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Learning Respect and Freedom

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In 2024 a common case is that many people of recent generations, are never taught any ethics or proper behavior by their parents. I see that often in the community. Present day immorality also has reached the point that everyone out there feels entitled to form of "Freedom", but this "Freedom" is not in any proportion; the symptoms here are many.

One speaks when they should not speak, no hierarchies are respected, yet, these people who disrespect anything also simultaneously demand a form of excessive respect, that they are not giving others.

Humanity nowadays thinks that "freedom" is essentially disorganization, acting like a cancer cell, and not partaking in any hierarchy or learning how to prostrate one's self. This lack of respect reflects the fundamental internal breakdown of a human being; as disorder is inside, so disorder is perceived outside. Every cancer cell of humans out there, feels very much entitled.

Since the 1960's, modern psychology also started taking a turning point; instead of telling people that they also have some limitations or that they should respect themselves AND others, since that time, everyone is told that they are their own God, that nobody else matters, and that your ego is the most important thing in the universe by default and simply because you breathe and you exist. This has created socially catastrophic consequences, creating a "Free for all" world, where people only have learned to recognize an inflated idea of themselves, and recognize others as little as possible. This is essentially the way to create a sociopath, even if one is not a sociopath.

The above is called a false ego and it's not part of "Freedom". Freedom means to act in accordance to the freedom of other beings, not just only for one's self. Children from 0 to 12 are supposed to develop a strong sense of self, the self is the only thing they recognize, their own "perception", their needs to poop and to eat; even at the expense of their own parents. Past the age of 12 one has to start recognizing other humans, larger family, needs of others and overall recongize the existence of others.

Nowadays our retarded civilization preaches you can be 50 years old, utterly selfish, entirely self absorbed, mentally insane in all ways, and behaving as you are 7 years old, and that they also brand this as "sane and good", leading people to disasters in relationships, friendships, marriages, and creating a society based on sociopath autism.

In the Ancient World a 14 year old already knew values, hierarchy, their individual freedom vs that of others, family virtue, and many other things. Now people can be 60 years old and still be 3 years old where any notions of respect or understanding of the world is concerned. You can enter a shop to buy a drink and the cashier or anyone there doesn't even care or smile to help your day; and people feel also entitled to crap on other people over anything they perceive was wrong at the time.

This socially creates a very negative atmosphere that makes people antisocial. No respect = No hierarchy = No emotional understanding = No society = Free for all = Damnation.

Examples can vary and they can easily be seen in the forums here, too. People can be serving for 20 years and Joe who is 15 years old, just got high from meditation after a whole 2 months and feels entitled to draw down every person to "answer them", acting like a baby crying inside the crib the loudest, because it just discovered it's power to cry or get out of line to draw the attention of parents. You don't know, little Joe knows; he will also attack you and teach everyone else from it, or lead the 12 year old brigade to take you down even.

When I was about 9 years old, I was a very disobedient kid, in the matter that I seldom listened to my parents and always wanted to do what I wanted to do. Eventually as they kept failing to control me, but they knew I liked Martial Arts, they managed to send me to do Martial arts training.

They took me to the most stern teacher they could find, the one that had the baddest reputation for being "too strict" with everything. They would say to do 100 pushups, I would do 70 max, and they would look at me from across the room and ask me "Have you done 100 pushups"? Then I would lie, and say I did 100, but the teacher had counted these, so he said, "Go do 100 more now because you lied".

I would call the Master by his first name, and he would not respond. I was like wait, me and the 60 year old Shaolin trained guy, are not the same? That hurts my emotions or something. Then I understood why I should call him only Teacher and only Sifu [the title for trained teachers], but it took months. I wanted us to be equal to feel better about my present level of incompetence, it felt better, but it was ruining one thing: My potential to grow. When I grow up in this path I understood what kind of a fool I was when I initially passed that gate, and how lesser and weak my self was to create these false ideals, only to prolong my own internal weakness - the weakness I had to fight against to ACTUALLY become a better being.

Bragging about my capacities, one time I was like "Yes, I can definitely win against this worthless 15 year old kid", while I was just 9 years old and feeling entitled. One day the teacher wanted me to "prove it", and I was like "Yes, I will prove it". Going into the ring, feeling like I was invincible. They put me on the ring [fully protected with armor] to fight the other kid, and then it kicked me on the head and I fell down instantly; there was the proof of how I felt I was, versus what or whom I really was. Albeit a painful experience, it showed me and highlighted me the value of order and how hierarchy worked; it's not by empty emotions and feelings, but about what is truly going on.

Coming out of being knocked out in an instant, I was like "I don't even know that kick" and started complaining about it. The teacher responded about the kid that knocked me down (I felt bad after this) that this kid would teach me about these kicks when my time would come; and forcibly put him to be my second instructor. I didn't like this for the first weeks because I would see this kid and be disturbed; but that really motivated me at the same time. 3 months later I was growing like there was no end to it. But I had to learn to overcome these things and do what I had to do. My instructor knew about all these things as common processes, I knew nothing, yet still the delusion of knowing persisted for sometime until it was finally blotted out. The long story of issues continued and only evened out after 1 year or so, where none of this was present at all. Only progress and only evolution followed.

One day I got slapped across the face for things like that - yes, I know, in 2024 you cannot even give a slap to a kid bringing an AR-15 on the school to kill everyone that wronged it- but these are all societal diseases that procure respect, murder, wrong character and eventually also destroy the people who haven't learned these things. I thank the Gods for the man that issued these slaps to me back then, because it was the moral and ethical thing to do, and above all, it altered me to my foolishness.

My teacher one day when I asked how much power I can get from the training, would show me 8 year old Chinese monks that would be breaking bricks with their arms. I was 10 and I couldn't do the amount of pushups. Something clicked in my head when I saw this and he did numerous things to show me the value of order against disorder. But that came later, to begin with, I was hating to even have to do it.

Then as these things continued, I would whine to my parents on how evil the instructor was, yet they would be adamant for me to continue, and I hated this - for the first 1-2 months. Eventually I fell in love with these processes, because I realized what was happening to me and that this was making me a better and more responsible human being. And there was a sense of power in that feeling, but also I felt safe and cared for by my instructor. Eventually he wasn't only issuing slaps, but recognized my true martian character and brought it out; this character if left untended would have made me a reckless and careless human being. Through their slaps and rigorous training, 3 years later I was a very organized human being; that didn't take self excuses, showed up, punched walls until my hands would open wounds, and could stretch their legs well above their head.

One day I walked into the school and I was asked: "Are you ready for training today?" Like a little brat asshole I responded: "No, I am not in the mood today, but I came anyway because I was forced". Then I tired to go on about how the instructor, 60 years old at the time, multiple black-belt and worldwide recognized, was giving me ill treatment and I wanted to leave the school, and even started crying in front of him, like a little coward. I was not a man yet. So he said "Thank you for coming despite of feeling that way. Now, get to your training".

That was one of the days I did the most rigorous training, contrary to my little dips-hit worthless teenager blind retard snowflake will. As these processes continued, I was also gaining the favor, friendship and respect of other people around me, as I started training harder; it felt very good to do this, and felt way better than being a disrespectful brat that only felt it was worth a lot but never proved the fact, ie, the state where most retarded people are nowadays.

So this was a very trying training session, ending with me having to sit in an uncomfortable stance and having to look at the mirror at myself for 15 minutes that felt like an eternity to my brat worthless self. Eventually when the training was out, instead of feeling bad, I was actually feeling GOOD, tired but good, but didn't know exactly why that was the case.

As I walked out, I felt like a new man who surpassed his limitations; something changed in me. Instead of going home like a pussy coward, I went home to read about the life for Bruce Lee and understood that many limitations are only lies created from the wrong and false Ego, and that this false Ego is essentially a great enemy that comes up to remind you that you are "Free", so that you can resist all that is good for you. I stopped disobeying to my instructor and then I started climbing the tier; until I eventually decades later I am here publicly glorifying his name for the efforts he did to help me become a man and not a worthless manlet.

We also became very good friends after a point and I would tell him my problems and he would help me and other things; was never a bad man actually. It's my false ego that was feeding my 9 year old self lies. I have a lot of stories from that time in my life, but that is just to explain my points here. We are doing it wrong as a society, and we cannot do this wrong in the JoS as well, or people won't grow.

The above is also done in external society a lot. While one wouldn't call Donald Trump to tell them a fingernail broke, when it didn't even break, people tend to do these things due to emotional reasons which are disrespectful. This is where parenting comes in, nobody was told to hush it or shut up when the grown ups were talking, and the mind has not been taught to recognize hierarchy. Then when this doesn't happen one is unaware of what goes into the world or other people, simultaneously thinking that is somehow "respectful", yet the only "respect" they seek is the respect that is perceived from others to come to them.

I have known over the years Satanists who have done nothing at all for the Gods, just made up stories of importance in their mind about themselves, and yet thought they should be worshiped like Attila the Hun or Alexander the Great. You aren't breaking the bricks like the 8 year old Shaolin, you imagine you are, and you are fucking 30 or 40 years old and need to get a grip to reality. You are entitled to nothing for the imaginary bricks you broke; you still dwell on the line of undiscovered potential.

Just because they "felt" like breaking the brick, you have not broken it - JUST YET. In the future if one fights this delusional state, there are many bricks you will be breaking.

In the real world these things do not exist. They exist only as part of a massive delusion in the person thinking that way. When these illusions are not verified by reality [Saturn strikes], these people can grow bitter or over-react, or even turn vengeful. This vengeance is irrational as well, same as the irrational beginning of the delusion of the order of things in the world.

One does not call 911 when there is nobody that got a real accident, or to just idly talk. You do not get into a company out in the regular world, and go instantly to the CEO to tell them that you must sit on their chair in Apple while you don't know even basic accounting. You do not call the Military because someone tripped down the stairs and hit their ass; let alone doing these things and still considering yourself to be an orderly and respectful human beings - which is what would allow you to receive the same respect from others.

Now, if Donald Trump is someone you don't call over a broken fingernail, one can only imagine how one must position themselves when it comes to the Gods, and how important this relation is and how much it should be respected, granted even Donald Trump or Joe Biden is small compared to them. Yet many people don't take this seriously and they create all sorts of delusions such as that Furfur will advise them to go shopping and other nonsense.

The above nonsense happens when:

1. One has never been explained order by their parents. Single family households, no households, parent's didn't establish order in the household etc.

2. Society doesn't give a fuck to establish these things and most people come to face these when they are 25 years old and they get their first job; "The world is cruel, I cannot take it, I am disrespected elsewhere" - snowflake mentality

3. No participation to anything organized. One never done anything, always got their way, everyone is equal, disrespect everyone: The perceived notion of falsely thinking that is "Freedom".

4. The psychological deception that yourself is the most important thing than any other problem in the universe, a large organization or the world [spoiled bratdom, very much present in 2024]

5. Technically being unable to comprehend these things due to lacking mental capacity [That is called being a retard, and nobody here is in this category, but many Xians and Muslims are in that category]

6. Conflation of judgement: "Since HP Cobra or a JG or a God answered my inquiry or an e-mail due to kindness, I am equal, or wait superior. Two weeks later: Yo Cobra, will you bring me a beer from the fridge now? Yo Satan whattup, you gon give me the milli dollaz I asked while I do nothing for it? I'm a pharaoh bro didn't you know?"

I am closing this message by saying that liberal mentalities are only half the game when it comes to gaining things in the world, or advancing in the presence of the Gods. Those who do things like the above all the time won't be taken very seriously, because these things are borne out of problems. I have found out the Gods do not answer to brats, self entitled delusional individuals, or those who simply go for them to take-take-take like a parasite. Verifying these behaviors can be catastrophic for the person towards whom this is done.

Freedom means contact with the higher ego not the lesser lazy one that tries to jeopardize all your efforts, ruin your functional relations with other people and turn you into a disrespectful vegetable.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Gen Z and Gen A have never been slapped in the face. Most modern parents are incapable of raising their children, go to any restaurant and you'll see at least 2 babies watching Peppa Pig on their father's phone.

Good news is, we here are more advanced than that, and our contributions for our Gods and our world are fruitful. Society will heal, and we are already playing a crucial role in the healing process of our world.
Bro....seriously, every single time a delinquent gets arrested or confronted by law enforcement, the FIRST thing they love to babble about is "you're destroying 'MUH FREEDOM'. Both liberals and conservatives are guilty of this. Liberals whenever they block the roads, vandalize, side with illegal immigrants and Islamists; conservatives whenever they get exposed of church tax frauds, pedophilia or exposed as being wife and child abusers and domestic gun crimes.

