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Is having sex with a prostitute from another race a bad thing?


Oct 12, 2019
Because i’m white and I’m interested in trying out the prostitutes but all of them are not white.

But if it’s going to create a problem should i look for whites?
There isn't a lack of prostitutes, better go for a White one if you are into this sort of thing, yes.
Prostitutes full of illnesses, diseases and drugs? OK...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There isn't a lack of prostitutes, better go for a White one if you are into this sort of thing, yes.
I have always wanted to ask this question,is watching porn about women of other races bad
Nama Enki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There isn't a lack of prostitutes, better go for a White one if you are into this sort of thing, yes.
I have always wanted to ask this question,is watching porn about women of other races bad
Of course, it is bad. Nobody is going to punish you but it is bad for your soul.
Above all, wear a condom. Please.
luis said:
Nama Enki said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There isn't a lack of prostitutes, better go for a White one if you are into this sort of thing, yes.
I have always wanted to ask this question,is watching porn about women of other races bad
Of course, it is bad. Nobody is going to punish you but it is bad for your soul.

Its incompatible with your soul type. There is nothing wrong with admiring the beauty of other races but in the end, as you know, best to have intimacy with your own racial kin. This keeps balance.

I mean its not bad for your soul like as in some people on the groups years ago said that being friends with other gentile races, or just being around them destroys the aura...

That was ridiculous.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
Nama Enki said:
I have always wanted to ask this question,is watching porn about women of other races bad
Of course, it is bad. Nobody is going to punish you but it is bad for your soul.

Its incompatible with your soul type. There is nothing wrong with admiring the beauty of other races but in the end, as you know, best to have intimacy with your own racial kin. This keeps balance.

I mean its not bad for your soul like as in some people on the groups years ago said that being friends with other gentile races, or just being around them destroys the aura...

That was ridiculous.
I always thought it was not that bad since I am not doing it physically,but I also thought visualizing it was also not healthy as well since what we think affects us.
Harry said:
Because i’m white and I’m interested in trying out the prostitutes but all of them are not white.

But if it’s going to create a problem should i look for whites?

You really should stick with your own race. Also if your going to do this not saying not to or telling you what to do but be sure to do Ansuz in each Chakra afterwards for as long as it takes to remove any links this creates I can gaurentee you in todays day and age you need to with a prostitute most are in destructive lifestyles and/or strong xtians. However I know and understand everyone has needs. The best thing though would be to do a working for a regular partner who cares about you. It's way better anyways.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
Nama Enki said:
I have always wanted to ask this question,is watching porn about women of other races bad
Of course, it is bad. Nobody is going to punish you but it is bad for your soul.

Its incompatible with your soul type. There is nothing wrong with admiring the beauty of other races but in the end, as you know, best to have intimacy with your own racial kin. This keeps balance.

I mean its not bad for your soul like as in some people on the groups years ago said that being friends with other gentile races, or just being around them destroys the aura...

That was ridiculous.
I agree, at the beginning i strugled to understand why we could'nt race mix but after some time i understood that it's normal that i can see if someone of another race is beautiful or not and this is never going to go away but you should never mix with them because it's bad for me and my race and it's bad for them too.

Thanks to this i know really don't find other races actrative as before, yes i can tell if someone is cute or not but in the end i really do not want to have sex with them. I think spiritual advancment really helped with this, for anyone that still does not understand you will with time and meditation.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
Nama Enki said:
I have always wanted to ask this question,is watching porn about women of other races bad
Of course, it is bad. Nobody is going to punish you but it is bad for your soul.

Its incompatible with your soul type. There is nothing wrong with admiring the beauty of other races but in the end, as you know, best to have intimacy with your own racial kin. This keeps balance.

I mean its not bad for your soul like as in some people on the groups years ago said that being friends with other gentile races, or just being around them destroys the aura...

That was ridiculous.
Is there such a this as a friendship between individuals of different races as powerful as to be dangerous like a romantic relationship?
lealok said:
I encourage you to have sex only with white women, preferably with one other than a prostitute.

When you get used to having sex with prostitutes it can get you in the "comfort zone" since having a little money is enough to get sex with them, otherwise to have sex with non-prostitute women will require social skills.

I believe this requirement acts as a stimulus to evolve and improve yourself.
Don’t give him strange ideas lol he’s arab.
slyscorpion said:
Harry said:
Because i’m white and I’m interested in trying out the prostitutes but all of them are not white.

But if it’s going to create a problem should i look for whites?

You really should stick with your own race. Also if your going to do this not saying not to or telling you what to do but be sure to do Ansuz in each Chakra afterwards for as long as it takes to remove any links this creates I can gaurentee you in todays day and age you need to with a prostitute most are in destructive lifestyles and/or strong xtians. However I know and understand everyone has needs. The best thing though would be to do a working for a regular partner who cares about you. It's way better anyways.
A prostitute who is a xian, now that's hilarious.
Aquarius said:
lealok said:
I encourage you to have sex only with white women, preferably with one other than a prostitute.

