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New God Rituals: Raum & Asclepius

Greetings everyone,

After our recent small schedule, below you will find the new Rituals. After the conclusion of the days of the Schedule, these are to be done for 3 consecutive days. Asclepius is a new God that is introduced to the Joy of Satan [God of Healing, he became a God] and is a well known God for his healing capacities and amazing abilities.

Raum is known as Khnum and his powers are related to the creation, maintenance and source of all life in existence. Both the Rituals are going to be amazing, so do participate. Below are the links to the Rituals.

More things upcoming soon:

Raum Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/khnum-power-ritual.html
Asclepius Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/asclepius-power-ritual.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for the new rituals
How do we get the pdfs for new rituals
I have checked in Satan's Library but only found pdf for the old ones
Greetings everyone,

After our recent small schedule, below you will find the new Rituals. After the conclusion of the days of the Schedule, these are to be done for 3 consecutive days. Asclepius is a new God that is introduced to the Joy of Satan [God of Healing, he became a God] and is a well known God for his healing capacities and amazing abilities.

Raum is known as Khnum and his powers are related to the creation, maintenance and source of all life in existence. Both the Rituals are going to be amazing, so do participate. Below are the links to the Rituals.

More things upcoming soon:

Raum Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/khnum-power-ritual.html
Asclepius Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/asclepius-power-ritual.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I Love You HP HoodedCobra. Thanks for everything you've done for the community it means a lot for us and everything you've worked hard for it's so benevolent and gracious we appreciate you. The enemy won't last long. They'll wait until everyone's energy is gone. Once the Truth is out it won't be no turning back like our advancement. The door is closed for those who have saved themselves and the only thing we can do is move forward once we've opened the doors to saving ourselves. The enemy is desperate and they'll do anything right now. Keep up the pace HP Hoodedcobra. For we know your love is eternal same as the Gods. And I would like to Thank Father Satan. Thank you Father Satan Thank you. If my life depended on it I would like to thank Father Satan for everything he put me through, it's only for the better for any of us to go through things to remain strong. We thank you HP Hoodedcobra.

As I see now, the Truth is hanging on a thread to soon be revealed as I see it. I feel like everyone's energy has been sent away for those lacking, it's too late. If I'm wrong I'll be wrong. But it's inevitable. FATHER SATAN'S Light will show in the long run. BAAL ZEVULON HAS DECLARED. He is now watching to my knowledge. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. So as it be we are the saved ones, as we only do it ourselves. I'll remain.

Hail Satan
I've been wishing on Raum's Ritual for a really long time.
And wooow, that not what I expected. The ritual was powerful, so powerful I felt the power. Awesome! Beautiful
And powerful imagery. The cube in the middle, I really wish for a highlight on it
Lord Raum ritual felt like my enitre being glowing or bathed in gold like energy similar to sun in terms of color, that energy was very soothing and calming on my being, felt like lukewarm water.

Lord Asclepius ritual was more buzzing and energizing in nature, and felt way more physical, I could feel that my current physical health issues were being fixed.
Greetings everyone,

After our recent small schedule, below you will find the new Rituals. After the conclusion of the days of the Schedule, these are to be done for 3 consecutive days. Asclepius is a new God that is introduced to the Joy of Satan [God of Healing, he became a God] and is a well known God for his healing capacities and amazing abilities.

Raum is known as Khnum and his powers are related to the creation, maintenance and source of all life in existence. Both the Rituals are going to be amazing, so do participate. Below are the links to the Rituals.

More things upcoming soon:

Raum Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/khnum-power-ritual.html
Asclepius Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/asclepius-power-ritual.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Greetings everyone,

After our recent small schedule, below you will find the new Rituals. After the conclusion of the days of the Schedule, these are to be done for 3 consecutive days. Asclepius is a new God that is introduced to the Joy of Satan [God of Healing, he became a God] and is a well known God for his healing capacities and amazing abilities.

Raum is known as Khnum and his powers are related to the creation, maintenance and source of all life in existence. Both the Rituals are going to be amazing, so do participate. Below are the links to the Rituals.

