Nameless One said:
PUAs are right on this one. "Lookism" is total BS.
Black-Pilled Incels are right on this one.
PUA is total BS. Black Pillers already have a term for you, and have already taken cases like yours into account. The term is "Mentalcel." Exceptions to the rule don't disprove the rule. You are actually the exact kind of person that PUA would actually help, you're just assuming that your case is representative of all cases. The Black Pill has already taken every kind of case into account. More will be explained.
With that sarcasm out of the way, I am not concerned with whether everyone agrees with me or not.
Most of what I type in this post is not a direct response to Nameless One, but simply my thoughts as prompted. I do give one more response below however.
I am several steps ahead, I already know the general things I need to know regarding this, and I intend to put to the knowledge to use. Addressing looks is by far one of the single greatest Returns On Investment actions that most men can take. Spiritual Satanism has many of the tools necessary for this. I am not here to convince anyone, as I will do it myself. There are already enough men like myself that I am in contact with who are on board with my views, and are forward-thinking and goal-oriented. Our best and brightest are already on board with this, and support for this recognition will only increase with time.
I have already taken the scenario of men disagreeing with me into account. Ideological Separatism is what I call my response to this. If I rally all the men who agree with lookism, and teach them how to improve their looks, and a large enough amount of them succeed, get in relationships with women, have children, and follow the procedures for ensuring that their children develop into healthy and attractive adults, my group will
out-alpha and
mog the men that didn't listen. With each passing generation, the differences between lookism supporters and lookism deniers will become unignorably obvious.
People who recognize lookism will still take behaviors into account. Thus, they take both factors into account. Lookism deniers only take behaviors into account, and refuse to address looks, thus, they are weak, as they only take the weaker of the two factors into account. I care not what anyone thinks. I have no interest in debate, as I actually don't seek to "win anyone over."
To further explain the concept of "not winning anyone over," I obviously do want to present my ideas in a way that convinces some, many, or most readers. However, I will only present my ideas to the best of my ability, and then I will be perfectly content if I only convince 10% of the audience. I am concerned with practical action, and step-by-step programs to take us from point A, to point B, to point C.
Anyone that doesn't agree with me on any subject falls into the
control group, to use research terminology. Over a period of decades, the facts will be made known, as my side will have made all the improvements necessary, while the other side ignores it.
The next approach after
Ideological Separatism is
Ideological Imperialism. Ideally, these approaches are used at the same time. The highest ideal is for Ideological Imperialism to be the first approach. Ideological Separatism is ONLY the approach if Ideological Imperialism is not possible. It is my intent to eliminate all resistance to the truth. I cannot sit idly by and allow children to be raised under untenable paradigms. When children in my group are being raised by the highest standards, for any other group to be able to clearly see our methods, and refuse to use them, are engaging in
child abuse.
The realization of my ideals will leave no excuse for ignorance.
I suppose I will address the criticisms of the Lookism theory. This constitutes addressing Nameless One again.
The problem with the "lookism" theory is that it's trying apply the male attraction strategy to women and assumes women are attracted by same things as men. They don't, because the sexes differ in their attraction strategies. Men are more visual, that's why they are attracted by looks and get aroused visually through porn. While women evolved to be more attracted to be attracted to men with confidence because of survival reasons and get more aroused by words than visually.
It has been proven beyond all doubt that women are in fact
more visual than men. I am fully confident in standing by that conclusion.
This is one of those things that I want to provide studies, sources and citations on, and that is something that I should take the time to provide in the future. I will not, however, get stuck in the mire of wasting my time trying to win over a few individuals. I only care about action and results, and that doesn't require everyone's agreement.
What problem do people have with the fact that women are attracted by men's looks? It is related to the fact that jews have spread this idea in society that caring about a sexual partner's looks is "vain," "judgmental," and "immoral." Women tend to be virtue-signalers by nature, as they are very concerned about fitting in the in-group. The mainstream media says that lookism is bad, and modern jewish culture pushes egalitarianism, thus, women learn from an early age that they have to save face, and say that looks don't matter, and that confidence and having a nice personality are what really matter. Their inner feelings and their actions tell the exact opposite tale however.