When you get used to having sex with prostitutes it can get you in the "comfort zone" since having a little money is enough to get sex with them, otherwise to have sex with non-prostitute women will require social skills.

I believe this requirement acts as a stimulus to evolve and improve yourself.
Don’t give him strange ideas lol he’s arab.

i'm not Arab.. I'm a white Egyptian with a Greek nose :roll: :lol:
I'm still in my late teens relationships are a waste of time. that's why i like prostitutes.
Jack said:
slyscorpion said:
Harry said:
Because i’m white and I’m interested in trying out the prostitutes but all of them are not white.

But if it’s going to create a problem should i look for whites?

You really should stick with your own race. Also if your going to do this not saying not to or telling you what to do but be sure to do Ansuz in each Chakra afterwards for as long as it takes to remove any links this creates I can gaurentee you in todays day and age you need to with a prostitute most are in destructive lifestyles and/or strong xtians. However I know and understand everyone has needs. The best thing though would be to do a working for a regular partner who cares about you. It's way better anyways.
A prostitute who is a xian, now that's hilarious.

Hilarious yes considering what their Bible says but I happen to know this is the case sometimes. I would bet no one actually reads their damn bible even anyways.

I know an example where one person I knew did the would go around with a Bible preaching to others about Jewsus.

They didn't get the contradiction or read it or something.
Oh and in case anyone doesn't understand my point here it doesn't matter how much or how little someone follows their Bible or the rules of their church or any of that. If they are believing in Jewsus and going to church etc they still are connected to the thoughtform and enemy and due to their destructive lifestyle some of these people have energy as bad as or worse than your average fundy xtian who is against all these things. That was my point with this. There are plenty of people most places that are at least ok or better than this energy wise no one should choose as a sexual partner someone like this. It just not only ruins the act but also can connect you into some not good things. It is impossible to have sex in a physical act without connecting to them or creating a link in the spiritual. That was my point with this.

No need to be paranoid just watch who you hang out with.
TopoftheAbyss said:
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
Of course, it is bad. Nobody is going to punish you but it is bad for your soul.

Its incompatible with your soul type. There is nothing wrong with admiring the beauty of other races but in the end, as you know, best to have intimacy with your own racial kin. This keeps balance.

I mean its not bad for your soul like as in some people on the groups years ago said that being friends with other gentile races, or just being around them destroys the aura...

That was ridiculous.
Is there such a this as a friendship between individuals of different races as powerful as to be dangerous like a romantic relationship?

@Topoftheabyss, thats a good question. I personally do not think so. There is nothing wrong with having a spiritual bond so long as it is platonic. It's no different as in having a bond with the gods, or your pet familiar or a gentile whom you both have a powerful spiritual connection under Satan or as to carry out certain goals.

All those just mentioned are examples of diiferent beings having powerful connections.It's the intention mostly, it depends on the kind of connection.

There is a reason why I dont believe connecting souls with different races is so detrimental as some is claiming. I think the main thing is so to avoid bonds so powerful that can cause physical intimacy and thus the desire and need to procreate. Sexual and romantic bonds do that, thats why its a risk.

Physical race mixing is the most important thing to avoid as race mixing ultimately destroys each race, and then if a physical body is not fit, the soul (the pure essence and true self of the gentile) has no body that is compatible to it. That's the main reason the gods instruct us not to.
HPS Shannon said:
I agree here. I think being close friends with someone of another race is completely fine in and of itself, even if it is a very close friendship with deep spiritual connection. What is important is that there are no romantic feelings or sex involved.
Harry said:
Because i’m white and I’m interested in trying out the prostitutes but all of them are not white.

But if it’s going to create a problem should i look for whites?

What the fuck did I just read......
It is better to just do a working for a partner. The big problem with prostitutes, other than potential diseases, destructive lifestyle, etc is the amount of energy links you will receive by just having sex with that one person. When you have sex you astral merge and are connected to a person. Meaning they've done that with many other people so it will also effect you. As someone said, after sex with anyone get rid of the energy links. Keeping those links can cause trouble in your life. And yes sometimes it gets addicting. You pay good money for maybe 30 mins of sex. It's kind of like a rush or high you get. Like gambling. It's way better, safer, and free to just work for a partner.