More things upcoming soon:

Raum Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/khnum-power-ritual.html
Asclepius Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/asclepius-power-ritual.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thanks I'm there
Beautiful rituals and they went the opposite of what I expected, the Ritual of lord Asclepius was a sudden energizing mostly emotional energy, honestly I almost burst into tears it was like I felt every emotion at once for like 5 seconds meanwhile the energy of lord Khnum was gentler and I felt it get immersed into my physical body whereas usually I feel the energy of Gods in my soul, very interesting.
Hail Asclepius!
Hail Khnum!
Hail Satanas!
I love Raum, I'm so glad to finally participate in this ritual and have access to it. Thank you, Master Cobra, this one will be very important to me.
Possibly a Scarab Beetle. A sacred symbol in Ancient Egypt that represented life-death-rebirth and the divine sun.
It is a scarab and there is amazing symbolism in it. There was a post about it way back, I think still on the Yahoo group. I'm too short on time right now to search for it for you both. It would be worth your while to look into it.
Just some months ago during my studies I found out about Asclepius, I didn't know he became a God, but I was very surprised when I took a brief look at Il lamento di Asclepio. It appears that Asclepius predicted almost 2 thousand years ago exactly what would happen on this planet. The loss of the Greek-Egyptian Spiritual Knowledge and tradition, the masses forgetting about the True Gods and losing their connection to them, the spread of ignorance, evil, corruption and total degeneracy. Thoth also did predict this and so did Asmodeus. Our Gods have always known that this world would see a very dark time, well before this would happen. But they also state that this will all be very temporary. Every 'success' of the enemy is rapidly getting erased.

Anyway, in Il lamento di Asclepio it appears that Asclepius also gives a message of hope, for this dark time of ignorance. He states that even if the masses will be ignorant, there will always be hope for interested and capable groups of individuals to revive the Ancient Spiritual tradition, to keep it alive in their circles and to benefit greatly from it, as the Ancient Knowledge is eternal and can always be revived and rediscovered, even in dark times. This is exactly what we're doing here in the JoS thousands of years later. What we're doing here is sacred and most important to the Gods, never doubt this!
Thank you for this.
They predicted the lives of Lady Maxine and High Priest Cobra, and all of us who found their works.
Asclepius is mentioned in the very ancient Iliad as a man who is a famous healer and doctor. His seat of power and place of birth is known from these accounts to have been Tricca in Thessaly. A temple to Him already existed as a center of great prominence there. In the Iliad, His sons named Machaon and Podalirius minister to the armies of the Greeks against the Trojans, knowing all kinds of techniques and cures. Machaon, known as the father of surgeons, treated Menelaus by directly administering to his wounds.

Many of His other children relate to processes of healing, such as Hygieia, the Goddess of cleanliness, hygiene, and keeping the soul in a pure state to allow healing and regeneration to occur. She is often paired with Asclepius in sculpture.

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At some point between the events of the Iliad and the onset of Antiquity, Asclepius ascended to the level of a Hero and then to the level of a Demon. His cult was already prevalent in Athens in the fifth century BCE.

The origin stories of Asclepius involve him being fathered by Apollo and taught the art of medicinal healing by him, before formally completing his education under Chiron, the centaur. Consequently, the Hippocratic Oath references Asclepius as second only to Apollo as a healer:

I swear by Apollo Healer, by Asclepius, by Hygieia, by Panacea, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.

Asclepius' cult was maintained primarily in Epidauros. His temple complex there, despite its initial modest size, often hosted thousands of visitors at a time, functioning in some ways as a holy pilgrimage site, modern hospital, place of remembrance, and wellness retreat. It rivalled the Temple of Delphi and Sanctuary of Zeus as a phenomenon, with the number of pilgrims and activity being among the largest in Greece. Temples to Him were known as Asclepions, of which we know three hundred existed in mainland Greece alone.

Two Asclepions at Kos (consecrated by Hippocrates) and Pergamon were additionally considered of extreme importance. The complex at Pergamon was gigantic and grand in scope. It had an extremely advanced system of water maintenance:

Asclepions were located close to water deliberately, symbolizing the power of water in rejuvenating the soul and the importance of water in maintaining health. All were isolated from urban conditions of disease and distraction, such as the Asclepion within the city of Carthage that existed at a great height overlooking the city. Others were located in elite facilities designated for health, such as the Asclepion located inside the Gymnasium at Smyrna. One of the first steps an individual pursuing healing practices took would be to dedicate themselves to healing at a spring.

Galen, the most famous doctor of Antiquity and the father of modern medicine, studied at the Asclepion in Pergamon and is known to have observed mysterious rites.

Certain impious Roman rulers disrespected the Sanctuary at Epidauros, and so Hadrian re-consecrated it as a site of grandness. His reforms and constructions of the site at Pergamon were also extensive and costly. For Hadrian, identification with Asclepius was a matter of severe importance, as this deity functioned as a guide to him. Hadrian himself claimed to be a doctor healing Rome of sickness.

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The Asclepion of Pergamon.

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The Asclepion of Kos.


All doctors of Antiquity had to undergo secret rites and systems of learning dedicated to Asclepius, with all of these rites held as family secrets of the most extreme importance, to such an extreme that many only healed their own flesh and blood. Many doctors in families were named after Asclepius at birth, such as Asclepiades of Bithynia.

