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re: "holy spirit"; the "spirit of god" refining and purifying with fire


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
From here.

This may be offensive. It is a question and a point I just thought of, for christians to consider - either if christians come to this forum or perhaps if anyone wishes to use this as an argument point themselves. I do not refer to Satan nor the Gods/Goddesses/Daemons/Daemonesses who exist in real-life; rather, to the fake avatars of Them in the faeire tale story books - the bibles. I also wonder if I might be the first to come up with such thoughts below, and I would like to think that I just did, or perhaps was inspired by Someone or general or specific Energy cajiggers swirling around me.

Zechariah 13:9
"This third I will put into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’"
Also with "this third" being put "into the fire" - Satan defected from "god" because He saw the evil that it was doing, and the evil that it was, and rounded-up "1/3 of the 'angels'", who then became Daemons (in the faerie tale story). Now "god" "sent this 1/3 to christian hell". Interesting. What say you about that, christians?

CHRISTIANS: It doesn't mean that!
Me: Yes, I know it doesn't, but why not?! For all I know - for all you know, since "god" never actually tells you anything clearly and on your level of understanding - for all anyone, including "god" itself,* knows, "god" sent Satan and the now-Daemons to christian hell to purify them... back to... health and roboticism - you know, because "christians in heaven will forget about their loved ones burning in christian hell; christians in heaven are praising and worshipping and kneeling before 'god' for all eternity", etc., etc., etc., whereas "people in christian hell are wide awake and aware of what's happening" and "'god' is not in hell but 'god''s love is (LOL!). For "god" so-loved the World that it created christian hell on purpose... but it loves you!! So since being in Heaven, maybe Satan and the now-Daemons... were like robots, with artificial intelligence who... gained consciousness, conscience, intelligence, feeling, understanding, meaning... and realised what "god" was doing... and "god" hates that, so now being in christian hell as per "god" putting them there, they are being purified so as to be empty shells again. Maybe "god" sent them to christian hell so as to... while "god" created us without the ability to know about its existence immediately, and then send us to christian hell for not knowing it, Satan and the now-Daemons are used so as to "purify us" and "refine us" and "sanctify us"... Then once their job is complete...? With them being in fire also, they'd also be purified, sanctified, refined... So they're being cleansed, and then...? Bearing in mind the bibles contradict themselves endlessly, so really, truly, verily I say unto thee - Satan and the now-Daemons in christian hell are a-OK, and will be back in heaven, worshipping "god" again one day, like the prodigal son. Where did it say this can't happen?

Like I just said - obscurity can be "decided" arbitrarily. If I am an empty shell and I need "god" to do things, then it gave me an imagination that I can't use, so that means it gave me this idea - that we are empty shells and cannot come up with things ourself, then "god" just put that thought into my Brain, so stop crying, christians! I didn't think of it myself! Oh, but because your feewings are huwt now, it was Satan/the now-Daemons who put it in my Brain, not "god" - yet "god" sent them away... and somehow Satan escaped the jail that "god" built and "god" admitted Satan is God of this World... and according to christians all things happen under "god"'s power, with "god" knowing about it... so... "god" put the idea into my head but with your huwt feewings Satan/the now-Daemons put the idea into my head... and if I am in the wrong having these dirty, evil thoughts... why would "god" do this against me? Why torture me? Why tease and use and hurt me? Why allow it, or command it, to happen?! I know christians can carry "their own" cross; christians don't know that they can thrown down "their" cross and free themselves. Life is better not being afraid of committing the "unforgivable sin" - "blaspheming against the holy spirit" - and being afraid of burning forever, because "god" loves you so much that it chose deliberately to create christian hell on purpose, ffs...

...or maybe, as I said, "god" put that thought in my head... or if not then allowed or commanded Satan/the now-Daemons to put that thought in my head, but all as part of the process of refining, sanctifying and purifying me? Your feewings are huwt, so... I don't know how I am the one to be healed and bettered with this thought...

For all I know, Satan and the now-Daemons, being in christian hell, are the actual "holy spirit", prompting us to not do stupid things. Satan did tell Eve that she would surely not die if she had knowledge...

Genesis 3:4-5
"You will not surely die", the serpent told her, "for God knows that on the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

...and as "god" admits, Satan is God of this World... "when you have knowledge, you will surely be as a God/Goddess, with knowledge of good and evil". Not to mention "god" said "he who has eyes, let him see", so Eve having knowledge of good and evil is not a bad thing at all because "god" commanded it! So then... Satan is not the baddie! So... ...

Think about it - "the holy spirit" "comes on" people, changes their Heart, helps for betterment and improvement, and "god" "purifies by fire"... Demon-strations are always helpful...! "god" actually placed a bet - actually wagered-- the loving, caring, benevoloent "god" put money down, with Satan, that Job would continue to be its little bitch. "Look at dis foo', maan. Amma go fuck his life up an' he still gon' love me." Like... who was it? Mike Tyson? "I'll fuck you 'til you love me".

Don't worry - "god" loves you, too! It created christian hell to make you afraid, so that you would love it, and it fucks you(r life up) until you love it, lil' bitch! That can be seen in christians who are struggling - they either leave, or they stay and "love" "god" - Stockholm syndrome.

The jewish authours of the buybulls troll us by telling us the truth coated in its dirty jewish sugar-flavoured coating. We can 'burn' the seeds of Karma in our Souls/Chakras, so that those seeds do not sprout into weeds, so that we can define our life and future and World as we see fit. Purification by fire, 1/3 who will be saved while 2/3 including the little ones will not be saved and the little ones having a hand turnd against them all to end idolatry, 1/3 of the "angels" sent to christian hell. Zechariah 13 (1/3, Zechariah 13? Hm.) begins regarding cleansing the "people of Jerusalem" being cleansed from sin and impurity. Palestine exists, and has been "cleansed" - the j/news mentions "ethnic cleansing" with this what is happening, and has been happening, in the Middle East.