The word "freedom" gets tossed around nowadays without a slice of understanding of what it actually means. Do people NOT know that the concept of "unlimited freedom do whatever you want and suffer no consequences" is a fallacy and fantasy? Rules, hierarchy and order is needed.

I especially hate how many of the conspiracy theory groups you see around (many are run by jews anyway) aren't teaching their followers "patriotic freedom righting" - but literally promoting xian anarchism, government is evil, government is of Satan (their "Satan"), technology is evil, money is evil, taxes are evil, let's be "free cavemen feudalistic anarchists....the governments wants to come after me because I committed a crime 'cuz I'm free to....let 12 year old buy AR-15s with no restrictions". You get it.....

I used to have that "lazy" mindset, whining and crying about "strict teachers". You don't become a warrior by getting "soft kind treatment", "awwww good job [even though you fucked up and failed massively and didn't even try]." This isn't even just confined to a strict human teacher - but even in my life, many moments of pain and suffering were actually blessings in disguise that helped and toughened me in the long-run.
Thank You Commander for making this important point. Hope that many of ours here and also many yet to be brothers and sisters get to read this with an open mind for the sake of their betterment. Very relevant in today's world.

Your love for us is great and much appreciated. The Gods smile upon you and your work.

When I was young, the pressure from life and work would cause me to vent my temper on others, and I would get angry at the slightest thing. As I grew older, I gradually gained control over my emotions, and felt guilty for my previous mistakes. I learned to understand and respect others. Sometimes, some disputes can be resolved peacefully as long as one party can remain calm and hold back their temper. Now I deal with some disputes in a more moral and calm way. People should get rid of the low-frequency mode of mutual hatred and resentment, and transform into a high-frequency mode of mutual understanding and mutual help, and become new humans. The Führer once taught the German people to understand and help each other.
I agree, if you are lucky enough to have decent teachers in your life!

But this ignorance has a downside, people who have achieved the slightest power, be it a middle manager in a diner, or an army sergeant, can show atrocities, humiliation, and abuse of power, causing even greater imbalance and destroying a healthy, adequate hierarchy.
Yeah, the perverted notion of freedom does cause immense damage to people.

One of my close relatives suffers from similar mental patterns, is there a good way to help such people come to better understanding of freedom? I know they must come to that decision on their own, but showing another option is viable, right?

And thank you for the sermon.
Strangely, I don't encounter the kind of rude behavior described in the article in the artistic community. But I was unpleasantly pricked by the fact that I have to "respect" a jewish boss if I have to work soon? I always make it clear to a Jew that he is beneath me, even if that jew is rich. Something I don't understand here.
"What Cobra you mean you won't grab me a beer maaannn? I am The Seahorse King Luciferius Internicus the 5th, how dare you not respect muh godly power and rule!!11"

In all seriousness though, great sermon. Hierarchy is very important to take into consideration and work towards bettering ourselves so we can grow and climb as beings.

What would you advise in the case of people who are physically challenged but would like to learn martial arts to gain power and discipline? I have full use of my limbs, but my body is very weak and often crumples under pressure, and just leads to exhaustion and the growth that should take place from this, really doesn't seem to occur. This has been a life long thing.

I remember before I had heart surgery as a teenager, that I went to a martial arts instructor and went to train and I had to stop the practice as I thought I was going to have a heart attack or collapse.

I don't know if maybe there is a specific approach for something like this, but I have been curious.
In Soviet school, we, then schoolchildren, were called morons or cretins by our teachers. So it's in cases like this that I don't understand what hierarchy is. I don't care if it's the president or not, but if the president kisses a jew's ass, I'll just spit in his back. Why should I respect a president who likes to kiss jewish ass? I only respect the institution of government, but I don't respect an idiot president who kisses jewish ass.
Those words can be most precious for the new people here, if understood. Unfortunately, it takes time, experience, analysis, self-analysis, power meditation, seriousness and so on so forth, to really get it.

My attitude and understanding evolved drastically since I started going that extra mile in this path. Thinking about past mentalities, even from only a month ago… Oh boy, they’re worthy of noisy facepalms :)

I’m grateful to my past stupid self though - in spite of having a big ego, I developed a “maybe I’m not yet capable to understand” mentality. This always kept my hand on the wheel, holding to it as it was my everything. That mentality is born from reading and thirst for knowledge.

You get humbled when you stop lying to yourself and accept the (harsh at first) truth - you learn to see, understand and accept the truth once you start educating yourself. Always ask yourself if you're missing something. Don't actually seek failures, but open up to them when they arrive and understand they only generate wisdom on the long-term.

Thank you, HP Cobra, for the lessons and the patience!

Thank you, brothers and sisters, for the reassurance I received from your experiences!
Those words can be most precious for the new people here, if understood. Unfortunately, it takes time, experience, analysis, self-analysis, power meditation, seriousness and so on so forth, to really get it.


Thank you, HP Cobra, for the lessons and the patience!

I know it's very risky to open such topics up, but I have to do this. I can be taken severely out of context. But I am willing to answer any question about these statements, to explain them. One then later in their journey will come in and understand what is stated better. Others will understand immediately.

Gen Z and Gen A have never been slapped in the face. Most modern parents are incapable of raising their children, go to any restaurant and you'll see at least 2 babies watching Peppa Pig on their father's phone.

Good news is, we here are more advanced than that, and our contributions for our Gods and our world are fruitful. Society will heal, and we are already playing a crucial role in the healing process of our world.

A lot of the rigorous training one has to go after some point, might look like it's hard to external people. But the Gods like an Olympics trainer, can focus so that you win the medals you are after. That is Good Authority.

The Gods aren't telling me to mediate and get my ass up because they want to hurt my feelings, like an obnoxious manager at work who has mental problems. They tell you this in order to protect you, save you, and bring you into a higher level of power, so you can be better.

Bad authority is a rotten psychotic apple in your work which causes you problems for no reason all day and abuses you.

They both might shout. But one shouts because they are a psycho and the other because they want you to perform to win a medal.

Shouting in this case is only a means to an end. If the end is not good, then the shouting isn't. But if the end is good, this type of exercise can help you and you might even want it or need it past a point.

In Soviet school, we, then schoolchildren, were called morons or cretins by our teachers. So it's in cases like this that I don't understand what hierarchy is. I don't care if it's the president or not, but if the president kisses a jew's ass, I'll just spit in his back. Why should I respect a president who likes to kiss jewish ass? I only respect the institution of government, but I don't respect an idiot president who kisses jewish ass.

Soviet rule is not something that seeks to organize or benefit anyone, it's just crushing people for no reason. That is not an aim. You do not have to respect those who don't mean any good to you, let alone Soviets.

But there are cases when this is not the case. My instructor had the best intentions and the proper methods. Above all, I wanted to become good in this aspect of their teaching. And that was the way.
I would like to read more topics about Problems of raising childrens and how to solve them.

This generation is like they have internet and phones as their primary needs in the Base of the pyramid needs.

They become depressed if their free time passes without this, like it's the end of the world.

For sure many problems the parents need to get a solution like nurturing- behavior - social ability.

But the sad facts as you mentioned that parents themselves acting like kids.

Any way share with us SS about this important matter and how to take care of a gift from the Gods and how to Discovering, developing their talents and abilities.

Be blessed commander.
In 2024 a common case is that many people of recent generations, are never taught any ethics or proper behavior by their parents. I see that often in the community. Present day immorality also has reached the point that everyone out there feels entitled to form of "Freedom", but this "Freedom" is not in any proportion; the symptoms here are many.

One speaks when they should not speak, no hierarchies are respected, yet, these people who disrespect anything also simultaneously demand a form of excessive respect, that they are not giving others.

Humanity nowadays thinks that "freedom" is essentially disorganization, acting like a cancer cell, and not partaking in any hierarchy or learning how to prostrate one's self. This lack of respect reflects the fundamental internal breakdown of a human being; as disorder is inside, so disorder is perceived outside. Every cancer cell of humans out there, feels very much entitled.

Since the 1960's, modern psychology also started taking a turning point; instead of telling people that they also have some limitations or that they should respect themselves AND others, since that time, everyone is told that they are their own God, that nobody else matters, and that your ego is the most important thing in the universe by default and simply because you breathe and you exist. This has created socially catastrophic consequences, creating a "Free for all" world, where people only have learned to recognize an inflated idea of themselves, and recognize others as little as possible. This is essentially the way to create a sociopath, even if one is not a sociopath.

The above is called a false ego and it's not part of "Freedom". Freedom means to act in accordance to the freedom of other beings, not just only for one's self. Children from 0 to 12 are supposed to develop a strong sense of self, the self is the only thing they recognize, their own "perception", their needs to poop and to eat; even at the expense of their own parents. Past the age of 12 one has to start recognizing other humans, larger family, needs of others and overall recongize the existence of others.

Nowadays our retarded civilization preaches you can be 50 years old, utterly selfish, entirely self absorbed, mentally insane in all ways, and behaving as you are 7 years old, and that they also brand this as "sane and good", leading people to disasters in relationships, friendships, marriages, and creating a society based on sociopath autism.

In the Ancient World a 14 year old already knew values, hierarchy, their individual freedom vs that of others, family virtue, and many other things. Now people can be 60 years old and still be 3 years old where any notions of respect or understanding of the world is concerned. You can enter a shop to buy a drink and the cashier or anyone there doesn't even care or smile to help your day; and people feel also entitled to crap on other people over anything they perceive was wrong at the time.

This socially creates a very negative atmosphere that makes people antisocial. No respect = No hierarchy = No emotional understanding = No society = Free for all = Damnation.

Examples can vary and they can easily be seen in the forums here, too. People can be serving for 20 years and Joe who is 15 years old, just got high from meditation after a whole 2 months and feels entitled to draw down every person to "answer them", acting like a baby crying inside the crib the loudest, because it just discovered it's power to cry or get out of line to draw the attention of parents. You don't know, little Joe knows; he will also attack you and teach everyone else from it, or lead the 12 year old brigade to take you down even.

When I was about 9 years old, I was a very disobedient kid, in the matter that I seldom listened to my parents and always wanted to do what I wanted to do. Eventually as they kept failing to control me, but they knew I liked Martial Arts, they managed to send me to do Martial arts training.

They took me to the most stern teacher they could find, the one that had the baddest reputation for being "too strict" with everything. They would say to do 100 pushups, I would do 70 max, and they would look at me from across the room and ask me "Have you done 100 pushups"? Then I would lie, and say I did 100, but the teacher had counted these, so he said, "Go do 100 more now because you lied".

I would call the Master by his first name, and he would not respond. I was like wait, me and the 60 year old Shaolin trained guy, are not the same? That hurts my emotions or something. Then I understood why I should call him only Teacher and only Sifu [the title for trained teachers], but it took months. I wanted us to be equal to feel better about my present level of incompetence, it felt better, but it was ruining one thing: My potential to grow. When I grow up in this path I understood what kind of a fool I was when I initially passed that gate, and how lesser and weak my self was to create these false ideals, only to prolong my own internal weakness - the weakness I had to fight against to ACTUALLY become a better being.

Bragging about my capacities, one time I was like "Yes, I can definitely win against this worthless 15 year old kid", while I was just 9 years old and feeling entitled. One day the teacher wanted me to "prove it", and I was like "Yes, I will prove it". Going into the ring, feeling like I was invincible. They put me on the ring [fully protected with armor] to fight the other kid, and then it kicked me on the head and I fell down instantly; there was the proof of how I felt I was, versus what or whom I really was. Albeit a painful experience, it showed me and highlighted me the value of order and how hierarchy worked; it's not by empty emotions and feelings, but about what is truly going on.

Coming out of being knocked out in an instant, I was like "I don't even know that kick" and started complaining about it. The teacher responded about the kid that knocked me down (I felt bad after this) that this kid would teach me about these kicks when my time would come; and forcibly put him to be my second instructor. I didn't like this for the first weeks because I would see this kid and be disturbed; but that really motivated me at the same time. 3 months later I was growing like there was no end to it. But I had to learn to overcome these things and do what I had to do. My instructor knew about all these things as common processes, I knew nothing, yet still the delusion of knowing persisted for sometime until it was finally blotted out. The long story of issues continued and only evened out after 1 year or so, where none of this was present at all. Only progress and only evolution followed.

One day I got slapped across the face for things like that - yes, I know, in 2024 you cannot even give a slap to a kid bringing an AR-15 on the school to kill everyone that wronged it- but these are all societal diseases that procure respect, murder, wrong character and eventually also destroy the people who haven't learned these things. I thank the Gods for the man that issued these slaps to me back then, because it was the moral and ethical thing to do, and above all, it altered me to my foolishness.