Visitors to temples hoping to be healed would undergo a series of procedures. Patients would first undergo a procedure known as katharsis. They would embark on routines of physical and spiritual cleansing, if possible, to divest themselves of negative influences contributing to health problems. The optimal healing environment was chosen and personalized to the patient. This often concerned vibration:

The second procedure is known as incubation (note the similarity to 'incubus', a term distorted by the church). Trance and dream therapy would be pursued in a dormitory known as the enkoimeterion (lying down place) or adyton (inaccessible place). Only the priest and the patient would be allowed to enter this place. Any God involved would give advice or cure through the medium of altered states. Multiple techniques could be used to remove the mentality of disease from the soul or resetting major issues. Aristophanes references this type of medical procedure by making one of his characters advise that another sick individual should 'let him lie inside the Asclepius temple a whole night long'.

Certain names shared by Apollo and Asclepius, namely Paean, illustrate the importance of sound in healing the body and soul.


The Rod and snake of Asclepius are mysterious symbols. Much of the interpretation of them comes from the mythology of Asclepius, where, in return for kindness given to a snake, it whispered in his ear the secrets of bringing the dead to life. In an alternative story, Asclepius bit the head of a venomous snake, then observed another snake bringing it herbs to heal it. He used this idea to resurrect the dead.

Spiritually, this represents mastery of the serpent powers to enable permanent rejuvenation. Likewise, the bending of the snake on the Rod represents the twists and turns of reincarnation in dealing with the natural world and bending around reality to complete one's development while being supported by the material conditions of existence. Much of the significance of Asclepius also relates to death and reincarnation. Aristides, a mystic who recounted his own healing from a tumor, claimed he “lived not twice but many varied lives through the power of the God.”

Even the apologist for the Nazarene, Eusebius, admitted all of this in a skewed manner:

In a medical context, the Rod is interpreted as the yardstick to healing and a support for the healed one, while the snake represents regeneration, recuperation, and new life. However, there are many other codes involving this symbol. To use an example, some animals get frightened by logs being placed behind them as they think it is a snake, yet the two are entirely different things. A misjudgment about which is which can lead to danger or foolishness, serving as an allegory for the importance of taking all matters of medicine and survival seriously.

The original name of Asclepius was Hepius and gained His name by healing Ascles, a king of Epidaurus. His name also relates to the symbolism:

Today, the Rod of Asclepius is used as a symbol for the World Health Organization and many others, though many of these organizations corrupt the meaning of the symbol:

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The snake as a living and twisting being that can always shed its skin also contrasts with the inert and non-living staff that has been cut from the tree. This represents the triumph of eternal life over what is barren in raising the serpent. Obviously, this was stolen by Christianity in the form of the cross and stake, with the Nazarene inserted as the recipient of 'eternal life' instead.

Some of the Epidauran Inscriptions illustrate this idea of rejuvenation hinted by Cornutus:

Asclepius was associated with dogs, much like Anubis. Dogs roamed the compound at the Asclepions, known as therapeutic animals for patients but also symbols of eternal faithfulness and the boundary zone between life and death. Unfortunately, the association with Asclepius and other deities motivated many early Christians to despise dogs.


Despite not being directly referenced in the Bible, the imagery of Asclepius was stolen copiously for early Christian themes. These instances of blatant theft were based on Moses 'raising the serpent' in Numbers 21:8-9: “Make a fiery serpent and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.” As we know, this is an allegory of the Kundalini serpent giving eternal life and health. This passage is the so-called 'basis' of Christian healing.

Other allusions are obvious. In audience with the Pharaoh, Moses' rod transforms into a serpent, overcoming the serpents of the Pharaoh's magicians. At the Pool of Bethesda, where the Nazarene healed the invalid, many votive objects and other paraphernalia related to Asclepius have been found. This shows how much Christianity dedicated itself at an early stage to co-opting and confusing ideas and areas of great importance like a parasite, as it has nothing of its own. Tricca itself unfortunately became one of the centers of Christianity in Greece.

One of the inscriptions of Asclepius concerns a man, Alketas, who was blinded, with Asclepius prying apart his eyes in a dream. Alketas sees the trees of the sanctuary and later awakes to see fully:

This is almost identical to the story of the Nazarene healing the blind man in Mark 8:22-26.

The fable of Lazarus rising from the dead and the Sanhedrin's decision to send the Nazarene to Pilate for judgment after this incident can be viewed as a striking parallel to the myth of Asclepius, who was struck down by Zeus for reviving the dead at Hades' request. After this, Asclepius was said to rise to the stars, becoming the Serpent-Bearer or incarnating in a second body, which reaffirms the connection to reincarnation.

