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Question about servitors

Do you mean can you turn your servitor into a poltergeist who is friendly because that's weird since he should already be friendly I.e he is your servant.
Batman lover said:
Can you turn your servitor into a friendly poltergeist like being?

Probably if you are strong enough. But then again I do not think that you are strong enough.
As described on the Joy of Satan, a servitor is basically a lesser soul already; and when "fed" and programmed repeatedly, they can become more sophisticated, stronger, and remain longer with you. It's said that some witches have kept their servitors for many lifetimes.
You can create servitors using drawings(if you want a physical representation of their form) and then place them on a specific place or home to guard it. I believe this is what you are talking about correct?
Syntax said:
You can create servitors using drawings(if you want a physical representation of their form) and then place them on a specific place or home to guard it. I believe this is what you are talking about correct?
No.I am talking about making a tulpa that has the attributes of a poltergeist.But is still good.
Batman lover said:
Syntax said:
You can create servitors using drawings(if you want a physical representation of their form) and then place them on a specific place or home to guard it. I believe this is what you are talking about correct?
No.I am talking about making a tulpa that has the attributes of a poltergeist.But is still good.
Do not make a tulpa. It's useless and dangerous. You can create a thoughtform and keep It as a servant for a long time (but you need to programm and feed it often so it doesn't start to go against your will)
Dypet Rod said:
As described on the Joy of Satan, a servitor is basically a lesser soul already; and when "fed" and programmed repeatedly, they can become more sophisticated, stronger, and remain longer with you. It's said that some witches have kept their servitors for many lifetimes.

Where do you find these “lesser souls”? Do you have to make some kind of ritual to make one come to you?

Can this soul turn on you if you make it strong enough? How can they be trusted if they are really souls, not just thoughtforms?
Larissa666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
As described on the Joy of Satan, a servitor is basically a lesser soul already; and when "fed" and programmed repeatedly, they can become more sophisticated, stronger, and remain longer with you. It's said that some witches have kept their servitors for many lifetimes.

Where do you find these “lesser souls”? Do you have to make some kind of ritual to make one come to you?

Can this soul turn on you if you make it strong enough? How can they be trusted if they are really souls, not just thoughtforms?
You are the one bringing that "lesser soul" into existence when you create a thoughtform. It's not some spirit that is floating around and that you 'form a contract' with or any stupid stuff like that. Thoughtforms are lesser souls, and when you create a thoughtform you essentially create a lesser soul and program it.
A properly programmed thoughtform will never turn on you as long as it's kept clean and regularly programmed.
Larissa666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
As described on the Joy of Satan, a servitor is basically a lesser soul already; and when "fed" and programmed repeatedly, they can become more sophisticated, stronger, and remain longer with you. It's said that some witches have kept their servitors for many lifetimes.

Where do you find these “lesser souls”? Do you have to make some kind of ritual to make one come to you?

Can this soul turn on you if you make it strong enough? How can they be trusted if they are really souls, not just thoughtforms?

Very good questions. I'm not experienced with this myself either, I only speak from what I've read on the JoS itself. But for the first question you asked, we create them ourselves; they are thoughtform-based, so it's basically creating a thoughtform and programming it with a mission. They can be shaped and colored according to the goal, and in more advanced forms, can also be infused with elements.

On the lesser souls part, I was referencing this paragraph right here from the Creating An Advanced Thoughtform/Servitor page (from the Satanic Witchcraft section):

Servitors are lesser souls with some degree of intelligence and consciousness. Servitors are capable of carrying out certain missions and obviously they can be faithful and obedient servants. In addition, servitors can reappear in future lifetimes to offer further services. Many remain with their creators throughout many lifetimes.


But I guess everything else that's said on this same page also answers the other question you asked. It says for example that the thoughtform must be repeatedly programmed with authority, and that one's solar chakra must be strong for this. I guess this is how you impose yourself over its limited level of consciousness; by showing your authority over it. It seems that if neglected, you can certainly lose control over them and they might end up causing havoc in your life, which is probably why most of the time they are destroyed after their mission is completed. But if regularly programmed and called by its name, they are likely to remain loyal and trustworthy.
Dypet Rod said:
Larissa666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
As described on the Joy of Satan, a servitor is basically a lesser soul already; and when "fed" and programmed repeatedly, they can become more sophisticated, stronger, and remain longer with you. It's said that some witches have kept their servitors for many lifetimes.

Where do you find these “lesser souls”? Do you have to make some kind of ritual to make one come to you?

Can this soul turn on you if you make it strong enough? How can they be trusted if they are really souls, not just thoughtforms?

Very good questions. I'm not experienced with this myself either, I only speak from what I've read on the JoS itself. But for the first question you asked, we create them ourselves; they are thoughtform-based, so it's basically creating a thoughtform and programming it with a mission. They can be shaped and colored according to the goal, and in more advanced forms, can also be infused with elements.

On the lesser souls part, I was referencing this paragraph right here from the Creating An Advanced Thoughtform/Servitor page (from the Satanic Witchcraft section):

Servitors are lesser souls with some degree of intelligence and consciousness. Servitors are capable of carrying out certain missions and obviously they can be faithful and obedient servants. In addition, servitors can reappear in future lifetimes to offer further services. Many remain with their creators throughout many lifetimes.


But I guess everything else that's said on this same page also answers the other question you asked. It says for example that the thoughtform must be repeatedly programmed with authority, and that one's solar chakra must be strong for this. I guess this is how you impose yourself over its limited level of consciousness; by showing your authority over it. It seems that if neglected, you can certainly lose control over them and they might end up causing havoc in your life, which is probably why most of the time they are destroyed after their mission is completed. But if regularly programmed and called by its name, they are likely to remain loyal and trustworthy.

Very well, thank you. Both you and Shael.
Why no reply? ☹️
It's not a good idea. Its not exactly a being that you can talk to. It's just like a robot or artificial intelligence at best. You can give it the task to be more human like but i don't know if it can reach the intelligence of a human.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