Lastly, I want to ask - I know that "god" created christian hell with malace of forethought... but why did it create christian hell so closely to Earth?! A jail is supposed to be an inescapable place... yet Satan escaped and "god" admits Satan is the God of this World... and is hurting people by giving them knowledge and helping them understand that "god" does evil and that "god" is evil - Satan hurts people by telling them the truth! Oh. The truth hurts. You can't handle the truth! Why, though, put christian hell so close to Earth? "god" sent Satan and the now-Daemons away... to a jail so close to Earth... and made sure heaven is so fucking far away and has an over-the-top vetting process to gain entry to this supposedly not just loving "god" but all-loving "god". If Satan is supposed to be "the Devil", then why make the christian hell jail be so close to us where we live, and the "paradise" of heaven so fucking far away? What the fucking fuck, "god"?

Do we "need" to be so close to the eternal firey furnace, or does the eternal fiery furnace "need" to be so close to us, to be "pure"? It is so close to us so that it is easier for us to be "purified"? "Sanctified by fire?" "Refined" so as to be better, supposedly?

If Satan is the Devil and is "roaming around the Earth", then why fucking make the place that helps us be pure - fire - also be the place were our Teacher, who told us we won't die and our eyes will be open if we have knowledge - should be tortured? It's good for us so we can remain retarded and ignorant, but it's bad for our Teacher Satan for teaching us to not be ignorant?!

If Satan is the Devil and is "roaming around the Earth", then why fucking put the place that "the Devil" is supposed to be punished in, which also supposedly hurts Satan, so close to us where we can be nabbed and hurt and everything, where "the goal" - "heaven" - is so overwhelmingly unreachably far away?!

"god" really is a tormentor, a tormenting troll, a griefer, an antagonisor/the antagonist in this story, if not a retard. Explain, christians.

Tell me, christians. I - you, really - need to know.

*I can't help but swipe at "god" for being so unintelligent; it can't defeat chariots made out of iron despite creating the Universe... which includes iron... It can't heal amputees. It can't... it can't, it friggin' carn'et!
You're too obsessed with xian/jewish nonsense. Just put it out of your mind. Stop giving it life and focus on the Gods. I've been where you were, but the most hateful thing you could do is to put it out of your mind if you want to truly kill it. I've felt far better putting that energy to work towards the Gods.
FancyMancy doesn't have a title or rank against his username so what he says is irrelevant, including for newbs coming here who might never have considered some things before. OK.
FancyMancy doesn't have a title or rank against his username so what he says is irrelevant, including for newbs coming here who might never have considered some things before. OK.
Just because some do not have a title or rank or anything beside their username don't mean that whatever they say is irrelevant, that's bullshit.

Also , Seeker in the Dark is right, you should remember that the bible's and most of the things you see are simply false information's , stolen , modified from far away older civilizations and religions. You're basically reading non-sense and false and unnecessarily shit.
If you want some good knowledge then read a book of Friedrich Nietzsche , there's plenty , also much more about mythology that you could go into , not the stupid shit that the enemy try to brainwash upon people with their illusions and fear tactics.
Just because some do not have a title or rank or anything beside their username don't mean that whatever they say is irrelevant, that's bullshit.

Also , Seeker in the Dark is right, you should remember that the bible's and most of the things you see are simply false information's , stolen , modified from far away older civilizations and religions. You're basically reading non-sense and false and unnecessarily shit.
If you want some good knowledge then read a book of Friedrich Nietzsche , there's plenty , also much more about mythology that you could go into , not the stupid shit that the enemy try to brainwash upon people with their illusions and fear tactics.
I am a former christian. I know about it. Anyone can see what I post and think about things and realise the retardation of christianity. For example - once we (are "allowed" to know that we have) discover(ed) etraterrestrial life on other Planets, will "jesus" have to die on each of those Planets to "save" those people? I know christianity is bullshit. This forum is not "meditate and do nothing else, all work and no play only".

Speaking of not playing - https://ancient-forums.com/threads/funny-humour-how-to-cheat-death.293841/post-1099517
From here.

This may be offensive. It is a question and a point I just thought of, for christians to consider - either if christians come to this forum or perhaps if anyone wishes to use this as an argument point themselves. I do not refer to Satan nor the Gods/Goddesses/Daemons/Daemonesses who exist in real-life; rather, to the fake avatars of Them in the faeire tale story books - the bibles. I also wonder if I might be the first to come up with such thoughts below, and I would like to think that I just did, or perhaps was inspired by Someone or general or specific Energy cajiggers swirling around me.

Also with "this third" being put "into the fire" - Satan defected from "god" because He saw the evil that it was doing, and the evil that it was, and rounded-up "1/3 of the 'angels'", who then became Daemons (in the faerie tale story). Now "god" "sent this 1/3 to christian hell". Interesting. What say you about that, christians?

CHRISTIANS: It doesn't mean that!
Me: Yes, I know it doesn't, but why not?! For all I know - for all you know, since "god" never actually tells you anything clearly and on your level of understanding - for all anyone, including "god" itself,* knows, "god" sent Satan and the now-Daemons to christian hell to purify them... back to... health and roboticism - you know, because "christians in heaven will forget about their loved ones burning in christian hell; christians in heaven are praising and worshipping and kneeling before 'god' for all eternity", etc., etc., etc., whereas "people in christian hell are wide awake and aware of what's happening" and "'god' is not in hell but 'god''s love is (LOL!). For "god" so-loved the World that it created christian hell on purpose... but it loves you!! So since being in Heaven, maybe Satan and the now-Daemons... were like robots, with artificial intelligence who... gained consciousness, conscience, intelligence, feeling, understanding, meaning... and realised what "god" was doing... and "god" hates that, so now being in christian hell as per "god" putting them there, they are being purified so as to be empty shells again. Maybe "god" sent them to christian hell so as to... while "god" created us without the ability to know about its existence immediately, and then send us to christian hell for not knowing it, Satan and the now-Daemons are used so as to "purify us" and "refine us" and "sanctify us"... Then once their job is complete...? With them being in fire also, they'd also be purified, sanctified, refined... So they're being cleansed, and then...? Bearing in mind the bibles contradict themselves endlessly, so really, truly, verily I say unto thee - Satan and the now-Daemons in christian hell are a-OK, and will be back in heaven, worshipping "god" again one day, like the prodigal son. Where did it say this can't happen?

