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In Regards To Lies About JoS Or "Me"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Every so often few people come and try to repeat some lies and nonsense circulating by very obvious jewish websites to me. As much as I would like to seriously answer, I cannot, because it matters in the least it could matter. But I'll just write an instructional reply anyhow on this.

The moment I have addressed one thing they will create another, like how they create lies about our ancient cultures or about our Gods. These lies are never ending. It takes no energy to lie in this case, but it takes valuable energy to answer.

Lies about JoS basically is the only thing the enemy can do. Filled with confusion, lies can try to work their way into damaging important things.

Since they have really nothing true to say against us, or what we work on, they are reliant on lies and the invention of false rhetoric against the JoS or this work.

You can hire any knowledgeable or merely reasonable person to look into the sites and understand, and they will find nothing negative. Only the best things are in the Joy of Satan websites and the things provided for Gentiles to read. The enemy knows this, and having built an empire on lies, they are terrified.

The reality is that if you boil down to the very core elements everything in the JoS, there is only positive, uplifting knowledge, power, sound ethical structure, and that all of this leads to spiritual enlightenment, befriending the Gods, advancing yourself and humanity in the meantime and so on.

My work, as the enemy clearly understands, have built personalities and have given powerful incentives to people. They know I am serving the cause of the Gods and they are aware we are getting to where we should head to.

We are nowhere near done. There is an inordinate amount of things that must happen and will happen. But the enemy sees this as a resurgence of the things that they hoped would "never return", because they know their return would mean their demise and the restoration of great things for this world.

Naturally, this scares the enemy, who for hundreds of years has been adjusted into them having no opposition and effectively doing anything negative and destructive they wanted. We have been very powerful since forever, and they know this is going to happen again.

One infamous nonseniscal thing the enemy also states, is that the Joy of Satan is a "cult". This couldn't be more wrong. You must read online about real cults. Christian cults that asked people to mass suicide, where people are robbed everything by strange "pastors" and actual cultists, or where people literally do the most deplorable things. The enemy just projects.

There is not a single identifying factor of a "Cult" here. You are not extorted, blackmailed, attacked, coerced, made to sign strange agreements and so on. There is no "Hellfire" waiting if you don't join Father Satan or His plan for the development of humanity just because you were indifferent or didn't join. Nothing.

Meanwhile, as the average jew follows 613 Mitzvot as "laws and regulation" and really lives the "Jewish Life" to appease their "Elders" and the enemy lizards, they tell you that anything that tells you how to live better or what gives you knowledge, a sense of belonging, and a guidance to simply not be destroyed in a world where destruction is rife is "Evil".

They simply want you to be completely unguided and without help, with nothing left in life. They know the Joy of Satan will help people. And they are mad about this.

When the jew meditates and does all this ethical and spiritual training, after they are done, they sit on a desk and start writing nonsense on why you should not do this at any cost. Since they know most people cannot be kept back by lies, casting doubt and lying is the only weapon they have left.

As they see this happening, they become bitter and extremely aggravated, especially those of them sitting on higher orders that understand where this might eventually end up to. Lying, cursing, attacking, sabotaging are the only things they can do, as they have nothing really to point out otherwise.

For one, when the Joy of Satan succeeds, there will be no more useful idiots for the enemy to use. This will take a very long time.

But way before this, as our culture repairs itself, the generation of infinite idiots will not be able to protect the enemy any longer, as the powerful, the noble and the strong will have risen higher in society. This puts a dead end on the enemy, who thrives upon retardation and ignorance.

Copying or corrupting JoS wouldn't work, as it's a perfect handiwork, and doing anything like this would reduce it to something nobody would want to join. So the enemy is out of cards in that regard. As they usually have done this successfully, now it cannot happen, and this makes them mad.

Creating shit socket groups can never work, as these groups will unavoidably have to jew themselves in order to stop threatening the jew. So the jew cannot make these. Even if they do this, this will be very risky for them to do, as it could backfire anytime.

Even Luther started writing "Anti-Semitic" rhetoric against the Jews, to cover for them, yet it backfired and this caused large scale destruction for the jewish people. That is only a very small example.