Most men nowadays are objectively unattractive. Can women be blamed for naturally finding them unattractive? They can't help it, that isn't their fault. This is what Black Pillers say all the time. The only problem they have is that women don't admit it. There's much more to be said here, but I will get to all that.
Which viewpoint is more simple? That in order to attract women, men have to read tons of books, lean pick-up techniques, pay attention to their body language? Or that in order to attract women, men benefit from being tall and good-looking?
Does a man look at an attractive woman with good forward-facial growth, wide hips, thick and taperinig thighs, large breasts, a slim waist, and think to himself, "she's not attractive, she doesn't have her shoulders down and back!" What a laughable idea. Women, being just as visual as men, by their feminine nature regard looks very highly. It's not a conscious decision. It is in our nature as humans to be want to be with attractive people. There is nothing wrong with that, and I already have many plans and intentions to optimize the human condition towards this ideal in the long-term.
It is at this point that my response to Nameless One ends. All of what I type is in any case for the benefit of the general reader.
There is a reason my demeanor is so severe, because it must be. I have a lot of work to do to carry out my ambitions, and I will have to fight against the entire world to get it done. The stronger ideology must win, as it attracts the strong to it. This is talked about by Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf. Many of my approaches are straight out of that wonderful Book.
My objective is to create the Ubermensch.
I like creating mottos for myself, as they represent mission statements that communicate key information to bear in mind.
Ich allein bin verantwortlich für die ganze Welt.
I alone am responsible for the entire world.
This means that I must take personal initiative. I tend to think in terms of teamwork and collaboration, but I must be prepared to literally do everything all by myself of my own volition if necessary. I expect myself to be capable of conquering the entire world with my own bare hands if necessary. It matters not if it is possible or not, I must be willing to embrace the task, I must be willing to accept my duty, no matter the odds, no matter the cost, for I am to do what is right.
Ich werde mich und die ganze Welt opfern, um den Übermenschen zu schaffen.
I will sacrifice myself and the entire world to create the Ubermensch.
This highlights that I aim to create the Ubermensch. Creating the Ubermensh means ending the age of humanity's current flaws. I will give up my comforts to create the Ubermensch. I'd like to relax, and while I enjoy recreational activities in my free time, I should be giving up those things if they interfere with my goal. If anyone directly opposes me, they oppose my mission, thus I will destroy them. I am a zealot for my cause, I have made my final decision to carry this out until the very end, and I will not hesitate to eliminate anyone that stands in my way, because I know in the depths of my soul that I fight for what is right. I have already taken everything into consideration, and thus, the above quote is where I am at.
Der Heilige Krieg ist erst vorbei, wenn alle Untermenschen tot sind.
The Holy War is only over, when all subhumans are dead.
This quote highlights the fact that weakness and inferiority is a sickness which must be eliminated. Our Folk must be virile. The subhuman bugmen hold us back, and pose a direct threat to our continued existence. For example, what should be done with all those mutts on Tik Tok and other forms of social media that proclaim that White People need to stop having kids, because it's racist and bad for the environment? I need not answer, as that is already implied. Hitler wrote that once a bad idea spreads too far, the only way to counter that bad idea is with violence. It is best to counter it in it's early stages when violence is not needed. We are however well over the brink of that condition today. Every bad idea that jews and subhumans can possibly conjure up has taken hold of society. The broad masses accept these hideous ideas without question. Populism is not possible, as no one will agree to the highest ideal. Only a Vanguard can accept all of the highest ideals, and gain control of a society, and impose their will and mobilize the masses one step at a time. We will not allow the existence of even one subhuman that directly opposes our will.
I will now continue my summarized description and analysis of the
Black Pill Sphere.
I also put terms in
bold color, to make it easier and more convenient on the eyes, and to make the post more organized.