Like I just said - obscurity can be "decided" arbitrarily. If I am an empty shell and I need "god" to do things, then it gave me an imagination that I can't use, so that means it gave me this idea - that we are empty shells and cannot come up with things ourself, then "god" just put that thought into my Brain, so stop crying, christians! I didn't think of it myself! Oh, but because your feewings are huwt now, it was Satan/the now-Daemons who put it in my Brain, not "god" - yet "god" sent them away... and somehow Satan escaped the jail that "god" built and "god" admitted Satan is God of this World... and according to christians all things happen under "god"'s power, with "god" knowing about it... so... "god" put the idea into my head but with your huwt feewings Satan/the now-Daemons put the idea into my head... and if I am in the wrong having these dirty, evil thoughts... why would "god" do this against me? Why torture me? Why tease and use and hurt me? Why allow it, or command it, to happen?! I know christians can carry "their own" cross; christians don't know that they can thrown down "their" cross and free themselves. Life is better not being afraid of committing the "unforgivable sin" - "blaspheming against the holy spirit" - and being afraid of burning forever, because "god" loves you so much that it chose deliberately to create christian hell on purpose, ffs...

...or maybe, as I said, "god" put that thought in my head... or if not then allowed or commanded Satan/the now-Daemons to put that thought in my head, but all as part of the process of refining, sanctifying and purifying me? Your feewings are huwt, so... I don't know how I am the one to be healed and bettered with this thought...

For all I know, Satan and the now-Daemons, being in christian hell, are the actual "holy spirit", prompting us to not do stupid things. Satan did tell Eve that she would surely not die if she had knowledge...

Genesis 3:4-5
"You will not surely die", the serpent told her, "for God knows that on the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

...and as "god" admits, Satan is God of this World... "when you have knowledge, you will surely be as a God/Goddess, with knowledge of good and evil". Not to mention "god" said "he who has eyes, let him see", so Eve having knowledge of good and evil is not a bad thing at all because "god" commanded it! So then... Satan is not the baddie! So... ...

Think about it - "the holy spirit" "comes on" people, changes their Heart, helps for betterment and improvement, and "god" "purifies by fire"... Demon-strations are always helpful...! "god" actually placed a bet - actually wagered-- the loving, caring, benevoloent "god" put money down, with Satan, that Job would continue to be its little bitch. "Look at dis foo', maan. Amma go fuck his life up an' he still gon' love me." Like... who was it? Mike Tyson? "I'll fuck you 'til you love me".

Don't worry - "god" loves you, too! It created christian hell to make you afraid, so that you would love it, and it fucks you(r life up) until you love it, lil' bitch! That can be seen in christians who are struggling - they either leave, or they stay and "love" "god" - Stockholm syndrome.

The jewish authours of the buybulls troll us by telling us the truth coated in its dirty jewish sugar-flavoured coating. We can 'burn' the seeds of Karma in our Souls/Chakras, so that those seeds do not sprout into weeds, so that we can define our life and future and World as we see fit. Purification by fire, 1/3 who will be saved while 2/3 including the little ones will not be saved and the little ones having a hand turnd against them all to end idolatry, 1/3 of the "angels" sent to christian hell. Zechariah 13 (1/3, Zechariah 13? Hm.) begins regarding cleansing the "people of Jerusalem" being cleansed from sin and impurity. Palestine exists, and has been "cleansed" - the j/news mentions "ethnic cleansing" with this what is happening, and has been happening, in the Middle East.

Lastly, I want to ask - I know that "god" created christian hell with malace of forethought... but why did it create christian hell so closely to Earth?! A jail is supposed to be an inescapable place... yet Satan escaped and "god" admits Satan is the God of this World... and is hurting people by giving them knowledge and helping them understand that "god" does evil and that "god" is evil - Satan hurts people by telling them the truth! Oh. The truth hurts. You can't handle the truth! Why, though, put christian hell so close to Earth? "god" sent Satan and the now-Daemons away... to a jail so close to Earth... and made sure heaven is so fucking far away and has an over-the-top vetting process to gain entry to this supposedly not just loving "god" but all-loving "god". If Satan is supposed to be "the Devil", then why make the christian hell jail be so close to us where we live, and the "paradise" of heaven so fucking far away? What the fucking fuck, "god"?

Do we "need" to be so close to the eternal firey furnace, or does the eternal fiery furnace "need" to be so close to us, to be "pure"? It is so close to us so that it is easier for us to be "purified"? "Sanctified by fire?" "Refined" so as to be better, supposedly?

If Satan is the Devil and is "roaming around the Earth", then why fucking make the place that helps us be pure - fire - also be the place were our Teacher, who told us we won't die and our eyes will be open if we have knowledge - should be tortured? It's good for us so we can remain retarded and ignorant, but it's bad for our Teacher Satan for teaching us to not be ignorant?!

If Satan is the Devil and is "roaming around the Earth", then why fucking put the place that "the Devil" is supposed to be punished in, which also supposedly hurts Satan, so close to us where we can be nabbed and hurt and everything, where "the goal" - "heaven" - is so overwhelmingly unreachably far away?!

