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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Does anyone here know the easiest way to make money? I used magic for it but i just attracted shitty job..yes i maked some money but the thing is that if i only can find this type of job then meditation or worse RTR i just can't to them...and i don't want that, maybe investiment but i need at least 100 euro for it...and i need to learn it very well before, please help >-< (please don't think that i'm lazy it's just that i hate how we just have to work all day where i live and make little money...i find meditations and RTR's more important,but i don't make money from that unfortunaly :cry: )
just to clarify what i'm looking for is not for a spell but more for a physical way, or maybe i'm asking too much to make money not doing that much? I just really want to concentrate more on meditations and RTR's..who wouldn't? today i'm kind moody :roll:
Mate, Unfortunately we live in a world that is geared to make us have to work to survive. The jews want us to be too busy to have time to think and work things out. As we all know the truth of what's happening behind the scenes. As we need to live in reality I think just crack on with a job. Of course you must try to grow in the company and also move on to other jobs. Luckily I'm happy with my work but as you say I'd really rather have all my time to use productively as well. I'm thinking that as everything is energy and if we vibrate at the frequency of prosperity we can help attract it. Law of attraction stuff. When you meditate for 5 minutes a day with the feeling of having lots of money you open yourself to get it. So look after you job but by all means grow and move on and upwards. What we need to do is manage our time. I'm planning what I need to do each day. Times to do written in a diary and ticked off when completed. We have purpose in life and we can never stop doing RTRS and meditation because you know they won't. So although we need to work we need to organise our time to do all that needs to be done. And of course if there is a working someone has we can do Im open to partake
The mantra's bring what you want just program the energy.
I want to address something here this constant apologetic tone in peoples posts when they make these posts on money. Like they have to explain and stave off any negative reply. The other problem is the people with the negative replies. Telling them down for not wanting to be poor. This is Xian behaviour.
Thanks to both and yes i know unfortunately we live in this jew-shitty-hole world and i work like this what i'm asking is more an idea or something like this..like if i would have enough knowledge i would write an e-book and sell it on amazon and use magic to make a lot of people buy it..the problem is that i don't know what to wright, i'm young and the only thing that i'm interested right now is spirituality, i never had really the time and money (And an easy life before becoming a SS) to do things that i love, like singing and other things and now that those problems are resolved, I have to work, work and work! It's horrible!
Have you considered doing a working using either Sowilo or Suryae to find the perfect job for you?

That might possibly help you find a job that provides plenty of time off, or at the very least provide you with a job that you enjoy or excel at, so you don’t feel completely run down afterwards and can still focus on the spiritual side of things.

The affirmation could go something like this: “In a positive and healthy way for me, I am finding and obtaining the perfect career for me.”

Of course, feel free to tweak it however you see fit.

And on top of that you can add in more workings to attract more money to you using fehu, etc. This could manifest as you getting a raise on the job, promotion, a bonus, and so on.

You can also do Sun and Jupiter squares to get promoted.

There is always a way, my friend. Don’t get discouraged, you’re an SS. You’ve got this.
If you say, "I don't know what to write", then you won't. You must affirm, "I know what to write..." or something more specific to what you want. You should also empower your imagination and relevant Chakra - can you guess or discover which Chakra that is?

You can also empower your Soul and Aura to bring inspiration to you, etc. If you do these things enough and become more than decent in your writings, you wouldn't need to use magic to force people to by your work. You should also not sell any Spiritual information, either; this is knowledge and it is free forever.
Thanks to both of you! I know most of the things that you said but It was really helpful! I was moody that day because of something that happened and i wasn't thinking straight, being a SS is wonderful but this world make me sad and mad sometime :roll:

FancyMancy said:
You should also empower your imagination and relevant Chakra - can you guess or discover which Chakra that is?
Do you mean the third eye?
And thanks again for what you wright sometime i forget how much power the words have..
Saw a video years back, sit down everyday or once a week, and write out twenty things that will make your life better.

I do this every now and again, to find my priorities, then add simple affirmations.