The original enemy of
Incels are
PUAs. Even from the beginning, back sometime around 2012, much of their rhetoric was very severe, and even misogynistic. The truths that these men discovered could be discovered by any man of any temperament, but most people in the "Incel Sphere" are very angry and bitter about the circumstances and conditions they are in. Naturally, they spend much of their time venting. This is the level of discourse of 95% of the
Black Pill "community."
I will explain why I constantly put "community" in quotes.
FaceandLMS made very clear that
Black Pilled Incels are not a community. There is no movement, there is no organization, there is no political action. The
"Black Pill Sphere" is simply the term for groups of men that talk about their problems online. That is it. The mainstream media kept painting
Incels as being a "movement." This is false. There is no movement. There is no community. There is no political goal. The only "goal" of the
Black Pill in and of itself, in the words of
FaceandLMS (I paraphrase here in my own words) is to "spread the knowledge of
Lookism, so that ugly men who are
incels by definition realize what is actually wrong, and don't have to worry about bashing their heads against a brick wall anymore." That is the simplest way I can think of to put it.
There are several terms I am using which are from the "Meme Lexicon" of this segment of the Manosphere. They come up with terms that are useful for categorizing and summarizing their definitions and observations, and many of these terms are comedic, and constitute
Inside Jokes. However, not all of these terms are necessarily intended to be jokes, but many are, so keep that in mind.
The very first term which I should explain and make abundantly clear, is the word
INCEL. This is the one word that you must understand in order to make sense of any of this.
incel is an
"Involuntary Celibate." Many people get stuck at this point, and try to say that this term is an oxymoron. This is a distraction. I will continue explaining with that clarification out of the way. The vast majority of
incels don't know anything about the
Black Pill, or any of the terminology. The term
Incel does not denote ideas, ideology, thoughts, opinions, or any such thing at all. The term
incel strictly describes a man who cannot get in a relationship with a woman, mainly due to his looks. That's it. Anyone can be a
Black Piller and not be an
incel. A person with a girlfriend, or with a wife and children can still, by some definitions, be a
"Black Piller."
I myself am a Black Piller.
In addition, almost all people who directly the
Black Pill are
INCELS. Almost all
Redditors are
INCELS. Almost every single person that makes fun of
Incels online is an
There was a
Reddit page (I don't know the term, I don't care. Reddit can suck a big one.) titled:
Inceltears. These were a bunch of leftist-communist subhumans who had nothing better to do with their time than make fun of
incels online. Every single last one of them are
blue-pilled male feminists would try to approach the women there, since they were so nice and were doing the politically correct thing by bashing
"incels," and would get publicly rejected.
Black Pillers rightfully make fun of this a lot.
To briefly explain the Pill Terminology, everyone here knows about the
Blue Pill Red Pill analogy from Matrix. HP. HoodedCobra666 himself used it in his documentaries. In the beginning of the Lookism Sphere, they used the term
Red Pill. The
Red Pill on what attracts women was the recognition that looks matter. The
Red Pill started gaining a lot of traction, and their enemies, namely
PUAs, noticed this term and started using it for their own purposes. Once "
Red Pillers," or those who believe in
Lookism noticed this, they began to shift to using the term "
Black Pill." With this in mind, I will give a brief synopsis of the various pills from the
Black Pill perspective.
Blue Pill is what you see on TV about what attracts women. Be a nice guy, buy her gifts, shower her with love and attention. This is the high school sweetheart romance movie soap opera concept. Almost everyone on earth is a
Blue Piller. This idea uses the
Just World Fallacy. This is the idea that if you are a good person, you will get good things. That is clearly not enough. We have to know the practical and objective realities of how our goals are attained, and that requires action beyond just "being a good person."
Red Pill is next idea after this. I will use the current understanding of the term
Red Pill. There are two kinds of Red Pills. One is that of
MGTOWs consider themselves to be
Red Pillers.
PUAs are also by definition
Red Pillers. This usage of the
Red Pill term is thus variant, different groups use the same term to different purposes, which does admittedly make it hard to understand these terms for many people. I wasn't the one that made any of these terms, this is just the nature of groups of people to use similar terms and mean different things.