And no you cannot have sexual or romantical contact with other races. It will destroy your soul and cause many other bad problems. It's just too risky and not worth it. Besides everyone has the same reproductive organs.. sex doesn't change no matter what color the person. The way I think of it is a male is a plug and a female is an outlit. Your plug is only desigend to work with a certain type of outlit. Anything else can cause a power outage. Anything you do now ultimately can set you back. So you become a bit farther from achieving godhood.
Labion said:
It is better to just do a working for a partner. The big problem with prostitutes, other than potential diseases, destructive lifestyle, etc is the amount of energy links you will receive by just having sex with that one person. When you have sex you astral merge and are connected to a person. Meaning they've done that with many other people so it will also effect you. As someone said, after sex with anyone get rid of the energy links. Keeping those links can cause trouble in your life. And yes sometimes it gets addicting. You pay good money for maybe 30 mins of sex. It's kind of like a rush or high you get. Like gambling. It's way better, safer, and free to just work for a partner.

And no you cannot have sexual or romantical contact with other races. It will destroy your soul and cause many other bad problems. It's just too risky and not worth it. Besides everyone has the same reproductive organs.. sex doesn't change no matter what color the person. The way I think of it is a male is a plug and a female is an outlit. Your plug is only desigend to work with a certain type of outlit. Anything else can cause a power outage. Anything you do now ultimately can set you back. So you become a bit farther from achieving godhood.

Where are you getting this whole destroy your soul thing?

Not correct. Lets not come with this whole radical thinking.
HPS Shannon said:
Labion said:
It is better to just do a working for a partner. The big problem with prostitutes, other than potential diseases, destructive lifestyle, etc is the amount of energy links you will receive by just having sex with that one person. When you have sex you astral merge and are connected to a person. Meaning they've done that with many other people so it will also effect you. As someone said, after sex with anyone get rid of the energy links. Keeping those links can cause trouble in your life. And yes sometimes it gets addicting. You pay good money for maybe 30 mins of sex. It's kind of like a rush or high you get. Like gambling. It's way better, safer, and free to just work for a partner.

And no you cannot have sexual or romantical contact with other races. It will destroy your soul and cause many other bad problems. It's just too risky and not worth it. Besides everyone has the same reproductive organs.. sex doesn't change no matter what color the person. The way I think of it is a male is a plug and a female is an outlit. Your plug is only desigend to work with a certain type of outlit. Anything else can cause a power outage. Anything you do now ultimately can set you back. So you become a bit farther from achieving godhood.

Where are you getting this whole destroy your soul thing?

Not correct. Lets not come with this whole radical thinking.

When the groups were still up, I asked many questions about romance and love. I received that answer a few times and saw many other replies with the same answer. In full detail as I understand it from my responses is that race mixing damages the soul. That's why romantic or sexual contact with different races is not to be accepted. The exchange of body fluids or romantic contact can damage the body and have spiritual problems. Even undoing a person's racial purity. If i am wrong in anything I say please clarify what I am wrong in. I don't want to be misinformed and don't want to spread misinformation. But that is the answer I've always gotten. If in the case i am truly wrong in what I say, then why would we not be permitted to race mix if there is no form of damage done to individuals spiritually or physically?
HPS Shannon said:
Labion said:
It is better to just do a working for a partner. The big problem with prostitutes, other than potential diseases, destructive lifestyle, etc is the amount of energy links you will receive by just having sex with that one person. When you have sex you astral merge and are connected to a person. Meaning they've done that with many other people so it will also effect you. As someone said, after sex with anyone get rid of the energy links. Keeping those links can cause trouble in your life. And yes sometimes it gets addicting. You pay good money for maybe 30 mins of sex. It's kind of like a rush or high you get. Like gambling. It's way better, safer, and free to just work for a partner.

And no you cannot have sexual or romantical contact with other races. It will destroy your soul and cause many other bad problems. It's just too risky and not worth it. Besides everyone has the same reproductive organs.. sex doesn't change no matter what color the person. The way I think of it is a male is a plug and a female is an outlit. Your plug is only desigend to work with a certain type of outlit. Anything else can cause a power outage. Anything you do now ultimately can set you back. So you become a bit farther from achieving godhood.

Where are you getting this whole destroy your soul thing?

Not correct. Lets not come with this whole radical thinking.
I think it has been said before that race mixing does affect the soul of the race mixer after a point
HPS Shannon said:
Labion said:
It is better to just do a working for a partner. The big problem with prostitutes, other than potential diseases, destructive lifestyle, etc is the amount of energy links you will receive by just having sex with that one person. When you have sex you astral merge and are connected to a person. Meaning they've done that with many other people so it will also effect you. As someone said, after sex with anyone get rid of the energy links. Keeping those links can cause trouble in your life. And yes sometimes it gets addicting. You pay good money for maybe 30 mins of sex. It's kind of like a rush or high you get. Like gambling. It's way better, safer, and free to just work for a partner.

And no you cannot have sexual or romantical contact with other races. It will destroy your soul and cause many other bad problems. It's just too risky and not worth it. Besides everyone has the same reproductive organs.. sex doesn't change no matter what color the person. The way I think of it is a male is a plug and a female is an outlit. Your plug is only desigend to work with a certain type of outlit. Anything else can cause a power outage. Anything you do now ultimately can set you back. So you become a bit farther from achieving godhood.

