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Marriage & Baptism in Spiritual Satanism: About Love

yes but some planet houses or natal chart includes other nation's marriage. but doesnt it mean race mixing? maybe i should create another thread about it

but mostly having and then leaving relationship leaves a scar on our soul, so having lots of experience is making me scared and worried about my trust against my partner. even im thinking about asking hiv test before any sexual activity. am i wrong?

Yes, definitely its what its

thank yu a lot for explainations
yes but some planet houses or natal chart includes other nation's marriage. but doesnt it mean race mixing? maybe i should create another thread about it
No you can find people of your race in other nations. Like in Europa countries you will find white people more if you are white.
but mostly having and then leaving relationship leaves a scar on our soul, so having lots of experience is making me scared and worried about my trust against my partner. even im thinking about asking hiv test before any sexual activity. am i wrong?
i dont think this may be problem if you are on the path, you are healing and making yourself more healthy.

Longer you on the path, more often interactions starts to unfold. As you grow, heal, understand more become more free, more able to do, more experience you can get if you desire for it.

Scars becomes not so scary or harmful or they even not become scars but lessons after a while, same if you would start to get immunity and mature, see it more clear, and start to take good things instead of bad, or in other words bad experiences you start to use for transformation of yourself, for building yourself up and eventually getting better in it.

Don’t be disappointed you should start to see it as opportunity to grow, and know that there is whole millions of other people, and not take it very hard on only one, because always there is someone else and always there is someone better.

You can ask Gods for guidance in this so you would go more with confidence.

In childhood it’s easy to get scars, and when you are younger, but later you see it in more mature way, and take it how you feel it is more of benefit for you than hurting yourself.
Besides the Ethics section which is the best globally in it's kind, I am going to be including more things in it as "Life Ethics". Among these there will be marriage and other important topics. All of these will be explained from the standpoint of the Gods and how they advise us to live our life in the highest potential and in the best manner possible, for OUR sake, not as empty rules that exist for the sake of "whatever" else.

Now, in regard to Marriage, it has not been stated before in these forums. There will be a Ritual for Satanic Marriage that I will write soon, same as Baptism. Unlike the enemy religions, our Baptism will be done once when the girl or boy is 40 days old, a beautiful Ritual to our newcomers the blessings of the Gods. At 12 to 14 years old, there will be another Ritual where the child is now of consciousness and can make a decision (That is up to the parents to decide), if they will be of us.

That will also be a test of the parents, so that they can show the goodwill and love of the Gods to their children, nor try to keep them with us under the threat of hellfire, but by teaching them to follow by example and respect.

Celebrations and ceremony, are parts of these; the most important and beautiful aspects of human existence where two people become one unity toward the world and in themselves.

As the enemy has corrupted humanity and has dropped them to a really lesser level of existence, important life passages such as marriage, adulthood, or baptism of a human being, are all merely empty forms without content. The marriage of people has entered a state where many people do not want to do it, or simply circulate around life without even considering it anymore.

The marriage professed in Spiritual Satanism will not be a typical marriage where you just sign documentation in your local municipal office. It will be a holy sacrament to connect too souls together. It will be a serious thing for grown ups; where both people will mutually agree on matters to continue as a singular family.

Everything in this world received the importance that we ascribe to it, and most people out there don't care to live a fruitful life that causes generation. Marriage is a major power, not only against loneliness and the problems of life, but also about pleasure and reaching higher states with a person that you truly love and they love you back. People nowadays break their marriages for crickets, as society is taught for couples to undervalue one another. Sacredness is being besieged. If we don't make things sacred for ourselves, they cannot become suddenly on their own.

There are not happier messages for me to receive from people, other than: Success messages, pictures of your babies when you have them with your partners (It makes me feel most happy to see your beautiful lives), but also personal development. These things give me courage to go on. A happy family is literally a gift from the Gods, of all the things in the world, it's the most happy occurrence to see two people truly in love with one another.

Love in general is something all people want and seek, but many don't want to make the necessary efforts to have it. The enemy has also preached that "love" is something one simply just arbitrarily deserves, when one is a psychopath or a sociopath, and love has become a currency that exists very little in this world, it's rarer than the gold of the earth. Those who receive love from the Gods or the community, will understand full well what I mean, same as people who found someone they truly loved and fought to make it work. Love is not to be taken lightly and it's not a game of nonsense.