"god" really is a tormentor, a tormenting troll, a griefer, an antagonisor/the antagonist in this story, if not a retard. Explain, christians.

Tell me, christians. I - you, really - need to know.

*I can't help but swipe at "god" for being so unintelligent; it can't defeat chariots made out of iron despite creating the Universe... which includes iron... It can't heal amputees. It can't... it can't, it friggin' carn'et!
Why are you asking something from Christians on a Spiritual Satanist forum? Makes no sense. And I second the above sentiment that you obsess way too much about Christianity anyway. Gods and their influence in our lives are much more important at this point of time.
You're far too gone and in depth absorbed by the enemy curses and their bullshit. You're exactly like one of my friends "I'm studying Christianity because there's something good as well to be learned (there's fucking not) it's just that's put differently ". Excuses for getting ur life wasted. Honestly you got so much knowledge but you decide to read a scam book, why...? You got the free knowledge about aliens, about the occult, about what life fucking is n stuff and you're reading one of the most discussing and retarded book instead? What's wrong with you?
Isn't there a new member here who said they've been a christian for 4 years? Can't christians come here to "know their enemy" and try and "correct" us? Is the Joy of Satan forum for Spiritual Satanists only, a closed-door club? Can't new people come here who might be searching for occult things, those who might be defecting from xianity and/or rebelling against "god" to be a "Devil worshipper" then find this forum - which is exactly what I did when I found the JoS? Maybe only Spiritual Satanists are "allowed" to be here.

I'm not "too far gone". I dumped xianity years ago. I'm making points. Anyone can read things. See this -

There were posts about Andrew Tate and the owner of Gab, and at least one of the threads was named something like "A Reply to [x person]" - I think it was a reply to the owner of Gab who is a christian, who might or might not come here and read this forum. The HPs can do that; why can't I? Stop being so religious.

I never said anything about their being anything good in the bibles, nor studying it. Search through my posts and see where I claimed anything like that - and make sure you use your Brain and don't take anything out of context in your arbitrary emotional arguing to try and make it fit your point.

I'm not reading a scam book and I'm not reading it instead. Where did I say "I read a scam book" and "instead"? Stop inferring, and ask me, instead of claiming I am doing things.

What's wrong with me? I am too subtle for people who need to be spoon-fed directly and in extremely obvious ways.

Let's consider this - those who made the exposing christianity site also "obsessed" over it. There is a lot more on there than I have shared. They're not "obsessing", though, of course. I don't have an "anti-xianity researcher", or something else relevant, title/rank/status with my username. If I did, everyone would be praising me and saying how good my work is and thanking me for what I do. Maybe I'm glad I'm not a cult of personality following.

I made a thread about dystopia and communism in the World, with xianity's buildings being so amazingly beautiful and architectural - and no, that is not a positive point about xianity; it is an appreciation for Human creativity and design - while people live in shit flats, crammed together in cramped homes, cookie-cutter neighbourhoods, run-down streets, etc. I thought that made sense, but an extention of that here means I am "too far gone" - while ignoring and/or not caring to know what I am actually doing. I was going to make a thread, after more research, about what evils xianity has done in the past, highlighting contradictions and the deliberate closed-mindedness of xians and what they bullshit about, instead of being real - but maybe I shouldn't. Maybe that knowledge will remain hidden, secret, occult now instead and you can fuck yourselves and go and fucking do it yourself, instead.

Don't fucking accuse me. I am not pre-moderated; I can post freely on this forum without moderator approval. I have proven myself at least in that. Stop being ignorant. I don't need this bullshit of being under a microscope with a spotlight on me for trying to do things to help.

Have I been doing things ineffectively, incorrectly?

Thanks for telling me "yes, you have", finally.

Why don't anyone who agrees with sentiments here go and do research and share findings? "Because we don't need to. It's all on the JoS sites." OK, so 1 website says something and you accept it? Sheep. Go fuck bleat off. Do peer-reviewing. Do the Scientific Method. Don't be a closed-minded sheep being led by a shepherd to the slaughter. Think for yourself, or go fuck yourself.

Some of my experience which I have shared has correlated with others completely separately and individually from myself. They and I had similar results. This wasn't a collaboration nor a deliberate test to check the findings, to see if what the meditations says works works, but the results were the same/very similar. I've had many concidences, including when I wanted to know/post about something, it was done already or soon after, mostly in a HP/HPS thread. This is what I might consider to be 'beyond the Scientific Method', because I hadn't mentioned it yet and then it appeared in their thread at the right time - and I'm not the only one; others have experienced this, as well.

Possibly my first one of peer-reviewing, which I didn't choose to do on purpose, was with a topic that ... that infiltrator who pretended to be a HP did. I did my own thing without seeing that thread, and it replied to me saying that it had done that topic already. I found it good that I found similar things myself. This strengthens what is said on this forum, what claims are made. All christians can do is bleat along and follow where the shepherd sends them, all a part of "god"'s so-called "plan", and ignore any and all contradictions, with faith, not with facts. I do my own thing, and I am not perfect but if it aligns with what others have done separately from me, then that is like an unintentional peer-reviewing, finding similar results, to get a conclusion, an actual answer. If things are incorrect, they will be corrected.

I get a reply, off-topic, about this because it mentions Satan and the Daemons being "sent to christian hell" by "god", ignoring the meaning of what I was on about. Maybe use your Brain - anyone here, which includes people who do Internet warfare, can use anything I say, any points I raise, any jokes or sarcasm (depending on how they approach their Internet warfare) and use it for themselves, if they like it. It is an open forum and anyone can use things from here - including someone in Asia who stole JoS material and tried selling it, which a member found and mentioned.

