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your beliefs in Satan.


New member
Nov 15, 2024
I have been practicing magic for aproximatly 3 years now and have come to conclude that there is no such thing as spirits however there is such thing as servitors/egragors, I feel all the Gods, Demons, God, Satan etc are all servitors/egragors that have been made by humans but the energy can be tapped into whenever one pleases or even worshiped for its powers, according to your thoughts and feelings. I would like to know your thoughs on this. I give incence and rum offernings to the Demonic and Satan every week. It helps me deal with my inceldom. I am from London and would like to know what you think of this. If I have offended anybody please forgive me. On another not I do not sacrifice children and babys, nor do I eat foetuses, nor will I ever do so. Also I hate pedos I have seen what happens to them in my visions of hell.
Again for this one I’d suggest you should read the JOS website. We are not just another “left hand path” edgy coven that you’re used to interating with.
aproximatly 3 years now and have come to conclud
Hi, let's talk more about this Gods thing. Basically you are claiming that the Gods are egregores. First of all, let me say that you can even have ten years of experience in "generic" magic, this does not necessarily mean knowing who the Gods are. Many people have been practicing magic (often Wiccan, i.e. junk) for 20 years and have never even been able to understand that the mythology of the Gods is allegorical. 3 years of magic does not automatically make you a practitioner of divine understanding.

I feel all the Gods, Demons, God, Satan etc are all servitors/egragors that have been made by humans but the energy can be tapped into whenever one pleases or even worshiped for its powers, according to your thoughts and feelings

What you feel doesn't necessarily correspond to reality. I once knew a magical meditator who pretended to be from JoS, i.e. took (stole) knowledge from JoS and then manipulated new Satanists in his telegram group to say exactly this kind of thing ("Gods are thought-forms" , etc.). Obviously he had never had even half an experience with the Gods, and he mocked me by saying: "go ahead and venerate that thought form of your Guardian, I will continue to defraud the new Satanists because if they are stupid they deserve to be deceived".

That's absolutely not your case obviously, but to tell you that just because he didn't understand the Gods, doesn't automatically mean he was right. His thoughtforms didn't protect him when I destroyed his group. All his knowledge did nothing useful in this. On the other hand he threw a lot of death curses at me and stuff like that, after he did that he ended up in the hospital. The only one who felt protected was me. He was so confident, he didn't go anywhere.

I would like to know your thoughs on this
Personally I have nothing to think about. I have my own experiences with the Gods. Saying that "Anubis is just an egregor" is like me saying something like "my economics professor is a concept" or "my martial arts grandmaster is a metaphor" would mean I've lost touch with reality.

Gods, Demons, God, Satan etc are all servitors/egragors that have been made by humans
Is there anything that makes you think this is true? Have you actually seen Satan or communicated unequivocally with him, so that he said to you: "you are right"? I already know not. It's your personal idea that you've formed. That's why you're asking for our opinion.

have come to conclude that there is no such thing
The spirits are those of deceased people. The soul is made of light, that is, energy. Just like egregores in a certain sense, this is why they are conceptually associated with "minor souls" or energy packets. It's very intuitive. However, Deities have a physical/biological body. They are not simple spirits. It is nothing more unrealistic than what you already know to be true: you know that you can advance spiritually and become powerful, acquire divine/magical powers; etc. This is no different than what the Gods have already done, but much bigger.

the energy can
The fact that one can create a thoughtform or an egregore does not automatically make the Gods egregores, and a lack of experience with the Gods can lead to these actual doubts. In the telegram group I told you all the Satanists were easily misled because they were new.

Then there were actually one or two of them who had had some actual experience with a Guardian and knew full well how things were and were not being deceived. At home I have some brushes, acrylic paints and canvases with which I made a portrait of Lord Zeus.

The fact that I have been able to paint does not automatically make it true that at home I have over a hundred portraits of all the pagan Deities as a direct consequence and if you had half an experience with me and asked me: "have you painted portraits of all the Gods of every pagan Pantheon?" I would answer no obviously. But I actually understand that if you know that I have brushes, colors and canvases you might be led to think, not knowing me that I paint a portrait a week or something like that.

Note: mine are just examples: 1) wicca is NOT real magic 2) you are not a bad person who manipulates people, mine was an example and NOT a comparison 3) it is right that you understand certain things to understand better the satanic path.

I give incence and rum offernings to the Demonic and Satan every week. It helps me deal with my inceldom

I don't even know what you mean by that. I don't know that it's something called "inceldom". In any case I leave you this:

AND PLEASE: read www.joyofsatan.org
Treating our Gods as some "energy", "eggregor" sounds like an insult. If you would know better, you would understand that the subject you insult is... basically yourself given you are human. You insult yourself by rejecting all the potential you can get if you would just try to be a little open minded and take a look constructively. I hope you will know better. Starting with https://satanisgod.org/ would be a good beginning for your journey to get rid of illusions you have shown here.