Now, over the years as a Spiritual Satanist I have come to know and understand that people will "believe" things and lies only insofar they find these convenient to believe. For example, if someone wants to adopt lies aimed at me, it has to be a reason that sits with them, since these lies are unrealistic by all standards.

A person that might for whatever reason dislike me for example, will readily accept any outrageous lie about me. The people who can really think with critical thought and stop for a moment to look on if hate is real, or if dislike is justified, or if anything aimed at me is "real", are very few. Accepting the real feedback is something I do constantly. Those whom we work together, know this.

They will never tell you I have done anything good for anyone. But they know that my spirit stands between them and harming all of you and what the Gods are creating for everyone.

The enemy knows this, and they wrote tomes of how evil Satan is and how evil the Gods are, brainwashing people to believe that the Gods are evil and to be feared. They concocted lies about hellfire and eternal torment. And how many sat down to think or research anything? Very few. But we are becoming MORE AND MORE by the day.

People also never use common sense. They tell people for example, that literally the grand deities of their Ancestors, who for all ends helped them survive for what could be millions of years, "suddenly" are "evil Demons" that want to eat everyone.

As stupid as this might sound for us who have woke up, lies like that stupid shit do affect many people. But in all cases, these do not affect the people that are top priority for us to care about.

The category of important Satanists who are the advanced people and are with Father Satan, they will be able to know everything directly. The SS family and the people growing are what's important to me and not for example, stupid Christians, or some other dabbler who might come here to attack.

The enemy knows more about me than many people here can understand, as many of the enemy reside on a higher level of consciousness compared to let's say people who never meditated. They can therefore recognize intentions.

This allows them to understand more about the nature of my work than certain people who might be new or are too much influenced from bogus ideas, delusions, or things they might need to overcome first until they understand purer and clearer ideas.

The lower the level of understanding, the more these people will be liable to being lied to. Therefore, it's natural that the slander of the enemy might affect this people. It will also affect the vengeful, the haters, the weak, and other people who might have unaddressed issues or have not worked their logic to understand and see the Truth.

But these effects and these people generally don't matter in our mission from the Gods or our collective future, as they are too low. It's not uncommon also that as people advance and address certain issues, they understand how things were all along, and everything is fine.

For example, a well read and established Rabbi of a higher order will understand what we are doing and so on, or about other people here, or myself. That's because they are the same.

Therefore, they will create lies in accordance to this situation. The great lies even if they are outrageous and proven against any evident fact, will be enforced and so on. Our Gods have evidently for example been good, great, decent and noble in all ways. This remains a fact to this day. Yet what has changed is the amount of slander and the amount of fools to believe otherwise.

These fools do not matter in the realistic view of things or the natural order of things. These only matter in their own mind, maybe also the minds of those who similarly believe these lies. They certainly don't affect the opinion of the Gods or anyone else. Therefore it doesn't matter to me.

Being lied to or against in positions like mine is unavoidable. Others in the JoS who rise either through help, labor, or meaningful work that leads to positions, have to understand this.

There is not a single person who has done something decent for our side that has not been slandered and has not been harassed and attacked in endless ways. But all the real people in our side are unaffected and advancing strongly and as good as ever regardless.

At best, the jews can only rally low mobs and fools to do something, but they cannot do much else. The power of their lies affects only the fools in this world. The only problem is that these fools are many. As time goes and certain forces are banished, these will be in the minority, and not in the majority. Or the minority that is on the side of the Truth will become so powerful that these lies will not matter.

In fact, even to this day, they don't affect us.

Any real Satanist would know this by default as things stand, and anyone who has truly walked this path does understand what trials come with it.

Even I myself, when I entered JoS a long time ago, did read a lot of slander about HPS Maxine. I never believed it. Yet the enemy generates slander anyway. It took a lot of years to discover that not only any of this was for real, but on the contrary, she was a noblest woman. It would take an enormous amount of time to even touch on this topic. But it is what it is.

Lastly, certain people have been looking out for me and defending against this. I want to thank you and tell you that my care and appreciation is reflected in my work and the work done for our side and other Satanists. But there is no real need for this, because the enemy inherently behaves as it's said here.

Maybe this only helps as far as protecting people with lesser understanding, so I still understand why this is ongoing. Just make sure to not waste time in the sewers the enemy creates, as they are able to create infinite sewers. We must dwell with the better beings and stay on the positive tasks, which is the most destructive thing of all for the enemy.