Where are you getting this whole destroy your soul thing?

Not correct. Lets not come with this whole radical thinking.
I think It has been said before that race mixing does affect the soul of the race mixer after a point but of course it doesn't destroy it. It's just bad overall for your race to do. It can destroy in the long term the race because it's not Natural to do.
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
Labion said:
It is better to just do a working for a partner. The big problem with prostitutes, other than potential diseases, destructive lifestyle, etc is the amount of energy links you will receive by just having sex with that one person. When you have sex you astral merge and are connected to a person. Meaning they've done that with many other people so it will also effect you. As someone said, after sex with anyone get rid of the energy links. Keeping those links can cause trouble in your life. And yes sometimes it gets addicting. You pay good money for maybe 30 mins of sex. It's kind of like a rush or high you get. Like gambling. It's way better, safer, and free to just work for a partner.

And no you cannot have sexual or romantical contact with other races. It will destroy your soul and cause many other bad problems. It's just too risky and not worth it. Besides everyone has the same reproductive organs.. sex doesn't change no matter what color the person. The way I think of it is a male is a plug and a female is an outlit. Your plug is only desigend to work with a certain type of outlit. Anything else can cause a power outage. Anything you do now ultimately can set you back. So you become a bit farther from achieving godhood.

Where are you getting this whole destroy your soul thing?

Not correct. Lets not come with this whole radical thinking.
I think It has been said before that race mixing does affect the soul of the race mixer after a point but of course it doesn't destroy it. It's just bad overall for your race to do. It can destroy in the long term the race because it's not Natural to do.

I dont believe it is as harmful and detrimental to the soul as was said. There were some radical beliefs on the groups before as I brought up. After awhile many believed that being friends with someone of another race really destroys the aura. We know that isnt true.

The main reason one is not to race mix physically is because a soul must have a pure body. Race mixing destroys both sides, especially the white race over time. The enemy knows this.

As for homosexuality, interracial relations are also not encouraged even though homosexuals cannot reproduce but we all must set an example. And it has to do with spiritual harmony and compatibility.

I do not believe having sex with another race damages the soul. I just think it has to do with mixing astral energies which can be harmful despite the race (if the person has bad energy, afflictions and emotional problems).

It's just incompatible thats why people of different races more likely eventually go back to their own because of spiritual harmony.

We know the soul is the true essence and needs a pure body and a healthy genetic blue print to carry on. And the gods did say that its all in the blood, when it comes to race and spiritual advancement.

I dont think it was as difficult to stay within one's own race in the ancient times but now with enemy infiltration and enemy doctrines, its constantly pushed and not to damage the soul (the enemy curses are to make sure of that) but to physically mix and end the races, especially the white race.

Like we know that the Jews are a separate and disgusting vile race, yet I'm sure those who have had sex with them haven't had their souls destroyed but who the fuck would want to have sex with them especially after knowing the truth about them? This reminds me of some years ago, someone said having sex with a Jew destroys a gentile's kundalini and this caused a bit of a stir, but we know that not to be true.

The enemy knows what would really destroy our souls and existence, and that is physically mixing the blood lines.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
Where are you getting this whole destroy your soul thing?

Not correct. Lets not come with this whole radical thinking.
I think It has been said before that race mixing does affect the soul of the race mixer after a point but of course it doesn't destroy it. It's just bad overall for your race to do. It can destroy in the long term the race because it's not Natural to do.

I dont believe it is as harmful and detrimental to the soul as was said. There were some radical beliefs on the groups before as I brought up. After awhile many believed that being friends with someone of another race really destroys the aura. We know that isnt true.

The main reason one is not to race mix physically is because a soul must have a pure body. Race mixing destroys both sides, especially the white race over time. The enemy knows this.

As for homosexuality, interracial relations are also not encouraged even though homosexuals cannot reproduce but we all must set an example. And it has to do with spiritual harmony and compatibility.

I do not believe having sex with another race damages the soul. I just think it has to do with mixing astral energies which can be harmful despite the race (if the person has bad energy, afflictions and emotional problems).

It's just incompatible thats why people of different races more likely eventually go back to their own because of spiritual harmony.

We know the soul is the true essence and needs a pure body and a healthy genetic blue print to carry on. And the gods did say that its all in the blood, when it comes to race and spiritual advancement.

I dont think it was as difficult to stay within one's own race in the ancient times but now with enemy infiltration and enemy doctrines, its constantly pushed and not to damage the soul (the enemy curses are to make sure of that) but to physically mix and end the races, especially the white race.