Answer me this - will "jesus" have to "die on the cross" on every single Planet in the entire Universe for each and every single species who "needs saving"? I mentioned this before, and I didn't get any responses. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but who else came up with that realisation about "jesus" dying on Earth meaning that it didn't die on all other Planets inhabited with intelligent life?

Thanks for shoving vinegar in my eyes, shooting me down, instead of feeding me honey, encouraging me with things that I find important. You go and do your own job, or better yet - go and do a better job than me.
Isn't there a new member here who said they've been a christian for 4 years? Can't christians come here to "know their enemy" and try and "correct" us? Is the Joy of Satan forum for Spiritual Satanists only, a closed-door club? Can't new people come here who might be searching for occult things, those who might be defecting from xianity and/or rebelling against "god" to be a "Devil worshipper" then find this forum - which is exactly what I did when I found the JoS? Maybe only Spiritual Satanists are "allowed" to be here.

I'm not "too far gone". I dumped xianity years ago. I'm making points. Anyone can read things. See this -

There were posts about Andrew Tate and the owner of Gab, and at least one of the threads was named something like "A Reply to [x person]" - I think it was a reply to the owner of Gab who is a christian, who might or might not come here and read this forum. The HPs can do that; why can't I? Stop being so religious.

I never said anything about their being anything good in the bibles, nor studying it. Search through my posts and see where I claimed anything like that - and make sure you use your Brain and don't take anything out of context in your arbitrary emotional arguing to try and make it fit your point.

I'm not reading a scam book and I'm not reading it instead. Where did I say "I read a scam book" and "instead"? Stop inferring, and ask me, instead of claiming I am doing things.

What's wrong with me? I am too subtle for people who need to be spoon-fed directly and in extremely obvious ways.

Let's consider this - those who made the exposing christianity site also "obsessed" over it. There is a lot more on there than I have shared. They're not "obsessing", though, of course. I don't have an "anti-xianity researcher", or something else relevant, title/rank/status with my username. If I did, everyone would be praising me and saying how good my work is and thanking me for what I do. Maybe I'm glad I'm not a cult of personality following.

I made a thread about dystopia and communism in the World, with xianity's buildings being so amazingly beautiful and architectural - and no, that is not a positive point about xianity; it is an appreciation for Human creativity and design - while people live in shit flats, crammed together in cramped homes, cookie-cutter neighbourhoods, run-down streets, etc. I thought that made sense, but an extention of that here means I am "too far gone" - while ignoring and/or not caring to know what I am actually doing. I was going to make a thread, after more research, about what evils xianity has done in the past, highlighting contradictions and the deliberate closed-mindedness of xians and what they bullshit about, instead of being real - but maybe I shouldn't. Maybe that knowledge will remain hidden, secret, occult now instead and you can fuck yourselves and go and fucking do it yourself, instead.

Don't fucking accuse me. I am not pre-moderated; I can post freely on this forum without moderator approval. I have proven myself at least in that. Stop being ignorant. I don't need this bullshit of being under a microscope with a spotlight on me for trying to do things to help.

Have I been doing things ineffectively, incorrectly?

Thanks for telling me "yes, you have", finally.

Why don't anyone who agrees with sentiments here go and do research and share findings? "Because we don't need to. It's all on the JoS sites." OK, so 1 website says something and you accept it? Sheep. Go fuck bleat off. Do peer-reviewing. Do the Scientific Method. Don't be a closed-minded sheep being led by a shepherd to the slaughter. Think for yourself, or go fuck yourself.

Some of my experience which I have shared has correlated with others completely separately and individually from myself. They and I had similar results. This wasn't a collaboration nor a deliberate test to check the findings, to see if what the meditations says works works, but the results were the same/very similar. I've had many concidences, including when I wanted to know/post about something, it was done already or soon after, mostly in a HP/HPS thread. This is what I might consider to be 'beyond the Scientific Method', because I hadn't mentioned it yet and then it appeared in their thread at the right time - and I'm not the only one; others have experienced this, as well.

Possibly my first one of peer-reviewing, which I didn't choose to do on purpose, was with a topic that ... that infiltrator who pretended to be a HP did. I did my own thing without seeing that thread, and it replied to me saying that it had done that topic already. I found it good that I found similar things myself. This strengthens what is said on this forum, what claims are made. All christians can do is bleat along and follow where the shepherd sends them, all a part of "god"'s so-called "plan", and ignore any and all contradictions, with faith, not with facts. I do my own thing, and I am not perfect but if it aligns with what others have done separately from me, then that is like an unintentional peer-reviewing, finding similar results, to get a conclusion, an actual answer. If things are incorrect, they will be corrected.

I get a reply, off-topic, about this because it mentions Satan and the Daemons being "sent to christian hell" by "god", ignoring the meaning of what I was on about. Maybe use your Brain - anyone here, which includes people who do Internet warfare, can use anything I say, any points I raise, any jokes or sarcasm (depending on how they approach their Internet warfare) and use it for themselves, if they like it. It is an open forum and anyone can use things from here - including someone in Asia who stole JoS material and tried selling it, which a member found and mentioned.

Answer me this - will "jesus" have to "die on the cross" on every single Planet in the entire Universe for each and every single species who "needs saving"? I mentioned this before, and I didn't get any responses. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but who else came up with that realisation about "jesus" dying on Earth meaning that it didn't die on all other Planets inhabited with intelligent life?