In marriage or even love relationships, two people come together to literally heal themselves. This is why love hurts. Love can sometimes hurt because it's healing you, teaching you lessons, and yes, love also sometimes can be against your false ego. But at the same time, the power of love is the strongest power you can have inside your chest, higher than all the other powers of the world. We long for love for good reasons. As thus you will see that Lady Astarte is representing love, but also simultaneously, war. Because love also brings war with it, this war that one needs to wage to control one's false ego, in order to receive boundless power that comes from love. It's the mysterious force that humans seek and very rightfully so.

Closing this topic, there are some holy things in this world. Many people worship only money, objects, material things, handbags and many other things. You know very well if someone came here to emphasize wealth and security, I am the person who did this. But there are too other things to this life, that society keeps from us. As we seek replacements for the holy things in life, many times we focus on things of a lesser scale, only to get a little "something" that is truly elsewhere in our lives, getting none in the end.

The world is being lied to and people are told only financial acquisitions are going to make you more happy than loving someone and being loved back. Financial acquisitions on their own, matter certainly for "one's self", but their primary importance is to help other things that we love too in a good balance. The "only for yourself" ruling ideas of the time right now are false.

Yes, these things are fundamental too in existence, great in themselves, but they are not the full purpose of life and existence. They are very important foundations to build things other better things above them.

Having people that you trust and cherish in existence, is the true treasure of existence. You are being lied to. Parents know what I mean here. Those who have been loved by the Gods know what I mean here in the tenfold. Allow them to love you and to help you. You can be destitute and still have the treasures of the whole world, only if you know these things.

These holy things are the love of family, the love for ourselves and the love of the community and the Gods. When this gap is closed, then a human being has moved into newfound consciousness. Marriage has a lot of things in common with the service of the Gods, and the community also teaches responsibility and love, the two things children need the most to grow.

That is why in the past they said as a code "The Priest is married to the Goddess" - that is a code of conduct, not an objective statement. The same passion needed to maintain a proper marriage, is very close to the reality of being emotionally connected to the Gods and greater endeavors. It's about devotion and dedication.

Let all marriages and all baptisms that commence in the future and in our blessed community, be fruits of the love of the Gods, sweet and beautiful for all those in them.

If I am happy for one thing in this life, is that I brought people closer in the community and showed them the love and power of the Gods. I am happy for everything else too. But that is the most irreplaceable gift in the universe. Cherish it and let it grow you to the beings you are meant to become.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It comes at just the right time, I will get married in the near future before our Father Satan and the Gods with my beloved girlfriend SS
I have a boyfriend and i love him so much but he is not SS, he is Müslim. And i dont think he will be a ss he is very strict-minded . İs it right to marry such a person?
Thank you so much for this information and for all your incredibly precious work, sir.

Love is truly everywhere and it is a sacred, powerful and great feeling. Love for Gods, family and friends, what one does in life and our wonderful community is beautiful and amazing. This true love wraps you in its soft embrace, protects you, empowers you and opens new horizons of your own possibilities. To know that you are loved and to be loved in return is one of the most precious feelings. Wedding and Baptism rituals are definitely very important and will absolutely strengthen our community on all levels.

True love to all of us, dear brothers and sisters!
I have a boyfriend and i love him so much but he is not SS, he is Müslim. And i dont think he will be a ss he is very strict-minded . İs it right to marry such a person?
Muslim men are very dangerous. Many women have been murdered by muslim husbands because he thought they were not following islam well enough.

I don't think it is a good idea to marry him unless he seperates from islam. But you have to be very careful about this, because even a conversation about this could inspire a muslim to become violent. You have to remember anybody who is connected to islam have their souls connected into some of the most violent curses in the world.
Besides the Ethics section which is the best globally in it's kind, I am going to be including more things in it as "Life Ethics". Among these there will be marriage and other important topics. All of these will be explained from the standpoint of the Gods and how they advise us to live our life in the highest potential and in the best manner possible, for OUR sake, not as empty rules that exist for the sake of "whatever" else.

Now, in regard to Marriage, it has not been stated before in these forums. There will be a Ritual for Satanic Marriage that I will write soon, same as Baptism. Unlike the enemy religions, our Baptism will be done once when the girl or boy is 40 days old, a beautiful Ritual to our newcomers the blessings of the Gods. At 12 to 14 years old, there will be another Ritual where the child is now of consciousness and can make a decision (That is up to the parents to decide), if they will be of us.

That will also be a test of the parents, so that they can show the goodwill and love of the Gods to their children, nor try to keep them with us under the threat of hellfire, but by teaching them to follow by example and respect.

Celebrations and ceremony, are parts of these; the most important and beautiful aspects of human existence where two people become one unity toward the world and in themselves.

