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Marriage & Baptism in Spiritual Satanism: About Love

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Besides the Ethics section which is the best globally in it's kind, I am going to be including more things in it as "Life Ethics". Among these there will be marriage and other important topics. All of these will be explained from the standpoint of the Gods and how they advise us to live our life in the highest potential and in the best manner possible, for OUR sake, not as empty rules that exist for the sake of "whatever" else.

Now, in regard to Marriage, it has not been stated before in these forums. There will be a Ritual for Satanic Marriage that I will write soon, same as Baptism. Unlike the enemy religions, our Baptism will be done once when the girl or boy is 40 days old, a beautiful Ritual to our newcomers the blessings of the Gods. At 12 to 14 years old, there will be another Ritual where the child is now of consciousness and can make a decision (That is up to the parents to decide), if they will be of us.

That will also be a test of the parents, so that they can show the goodwill and love of the Gods to their children, nor try to keep them with us under the threat of hellfire, but by teaching them to follow by example and respect.

Celebrations and ceremony, are parts of these; the most important and beautiful aspects of human existence where two people become one unity toward the world and in themselves.

As the enemy has corrupted humanity and has dropped them to a really lesser level of existence, important life passages such as marriage, adulthood, or baptism of a human being, are all merely empty forms without content. The marriage of people has entered a state where many people do not want to do it, or simply circulate around life without even considering it anymore.

The marriage professed in Spiritual Satanism will not be a typical marriage where you just sign documentation in your local municipal office. It will be a holy sacrament to connect two souls together. It will be a serious thing for grown ups; where both people will mutually agree on matters to continue as a singular family.

Everything in this world received the importance that we ascribe to it, and most people out there don't care to live a fruitful life that causes generation. Marriage is a major power, not only against loneliness and the problems of life, but also about pleasure and reaching higher states with a person that you truly love and they love you back. People nowadays break their marriages for crickets, as society is taught for couples to undervalue one another. Sacredness is being besieged. If we don't make things sacred for ourselves, they cannot become suddenly on their own.

There are not happier messages for me to receive from people, other than: Success messages, pictures of your babies when you have them with your partners (It makes me feel most happy to see your beautiful lives), but also personal development. These things give me courage to go on. A happy family is literally a gift from the Gods, of all the things in the world, it's the most happy occurrence to see two people truly in love with one another.

Love in general is something all people want and seek, but many don't want to make the necessary efforts to have it. The enemy has also preached that "love" is something one simply just arbitrarily deserves, when one is a psychopath or a sociopath, and love has become a currency that exists very little in this world, it's rarer than the gold of the earth. Those who receive love from the Gods or the community, will understand full well what I mean, same as people who found someone they truly loved and fought to make it work. Love is not to be taken lightly and it's not a game of nonsense.

In marriage or even love relationships, two people come together to literally heal themselves. This is why love hurts. Love can sometimes hurt because it's healing you, teaching you lessons, and yes, love also sometimes can be against your false ego. But at the same time, the power of love is the strongest power you can have inside your chest, higher than all the other powers of the world. We long for love for good reasons. As thus you will see that Lady Astarte is representing love, but also simultaneously, war. Because love also brings war with it, this war that one needs to wage to control one's false ego, in order to receive boundless power that comes from love. It's the mysterious force that humans seek and very rightfully so.

Closing this topic, there are some holy things in this world. Many people worship only money, objects, material things, handbags and many other things. You know very well if someone came here to emphasize wealth and security, I am the person who did this. But there are too other things to this life, that society keeps from us. As we seek replacements for the holy things in life, many times we focus on things of a lesser scale, only to get a little "something" that is truly elsewhere in our lives, getting none in the end.

The world is being lied to and people are told only financial acquisitions are going to make you more happy than loving someone and being loved back. Financial acquisitions on their own, matter certainly for "one's self", but their primary importance is to help other things that we love too in a good balance. The "only for yourself" ruling ideas of the time right now are false.

Yes, these things are fundamental too in existence, great in themselves, but they are not the full purpose of life and existence. They are very important foundations to build things other better things above them.

Having people that you trust and cherish in existence, is the true treasure of existence. You are being lied to. Parents know what I mean here. Those who have been loved by the Gods know what I mean here in the tenfold. Allow them to love you and to help you. You can be destitute and still have the treasures of the whole world, only if you know these things.

These holy things are the love of family, the love for ourselves and the love of the community and the Gods. When this gap is closed, then a human being has moved into newfound consciousness. Marriage has a lot of things in common with the service of the Gods, and the community also teaches responsibility and love, the two things children need the most to grow.

That is why in the past they said as a code "The Priest is married to the Goddess" - that is a code of conduct, not an objective statement. The same passion needed to maintain a proper marriage, is very close to the reality of being emotionally connected to the Gods and greater endeavors. It's about devotion and dedication.

Let all marriages and all baptisms that commence in the future and in our blessed community, be fruits of the love of the Gods, sweet and beautiful for all those in them.

If I am happy for one thing in this life, is that I brought people closer in the community and showed them the love and power of the Gods. I am happy for everything else too. But that is the most irreplaceable gift in the universe. Cherish it and let it grow you to the beings you are meant to become.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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Besides the Ethics section which is the best globally in it's kind, I am going to be including more things in it as "Life Ethics". Among these there will be marriage and other important topics. All of these will be explained from the standpoint of the Gods and how they advise us to live our life in the highest potential and in the best manner possible, for OUR sake, not as empty rules that exist for the sake of "whatever" else.

Now, in regard to Marriage, it has not been stated before in these forums. There will be a Ritual for Satanic Marriage that I will write soon, same as Baptism. Unlike the enemy religions, our Baptism will be done once when the girl or boy is 40 days old, a beautiful Ritual to our newcomers the blessings of the Gods. At 12 to 14 years old, there will be another Ritual where the child is now of consciousness and can make a decision (That is up to the parents to decide), if they will be of us.