My teacher one day when I asked how much power I can get from the training, would show me 8 year old Chinese monks that would be breaking bricks with their arms. I was 10 and I couldn't do the amount of pushups. Something clicked in my head when I saw this and he did numerous things to show me the value of order against disorder. But that came later, to begin with, I was hating to even have to do it.

Then as these things continued, I would whine to my parents on how evil the instructor was, yet they would be adamant for me to continue, and I hated this - for the first 1-2 months. Eventually I fell in love with these processes, because I realized what was happening to me and that this was making me a better and more responsible human being. And there was a sense of power in that feeling, but also I felt safe and cared for by my instructor. Eventually he wasn't only issuing slaps, but recognized my true martian character and brought it out; this character if left untended would have made me a reckless and careless human being. Through their slaps and rigorous training, 3 years later I was a very organized human being; that didn't take self excuses, showed up, punched walls until my hands would open wounds, and could stretch their legs well above their head.

One day I walked into the school and I was asked: "Are you ready for training today?" Like a little brat asshole I responded: "No, I am not in the mood today, but I came anyway because I was forced". Then I tired to go on about how the instructor, 60 years old at the time, multiple black-belt and worldwide recognized, was giving me ill treatment and I wanted to leave the school, and even started crying in front of him, like a little coward. I was not a man yet. So he said "Thank you for coming despite of feeling that way. Now, get to your training".

That was one of the days I did the most rigorous training, contrary to my little dips-hit worthless teenager blind retard snowflake will. As these processes continued, I was also gaining the favor, friendship and respect of other people around me, as I started training harder; it felt very good to do this, and felt way better than being a disrespectful brat that only felt it was worth a lot but never proved the fact, ie, the state where most retarded people are nowadays.

So this was a very trying training session, ending with me having to sit in an uncomfortable stance and having to look at the mirror at myself for 15 minutes that felt like an eternity to my brat worthless self. Eventually when the training was out, instead of feeling bad, I was actually feeling GOOD, tired but good, but didn't know exactly why that was the case.

As I walked out, I felt like a new man who surpassed his limitations; something changed in me. Instead of going home like a pussy coward, I went home to read about the life for Bruce Lee and understood that many limitations are only lies created from the wrong and false Ego, and that this false Ego is essentially a great enemy that comes up to remind you that you are "Free", so that you can resist all that is good for you. I stopped disobeying to my instructor and then I started climbing the tier; until I eventually decades later I am here publicly glorifying his name for the efforts he did to help me become a man and not a worthless manlet.

We also became very good friends after a point and I would tell him my problems and he would help me and other things; was never a bad man actually. It's my false ego that was feeding my 9 year old self lies. I have a lot of stories from that time in my life, but that is just to explain my points here. We are doing it wrong as a society, and we cannot do this wrong in the JoS as well, or people won't grow.

The above is also done in external society a lot. While one wouldn't call Donald Trump to tell them a fingernail broke, when it didn't even break, people tend to do these things due to emotional reasons which are disrespectful. This is where parenting comes in, nobody was told to hush it or shut up when the grown ups were talking, and the mind has not been taught to recognize hierarchy. Then when this doesn't happen one is unaware of what goes into the world or other people, simultaneously thinking that is somehow "respectful", yet the only "respect" they seek is the respect that is perceived from others to come to them.

I have known over the years Satanists who have done nothing at all for the Gods, just made up stories of importance in their mind about themselves, and yet thought they should be worshiped like Attila the Hun or Alexander the Great. You aren't breaking the bricks like the 8 year old Shaolin, you imagine you are, and you are fucking 30 or 40 years old and need to get a grip to reality. You are entitled to nothing for the imaginary bricks you broke; you still dwell on the line of undiscovered potential.

Just because they "felt" like breaking the brick, you have not broken it - JUST YET. In the future if one fights this delusional state, there are many bricks you will be breaking.

In the real world these things do not exist. They exist only as part of a massive delusion in the person thinking that way. When these illusions are not verified by reality [Saturn strikes], these people can grow bitter or over-react, or even turn vengeful. This vengeance is irrational as well, same as the irrational beginning of the delusion of the order of things in the world.

One does not call 911 when there is nobody that got a real accident, or to just idly talk. You do not get into a company out in the regular world, and go instantly to the CEO to tell them that you must sit on their chair in Apple while you don't know even basic accounting. You do not call the Military because someone tripped down the stairs and hit their ass; let alone doing these things and still considering yourself to be an orderly and respectful human beings - which is what would allow you to receive the same respect from others.

Now, if Donald Trump is someone you don't call over a broken fingernail, one can only imagine how one must position themselves when it comes to the Gods, and how important this relation is and how much it should be respected, granted even Donald Trump or Joe Biden is small compared to them. Yet many people don't take this seriously and they create all sorts of delusions such as that Furfur will advise them to go shopping and other nonsense.

The above nonsense happens when:

1. One has never been explained order by their parents. Single family households, no households, parent's didn't establish order in the household etc.
2. Society doesn't give a fuck to establish these things and most people come to face these when they are 25 years old and they get their first job; "The world is cruel, I cannot take it, I am disrespected elsewhere" - snowflake mentality
3. No participation to anything organized. One never done anything, always got their way, everyone is equal, disrespect everyone: The perceived notion of falsely thinking that is "Freedom".
4. The psychological deception that yourself is the most important thing than any other problem in the universe, a large organization or the world [spoiled bratdom, very much present in 2024]
5. Technically being unable to comprehend these things due to lacking mental capacity [That is called being a retard, and nobody here is in this category, but many Xians and Muslims are in that category]
6. Conflation of judgement: "Since HP Cobra or a JG or a God answered my inquiry or an e-mail due to kindness, I am equal, or wait superior. Two weeks later: Yo Cobra, will you bring me a beer from the fridge now? Yo Satan whattup, you gon give me the milli dollaz I asked while I do nothing for it? I'm a pharaoh bro didn't you know?"

I am closing this message by saying that liberal mentalities are only half the game when it comes to gaining things in the world, or advancing in the presence of the Gods. Those who do things like the above all the time won't be taken very seriously, because these things are borne out of problems. I have found out the Gods do not answer to brats, self entitled delusional individuals, or those who simply go for them to take-take-take like a parasite. Verifying these behaviors can be catastrophic for the person towards whom thi uses is done.

Freedom means contact with the higher ego not the lesser lazy one that tries to jeopardize all your efforts, ruin your functional relations with other people and turn you into a disrespectful vegetable.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Words of the infernal
In 2024 a common case is that many people of recent generations, are never taught any ethics or proper behavior by their parents. I see that often in the community. Present day immorality also has reached the point that everyone out there feels entitled to form of "Freedom", but this "Freedom" is not in any proportion; the symptoms here are many.

One speaks when they should not speak, no hierarchies are respected, yet, these people who disrespect anything also simultaneously demand a form of excessive respect, that they are not giving others.

Humanity nowadays thinks that "freedom" is essentially disorganization, acting like a cancer cell, and not partaking in any hierarchy or learning how to prostrate one's self. This lack of respect reflects the fundamental internal breakdown of a human being; as disorder is inside, so disorder is perceived outside. Every cancer cell of humans out there, feels very much entitled.

Since the 1960's, modern psychology also started taking a turning point; instead of telling people that they also have some limitations or that they should respect themselves AND others, since that time, everyone is told that they are their own God, that nobody else matters, and that your ego is the most important thing in the universe by default and simply because you breathe and you exist. This has created socially catastrophic consequences, creating a "Free for all" world, where people only have learned to recognize an inflated idea of themselves, and recognize others as little as possible. This is essentially the way to create a sociopath, even if one is not a sociopath.

The above is called a false ego and it's not part of "Freedom". Freedom means to act in accordance to the freedom of other beings, not just only for one's self. Children from 0 to 12 are supposed to develop a strong sense of self, the self is the only thing they recognize, their own "perception", their needs to poop and to eat; even at the expense of their own parents. Past the age of 12 one has to start recognizing other humans, larger family, needs of others and overall recongize the existence of others.

Nowadays our retarded civilization preaches you can be 50 years old, utterly selfish, entirely self absorbed, mentally insane in all ways, and behaving as you are 7 years old, and that they also brand this as "sane and good", leading people to disasters in relationships, friendships, marriages, and creating a society based on sociopath autism.

In the Ancient World a 14 year old already knew values, hierarchy, their individual freedom vs that of others, family virtue, and many other things. Now people can be 60 years old and still be 3 years old where any notions of respect or understanding of the world is concerned. You can enter a shop to buy a drink and the cashier or anyone there doesn't even care or smile to help your day; and people feel also entitled to crap on other people over anything they perceive was wrong at the time.

This socially creates a very negative atmosphere that makes people antisocial. No respect = No hierarchy = No emotional understanding = No society = Free for all = Damnation.

Examples can vary and they can easily be seen in the forums here, too. People can be serving for 20 years and Joe who is 15 years old, just got high from meditation after a whole 2 months and feels entitled to draw down every person to "answer them", acting like a baby crying inside the crib the loudest, because it just discovered it's power to cry or get out of line to draw the attention of parents. You don't know, little Joe knows; he will also attack you and teach everyone else from it, or lead the 12 year old brigade to take you down even.

When I was about 9 years old, I was a very disobedient kid, in the matter that I seldom listened to my parents and always wanted to do what I wanted to do. Eventually as they kept failing to control me, but they knew I liked Martial Arts, they managed to send me to do Martial arts training.

They took me to the most stern teacher they could find, the one that had the baddest reputation for being "too strict" with everything. They would say to do 100 pushups, I would do 70 max, and they would look at me from across the room and ask me "Have you done 100 pushups"? Then I would lie, and say I did 100, but the teacher had counted these, so he said, "Go do 100 more now because you lied".

I would call the Master by his first name, and he would not respond. I was like wait, me and the 60 year old Shaolin trained guy, are not the same? That hurts my emotions or something. Then I understood why I should call him only Teacher and only Sifu [the title for trained teachers], but it took months. I wanted us to be equal to feel better about my present level of incompetence, it felt better, but it was ruining one thing: My potential to grow. When I grow up in this path I understood what kind of a fool I was when I initially passed that gate, and how lesser and weak my self was to create these false ideals, only to prolong my own internal weakness - the weakness I had to fight against to ACTUALLY become a better being.

Bragging about my capacities, one time I was like "Yes, I can definitely win against this worthless 15 year old kid", while I was just 9 years old and feeling entitled. One day the teacher wanted me to "prove it", and I was like "Yes, I will prove it". Going into the ring, feeling like I was invincible. They put me on the ring [fully protected with armor] to fight the other kid, and then it kicked me on the head and I fell down instantly; there was the proof of how I felt I was, versus what or whom I really was. Albeit a painful experience, it showed me and highlighted me the value of order and how hierarchy worked; it's not by empty emotions and feelings, but about what is truly going on.

Coming out of being knocked out in an instant, I was like "I don't even know that kick" and started complaining about it. The teacher responded about the kid that knocked me down (I felt bad after this) that this kid would teach me about these kicks when my time would come; and forcibly put him to be my second instructor. I didn't like this for the first weeks because I would see this kid and be disturbed; but that really motivated me at the same time. 3 months later I was growing like there was no end to it. But I had to learn to overcome these things and do what I had to do. My instructor knew about all these things as common processes, I knew nothing, yet still the delusion of knowing persisted for sometime until it was finally blotted out. The long story of issues continued and only evened out after 1 year or so, where none of this was present at all. Only progress and only evolution followed.

One day I got slapped across the face for things like that - yes, I know, in 2024 you cannot even give a slap to a kid bringing an AR-15 on the school to kill everyone that wronged it- but these are all societal diseases that procure respect, murder, wrong character and eventually also destroy the people who haven't learned these things. I thank the Gods for the man that issued these slaps to me back then, because it was the moral and ethical thing to do, and above all, it altered me to my foolishness.

My teacher one day when I asked how much power I can get from the training, would show me 8 year old Chinese monks that would be breaking bricks with their arms. I was 10 and I couldn't do the amount of pushups. Something clicked in my head when I saw this and he did numerous things to show me the value of order against disorder. But that came later, to begin with, I was hating to even have to do it.

Then as these things continued, I would whine to my parents on how evil the instructor was, yet they would be adamant for me to continue, and I hated this - for the first 1-2 months. Eventually I fell in love with these processes, because I realized what was happening to me and that this was making me a better and more responsible human being. And there was a sense of power in that feeling, but also I felt safe and cared for by my instructor. Eventually he wasn't only issuing slaps, but recognized my true martian character and brought it out; this character if left untended would have made me a reckless and careless human being. Through their slaps and rigorous training, 3 years later I was a very organized human being; that didn't take self excuses, showed up, punched walls until my hands would open wounds, and could stretch their legs well above their head.