As the enemy has corrupted humanity and has dropped them to a really lesser level of existence, important life passages such as marriage, adulthood, or baptism of a human being, are all merely empty forms without content. The marriage of people has entered a state where many people do not want to do it, or simply circulate around life without even considering it anymore.

The marriage professed in Spiritual Satanism will not be a typical marriage where you just sign documentation in your local municipal office. It will be a holy sacrament to connect two souls together. It will be a serious thing for grown ups; where both people will mutually agree on matters to continue as a singular family.

Everything in this world received the importance that we ascribe to it, and most people out there don't care to live a fruitful life that causes generation. Marriage is a major power, not only against loneliness and the problems of life, but also about pleasure and reaching higher states with a person that you truly love and they love you back. People nowadays break their marriages for crickets, as society is taught for couples to undervalue one another. Sacredness is being besieged. If we don't make things sacred for ourselves, they cannot become suddenly on their own.

There are not happier messages for me to receive from people, other than: Success messages, pictures of your babies when you have them with your partners (It makes me feel most happy to see your beautiful lives), but also personal development. These things give me courage to go on. A happy family is literally a gift from the Gods, of all the things in the world, it's the most happy occurrence to see two people truly in love with one another.

Love in general is something all people want and seek, but many don't want to make the necessary efforts to have it. The enemy has also preached that "love" is something one simply just arbitrarily deserves, when one is a psychopath or a sociopath, and love has become a currency that exists very little in this world, it's rarer than the gold of the earth. Those who receive love from the Gods or the community, will understand full well what I mean, same as people who found someone they truly loved and fought to make it work. Love is not to be taken lightly and it's not a game of nonsense.

In marriage or even love relationships, two people come together to literally heal themselves. This is why love hurts. Love can sometimes hurt because it's healing you, teaching you lessons, and yes, love also sometimes can be against your false ego. But at the same time, the power of love is the strongest power you can have inside your chest, higher than all the other powers of the world. We long for love for good reasons. As thus you will see that Lady Astarte is representing love, but also simultaneously, war. Because love also brings war with it, this war that one needs to wage to control one's false ego, in order to receive boundless power that comes from love. It's the mysterious force that humans seek and very rightfully so.

Closing this topic, there are some holy things in this world. Many people worship only money, objects, material things, handbags and many other things. You know very well if someone came here to emphasize wealth and security, I am the person who did this. But there are too other things to this life, that society keeps from us. As we seek replacements for the holy things in life, many times we focus on things of a lesser scale, only to get a little "something" that is truly elsewhere in our lives, getting none in the end.

The world is being lied to and people are told only financial acquisitions are going to make you more happy than loving someone and being loved back. Financial acquisitions on their own, matter certainly for "one's self", but their primary importance is to help other things that we love too in a good balance. The "only for yourself" ruling ideas of the time right now are false.

Yes, these things are fundamental too in existence, great in themselves, but they are not the full purpose of life and existence. They are very important foundations to build things other better things above them.

Having people that you trust and cherish in existence, is the true treasure of existence. You are being lied to. Parents know what I mean here. Those who have been loved by the Gods know what I mean here in the tenfold. Allow them to love you and to help you. You can be destitute and still have the treasures of the whole world, only if you know these things.

These holy things are the love of family, the love for ourselves and the love of the community and the Gods. When this gap is closed, then a human being has moved into newfound consciousness. Marriage has a lot of things in common with the service of the Gods, and the community also teaches responsibility and love, the two things children need the most to grow.

That is why in the past they said as a code "The Priest is married to the Goddess" - that is a code of conduct, not an objective statement. The same passion needed to maintain a proper marriage, is very close to the reality of being emotionally connected to the Gods and greater endeavors. It's about devotion and dedication.

Let all marriages and all baptisms that commence in the future and in our blessed community, be fruits of the love of the Gods, sweet and beautiful for all those in them.

If I am happy for one thing in this life, is that I brought people closer in the community and showed them the love and power of the Gods. I am happy for everything else too. But that is the most irreplaceable gift in the universe. Cherish it and let it grow you to the beings you are meant to become.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Creating your own family and a real marriage is a great blessing, but it is even more best if your loved one is a Spiritual Satanist like yourself.
Well, this is awesome - although, I'm not a stage in my family where I'm even fit to be concerned with marriage. In Ancient China, there was tradition of labeling certain children as "Little Emperors" - though today this tradition now sadly heavily-polluted and corrupted, thanks to being misunderstood at first, and is now rife with communist teachings that led into the One Child policy.