Hi, let's talk more about this Gods thing. Basically you are claiming that the Gods are egregores. First of all, let me say that you can even have ten years of experience in "generic" magic, this does not necessarily mean knowing who the Gods are. Many people have been practicing magic (often Wiccan, i.e. junk) for 20 years and have never even been able to understand that the mythology of the Gods is allegorical. 3 years of magic does not automatically make you a practitioner of divine understanding.

What you feel doesn't necessarily correspond to reality. I once knew a magical meditator who pretended to be from JoS, i.e. took (stole) knowledge from JoS and then manipulated new Satanists in his telegram group to say exactly this kind of thing ("Gods are thought-forms" , etc.). Obviously he had never had even half an experience with the Gods, and he mocked me by saying: "go ahead and venerate that thought form of your Guardian, I will continue to defraud the new Satanists because if they are stupid they deserve to be deceived".

That's absolutely not your case obviously, but to tell you that just because he didn't understand the Gods, doesn't automatically mean he was right. His thoughtforms didn't protect him when I destroyed his group. All his knowledge did nothing useful in this. On the other hand he threw a lot of death curses at me and stuff like that, after he did that he ended up in the hospital. The only one who felt protected was me. He was so confident, he didn't go anywhere.

Personally I have nothing to think about. I have my own experiences with the Gods. Saying that "Anubis is just an egregor" is like me saying something like "my economics professor is a concept" or "my martial arts grandmaster is a metaphor" would mean I've lost touch with reality.

Is there anything that makes you think this is true? Have you actually seen Satan or communicated unequivocally with him, so that he said to you: "you are right"? I already know not. It's your personal idea that you've formed. That's why you're asking for our opinion.

The spirits are those of deceased people. The soul is made of light, that is, energy. Just like egregores in a certain sense, this is why they are conceptually associated with "minor souls" or energy packets. It's very intuitive. However, Deities have a physical/biological body. They are not simple spirits. It is nothing more unrealistic than what you already know to be true: you know that you can advance spiritually and become powerful, acquire divine/magical powers; etc. This is no different than what the Gods have already done, but much bigger.

The fact that one can create a thoughtform or an egregore does not automatically make the Gods egregores, and a lack of experience with the Gods can lead to these actual doubts. In the telegram group I told you all the Satanists were easily misled because they were new.

Then there were actually one or two of them who had had some actual experience with a Guardian and knew full well how things were and were not being deceived. At home I have some brushes, acrylic paints and canvases with which I made a portrait of Lord Zeus.

The fact that I have been able to paint does not automatically make it true that at home I have over a hundred portraits of all the pagan Deities as a direct consequence and if you had half an experience with me and asked me: "have you painted portraits of all the Gods of every pagan Pantheon?" I would answer no obviously. But I actually understand that if you know that I have brushes, colors and canvases you might be led to think, not knowing me that I paint a portrait a week or something like that.

Note: mine are just examples: 1) wicca is NOT real magic 2) you are not a bad person who manipulates people, mine was an example and NOT a comparison 3) it is right that you understand certain things to understand better the satanic path.

I don't even know what you mean by that. I don't know that it's something called "inceldom". In any case I leave you this:

AND PLEASE: read www.joyofsatan.org
I did a divination experiment and found that I got different type of answers. So you mean to tell me that criminals will not suffer for there nastyness? that so sucks. How do I get off of this forum?
Treating our Gods as some "energy", "eggregor" sounds like an insult. If you would know better, you would understand that the subject you insult is... basically yourself given you are human. You insult yourself by rejecting all the potential you can get if you would just try to be a little open minded and take a look constructively. I hope you will know better. Starting with https://satanisgod.org/ would be a good beginning for your journey to get rid of illusions you have shown here.

personally I think your all deluded.
I did a divination experiment and found that I got different type of answers. So you mean to tell me that criminals will not suffer for there nastyness? that so sucks. How do I get off of this forum?

It's not like criminals are accepted or anything. There is simply no Christian concept of punishment. Filthy beings in this universe suffer punishments that have to do with the state of their souls, the loss of the Gods, and social and divine justice.

But the concept of someone misbehaving and being put into eternal fire is quintessentially Christian. The Gods are bringers of justice, justice is often related to punishments. This concept is true and it is universal.