That will also be a test of the parents, so that they can show the goodwill and love of the Gods to their children, nor try to keep them with us under the threat of hellfire, but by teaching them to follow by example and respect.

Celebrations and ceremony, are parts of these; the most important and beautiful aspects of human existence where two people become one unity toward the world and in themselves.

As the enemy has corrupted humanity and has dropped them to a really lesser level of existence, important life passages such as marriage, adulthood, or baptism of a human being, are all merely empty forms without content. The marriage of people has entered a state where many people do not want to do it, or simply circulate around life without even considering it anymore.

The marriage professed in Spiritual Satanism will not be a typical marriage where you just sign documentation in your local municipal office. It will be a holy sacrament to connect too souls together. It will be a serious thing for grown ups; where both people will mutually agree on matters to continue as a singular family.

Everything in this world received the importance that we ascribe to it, and most people out there don't care to live a fruitful life that causes generation. Marriage is a major power, not only against loneliness and the problems of life, but also about pleasure and reaching higher states with a person that you truly love and they love you back. People nowadays break their marriages for crickets, as society is taught for couples to undervalue one another. Sacredness is being besieged. If we don't make things sacred for ourselves, they cannot become suddenly on their own.

There are not happier messages for me to receive from people, other than: Success messages, pictures of your babies when you have them with your partners (It makes me feel most happy to see your beautiful lives), but also personal development. These things give me courage to go on. A happy family is literally a gift from the Gods, of all the things in the world, it's the most happy occurrence to see two people truly in love with one another.

Love in general is something all people want and seek, but many don't want to make the necessary efforts to have it. The enemy has also preached that "love" is something one simply just arbitrarily deserves, when one is a psychopath or a sociopath, and love has become a currency that exists very little in this world, it's rarer than the gold of the earth. Those who receive love from the Gods or the community, will understand full well what I mean, same as people who found someone they truly loved and fought to make it work. Love is not to be taken lightly and it's not a game of nonsense.

In marriage or even love relationships, two people come together to literally heal themselves. This is why love hurts. Love can sometimes hurt because it's healing you, teaching you lessons, and yes, love also sometimes can be against your false ego. But at the same time, the power of love is the strongest power you can have inside your chest, higher than all the other powers of the world. We long for love for good reasons. As thus you will see that Lady Astarte is representing love, but also simultaneously, war. Because love also brings war with it, this war that one needs to wage to control one's false ego, in order to receive boundless power that comes from love. It's the mysterious force that humans seek and very rightfully so.

Closing this topic, there are some holy things in these world. Many people worship only money, objects, material things, handbags and many other things. You know very well if someone came here to emphasize wealth and security, I am the person who did this. But there are too other things to this life, that society keeps from us. As we seek replacements for the holy things in life, many times we focus on things of a lesser scale, only to get a little "something" that is truly elsewhere in our lives, getting none in the end.

These holy things are the love of family, the love for ourselves and the love of the community and the Gods. When this gap is closed, then a human being has moved into newfound consciousness. Marriage has a lot of things in common with the service of the Gods, and the community also teaches responsibility and love, the two things children need the most to grow.

Let all marriages and all baptisms that commence in the future and in our blessed community, be fruits of the love of the Gods, sweet and beautiful for all those in them.

If I am happy for one thing in this life, is that I brought people closer in the community and showed them the love and power of the Gods. I am happy for everything else too. But that is the most irreplaceable gift in the universe. Cherish it and let it grow you to the beings you are meant to become.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
As rare as love is, I find it fortunate that I was able to witness at least one true and loving marriage.

To see genuine love that two people have for each other is one of the most beautiful things and reminds me that such a thing is possible and can be had in this world, along with knowing that their love was strong enough to carry them through some of the trials & tribulations that life brings over the years, not to mention raising a family and the labor of love that comes with that.

Coincidentally, one of them believes that they knew their spouse in a past life.
Another Beautiful sermon ❤YES! This is most necessary. And we do have the right to have proper Satanic weddings and that Sacrid love is not easy to find
And to be able to have that family is everything to me. Celibrating Sacrid relationships with the Gods is apart of it all. Baptism as a Spiritual Satanist sounds very Beautiful!❤ Thank you for sharing this Brother HP!
This made me so emotional...

I guess with all the spiritual and “heavenly” things, we don't have time to think about more earthly matters. As I was reading the sermon, I imagined that one day I would be married in the presence of the Gods, having a beautiful wife who walks the same path as I do, or rather, we walk the same path together.

I also imagined that I would be the proud father of a child and I would show Satan my child, teach him Satanism, and he would grow up with the love and blessings of the Gods. Maybe to experience things that our generation will never experience.

Maybe one day I will find a wife who truly loves me and I hope I can be worthy of that person, worthy of love. For I have a long way to go. Maybe one day I will have children who will walk the paths that I have walked and carry the light of my lineage even further.

I hope we are fortunate enough to experience true love in all its forms.

Thank you for the sermon, High Priest.
Unfortunately, I have a personal problem: having been raised all my life in a family where there was no love and even though my parents are married, they hate each other and constantly attack each other, just as they treat me badly too, I have some " mental problem" in the sense that I am a victim of the wrong vision of marriage as the "grave of love" that today's modern society has.

Even my mother who was always happy before she got married, now constantly keeps saying that marriage is a mistake, and hearing her program my unconscious mind with this idea.

But on a conscious level I recognize that my parents' marriage was not even remotely Satanic, but was an empty Christian thing like all the empty things typical of those sects of the false Jewish god. This sermon was very helpful to me as a starting point for reevaluating marriage and family. Thank you!