In terms of the allegorical "being married to the Goddess" the enemy religious also stole this for their symbolic "bride of christ" bullshit, christians refer to themselves as the "bride" and clearly they also like to paint women and femanine elements of nature equating to being a slave and sacrifice.

The enemy catholic church also distorted these notions by literally forbidding their clergy from marrying (though the higher ranks are kikes but the lower ranks like your normal priest are gentiles).....yet they are doing atrocious things behind the scenes like grooming and raping children......

In terms of being loved by the Gods....I feel they've surely shown it to me. A lot of the things I asked them to show me/bring me back in May of last year are now coming, obviously there are things they want to me tackle myself. Having help in my recovery and revival of Asian Satanism via the coming of @Amuro Ray thanks to @STanBlank bringing him to the forums I already take it as a sign. He's already seeming showing HP-level knowledge of Chinese Satanic traditions.

However they've also shown me tough love, moments that may seem like I'm suffering, or getting attacked by the enemy. since "love" isn't all about hugs, kisses and feelings of comfort.
Muslim men are very dangerous. Many women have been murdered by muslim husbands because he thought they were not following islam well enough.

I don't think it is a good idea to marry him unless he seperates from islam. But you have to be very careful about this, because even a conversation about this could inspire a muslim to become violent. You have to remember anybody who is connected to islam have their souls connected into some of the most violent curses in the world.

Good grief.....muslim male partners are on another whole level of monstrosity. Islam is just one of those religions that many non-Muslims of all faiths you can think of, Christian, atheist, Hindus, Sikhs, agnostic and Buddhists are getting sick and tired of (in spite of how the leftists wanna keep portraying islam as a good religion), even to the point where I believe it was Thailand, Buddhists started retaliating against Islamic mosques for attacks on Buddhist temples, mind-you that Buddhists are the type to "turn the other cheek" as it too, is an enemy religion of its own. Conservative Hindus and Sikhs never liked islam to begin with, good for them.

This particular criminal case of untermench islamic men comes into mind:

I don't even understand how a Texan women, of Southern Baptist background ended up with a Muslim animal to begin with and at the approval of her parents since Southern Baptists have a tendency to embrace nationalism and conservatism. In Russia too, there's this wierd fetish among their women to procreate with Turkish and Arab Muslim guys, something I've noticed back in 2018....disgraceful given to what the Tsar had done for Russians and Slavs back during the days of the Russian empire to liberate them from Ottoman rule and race-mixing. I don't know why Russians as a whole aren't speaking up against this, anti-islamic resistance is dead in Russia.

Although that's just 1 out a bazillion atrocious cases. I remember speaking with a Muslim evangalist and asked him why Islam does what it does to women, and he outright admitted to me it's so that man can control the women and keep her chained towards Islamic values. There was another incident where my familiars where at a Latin food store, and a deranged Muslim guy just started going around joking about blowing people up and shit.

I've met many Pakestanis who no longer follow islam, let's just say.....it reflects in their presonalities, they are less toxic and abusive, let alone toxic at all. I gotta say Pakistan impresses me since it has some of the largest people leaving islam, and the majority of ex-Muslims I've spoken with have a tendency to be Pakistani.

But yeah....we can list every exmaple, but that would probably crash the website thanks to data overload.
You do not have to necessarily marry. But at some point it might make sense to do so. I describe a very important thing here; society is as it is nowadays. We may not get all the same things in all the departments of life. Yet we must not fail to recognize what is good for us.

One cannot "Marry just to marry", there has to be a suitable partner to go all the way with them. No matter what, love can exist within or outside of marriage. But marriage is a sacred concept and people who spend a long time together, can be considered "as if married" even if they aren't, for example.

Labels are important, but they aren't everything, the content, the love and the quality of relationship is what defines it.

Good grief.....muslim male partners are on another whole level of monstrosity. Islam is just one of those religions that many non-Muslims of all faiths you can think of, Christian, atheist, Hindus, Sikhs, agnostic and Buddhists are getting sick and tired of (in spite of how the leftists wanna keep portraying islam as a good religion), even to the point where I believe it was Thailand, Buddhists started retaliating against Islamic mosques for attacks on Buddhist temples, mind-you that Buddhists are the type to "turn the other cheek" as it too, is an enemy religion of its own. Conservative Hindus and Sikhs never liked islam to begin with, good for them.

This particular criminal case of untermench islamic men comes into mind:

I don't even understand how a Texan women, of Southern Baptist background ended up with a Muslim animal to begin with and at the approval of her parents since Southern Baptists have a tendency to embrace nationalism and conservatism. In Russia too, there's this wierd fetish among their women to procreate with Turkish and Arab Muslim guys, something I've noticed back in 2018....disgraceful given to what the Tsar had done for Russians and Slavs back during the days of the Russian empire to liberate them from Ottoman rule and race-mixing. I don't know why Russians as a whole aren't speaking up against this, anti-islamic resistance is dead in Russia.