MGTOW idea of the
Red Pill is either:
1) The recognition that the US Government, or any other Government, has economic policies that are discriminatory against men, and that women can take advantage of these policies and "divorce-rape" (this term explained in previous post) them, and that men should seek to starve out the Government by paying as little to no taxes as possible, and by not getting in relationships with women. The original
MGTOWs know that men still want to get in relationships with women, but they believe that it is necessary to change the societal conditions to make relationships a safe prospect again before they will do so.
2) The idea that all women are bad, and that all men should not get in any relationships with women under any circumstances. This is the "new-school"
MGTOW Red Pill. These men say that women are not worth their time, but they spend an inordinate amount of time online talking about how bad women are. They focus mainly on feminism, female nature, and they use a lot of crass terminology. Even if many facts they present are undeniably true, even if all of their anecdotes are true, their conclusions are untenable for most, including myself.
The first group of
MGTOWs that I defined are the group that would have to do damage control for all the rhetoric of the second group. If Barbarossa himself were here, he would probably type a very reasonable and in-depth explanation of the ideas of
MGTOW. I myself am only providing an outsider's perspective of all this.
If someone like TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey) were here typing things, he would use a whole lot of classic literature, philosophy, and other sources, but he would also do a lot shitposting about sex toys, being transgender as an unironic joke and political statement about how bad men have it, he would do a lot of sperging out, and would use extreme rhetoric. Keep in mind that TFM is
racially jewish. TFM, if he made an account here, wouldn't last for long.
If someone like Undead Chronic were typing here, he would probably sperg out a lot, he would very likely not be capable of spelling (I know I make mistakes, but I try to correct them if I see them, I made a lot of mistakes in my previous post in this thread), he wouldn't be able to type his way out of a paper bag. He would use a lot of inflammatory and crass terminology, and just spend all his time typing away about woman being bad, and all kinds of other terms that I won't bother typing, as the general reader gets my point. Undead Chronic, if he made an account here, wouldn't last a week, if not a day or two.
The above should serve as a reasonably sufficient description of the
MGTOW idea of the
Red Pill.
PUA idea of the
Red Pill is the knowledge of how to attract women through behavioral psychology.
For contrast, the
PUA idea of the
Blue Pill is that it represents men who don't know the techniques and principles of how to attract women. Almost everyone from all the Manosphere "groups" typically has a very consistent and similar idea of what the
Blue Pill represents.
PUA leans into the behavioral aspects of "attraction." They conflate Behavioral Compatibility with "attraction."
PUA (Pick Up Artistry) as an industry was started by JEWS.
Neil Darrow Strauss authored the book, The Game. This book is considered the main literature of
PUA, almost like their "buybull."
I almost considered posting a picture of Neil Strauss, but I will spare the eyes of people who are easily disgusted at the sight of jews. I am sure that when I am more advanced, the sight of jews, although already disgusting to me, will likely become even more unbearable over time.
Why do women hate the phenomenon of
Pick Up Artistry? You're all going to love the answer.
It is because PUA teaches unattractive men that they just need to be confident and have a good personality and know the pickup lines, techniques, and have the "inner game" and take a shower, get a haircut, and wear nice clothes in order to attract women.
FaceandLMS explains this concept here. This is a YouTube Link with a timestamp, located at 15:30, 15 minutes and 30 seconds. The relevant section ends at exactly 20:00, 20 minutes sharp. This is 4 minutes and 30 seconds of viewing time for this part. The humorous presentation is quite
brutal, a term
Black Pillers use quite often.
Women rightfully regard
PUA as being manipulative and deceptive. An ugly man cannot fool a woman into being attracted to him with "deep inner game," pickup lines, money, good fashion, and other nonsense. A woman will feel naturally attracted to a man that is
attractive. Literally all an attractive man has to do to retain a relationship with a woman is to just not fuck it up, and woman will give particularly attractive men tons of chances.
I will now explain some terminology categorizing different kinds of men, as coined by the
Black Pill Sphere. You will notice that this terminology is quite viral, and has been picked up by normies around the world.