One day I walked into the school and I was asked: "Are you ready for training today?" Like a little brat asshole I responded: "No, I am not in the mood today, but I came anyway because I was forced". Then I tired to go on about how the instructor, 60 years old at the time, multiple black-belt and worldwide recognized, was giving me ill treatment and I wanted to leave the school, and even started crying in front of him, like a little coward. I was not a man yet. So he said "Thank you for coming despite of feeling that way. Now, get to your training".

That was one of the days I did the most rigorous training, contrary to my little dips-hit worthless teenager blind retard snowflake will. As these processes continued, I was also gaining the favor, friendship and respect of other people around me, as I started training harder; it felt very good to do this, and felt way better than being a disrespectful brat that only felt it was worth a lot but never proved the fact, ie, the state where most retarded people are nowadays.

So this was a very trying training session, ending with me having to sit in an uncomfortable stance and having to look at the mirror at myself for 15 minutes that felt like an eternity to my brat worthless self. Eventually when the training was out, instead of feeling bad, I was actually feeling GOOD, tired but good, but didn't know exactly why that was the case.

As I walked out, I felt like a new man who surpassed his limitations; something changed in me. Instead of going home like a pussy coward, I went home to read about the life for Bruce Lee and understood that many limitations are only lies created from the wrong and false Ego, and that this false Ego is essentially a great enemy that comes up to remind you that you are "Free", so that you can resist all that is good for you. I stopped disobeying to my instructor and then I started climbing the tier; until I eventually decades later I am here publicly glorifying his name for the efforts he did to help me become a man and not a worthless manlet.

We also became very good friends after a point and I would tell him my problems and he would help me and other things; was never a bad man actually. It's my false ego that was feeding my 9 year old self lies. I have a lot of stories from that time in my life, but that is just to explain my points here. We are doing it wrong as a society, and we cannot do this wrong in the JoS as well, or people won't grow.

The above is also done in external society a lot. While one wouldn't call Donald Trump to tell them a fingernail broke, when it didn't even break, people tend to do these things due to emotional reasons which are disrespectful. This is where parenting comes in, nobody was told to hush it or shut up when the grown ups were talking, and the mind has not been taught to recognize hierarchy. Then when this doesn't happen one is unaware of what goes into the world or other people, simultaneously thinking that is somehow "respectful", yet the only "respect" they seek is the respect that is perceived from others to come to them.

I have known over the years Satanists who have done nothing at all for the Gods, just made up stories of importance in their mind about themselves, and yet thought they should be worshiped like Attila the Hun or Alexander the Great. You aren't breaking the bricks like the 8 year old Shaolin, you imagine you are, and you are fucking 30 or 40 years old and need to get a grip to reality. You are entitled to nothing for the imaginary bricks you broke; you still dwell on the line of undiscovered potential.

Just because they "felt" like breaking the brick, you have not broken it - JUST YET. In the future if one fights this delusional state, there are many bricks you will be breaking.

In the real world these things do not exist. They exist only as part of a massive delusion in the person thinking that way. When these illusions are not verified by reality [Saturn strikes], these people can grow bitter or over-react, or even turn vengeful. This vengeance is irrational as well, same as the irrational beginning of the delusion of the order of things in the world.

One does not call 911 when there is nobody that got a real accident, or to just idly talk. You do not get into a company out in the regular world, and go instantly to the CEO to tell them that you must sit on their chair in Apple while you don't know even basic accounting. You do not call the Military because someone tripped down the stairs and hit their ass; let alone doing these things and still considering yourself to be an orderly and respectful human beings - which is what would allow you to receive the same respect from others.

Now, if Donald Trump is someone you don't call over a broken fingernail, one can only imagine how one must position themselves when it comes to the Gods, and how important this relation is and how much it should be respected, granted even Donald Trump or Joe Biden is small compared to them. Yet many people don't take this seriously and they create all sorts of delusions such as that Furfur will advise them to go shopping and other nonsense.

The above nonsense happens when:

1. One has never been explained order by their parents. Single family households, no households, parent's didn't establish order in the household etc.
2. Society doesn't give a fuck to establish these things and most people come to face these when they are 25 years old and they get their first job; "The world is cruel, I cannot take it, I am disrespected elsewhere" - snowflake mentality
3. No participation to anything organized. One never done anything, always got their way, everyone is equal, disrespect everyone: The perceived notion of falsely thinking that is "Freedom".
4. The psychological deception that yourself is the most important thing than any other problem in the universe, a large organization or the world [spoiled bratdom, very much present in 2024]
5. Technically being unable to comprehend these things due to lacking mental capacity [That is called being a retard, and nobody here is in this category, but many Xians and Muslims are in that category]
6. Conflation of judgement: "Since HP Cobra or a JG or a God answered my inquiry or an e-mail due to kindness, I am equal, or wait superior. Two weeks later: Yo Cobra, will you bring me a beer from the fridge now? Yo Satan whattup, you gon give me the milli dollaz I asked while I do nothing for it? I'm a pharaoh bro didn't you know?"

I am closing this message by saying that liberal mentalities are only half the game when it comes to gaining things in the world, or advancing in the presence of the Gods. Those who do things like the above all the time won't be taken very seriously, because these things are borne out of problems. I have found out the Gods do not answer to brats, self entitled delusional individuals, or those who simply go for them to take-take-take like a parasite. Verifying these behaviors can be catastrophic for the person towards whom this is done.

Freedom means contact with the higher ego not the lesser lazy one that tries to jeopardize all your efforts, ruin your functional relations with other people and turn you into a disrespectful vegetable.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Words of the infernal I like this sermon .reminded
me of myself a little course
never learned karate but
it sounds like you had a good
teacher that had a lot of wisdom
Considering young parents today it does seem like they are either
1.) overly-strict entitled narcissists who cannot admit to their kids that they too are fallible.
2.) meek introverts who try to befriend their children without providing enough discipline.

This is a real problem today and I think that parents should have firm boundaries at all times in a compassionate way. Instead they frequently alternate between the two above examples and it is no wonder we're seeing more depressed and emotionally unstable generations than ever before.

We need to teach our societies value and how to earn respect. Ideas of instant gratification and things like piss-poor excuses are worse than when I was growing up in the late 90's and early 2000's. People act as though if something bad happens in their day it's immediate justification to do something else stupid (eat bad food, drink alcohol, seek escapism, use drugs, etc)... this feeds into a cycle of always feeling bad and always needing these things. This is insanity because these mind-numbing pursuits only make one's emotional state worse overtime. Our world needs to get away from media/entertainment and start living life; experiencing nature, exercising and eating healthy food (mostly local and in season if possible). Gardening, building things, helping the parents/family everyday... these things have become too uncommon in our modern world. When I look at poor places like parts of Mexico, the Phillipenes, etc; these places seem to be ahead of us first-world nations in these regards, yet they are still considered 'developing nations'... (they've been 'developing' for quite some time apparently, yet we all know the reason that they aren't thriving as they should).

Your above experience has really inspired me to get even more physically active. (Kids smashing through bricks with their fists - jeez I need to work out more). Thank you for the motivation and for posting this! Also I apologize for my venting. Seeing these things occur in my own family and in people around me has been challenging albeit sobering. It's not easy seeing truths in the world while being surrounded by mindless apathetic people in spite of it. The best I can do I suppose is keep improving myself and worry less about how to improve others.
Because of the decay of today's society one can go from growing up respecting their elders and it starts with their parents but eventually the one who gave respect to elders starts having higher cognitive skills as they get older and starts seeing that many of these people are still acting like children or pretend to be smarter/wiser than they are and because of this I started to dislike any authority figure that expressed authority but never showed why they deserve their position.

This was getting me into a bad place personally but thanks to the JoS I am able to go thru these experiences in a mature and wise manner instead of being an adult "brat" to those who don't deserve their positions.

In the end it makes me look better to act in mature and calm manner when dealing with someone on a power trip. Of course things have their limitations and will never become a victim of abuse. I just won't immediately act out or overly so.

Maybe if I did act out then my parents would of put me in martial arts early instead of me doing it in my adult years lol. This part is purely a joke.

Great sermon. Very relatable. Thank you.
Goes without saying, the above doesn't relate to you or others here who have proved to be in their positions.
Education was in the Ancient days was to prepare the child to be fully competent and successful in their life.

These days, school education doesn't even teach most life skills. And it keeps people childish for longer. People getting their first job in their mid-20's? People had jobs around age 14.

People need a wake-up call, reality, learning order, understanding what they are not permitted to do, learning how life actually works. Learning how to be competent and how to succeed at life... not how to act like a childish self-entitled spoiled brat.

I'm thankful my parents were pragmatists. Sure, they hated meditation and yoga so I had to hide stuff like that when visiting them, but at least I did not grow up to be spoiled and selfish. I'm willing to put in the work for the JoS.
What would you advise in the case of people who are physically challenged but would like to learn martial arts to gain power and discipline? I have full use of my limbs, but my body is very weak and often crumples under pressure, and just leads to exhaustion and the growth that should take place from this, really doesn't seem to occur. This has been a life long thing.

I remember before I had heart surgery as a teenager, that I went to a martial arts instructor and went to train and I had to stop the practice as I thought I was going to have a heart attack or collapse.

I don't know if maybe there is a specific approach for something like this, but I have been curious.
Have you tried Qigong or Tai Chi? I've done both, they are more gentle on the body yet build an inner strength, not just of character but also spiritually which increases physical strength. Look into any classes in your area and tell the instructor of your health issues so they can adapt anything for you if needed :)
A wise post a day keeps me on the right way :)

I can literally see myself in the text. My parents were harsh on me as a kid, but that taught me how to be kind and respect others. Unfortunately, that is only it. They forgot to also teach that kindness is often abused by others and I learned it the hard way. I get burned out often by the people that use my kindness for their own good and I never really learned how to both be kind and to be careful not to give it for granted. I finally understood that this is not right and the JoS teaches and shows, through other experiences as well, on how to be a better self.

Thank you for bringing this up.
One word that has vanished from the English language is impertinence.

Impertinence is an entitlement to prerogatives and privileges that, actually, you do not deserve and are not on a level to handle correctly.

There are many left-wing novels and plays and so on that actually demonize this word as an evil thing to say, especially to children and the adult wastes of society.

When I was a child, I had no problem obeying adults, but I did have severe problems understanding the value of certain things that other boys held more dear, like training the body and cooperation. This wasn't the right attitude from me, yet at the time I couldn't understand why they were so aggrieved about it and I was rude. Worsening it was that other adults tended to speak so highly of me that I saw no reason to change this bitch attitude.

It took a long time, being humbled by life, to understand the importance of things like that. The 'simpler' things in life are actually a necessity of existence. Sometimes I see extreme versions of my former attitude echoed even here, when people claim sports are completely useless and that people with extremely rare talents should just be paid the same wage as a sewer cleaner.

Left-wingers are extremely impertinent far into adulthood. These kinds of people tend to be more introverted, under attack and precious as children but also develop a highly defensive and demanding attitude internally, spiraling into resentment in adolescence. They often climb the ladder to being an academic, social worker or whatever else, believing this gives them the right to finally condescend to others.

The behavior of these kinds of people when given power is extremely rude. Anyone here will know snippily say "educate yourself" to anyone even curious about their creeds. Leagues of them gang up to hector anyone not as 'advanced' in the creed as they (the novice did some no-no or Problematic Thing), creating an atmosphere of fear, snitching and weary obligation. These people have never been given a corrective to their arrogant attitudes as children; they abuse their positions in protecting others as adults.

Just note how insanely spiteful a lot of propaganda is about so called 'jocks' or small town people. Now, violent meatheads do exist in life and so do ignorant people who can barely string a sentence together. However, the amount of ink used on taking 'these' down compared to Abdul marrying an eight year old or some thuggg hitting a a baby stroller full of bullets is interesting, as these two tend to be defended to the ends of the earth.

Left-wingers of all colors and creeds who gang up on a 6 year old using a slur on video will use their bodies to protect any smear hitting Hunter Biden (the only white man in the world with a universal n-word pass) and Justin Trudeau (did blackface, literally) who are simply the same 'white meathead jock sociopath', who realized they can gain more in life by pretending to lick tranny feet.

Communists love to prattle about privilege when it comes to sex, race, sexuality, class, but they're fine with nepotists like these two. Every culture industry dominated by leftists is full of extreme nepotists.