Although that's just 1 out a bazillion atrocious cases. I remember speaking with a Muslim evangalist and asked him why Islam does what it does to women, and he outright admitted to me it's so that man can control the women and keep her chained towards Islamic values. There was another incident where my familiars where at a Latin food store, and a deranged Muslim guy just started going around joking about blowing people up and shit.

I've met many Pakestanis who no longer follow islam, let's just say.....it reflects in their presonalities, they are less toxic and abusive, let alone toxic at all. I gotta say Pakistan impresses me since it has some of the largest people leaving islam, and the majority of ex-Muslims I've spoken with have a tendency to be Pakistani.

But yeah....we can list every exmaple, but that would probably crash the website thanks to data overload.
Hopefully Islam is one day dust and destroyed. Ex Muslims to find Satan would be truly glorius.
I think that is harder to find the right partner, that maintaining the relationship.
Thank you very much, HP HoodedCobra, for this beautiful article and the marriage ritual that you will share with us in the near future. I really can't express my joy in words right now, this article was very gratifying for us who are currently in this process. I even thought that our marriage was delayed because our Gods and Goddesses wanted us to start our marriage with this ritual. That would be such a great honour.
I wish I could have my future marriage overseen by a Spiritual Satanist priest. Hell, I would have loved to have partied with you all.
I have been pondering the meaning of marriage with the abysmal divorce rate and troubles in my own love life. I so badly want to be loved just like I love, truly and deeply and fully. I am honestly like a child in this way. I don't want to be thrown/spurned away any more. People just throw each other away because they think they can get something better. Or they are afraid of commitment. But what they don't realise (until it is too late) is that they will never find another you.
There is so much shit in life, and having that one person by your side through all the hard times, I'd imagine just makes it so much easier.
I hope you all find that person, that will love you for life.
What if we already baptized our child with the OG info to the best of your ability? Should we redo it when the new guidelines are out?
This makes me so happy. So so very happy to hear this. That's all I wanted to say here.
Hopefully Islam is one day dust and destroyed. Ex Muslims to find Satan would be truly glorius.
Only the good ones will. The subhuman ones better bit the dust together with their religion. We don't need creatures dumber than animals in Satanism.
Bonsoir a vous pourrais je avoir le rituel du mariage satanique ?
Merci d'avance..
In Russia too, there's this wierd fetish among their women to procreate with Turkish and Arab Muslim guys, something I've noticed back in 2018....disgraceful given to what the Tsar had done for Russians and Slavs back during the days of the Russian empire to liberate them from Ottoman rule and race-mixing. I don't know why Russians as a whole aren't speaking up against this, anti-islamic resistance is dead in Russia.
Well, it's much more complicated than that.

There is no resistance due to many factors:

- Jews in power, that weaponize and import aggressive apes and minorities towards the native population (to enslave and use them all, as usual), Diasporas are quite strong here too, but always under the foot of the regime.

- Always decreasing quality of life (thus no new Slavic populace and thus government trying to replenish the numbers by bringing these types as replacement).

- All civil movement and real activists are dead, bought out or compliant with the regime. No civil movement in any shape or form is allowed to exist, as it threatens the dictate of the regime, remember that once more.

- Great emphasize on WW2 and how awful were these Nazis, thus no just opinions and actions on foreigners allowed, as this is literally "The Rebirth of Fascism", when people rebel against a muslim ape that killed or raped someone once again.

- Poor migration policies for the sake of cheap labor.

- "Free stuff" for anyone with citizenship at the expense of the native populace, which attracts these creatures as well, and yes, they avoid taxes very much often. They invade the country more and more with each year, central cities are becoming more fill with those types.

- Remnants of Soviet agenda about Friendship of Nations, that type of friendship which in reality looked like this: Slavic populace works hard, and quite the sum of the resources from this labor goes to provide civilization for "poor south-eastern tovarischs". In 90-s, after Soviets falling apart, the same "tovarischs" caused a bloodbath and pillaging of the Slavic populace living there, many of which were the ones to build the infrastructure and keep it intact.