I will work hard to deprogram myself from a vision promoted by the Enemy that is wrong. Marriage will no longer be the tomb of love for me, but I must work hard to heal from this "psychosis".
Love is sacred, and it requires courage. You need the bravery to go after love, and make it lasting.

These days, marriage is seen as a sham because of xian and government influence. Marriage is seen as just a legal contract with nothing special to it. And people get married without being willing to compromise, not willing to grow together, not willing to work on goals together or support one another. But many people are not even willing to work on themselves so how can they be expected to work with another person.

Without the Gods, everything is inferior and easy to dissipate.

Love is required for growth.
this sermon gave me incredible motivation to get married and have children as soon as possible. thank you a lot Sir. Now let me immediately send the link of this message to my future date so that he can realize that my feelings are serious.
but i need to find a date first😭😭

i dont know why and how but i feel like we all are sitting around a table and you give us life lessons about marriage like family dad. its so emotional. i love our Joy of Satan Family a lotttttttt

I will work hard to deprogram myself from a vision promoted by the Enemy that is wrong. Marriage will no longer be the tomb of love for me, but I must work hard to heal from this "psychosis".

You do not have to necessarily marry. But at some point it might make sense to do so. I describe a very important thing here; society is as it is nowadays. We may not get all the same things in all the departments of life. Yet we must not fail to recognize what is good for us.

One cannot "Marry just to marry", there has to be a suitable partner to go all the way with them. No matter what, love can exist within or outside of marriage. But marriage is a sacred concept and people who spend a long time together, can be considered "as if married" even if they aren't, for example.

Labels are important, but they aren't everything, the content, the love and the quality of relationship is what defines it.
Wonderful sermon, a very important teaching,
love is one thing we should take very seriously and cherish because love is the start of all good things!
It was through love of Father Satan we are created and here, it’s because Father Satan loves us that we are still here living and that Father Satan is still fighting for our survival, that’s true Love!
We should all have this type of true love, love conquers everything, when two people join in union with love that is the best thing they can do for each other, spiritual Satanists love union is the best, and if you can become a love union with a SS you have hit the jackpot!
And what a delight would it be to find here two SS come together and have a Satanic Spiritual marriage,
that would be such a blessing the Gods will rejoice too!

Hail Father Satan ❤️
No matter what, love can exist within or outside of marriage. But marriage is a sacred concept and people who spend a long time together, can be considered "as if married" even if they aren't, for example.

Labels are important, but they aren't everything, the content, the love and the quality of relationship is what defines it.
This is very true, and it's why HPS Maxine wrote in astrology "marriage-like relationship" and not just "marriage". A lot of people don't want the label, especially those of the Pluto in Libra generation, who made more popular the alternatives to the strict "legally-binding contract marriage".
"At 12 to 14 years old, there will be another Ritual where the child is now of consciousness and can make a decision (That is up to the parents to decide), if they will be of us."

To this statement I would like to add that if a child wants to do the Satanic Initiation Ceremony at the age of say 6 because it gives him a great sense of relief, a great sense of peace and security, he can do it, it will not cause him any negative problems, in fact it can only be a positive thing because the Gods can help him on his way.
Of course, it may also happen that later on, say at the age of 12, 15, 20 or 25, he may want to leave Satanism for some reason, but there are no negative consequences.

Gods do not force themselves on anyone, this is not Christianity, Islam, or some such Jewish bullshit mind program where they threaten "fiery hell", "damnation", or whatever, to anyone who does not follow this path or deviate from it.

I am writing this for child readers who are under the age of 12, but feel the urge to take the Satanic Initiation Rite.:);)
Besides the Ethics section which is the best globally in it's kind, I am going to be including more things in it as "Life Ethics". Among these there will be marriage and other important topics. All of these will be explained from the standpoint of the Gods and how they advise us to live our life in the highest potential and in the best manner possible, for OUR sake, not as empty rules that exist for the sake of "whatever" else.

Now, in regard to Marriage, it has not been stated before in these forums. There will be a Ritual for Satanic Marriage that I will write soon, same as Baptism. Unlike the enemy religions, our Baptism will be done once when the girl or boy is 40 days old, a beautiful Ritual to our newcomers the blessings of the Gods. At 12 to 14 years old, there will be another Ritual where the child is now of consciousness and can make a decision (That is up to the parents to decide), if they will be of us.

That will also be a test of the parents, so that they can show the goodwill and love of the Gods to their children, nor try to keep them with us under the threat of hellfire, but by teaching them to follow by example and respect.

Celebrations and ceremony, are parts of these; the most important and beautiful aspects of human existence where two people become one unity toward the world and in themselves.

As the enemy has corrupted humanity and has dropped them to a really lesser level of existence, important life passages such as marriage, adulthood, or baptism of a human being, are all merely empty forms without content. The marriage of people has entered a state where many people do not want to do it, or simply circulate around life without even considering it anymore.

The marriage professed in Spiritual Satanism will not be a typical marriage where you just sign documentation in your local municipal office. It will be a holy sacrament to connect too souls together. It will be a serious thing for grown ups; where both people will mutually agree on matters to continue as a singular family.

Everything in this world received the importance that we ascribe to it, and most people out there don't care to live a fruitful life that causes generation. Marriage is a major power, not only against loneliness and the problems of life, but also about pleasure and reaching higher states with a person that you truly love and they love you back. People nowadays break their marriages for crickets, as society is taught for couples to undervalue one another. Sacredness is being besieged. If we don't make things sacred for ourselves, they cannot become suddenly on their own.

There are not happier messages for me to receive from people, other than: Success messages, pictures of your babies when you have them with your partners (It makes me feel most happy to see your beautiful lives), but also personal development. These things give me courage to go on. A happy family is literally a gift from the Gods, of all the things in the world, it's the most happy occurrence to see two people truly in love with one another.