Asclepius' worship became more prevalent in the 100s AD in Rome and became a serious threat to Christianity as His cult was among the most popular and beloved of the masses. As stated previously, Pergamon was one of the centers of Asclepius worship, integrated strongly with the cult of Zeus. This is another one of the reasons why the city was named 'Satan's throne' in the Bible.

Among the designers of the church, Clement of Alexandria, Athenagoras, Augustine, Tertullian, Lactantius, and Eusebius, among many others, all issued vicious attacks on Asclepius, alleging Him to be a 'copy' of the Nazarene and a mere mortal man of Antiquity punished by Jupiter, using the Iliad and other sources in a hyper-literal manner to discredit Him in the eyes of the ignorant.

As a typical megalomaniacal slander, Eusebius had this to say about Asclepius:

Justin Martyr came up with the most insidious and moronic lies, yet admitted the theft:

Nowadays, no one with an inch of intelligence could accept the stupidity of this argument presented in the so-called First Apology and Dialogues: that Asclepius ripped off the Nazarene when the known presence of Asclepius predated any Hebrew scriptures by thousands of years!

Just like the copious theft from Apollonius, whom Asclepius was also associated with, this is a case of parasitism masquerading as a ‘religion’ for the benefit of the few. Today, we affirm that the disciples of magnificent Asclepius sing again in unison with all slander put to the grave!


Asclepius - A Collection and Interpretation of the Testimonies – Emma J. Edelstein, Ludwig Edelstein

Plague and the Athenian Imagination – Robin Mitchell-Boyask

The Sleeper’s Dream - Asclepius Ritual and Early Christian Discourse – Jeffrey Pettis

Ancient Medicine – Vivian Nutton

The Greek language of healing from Homer to New Testament times – Margaret Wells

The Use of the Figure and the Myth of Asclepius in the Greek Anti-Pagan Controversy – Gaetano Spampinato
Wow! Amazing post! Please make a big new sermon of it! Very important knowledge! I also should read and study these topics more deeply...
Thank you for your hard work!
Thank you for the rituals. 🙏
I believe there's a typo. At the last part, the first word to vibrate is "Aslepius" instead of "Asclepius."

On another note, Asclepius's ritual was very strong for me, but for Raum, I hardly felt it. 😮
I hope tomorrow will be better for me.
Just some months ago during my studies I found out about Asclepius, I didn't know he became a God, but I was very surprised when I took a brief look at Il lamento di Asclepio. It appears that Asclepius predicted almost 2 thousand years ago exactly what would happen on this planet. The loss of the Greek-Egyptian Spiritual Knowledge and tradition, the masses forgetting about the True Gods and losing their connection to them, the spread of ignorance, evil, corruption and total degeneracy. Thoth also did predict this and so did Asmodeus. Our Gods have always known that this world would see a very dark time, well before this would happen. But they also state that this will all be very temporary. Every 'success' of the enemy is rapidly getting erased.

Anyway, in Il lamento di Asclepio it appears that Asclepius also gives a message of hope, for this dark time of ignorance. He states that even if the masses will be ignorant, there will always be hope for interested and capable groups of individuals to revive the Ancient Spiritual tradition, to keep it alive in their circles and to benefit greatly from it, as the Ancient Knowledge is eternal and can always be revived and rediscovered, even in dark times. This is exactly what we're doing here in the JoS thousands of years later. What we're doing here is sacred and most important to the Gods, never doubt this!

It was already said Asclepius is Asmodeus, and from what information is available - wife or Guardian, partner, some term of importance - is also Astarte. So, Asclepius help predict this and keep the information relevant and in tact - would make sense that this is also Asmodeus.

Anyone feel free to correct that or comment if I’m incorrect or misread.
It was already said Asclepius is Asmodeus, and from what information is available - wife or Guardian, partner, some term of importance - is also Astarte. So, Asclepius help predict this and keep the information relevant and in tact - would make sense that this is also Asmodeus.

Anyone feel free to correct that or comment if I’m incorrect or misread.
This was misread. The point was that both Asmodeus and Asclepius both achieved Level 3 of the Magnum Opus procedures, not that they are the same God.
Thank you for the two rituals, HP HoodedCobra 666.

I have already written to Maxis Orientis thanking him warmly for his detailed reflections on Chinese satanic deities. As I am currently working on a larger article about Imhotep, I also came across his comparison of Shennong (神農) with the Egyptian scribe god Thoth.

