Satanists!!

This is not fixed yet but I can find what the issue here is.
-There's blockage at back right side of head in 6th Chakra or backward 3rd eye which is causing the neck to bend backwards.

More Symptoms --

- My right side of leg is buffed, I seem to have unblocked right side of Hip chakra but cannot fully sense left side of Hip chakra to unlock it.

- Energy Is coming upwards through Left side of the body ( Pingala's side )
- Energy is going downwards through Right side of the body (IDA's side

- There's clash of poop and sacral chakra which is giving blood while pooping and pain I'm trying to stay on water and fix the problem but something isn't clicking and my family members showed me to the doctors even after taking those Meds the problem isn't fixed even after telling them this energy shift i did they think I'm joking, I really need alone time which i'm not getting here.

When i do Bjork rune it makes me drowsy RAUM gives me power but that power is burned quickly and makes me even more tired.
These days i'm sleeping for like 10-15 hours.

I really appreciate everyone who Post a reply here even if i don't say it, Thank you to everyone who posted a reply in this thread and another post which is related to this energy problem.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