For example, ive been out of the work force a couple years..
I try to program my aura often..
"I want to work
I love to work
Work is my priority
I dont waste my time"

Just make sure the affirmations are something you really want, For a long time I tried quitting alcohol, but i didnt want to quit, so i didnt change until I worked on destroying the craving first.
Sorry For what?? That particular Sermon from JoS Site by HPS Marxine made me realize that i don't have to feel sorry or apologetic for desiring things that are good for me and that is money included so long as they don't degrade my Soul.And i remember one post where one of the HPs said you get back what you give out.i.e few minutes of Meditation,you get back what is eQual to that.And bytheway,don't forget you are a SS and you deserve better than wallowing in self pity.And remember the more you work for Satan,The Gods of Hell will come to you for assistance
Hail Father Satan
Hail Lucifuge Rofocale.
luis said:
FancyMancy said:
You should also empower your imagination and relevant Chakra - can you guess or discover which Chakra that is?
Do you mean the third eye?
Oooh! Opening and empowering your Third Eye reveals a heck of a lot of things, and not just potential!

And thanks again for what you wright sometime i forget how much power the words have..
You're welcome. I am guessing that the phrase "I wouldn't know" is jewish in origin. A lot of people say, "I don't know", but saying "wouldn't" seems that it is dependent on a situation; "I wouldn't know, if...", whereas saying "I don't know" is blocking yourself off from knowing. I am just speculating, though.
Simply what I do to attract money (for now) is the quick mantra meditation. It goes something like this;

Using the SATANAS mantra, do the following:

1. Breathe in energy from all sides of your body simultaneously.

2. Hold your breath, but NEVER force this!

3. When you are holding your breath, you should be extremely relaxed. Focus on feeling the energy you’ve just drawn in. To be even more effective, you can visualize yourself engulfed in brilliant white-gold light like the Sun and then at this time, state:
"I am attracting large amounts of free and easy money. This money is free and all mine to keep or spend as I please. This money is not fraudulent or fake, but real." Now, direct the energy, visualizing a white/gold light (this is all-purpose) on your wallet and yourself.

4. Exhale and HISS the S

I repeat this 2-8 times, so far I have attracted an entrepreneurial sort of job that allows for me to make more money, in less time. This has also brought on bonuses and extra money from various other sources, however soon I plan on doing a 40 day working (at least twice) to further boost my income. My end goal is complete financial independence so that I may have all of my time free to do more meditations, workings, and even travel the world and explore this beautiful planet we live on :)
I cannot stress and emphasize enough what HP Mageson 666 has stated. ''Program'' the energy!

I speak from experience. In that after my money workings I surely attracted money, and now have a job with above average pay. But the way the money comes in is not the most pleasant or a way that I find most satisfying.

Thus money being what turns the wheel in life, must accompany a desired lifestyle and come with it. Regardless of what this may be. Do you know your desires? Who you are as a person? What you like dislike? Try to find that out and work on developing and gaining new skills.

Based on what you want you can do workings that will provide you with a great support system. Such workings that ensure the success of your endeavors. With this out of the way, being what I just said, having skills(talents, what you like), knowing what goals you have, the kind of lifestyle you want, follow up with money workings that are harmonious to these. Skills can range from knowing a trade, learning how to code, learning how to mix music, going to school to gain skills and a network, learning to sew, learning about marketing... There's so much and having satanic magic gives us a serious edge.

This is what I intend to work on, but didn't realize. I was doing these workings but never thought about the how. It's better to have an idea. This directs the energies better, and makes for a clear goal on how you want the money manifest. These money workings made realize that money exists and is out there, but there needs to be an outlet. Otherwise, if someone is lazy, never cares to pick up a book, study, gain new skills and refine talents they posses... A 9 to 5, or basic job is the ideal outlet... This is the easiest route for the energy.

So all in all, make the easiest route for the energy something you have or are working to get(skills).
Also there are other money mantras that can be used aside from the powerful ones found on the JoS website. And the money spells pdf in Satan's Library. You can experiment with these and make sure to have your Guardian Demon guide you to what can work. But I have to repeat that do not neglect programming it. And knowing how you would want it to manifest. Your physical actions must accompany the working in some way. Ask yourself the best way for you to earn money, don't limit yourself, then proceed to act accordingly, everyday.