Shen Nong is considered the god of medicine in ancient Chinese legend. I therefore thought of Imhotep as the deity of medicine in ancient Egypt. The Greeks called him Imuthes and compared and identified him with Asclepios, the god of Greek medicine. All three deities mentioned - Imhotep, Shennong and Asclepios - are regarded as both mythical and historical in their respective cultures, i.e. they were historically documented people who were later deified.

Imhotep was called the “son of Ptah”. In Greek, Ptah is Hephaestus and is always equated with Saturnus-Satan. Shennong is said to be the “son of Shaodian”, and thus also of Satan.

I will of course include Shennong in my article. Of course, Imhotep was also compared to the scribe god Thoth and often equated with him.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus!
Hail Wotanas!
Greetings everyone,

After our recent small schedule, below you will find the new Rituals. After the conclusion of the days of the Schedule, these are to be done for 3 consecutive days. Asclepius is a new God that is introduced to the Joy of Satan [God of Healing, he became a God] and is a well known God for his healing capacities and amazing abilities.

Raum is known as Khnum and his powers are related to the creation, maintenance and source of all life in existence. Both the Rituals are going to be amazing, so do participate. Below are the links to the Rituals.

More things upcoming soon:

Raum Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/khnum-power-ritual.html
Asclepius Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/asclepius-power-ritual.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Exactly when I decided to do the ritual of the gods with more responsibility and not to skip even one day. Thank you for your kindness and guidance.
I would like to add something here about Imhotep, why I favor him over Asclepios. Jamieson Boyd Hurry put it perfectly in the words:

„Strange it is that the claims of Imhotep to be recognized as the tutelary deity of medicine have been so neglected … long before the recognition of Asklepios by the Greeks as their legendary god of medicine: long before the days of Homer: long before the birth of Hippocrates, there lived in Egypt a magician-physician so famous for his skill in healing disease that he became recognized eventually as the Egyptian god of medicine. To him surely belongs the highest place in our hagiology; to him should physicians all the world over look up as the patron spirit of the ars medendi (Note from me: the medical art), as the emblematic god of medicine.

The reason for the neglect of Imhotep doubtless lies in the fact that it is only since Champollion deciphered the hieroglyphs about a century ago that the civilization of ancient Egypt has become known to the learned world; until then all contemporary records, whether depicted in the temples or tombs, or inscribed on papyri, were undecipherable. Meanwhile Greek and Roman scholarship had for many centuries been familiar, with the result that the mythological lore relating to the classical deity of the healing art has become interwoven with the history of medicine in all civilized countries to the exclusion of the much older Egyptian deities. Surely the time has come to do justice to the venerable figure described in the above pages, and to elevate Imhotep to the place of honour which is his due“.1
1 Jamieson Boyd Hurry, Imhotep, The vizier and physician of king Zoser, and afterwards the Egyptian god of medicine. Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, London 1926, S. 88-89

Hurry notes in a first footnote: „The cult of Asklepios appears not to go back farther than the time of Homer when Asklepios was still but a Thessalian hero and clever leech, and the father of two heroes, Machaon and Podaleirus, who fought before Troy and became famous physicians. And yet on the strength of such a trivial claim Asklepios has been for centuries our emblematic god of medicine, the reputed healer of men. His figure appears in countless diplomas, coins and seals associated with hospitals and medical societies in every civilized country“.1
1 Jamieson Boyd Hurry, Imhotep, The vizier and physician of king Zoser, and afterwards the Egyptian god of medicine. Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, London 1926, S. 88, footnote 2

And in a second footnote, Hurry further notes: „The Reading Pathological Society, the oldest Pathological Society in the United Kingdom, has recently adopted Imhotep, the Egyptian deity of medicine, as its Badge. This Badge shows the figure of the god executed in blue enamel and enclosed in a gold frame, and was presented to the Society by Sir Stewart Abram, as a souvenir of his Presidency. This is probably the first recognition by a Medical Society of the claims of Imhotep to be recognized as the patron spirit of the healing art“.1
1 Jamieson Boyd Hurry, Imhotep, The vizier and physician of king Zoser, and afterwards the Egyptian god of medicine. Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, London 1926, S. 89, footnote 1

Finally, I would like to add an Egyptian stamp from 1928, on which Imhotep is honored as the god of medicine.