Thanks for shoving vinegar in my eyes, shooting me down, instead of feeding me honey, encouraging me with things that I find important. You go and do your own job, or better yet - go and do a better job than me.
to answer your question, xians don’t believe aliens exist so no, he only died for humans according to them. It’s going to get real awkward for them when aliens show up for real, although xians have already geared for that with two main narratives to answer the alien question:

1) Project Bluebeam, where a fake alien invasion will be orchestrated to be used to establish the NWO, a global threat like covid basically

2) That aliens are just fallen angels/demons, the bible already mentions that angels have physical himan forms

So any alien species that shows up will just be branded as “demons” trying to deceive people into leaving christianity which relies on humans being the only intelligent sentient life.
Isn't there a new member here who said they've been a christian for 4 years? Can't christians come here to "know their enemy" and try and "correct" us? Is the Joy of Satan forum for Spiritual Satanists only, a closed-door club? Can't new people come here who might be searching for occult things, those who might be defecting from xianity and/or rebelling against "god" to be a "Devil worshipper" then find this forum - which is exactly what I did when I found the JoS? Maybe only Spiritual Satanists are "allowed" to be here.

I'm not "too far gone". I dumped xianity years ago. I'm making points. Anyone can read things. See this -

There were posts about Andrew Tate and the owner of Gab, and at least one of the threads was named something like "A Reply to [x person]" - I think it was a reply to the owner of Gab who is a christian, who might or might not come here and read this forum. The HPs can do that; why can't I? Stop being so religious.

I never said anything about their being anything good in the bibles, nor studying it. Search through my posts and see where I claimed anything like that - and make sure you use your Brain and don't take anything out of context in your arbitrary emotional arguing to try and make it fit your point.

I'm not reading a scam book and I'm not reading it instead. Where did I say "I read a scam book" and "instead"? Stop inferring, and ask me, instead of claiming I am doing things.

What's wrong with me? I am too subtle for people who need to be spoon-fed directly and in extremely obvious ways.

Let's consider this - those who made the exposing christianity site also "obsessed" over it. There is a lot more on there than I have shared. They're not "obsessing", though, of course. I don't have an "anti-xianity researcher", or something else relevant, title/rank/status with my username. If I did, everyone would be praising me and saying how good my work is and thanking me for what I do. Maybe I'm glad I'm not a cult of personality following.

I made a thread about dystopia and communism in the World, with xianity's buildings being so amazingly beautiful and architectural - and no, that is not a positive point about xianity; it is an appreciation for Human creativity and design - while people live in shit flats, crammed together in cramped homes, cookie-cutter neighbourhoods, run-down streets, etc. I thought that made sense, but an extention of that here means I am "too far gone" - while ignoring and/or not caring to know what I am actually doing. I was going to make a thread, after more research, about what evils xianity has done in the past, highlighting contradictions and the deliberate closed-mindedness of xians and what they bullshit about, instead of being real - but maybe I shouldn't. Maybe that knowledge will remain hidden, secret, occult now instead and you can fuck yourselves and go and fucking do it yourself, instead.

Don't fucking accuse me. I am not pre-moderated; I can post freely on this forum without moderator approval. I have proven myself at least in that. Stop being ignorant. I don't need this bullshit of being under a microscope with a spotlight on me for trying to do things to help.

Have I been doing things ineffectively, incorrectly?

Thanks for telling me "yes, you have", finally.

Why don't anyone who agrees with sentiments here go and do research and share findings? "Because we don't need to. It's all on the JoS sites." OK, so 1 website says something and you accept it? Sheep. Go fuck bleat off. Do peer-reviewing. Do the Scientific Method. Don't be a closed-minded sheep being led by a shepherd to the slaughter. Think for yourself, or go fuck yourself.

Some of my experience which I have shared has correlated with others completely separately and individually from myself. They and I had similar results. This wasn't a collaboration nor a deliberate test to check the findings, to see if what the meditations says works works, but the results were the same/very similar. I've had many concidences, including when I wanted to know/post about something, it was done already or soon after, mostly in a HP/HPS thread. This is what I might consider to be 'beyond the Scientific Method', because I hadn't mentioned it yet and then it appeared in their thread at the right time - and I'm not the only one; others have experienced this, as well.

Possibly my first one of peer-reviewing, which I didn't choose to do on purpose, was with a topic that ... that infiltrator who pretended to be a HP did. I did my own thing without seeing that thread, and it replied to me saying that it had done that topic already. I found it good that I found similar things myself. This strengthens what is said on this forum, what claims are made. All christians can do is bleat along and follow where the shepherd sends them, all a part of "god"'s so-called "plan", and ignore any and all contradictions, with faith, not with facts. I do my own thing, and I am not perfect but if it aligns with what others have done separately from me, then that is like an unintentional peer-reviewing, finding similar results, to get a conclusion, an actual answer. If things are incorrect, they will be corrected.

I get a reply, off-topic, about this because it mentions Satan and the Daemons being "sent to christian hell" by "god", ignoring the meaning of what I was on about. Maybe use your Brain - anyone here, which includes people who do Internet warfare, can use anything I say, any points I raise, any jokes or sarcasm (depending on how they approach their Internet warfare) and use it for themselves, if they like it. It is an open forum and anyone can use things from here - including someone in Asia who stole JoS material and tried selling it, which a member found and mentioned.

Answer me this - will "jesus" have to "die on the cross" on every single Planet in the entire Universe for each and every single species who "needs saving"? I mentioned this before, and I didn't get any responses. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but who else came up with that realisation about "jesus" dying on Earth meaning that it didn't die on all other Planets inhabited with intelligent life?

Thanks for shoving vinegar in my eyes, shooting me down, instead of feeding me honey, encouraging me with things that I find important. You go and do your own job, or better yet - go and do a better job than me.
Isn't there a new member here who said they've been a christian for 4 years? Can't christians come here to "know their enemy" and try and "correct" us? Is the Joy of Satan forum for Spiritual Satanists only, a closed-door club? Can't new people come here who might be searching for occult things, those who might be defecting from xianity and/or rebelling against "god" to be a "Devil worshipper" then find this forum - which is exactly what I did when I found the JoS? Maybe only Spiritual Satanists are "allowed" to be here.