Incel vs. Chad
Everyone knows and recognizes this popular meme format. This came from
As the
Chad meme became more popular, other variants sprang up:
I know all of these images have been been seen by 90% of the people here at least once.
Here is another funny one:
I am well aware that the image was edited to make the meme. That is besides the point. The edit was for humorous purposes to make a funny and meme-worthy illustration, and the jewish media strawmanned it and acted like they "debunked" the existence of "Chad."
It is objectively observable that the man in the unedited photo is
attractive. Because he looks similar to the original Chad meme, this photo became viral, and it's a pretty funny meme.
The definition of a
Chad is a tall, physically attractive man who easily gets all the women. This powerful and divine being has never heard of
PUA. If anyone tried to explain
PUA to a
Chad, he would probably look at you incredulously, and just turn around with his two girlfriends in his arms and go do something more interesting than listen to useless rambling.
Chads have learned to be naturally confident, because from a young age, their female peers gravitated towards them and socialized with them a lot, giving them social experience. This gives
Chads every advantage, they have the looks, the social experience, and the confidence. It takes particularly unusual and excessive circumstances for a
Chad's social growth to be stunted, but once a socially awkward
Chad catches up socially, he is
immediately rewarded, because he has the good looks to back it up.
I have already explained the word
incel, I will continue to other terms.
normie, by the
Black Pill definition, is a man of average attractiveness. This statistically constitutes most men. These men can actually benefit from things like
PUA. Normies can get in relationships with women, but they actually have to try.
Chads don't have to try, women typically approach them and go out of their way to make it easy for
Chads to approach them. Women give
Chads Indicators of Interest (IOIs).
Normies, while not completely ugly, don't have that aesthetic spark that
Chads have, but they can put forth the effort to get in a relationship with an average woman.
Normies will have to work for the rest of their lives to keep the woman.
There are several classifications of
incels according to the
Black Pill Sphere.
Volcel is a "
Voluntary Celibate." Black Pillers tell a lot of jokes and make a lot of memes about this. They will post images of extremely ugly and obese women, and say "Volcel if you wouldn't." The joke here is that
Black Pilled incels know that beggars can't be choosers.
Black Pilled Incels have tried everything.
I will say something that will shock people.
Many Black Pilled Incels, such as FaceandLMS, have clearly stated that they want to be disproven.
They want to know how to solve the problems that prevent them from attracting women. They are all ears to anyone that can present a solution to their problems that isn't all the debunked nonsense that they have already tried.
Black Pilled Incels have already tried all the advice. They really want to get in a relationship, but nothing they have tried works. This of course does not take Spiritual Satanism into account. Spiritual Satanism has all the answers to the
Incel Problem.
Continuing explanations of
Black Pill terminology.
Mentalcel is a man who is attractive enough to get women, but is so socially awkward, creepy, and inept, that he ruins his chances with women.
Black Pilled Incels HATE Mentalcels. Mentalcels are considered the lowest of the low to them. They often say that would kill to have their genetics, because they already know the behaviors.
Black Pillers already know about
PUA. If they were good-looking enough, they could use
PUA to some effect, but because they're not good-looking enough, they are
incels by definition, and the only way to have a chance would be to improve their looks, and that is only if their genetics allows it. There is a lot to say about this, it's too much for me to type quickly here, this particular question has had a massive amount of analysis by
Black Pillers.
Manlets, Shortcels, Heightcels, etc, are men who are too short for women to find attractive. This is a particularly brutal situation for men to be in.
Shortcels experience height discrimination their entire lives. Other men bully them and attack their masculinity. I myself am just over 6 feet, so I have never had to experience the things these men have gone through. No one who isn't short themselves can ever truly understand their plight, and
Black Pillers despise any patronizing and pat answers to their concerns. Can you imagine being shorter than teenage girls, and having to put up with them making jokes about you all the time? If you had enough, and got angry and snapped at them, everyone else will rally to the defense of the women.