But this does NOT mean that 1) 99% of humans are at fault, are bad, and automatically behave badly, etc. 2) 99% of humans go into eternal fire. People who commit crimes are punished in an ideal society, and their souls also get tied up with negative karma and other rubbish, the Gods bring justice against these people too, etc.

But if you think that all human beings will be tortured for eternity as you wrote in your posts, you are wrong. The Gods love humanity and are friends of humanity. They are not here to destroy it.

In fact, very often it is good to correct people: many find themselves doing stupid things precisely because they are unaccustomed to social justice. Think about those who don't do recycling or things like that because they're too lazy. It is very right that these people are corrected and helped to rediscover ethical values. This is to their support, not their eternal condemnation.

personally I think your all deluded

The fact that you think we are all deluded because we know about the Gods and their concrete essence through our personal experiences (which you have not had, in fact you limit yourself to believing what you have brought into your topics without having had demonstrations) is really just a your opinion which is not found in reality and which has no relevance to the actual state of affairs.

You are not actually asked to believe, you are personally very free as the Gods do not punish atheists, everyone is free to accept or reject the presence of the Gods in their life, it is being Christian or affiliated with similar doctrines that is universally evil and must be prevented.

What the user was telling you is that if you reject the Gods in your life, you miss out on a lot of the potential that your life could offer you. You don't have proof that the Gods don't exist, but as I wrote to you in my reply, everything brings you in the level of your personal experience to believe that the Gods are actually concrete:

The spirits are those of deceased people. The soul is made of light, that is, energy. Just like egregores in a certain sense, this is why they are conceptually associated with "minor souls" or energy packets. It's very intuitive. However, Deities have a physical/biological body. They are not simple spirits. It is nothing more unrealistic than what you already know to be true: you know that you can advance spiritually and become powerful, acquire divine/magical powers; etc. This is no different than what the Gods have already done, but much bigger.

It's so logical that the process should come extremely naturally to you. There really is no point in rejecting the idea of Gods. Especially after you have seen that certain things actually exist and are concrete.

Furthermore, the Gods are the bearers of true Justice in this universe and this does not involve them in eternal tortures where they burn souls and "prick them with pitchforks" as per disgusting Christian imagery.

The sense of justice of Christianity is based on slavery: do something that is unwelcome, not necessarily wrong, but unwelcome and you will be burned for eternity in conditions of limitless suffering, and also without remedy and without the possibility of improving, understanding any errors and be corrected.

It's not at all healthy in itself, and I don't know how people can look at this and say it's okay. Do you really like this form of "justice"? What if they did this to you? Maybe for your desires that you stated in your other posts like "I want nothing more than to see disgusting humanity suffer eternally" or something like that you could be accused of being a bad person.

And really, rather than being corrected and helping to understand ethical values, would you rather have someone burn you eternally for "lack of empathy"? Get over it, not all human beings are pedophile murderers and rapists without ethics as often are the people who teach these forms of "justice" (priests, bishops, cardinals and Popes, yes, it is enough to do a little research, even the Popes) .

Many people deserve to be re-accustomed to right values and correct in their self-destructive behaviors. Not persecuted "because they are imperfect humans". Think about it and not about "I want to close my mind at all costs because the Gods must not exist and this personal belief of mine makes me feel so good". You don't necessarily have to trust me, but at least experiment and see if the Gods in your life really "make you feel bad". :)

Don't think necessarily that "they are definitely a negative falsehood". Many Christians think that the Gods are negative, then they see how Christianity is a degenerative disease and they come here, rediscover the Gods and after years they tell beautiful satanic experiences always full of enthusiasm and happiness. It is not something shocking, absurd and unrealistic. It happens very often. ;)
I did a divination experiment and found that I got different type of answers. So you mean to tell me that criminals will not suffer for there nastyness? that so sucks. How do I get off of this forum?
It has nothing to do with right or wrong, but the reality of the situation. Hell, in the Abrahamic sense, does not exist. That does not mean criminals do not suffer very damning karmic debts. We do believe in reincarnation and those criminals will either fix themselves, throughout their lifetimes, or be sent to a more fitting plane of existence for them.
It's not like criminals are accepted or anything. There is simply no Christian concept of punishment. Filthy beings in this universe suffer punishments that have to do with the state of their souls, the loss of the Gods, and social and divine justice.

But the concept of someone misbehaving and being put into eternal fire is quintessentially Christian. The Gods are bringers of justice, justice is often related to punishments. This concept is true and it is universal.

But this does NOT mean that 1) 99% of humans are at fault, are bad, and automatically behave badly, etc. 2) 99% of humans go into eternal fire. People who commit crimes are punished in an ideal society, and their souls also get tied up with negative karma and other rubbish, the Gods bring justice against these people too, etc.