Since I have willingly accepted all the details in this ongoing situation, then nothing else matters. I am already aware this could end up in the worst manner for me, upwards to ranges that most people cannot even think.

But I know of this and decided to do the right thing anyway, to stand by on the good side with the Gods, and not with the works of stupid fucks who simply have bought into jewish nonsense and slave programs. The Gods are the most important, not the enemy and their nonsense.

Who cares what these servants of the jews even think, or what the jews think?

Not me and not us.


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
You are protected by the Gods as is this whole organization. I hardly think of anything regarding either will end badly, despite all the lies that are constantly regurgitated and spat back out. There are rough patches regarding problems and confusion the enemy causes but JOS is strong and expanding more than ever. As you said, there is not one person who is not slandered in their shithole which means a damn around here, impersonated, or otherwise made a mockery of.
You really are great, HP.
I remember that when I joined the family of dedicated Spiritual Satanists I was very happy. However, I was a beginner and therefore did not know many things. A few days after the dedication, I accidentally saw a post on the internet (I don't remember which site) that attempted to tell hideous lies about JoS. At the time, after I finished reading, I was baffled. But then I stopped for a moment, and with cold blood, I asked myself: "What would Father Satan want from me? Would he like me to believe like a fool in everything I read or would he like me to think with my head and reason?" . So I reread the post of the probably Jewish-madman analyzing it thoroughly and, after doing so, I studied the JoS site more thoroughly, and not only realized that those lies the guy said about JoS were just garbage, but I had also increased my knowledge because in the meantime I have deepened my studies on JoS since I was still in the beginning.
These crazy Jews can't help but lie, I really understand how this can make you feel. I wish you the best. Highest esteem for you, Brother Cobra.
Everyone needs to stay aware of the fact that we are dealing with a warfare situation, therefore the enemy will literally make up pure slander to attack with. I think too many people try to "hear both sides" because they assume certain people are not just blatantly and consciously lying.

These are not situations of genuine misunderstanding or confusion. These are situations where the enemy is attempting to consciously create confusion, literally with specific techniques and strategies. Although this is naturally Jewish behavior, this can also come from hostile Gentiles, as well.

Don't get sucked into the details of a web of lies. Instead, focus on the bigger picture when evaluating people. This was discussed before, where it was comically described that HPHC "stealing" JoS from HPS Maxine is equivalent to hot-wiring your own car. More seriously, this also insults the Gods' abilities by implying that they let the largest Satanic organization get stolen and never did or said anything about it.
I love ❤ And enjoy reading! The information you share. And what ever you post. I appreciate you and all that you are. ❤ Brother HP HopdedCobra 666 Hail Satan!!🔥
I personally am extremely fed up and tired of the bullshit of the dumb goyim. I will never ever allow any to consider themselves higher than me or whatever other bullshit. Time for some of us to have more self esteem.

Even though the path and the situation looks rather weird and gloomy to me i believe still that those who are really of Satan will carry on. Zero fucks given.
As for me, I will not tolerate slander against you or the gods. SCREAM LOUD

ANYONE who has not poisoned his/her soul with jewish poison can immediately SEE, recognize with ease the validity and the truth of Joy of Satan.
End of discussion.
Maxine Dietrich achieved what only a myth may accomplish.
Hoodedcobra666 you are a living legend, we need you to be strong and always be blessed.

Satan is Eternal Truth.
Hail Satan forever!
Those who read Jos of Satan website regularly, they honor to High Priestess Maxine.
Those who read this ancient forms, they honor and love High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 who works for Satan and make SS worthy of doing work for Satan.

This whole universe will khow you Oneday and we are lucky for working with you. Love you

Hail SATANAS !!!!!!
I have not read what HP HC has written here, but I got a reply.
All these attacks especially at HP HC are just so obvious and clear that the people who hate our existence are hurt. These attacks on the forums have been glaringly rampant this year and I know most parts is because of the new knowledge released to the public especially about the Gods.
I have seen stupid writes from the most stupid and strange accounts talking shit about our HP. The funny thing is we are bigger than that. And it's so cool that most ppl don't even pay attention to reply these bullshit.
That should teach these hurt mtf that we know better than to rally around their shit. It's dung and we don't do that.
HPHC, you're great, your dispensation is great, so great that they want to blaspheme you too. We careless, we keep pressing their wounds were it hurts, we keep up with our new super powers, let them keep rotting.
Some will get exhausted and join our side.