Luis the number one key to making money is engraving the already well known money working on to your soul. The desire for money working that is the first in the money spells pdf. Money is either gained by a skill or by doing business and success in business can be had by engraving a first and foremost desire to have money which in this case can be acquired through engraving the money spell working on to your soul. It takes along time and you should also do the breathing exercise that increases mantras efficiencies.
Braun666 said:
Also there are other money mantras that can be used aside from the powerful ones found on the JoS website. And the money spells pdf in Satan's Library. You can experiment with these and make sure to have your Guardian Demon guide you to what can work. But I have to repeat that do not neglect programming it. And knowing how you would want it to manifest. Your physical actions must accompany the working in some way. Ask yourself the best way for you to earn money, don't limit yourself, then proceed to act accordingly, everyday.


even though the website has 666 in it the content is corrupted, all those mantras have no power, maybe substituting the om with aum will have some effects but I am not gonna try.
Poweredbythesun said:
Simply what I do to attract money (for now) is the quick mantra meditation. It goes something like this;

Using the SATANAS mantra, do the following:

1. Breathe in energy from all sides of your body simultaneously.

2. Hold your breath, but NEVER force this!

3. When you are holding your breath, you should be extremely relaxed. Focus on feeling the energy you’ve just drawn in. To be even more effective, you can visualize yourself engulfed in brilliant white-gold light like the Sun and then at this time, state:
"I am attracting large amounts of free and easy money. This money is free and all mine to keep or spend as I please. This money is not fraudulent or fake, but real." Now, direct the energy, visualizing a white/gold light (this is all-purpose) on your wallet and yourself.

4. Exhale and HISS the S

I repeat this 2-8 times, so far I have attracted an entrepreneurial sort of job that allows for me to make more money, in less time. This has also brought on bonuses and extra money from various other sources, however soon I plan on doing a 40 day working (at least twice) to further boost my income. My end goal is complete financial independence so that I may have all of my time free to do more meditations, workings, and even travel the world and explore this beautiful planet we live on :)

A Great one - thx!
Thanks to all! :) Now i know what to do! I really posted this when i was in a bad mood, the thing is that i really love spirituality and i HATE SO FUCKING MUCH that we have to struggle to make money when we could advance and do things that we love...
luis said:
Thanks to all! :) Now i know what to do! I really posted this when i was in a bad mood, the thing is that i really love spirituality and i HATE SO FUCKING MUCH that we have to struggle to make money when we could advance and do things that we love...
Why not turn these anger energies into ammo for the RTRs?! Likewise, enjoyment and happy energies for your money workings! ;)
Aquarius said:
Braun666 said:
Also there are other money mantras that can be used aside from the powerful ones found on the JoS website. And the money spells pdf in Satan's Library. You can experiment with these and make sure to have your Guardian Demon guide you to what can work. But I have to repeat that do not neglect programming it. And knowing how you would want it to manifest. Your physical actions must accompany the working in some way. Ask yourself the best way for you to earn money, don't limit yourself, then proceed to act accordingly, everyday.


even though the website has 666 in it the content is corrupted, all those mantras have no power, maybe substituting the om with aum will have some effects but I am not gonna try.

You're right in many ways... But it should be noted that the author of this website took many of these mantras from the vedas, upanishads and other ancient texts. Of course almost all the mantras we have today are corrupted or significantly watered down.

I did say that with guidance from the Gods we can know what works what doesn't and the correct ways. Those with advanced clairaudience can hear their instructions with better ease. I take it like any other text I may stumble upon and ask my guardians for guidance in order to avoid serious mistakes.

Like for example most of the powerful mantras to open our chakras, well of the most powerful ones posted they ended with AM instead of AUM originally. But through Satan's guidance, HPS Maxine Dietrich was given the correct version. Now we know and use the powerful versions which are much more potent! Ex: LAUM instead of LAM.

