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NEW GOD RITUALS LIVE: Lilith, Anubis, Furfur

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Family,

Below I will be posting the Rituals for our three esteemed Demons. They are to be done for the next 5 days.

There is also a Ritual for Goddess Lilith here. Due to the nature of Lilith and how She engages only extremely important topics, this Ritual is smaller but effective in connecting with Her. Lilith's powers and influence represent the most mysterious and higher levels of feminine universal power. Lilith works connected with Satan and represents the Shakti or Feminine generative principle of existence.

Due to massive ignorance and spiritual starvation of the masses, a lot of wrong meanings have been heaped upon Lilith, all stemming from the culture of the enemy and "descriptions" of her. A lot repression and other topics of a human nature, plus the monstrosities the enemy has written, have gave rise to many misconceptions about her. Many self perceived "repressed" females today use her as a symbol to "justify" their actions, but Lilith is fundamentally a par excellence Goddess of both creation and motherhood as well.

The enemy calls her "Dark Mother" and many other titles, which all come from Ancient Codes about this mysterious Goddess. In the East she is symbolized by Kali and Parvati. Parvati is the pure wife of Shiva, but Kali is the most beautiful face of the feminine divine, that actually will hold no prisoners where it comes to usurpation and causation of chaos in the Spiritual Order.

Of course She is a "Dark Mother" to the enemy and those who threaten Her spiritual children, it's a given. After all, everything that protects spiritual people or the Gentiles, is always "Dark and Evil" in their book. That's a naturally protective stance against Her people. Her True Nature is a far more mysterious and elegant concept, more than words can describe.

Further, thanks to zero understanding of this topics and Jewish slander, Lilith had to endure a siege to Her reputation like no other female deity. As a slander to Lilith, the enemy has also made many monstrosities that they ascribed to Her or Her Name, in the same way they have made numerous monstrosities that were heaped upon Satan and the other important Gods. Every crime the enemy has been doing, they heap on the "Ancient Gods" as a display of hatred or confusion of the masses.

Lilith, like Astarte oftentimes in symbolism is the Kundalini force and therefore is called "playful", "dark", and because the Kundalini force must unite with her "husband" which represents the mind and the male aspect of the soul, but if left disconnected, can create "mischief".

When connected, she becomes the Mother of Human Illumination, able to "Breed Nations of Demons" and bestow Wisdom upon the Disciple. All of these allegories have been misinterpreted, but they are rather clear when one knows about the Occult. Then, She gets "liberated".

I won't mention the socially related atrocities humans have created around the term "liberation" in these topics. Lilith represents the rights of females to self determination, but also their rights to motherhood and tapping into their creative ability to give birth to human beings, like She has done for what the enemy refers to as the "Demonic Entities".

Another great lie about Lilith is that Lilith is a "Demon that is against childbirth", while the opposite is the case. In the same way the enemy slanders Satan as being the "Lord of Ignorance", while He is the opposite, Lilith has been slandered of all things to be "Against Childbirth".

Lilith represents the powerful mother that stands strong to protect her offspring and guard it from seen or unseen dangers of a spiritual or material nature. Spiritual Satanists as a whole are under Her protection on a community level. She also represents sexuality, yet sexuality exists aside other reasons for the obvious reason: To create offspring.

Spiritually speaking, one of the real statements from the enemy is that truly she is the "Mother of Demons", Demons meaning, enlightened beings of a higher order but also a code-word for enlightened individuals who have used the "Mother Force" or Shakti, and brought her into union with Shiva (the male and female unity via the rising of the Serpent force).

She is a top ranking Goddess up there with Astarte, universally respected by all the Demons and having a supernal authority like no other, and they both rule over the creative forces that animate the universe itself, and all human beings. She should not be invoked if there are no serious underlying reasons for this process. She gave the "Go ahead" to post this Ritual, and I would otherwise would not have done it myself.

The Ritual of Anubis is phenomenal when it comes to funerary rites, but also the other topics that one will understand as you will do the Ritual. Lord Anubis is one of the most powerful and most important Gods, a ruler of matters of the Afterlife. The full section of Funerary Rites will explain Anubis indepth, but also other Gods of the Underworld. That Ritual can be done to honor our Ancestors or those who have passed away.