Height Problem is a particularly nasty one. Everyone knows if a man is short or tall. They don't even have to have any knowledge of anatomy or aesthetics to know when a man is short. Most people in this world are nasty and love putting others down. Short men are often emasculated, made fun of, put down, attacked, and scorned. It is a problem that needs to be solved, and it's going to take forward-thinking eugenicists to get the job done, while everyone else gets stuck on all the semantics.
People that get stuck criticizing the attitudes of shortcels, or any other such distraction, can just do that, I will do the work to solve the problem, I don't need their help.
Another term is
Fatcel. This term speaks for itself. A common saying is
"Fatcels are Volcels." This communicates the frustration from slimmer
incels (most
incels are NOT FAT. Most
incels are SLIM) that the fat men don't put more work into losing weight so that they can
ascend means for an
incel to improve himself physically, and by that effort to successfully get in a relationship with a woman, and have children.
Ascension being explained, I will now explain the two paths of the
Black Pill.
The preferred objective is
Ascension. If men who are just on the brink of being reasonable attractive find the
Black Pill, they can use the knowledge to improve their looks in the hope of
ascending. This has happened for a lot of men. This endeavor is called
Maxxing is a term that is placed at the end of a word to imply that the person is maximizing that characteristic.
(word)maxxing is a very common internet term now, almost everyone has heard of it.
Heightmaxxing, looksmaxxing, jawmaxxing, neckmaxxing, gymmaxxing, and many more terms are used.
Maxxing is also used as a joke.
I'm not sure why I can't find an image with the whole quote.
There's all kinds of ways
Maxxing can be used as a joke.
autismmaxxing, spergmaxxing, bloatmaxxing, poopmaxxing (oh boy, don't get me started on the "poop pill" :lol: :lol: :lol: ),
carmaxxing, suitmaxxing, copemaxxing, bluepillmaxxing, normiemaxxing, geomaxxing, SEAmaxxing (I will explain this one further), and so much more.
There is a very unfortunate characteristic of the Manosphere as a whole, as well as the
Black Pill Sphere, and that is a lack of racial awareness. That is to say, they acknowledge racial differences, but most of them don't have an issue with race-mixing. This doesn't discount the rest of what they're saying, but a discerning and Satanic eye can pick out what matters, and discard the rest.
MGTOWs and
Black Pillers alike talk often about
SEAmaxxing, or Geomaxxing.
To SEAmax is for a White man from a Western European country or America to travel to South East Asia and get with asian women, as their chances are significantly higher there than in feminist-dominated western countries. This is all extremely unfortunate for many reasons, and this is an entire subject in and of itself. To comment on all this would take a lot of time, however, I can take this opportunity to pivot to another very important topic related to the
Black Pill.
Although some
Black Pillers don't have a problem with racemixing, a surprising amount of them actually do, as they do recognize that racemixed children tend to be uglier, and tend to have even greater struggles with women than racially pure people. They especially recognize this to be the case when white men racemix with asian women.
One such example that everyone knows about is ELLIOT RODGERS.
This is where the term
"Go ER" came from.
Here is a popular video using the term, this video made a sound clip that Black Pillers use often in memes.
Big Man Tyrone is a YouTuber who accepts payment to read aloud a script that is sent to him. A lot of popular memes were made this way. This video about "
going ER" is a JOKE. The vast majority of the time when the term "
Go ER" is used, it is a JOKE. For example, if I were to poke fun at someone using
Black Pill terminology, I might say something like, "
It's over buddy boyo, you'll never
ascend, you will never
krempee with an autistic
stacy gf, you'll never escape your subhumanity, it's time to
rope or
go ER." As you can see,
Black Pillers have a lexicon of terms that are all inside jokes for them in their spaces. An understanding of all this meme terminology is not necessary to understand the scientific principles they discuss, it's only helpful to be able to understand their discourse. Also, LOL at the term
Black Pillers have a very dark but hilarious sense of humor, all of the best humor on the internet comes exlcusively from
Black Pillers. Many of them are actually very jolly when discussing the
Black Pill, and love making people laugh by making light of their plight, and using a lot of belly-laugh-inducing humor and memes to lighten everyone up. Once
Incels have accepted the
Black Pill and have gotten over the
Black Pill Rage (
Red Pill Rage is also a term), they can cope with their struggles by seeing the humorous side of things and engaging in comic relief. This is very common in
Black Pill spaces. I have never laughed as hard in my entire life as I have when watching
Black Pill content. So many funny memories and memes.