It's these little things, which seem little but are vital to spiritual progress and CORRECT progress. This is what the Gods help with. So you can throw it in the water, but that doesn't mean it's all incorrect.
Hi Luis,

Some books that I am currently reading that are helpful, are:

Think Yourself Rich by Joseph Murphy (just ignore the bible verses and xian undertones)
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki (there's now a 20th anniversary edition, that came out April 2017.)

It's important to think positively and speak kindly to oneself, mentally to ourselves or out loud to other people. We can program our minds with how we talk to ourselves, what we listen to, read, who and what we surround ourselves with daily. It builds and influences us daily, thus creating our reality, especially with us spiritual Satanists that do power meditation and have a stronger mind and soul.

That's my opinion anyways. Hope this helped a bit.
Good luck with your endeavors. I know you can achieve your goals regarding money. :)

Hail Satan!
Thanks magus.immortalis! The thing is that i am usualy a positive person especially now that i'm a satanist but in this days all my old fear and even hungs-up suddnely come to me, i'm not compleatily sure but maybe It has something to do with kundalini, blissful energy on my crown chakra, my spine the day after was in fire and all those old and ugly feeling, like i said i'm not sure but this is what happened to me in this days..now i feel fine and not depressed at all..so maybe these things have been cleared up? I Hope..i don't even think that i'm ready to the kundalini, i've been meditating for only a year..
luis said:
Thanks magus.immortalis! The thing is that i am usualy a positive person especially now that i'm a satanist but in this days all my old fear and even hungs-up suddnely come to me, i'm not compleatily sure but maybe It has something to do with kundalini, blissful energy on my crown chakra, my spine the day after was in fire and all those old and ugly feeling, like i said i'm not sure but this is what happened to me in this days..now i feel fine and not depressed at all..so maybe these things have been cleared up? I Hope..i don't even think that i'm ready to the kundalini, i've been meditating for only a year..

Trust your intuition. I have read about and experience this too, that the kundalini serpent and the process brings up old fears, past events in this lifetime (and I suspect, from past lives too, but I don't know enough on that to declare its certainty...maybe others can if they know) and hang-ups come to the surface for us to deal with, so we may be free of them. Once they are dealt with, others come up, in my experience.

One year may feel like a short time in power meditation, but I also experienced the kundalini awakening process, just the beginning, and a little bit of the serpent within one year's time, so it's definitely possible to experience these things. The kundalini awakening process is different for everyone. What one experiences, another may not. Or they experience the same symptoms but the duration and intensity may differ greatly.

Talk to Satan about the process, what you hope for, your thoughts and feelings. The serpent is under his guidance. He is directing our serpents.

Keep researching and studying about the kundalini awakening process and its symptoms, so you are not <too> surprised when things regarding that happen to you. :) Knowledge is power and dispels all fears.
magus.immortalis said:
luis said:
Thanks magus.immortalis! The thing is that i am usualy a positive person especially now that i'm a satanist but in this days all my old fear and even hungs-up suddnely come to me, i'm not compleatily sure but maybe It has something to do with kundalini, blissful energy on my crown chakra, my spine the day after was in fire and all those old and ugly feeling, like i said i'm not sure but this is what happened to me in this days..now i feel fine and not depressed at all..so maybe these things have been cleared up? I Hope..i don't even think that i'm ready to the kundalini, i've been meditating for only a year..

Trust your intuition. I have read about and experience this too, that the kundalini serpent and the process brings up old fears, past events in this lifetime (and I suspect, from past lives too, but I don't know enough on that to declare its certainty...maybe others can if they know) and hang-ups come to the surface for us to deal with, so we may be free of them. Once they are dealt with, others come up, in my experience.

One year may feel like a short time in power meditation, but I also experienced the kundalini awakening process, just the beginning, and a little bit of the serpent within one year's time, so it's definitely possible to experience these things. The kundalini awakening process is different for everyone. What one experiences, another may not. Or they experience the same symptoms but the duration and intensity may differ greatly.

Talk to Satan about the process, what you hope for, your thoughts and feelings. The serpent is under his guidance. He is directing our serpents.

Keep researching and studying about the kundalini awakening process and its symptoms, so you are not <too> surprised when things regarding that happen to you. :) Knowledge is power and dispels all fears.