These rotten attitudes often originate in childhood. They often pop up on the forums in various kinds of forms from novices. Compared with HP Cobra's attitude as a boy, which was a very Mars type of attitude, these kinds of wrong things that stew in the 'well-behaved', Venusian or Jupiterian children can be more challenging to correct or even detect. I thank the Gods I wasn't lured too much onto this path when the preconditions for it were ripe and reality humbled me.
Brother HP thank you for sharing this article. I enjoyed reading it and it gave me alot to think about. And I appreciate what you express, the emotions and feelings you have. This is one of your best articles. I think your amazing and I appreciated everything you shared on here. You explain everything in here people need to know. And take to consideration, you share valua and your so true with your words and your deep. They way you explain things. I value that. I appreciate you. And I apologize for being such a jerk on here earlier. And thank you for your patience and understanding 🙏 and thank you for everything you explain and teach.. Your one of a kind and one of the best teachers I ever had. ❤️ That means alot to me. I just want to let you know this here and now. Especially when we have so much going on with all of the problems going on in this world even with the technical issues going on here and everything and I know that you guys are very busy! And you do the best you can and I appreciate that.
I have nothing to hate and want to destroy but my inferior self.
Bro....seriously, every single time a delinquent gets arrested or confronted by law enforcement, the FIRST thing they love to babble about is "you're destroying 'MUH FREEDOM'. Both liberals and conservatives are guilty of this. Liberals whenever they block the roads, vandalize, side with illegal immigrants and Islamists; conservatives whenever they get exposed of church tax frauds, pedophilia or exposed as being wife and child abusers and domestic gun crimes.

The word "freedom" gets tossed around nowadays without a slice of understanding of what it actually means. Do people NOT know that the concept of "unlimited freedom do whatever you want and suffer no consequences" is a fallacy and fantasy? Rules, hierarchy and order is needed.

I especially hate how many of the conspiracy theory groups you see around (many are run by jews anyway) aren't teaching their followers "patriotic freedom righting" - but literally promoting xian anarchism, government is evil, government is of Satan (their "Satan"), technology is evil, money is evil, taxes are evil, let's be "free cavemen feudalistic anarchists....the governments wants to come after me because I committed a crime 'cuz I'm free to....let 12 year old buy AR-15s with no restrictions". You get it.....

I used to have that "lazy" mindset, whining and crying about "strict teachers". You don't become a warrior by getting "soft kind treatment", "awwww good job [even though you fucked up and failed massively and didn't even try]." This isn't even just confined to a strict human teacher - but even in my life, many moments of pain and suffering were actually blessings in disguise that helped and toughened me in the long-run.

Legal gun owners in America own hundreds of millions of guns, and at least a few trillion rounds of ammunition. This is a true fact, it is not an exaggeration. If we were the problem, you would know it. These people are not the problem and they do nothing wrong.

Statistically, basically of the gun crimes are done by black and hispanic men who almost all of the time are already possessing the gun illegally. Either it is stolen, or they are felons who are not legally allowed to have any guns. They are not legal gun owners. And what law do you think would stop them from doing this if the whole point of being a criminal is that they don't follow any laws? The crimes they are doing of murder and armed robbery are much worse crimes anyway. And if you want to try to associate these criminals with Republicans, if they are felons they are unable to vote anyway. And these demographics who are doing these gun crimes are overwhelmingly democrat voters, like 90% voting democrat. It is democrats who legalize drugs, legalize stealing, legalize robberies, legalize all kinds of violent crimes, and create no bail laws so even violent criminals are immediately let out to keep doing more violent crimes. In New York, they found 4 people illegally living in somebody else's house, and the 2 legal residents were found dismembered in the refrigerator with their blood and guts found inside the drains in the bath tub and sinks. And all 4 of these murderers were immediately let go and are still freely going around at this moment, because the democrat no bail law made it illegal to keep them in jail. They were legally forced to let them go, by democrat laws.

Republicans are also not the ones who are pedophiles. Look at everything that democrats are doing with sexualizing young children, grooming young children with sexual ideas, and even involving young children at strip clubs with naked men. Children stripping on the stage in front of a sign that says "It's not gonna lick itself." All of these crimes against humanity are 100% democrat and the conservatives are the only ones making any type of efforts to stop these crimes.

Tax crimes, there are people on both sides not paying any taxes. Most wealthy people have lawyers and accountants who are knowledgeable enough to know how to do things to legally be allowed to pay as little as possible. This is not political. And this is not even illegal, and these tax scams all exist legally. The people who make the laws are the same wealthy people who don't want to give their money.

I also do not believe that violence or being a bad parent is political, there are all kinds of bad parents. Unless you are talking about how 90% of black people vote for democrats, and something like 80% of black families have no father, so it would make it very statistically unlikely for black democrat men to physically abuse their children because they most likely have never met their children. That's the only way I can think of to see that as politically unbalanced.
Personally I very dislike when I see people refer to you as "BRO", sir.

Regarding the post, it will definitely open some eyes. Despite not having been educated by my father, I also had a Sensei in regards to Martial Arts and it taught me respect and to know where my place is.
6. Conflation of judgement: "Since HP Cobra or a JG or a God answered my inquiry or an e-mail due to kindness, I am equal, or wait superior. Two weeks later: Yo Cobra, will you bring me a beer from the fridge now? Yo Satan whattup, you gon give me the milli dollaz I asked while I do nothing for it? I'm a pharaoh bro didn't you know?"
"Im a pharaoh brah didnt you know?" i laugh so bad jajajajajaja

Thank you for sharing this important information, what touched my mind the most is the recognition of the hierarchy.
One of the principle "sins" (one must avoid equating this with the Xian concept of sin) of Greek theology is hubris. Any soul dwelling in the depths of Tartarus was guilty of it in some regard or another. Most notable is, of course, Sisyphus, who, in his hubris, believed he could outwit the Gods. In an ancient society that was at least aware that one had to perform spiritual practice in order to grow, the worst sin was believing that you had no more growth to go through. Any true "master" of anything is humble enough to admit that even they still have further to go, as growth is effectively limitless as creation itself. There's a famous Socrates quote for this, which is "All that I know, is that I know nothing."

Take HP himself. It requires strength to admit to a weaker version of yourself. It's a false strength to act as if you had never struggled. Many perpetuate a certain outward appearance to maintain what they believe is their enigma, as if they were never a foolish child like anyone else who was born and raised. In reality, knowing the people further down the path than you once suffered as you did is part of being able to trust them. If you know not that your leader has not been tested by tribulations, how can you be certain that they will stand firm, even in times of strife?

Returning to hubris, the Xian and Muslim mindset is the same exact thing. They "believe", therefore, they will be saved, for the mere act of believing makes them worthy of saving, and others are not. It's an inherently arrogant mindset, as you will see the dumbest bag of rocks alive calling themselves "wise" and preaching down at people who are actually intelligent, for they have embraced Rabbi Christ and the other has not. Similarly, Muslims will submit and absolutely denigrate themselves, simultaneously belittling and humiliating themselves before their Allah, but then having the hubris to scoff and look at others for not being "wise" enough to squat down in the mud and do the same.

Much of the "freedom" of today is what I would refer to as an overcorrection. Before us, are centuries of oppression and tyranny. A scar has been left upon the racial mindset of many gentiles around the world, and the abuses of the Church are still within living memory. America's founding, in great part, was to escape from underneath this boot heel. It's the lingering pain that is felt by many which causes them to act out their "freedom" in gaudy and garish ways. Communism, ultimately, was the same gambit. Reduce people to numbers and slave workers. When populations experience generations of abuse, the ultimate response is seldom measured and can often be easily taken advantage of.

Like anything Satanic, the importance of the Middle Path cannot be understated. Self-check your pride, but do not lose it in its entirety. By simply following the path, it will be tested naturally, even to grave extents. Some is ultimately required to have the self-belief enough to warrant continuing your progress. Having no shame in admitting such, I once had too much pride. Then, mere years later, I was left with nearly none. When I regained it, I actually had at least some things to be prideful over. Most notably; I am alive, and even when I had nothing else, I still dripfed what little I did have into my spiritual workings. Part of discipline is to accept suffering in the now so that you may benefit later.

As a final note, with the themes of this thread being respect and freedom, and with me having invoked the Middle Path, one fable I can recommend is Gawain and the Green Knight. With a Satanic eye, the Pagan ethics and virtues expressed are of immense importance. It's not an easy text for beginners, as it's the most dense of these stories, but Gawain's journey, and confrontation with the Green Knight, is reflective of much spoken here.
Have you tried Qigong or Tai Chi? I've done both, they are more gentle on the body yet build an inner strength, not just of character but also spiritually which increases physical strength. Look into any classes in your area and tell the instructor of your health issues so they can adapt anything for you if needed :)
I used to do Qigong when I was younger, and it was very good for me as I seemed to have a talent for it. I will look into picking this back up since its been quite awhile. Thank you so much for your insight on this High Priestess Lydia. :)
"Im a pharaoh brah didnt you know?" i laugh so bad jajajajajaja

Thank you for sharing this important information, what touched my mind the most is the recognition of the hierarchy.

Everyone's a Pharaoh nowadays you also have to lend them 1,000,000,000,$ for their "to-be" palace, and you won't even be invited in the end. It's always Pharaohs, Attila's and Alexanders, but they won't even give 10$ unless you want to give them a premium of 1 billion dollars first, to prove to you they are Pharaohs and never question their generosity or their effectiveness.

The Joy of Satan is blessed by their mere existence and by the air they breathe; doing any work is nothing they can do. Goddesses are their wives, they reside in the heavens, where work is a very foreign element in their mind.

They are after all doing 0% help to the community or to humanity as a whole. That's would be a lot of work for a literal Pharaoh who is destined to just sit in mommy's basement and just wants a lambo merely for existing and breathing, provides zero insight, wisdom or knowledge - We must not forget that we are blessed by their mere existence, and that we are also entitled to breathe the same air as they do, so they will never understand why you didn't pay up or make their a Pyramid in their Name.

Which is usually Magus Infernus 666 the Greatest of the Great, of all the Greats. They show up in the forums about 25 years late, and they are here to instantly save us all, with just one mere post asking for a billion dollars.

They first need their due, for serving many Dynasties of Dynastic rule in Ancient Egypt, where people shined their golden sandals (slaves like you or me). Me I was their servant in a past life, but I don't remember that life. I exist to serve them as High Priest and my job is to tell them daily how entitled I am to know their 0% contributions which have done 0% for the community, the Gods or humanity.

After we give them 1 billion they might write a sort issue to remind us of their importance for humanity and society. Their 0% contribution is actually very fitting for the Incarnated Pharaohs that are here to save us measly idiotic fucks who were born to serve them. They are very tired from having contributed 0% to us measly fucks.

In that current lifetime they might also be Jewish, their name being Nathanael Kikestein, and they might have been born in Israel, but like Jesus they shall show up at the gate and demand their due, instantly. We were all waiting for them, but we didn't initially know this.

They are beloved by the Gods because "they said so", they are the new gender queer 2024 self entitled, absolutely useless, types of "Pharaohs". You can find many of these in Reddit.
Everyone's a Pharaoh nowadays you also have to lend them 1,000,000,000,$ for their "to-be" palace, and you won't even be invited in the end. It's always Pharaohs, Attila's and Alexanders, but they won't even give 10$ unless you want to give them a premium of 1 billion dollars first, to prove to you they are Pharaohs and never question their generosity or their effectiveness.

The Joy of Satan is blessed by their mere existence and by the air they breathe; doing any work is nothing they can do. Goddesses are their wives, they reside in the heavens, where work is a very foreign element in their mind.

They are after all doing 0% help to the community or to humanity as a whole. That's would be a lot of work for a literal Pharaoh who is destined to just sit in mommy's basement and just wants a lambo merely for existing and breathing, provides zero insight, wisdom or knowledge - We must not forget that we are blessed by their mere existence, and that we are also entitled to breathe the same air as they do, so they will never understand why you didn't pay up or make their a Pyramid in their Name.

Which is usually Magus Infernus 666 the Greatest of the Great, of all the Greats. They show up in the forums about 25 years late, and they are here to instantly save us all, with just one mere post asking for a billion dollars.

They first need their due, for serving many Dynasties of Dynastic rule in Ancient Egypt, where people shined their golden sandals (slaves like you or me). Me I was their servant in a past life, but I don't remember that life. I exist to serve them as High Priest and my job is to tell them daily how entitled I am to know their 0% contributions which have done 0% for the community, the Gods or humanity.

After we give them 1 billion they might write a sort issue to remind us of their importance for humanity and society. Their 0% contribution is actually very fitting for the Incarnated Pharaohs that are here to save us measly idiotic fucks who were born to serve them. They are very tired from having contributed 0% to us measly fucks.