Last but not least, Furfur is a God under Astarte/Demeter. In Ancient Rome, Furfur was called "Furfures", the name for a specific type of bran and was a Demon of vegetation and ensuring prosperity in those aspects of existence. Numerous Gods rule over aspects of generation of society, and Furfur is a patron for live giving vegetation and presiding ruler over agriculture. This has many spiritual connotations, which involve also the ability for proper nutrition. While many of these things in many places are taken for "Granted", these are still the most important underlying aspects of life and civilization.

The Rituals are published by 3 now, because Azazel said so as part of the New Year Initiatives. Many are ready and therefore all I need to do is publish them, so all is fine here.

These Rituals are NOT to be approached on a warfare mentality, they are Rituals one does calmly, to have fun, spiritually open up and connect to receive blessings. They are of a relaxing nature and not of the spiritual warfare type. Get in the mood, have fun, and enjoy the Rituals and the beautiful path of Spiritual Satanism.

The Rituals are to be done for one day each, in that order, once per Demon. You can do more if you want. Yet as a part of Group Ritual, one God for each day will suffice.

Ritual Schedule:

May 5th: Lady Lilith
May 6th: Lord Anubis
May 7th: Lord Anubis
May 8th: Demon Furfur
May 9th: Demon Furfur

Links to the Rituals:

Below are the Links to the Rituals

Anubis: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/anubis-power-ritual.html
Lilith: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/lilith-power-ritual.html
Furfur: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/furfur-power-ritual.html

Old Format

Anubis: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Anubis_Power_Ritual.html
Lilith: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Lilith_Power_Ritual.html
Furfur: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Furfur_Power_Ritual.html
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Thanks immensely I will be able to translate and do these before my travel. 🙋‍♂️🙏

Safe travels brother, I can only wish you the greatest luck in all your endeavors. Don't forget to come back and share on your journey. We will be here.
Which planetary hours are best for these? I figure lady Lilith’s is gonna be the moon.

While one does not have to stress over these [any hour will do] they are all Gods of the Moon Hour [that is why they are published in a triad too...].
While one does not have to stress over these [any hour will do] they are all Gods of the Moon Hour [that is why they are published in a triad too...].
Wow cool! Thanks!
PH HoodedCobra666 Thank you!🔥♥️
We should do the grad ritual again along with the Lilith, Anabis and Furfur. Especially now that these jews are in such an uproar. We need to shut these kikes up. And put them back in the corner! Or shove them back up the butthole they came from. They need to be extinct, literally erase from existence! As of though they never even existed...And the more you put into your rituals the more you get out of it. These jews the garbage we need to take out. 🤬🔥
Thank you immensely! I was waiting for the Anubis ritual for a long time!

Ave Lilith
Ave Furfur
Ave Anubis

My apologies, the Ritual was ready for a long time, but then the enemy's drivel forced the schedule. Now everyone can enjoy these wonderful Rituals!
I am not happy with the ritual for LILITH being only 30 Runes in total, I will add at least 4 chapters copying the crowned GODS and increase the reps to 10.

I Have been waiting for Her ritual for years, sorry HP but I am disappointed, She is very sacred to me I actually tried before to reach her and I felt her energy, she is simply massive force, very powerful Goddess, I never felt Such pureness like her.

always with me, always.

mother to the extreme, ecstasy of pleasure, loving, free and without chains.

the most magnificent and vivid goddess, i admire women for having bathed me in her energy, everything is absolutely different.

intolerance to the intolerable.

i firmly believed that i would never have something like this, but that's good.

i love you my guardian goddess.
Strange, I was just about to ask for a Lilith ritual. Thank you immensely for this High Priest!

Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Lord Anubis!
Hail Lord Furfur!
I am so excited and happy. These rituals are very much needed. Lilith's Ritual will help many people, and help the world progress properly. All the God rituals are sacred and of the utmost importance.

Hail Lilith!
Hail Anubis!
Hail Fufur!
Thank you so much, High Priest, for these new rituals!

We are immensely grateful for your leadership and for your massive efforts and dedication in crafting these rituals to bring us closer to our beloved Gods.
Here Here Hail Satan!
Thank you, I was always waiting for a ritual from Lilith.
But a few questions, why do I feel weird every time I do Set's ritual, i feel dark and I have to visualize the light to cleanse myself. when I did beelzebub's ritual everything was ok with good feeling. And what is black color in the area (area colors on the site)
Thank you so much, High Priest, for these new rituals!

We are immensely grateful for your leadership and for your massive efforts and dedication in crafting these rituals to bring us closer to our beloved Gods.

I want to thank you also for the wonderful platform you have created without which all of this would take me thrice the time to create into webpages. Thank you JG BlackOnyx.