I was going to talk about Elliot Rodgers. This is in reference to what happened in 2014. People in the
Black Pill Sphere tend to be divided on the ER question. Some of them idolize Elliot Rodgers, most of them despise him. I shouldn't have to explain what happened, everyone here knows what happened, or can easily look it up. The mainstream media then took the story and ran with it. Federal agencies began making honeypots and hunting
Black Pillers down. The
Black Pill sphere was still populated by many very intelligent and well-meaning people at the time, but once the
Incel concept was thrust into the public consciousness, a batshit-ton of
mentalcels flooded into the
Black Pill Sphere. It became saturated with mentally ill,
low-IQ idiots who started parroting all the lowest common denominator ideas. These are the people that outsiders know as "
incels." As a quick note,
High-IQ and
Low-IQ are frequently used
Black Pill terms. "That's a
high-IQ take, that
Blue Piller is
Low-IQ, etc."
This is when most of the best and brightest
Black Pillers left the scene, and took their knowledge with them. There is almost nothing left of the original
Black Pill nowadays, although some of the OGs are still around.
One such decent, well-mannered, and well-spoken Black Piller is Master Yoda.
Keep in mind that he talks about SEAmaxxing, so although in every other respect
Master Yoda is a very decent man, I'm certainly not claiming that he or any other
Black Piller is knowledgeable about Satanism, National Socialism, or the realities of race.
There's so much more to explain regarding these topics, even this massive post has barely scratched the surface.
The main point I'm getting at here, is that under all the over-saturation of non-intellectuals, venting, sperging and retardation, there are original ideas that don't see the light of day, that are objectively true, and are highly useful to people that can filter out the useless junk, and distill what they learn from the Manosphere into a condensed set of practical idea.
Take the existence and essence of Spiritual Satanism for example. Most people regard the idea of Satanism as a fringe and ridiculous belief, and they haven't seen, or Ancient Forums. There are a lot of retards out there who have taken ideas and knowledge from Joy of Satan and have veered off in nonsensical directions that the Clergy here have repeatedly spoken against, and have made exceptionally clear that they do not condone. This doesn't stop ignorant outsiders from seeing what these retards do in the public eye, and come to the conclusion that the source of their beliefs is wrong based on their antisocial behavior.
This same principle applies to a lot of groups, especially the Manosphere. It is unfortunately so heavily saturated with discourse that most people would find untenable and offensive, that the original concepts that more discerning and thoughtful people would find practical and useful get buried.
Men around the world have been abandoned. They are trying to figure out the truth. Although I say that most of the discourse in the Manosphere is spergy, many of the men there are very decent, calm, and don't actually hate women.
The Masculine Nature is to LOVE women. Men are very sincere, they are very giving, they want women to be happy, they want to live happily ever after with their dream woman. Reality curbstomps most men however, and many of them look around, or happen upon Manosphere content that directly addresses their struggles. This has nothing to do with whether the content is true or not. Almost no one else is actively presenting themselves as being helpful to men.
As soon as the subject of the Manosphere is brought up by outsiders, most people give low-level criticism of the Manosphere, and clearly show they don't know the whole picture. Even if all the criticisms are true, they throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I can easily say that a criminal got their ideas from Joy of Satan Ministries, and that alone would be true. Saying that Joy of Satan Ministries promotes criminal values would be easy to claim. Everyone here will naturally disagree with such a ridiculous idea, as it is clear that here at our forums and website, we do not condone criminal activity. This does not stop a bunch of bad actors outside the forums from committing criminal activity and slapping the title of "Satanism" on it.