In that current lifetime they might also be Jewish, their name being Nathanael Kikestein, and they might have been born in Israel, but like Jesus they shall show up at the gate and demand their due, instantly. We were all waiting for them, but we didn't initially know this.

They are beloved by the Gods because "they said so", they are the new gender queer 2024 self entitled, absolutely useless, types of "Pharaohs". You can find many of these in Reddit.
Ok now i know that if you werent HP your second option was being comedian LOL KIKESTEIN JAJAJAJA
In 2024 a common case is that many people of recent generations, are never taught any ethics or proper behavior by their parents. I see that often in the community. Present day immorality also has reached the point that everyone out there feels entitled to form of "Freedom", but this "Freedom" is not in any proportion; the symptoms here are many.

One speaks when they should not speak, no hierarchies are respected, yet, these people who disrespect anything also simultaneously demand a form of excessive respect, that they are not giving others.

Humanity nowadays thinks that "freedom" is essentially disorganization, acting like a cancer cell, and not partaking in any hierarchy or learning how to prostrate one's self. This lack of respect reflects the fundamental internal breakdown of a human being; as disorder is inside, so disorder is perceived outside. Every cancer cell of humans out there, feels very much entitled.

Since the 1960's, modern psychology also started taking a turning point; instead of telling people that they also have some limitations or that they should respect themselves AND others, since that time, everyone is told that they are their own God, that nobody else matters, and that your ego is the most important thing in the universe by default and simply because you breathe and you exist. This has created socially catastrophic consequences, creating a "Free for all" world, where people only have learned to recognize an inflated idea of themselves, and recognize others as little as possible. This is essentially the way to create a sociopath, even if one is not a sociopath.

The above is called a false ego and it's not part of "Freedom". Freedom means to act in accordance to the freedom of other beings, not just only for one's self. Children from 0 to 12 are supposed to develop a strong sense of self, the self is the only thing they recognize, their own "perception", their needs to poop and to eat; even at the expense of their own parents. Past the age of 12 one has to start recognizing other humans, larger family, needs of others and overall recongize the existence of others.

Nowadays our retarded civilization preaches you can be 50 years old, utterly selfish, entirely self absorbed, mentally insane in all ways, and behaving as you are 7 years old, and that they also brand this as "sane and good", leading people to disasters in relationships, friendships, marriages, and creating a society based on sociopath autism.

In the Ancient World a 14 year old already knew values, hierarchy, their individual freedom vs that of others, family virtue, and many other things. Now people can be 60 years old and still be 3 years old where any notions of respect or understanding of the world is concerned. You can enter a shop to buy a drink and the cashier or anyone there doesn't even care or smile to help your day; and people feel also entitled to crap on other people over anything they perceive was wrong at the time.

This socially creates a very negative atmosphere that makes people antisocial. No respect = No hierarchy = No emotional understanding = No society = Free for all = Damnation.

Examples can vary and they can easily be seen in the forums here, too. People can be serving for 20 years and Joe who is 15 years old, just got high from meditation after a whole 2 months and feels entitled to draw down every person to "answer them", acting like a baby crying inside the crib the loudest, because it just discovered it's power to cry or get out of line to draw the attention of parents. You don't know, little Joe knows; he will also attack you and teach everyone else from it, or lead the 12 year old brigade to take you down even.

When I was about 9 years old, I was a very disobedient kid, in the matter that I seldom listened to my parents and always wanted to do what I wanted to do. Eventually as they kept failing to control me, but they knew I liked Martial Arts, they managed to send me to do Martial arts training.

They took me to the most stern teacher they could find, the one that had the baddest reputation for being "too strict" with everything. They would say to do 100 pushups, I would do 70 max, and they would look at me from across the room and ask me "Have you done 100 pushups"? Then I would lie, and say I did 100, but the teacher had counted these, so he said, "Go do 100 more now because you lied".

I would call the Master by his first name, and he would not respond. I was like wait, me and the 60 year old Shaolin trained guy, are not the same? That hurts my emotions or something. Then I understood why I should call him only Teacher and only Sifu [the title for trained teachers], but it took months. I wanted us to be equal to feel better about my present level of incompetence, it felt better, but it was ruining one thing: My potential to grow. When I grow up in this path I understood what kind of a fool I was when I initially passed that gate, and how lesser and weak my self was to create these false ideals, only to prolong my own internal weakness - the weakness I had to fight against to ACTUALLY become a better being.

Bragging about my capacities, one time I was like "Yes, I can definitely win against this worthless 15 year old kid", while I was just 9 years old and feeling entitled. One day the teacher wanted me to "prove it", and I was like "Yes, I will prove it". Going into the ring, feeling like I was invincible. They put me on the ring [fully protected with armor] to fight the other kid, and then it kicked me on the head and I fell down instantly; there was the proof of how I felt I was, versus what or whom I really was. Albeit a painful experience, it showed me and highlighted me the value of order and how hierarchy worked; it's not by empty emotions and feelings, but about what is truly going on.

Coming out of being knocked out in an instant, I was like "I don't even know that kick" and started complaining about it. The teacher responded about the kid that knocked me down (I felt bad after this) that this kid would teach me about these kicks when my time would come; and forcibly put him to be my second instructor. I didn't like this for the first weeks because I would see this kid and be disturbed; but that really motivated me at the same time. 3 months later I was growing like there was no end to it. But I had to learn to overcome these things and do what I had to do. My instructor knew about all these things as common processes, I knew nothing, yet still the delusion of knowing persisted for sometime until it was finally blotted out. The long story of issues continued and only evened out after 1 year or so, where none of this was present at all. Only progress and only evolution followed.

One day I got slapped across the face for things like that - yes, I know, in 2024 you cannot even give a slap to a kid bringing an AR-15 on the school to kill everyone that wronged it- but these are all societal diseases that procure respect, murder, wrong character and eventually also destroy the people who haven't learned these things. I thank the Gods for the man that issued these slaps to me back then, because it was the moral and ethical thing to do, and above all, it altered me to my foolishness.

My teacher one day when I asked how much power I can get from the training, would show me 8 year old Chinese monks that would be breaking bricks with their arms. I was 10 and I couldn't do the amount of pushups. Something clicked in my head when I saw this and he did numerous things to show me the value of order against disorder. But that came later, to begin with, I was hating to even have to do it.

Then as these things continued, I would whine to my parents on how evil the instructor was, yet they would be adamant for me to continue, and I hated this - for the first 1-2 months. Eventually I fell in love with these processes, because I realized what was happening to me and that this was making me a better and more responsible human being. And there was a sense of power in that feeling, but also I felt safe and cared for by my instructor. Eventually he wasn't only issuing slaps, but recognized my true martian character and brought it out; this character if left untended would have made me a reckless and careless human being. Through their slaps and rigorous training, 3 years later I was a very organized human being; that didn't take self excuses, showed up, punched walls until my hands would open wounds, and could stretch their legs well above their head.

One day I walked into the school and I was asked: "Are you ready for training today?" Like a little brat asshole I responded: "No, I am not in the mood today, but I came anyway because I was forced". Then I tired to go on about how the instructor, 60 years old at the time, multiple black-belt and worldwide recognized, was giving me ill treatment and I wanted to leave the school, and even started crying in front of him, like a little coward. I was not a man yet. So he said "Thank you for coming despite of feeling that way. Now, get to your training".

That was one of the days I did the most rigorous training, contrary to my little dips-hit worthless teenager blind retard snowflake will. As these processes continued, I was also gaining the favor, friendship and respect of other people around me, as I started training harder; it felt very good to do this, and felt way better than being a disrespectful brat that only felt it was worth a lot but never proved the fact, ie, the state where most retarded people are nowadays.

So this was a very trying training session, ending with me having to sit in an uncomfortable stance and having to look at the mirror at myself for 15 minutes that felt like an eternity to my brat worthless self. Eventually when the training was out, instead of feeling bad, I was actually feeling GOOD, tired but good, but didn't know exactly why that was the case.

As I walked out, I felt like a new man who surpassed his limitations; something changed in me. Instead of going home like a pussy coward, I went home to read about the life for Bruce Lee and understood that many limitations are only lies created from the wrong and false Ego, and that this false Ego is essentially a great enemy that comes up to remind you that you are "Free", so that you can resist all that is good for you. I stopped disobeying to my instructor and then I started climbing the tier; until I eventually decades later I am here publicly glorifying his name for the efforts he did to help me become a man and not a worthless manlet.

We also became very good friends after a point and I would tell him my problems and he would help me and other things; was never a bad man actually. It's my false ego that was feeding my 9 year old self lies. I have a lot of stories from that time in my life, but that is just to explain my points here. We are doing it wrong as a society, and we cannot do this wrong in the JoS as well, or people won't grow.

The above is also done in external society a lot. While one wouldn't call Donald Trump to tell them a fingernail broke, when it didn't even break, people tend to do these things due to emotional reasons which are disrespectful. This is where parenting comes in, nobody was told to hush it or shut up when the grown ups were talking, and the mind has not been taught to recognize hierarchy. Then when this doesn't happen one is unaware of what goes into the world or other people, simultaneously thinking that is somehow "respectful", yet the only "respect" they seek is the respect that is perceived from others to come to them.

I have known over the years Satanists who have done nothing at all for the Gods, just made up stories of importance in their mind about themselves, and yet thought they should be worshiped like Attila the Hun or Alexander the Great. You aren't breaking the bricks like the 8 year old Shaolin, you imagine you are, and you are fucking 30 or 40 years old and need to get a grip to reality. You are entitled to nothing for the imaginary bricks you broke; you still dwell on the line of undiscovered potential.

Just because they "felt" like breaking the brick, you have not broken it - JUST YET. In the future if one fights this delusional state, there are many bricks you will be breaking.

In the real world these things do not exist. They exist only as part of a massive delusion in the person thinking that way. When these illusions are not verified by reality [Saturn strikes], these people can grow bitter or over-react, or even turn vengeful. This vengeance is irrational as well, same as the irrational beginning of the delusion of the order of things in the world.

One does not call 911 when there is nobody that got a real accident, or to just idly talk. You do not get into a company out in the regular world, and go instantly to the CEO to tell them that you must sit on their chair in Apple while you don't know even basic accounting. You do not call the Military because someone tripped down the stairs and hit their ass; let alone doing these things and still considering yourself to be an orderly and respectful human beings - which is what would allow you to receive the same respect from others.

Now, if Donald Trump is someone you don't call over a broken fingernail, one can only imagine how one must position themselves when it comes to the Gods, and how important this relation is and how much it should be respected, granted even Donald Trump or Joe Biden is small compared to them. Yet many people don't take this seriously and they create all sorts of delusions such as that Furfur will advise them to go shopping and other nonsense.

The above nonsense happens when:

1. One has never been explained order by their parents. Single family households, no households, parent's didn't establish order in the household etc.

2. Society doesn't give a fuck to establish these things and most people come to face these when they are 25 years old and they get their first job; "The world is cruel, I cannot take it, I am disrespected elsewhere" - snowflake mentality

3. No participation to anything organized. One never done anything, always got their way, everyone is equal, disrespect everyone: The perceived notion of falsely thinking that is "Freedom".

4. The psychological deception that yourself is the most important thing than any other problem in the universe, a large organization or the world [spoiled bratdom, very much present in 2024]

5. Technically being unable to comprehend these things due to lacking mental capacity [That is called being a retard, and nobody here is in this category, but many Xians and Muslims are in that category]

6. Conflation of judgement: "Since HP Cobra or a JG or a God answered my inquiry or an e-mail due to kindness, I am equal, or wait superior. Two weeks later: Yo Cobra, will you bring me a beer from the fridge now? Yo Satan whattup, you gon give me the milli dollaz I asked while I do nothing for it? I'm a pharaoh bro didn't you know?"

I am closing this message by saying that liberal mentalities are only half the game when it comes to gaining things in the world, or advancing in the presence of the Gods. Those who do things like the above all the time won't be taken very seriously, because these things are borne out of problems. I have found out the Gods do not answer to brats, self entitled delusional individuals, or those who simply go for them to take-take-take like a parasite. Verifying these behaviors can be catastrophic for the person towards whom this is done.

Freedom means contact with the higher ego not the lesser lazy one that tries to jeopardize all your efforts, ruin your functional relations with other people and turn you into a disrespectful vegetable.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I am actually glad for the stern teacher I've had in school.. Everyone disliked her but it was the only time the class was actually quiet and the bullying was basicly only being left out of everything vs being called names and whatnot ...