- From the start of the Soviet project, Masculine and heroic features were highly disliked and sorted out of the populace by death (vast majority of real intellectuals and aristocratic bloodlines were killed, a whole strata, head and nervous system of the Nation were killed or had to flee). The negative selection, involution of Russian people in the bounds of Soviet union is still highly visible and notable (and is ongoing to this day). Weak, compliant, ignorant, fearful and docile had better chances of survival and propagation under the direct rule of kikes. And for that reason, these south-eastern "guests", who never were put through something even remotely similar, become so brave among those, who were trained for generations to be submissive and humble, whose very Soul has been smeared and kicked into the ground for around 100 years. And women feel and fall for something, what lacks in those abroad. Plus, due to the factors above, they could have more money and recourses.

- Yet note, that these women, who get involved in relationships with other races are lower beings by nature. It's the consequence of their souls being at a level much lower than the common folk, who are disgusted and repulsed by south-easterners and race-mixing in general. Remember, that good souls will avoid having relationships and procreating with them. It's all gonna be good, consider this to be a process of natural selection taking place: dross separated from the diamonds.
I'm looking forward to the future where we can be open and easily find a partner. I just don't see myself being able to live a life of secrecy with my life partner.
I'm looking forward to the future where we can be open and easily find a partner. I just don't see myself being able to live a life of secrecy with my life partner.
Exactly what I have been thinking. It's really hard to find a partner for us SS in this day and age. I want someone who will understand me. For this first and very simple point, most of the population is already excluded. My basic needs are generally antithetic to the basic needs of a modern female. I will not watch Netflix with you, I will not make a social media profile. I want someone who will grow and mature with me, who will support me and who I can support. It makes me sad often that this basic happiness is denied to us.
Помимо раздела «Этика», который является лучшим в своем роде в мире, я собираюсь включить в него еще несколько разделов под названием «Жизненная этика». Среди них будут брак и другие важные темы. Все это будет объяснено с точки зрения Богов и того, как они советуют нам прожить нашу жизнь с максимальным потенциалом и наилучшим образом, ради НАШИХ, а не как пустые правила, существующие ради «чего бы то ни было» еще. .

Что касается брака, то на этих форумах об этом раньше не говорилось. Скоро я напишу Ритуал Сатанинского Брака, такой же, как и Крещение. В отличие от вражеских религий, наше Крещение будет совершено один раз, когда девочке или мальчику исполнится 40 дней, это прекрасный Ритуал для наших новичков и благословения Богов. В возрасте от 12 до 14 лет будет еще один Ритуал, в котором ребенок теперь находится в сознании и может принять решение (это зависит от родителей), будут ли они из нас.

Это также будет испытанием для родителей, чтобы они могли проявить благосклонность и любовь Богов к своим детям, а не попытаться удержать их с нами под угрозой адского огня, но научив их следовать примеру и уважению.

Празднования и церемонии являются частью этого; самые важные и прекрасные аспекты человеческого существования, где два человека становятся единым целым по отношению к миру и самим себе.

Поскольку враг развратил человечество и опустил его на действительно меньший уровень существования, важные жизненные этапы, такие как брак, взросление или крещение человека, являются просто пустыми формами без содержания. Брак людей вошел в состояние, когда многие люди не хотят этого делать или просто бродят по жизни, даже не задумываясь об этом.

Брак, исповедующий Духовный Сатанизм, не будет типичным браком, когда вы просто подписываете документацию в местном муниципальном офисе. Соединить две души вместе будет святым таинством. Для взрослых это будет серьезное дело; где оба человека взаимно согласятся по вопросам продолжения существования как единая семья.

Все в этом мире получило ту важность, которую мы этому приписываем, и большинство людей не хотят жить плодотворной жизнью, вызывающей зарождение. Брак — это главная сила не только в борьбе с одиночеством и жизненными проблемами, но также в получении удовольствия и достижении более высоких состояний с человеком, которого вы действительно любите и который любит вас в ответ. Сегодня люди разрывают браки из-за сверчков, поскольку общество учит пары недооценивать друг друга. Святость подвергается осаде. Если мы не сделаем вещи священными для себя, они не смогут внезапно стать сами по себе.

Для меня нет более радостных сообщений от людей, кроме: сообщений об успехе, фотографий ваших детей, когда они у вас рождаются с вашими партнерами (я чувствую себя очень счастливым, видя вашу прекрасную жизнь), а также личного развития. Эти вещи придают мне смелости идти дальше. Счастливая семья – это буквально дар Богов, из всего на свете самое счастливое событие – видеть двух людей, по-настоящему влюбленных друг в друга.