Like we know that the Jews are a separate and disgusting vile race, yet I'm sure those who have had sex with them haven't had their souls destroyed but who the fuck would want to have sex with them especially after knowing the truth about them? This reminds me of some years ago, someone said having sex with a Jew destroys a gentile's kundalini and this caused a bit of a stir, but we know that not to be true.

The enemy knows what would really destroy our souls and existence, and that is physically mixing the blood lines.
What you say makes sense but I do not have the capacity to know if it's true. The "rule" that I made for myself is to never mix because it's bad for my race. I'm gay so technically I would not make mixed kids but I do not want to make a bad example for my race. Through the years I did read in the forums that is bad even spiritually and this is why I said so.
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
Where are you getting this whole destroy your soul thing?

Not correct. Lets not come with this whole radical thinking.
I think It has been said before that race mixing does affect the soul of the race mixer after a point but of course it doesn't destroy it. It's just bad overall for your race to do. It can destroy in the long term the race because it's not Natural to do.

I dont believe it is as harmful and detrimental to the soul as was said. There were some radical beliefs on the groups before as I brought up. After awhile many believed that being friends with someone of another race really destroys the aura. We know that isnt true.

The main reason one is not to race mix physically is because a soul must have a pure body. Race mixing destroys both sides, especially the white race over time. The enemy knows this.

As for homosexuality, interracial relations are also not encouraged even though homosexuals cannot reproduce but we all must set an example. And it has to do with spiritual harmony and compatibility.

I do not believe having sex with another race damages the soul. I just think it has to do with mixing astral energies which can be harmful despite the race (if the person has bad energy, afflictions and emotional problems).

It's just incompatible thats why people of different races more likely eventually go back to their own because of spiritual harmony.

We know the soul is the true essence and needs a pure body and a healthy genetic blue print to carry on. And the gods did say that its all in the blood, when it comes to race and spiritual advancement.

I dont think it was as difficult to stay within one's own race in the ancient times but now with enemy infiltration and enemy doctrines, its constantly pushed and not to damage the soul (the enemy curses are to make sure of that) but to physically mix and end the races, especially the white race.

Like we know that the Jews are a separate and disgusting vile race, yet I'm sure those who have had sex with them haven't had their souls destroyed but who the fuck would want to have sex with them especially after knowing the truth about them? This reminds me of some years ago, someone said having sex with a Jew destroys a gentile's kundalini and this caused a bit of a stir, but we know that not to be true.

The enemy knows what would really destroy our souls and existence, and that is physically mixing the blood lines.

I have question regarding the matter, Hp Shannon.
If I am race mixed, does that mean I reproduced with someone out of mine race in my past life?
HPS Shannon said:
Like we know that the Jews are a separate and disgusting vile race, yet I'm sure those who have had sex with them haven't had their souls destroyed but who the fuck would want to have sex with them especially after knowing the truth about them? This reminds me of some years ago, someone said having sex with a Jew destroys a gentile's kundalini and this caused a bit of a stir, but we know that not to be true.
I agree with you. To be honest I also thought that race-mixing in and of itself would damage the soul, but considering the example you gave here, it might not actually be the case. I met some people over the years who had sex with jews a few times, especially with mixed ones who were hard to recognize. And those people didn't have any particular "damage" on their soul as a result of it.

So while race-mixing should indeed be avoided at all costs, I don't think it "destroys the soul" as some people claim. It might do some damage to the soul, but in those cases I think it'd depend on how much one connects to the other person, and how often it is done. I think it could potentially do some serious damage if it is done frequently over prolonged periods of time, but those cases are miniscule anyway. Nobody in their right mind would want to sexually engage with another race in the first place, and even the most toxically curious people who "just want to give it a try" should realize after the first time that it is unnatural and bad.
Vaal said:
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
I think It has been said before that race mixing does affect the soul of the race mixer after a point but of course it doesn't destroy it. It's just bad overall for your race to do. It can destroy in the long term the race because it's not Natural to do.

I dont believe it is as harmful and detrimental to the soul as was said. There were some radical beliefs on the groups before as I brought up. After awhile many believed that being friends with someone of another race really destroys the aura. We know that isnt true.

The main reason one is not to race mix physically is because a soul must have a pure body. Race mixing destroys both sides, especially the white race over time. The enemy knows this.

As for homosexuality, interracial relations are also not encouraged even though homosexuals cannot reproduce but we all must set an example. And it has to do with spiritual harmony and compatibility.

I do not believe having sex with another race damages the soul. I just think it has to do with mixing astral energies which can be harmful despite the race (if the person has bad energy, afflictions and emotional problems).

It's just incompatible thats why people of different races more likely eventually go back to their own because of spiritual harmony.

We know the soul is the true essence and needs a pure body and a healthy genetic blue print to carry on. And the gods did say that its all in the blood, when it comes to race and spiritual advancement.