Thank you, I was always waiting for a ritual from Lilith.
But a few questions, why do I feel weird every time I do Set's ritual, i feel dark and I have to visualize the light to cleanse myself. when I did beelzebub's ritual everything was ok with good feeling. And what is black color in the area (area colors on the site)

Set does indeed rule darkness, but not the darkness that is devoid of light which is harmful. Set leads over the form of the Aetheric darkness, the darkness that is correlated with the Aether, not that of death. It can bring comfort and solace under different circumstances. As an underworld Deity, that is His nature and the Rituals are to give a familiarity with this.

I am not happy with the ritual for LILITH being only 30 Runes in total, I will add at least 4 chapters copying the crowned GODS and increase the reps to 10.

I Have been waiting for Her ritual for years, sorry HP but I am disappointed, She is very sacred to me I actually tried before to reach her and I felt her energy, she is simply massive force, very powerful Goddess, I never felt Such pureness like her.

Lilith is a very specific case of a Goddess. The known motif of other Rituals is not even necessary here and the instructions are like this for that Ritual. It is supposed to be very small and without many details, because of exactly the cryptic nature and profile She Herself intends to have. She forbade disclosure of further information.

You can increase the Ritual numbers as you see fit of course. Stay on multiples of 5 for this Ritual, but not on multiplies of 10 except 50. For example, you can do 5x5 for this Ritual, totaling 25, or 35, or 45. The highest rounded number to do is 50 for this Ritual.

Thank You so much..
is it okay to recitation the prayer in Arabic?
am okay with English but it would just be more comfort for me!
and if i may ask do you say your prayers in English or your mother language?

You can use your native language but the words you use must be of the same exact meaning as in the Ritual, because even small words like "If, And" and so on, are very important and placed there to convey very specific meanings.
YES! I'm so happy for these! I have particularly thought of Anubis frequently lately for some reason and in thr past have felt somewhat close to Fur fur even perceiving her in a dream. I look forward to this!
The Power Rituals will now be published in 3 each time?? Wooow, these are great news!!

Thank you very much for all your hard work. 🙏🙏🙏
I am not happy with the ritual for LILITH being only 30 Runes in total, I will add at least 4 chapters copying the crowned GODS and increase the reps to 10.

I Have been waiting for Her ritual for years, sorry HP but I am disappointed, She is very sacred to me I actually tried before to reach her and I felt her energy, she is simply massive force, very powerful Goddess, I never felt Such pureness like her.
The point of Her ritual is to be short, as mentioned in the post.
Lilith is a very specific case of a Goddess. The known motif of other Rituals is not even necessary here and the instructions are like this for that Ritual. It is supposed to be very small and without many details, because of exactly the cryptic nature and profile She Herself intends to have. She forbade disclosure of further information.
I am sorry HP, Maybe I got a little emotional، the Case is I love Her so much and I sanctifies and glorifies her from the bottom of my heart، LILITH was very slandered by the enemy, and I will DO my best to fight against the enemy curses, May here Name be blessed again from every human at all times, This earth is holy because she walked on it one day. I was planning to visit one of Her temple (Petra Temple), i will for sure increase the ritual for x50.

Thank you for all the rituals, I am very excited, receive all my respect HP.
Thank you, High Priest. I've had a feeling since almost October that a ritual for Lord Anubis was coming, and it's nice to have a ritual for Lady Lilith and Furfur.

But there is one thing I am curious about, the JoS website describes Furfur as “Furfur is a beautiful Demoness”. But the ritual describes her as a man, son of Demeter. What is the reason for this?
Thank you HP for these rituals! As I begin to understand more and more what it is to have the Gods' presence in your life I am always grateful for more chances like these to connect to them. Really looking forward to these next 5 days.

Hail Lilith!
Hail Anubis!
Hail Furfur!
Thank you very much.

Here in Hungary, today is Mother's Day on 5 May. And today is the day of the power ritual of the Goddess Lilith.
Happy Mother's Day to Goddess Lilith!
Special thank.

I have also long been interested in the ritual of Lord Anubis. I can finally make it.

Can I do the Power Rituals of Lilith, Anubis and Furfur every day in that order?

Or only one Ritual of Power according to the marked days?

Anyway, Thanks for your efforts for these Rituals High Priest, you are Legendary! You are the First and the Last!
Those somewhat familiar with Hinduism may recognize the iconic imagery of Kali standing over Shiva. As always, one must view these things with the non-literal Satanic eye.