Love in general is something all people want and seek, but many don't want to make the necessary efforts to have it. The enemy has also preached that "love" is something one simply just arbitrarily deserves, when one is a psychopath or a sociopath, and love has become a currency that exists very little in this world, it's rarer than the gold of the earth. Those who receive love from the Gods or the community, will understand full well what I mean, same as people who found someone they truly loved and fought to make it work. Love is not to be taken lightly and it's not a game of nonsense.

In marriage or even love relationships, two people come together to literally heal themselves. This is why love hurts. Love can sometimes hurt because it's healing you, teaching you lessons, and yes, love also sometimes can be against your false ego. But at the same time, the power of love is the strongest power you can have inside your chest, higher than all the other powers of the world. We long for love for good reasons. As thus you will see that Lady Astarte is representing love, but also simultaneously, war. Because love also brings war with it, this war that one needs to wage to control one's false ego, in order to receive boundless power that comes from love. It's the mysterious force that humans seek and very rightfully so.

Closing this topic, there are some holy things in this world. Many people worship only money, objects, material things, handbags and many other things. You know very well if someone came here to emphasize wealth and security, I am the person who did this. But there are too other things to this life, that society keeps from us. As we seek replacements for the holy things in life, many times we focus on things of a lesser scale, only to get a little "something" that is truly elsewhere in our lives, getting none in the end.

The world is being lied to and people are told only financial acquisitions are going to make you more happy than loving someone and being loved back. Financial acquisitions on their own, matter certainly for "one's self", but their primary importance is to help other things that we love too in a good balance. The "only for yourself" ruling ideas of the time right now are false.

Yes, these things are fundamental too in existence, great in themselves, but they are not the full purpose of life and existence. They are very important foundations to build things other better things above them.

Having people that you trust and cherish in existence, is the true treasure of existence. You are being lied to. Parents know what I mean here. Those who have been loved by the Gods know what I mean here in the tenfold. Allow them to love you and to help you. You can be destitute and still have the treasures of the whole world, only if you know these things.

These holy things are the love of family, the love for ourselves and the love of the community and the Gods. When this gap is closed, then a human being has moved into newfound consciousness. Marriage has a lot of things in common with the service of the Gods, and the community also teaches responsibility and love, the two things children need the most to grow.

That is why in the past they said as a code "The Priest is married to the Goddess" - that is a code of conduct, not an objective statement. The same passion needed to maintain a proper marriage, is very close to the reality of being emotionally connected to the Gods and greater endeavors. It's about devotion and dedication.

Let all marriages and all baptisms that commence in the future and in our blessed community, be fruits of the love of the Gods, sweet and beautiful for all those in them.

If I am happy for one thing in this life, is that I brought people closer in the community and showed them the love and power of the Gods. I am happy for everything else too. But that is the most irreplaceable gift in the universe. Cherish it and let it grow you to the beings you are meant to become.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I needed this very much.

I was starting to pull myself where caring about this was kind of becoming directed to other things.

Like love for values, higher Brothers and Sisters, Gods, things I do, myself, knowledge, wisdom, strenght, discipline, meditation and etc.,

I was thinking that by trying to compare myself only with higher beings and realising where I am in hierarchy will mostly help me to develop and grow.

But this made me blinded for being able to see younger and new comers in the same care and love and fascination for what they will be and for their potential. Because this is what makes higher ones growing in higher value.

I was almost forgot how they all are very important for us, and that their things which may sometimes hurt somebody who is higher, are going to be fixed because they are on the right path to become if better.

This sermon made me reconsider this and stop think in my mind about others who are newer here by black and white thinking. Especially when i have in my *stro *hart that either I love or I hate somebody, its even harder to overcome this.

But its possible, i am thankful for everybody making me able to realise this.

Thanks for this Sermon :)
Sir, what should a SS do if he/she does not feel mature enough to bring a child into the world and be responsible for him/her for the rest of his/her life? ive gotten so used to living alone that even when im with someone i really love, i sometimes feel the need to be alone for a bit... i feel distant from the idea of permanently living with the same people in the same house. Is the problem with me?
When you reach higher levels of Meditation, you can really start to feel this blissfulness, this joy, this happiness and it carries over in your everyday life. When you reach these states, you are on a higher level of existence, you don't need to think about 300 different reasons about the "meaning of life", you are feeling it, and it fills your soul with joy. Like I said this joy can be also felt thanks to other blessings, like true love, true connection, family, achievements and so on.

Love in general is something all people want and seek, but many don't want to make the necessary efforts to have it. The enemy has also preached that "love" is something one simply just arbitrarily deserves, when one is a psychopath or a sociopath, and love has become a currency that exists very little in this world, it's rarer than the gold of the earth. Those who receive love from the Gods or the community, will understand full well what I mean, same as people who found someone they truly loved and fought to make it work. Love is not to be taken lightly and it's not a game of nonsense.

Dear High Priest Hooded Cobra666,

This was such a beautiful sermon and the fortuitous timing of the message really hit home and made me very emotional.

I have been married to my True Love for 17 years. Although I lived in Bliss, I did not keep the flame burning for him. I "ASSUMED" he knew how much I loved him without my reinforcing it. Therefore, (unfortunately) we spent our 15th and 16th years estranged. (2 whole years of fighting for my love) He kept asking for a divorce and I refused him a divorce. I have fought tooth and nail to prove to him how deep my love still is. We reconciled this past Valentine's Day 2024 and our Love gets stronger every day. What hurt me most, was his saying "I never knew you loved me this much." He was worth the fight and I never miss an opportunity to tell him how special he is to me and what a unique, brilliantly shining Soul he has. And that he meets all my Spiritual needs as well as earthly needs.