I'm not "too far gone". I dumped xianity years ago. I'm making points. Anyone can read things. See this -

There were posts about Andrew Tate and the owner of Gab, and at least one of the threads was named something like "A Reply to [x person]" - I think it was a reply to the owner of Gab who is a christian, who might or might not come here and read this forum. The HPs can do that; why can't I? Stop being so religious.

I never said anything about their being anything good in the bibles, nor studying it. Search through my posts and see where I claimed anything like that - and make sure you use your Brain and don't take anything out of context in your arbitrary emotional arguing to try and make it fit your point.

I'm not reading a scam book and I'm not reading it instead. Where did I say "I read a scam book" and "instead"? Stop inferring, and ask me, instead of claiming I am doing things.

What's wrong with me? I am too subtle for people who need to be spoon-fed directly and in extremely obvious ways.

Let's consider this - those who made the exposing christianity site also "obsessed" over it. There is a lot more on there than I have shared. They're not "obsessing", though, of course. I don't have an "anti-xianity researcher", or something else relevant, title/rank/status with my username. If I did, everyone would be praising me and saying how good my work is and thanking me for what I do. Maybe I'm glad I'm not a cult of personality following.

I made a thread about dystopia and communism in the World, with xianity's buildings being so amazingly beautiful and architectural - and no, that is not a positive point about xianity; it is an appreciation for Human creativity and design - while people live in shit flats, crammed together in cramped homes, cookie-cutter neighbourhoods, run-down streets, etc. I thought that made sense, but an extention of that here means I am "too far gone" - while ignoring and/or not caring to know what I am actually doing. I was going to make a thread, after more research, about what evils xianity has done in the past, highlighting contradictions and the deliberate closed-mindedness of xians and what they bullshit about, instead of being real - but maybe I shouldn't. Maybe that knowledge will remain hidden, secret, occult now instead and you can fuck yourselves and go and fucking do it yourself, instead.

Don't fucking accuse me. I am not pre-moderated; I can post freely on this forum without moderator approval. I have proven myself at least in that. Stop being ignorant. I don't need this bullshit of being under a microscope with a spotlight on me for trying to do things to help.

Have I been doing things ineffectively, incorrectly?

Thanks for telling me "yes, you have", finally.

Why don't anyone who agrees with sentiments here go and do research and share findings? "Because we don't need to. It's all on the JoS sites." OK, so 1 website says something and you accept it? Sheep. Go fuck bleat off. Do peer-reviewing. Do the Scientific Method. Don't be a closed-minded sheep being led by a shepherd to the slaughter. Think for yourself, or go fuck yourself.

Some of my experience which I have shared has correlated with others completely separately and individually from myself. They and I had similar results. This wasn't a collaboration nor a deliberate test to check the findings, to see if what the meditations says works works, but the results were the same/very similar. I've had many concidences, including when I wanted to know/post about something, it was done already or soon after, mostly in a HP/HPS thread. This is what I might consider to be 'beyond the Scientific Method', because I hadn't mentioned it yet and then it appeared in their thread at the right time - and I'm not the only one; others have experienced this, as well.

Possibly my first one of peer-reviewing, which I didn't choose to do on purpose, was with a topic that ... that infiltrator who pretended to be a HP did. I did my own thing without seeing that thread, and it replied to me saying that it had done that topic already. I found it good that I found similar things myself. This strengthens what is said on this forum, what claims are made. All christians can do is bleat along and follow where the shepherd sends them, all a part of "god"'s so-called "plan", and ignore any and all contradictions, with faith, not with facts. I do my own thing, and I am not perfect but if it aligns with what others have done separately from me, then that is like an unintentional peer-reviewing, finding similar results, to get a conclusion, an actual answer. If things are incorrect, they will be corrected.

I get a reply, off-topic, about this because it mentions Satan and the Daemons being "sent to christian hell" by "god", ignoring the meaning of what I was on about. Maybe use your Brain - anyone here, which includes people who do Internet warfare, can use anything I say, any points I raise, any jokes or sarcasm (depending on how they approach their Internet warfare) and use it for themselves, if they like it. It is an open forum and anyone can use things from here - including someone in Asia who stole JoS material and tried selling it, which a member found and mentioned.

Answer me this - will "jesus" have to "die on the cross" on every single Planet in the entire Universe for each and every single species who "needs saving"? I mentioned this before, and I didn't get any responses. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but who else came up with that realisation about "jesus" dying on Earth meaning that it didn't die on all other Planets inhabited with intelligent life?

Thanks for shoving vinegar in my eyes, shooting me down, instead of feeding me honey, encouraging me with things that I find important. You go and do your own job, or better yet - go and do a better job than me.
Alright, a fair point.
purified with fire like cleansing sin ( bad karmic and similar) for this can be ask help with Hephaistos with him fire or ask Satan with him blue fire.
I realise my reply above is a bit over-the-top. It's more exaggerated than it should be. At least it wasn't subtle, though! I see things whch might inspire ideas and I probably share it. I hope some appreciate it and learn things from what I post; I hope others know more than I do already, as well. I might be obsessing a bit, as said, but I have a to-do list of things. The thing I said above where I said I might not do it, about xian crimes and how xians lie and what-not, I might or might not do. That depends on how it goes; I might not need to do it, just like any items. There's also non-xian things, as well.

to answer your question, xians don’t believe aliens exist so no, he only died for humans according to them. It’s going to get real awkward for them when aliens show up for real, although xians have already geared for that with two main narratives to answer the alien question:

1) Project Bluebeam, where a fake alien invasion will be orchestrated to be used to establish the NWO, a global threat like covid basically

2) That aliens are just fallen angels/demons, the bible already mentions that angels have physical himan forms