I was taught to always speak to the grown-ups with 'U' which is the polite form to address someone. Now that I am grown up I hear so many people say or ask me to address them with 'je/jij' which is how I was taught you'd speak to someone your own age or a friend.
Created a gigantic mess in my head after I just turned 18 and had to change how I adressed people.

Like some others mentioned here.. Respect is to be given properly. People should not be torn down into nothingness for whatever reason is not in line with what is good and healthy. Teachings should not be meant to break someone down, but to build someone up. Punishments idemdito.
Stern should not be confused with abusive.

I am not sure about the word 'autistic' that was used.. but from the description nowadays, if we are not talking about authentic/original autism ... often these people mask to try to fit into society and they are putting themselves (and their feelings) on the second place (and ofc after a while the bomb bursts.. duh) which would be contrary to what this word was used in context with.
Maybe the definitions differ a bit from place to place around the world. But please when you use those words make sure you *know* what the definition is.
And also yes, being "autistic" has become a scapegoat nowadays, but also people are less tolerable of differences of opinion and behavior of others as well, in favor of their own percieved way of the world, and inacceptance (=not accepted) of irregularity compared to what they know.

I hope the last bit made sense..
Many people these days talk about their freedom, their personal boundaries and everything else “about themselves”. But when it comes to the freedom and personal boundaries of another person, it begins: hey, I don’t care, I’m free to do and say whatever I want, and you don’t have the right to speak contrary to my opinion, because you’re limiting my freedom! Freedom for many now means ignorance, rudeness and permissiveness. And in order to return to the original understanding (at least understanding) of true Freedom, humanity will have to work hard on itself.

Thank you so much for this information!
In 2024 a common case is that many people of recent generations, are never taught any ethics or proper behavior by their parents. I see that often in the community. Present day immorality also has reached the point that everyone out there feels entitled to form of "Freedom", but this "Freedom" is not in any proportion; the symptoms here are many.

One speaks when they should not speak, no hierarchies are respected, yet, these people who disrespect anything also simultaneously demand a form of excessive respect, that they are not giving others.

Humanity nowadays thinks that "freedom" is essentially disorganization, acting like a cancer cell, and not partaking in any hierarchy or learning how to prostrate one's self. This lack of respect reflects the fundamental internal breakdown of a human being; as disorder is inside, so disorder is perceived outside. Every cancer cell of humans out there, feels very much entitled.

Since the 1960's, modern psychology also started taking a turning point; instead of telling people that they also have some limitations or that they should respect themselves AND others, since that time, everyone is told that they are their own God, that nobody else matters, and that your ego is the most important thing in the universe by default and simply because you breathe and you exist. This has created socially catastrophic consequences, creating a "Free for all" world, where people only have learned to recognize an inflated idea of themselves, and recognize others as little as possible. This is essentially the way to create a sociopath, even if one is not a sociopath.

The above is called a false ego and it's not part of "Freedom". Freedom means to act in accordance to the freedom of other beings, not just only for one's self. Children from 0 to 12 are supposed to develop a strong sense of self, the self is the only thing they recognize, their own "perception", their needs to poop and to eat; even at the expense of their own parents. Past the age of 12 one has to start recognizing other humans, larger family, needs of others and overall recongize the existence of others.

Nowadays our retarded civilization preaches you can be 50 years old, utterly selfish, entirely self absorbed, mentally insane in all ways, and behaving as you are 7 years old, and that they also brand this as "sane and good", leading people to disasters in relationships, friendships, marriages, and creating a society based on sociopath autism.

In the Ancient World a 14 year old already knew values, hierarchy, their individual freedom vs that of others, family virtue, and many other things. Now people can be 60 years old and still be 3 years old where any notions of respect or understanding of the world is concerned. You can enter a shop to buy a drink and the cashier or anyone there doesn't even care or smile to help your day; and people feel also entitled to crap on other people over anything they perceive was wrong at the time.

This socially creates a very negative atmosphere that makes people antisocial. No respect = No hierarchy = No emotional understanding = No society = Free for all = Damnation.

Examples can vary and they can easily be seen in the forums here, too. People can be serving for 20 years and Joe who is 15 years old, just got high from meditation after a whole 2 months and feels entitled to draw down every person to "answer them", acting like a baby crying inside the crib the loudest, because it just discovered it's power to cry or get out of line to draw the attention of parents. You don't know, little Joe knows; he will also attack you and teach everyone else from it, or lead the 12 year old brigade to take you down even.

When I was about 9 years old, I was a very disobedient kid, in the matter that I seldom listened to my parents and always wanted to do what I wanted to do. Eventually as they kept failing to control me, but they knew I liked Martial Arts, they managed to send me to do Martial arts training.

They took me to the most stern teacher they could find, the one that had the baddest reputation for being "too strict" with everything. They would say to do 100 pushups, I would do 70 max, and they would look at me from across the room and ask me "Have you done 100 pushups"? Then I would lie, and say I did 100, but the teacher had counted these, so he said, "Go do 100 more now because you lied".

I would call the Master by his first name, and he would not respond. I was like wait, me and the 60 year old Shaolin trained guy, are not the same? That hurts my emotions or something. Then I understood why I should call him only Teacher and only Sifu [the title for trained teachers], but it took months. I wanted us to be equal to feel better about my present level of incompetence, it felt better, but it was ruining one thing: My potential to grow. When I grow up in this path I understood what kind of a fool I was when I initially passed that gate, and how lesser and weak my self was to create these false ideals, only to prolong my own internal weakness - the weakness I had to fight against to ACTUALLY become a better being.

Bragging about my capacities, one time I was like "Yes, I can definitely win against this worthless 15 year old kid", while I was just 9 years old and feeling entitled. One day the teacher wanted me to "prove it", and I was like "Yes, I will prove it". Going into the ring, feeling like I was invincible. They put me on the ring [fully protected with armor] to fight the other kid, and then it kicked me on the head and I fell down instantly; there was the proof of how I felt I was, versus what or whom I really was. Albeit a painful experience, it showed me and highlighted me the value of order and how hierarchy worked; it's not by empty emotions and feelings, but about what is truly going on.

Coming out of being knocked out in an instant, I was like "I don't even know that kick" and started complaining about it. The teacher responded about the kid that knocked me down (I felt bad after this) that this kid would teach me about these kicks when my time would come; and forcibly put him to be my second instructor. I didn't like this for the first weeks because I would see this kid and be disturbed; but that really motivated me at the same time. 3 months later I was growing like there was no end to it. But I had to learn to overcome these things and do what I had to do. My instructor knew about all these things as common processes, I knew nothing, yet still the delusion of knowing persisted for sometime until it was finally blotted out. The long story of issues continued and only evened out after 1 year or so, where none of this was present at all. Only progress and only evolution followed.

One day I got slapped across the face for things like that - yes, I know, in 2024 you cannot even give a slap to a kid bringing an AR-15 on the school to kill everyone that wronged it- but these are all societal diseases that procure respect, murder, wrong character and eventually also destroy the people who haven't learned these things. I thank the Gods for the man that issued these slaps to me back then, because it was the moral and ethical thing to do, and above all, it altered me to my foolishness.

My teacher one day when I asked how much power I can get from the training, would show me 8 year old Chinese monks that would be breaking bricks with their arms. I was 10 and I couldn't do the amount of pushups. Something clicked in my head when I saw this and he did numerous things to show me the value of order against disorder. But that came later, to begin with, I was hating to even have to do it.

Then as these things continued, I would whine to my parents on how evil the instructor was, yet they would be adamant for me to continue, and I hated this - for the first 1-2 months. Eventually I fell in love with these processes, because I realized what was happening to me and that this was making me a better and more responsible human being. And there was a sense of power in that feeling, but also I felt safe and cared for by my instructor. Eventually he wasn't only issuing slaps, but recognized my true martian character and brought it out; this character if left untended would have made me a reckless and careless human being. Through their slaps and rigorous training, 3 years later I was a very organized human being; that didn't take self excuses, showed up, punched walls until my hands would open wounds, and could stretch their legs well above their head.

One day I walked into the school and I was asked: "Are you ready for training today?" Like a little brat asshole I responded: "No, I am not in the mood today, but I came anyway because I was forced". Then I tired to go on about how the instructor, 60 years old at the time, multiple black-belt and worldwide recognized, was giving me ill treatment and I wanted to leave the school, and even started crying in front of him, like a little coward. I was not a man yet. So he said "Thank you for coming despite of feeling that way. Now, get to your training".

That was one of the days I did the most rigorous training, contrary to my little dips-hit worthless teenager blind retard snowflake will. As these processes continued, I was also gaining the favor, friendship and respect of other people around me, as I started training harder; it felt very good to do this, and felt way better than being a disrespectful brat that only felt it was worth a lot but never proved the fact, ie, the state where most retarded people are nowadays.

So this was a very trying training session, ending with me having to sit in an uncomfortable stance and having to look at the mirror at myself for 15 minutes that felt like an eternity to my brat worthless self. Eventually when the training was out, instead of feeling bad, I was actually feeling GOOD, tired but good, but didn't know exactly why that was the case.

As I walked out, I felt like a new man who surpassed his limitations; something changed in me. Instead of going home like a pussy coward, I went home to read about the life for Bruce Lee and understood that many limitations are only lies created from the wrong and false Ego, and that this false Ego is essentially a great enemy that comes up to remind you that you are "Free", so that you can resist all that is good for you. I stopped disobeying to my instructor and then I started climbing the tier; until I eventually decades later I am here publicly glorifying his name for the efforts he did to help me become a man and not a worthless manlet.

We also became very good friends after a point and I would tell him my problems and he would help me and other things; was never a bad man actually. It's my false ego that was feeding my 9 year old self lies. I have a lot of stories from that time in my life, but that is just to explain my points here. We are doing it wrong as a society, and we cannot do this wrong in the JoS as well, or people won't grow.

The above is also done in external society a lot. While one wouldn't call Donald Trump to tell them a fingernail broke, when it didn't even break, people tend to do these things due to emotional reasons which are disrespectful. This is where parenting comes in, nobody was told to hush it or shut up when the grown ups were talking, and the mind has not been taught to recognize hierarchy. Then when this doesn't happen one is unaware of what goes into the world or other people, simultaneously thinking that is somehow "respectful", yet the only "respect" they seek is the respect that is perceived from others to come to them.

I have known over the years Satanists who have done nothing at all for the Gods, just made up stories of importance in their mind about themselves, and yet thought they should be worshiped like Attila the Hun or Alexander the Great. You aren't breaking the bricks like the 8 year old Shaolin, you imagine you are, and you are fucking 30 or 40 years old and need to get a grip to reality. You are entitled to nothing for the imaginary bricks you broke; you still dwell on the line of undiscovered potential.

Just because they "felt" like breaking the brick, you have not broken it - JUST YET. In the future if one fights this delusional state, there are many bricks you will be breaking.

In the real world these things do not exist. They exist only as part of a massive delusion in the person thinking that way. When these illusions are not verified by reality [Saturn strikes], these people can grow bitter or over-react, or even turn vengeful. This vengeance is irrational as well, same as the irrational beginning of the delusion of the order of things in the world.

One does not call 911 when there is nobody that got a real accident, or to just idly talk. You do not get into a company out in the regular world, and go instantly to the CEO to tell them that you must sit on their chair in Apple while you don't know even basic accounting. You do not call the Military because someone tripped down the stairs and hit their ass; let alone doing these things and still considering yourself to be an orderly and respectful human beings - which is what would allow you to receive the same respect from others.

Now, if Donald Trump is someone you don't call over a broken fingernail, one can only imagine how one must position themselves when it comes to the Gods, and how important this relation is and how much it should be respected, granted even Donald Trump or Joe Biden is small compared to them. Yet many people don't take this seriously and they create all sorts of delusions such as that Furfur will advise them to go shopping and other nonsense.

The above nonsense happens when:

1. One has never been explained order by their parents. Single family households, no households, parent's didn't establish order in the household etc.

2. Society doesn't give a fuck to establish these things and most people come to face these when they are 25 years old and they get their first job; "The world is cruel, I cannot take it, I am disrespected elsewhere" - snowflake mentality

3. No participation to anything organized. One never done anything, always got their way, everyone is equal, disrespect everyone: The perceived notion of falsely thinking that is "Freedom".

4. The psychological deception that yourself is the most important thing than any other problem in the universe, a large organization or the world [spoiled bratdom, very much present in 2024]

5. Technically being unable to comprehend these things due to lacking mental capacity [That is called being a retard, and nobody here is in this category, but many Xians and Muslims are in that category]

6. Conflation of judgement: "Since HP Cobra or a JG or a God answered my inquiry or an e-mail due to kindness, I am equal, or wait superior. Two weeks later: Yo Cobra, will you bring me a beer from the fridge now? Yo Satan whattup, you gon give me the milli dollaz I asked while I do nothing for it? I'm a pharaoh bro didn't you know?"