Back on Valentine's Day, we had a serious conversation and I told him that as much as I loved him, although it would tear me apart, I would give him an easy divorce if he could not allow me the freedom to follow the Spiritual Satanism Path for advancing my Soul. I told him it would be absolutely perfect if he would walk this path with me. He said he was happy that I had finally found MY GOD as Father Satan. (I followed my own drummer for 50 yrs. No organized religion for this gal.) He will keep an open mind but he's not willing to jump in. But my "Finding my path" would be supported by him.

My deepest desire is to renew our wedding vows in a Satanic Ritual. I believe it's in our future. He shows interest in what I do daily on JoS.

HPHC, I thank you for alerting us that a Marriage Ritual will be forthcoming. And yes. Love is worth fighting for when you have wronged your love to the point he doesn't know he's loved anymore. Don't take Love for granted. I will spend the rest of our lives, (we're both over 60) reminding him daily that he has my heart and Soul fully engaged because he's perfect for me.

Hail HPHC!
HAIL Father Satan!
HAIL Astarte! who stayed in my corner and said the fight would be worth it.
Besides the Ethics section which is the best globally in it's kind, I am going to be including more things in it as "Life Ethics". Among these there will be marriage and other important topics. All of these will be explained from the standpoint of the Gods and how they advise us to live our life in the highest potential and in the best manner possible, for OUR sake, not as empty rules that exist for the sake of "whatever" else.

Now, in regard to Marriage, it has not been stated before in these forums. There will be a Ritual for Satanic Marriage that I will write soon, same as Baptism. Unlike the enemy religions, our Baptism will be done once when the girl or boy is 40 days old, a beautiful Ritual to our newcomers the blessings of the Gods. At 12 to 14 years old, there will be another Ritual where the child is now of consciousness and can make a decision (That is up to the parents to decide), if they will be of us.

That will also be a test of the parents, so that they can show the goodwill and love of the Gods to their children, nor try to keep them with us under the threat of hellfire, but by teaching them to follow by example and respect.

Celebrations and ceremony, are parts of these; the most important and beautiful aspects of human existence where two people become one unity toward the world and in themselves.

As the enemy has corrupted humanity and has dropped them to a really lesser level of existence, important life passages such as marriage, adulthood, or baptism of a human being, are all merely empty forms without content. The marriage of people has entered a state where many people do not want to do it, or simply circulate around life without even considering it anymore.

The marriage professed in Spiritual Satanism will not be a typical marriage where you just sign documentation in your local municipal office. It will be a holy sacrament to connect too souls together. It will be a serious thing for grown ups; where both people will mutually agree on matters to continue as a singular family.

Everything in this world received the importance that we ascribe to it, and most people out there don't care to live a fruitful life that causes generation. Marriage is a major power, not only against loneliness and the problems of life, but also about pleasure and reaching higher states with a person that you truly love and they love you back. People nowadays break their marriages for crickets, as society is taught for couples to undervalue one another. Sacredness is being besieged. If we don't make things sacred for ourselves, they cannot become suddenly on their own.

There are not happier messages for me to receive from people, other than: Success messages, pictures of your babies when you have them with your partners (It makes me feel most happy to see your beautiful lives), but also personal development. These things give me courage to go on. A happy family is literally a gift from the Gods, of all the things in the world, it's the most happy occurrence to see two people truly in love with one another.

Love in general is something all people want and seek, but many don't want to make the necessary efforts to have it. The enemy has also preached that "love" is something one simply just arbitrarily deserves, when one is a psychopath or a sociopath, and love has become a currency that exists very little in this world, it's rarer than the gold of the earth. Those who receive love from the Gods or the community, will understand full well what I mean, same as people who found someone they truly loved and fought to make it work. Love is not to be taken lightly and it's not a game of nonsense.

In marriage or even love relationships, two people come together to literally heal themselves. This is why love hurts. Love can sometimes hurt because it's healing you, teaching you lessons, and yes, love also sometimes can be against your false ego. But at the same time, the power of love is the strongest power you can have inside your chest, higher than all the other powers of the world. We long for love for good reasons. As thus you will see that Lady Astarte is representing love, but also simultaneously, war. Because love also brings war with it, this war that one needs to wage to control one's false ego, in order to receive boundless power that comes from love. It's the mysterious force that humans seek and very rightfully so.

Closing this topic, there are some holy things in this world. Many people worship only money, objects, material things, handbags and many other things. You know very well if someone came here to emphasize wealth and security, I am the person who did this. But there are too other things to this life, that society keeps from us. As we seek replacements for the holy things in life, many times we focus on things of a lesser scale, only to get a little "something" that is truly elsewhere in our lives, getting none in the end.

The world is being lied to and people are told only financial acquisitions are going to make you more happy than loving someone and being loved back. Financial acquisitions on their own, matter certainly for "one's self", but their primary importance is to help other things that we love too in a good balance. The "only for yourself" ruling ideas of the time right now are false.

Yes, these things are fundamental too in existence, great in themselves, but they are not the full purpose of life and existence. They are very important foundations to build things other better things above them.

Having people that you trust and cherish in existence, is the true treasure of existence. You are being lied to. Parents know what I mean here. Those who have been loved by the Gods know what I mean here in the tenfold. Allow them to love you and to help you. You can be destitute and still have the treasures of the whole world, only if you know these things.

These holy things are the love of family, the love for ourselves and the love of the community and the Gods. When this gap is closed, then a human being has moved into newfound consciousness. Marriage has a lot of things in common with the service of the Gods, and the community also teaches responsibility and love, the two things children need the most to grow.

That is why in the past they said as a code "The Priest is married to the Goddess" - that is a code of conduct, not an objective statement. The same passion needed to maintain a proper marriage, is very close to the reality of being emotionally connected to the Gods and greater endeavors. It's about devotion and dedication.