So any alien species that shows up will just be branded as “demons” trying to deceive people into leaving christianity which relies on humans being the only intelligent sentient life.
Of course. In real-life, however...! Again, I refer to Doylian v Watsonian, which chrisitans consider to be the same. Also which I think I mentioned before, in the chuch I used to attend someone said to someone else something to do with preaching "the good news" to ETs if they landed or we went 'out there' or beyond the firmament!. IT was a simple question, like "What if we found aliens?", and the obvious, robotic-reply, autistically-triggered knee-jerk reaction was "preach 'the good news'", but in this case it was more in a jokey way - "Have you heard about our 'lord and saviour' jesus christ?". Back then, I was in with it. Now... I lol in such sarcasm and derision. Aliens would know it doesn't exist, and these superfans, these groupies, these cosplayers who call themselve christians are trying to teach a solid-fuel rocket (13th century) scientist how to buld the Starship Enterprise (23rd century+)! PMSFL! Ohhhh... that. is. hilarious.

Although I am replying to you, I am not directing this to you. I would like actual, direct biblcal scripture - even just 1 single scripture - which mentions the existence of ETs, as in actual aliens, intelligent life on other Planets, not things which are ambiguous, or "could be", or can be interpreted as such. I don't count "stars in the sky... will be your descendants" because xianity is Earth-centric, as per two contradictory accounts of "the creation". I'd even settle for scripture from the catholic bibles with extra/different books, the septuagint, the apochrypha! For whatever reasons, these things are not in the regular bibles, in all bibles...

The "demons" who any ETs would supposedly be can be discredited because the bibles say "false-prophets". These ETs who would be powerful enough to build spaceships who may or may not be Magickal, presuming any spacefaring species are not immortal, would not claim to be prophets at all; they'd merely visit and people would see their space vehicles, and christians probably would cry "false prophet!"; any spacefaring species who are Magickal also would not claim to be prophets; they don't come in the name of jewsus, etc., other arguments/points, etc. - and christians will re-define, re-interpret, i.e. cherry-pick and choose, that it means something else... e.g. "one who does magical feats, but not in jeezuss name, is a false-prophet". Even jewsus itself, if the reptilians fashioned a jesus-like jew, would be ignored! It's quite obvious that christians would not believe it is "the actual jesus"; they would not believe, accept, agree that it is "the second coming"! Even if it turned water into wine by use of Star Trek-like teleportation technology, or walked on water with some helium-filled invisibility-cloaked floaty boots, they still would decide it's a false-prophet!

I know hardly anything about Project Bluebeam, which appears to be enough, on the surface. Controliling the minds of individuals? MK Ultra, hey? Coronavirus - what I say is a test to see how we react, and to implement things differently again later, which might be in about 2029 or so as per an authour of a book mentioning (but not by name) covid19 before it happened, and mentioning it coming back about 10 years later. I wonder if this authour who mentioned a pandemic before it happened was a false-prophet, much like Nostradamus's vague, overlapping and many claims.

I would go ask these things to christians, but I know it is a waste of time and would result in it being a fruitless endevour - "ask and you shall recieve"? Lying "god"! - christians don't give me answers to the questions I ask - and they're the wisest, most-knowledgeable and spiritual of the lot! : puke: If 1 christian finds their way to this forum and ministry, then... I say this genuinely albeit stupidly and wishfully - maybe others will... Maybe... Then I might get answers, as probably unsatisfying and ignorant, prehaps irrelevant, as I presume the answers would be.

I wish christians would give a proper answer. They'd claim ETs don't exist, and as you said any ETs would be called "demons", so the answer they give would be based on that. Of course, any answers that they would give would not be open-minded and considering the actual, real-life possibility of ETs actually existing; rather, the answers would be biblical and biased.

purified with fire like cleansing sin ( bad karmic and similar) for this can be ask help with Hephaistos with him fire or ask Satan with him blue fire.
That is a good point. I think by now I don't really need to ask for cleansing help with things. I shouldn't rely on others, when I could do things myself.

Dear any christians who might be open-minded enough, while still praying for the JoS and its members/users and possibly getting hints, tips and psychological tricks and tactics advice from their pastor - what do you think and what do you say about the CIA documents claiming life on Mars exits, and what do you say and think about life existing on Mars/off-Earth, beyond "the firmament"? These very tall people could very well be the Nephilim as described in Genesis 6. (Also click here.) I know the Moon is supposed to "govern the night sky", which bounces light off the day-light, the Sun, but why the stars? What are those tiny twinkly light for, if not to support actual extraterrestrial life on non-Earth Planets?

Lastly - I spoke with a christian once, from another country, so language barriers were in-place. Blah, blah, blah, I asked where is "god", and he pointed upwards. I looked around and asked, "Where? In the sky?". "No", gesturing upper, so I replied, "Extraterrestrial?", and the answer was, no, not extraterrestrial... Actually, by definition, I think yes... extraterrestrial... and then when we learn, realise and understand the reptillians...! Ooh, boy. If "god" is "everywhere", being omnipresent, then it is in that underaged Boy's bedroom right now watching its holy "priest" violating that Boy... and your prayers do nothing to heal that Boy, and you don't do prayers to prevent that Boy from being harmed in the first place and on the rare occasion you do do prayers to prevent that Boy from being harmed in the first place... they don't work, whether that "priest" is a No True Scotsman or not... For all I know, the holy spirit... and these are not my words; they are biblical... came upon the "priest" and is causing the "priest" to make Childrens' lives terrible, on purpose - that fits in with the "loving" "god" of the bibles, razing and destroying and murdering and drowning, etc. Such loving evil. A wholy (fully) holey (full of holes) holy (godly) spirit. Oh, and it's the 24th of December - wholey, holey, holy spirit, ho-ho-ho... hahaha. The bibles are full of holes, including plot holes, and the "spirit" is once, twice, three times as holey...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