The Manosphere is an extremely complex "community." I could easily just make a one-paragraph post saying that they are all bad, jewish and mysogynistic (I cannot for the life of me figure out how to actually spell this word, and I don't care to), it would be so easy to get the brownie points by saying the politically correct thing, but it's not the entire picture. I have sought to make the picture clearer, with objective "journalistic reporting," along with opinion statements of my own.
My take on what the Manosphere talks about is unique, as there are very few of them as thorough as I am. I have long-term ideas.
(at this time, I stopped coloring and highlighting terms, as I need to get this post done and sent)
I found the Black Pill a few years ago. I did a lot of research in the various parts of the Manosphere, I came to my own conclusions regarding what I saw, and I filtered out whatever I found to be hyperbolic or unrealistic. I agreed with much of what I saw, and was and am severely angered at the state of the world. I decided I was going to do something about it.
One day, I was thinking about how much I hate the mainstream media. I then realized that they hate Adolf Hitler. That was when I decided to go ahead and look into the "Alt-RIght." I immediately agreed with much of what I saw, as it was intuitive and made sense.
When I read Mein Kampf, I read it as a BLACK PILLER. I wept several times at Hitler's profound words. I knew that Hitler was right, especially from the perspective of someone who recognizes Lookism as a fact.
I then decided that I was going to do whatever it took to establish an White Ethnostate with Look-based Eugenics as a critical policy. I decided that I was going to research the Occult, as I was willing to use any means to accomplish my goals.
I watched a lot of videos on Astral Projection, Magick, and related subjects.
I was doing all of this for the express purpose of putting what I learned from the Black Pill into practice. I then saw people comment on the videos bringing up a website called At the time, I was too focused on my current study to look at the link. I saw the name of the site a second time, but I was still too focused on my current study to look at the link, or even make a note of it. I didn't even copy and paste the link anywhere or write it down, but the title was catchy enough for me to remember. A couple weeks later, I remembered the name of, and realized that I had exhausted my current occult study material, and figured I would go ahead and take a look.
Reading the joyofsatan website was a profound experience. I read many things that I have believed or suspected even from early childhood. I then saw that Spiritual Satanism answered all the concerns that the Manosphere has. I saw that Magnum Opus leads to Spiritual and PHYSICAL perfection. I then knew that I had found the path to create the Gigachad, the Ubermensch. That is how I got here.
I will provide another anecdote that people here might find interesting. I know that JoS condones being careful and private about our beliefs to outsiders, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. I was in a Black Pill social media space at the time with a regularly used Voice Chat. Half of the discourse there was useless, but the other half was intelligent and informative. Many of the Whites there were supportive of Adolf Hitler. A lot of Black Pillers know that is Hitler had won WW2, the Incel Problem would not exist.
One day, I noticed that someone posted this image in the server:
I felt the urge to go into the VC where at least 8 other Black Pillers were talking, and I spewed forth my Weaponized Autism. I dropped all the truth bombs about Spiritual Satanism, the Kundalini, the Magnum Opus, National Socialism, the creation of the Ubermensch, and much more. One guy joined the VC during my excited speech, and said "This is boring, let's talk about something else." At least two other guys interrupted him, and said ,"No no! Let him speak, don't stop him, he's on a roll!" Everyone there was electrified and captivated by what I was talking about. There are a reasonable amount of Black Pillers who are open-minded to the Occult, and they had no problem with Spiritual Satanism. I posted drawings of Satan there, and people called him a Gigachad

. It was a fantastic and exciting discussion. I had several run-ins with people who did not agree with my message however.
Many people in the Manosphere would be eager to learn about Spiritual Satanism. They may have a lot of ideas that conflict with Spiritual Satanism, but we all have to start somewhere. Someday, the knowledge of JoS should be marketed to these men, as they could really use the help. I already have ideas to this effect.
There is still much ground to cover, but I have to end this post somewhere. I encourage people to ask me anything, I will answer people's questions to the best of my ability. I know I have made enemies with my first post here, and I will make more enemies with this post. I will continue to do what is right.
I thought of more to say, but I will get to it in a future post.
Hail Satan!