Imuthes 1.jpg

Image: Imhotep commemorated in 1928 on an Egyptian stamp

The big article about Imhotep will be ready soon.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus1
Hail Wotanas!
Attention all translators!
There was a mistake in Asclepius's Ritual that needs to be corrected in all translations. At the end section, one of the names is wrong: "Vibrate x3 times "Aslepios, Apollon, Apollonios, Asclepios""
It should be "Asclepios", not "Aslepios".
So it was posted that these rituals will be done for 3 days. It’s the Monday after the Thursday that they were posted. Do we have any more rituals?
Thank you commander for this powerfull rituals in this time of october¡
Asclepios does not have any sigil, but would it be possible to put his picture as the focal point for vibrating runes? So that it can be displayed in the same vein of the other sigils.
Lord Raum is an incredibly powerful and mysterious deity who has aided humanity for many aeons. He was worshipped in Egypt for thousands of years as the God named Khnum, who was one of the oldest Gods of the Egyptian pantheon. The word Khnum means to ‘yoke together’ or ‘build’, paralleling the word yoga.

Technically, Khnum represents life in its purest state, the life-force prior to any kind of separation of species or matter by form. For this reason, He was regarded as pivotal to the maintenance of existence and of extreme importance. Khnum was associated with the entire animal world and all species within it by the same virtue of being the symbol of the life-force.

The Egyptians held Khnum to be the patron deity of the Nile, tied to the survival of Egypt as a civilization. His very word could decide the conditions for agriculture where flooding could produce rich deposits of silt and clay for year-long farming or lead to depletion. As we now know via evolutionary theory, water is where all life begins. Khnum’s most prominent temples were located on islands dedicated to His worship, such as Elephantine, near Syene, and Esna, near Thebes.

Khnum’s power was invoked by rulers for protection of their lives. The name of the Pharaoh who constructed the Great Pyramid of Giza, Khufu, means ‘Khnum is my protector.’ In Egyptian art, Pharaohs are often depicted alongside Him when asking for intercession in protective matters and functions. When the Romans conquered Egypt, the Roman emperors, beginning with Tiberius, used the imagery of this deity for good luck and to symbolize their power. Although Khnum is an extremely ancient deity, his presence remained varied, prolific, and widespread even during the Roman rule of Egypt.

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Domitian with Khnum. The inscription of this scene typically reads, “The son of Re (Domitian Augustus), beloved of Khnum-Re, Lord of Esna.”

The worshippers of Khnum often congregated together to chant. For women wishing to conceive, there were rites held at the Temple of Elephantine as Khnum was petitioned to allow them to create new life.


Khnum is portrayed with the head of a ram, a very important symbol connecting into life and nature in its purest guise. The Germanic word ‘ram’ (of supposedly unknown origin) and Raum are connected in meaning.

To put this in simpler terms, the struggle and competition of rams is symbolic of the necessity of fighting to survive and dominate. The ram always serves as a symbol of spring from which life emerges from the deep freeze of winter. Visually, the ram’s horns symbolize the beginning of life, starting from nothing and becoming more complex and varied with evolution and development. Horns of the ram allude to many other processes of creation—ovaries, for example, have this type of shape. The Fibonacci sequence of the series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers is also represented in the horns:

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More often, Khnum was represented with a circle on top of horizontal horns (sometimes with dual serpents attached), showing His connection to continuity and regeneration but hinting at the symbolism of eternal life through raising the serpent in the Sushumna channel.

As the bearer of the Ankh, Khnum is heavily associated with this symbol and its life-sustaining powers and the 'Ba' of the soul:

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A very important aspect of this imagery is His fashioning humans from clay on the potter’s wheel and breathing life into them, as this emphasizes the significance of the raw life-force in sustaining the process of reincarnation and the furtherance of higher nature.

Khnum is depicted in ancient Egyptian reliefs within a circle, surrounded by all species, beings, and Gods, as seen in this relief at the Temple of Esna:

View attachment 4321

The word ‘room’ is also connected to the vastness of what Raum rules over, originally meaning ‘space’ or ‘vastness’ in Old English. Symbolic of this vastness is the account that Thor’s chariot is pulled by two rams, while Mangal (the planet Mars) rides a ram in Hinduism.

Raum is related to the ancient Greek mythological ram named Chrysomallos. A winged ram, sired by Poseidon, flew across the sea, rescuing the boy Phrixus and providing him with the Golden Fleece that Phrixus hung in the grove of Ares. Thereafter, the ram returned to the Gods, being sacrificed to become the constellation of Aries. The connection of Aries as being ‘the spark of life’ and Khnum is deeply rooted; He was also associated with Aries by the Egyptians themselves in the Dendera temple complex.

The ram’s horns are also represented in the glyph of Mercury, and the connection of the ram-bearing Hermes (Kriophoros) to Raum is part of this symbolism. Hermes (Thoth) wields the symbol of raw life to ward off disease and decay. This imagery was often deployed in communities of antiquity before plagues could occur.