Let all marriages and all baptisms that commence in the future and in our blessed community, be fruits of the love of the Gods, sweet and beautiful for all those in them.

If I am happy for one thing in this life, is that I brought people closer in the community and showed them the love and power of the Gods. I am happy for everything else too. But that is the most irreplaceable gift in the universe. Cherish it and let it grow you to the beings you are meant to become.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Will there be a version of Baptism for children who have only one parent? 🙏
Sir, what should a SS do if he/she does not feel mature enough to bring a child into the world and be responsible for him/her for the rest of his/her life? ive gotten so used to living alone that even when im with someone i really love, i sometimes feel the need to be alone for a bit... i feel distant from the idea of permanently living with the same people in the same house. Is the problem with me?
It’s not a problem, this is natural. We have to build bonds with people who we care for. But I don’t think it is mandatory to live with somebody until child is not born.

Because child would be main reason for living together. For him most needed is father and mother by. Living together with people without this reason I don’t think it would help one to grow and face oneself in real way.

Certain distance at the times is needed, certain closeness which is situation demands at the time also is needed.

Too much and too less is wrong way to approach, that’s why we have to meditate and foremostly develop our consciousness so we would be able to see when it is best to behave in a way which is needed the most of the time.

If you are not mature for it now, this is not the reason why you shouldn’t be mature for it when you will be mature.

And really this is wrong to think your maturity in the future will gonna will be unstable, because it will be not the point where you stop advancing or start to degrade, but reverse.

Being mature is new possibility, new way, and stable foundation for life which hardly if ever can be ruined if you are sane person and if you are trying doing best what is right.

You should focus on yourself for now, and when needed things come across your way, do what is needed.

Maturity needs time, and experience in doing what I said above.

No worry, about you will be able or not, Gods are not giving us what we can not handle, it’s ourselves who create delusions we couldn’t.

In your present state of life it’s hard to see and imagine what it would be in the future, and this can not be reason for doubting yourself, because you don’t even know who you will become.

So don’t worry
Beautiful post, sir 💜
But I don’t think it is mandatory to live with somebody until child is not born
Yea, DEFINITELY!!!!!! Tbh i dont wanna wash a guy's clothes just because i love him😡
because it will be not the point where you stop advancing or start to degrade, but reverse.
Sorry Sir i could not understand well, i will be grateful if you clarift 🥹👉🏻👈🏻

Maturity needs time, and experience in doing what I said above.
What about age, Sir? Do you have any recommend like you should have a relationship around this age, be parents around these ages etc

don’t worry
Thank you a lot🥰🥰🥰
Besides the Ethics section which is the best globally in it's kind, I am going to be including more things in it as "Life Ethics". Among these there will be marriage and other important topics. All of these will be explained from the standpoint of the Gods and how they advise us to live our life in the highest potential and in the best manner possible, for OUR sake, not as empty rules that exist for the sake of "whatever" else.

Now, in regard to Marriage, it has not been stated before in these forums. There will be a Ritual for Satanic Marriage that I will write soon, same as Baptism. Unlike the enemy religions, our Baptism will be done once when the girl or boy is 40 days old, a beautiful Ritual to our newcomers the blessings of the Gods. At 12 to 14 years old, there will be another Ritual where the child is now of consciousness and can make a decision (That is up to the parents to decide), if they will be of us.

That will also be a test of the parents, so that they can show the goodwill and love of the Gods to their children, nor try to keep them with us under the threat of hellfire, but by teaching them to follow by example and respect.

Celebrations and ceremony, are parts of these; the most important and beautiful aspects of human existence where two people become one unity toward the world and in themselves.

As the enemy has corrupted humanity and has dropped them to a really lesser level of existence, important life passages such as marriage, adulthood, or baptism of a human being, are all merely empty forms without content. The marriage of people has entered a state where many people do not want to do it, or simply circulate around life without even considering it anymore.

The marriage professed in Spiritual Satanism will not be a typical marriage where you just sign documentation in your local municipal office. It will be a holy sacrament to connect too souls together. It will be a serious thing for grown ups; where both people will mutually agree on matters to continue as a singular family.

Everything in this world received the importance that we ascribe to it, and most people out there don't care to live a fruitful life that causes generation. Marriage is a major power, not only against loneliness and the problems of life, but also about pleasure and reaching higher states with a person that you truly love and they love you back. People nowadays break their marriages for crickets, as society is taught for couples to undervalue one another. Sacredness is being besieged. If we don't make things sacred for ourselves, they cannot become suddenly on their own.

There are not happier messages for me to receive from people, other than: Success messages, pictures of your babies when you have them with your partners (It makes me feel most happy to see your beautiful lives), but also personal development. These things give me courage to go on. A happy family is literally a gift from the Gods, of all the things in the world, it's the most happy occurrence to see two people truly in love with one another.

Love in general is something all people want and seek, but many don't want to make the necessary efforts to have it. The enemy has also preached that "love" is something one simply just arbitrarily deserves, when one is a psychopath or a sociopath, and love has become a currency that exists very little in this world, it's rarer than the gold of the earth. Those who receive love from the Gods or the community, will understand full well what I mean, same as people who found someone they truly loved and fought to make it work. Love is not to be taken lightly and it's not a game of nonsense.

In marriage or even love relationships, two people come together to literally heal themselves. This is why love hurts. Love can sometimes hurt because it's healing you, teaching you lessons, and yes, love also sometimes can be against your false ego. But at the same time, the power of love is the strongest power you can have inside your chest, higher than all the other powers of the world. We long for love for good reasons. As thus you will see that Lady Astarte is representing love, but also simultaneously, war. Because love also brings war with it, this war that one needs to wage to control one's false ego, in order to receive boundless power that comes from love. It's the mysterious force that humans seek and very rightfully so.