Любовь в целом – это то, чего хотят и ищут все люди, но многие не хотят прилагать необходимые усилия, чтобы обрести ее. Враг также проповедовал, что «любовь» — это то, чего человек заслуживает просто произвольно, если он психопат или социопат, и любовь стала валютой, которой очень мало существует в этом мире, она более редка, чем золото земли. Те, кто получает любовь от Богов или общества, прекрасно поймут, что я имею в виду, так же, как и люди, которые нашли кого-то, кого они действительно любили, и боролись, чтобы это сработало. К любви нельзя относиться легкомысленно, и это не бессмысленная игра.

В браке или даже любовных отношениях два человека собираются вместе, чтобы буквально исцелить себя. Вот почему любовь причиняет боль. Любовь иногда может причинить боль, потому что она исцеляет вас, преподает вам уроки, и да, любовь также иногда может быть против вашего ложного эго. Но в то же время сила любви – это самая сильная сила, которую вы можете иметь в своей груди, выше всех других сил мира. Мы жаждем любви по веским причинам. Таким образом, вы увидите, что Леди Астарта олицетворяет любовь, но одновременно и войну. Потому что любовь несет с собой и войну, эту войну, которую нужно вести, чтобы контролировать свое ложное эго, чтобы получить безграничную силу, исходящую от любви. Это таинственная сила, которую ищут люди, и это вполне справедливо.

Завершая эту тему, в этом мире есть святые вещи. Многие люди поклоняются только деньгам, предметам, материальным вещам, сумкам и многим другим вещам. Вы прекрасно знаете, если кто-то пришел сюда, чтобы подчеркнуть богатство и безопасность, то это сделал я. Но в этой жизни есть и другие вещи, которые общество скрывает от нас. Когда мы ищем замену святым вещам в жизни, часто мы сосредотачиваемся на вещах меньшего масштаба только для того, чтобы получить небольшое «что-то», что действительно находится где-то в другой части нашей жизни, и в конце концов ничего не получаем.

Мир лгут, и людям говорят, что только финансовые приобретения сделают вас более счастливыми, чем любовь к кому-то и ответная любовь. Финансовые приобретения сами по себе, безусловно, имеют значение для «самого себя», но их первостепенная важность состоит в том, чтобы помочь другим вещам, которые мы тоже любим, в хорошем балансе. Правящие сейчас идеи «только для себя» ложны.

Да, эти вещи тоже фундаментальны в существовании, велики сами по себе, но они не являются полной целью жизни и существования. Они являются очень важным фундаментом для создания чего-то лучшего, что выше их.

Иметь людей, которым вы доверяете и которыми дорожите, — это настоящее сокровище существования. Вам лгут. Родители знают, что я имею в виду. Те, кого любили Боги, знают, что я имею в виду здесь в десятикратном размере. Позвольте им любить вас и помогать вам. Вы можете быть нищим и при этом обладать сокровищами всего мира, только если вы знаете эти вещи.

Этими святыми вещами являются любовь к семье, любовь к себе и любовь к обществу и Богам. Когда этот разрыв закрыт, человек перешел в обретенное сознание. Брак имеет много общего со служением богам, а общество также учит ответственности и любви — двум вещам, которые нужны детям больше всего для роста.

Вот почему в прошлом в качестве кодекса говорили: «Жрец женат на Богине» — это кодекс поведения, а не объективное утверждение. Та же самая страсть, необходимая для поддержания правильного брака, очень близка к реальности эмоциональной связи с Богами и более великими стремлениями. Речь идет о преданности и преданности делу.

Пусть все браки и все крещения, которые начнутся в будущем и в нашем благословенном сообществе, будут плодами любви Богов, сладкими и прекрасными для всех, кто в них.

Если я и рад одному в этой жизни, так это тому, что я сблизил людей в обществе и показал им любовь и силу Богов. Я рад и всему остальному. Но это самый незаменимый подарок во Вселенной. Дорожите им и позвольте ему вырасти в тех существ, которыми вам суждено стать.

-Кобра с капюшоном Верховного Жреца 666
Ультра база как всегда
Besides the Ethics section which is the best globally in it's kind, I am going to be including more things in it as "Life Ethics". Among these there will be marriage and other important topics. All of these will be explained from the standpoint of the Gods and how they advise us to live our life in the highest potential and in the best manner possible, for OUR sake, not as empty rules that exist for the sake of "whatever" else.

Now, in regard to Marriage, it has not been stated before in these forums. There will be a Ritual for Satanic Marriage that I will write soon, same as Baptism. Unlike the enemy religions, our Baptism will be done once when the girl or boy is 40 days old, a beautiful Ritual to our newcomers the blessings of the Gods. At 12 to 14 years old, there will be another Ritual where the child is now of consciousness and can make a decision (That is up to the parents to decide), if they will be of us.