I dont think it was as difficult to stay within one's own race in the ancient times but now with enemy infiltration and enemy doctrines, its constantly pushed and not to damage the soul (the enemy curses are to make sure of that) but to physically mix and end the races, especially the white race.

Like we know that the Jews are a separate and disgusting vile race, yet I'm sure those who have had sex with them haven't had their souls destroyed but who the fuck would want to have sex with them especially after knowing the truth about them? This reminds me of some years ago, someone said having sex with a Jew destroys a gentile's kundalini and this caused a bit of a stir, but we know that not to be true.

The enemy knows what would really destroy our souls and existence, and that is physically mixing the blood lines.

I have question regarding the matter, Hp Shannon.
If I am race mixed, does that mean I reproduced with someone out of mine race in my past life?
No, it means your parents did.
lealok said:
Shael said:
HPS Shannon said:
. Nobody in their right mind would want to sexually engage with another race in the first place, and even the most toxically curious people who "just want to give it a try" should realize after the first time that it is unnatural and bad.

The white woman is the most coveted of all races. By the way the world exists, this is a reality.

The white man also has some privileges (depending on his physical body and other factors), but the difference is that:

Most white men prefer white women.
Most non-white men also prefer white women.

Black men specifically are the only ethnic group in my country who numerically marry women of other races more than women of their race.
(This does not mean that women of other races prefer blacks, but it does mean that blacks apparently do not like women of their race and some eventually succeed with women of other races.)

I know you probably can't read my language, but if you want to see the proof here it is: https://f.i.uol.com.br/folha/cotidiano/images/12290845.jpeg

In the past white women were disgusted about having relationships with men of other races, a fact easily evidenced by some historical accounts, today most are indifferent about this issue.

If interracial sex is harmful to the soul, it is not visible whether or not it is true.
What is visible on the physical level is that the people involved will enjoy pleasure during the sexual act and will generate mixed-race descendants. Only that!

Considering the facts I have cited and considering that there is currently a lot of interracial media propaganda being pulled, I particularly think that all men who will have white children should reflect very carefully on how to deal with other ethnicities. Your generation may not face problems with other ethnicities, but your descendants may face it.

If the white settlers of my Latin American country had thought differently, probably today the state I live would be predominantly white and not mestizo.
Maybe if they had thought differently, some awful aberration propaganda against white men I saw would never exist.

Yes, that is a big situation with black men and the main reason black males want to date outside is because many black women have issues. Just like many people do. The black men I know of who want white women are the ones who think its for status or they are sexually unhinged, lack self refraint and will want to bang anyone. I honestly think some of this is out of curiousity and thrill and just being attracted to good looking women of different races.

Thats why I also agree with Shael. Alot of them just want to try

There are big conflicts with black men and black women that are causing divide in the community. Alot of this has to do with black women's self esteem or what they expect from black men, etc.

This is why interracial relations shouldnt be encouraged and all the races need to practice self control and taught the importance and values of being with their own, and then working to heal the relations between them. Jewish feminism for one thing, has messed up some of the relations between white men and women, and also with black men and women.

You dont really see this issue with Asians though, except for the whole white man and asian woman thing. Time and time again, all I hear about that scenario is white men saying that the asian women are very feminine, traditional, etc, etc. The same old stuff.
Aquarius said:
Vaal said:
HPS Shannon said:
I dont believe it is as harmful and detrimental to the soul as was said. There were some radical beliefs on the groups before as I brought up. After awhile many believed that being friends with someone of another race really destroys the aura. We know that isnt true.

The main reason one is not to race mix physically is because a soul must have a pure body. Race mixing destroys both sides, especially the white race over time. The enemy knows this.

As for homosexuality, interracial relations are also not encouraged even though homosexuals cannot reproduce but we all must set an example. And it has to do with spiritual harmony and compatibility.

I do not believe having sex with another race damages the soul. I just think it has to do with mixing astral energies which can be harmful despite the race (if the person has bad energy, afflictions and emotional problems).

It's just incompatible thats why people of different races more likely eventually go back to their own because of spiritual harmony.

We know the soul is the true essence and needs a pure body and a healthy genetic blue print to carry on. And the gods did say that its all in the blood, when it comes to race and spiritual advancement.

I dont think it was as difficult to stay within one's own race in the ancient times but now with enemy infiltration and enemy doctrines, its constantly pushed and not to damage the soul (the enemy curses are to make sure of that) but to physically mix and end the races, especially the white race.

Like we know that the Jews are a separate and disgusting vile race, yet I'm sure those who have had sex with them haven't had their souls destroyed but who the fuck would want to have sex with them especially after knowing the truth about them? This reminds me of some years ago, someone said having sex with a Jew destroys a gentile's kundalini and this caused a bit of a stir, but we know that not to be true.

The enemy knows what would really destroy our souls and existence, and that is physically mixing the blood lines.