Closing this topic, there are some holy things in this world. Many people worship only money, objects, material things, handbags and many other things. You know very well if someone came here to emphasize wealth and security, I am the person who did this. But there are too other things to this life, that society keeps from us. As we seek replacements for the holy things in life, many times we focus on things of a lesser scale, only to get a little "something" that is truly elsewhere in our lives, getting none in the end.

The world is being lied to and people are told only financial acquisitions are going to make you more happy than loving someone and being loved back. Financial acquisitions on their own, matter certainly for "one's self", but their primary importance is to help other things that we love too in a good balance. The "only for yourself" ruling ideas of the time right now are false.

Yes, these things are fundamental too in existence, great in themselves, but they are not the full purpose of life and existence. They are very important foundations to build things other better things above them.

A avea oameni în care ai încredere și pe care îi prețuiești în existență este adevărata comoară a existenței. Ești mințit. Părinții știu ce vreau să spun aici. Cei care au fost iubiţi de zei ştiu ce vreau să spun aici în perioada de zece. Lasă-I să te iubească și să te ajute. Poţi fi sărac şi încă mai ai comorile întregii lumi, numai dacă ştii aceste lucruri.

Aceste lucruri sfinte sunt iubirea familiei, iubirea pentru noi înșine și iubirea comunității și a zeilor. Când acest decalaj este închis, atunci o ființă umană s-a mutat într-o conștiință nou descoperită. Căsătoria are multe lucruri în comun cu slujirea zeilor, iar comunitatea învață, de asemenea, responsabilitatea și dragostea, cele două lucruri de care copiii au nevoie cel mai mult pentru a crește.

De aceea, în trecut, ei au spus ca un cod "Preotul este căsătorit cu Zeița" - acesta este un cod de conduită, nu o declarație obiectivă. Aceeași pasiune necesară pentru a menține o căsătorie adecvată, este foarte aproape de realitatea de a fi conectat emoțional cu zeii și de eforturile mai mari. Este vorba despre devotament și dedicare.

Fie ca toate căsătoriile şi toate botezurile care încep în viitor şi în comunitatea noastră binecuvântată să fie roade ale iubirii zeilor, dulci şi frumoase pentru toţi cei din ele.

Dacă sunt fericit pentru un lucru în această viață, este că am adus oamenii mai aproape în comunitate și le-am arătat dragostea și puterea zeilor. Sunt fericită și pentru orice altceva. Dar acesta este cel mai de neînlocuit dar din univers. Prețuiți-o și lăsați-o să crească pentru ființele care sunteți meniți să deveniți.

- Marele Preot Hooded Cobra 666
Thank You , HP Cobra ! I understand my baby New ritual pubertation 12-16 years , he want my boy in future.
This is a beautiful message and one that I feel should resonate with everyone.

For myself, I once felt impartial to what my partner's views were so long as they were a good person who I liked and felt attracted to. Now in stating this one can easily imagine that it's easier said than done. Being that I'm gay personally, I've dated one person (bi) who was flighty and ended up cheating... no good, I ended that relationship as soon as it started.
Another one person who I actually really loved ended up being into partying too much and getting into the wrong crowds.

I'm finding that quality relationships are very difficult to come by as a Satanist. It's honestly made me feel to a point where I don't know whether I'll find someone who I would connect well with, especially lately since I've built a sort-of aversion to NPC behaviours such as eating unhealthy foods, watching television, etc. There's also the now (post-COVID) concern I have about vaccines and shedding of graphene-carrying spike proteins. Am I perhaps being too unreasonable, especially after having experienced such negative experiences in the past?

These are questions I've been asking myself but hadn't been brave enough to mention here since it is kind of embarrassing TBH. I used to have a few flings here and there and besides that I have some physical (non-romantic) touch/comfort from close friends, my pet, etc. This whole question about love and how I'm supposed to find 'the one' is becoming a difficult question to find an answer to.

Of course a relationship won't find it's way to me and I need to go out and find a person who I connect with. What kind of a person would that be though? A substance-free athiest hippie kind of person; an anarchist, artist or perhaps a musician? I should maybe do some workings and act on this more because I have some worries about myself creating unreasonable projections towards my partner and therefore a notable amount of doubt.
Yea, DEFINITELY!!!!!! Tbh i dont wanna wash a guy's clothes just because i love him😡

Sorry Sir i could not understand well, i will be grateful if you clarift 🥹👉🏻👈🏻

What about age, Sir? Do you have any recommend like you should have a relationship around this age, be parents around these ages etc

Thank you a lot🥰🥰🥰
Sorry Sir i could not understand well, i will be grateful if you clarift 🥹👉🏻👈🏻
I meant no need to doubt if you will manage being mature or not, because being mature is not phase in life where you are stuck, but moving on.
What about age, Sir? Do you have any recommend like you should have a relationship around this age, be parents around these ages etc
I have heard more than once that age for women to give birth first time is about 30.

Being in relationships I personally don’t think it depends on age, but on your soul development, but also on astrology chart and also what type of people you interacting with.

One person for example can be well versed in maintaining relationships but worse on being disciplined with oneself and advancing as individual,

Another can be well disciplined, wise, powerful, but lack experience in relationship, but being also at young age.

and there is also countless more different examples where dominates and lies dormant whole lot of other abilities of others like understanding, kindness, maturity, experience, planets, enemy programming and etc.

You should observe your life more and see where you are good at, like how you manage relationships? Does it goes easier for you than other things in which you have talent?

If not, then need to do magick, study, learning and experience, and become good at it.

If you are talented in learning and transforming yourself and you lacking experience in relationships, this will be achieved faster and age is not very important here but your efforts and desire.

Other people are naturally good at it. Others needs time, and become mature and this won’t come fast..

It completely depends on your soul. Which everybody has is very different.
Wonderful news, us claiming and retrieving things, that were once ours, back.