That will also be a test of the parents, so that they can show the goodwill and love of the Gods to their children, nor try to keep them with us under the threat of hellfire, but by teaching them to follow by example and respect.

Celebrations and ceremony, are parts of these; the most important and beautiful aspects of human existence where two people become one unity toward the world and in themselves.

As the enemy has corrupted humanity and has dropped them to a really lesser level of existence, important life passages such as marriage, adulthood, or baptism of a human being, are all merely empty forms without content. The marriage of people has entered a state where many people do not want to do it, or simply circulate around life without even considering it anymore.

The marriage professed in Spiritual Satanism will not be a typical marriage where you just sign documentation in your local municipal office. It will be a holy sacrament to connect two souls together. It will be a serious thing for grown ups; where both people will mutually agree on matters to continue as a singular family.

Everything in this world received the importance that we ascribe to it, and most people out there don't care to live a fruitful life that causes generation. Marriage is a major power, not only against loneliness and the problems of life, but also about pleasure and reaching higher states with a person that you truly love and they love you back. People nowadays break their marriages for crickets, as society is taught for couples to undervalue one another. Sacredness is being besieged. If we don't make things sacred for ourselves, they cannot become suddenly on their own.

There are not happier messages for me to receive from people, other than: Success messages, pictures of your babies when you have them with your partners (It makes me feel most happy to see your beautiful lives), but also personal development. These things give me courage to go on. A happy family is literally a gift from the Gods, of all the things in the world, it's the most happy occurrence to see two people truly in love with one another.

Love in general is something all people want and seek, but many don't want to make the necessary efforts to have it. The enemy has also preached that "love" is something one simply just arbitrarily deserves, when one is a psychopath or a sociopath, and love has become a currency that exists very little in this world, it's rarer than the gold of the earth. Those who receive love from the Gods or the community, will understand full well what I mean, same as people who found someone they truly loved and fought to make it work. Love is not to be taken lightly and it's not a game of nonsense.

In marriage or even love relationships, two people come together to literally heal themselves. This is why love hurts. Love can sometimes hurt because it's healing you, teaching you lessons, and yes, love also sometimes can be against your false ego. But at the same time, the power of love is the strongest power you can have inside your chest, higher than all the other powers of the world. We long for love for good reasons. As thus you will see that Lady Astarte is representing love, but also simultaneously, war. Because love also brings war with it, this war that one needs to wage to control one's false ego, in order to receive boundless power that comes from love. It's the mysterious force that humans seek and very rightfully so.

Closing this topic, there are some holy things in this world. Many people worship only money, objects, material things, handbags and many other things. You know very well if someone came here to emphasize wealth and security, I am the person who did this. But there are too other things to this life, that society keeps from us. As we seek replacements for the holy things in life, many times we focus on things of a lesser scale, only to get a little "something" that is truly elsewhere in our lives, getting none in the end.

The world is being lied to and people are told only financial acquisitions are going to make you more happy than loving someone and being loved back. Financial acquisitions on their own, matter certainly for "one's self", but their primary importance is to help other things that we love too in a good balance. The "only for yourself" ruling ideas of the time right now are false.

Yes, these things are fundamental too in existence, great in themselves, but they are not the full purpose of life and existence. They are very important foundations to build things other better things above them.

Having people that you trust and cherish in existence, is the true treasure of existence. You are being lied to. Parents know what I mean here. Those who have been loved by the Gods know what I mean here in the tenfold. Allow them to love you and to help you. You can be destitute and still have the treasures of the whole world, only if you know these things.

These holy things are the love of family, the love for ourselves and the love of the community and the Gods. When this gap is closed, then a human being has moved into newfound consciousness. Marriage has a lot of things in common with the service of the Gods, and the community also teaches responsibility and love, the two things children need the most to grow.

That is why in the past they said as a code "The Priest is married to the Goddess" - that is a code of conduct, not an objective statement. The same passion needed to maintain a proper marriage, is very close to the reality of being emotionally connected to the Gods and greater endeavors. It's about devotion and dedication.

Let all marriages and all baptisms that commence in the future and in our blessed community, be fruits of the love of the Gods, sweet and beautiful for all those in them.

If I am happy for one thing in this life, is that I brought people closer in the community and showed them the love and power of the Gods. I am happy for everything else too. But that is the most irreplaceable gift in the universe. Cherish it and let it grow you to the beings you are meant to become.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Hi Cobra666 I returned your email about having a Satanic Wedding. Is there anything we can start doing to prepare for a Satanic Wedding?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
