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Pedophilia In Australian Catholic Church


New member
May 13, 2013
The Roman Catholic Church is like a Chameleon, it changes it's color to suit the situation when outside criticism of it's laws and practises beseiges it.

The Arch Bishop of Melbourne, Peter Comensoli, recently declared his public support for convicted Pedophile, George Pell, whose appeal against a (6) year jail sentence was overturned. The Victorian state parliament is now in the process of passing legislation to make mandatory reporting of sexual child abuse into law, and happily, it seems it has support from all political parties. Comensoli, not surprisingly, has come out (no pun intended) and publicly declared his opposition to the legislation, and said, I qoute "I will go to jail, rather then break the holy seal of the confessional". That suits me fine, he'll get dished out to him in prison what the unfortunate young children are getting at the hands of "twisted deviant" Xian slime like him!

I also recently watched a good documentary on TV, called "The Tears Of The Church", exposing the systemic sexual abuse of xian nuns by Catholic priests over a (100) year period, spanning (5) continents.

The lies of Catholicism are slowly being stripped away like the skins of an onion, and the truth is being exposed. These are some of the reasons why Hitler was eventually going to deal with the christurds...and is still yet to come.

Hail Satan

Sydney Morning Herald
SBS (Australia) TV Documentaries
Catholic Arch Diocese of Melbourne, The Weekly News
Correction; "Sex Slaves of the Catholic Church" reveals that thousands of nuns were sexually abused by priests around the world.

From 1994 until 2015 the Vatican was alerted by internal confidential reports about churchmen that regularly rape nuns in more than 23 countries. These reports have been hushed up and the rapists continue to harm freely. With the complicity of the ecclesiastical courts, their victims have been reduced to silence, sometimes pushed to abort, often excluded from their community.

For the first time the victim nuns, their superior mothers, priests and rapists break the silence to testify to these systemic sexual abuses.

French director Marie-Pierre Raimbault collaborated with investigative journalist Eric Quintin for more than three years, to obtain the firsthand accounts of nuns who claim they were used as “sex slaves” by Catholic priests.
With Christianity, lying, cheating, killing, birth control, sodomy, and the occult are unforgivable sins, unless repented from.  However, the Catholic Church, as well as some Protestant Churches, actively participate in these practices.  Even well-meaning anti-Catholic Protestants still aren't to be let off of the hook, though, as Christianity is Christianity, no matter what form it comes in, and it is just as much of an abomination against Satan and His people as a global communist theocracy is.
It's amazing how Gentiles outside of the Christian Churches are told that they will be roasting in the "lake of fire" and "cast into the outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth" if they don't repent from homosexuality (or sex before or outside of marriage for heterosexuals) and the occult, while the Catholic Church practices all of these things, liberally, and yet they believe that they will be the inheritors of the kingdom of "god" on earth, while Gentiles who are outside of Christianity will roast for all eternity if they don't repent from homosexuality, fornication, adultery, and the occult.
Like Jesus Christ, "himself," the infinite hypocrisy of the Christian Churches can be summed up as "Do as I say, not as I do."
In Christianity, the only heterosexuality that is permitted for White Gentiles is race-mixing with other races.  This is why Satan gives His Commandment of, "I don't allow friendly association with other people."  However, he said that this is NOT about "discrimination," "race hatred," or "prejudice," but just to ensure that Satan's Gentiles (all Gentiles, not just Whites) never embrace multiculturalism or mixed marriages, or any other form of race-mixing.  This means that gays have to stay within the boundaries of their own race and Nation, and that this applies to gays just as much as it applies to heterosexuals.
In John 17:21, Christ enforces race-mixing for Gentiles, but not for Jews when "he" states, "That they all (the different Gentile races) may be one..."
People here are taking Satan's statement in the Al-Jilwah as indicating that I am saying that Satan promotes White Gentiles to hate and discriminate against non-Whites, but, for the record, He explained to me back in 2009 that White Satanists CAN have Satanic friends, comrades and allies from other Gentile races, as long as there is no race-mixing or multiculturalism involved.  Every Gentile's racial Nation-State must be sealed off and made impenetrable.  Satan explained this in great detail to me all the way back in 2007.
Shannon is also correct that this statement in the Al-Jilwah is about not trusting or being on friendly terms with the enemies of Satan and Gentile humanity, basically, those who are without.
High Priest Jake Carlson
Thanks everyone for your input. I was aware it has been discussed here previously, but thought members here would appreciate watching the documentary. It was an afterthought of my comments on Pedophilia in Catholic Church.

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