Is it possible to do the Baptism for close relatives, like Nieces and so on?
Plus the Godfather/Godmother Rituals are a thing in SS? These notions of 2 people, man and woman, being chosen as ones to guide a child on the Path of Gods sound rather Satanic in nature.
The love i feel for my rival and for my wife is what finally make me stop my bad habits. No matter how much i tried i always keep falling in the same hole.

But since i found true love i just couldnt do those anymore.

"i cant, my rival will surpass me"
"i cant, i want to see her"
"i cant, i have to stop!"

Was the power of love that gave me not only the strength i needed to break the bad habits, but to be able to reach new dimensions.
We may not get all the same things in all the departments of life. Yet we must not fail to recognize what is good for us.
Lets open our minds. This is not only meant to be applied on love. If Satan is all we have, we have all we need.
"To heal together."

And I have thought all these years that it was better to wait until you had completely healed your soul, so as not to bring your hang-ups from a troubled childhood and adolescence and past life traumas into a relationship.
And she always said the same thing too "it's not the time, we still have to keep freeing our souls".
"To heal together."

And I have thought all these years that it was better to wait until you had completely healed your soul, so as not to bring your hang-ups from a troubled childhood and adolescence and past life traumas into a relationship.
And she always said the same thing too "it's not the time, we still have to keep freeing our souls".
also on astrology chart and also what type of people you interacting with.
yes but some planet houses or natal chart includes other nation's marriage. but doesnt it mean race mixing? maybe i should create another thread about it

but lack experience in relationship, but being also at young age.
but mostly having and then leaving relationship leaves a scar on our soul, so having lots of experience is making me scared and worried about my trust against my partner. even im thinking about asking hiv test before any sexual activity. am i wrong?

It completely depends on your soul
Yes, definitely its what its

thank yu a lot for explainations
As we expand and grow our true knowledge is gonna replace the corruption and false notions on life the world has suffered.
Children free to choose their path, marriage in harmony with one's spiritual and material advancement.
I know it want be for all, but our beautiful garden will surely stand out from the rest. With marvelous flowers and plants never seen before.
May Mother Astarte bless this process!
I got married last October 31st and it's been a wild ride and it has been amazing so far. Not to say me and my husband have had our spats and basically told each other to fuck off.

We have time to cool off and apologize to each other and in marriage it's a given you are going to have a fight or two. It is not always easy but so freaking worth it I got a best friend I will spend eternity with .

It wasn't always like this we spent 8 long years knowing each other ,healing from our own wounds,trauma etc before we got married .

It made us stronger in the end and to all my single brothers and sisters it will happen for you as well . You will find someone to love and care for you it just takes time and a lot of searching
Dear High Priest Hooded Cobra666,

This was such a beautiful sermon and the fortuitous timing of the message really hit home and made me very emotional.

I have been married to my True Love for 17 years. Although I lived in Bliss, I did not keep the flame burning for him. I "ASSUMED" he knew how much I loved him without my reinforcing it. ...

Thank you for giving me the most beautiful thing I could read today. May both of you be blessed. The Ritual will be forthcoming and if you two desire, it can be done. They certainly don't have to follow in the journey of Spiritual Satanism, as only ready people should do this on their own will, but love is also respect for the person you are in love with and as he respects your decision to follow the path, you also should respect his own decision if he does not want to. You both sound strong and you can make it to the next level. Best of luck to you both.
As epic as 8 years wasted on a wrong one.

That is unfortunate. Generally, you cannot expect to first become the fully and healed version of yourself in order to love someone. But you also have to be able to tolerate the errors they currently have in order to be with them. I would not say these are 8 wasted years, because from what you write I would assume you were together and advanced considerably during that time. So the time you spent there is very valid, but it could not go further than this.

Sir, what should a SS do if he/she does not feel mature enough to bring a child into the world and be responsible for him/her for the rest of his/her life? ive gotten so used to living alone that even when im with someone i really love, i sometimes feel the need to be alone for a bit... i feel distant from the idea of permanently living with the same people in the same house. Is the problem with me?

Not necessarily a problem with you but the reality of the situation is that to do these things you don't have to be the "perfect' version of yourself, nor another person has to be. This is real life here it's not a movie from the theater. If you are waiting constantly for the "perfect time", the "perfect partner", so "it feels entirely right", the passing of time can disallow this past a point. So if one sees that the conditions have arose, even if not perfect, they have to make up their mind eventually.

There are no "perfect deals" in these things.

We should all have this type of true love, love conquers everything, when two people join in union with love that is the best thing they can do for each other, spiritual Satanists love union is the best, and if you can become a love union with a SS you have hit the jackpot!
And what a delight would it be to find here two SS come together and have a Satanic Spiritual marriage,
that would be such a blessing the Gods will rejoice too!

Hail Father Satan ❤️

Being an SS can certainly mean that you are on the same path with another, this can raise chances of success, PROVIDED both people are in the same page or have goals. Don't go marrying anyone you meet just because they are an SS.

Regular rules of life apply: Do we match? Is the person sane or at least someone I can co-exist with? Do they understand me and I understand them? Is this going to work out for us in a mutually acceptable way?
That is unfortunate. Generally, you cannot expect to first become the fully and healed version of yourself in order to love someone. But you also have to be able to tolerate the errors they currently have in order to be with them. I would not say these are 8 wasted years, because from what you write I would assume you were together and advanced considerably during that time. So the time you spent there is very valid, but it could not go further than this.
You're right: it wasn't a waste either, because she actually taught me something very important: that I was still able to love someone even though I was full of hang-ups and that before I started as a SS and met her I had already completely given up on that.
Also to remember again the true meaning of it from a satanic point of view and that in this present life I had forgotten.
It is a pity that due to certain catastrophic circumstances she ended up leaving the path.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