Much of the symbolism of Christianity in using the ram and lambs was stolen and repackaged into the so-called ‘Lamb of God’, Agnus Dei. This false concept was written into the Bible to be the defender of the Davidic ‘house’ of the Hebrew kings, usurping Raum’s function as a protector of rulers.

View attachment 4322

The innocence and blood of the ‘Lamb of God’, cross-referenced with the Nazarene with its so-called moral characteristics in the Book of Revelations, actually refers to the virgin life-force that Raum’s domain represents. Raum is also known as an exceptionally friendly deity to humanity, and this is one of the reasons Raum was so beloved in Egypt. Once again, this sinister imposter was written on top of an elaborate process and grotesquely literalized to create a fictitious being to worship.

Endless thieving of Hermes Kriophoros was employed to represent early depictions of the Nazarene:

View attachment 4323

By the time of the dark ages, Raum was pushed into the enemy grimoires and represented as a monstrous entity taking the form of a black crow. He is said to know past, present, and future as a coy rewriting of His maintenance of life and to be a destroyer of cities in tandem with His abilities to cause destruction in military terms.

The era of this slander is now coming to an end. The sonorous chants for Lord Raum’s intercession and maintenance of everflowing life begin anew in the Heavenly Assembly of the Joy of Satanas. We are blessed to enlist the help of One so powerful and gracious among our ranks!


UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, Jochen Hallof

Les fêtes religieuses d'esna aux derniers siècles du paganisme (Esna V), Serge Saunderon

(Special thanks and credit to [JG] Power of Justice for assistance with editing)
Excellent job with these articles! Thank you!
So it was posted that these rituals will be done for 3 days. It’s the Monday after the Thursday that they were posted. Do we have any more rituals?
Ad a group schedule yes. But all of these God rituals can be done as an individual, or as a group whenever people want to. Well, almost. Sometimes there are other schedules, but you get the idea.
Attention all translators!
There was a mistake in Asclepius's Ritual that needs to be corrected in all translations. At the end section, one of the names is wrong: "Vibrate x3 times "Aslepios, Apollon, Apollonios, Asclepios""
It should be "Asclepios", not "Aslepios".
If we find other typos who shall we inform? I occasionally run across anomalies.
The ritual of Asclepius has awakened in me a deep curiosity about the incarnated Gods: important people in antiquity who advanced to the state of Hero or even beyond and decided to reincarnate to remain here on earth and in this material plane.
I know that Hitler is one of them but surely there are more who did the same.
Greetings everyone,

After our recent small schedule, below you will find the new Rituals. After the conclusion of the days of the Schedule, these are to be done for 3 consecutive days. Asclepius is a new God that is introduced to the Joy of Satan [God of Healing, he became a God] and is a well known God for his healing capacities and amazing abilities.

Raum is known as Khnum and his powers are related to the creation, maintenance and source of all life in existence. Both the Rituals are going to be amazing, so do participate. Below are the links to the Rituals.

More things upcoming soon:

Raum Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/khnum-power-ritual.html
Asclepius Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/asclepius-power-ritual.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Asclepius Power Ritual simply Magnificent 😍😍😍

I will try to do this ritual every day, regardless of the schedule.

After this ritual, my overall health has improved, I feel healthier, stronger, more resilient and stress-resistant, and my sleep has improved.
It turns out that in 2000 years he has gone from the level of a hero to the level of a god? I roughly want to understand in order to plan my life.

When Asclepius was incarnated, he was already on a super high level. He incarnated only to help. And then he continued from there.

Great news.

I'm still working with Valefor. Is OK if I combine both Gods?

I'm also doing Balaam ritual before sleeping.

I have to say that I'm pretty new to rituals and I enjoyed doing this ritual a lot.

Hail Satan!
Hail Valefor!

Yes, it is okay to combine both. They are supposed to work in synergy.

The ritual of Asclepius has awakened in me a deep curiosity about the incarnated Gods: important people in antiquity who advanced to the state of Hero or even beyond and decided to reincarnate to remain here on earth and in this material plane.
I know that Hitler is one of them but surely there are more who did the same.

Correct. And they did this for the Gods and for humanity, because humanity is very retarded and consistently almost destroys itself.

Ad a group schedule yes. But all of these God rituals can be done as an individual, or as a group whenever people want to. Well, almost. Sometimes there are other schedules, but you get the idea.
Thanks for answering our breathern, brother.

Asclepios does not have any sigil, but would it be possible to put his picture as the focal point for vibrating runes? So that it can be displayed in the same vein of the other sigils.

There will be a later release on the Sigils. For Asclepius, as those who did the Ritual know, the Sigil is not necessary. He knows and listens.