I have question regarding the matter, Hp Shannon.
If I am race mixed, does that mean I reproduced with someone out of mine race in my past life?
No, it means your parents did.

But you don't choose in what family you are born in. I think it's more of a karma issues.
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
I think It has been said before that race mixing does affect the soul of the race mixer after a point but of course it doesn't destroy it. It's just bad overall for your race to do. It can destroy in the long term the race because it's not Natural to do.

I dont believe it is as harmful and detrimental to the soul as was said. There were some radical beliefs on the groups before as I brought up. After awhile many believed that being friends with someone of another race really destroys the aura. We know that isnt true.

The main reason one is not to race mix physically is because a soul must have a pure body. Race mixing destroys both sides, especially the white race over time. The enemy knows this.

As for homosexuality, interracial relations are also not encouraged even though homosexuals cannot reproduce but we all must set an example. And it has to do with spiritual harmony and compatibility.

I do not believe having sex with another race damages the soul. I just think it has to do with mixing astral energies which can be harmful despite the race (if the person has bad energy, afflictions and emotional problems).

It's just incompatible thats why people of different races more likely eventually go back to their own because of spiritual harmony.

We know the soul is the true essence and needs a pure body and a healthy genetic blue print to carry on. And the gods did say that its all in the blood, when it comes to race and spiritual advancement.

I dont think it was as difficult to stay within one's own race in the ancient times but now with enemy infiltration and enemy doctrines, its constantly pushed and not to damage the soul (the enemy curses are to make sure of that) but to physically mix and end the races, especially the white race.

Like we know that the Jews are a separate and disgusting vile race, yet I'm sure those who have had sex with them haven't had their souls destroyed but who the fuck would want to have sex with them especially after knowing the truth about them? This reminds me of some years ago, someone said having sex with a Jew destroys a gentile's kundalini and this caused a bit of a stir, but we know that not to be true.

The enemy knows what would really destroy our souls and existence, and that is physically mixing the blood lines.
What you say makes sense but I do not have the capacity to know if it's true. The "rule" that I made for myself is to never mix because it's bad for my race. I'm gay so technically I would not make mixed kids but I do not want to make a bad example for my race. Through the years I did read in the forums that is bad even spiritually and this is why I said so.

Well, no one is saying it is a good thing to have sexual relations with other races. Its to be avoided because of the risk of mixing races. And the fact that such relations usually won't go anywhere because alot of them are usually based more on lust and not spiritual compatibility. If someone has pride in their race, and knows why its important to stay within their own, they wont care to mix.

If it has been said in the groups and forums that sex with differeny races is detrimental to the soul, of course no one is going to say anything to challenge that because it only helps to keep people from any relations outside of their race. Which is not a bad thing. However, it still makes the most sense that physical race mixing is what the gods want us to avoid because that is ultimately detrimental to the soul.

If mixed race individuals still can ascend and activate their kundalini, and they are literally race mixed, why would having sex or romantic relations cause damage to the soul? It doesn't.

It all does is create unneccessary bonds and ties to each race and carry the risk of physical race mixing, which doesn't benefit any race. Because we all know that different races that get married, will more than likely include having children.
Not to mention, race mixing is mostly a white race issue. And the enemy knows this hence why they push physical race mixing and brag about the last generation of white children are being born.

Race mixing destroys the physical genetic print that is compatible with the soul. No genetic print, no body for the soul. That damages the soul, not carelessly having sex with a gentile from another race years ago that one time...
HPS Shannon said:
luis said:
HPS Shannon said:
I dont believe it is as harmful and detrimental to the soul as was said. There were some radical beliefs on the groups before as I brought up. After awhile many believed that being friends with someone of another race really destroys the aura. We know that isnt true.

The main reason one is not to race mix physically is because a soul must have a pure body. Race mixing destroys both sides, especially the white race over time. The enemy knows this.

As for homosexuality, interracial relations are also not encouraged even though homosexuals cannot reproduce but we all must set an example. And it has to do with spiritual harmony and compatibility.

I do not believe having sex with another race damages the soul. I just think it has to do with mixing astral energies which can be harmful despite the race (if the person has bad energy, afflictions and emotional problems).

It's just incompatible thats why people of different races more likely eventually go back to their own because of spiritual harmony.

We know the soul is the true essence and needs a pure body and a healthy genetic blue print to carry on. And the gods did say that its all in the blood, when it comes to race and spiritual advancement.

I dont think it was as difficult to stay within one's own race in the ancient times but now with enemy infiltration and enemy doctrines, its constantly pushed and not to damage the soul (the enemy curses are to make sure of that) but to physically mix and end the races, especially the white race.

Like we know that the Jews are a separate and disgusting vile race, yet I'm sure those who have had sex with them haven't had their souls destroyed but who the fuck would want to have sex with them especially after knowing the truth about them? This reminds me of some years ago, someone said having sex with a Jew destroys a gentile's kundalini and this caused a bit of a stir, but we know that not to be true.