I am closing this message by saying that liberal mentalities are only half the game when it comes to gaining things in the world, or advancing in the presence of the Gods. Those who do things like the above all the time won't be taken very seriously, because these things are borne out of problems. I have found out the Gods do not answer to brats, self entitled delusional individuals, or those who simply go for them to take-take-take like a parasite. Verifying these behaviors can be catastrophic for the person towards whom this is done.

Freedom means contact with the higher ego not the lesser lazy one that tries to jeopardize all your efforts, ruin your functional relations with other people and turn you into a disrespectful vegetable.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Also wanted to say, thank you for sharing :)
If we were the problem, you would know it. These people are not the problem and they do nothing wrong.

And if you want to try to associate these criminals with Republicans, if they are felons they are unable to vote anyway. And these demographics who are doing these gun crimes are overwhelmingly democrat voters, like 90% voting democrat. It is democrats.....

Tell me where I fixated all of America's issues on "just republicans" or where I ever referred to republicans as "the problem" with America?

I think I also acknowledged pretty-well in my post that democrats are palpable for supporting illegal immigrants and illegal criminals who do nothing but vandalize public and private property, not to mention that even my own, the Orientals (Koreans to be specific) were victims of black looting during the L.A. riots.

Both liberals and conservatives are guilty of this. Liberals whenever they block the roads, vandalize, side with illegal immigrants and Islamists;
Many people these days talk about their freedom, their personal boundaries and everything else “about themselves”. But when it comes to the freedom and personal boundaries of another person, it begins: hey, I don’t care, I’m free to do and say whatever I want, and you don’t have the right to speak contrary to my opinion, because you’re limiting my freedom! Freedom for many now means ignorance, rudeness and permissiveness. And in order to return to the original understanding (at least understanding) of true Freedom, humanity will have to work hard on itself.

Thank you so much for this information!
Especially on the internet. People feel very "free" to unceasingly attack others online, using all sorts of insults, going way overboard with attacks and verbal abuse, without even knowing anything about the person. There was one person insulting an elderly woman I knew, she was in her 80's and barely able to type from arthritis, and some younger man insulted her. Did it make him feel superior to insult a woman who lived a long life and raised children and grandchildren and tended to her ailing husband?

People think they have the freedom to use all the insults they know and throw it at a random stranger online (usually their own racial blood too, whites are always attacking other whites), yet they don't understand that they should use the freedom to respect the other person, or to at least act politely to them. Or get to know the other person before forming an opinion and using all the insults they know. They see one random comment, and charge into battle.
Especially on the internet. People feel very "free" to unceasingly attack others online, using all sorts of insults, going way overboard with attacks and verbal abuse, without even knowing anything about the person. There was one person insulting an elderly woman I knew, she was in her 80's and barely able to type from arthritis, and some younger man insulted her. Did it make him feel superior to insult a woman who lived a long life and raised children and grandchildren and tended to her ailing husband?

People think they have the freedom to use all the insults they know and throw it at a random stranger online (usually their own racial blood too, whites are always attacking other whites), yet they don't understand that they should use the freedom to respect the other person, or to at least act politely to them. Or get to know the other person before forming an opinion and using all the insults they know. They see one random comment, and charge into battle.
Oh yes, it's true. Unfortunately. On the Internet, many people forget how to behave. This illusion of anonymity and impunity for their actions online encourages people to insult, humiliate others, and write other nasty things simply because they won’t get anything for it. Yes, their account can be blocked. Well, they will create a new one and continue what they were doing. More often than not, more serious proceedings do not come to pass. Of course, there are those people who oppose this toxicity on the Internet. But it’s not so simple with them either. Due to the fact that the scope of what is permitted has expanded significantly in our time, such people, among other things, can defend and encourage what is not worth it. This is a very complex and controversial topic and I am glad that it was raised here.
conservatives whenever they get exposed of church tax frauds, pedophilia or exposed as being wife and child abusers and domestic gun crimes.

You said republicans are tax frauds, pedophiles, wife and child abusers, and commit gun crimes. This is why these are the 4 topics I responded to and explained it is not the republicans who are doing any of these things that you blamed on them.

And you keep saying shit about guns, not wanting people to have the right or the ability to defend the lives of their children and themselves. So I explained how legal gun owners are not the problem. The young black men killing each other in Chicago every day are not legal gun owners, they are felons who obtained these guns illegally. And the glocks they modified with the switch to make them fully automatic are illegal machine guns that they have manufactured themselves, this is not something that any legal gun owners have.

The Koreans were lucky they had their rifles during the LA Riots. The Rooftop Koreans all sat on the roofs of their stores holding their rifles, and the rioters did not bother them because they didn't want to be shot. Compare this with the BLM riots where store owners were murdered, everything was stolen, then buildings burnt to the ground. Entire sections of cities burnt down to rubble. Insurance company payments ran out even before the demolition and cleaning up was finished, but nobody is allowed to leave a pile of rubble or a damaged collapsing structure because it is dangerous. These innocent store owners went into a lifetime of debt just to clean up the mess and be left with an empty lot. Hundreds of Billions of dollars of damage just in a few cities alone, and these were spread in cities all over the country. I wish all of these innocent people had the proud Rooftop Koreans helping and protecting them with their rifles.
Legal gun owners in America own hundreds of millions of guns, and at least a few trillion rounds of ammunition. This is a true fact, it is not an exaggeration. These people are not the problem and they do nothing wrong.

And you keep saying shit about guns, not wanting people to have the right or the ability to defend the lives of their children and themselves. So I explained how legal gun owners are not the problem

The shit I keep saying about guns? You act like I made 10,000 posts where I consistently blast gun owners. I made one comment, not to mention that I am a gun owner myself. Your claim is that legal gun owners don't do anything wrong.

So by that token, I'm guessing there's nothing wrong with:
  • following teens, pulling them out of their car in a road rage incident, and then using your gun after getting your ass handed to you in a hand-combat
  • Shooting an innocent Uber driver
  • getting into a road rage shooting match, injuring your daughter and the other asshole's daughter
  • flicking people off and using your gun as a power tool
  • again....using your gun in a road rage.

    Not to mention that innumerable number of idiots who don't practice gun etiquette, and the NRA even admits it. If the NRA and even gun store owners are admitting the number of irresponsible morons than come in there, then that's very telling. I'm not again "gun culture" I'm against irresponsible owners and the entire "redneck mentality". Stop putting words into my mouth that I never said. Owning a gun is a two-fold responsibility, against outside threats and internal responsibility within the home. Look at Switzerland, their citizens are armed to the teeth but aren't as fucked up, because any of that nonsensical redneck culture that you-so defend using the over-cliche "defending my freedom/children excuse", is non-existent. Look at Somalia and the African countries, no regulations, everyone's got an AK-47, how's that going for them? Speaking of children....as you can see in the video reels, children actually were hurt as a result of two road raging assholes.

    Again my argument is no different than the original topic of the HP....there is no such thing as "unlimited freedom". I'm gonna add to that, there is no such thing as unlimited rights, and yes rights can be annulled and taken away too if not taken responsibly. Call me a communist if you want.

    When I say regulations, you see complete and total confiscation. Not what I'm promoting.

    You can also watch Brandon Herrera's videos, if your statement was true, there wouldn't be so much gun fail compilations, and yes - illegal gun ownership is an issue but many them are also using legally-owned guns.

    Then there's all of the horror stories from my personal experiences being around "rednecks" and having them in my personal circle (wanna rednecks that-is) who did the most irresponsible shit with their guns just to be "funny" and "cool", like playing the "ISIS game", or shooting their guns in the sky during July 4 to mask the sounds of being around fireworks, person's brother also nearly committed suicide with an AK-47. And no, they weren't liberals, one was a USMC veteran and hard-core Trump supporter, the other was in the fire department.

    I could....mention their names as proof that I'm not BS-ing some sob-story to fit a narrative, but that goes against privacy ethics. I obviously won't be doing that.

    "If we were the problem, you would know it."

    Any kind of spiritually-advanced person knows that evil comes into two forms, one that that outwardly shows itself, and another that likes to "play" the "good cop" card. You know what they say, the most dangerous people are those who don't show it and by the time they're exposed, it's too late.

    So no, one wouldn't always just "know it" - anyone can hide, pretend to be a good patriotic whatever in the public, act "good" towards the public, and then do God knows what behind closed doors. The same goes for a person with uncontrollable anger issues acting all good at the gun store, not that hard to do. That shit isn't just gonna show up on "statistical research organizations", but through experience and personal counts of those experiences.

    You're posting on about statistics and whatever, I'm posting based on experience and video evidence, which often-not, can either be just as or even more important than statistics.

    Statistically, basically of the gun crimes are done by black and hispanic men who almost all of the time are already possessing the gun illegally. Either it is stolen, or they are felons who are not legally allowed to have any guns. They are not legal gun owners. And what law do you think would stop them from doing this if the whole point of being a criminal is that they don't follow any laws? The crimes they are doing of murder and armed robbery are much worse crimes anyway. And if you want to try to associate these criminals with Republicans, if they are felons they are unable to vote anyway. And these demographics who are doing these gun crimes are overwhelmingly democrat voters, like 90% voting democrat. It is democrats who legalize drugs, legalize stealing, legalize robberies, legalize all kinds of violent crimes, and create no bail laws so even violent criminals are immediately let out to keep doing more violent crimes. In New York, they found 4 people illegally living in somebody else's house, and the 2 legal residents were found dismembered in the refrigerator with their blood and guts found inside the drains in the bath tub and sinks. And all 4 of these murderers were immediately let go and are still freely going around at this moment, because the democrat no bail law made it illegal to keep them in jail. They were legally forced to let them go, by democrat laws.

    Ever heard of the Hell's Angels (basically a paramilitary of the GOP and Trump considered one of the biggest forefronters of "American conservative/patriotisn") and the constant wars and gun-fights they got into with Mongols? This is also a thing with biker gangs, something that the GOP has a fetish for using as their paramilitary wing. The reason for going to war against another biker gan? Just for.....being part of a different biker gang? If you seriously think that the likes of the such have "never done anything wrong, illegal or never committed any atrocity" - you sir, are deluded.

    Republicans are also not the ones who are pedophiles. Look at everything that democrats are doing with sexualizing young children, grooming young children with sexual ideas, and even involving young children at strip clubs with naked men. Children stripping on the stage in front of a sign that says "It's not gonna lick itself." All of these crimes against humanity are 100% democrat and the conservatives are the only ones making any type of efforts to stop these crimes.

    Alright, I'll start this off by saying - I shouldn't have made the "pedophilia" was a thing against republicans, so you have a point to make there. But consider this.....Nick Fuentes is a pedophile. Milo Yiannopoulos is a pedophile (and yet....my conservative colleagues back in college continued to defend him). Andrew Anglin is a pedophile. You can literally find countless numbers of criminal cases where conservative church pastors and conservative bloggers have been exposed for acts of pedophilia or the defense-of, I obviously can't and won't post each and every single one, nor search since that is your job, not mine, and probably because I get quite dumbfounded and mindfucked whenever confronted with such a joke of a statement like the types of yours. Here....a pastor even admitted it, cheated on his wife for a 16-year old and wants to play the "forgivness card". Here's another one, and on and on and on. Here's a cop raped his daughter and so forth, redneck family defends him even in the face of proof.

    On top of that, there's also all of the traumatic horror stories, such as that of a former classmate of mine in high school who got raped by her father and brother - her boyfriend also confirmed it, both are conservative, and too - ended up in a toxic relationship.

    No smartphones back then, no media to report it back then, as well as the corrupted Masons who control both parties, who too, are involved in heinous acts like these.

    You really think a vulnerable soul under their influence is gonna have the guts to report them, so they can end up in these "statistical research" companies and news groups? Give me a break. Anyone from their side attempting to expose them will of course, get lynched, even if promised anonymity, the mental effects of such lingers on as fear.

Now the taxes, child abuse and pedophilia topics - I will admit you did make good points there. I'm no expert on taxes, so therefore I won't even expand any attempts and and yes, you are right on the topics of child abuse, it happens all across people irregardless of political paradigm. Same with pedophilia and I was wrong to associate those with just republicans you opened my eyes to a side I clearly wasn't aware of.

But to simply say that there's nothing wrong with this "redneck gun culture", or that republicans are absolutely sinless or not involved in any kind of crimes, gun violence, pedophilia/child abuse at all is way beyond reality, completely wishful thinking and absolute 0 evidence and the types of claims that make conservatives look stupid.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