From what i see i definitily eliminate a lot of hung-ups! But After those experience now i don't feel anything, i mean i feel good and more free but i don't feel other symptomps..i guess It will take a long time and this is just the beginning. Man i love being a SS! :D
Search on Youtube, IG and FB for this guy: Pejman Ghadimi.

He's going to be your key to your success if you will follow his advices.

He got the following companies:

- Secret Entourage,
- Exotic Cars Hacks,
- Watch Trading Academy.

Would love to see more active SS beside me in these field and see more SS millionaire or even billionaires in future.

Braun666 said:
Aquarius said:
Braun666 said:
Also there are other money mantras that can be used aside from the powerful ones found on the JoS website. And the money spells pdf in Satan's Library. You can experiment with these and make sure to have your Guardian Demon guide you to what can work. But I have to repeat that do not neglect programming it. And knowing how you would want it to manifest. Your physical actions must accompany the working in some way. Ask yourself the best way for you to earn money, don't limit yourself, then proceed to act accordingly, everyday.


even though the website has 666 in it the content is corrupted, all those mantras have no power, maybe substituting the om with aum will have some effects but I am not gonna try.

You're right in many ways... But it should be noted that the author of this website took many of these mantras from the vedas, upanishads and other ancient texts. Of course almost all the mantras we have today are corrupted or significantly watered down.

I did say that with guidance from the Gods we can know what works what doesn't and the correct ways. Those with advanced clairaudience can hear their instructions with better ease. I take it like any other text I may stumble upon and ask my guardians for guidance in order to avoid serious mistakes.

Like for example most of the powerful mantras to open our chakras, well of the most powerful ones posted they ended with AM instead of AUM originally. But through Satan's guidance, HPS Maxine Dietrich was given the correct version. Now we know and use the powerful versions which are much more potent! Ex: LAUM instead of LAM.

It's these little things, which seem little but are vital to spiritual progress and CORRECT progress. This is what the Gods help with. So you can throw it in the water, but that doesn't mean it's all incorrect.
Theres a perpetual problem where people misunderstand phrases as being mantras and try to chant them. Its simply like repeating an affirmation to yourself in a different language. Not everything that starts with Aum and ends with Namah is a mantra suitable for a 40 day working. These are philosophical texts and these sentences have particular meanings. Some are trying to conceptualize something in relation to a deity or paying homage to them. You'll find swathes of completely useless shit long af on websites thst is full of ignorant retardedness. You need a highly adept guide (read daemonic guidance) to figure out what the text actually means because its written in some sort of allegorical way.
luis said:
Does anyone here know the easiest way to make money? I used magic for it but i just attracted shitty job..yes i maked some money but the thing is that if i only can find this type of job then meditation or worse RTR i just can't to them...and i don't want that, maybe investiment but i need at least 100 euro for it...and i need to learn it very well before, please help >-< (please don't think that i'm lazy it's just that i hate how we just have to work all day where i live and make little money...i find meditations and RTR's more important,but i don't make money from that unfortunaly :cry: )

Brother, alot of people feel the way you do. Your advantage is that you are an SS.

Make sure to program the energy properly and specifically. Do it twice a day if you must. But remember, most importantly "The Power is in the Know"

Know that it is happening and be confident.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
Does anyone here know the easiest way to make money? I used magic for it but i just attracted shitty job..yes i maked some money but the thing is that if i only can find this type of job then meditation or worse RTR i just can't to them...and i don't want that, maybe investiment but i need at least 100 euro for it...and i need to learn it very well before, please help >-< (please don't think that i'm lazy it's just that i hate how we just have to work all day where i live and make little money...i find meditations and RTR's more important,but i don't make money from that unfortunaly :cry: )

Brother, alot of people feel the way you do. Your advantage is that you are an SS.