So it was posted that these rituals will be done for 3 days. It’s the Monday after the Thursday that they were posted. Do we have any more rituals?

There will be other ones released soon. Do not worry. They are released in the intervals that they should be, as indicated by the Gods.

Attention all translators!
There was a mistake in Asclepius's Ritual that needs to be corrected in all translations. At the end section, one of the names is wrong: "Vibrate x3 times "Aslepios, Apollon, Apollonios, Asclepios""
It should be "Asclepios", not "Aslepios".

Thank you brother, it was a typo.

I would like to add something here about Imhotep, why I favor him over Asclepios. Jamieson Boyd Hurry put it perfectly in the words:

„Strange it is that the claims of Imhotep to be recognized as the tutelary deity of medicine have been so neglected … long before the recognition of Asklepios by the Greeks as their legendary god of medicine: long before the days of Homer: long before the birth of Hippocrates, there lived in Egypt a magician-physician so famous for his skill in healing disease that he became recognized eventually as the Egyptian god of medicine. To him surely belongs the highest place in our hagiology; to him should physicians all the world over look up as the patron spirit of the ars medendi (Note from me: the medical art), as the emblematic god of medicine.

The reason for the neglect of Imhotep doubtless lies in the fact that it is only since Champollion deciphered the hieroglyphs about a century ago that the civilization of ancient Egypt has become known to the learned world; until then all contemporary records, whether depicted in the temples or tombs, or inscribed on papyri, were undecipherable. Meanwhile Greek and Roman scholarship had for many centuries been familiar, with the result that the mythological lore relating to the classical deity of the healing art has become interwoven with the history of medicine in all civilized countries to the exclusion of the much older Egyptian deities. Surely the time has come to do justice to the venerable figure described in the above pages, and to elevate Imhotep to the place of honour which is his due“.1
1 Jamieson Boyd Hurry, Imhotep, The vizier and physician of king Zoser, and afterwards the Egyptian god of medicine. Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, London 1926, S. 88-89

Hurry notes in a first footnote: „The cult of Asklepios appears not to go back farther than the time of Homer when Asklepios was still but a Thessalian hero and clever leech, and the father of two heroes, Machaon and Podaleirus, who fought before Troy and became famous physicians. And yet on the strength of such a trivial claim Asklepios has been for centuries our emblematic god of medicine, the reputed healer of men. His figure appears in countless diplomas, coins and seals associated with hospitals and medical societies in every civilized country“.1
1 Jamieson Boyd Hurry, Imhotep, The vizier and physician of king Zoser, and afterwards the Egyptian god of medicine. Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, London 1926, S. 88, footnote 2

And in a second footnote, Hurry further notes: „The Reading Pathological Society, the oldest Pathological Society in the United Kingdom, has recently adopted Imhotep, the Egyptian deity of medicine, as its Badge. This Badge shows the figure of the god executed in blue enamel and enclosed in a gold frame, and was presented to the Society by Sir Stewart Abram, as a souvenir of his Presidency. This is probably the first recognition by a Medical Society of the claims of Imhotep to be recognized as the patron spirit of the healing art“.1
1 Jamieson Boyd Hurry, Imhotep, The vizier and physician of king Zoser, and afterwards the Egyptian god of medicine. Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, London 1926, S. 89, footnote 1

Finally, I would like to add an Egyptian stamp from 1928, on which Imhotep is honored as the god of medicine.

View attachment 4330
Image: Imhotep commemorated in 1928 on an Egyptian stamp

The big article about Imhotep will be ready soon.

Hail Satanas!
Hail Luciferus1
Hail Wotanas!

Yes, Imhotep is another Being that will be into the Joy of Satanas from now on, for reasons stated. There are also quite a few others.

Lord Raum ritual felt like my enitre being glowing or bathed in gold like energy similar to sun in terms of color, that energy was very soothing and calming on my being, felt like lukewarm water.

Lord Asclepius ritual was more buzzing and energizing in nature, and felt way more physical, I could feel that my current physical health issues were being fixed.

Absolutely, there are very important reasons for this. But it is as you say.

A side question - isn't the scarab a symbol of Kheper? Or is 'kheper' / 'xeper' merely a phrase meaning 'I have become'?

The Symbol is not only for Kheper. It's a powerful symbol more than one Gods use.

Hey @Hp. Hoodedcobra666 will Lord Cimeries‘s ritual be coming soon?

I do not personally decide the sequencing of the Rituals, so I cannot do any form of favoritism. The Gods decide the sequence and who gets what, plus Community needs which the Gods factor in. Therefore the sequencing is something they decide. I do my work and execute on their behalf and pointing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