In this theology, the world had become beset by the forces of evil asuras, and Kali flew into an unstoppable fury, slaying innumerable foes. Kali was long held as a protector of the innocent, and the bane of all evil. However, her fury was so great, that the other Daevas (Gods) had grown worried that the fury would be neverending, and would not cease until the very universe itself was destroyed in her wrath. Shiva, her consort, approached her gently. In some versions, she slew him by accident, in some others, and in her grief, she imparted the breath of life back into him, waking him from his death slumber. In others, Shiva simply laid under her foot, and on seeing her consort in such a way, her fury was quelled. In some Occultic texts, Kali is referred to as the dark aspect of Parvati, which fused with Shiva to slay the Asura Daruka, who could only be slain by female hand.

The Tantric symbology here is virtually alike to the famous Yin/Yang, the male and female active/passive forces of creation itself. As stated by HPHC, the Kundalini process is spiritually referred to as a "sexual" process, that is to say, a union of the male and female, as the serpent energy rises through the lower "male" chakras and the higher "female" chakras. Again, think of Shiva underneath Kali. For simplicity's sake, one can imagine the Kali/Parvati as a representation of Shakti, the feminine, unmanifested power behind creation, and subsequently, the great birthing power and that which gives time as we perceive it its context. This is why Kali is, among other things, seen as a great Goddess of Time.

In all Her forms, Lilitu/Kali/Parvati is seen as a righteous defender of the innocent and a destroyer of evil. The very mytheme of Kali's fury repeats again across many gentile spiritualities, like the story of Anat in Mesopotamia or Hathor/Sekhmet in Egypt. The spiritual concepts are, as ever, united. From mytheme alone, one must understand in full why this is a Goddess one must grant the utmost respect towards Her enigma and mystery.

Anubis, I'm sure, many are already familiar with. His image is one of the first that one will ever see representing Ancient Egypt, and He is one of the most commonly referenced Gods of this time, particularly due to His overseeing of Egypt's funerary rites, one of the most enduring aspects of Egyptian life in the common modern consciousness. Anubis' importance was as such, that in their writings, Plato often had Socrates invoke Anubis' name, given Anubis' place as a great Judge and therefore arbiter of truth. There was no cheating or deceiving the judge of the Underworld, as He was the weigher of the truest heart. As I'm sure some may ask, why is He portrayed as a jackal? Simply put, Egyptians perceived jackals as guardians of the Underworld (not an uncommon motif, given the similar associations of Lord Cerberus with the three headed dog and Guardian of Hades). In common life, jackals would often lurk around cemeteries, hence them being seen as protectors of the dead. One should not underestimate the importance of animal symbols, given that particular sacred animals were greatly venerated in Egypt, such as the Apis Bull. I say this, as it's common slander among Muslims to regard dogs (and frankly, animals in general) as unclean and impure. I speak for most anyone here in saying I'd prefer a jackal in my home over a Muslim.

And lastly, to pay homage to Lord Furfur, I heard of a story, attributed to the Sybil of Erythrae. Corrupted or no, Lord Furfur's symbol in the Goetia is that of the "Peryton". For those unaware, the Peryton is a mythical animal similar to a winged, fanged Deer. Little information about this creature is verifiable, but I did find one thing of particular interest, that the Peryton had fled Atlantis upon its fall. Again referring to the Sybil, they're mentioned again in a prophecy, that the Peryton would be there for Rome's Fall.

Consider this story, if you will. Rome, towards its latter end, after its forced conversion by Constantine and later the persecution of Pagans by Theodosius, was fast falling to ruin. One can see the immediate effects of this, as Theodosius' actions occurred towards the latter end of the 300AD period, culminating in his death in 395. From 400AD onward, a great famine struck Rome. The first, as a matter of fact, in its long history.

With grain being the primary food source of the Ancient Romans, and Furfur being a God of grain and bran, perhaps the Sybil had a point after all. Perhaps the Peryton was indeed the symbol of the Xianized Rome's fall. Betwen 400AD and 800AD, it's considered Rome's population fell 90%. Consider the endless blasphemies and disgraces heaped on the Gods by the False Rome, and the great injury its Xian leaders paid to Europe as a whole. The Gods' great justice will always come. Of that, be certain.

To any who stuck this far, thank you for reading. Whenever a new Demon ritual is posted, I attempt to write something as a means of showing my own respect and gratitude. Hail Lilith, Hail Anubis, Hail Furfur.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