Make sure to program the energy properly and specifically. Do it twice a day if you must. But remember, most importantly "The Power is in the Know"

Know that it is happening and be confident.
Thank you even if this post is old :D i did find solution to my problems thanks to the God's and my workings in these years, my life Is much better and i feel much better. At the time of the post i did not program the energy proprely and there was some blocks that prevented me to have a good job, the job that i found at the time was shitty as fuck, 10 hours of work and the pay was 20 euro (wich is 22 dollars) on top of this it was not a job where i had to sit on a chair and so i was phisically exausted.

Luckly i lived with my parents i could stop it at any time. It was definitilly an experience...at least i saw how much the jobs in Italy (and of course elsewhere) treat you like a slave...fucking jews. Luckly i'm a SS ;)
luis said:
Does anyone here know the easiest way to make money? I used magic for it but i just attracted shitty job..yes i maked some money but the thing is that if i only can find this type of job then meditation or worse RTR i just can't to them...and i don't want that, maybe investiment but i need at least 100 euro for it...and i need to learn it very well before, please help >-< (please don't think that i'm lazy it's just that i hate how we just have to work all day where i live and make little money...i find meditations and RTR's more important,but i don't make money from that unfortunaly :cry: )

Well I earn around 20€/h, I teach kids some maths, CHemistry, Physics and English (It is so easy I need 6mins to prepare some exercises). Well I am from Germany, so they pay well. What about Online Marketing (One of my friends made 1k-3k per month, well you have to work consistantly for this money tho. Atleast thats what he said)? Why don't you Build something... like some scratching Posts? and ship them to idk Germany and other rich countries? (scratiching posts cost a fortune here lol https://www.zooplus.de/shop/katzen/kratzbaum_katzenbaum/kratzbaum_gross/kratzbaum_gross_180cm/498793?gclid=CjwKCAjw3c_tBRA4EiwAICs8CjOUE1SQKU3ybsVZtym0Onn72whe5WC8ULpoauWukQ4oTuVT-oK2ghoC_S0QAvD_BwE) I am sure you are able to craft something like this, sell it cheaper and make a good profit.
I would have some other ideas, but you need starter cash for them, and you have to be skilled.
why dont you offer some astro reading xD I bet you are able to do that, well maybe not on an advanced level, but it will be enough to impress people so that they pay you.

I wish you luck man.
Maybe you could also provide a service where you change winter tires? 30€ sounds good, change all 4 tires and to adjust the pressure.
You could do this a couple times until you have enough money to do something else? And besides it is some quick money around 20€/h aswell.
NinRick said:
luis said:
Does anyone here know the easiest way to make money? I used magic for it but i just attracted shitty job..yes i maked some money but the thing is that if i only can find this type of job then meditation or worse RTR i just can't to them...and i don't want that, maybe investiment but i need at least 100 euro for it...and i need to learn it very well before, please help >-< (please don't think that i'm lazy it's just that i hate how we just have to work all day where i live and make little money...i find meditations and RTR's more important,but i don't make money from that unfortunaly :cry: )

Well I earn around 20€/h, I teach kids some maths, CHemistry, Physics and English (It is so easy I need 6mins to prepare some exercises). Well I am from Germany, so they pay well. What about Online Marketing (One of my friends made 1k-3k per month, well you have to work consistantly for this money tho. Atleast thats what he said)? Why don't you Build something... like some scratching Posts? and ship them to idk Germany and other rich countries? (scratiching posts cost a fortune here lol https://www.zooplus.de/shop/katzen/kratzbaum_katzenbaum/kratzbaum_gross/kratzbaum_gross_180cm/498793?gclid=CjwKCAjw3c_tBRA4EiwAICs8CjOUE1SQKU3ybsVZtym0Onn72whe5WC8ULpoauWukQ4oTuVT-oK2ghoC_S0QAvD_BwE) I am sure you are able to craft something like this, sell it cheaper and make a good profit.
I would have some other ideas, but you need starter cash for them, and you have to be skilled.
why dont you offer some astro reading xD I bet you are able to do that, well maybe not on an advanced level, but it will be enough to impress people so that they pay you.

I wish you luck man.
I thank you for the advice's but as you can see this post was from 2017 :lol: someone some days ago commented on it and this is why it showed up. Now things are much better in my life ;)
Make sure you use the right visualization along with the right mantra:


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