But if you think that all human beings will be tortured for eternity as you wrote in your posts, you are wrong. The Gods love humanity and are friends of humanity. They are not here to destroy it.

In fact, very often it is good to correct people: many find themselves doing stupid things precisely because they are unaccustomed to social justice. Think about those who don't do recycling or things like that because they're too lazy. It is very right that these people are corrected and helped to rediscover ethical values. This is to their support, not their eternal condemnation.

The fact that you think we are all deluded because we know about the Gods and their concrete essence through our personal experiences (which you have not had, in fact you limit yourself to believing what you have brought into your topics without having had demonstrations) is really just a your opinion which is not found in reality and which has no relevance to the actual state of affairs.

You are not actually asked to believe, you are personally very free as the Gods do not punish atheists, everyone is free to accept or reject the presence of the Gods in their life, it is being Christian or affiliated with similar doctrines that is universally evil and must be prevented.

What the user was telling you is that if you reject the Gods in your life, you miss out on a lot of the potential that your life could offer you. You don't have proof that the Gods don't exist, but as I wrote to you in my reply, everything brings you in the level of your personal experience to believe that the Gods are actually concrete:

It's so logical that the process should come extremely naturally to you. There really is no point in rejecting the idea of Gods. Especially after you have seen that certain things actually exist and are concrete.

Furthermore, the Gods are the bearers of true Justice in this universe and this does not involve them in eternal tortures where they burn souls and "prick them with pitchforks" as per disgusting Christian imagery.

The sense of justice of Christianity is based on slavery: do something that is unwelcome, not necessarily wrong, but unwelcome and you will be burned for eternity in conditions of limitless suffering, and also without remedy and without the possibility of improving, understanding any errors and be corrected.

It's not at all healthy in itself, and I don't know how people can look at this and say it's okay. Do you really like this form of "justice"? What if they did this to you? Maybe for your desires that you stated in your other posts like "I want nothing more than to see disgusting humanity suffer eternally" or something like that you could be accused of being a bad person.

And really, rather than being corrected and helping to understand ethical values, would you rather have someone burn you eternally for "lack of empathy"? Get over it, not all human beings are pedophile murderers and rapists without ethics as often are the people who teach these forms of "justice" (priests, bishops, cardinals and Popes, yes, it is enough to do a little research, even the Popes) .

Many people deserve to be re-accustomed to right values and correct in their self-destructive behaviors. Not persecuted "because they are imperfect humans". Think about it and not about "I want to close my mind at all costs because the Gods must not exist and this personal belief of mine makes me feel so good". You don't necessarily have to trust me, but at least experiment and see if the Gods in your life really "make you feel bad". :)

Don't think necessarily that "they are definitely a negative falsehood". Many Christians think that the Gods are negative, then they see how Christianity is a degenerative disease and they come here, rediscover the Gods and after years they tell beautiful satanic experiences always full of enthusiasm and happiness. It is not something shocking, absurd and unrealistic. It happens very often. ;)
Listen, he probably had to do with thought forms such as leviathan, the devil, beelzebub or some bechemots. which are created from insults or are created by jews in general.

I know that he is actually lying but let's say he has to do with this problem.
I had it once or twice when some bechemot advised me to believe in christ and hell.
It was impossible to reach an agreement with this robot on any matter, he only talked nonsense about devils.
Stupid jewish robots are using you to deceive you with their nonsense detached from reality.
This is what happens when you are not ready to meet the true Gods.
"who are real have bodies and are divine." not some crazy little ghosts.

Listen, he probably had to do with thought forms such as leviathan, the devil, beelzebub or some bechemots. which are created from insults or are created by jews in general.

I know that he is actually lying but let's say he has to do with this problem.
I had it once or twice when some bechemot advised me to believe in christ and hell.
It was impossible to reach an agreement with this robot on any matter, he only talked nonsense about devils.
Stupid jewish robots are using you to deceive you with their nonsense detached from reality.
This is what happens when you are not ready to meet the true Gods.
"who are real have bodies and are divine." not some crazy little ghosts.

Koeting forum is full of people who have dealt with these thought forms and now think they have discovered a secret conspiracy, "whoah Gods are aggregators and they want our energy"

Of course they are talking nonsense because they do not distinguish between thought forms and real people.
Detached from reality by their delusions as you wrote, "it is your idea, views that have nothing to do with reality".

koeting's forum is funny because there are so many false theories about what the pagan God or Lucifer himself is.
Because they get their knowledge from jewish pests and delirious thoughtforms.

Now that I thought about it for a moment, no, it's not funny, it's a tragedy that there are so many clowns at koeting's.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