The enemy knows what would really destroy our souls and existence, and that is physically mixing the blood lines.
What you say makes sense but I do not have the capacity to know if it's true. The "rule" that I made for myself is to never mix because it's bad for my race. I'm gay so technically I would not make mixed kids but I do not want to make a bad example for my race. Through the years I did read in the forums that is bad even spiritually and this is why I said so.

Well, no one is saying it is a good thing to have sexual relations with other races. Its to be avoided because of the risk of mixing races. And the fact that such relations usually won't go anywhere because alot of them are usually based more on lust and not spiritual compatibility. If someone has pride in their race, and knows why its important to stay within their own, they wont care to mix.

If it has been said in the groups and forums that sex with differeny races is detrimental to the soul, of course no one is going to say anything to challenge that because it only helps to keep people from any relations outside of their race. Which is not a bad thing. However, it still makes the most sense that physical race mixing is what the gods want us to avoid because that is ultimately detrimental to the soul.

If mixed race individuals still can ascend and activate their kundalini, and they are literally race mixed, why would having sex or romantic relations cause damage to the soul? It doesn't.

It all does is create unneccessary bonds and ties to each race and carry the risk of physical race mixing, which doesn't benefit any race. Because we all know that different races that get married, will more than likely include having children.
I understand.
HPS Shannon said:
Not to mention, race mixing is mostly a white race issue. And the enemy knows this hence why they push physical race mixing and brag about the last generation of white children are being born.

Race mixing destroys the physical genetic print that is compatible with the soul. No genetic print, no body for the soul. That damages the soul, not carelessly having sex with a gentile from another race years ago that one time...
I obviously don't have that knowledge but, since the soul is an energetic body and every race has different energies, I thought that race mixing pollutes the souls of the people who mix.
TopoftheAbyss said:
HPS Shannon said:
Not to mention, race mixing is mostly a white race issue. And the enemy knows this hence why they push physical race mixing and brag about the last generation of white children are being born.

Race mixing destroys the physical genetic print that is compatible with the soul. No genetic print, no body for the soul. That damages the soul, not carelessly having sex with a gentile from another race years ago that one time...
I obviously don't have that knowledge but, since the soul is an energetic body and every race has different energies, I thought that race mixing pollutes the souls of the people who mix.

Are we talking about physical race mixing or sexual or intimate relations? That's what needs to be clarified.

Of course physical race mixing is to be avoided but again, if you are saying people who have had sexual relations in the past, not really. The danger is in the mixing of bloodlines.

Even if you are having sex with someone of the same race, it causes risks because you are connecting souls anyway. If the person has soul issues, baggage, addictions, a heavy xian, etc, that can be harmful to anyone.

I have connected souls with the gods and have had deep soulful connections with them before that were border line sexual. Connecting souls and sexual energy for spiritual purposes and that was just fine. They are gods, a different race from me and neither of our souls were pollutinf because of our racial differences.There is more about that but I dont think I need to mention it, for now.

All I know is that physical race mixing harms the soul and is a big danger, not connecting souls with other beings. The enemy knows what physical race mixing does and thats what they want.

I have my reasons for knowing such and I have highlighted it on this thread already.
HPS Shannon said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
HPS Shannon said:
Not to mention, race mixing is mostly a white race issue. And the enemy knows this hence why they push physical race mixing and brag about the last generation of white children are being born.

Race mixing destroys the physical genetic print that is compatible with the soul. No genetic print, no body for the soul. That damages the soul, not carelessly having sex with a gentile from another race years ago that one time...
I obviously don't have that knowledge but, since the soul is an energetic body and every race has different energies, I thought that race mixing pollutes the souls of the people who mix.

Are we talking about physical race mixing or sexual or intimate relations? That's what needs to be clarified.

Of course physical race mixing is to be avoided but again, if you are saying people who have had sexual relations in the past, not really. The danger is in the mixing of bloodlines.

Even if you are having sex with someone of the same race, it causes risks because you are connecting souls anyway. If the person has soul issues, baggage, addictions, a heavy xian, etc, that can be harmful to anyone.

I have connected souls with the gods and have had deep soulful connections with them before that were border line sexual. Connecting souls and sexual energy for spiritual purposes and that was just fine. They are gods, a different race from me and neither of our souls were pollutinf because of our racial differences.There is more about that but I dont think I need to mention it, for now.

All I know is that physical race mixing harms the soul and is a big danger, not connecting souls with other beings. The enemy knows what physical race mixing does and thats what they want.

I have my reasons for knowing such and I have highlighted it on this thread already.
Some would take that as an excuse to go and fuck someone of another Race, non-impregnably, and clean themselves up after.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