Your work has been crucially important. All the enemy can do is lie because they are scared.

I remember back when we first started with the rtrs, and compared to know, I've become a true warrior.

I'm a completely different person. I still have things to work on, sure. But a complete 360 tail spin in comparison to who I was before.

The same can be said for all the true dedicated Satanists here. Maxine, and your work Cobra with what you do has helped create this mighty gathering of Satan's army that is going to create the satanic world as a ruling power again, and destroy the enemy completely.

I hope to help more in the future as well. Once I have time and things in my life are more in order to do so. I just do not know what I can do to really contribute to my fellow Brothers and Sisters. Im sure I will figure something out, and it will all come together.
Of course, this is only addressed, "entertained", acknowledged in and for a minimal transformative process only for the benefit of our SS, beginners and by the principle and adoration of truth.

The JoS temple, university of great souls of ancient echoes stands with the privilege of our members enabling a very positive mindset, of empathy for the greatest and most honorable reasons beyond this lifespan, to help and protect our own. This requires sacrificing, requires focus on the positives, requires visionary purpose, requires true connection. This is true love towards our own and our Gods. For the sake of something truly important.

The above being stated, now to fully pain the picture. In any other circumstances, place, time, in personal, virtual, spiritual, inter-dimensional, street-wise etc. You creatures cannot even posses the honor of any SS to notice your existence. You are a worm. Nothingness in the wind.

"The reality is that if you boil down to the very core elements everything in the JoS, there is only positive, uplifting knowledge, power, sound ethical structure, and that all of this leads to spiritual enlightenment, befriending the Gods, advancing yourself and humanity in the meantime and so on." -Joy of Satan
The last thing a Demon verbally told me was "'"HIM"'" when BEELZEBUB began talking. My triplets were born as White Gentile Aryan race White Aryans on the same day BEELZEBUB began taking. This is a true story. #Blondes #BlueEyes
You are going down in History, HP. As with the Gods, when this jewish disease is over, the Truth about you and HPS Maxine will be seen permanently by all. We're thankful for your great input!
HPHC bro

I havent seen such sites, get them tae Fcuk mate dont even look at the pr1cks thats all they are.

Take care my man.
You are our High Priest and Commander HP Cobra. If we go to actual physical war and during times of battles, we will defend you with our lives, I definitely would.

The Gods chose you for a reason and even though I know that you don't need to be defended here on the forums, I personally feel like it's my duty to defend you, your honour and all the hard work you always do from these shitholes lurking around.

I do understand that those people are irrelevant and thay they cannot do any harm to you or us. But i find it hard when i see anyone disrespecting you.

You are forever protected by the Gods, and I have no doubt that all true SS will always be by your side, online or in any other way.

Thank you for everything HP Cobra. It's an honour to work with you.
i wont allow this to go. ill always be at your side. i have hated you before. but now i see you

thank you Commander
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=380937 time=1660410629 user_id=21286]

Don't get sucked into the details of a web of lies. Instead, focus on the bigger picture when evaluating people. This was discussed before, where it was comically described that HPHC "stealing" JoS from HPS Maxine is equivalent to hot-wiring your own car. More seriously, this also insults the Gods' abilities by implying that they let the largest Satanic organization get stolen and never did or said anything about it.

As one with any amount of mind would be able to understand, we don't allow ourselves to get into positions where these things can be "stolen" from someone. It also tries to denigrate HPS Maxine as some sort of silly victim where this would never be the case.

This type of lying only seeks to denigrate the Priesthood, the Gods, everyone basically. That slander also seeks to denigrate me, rather than the obvious which is that I have toiled in an endless way to undertake what I have been.

HPS Maxine has always is a genius and we have been family.

JackAdamWashington666 said:
"The reality is that if you boil down to the very core elements everything in the JoS, there is only positive, uplifting knowledge, power, sound ethical structure, and that all of this leads to spiritual enlightenment, befriending the Gods, advancing yourself and humanity in the meantime and so on." -Joy of Satan

The last thing a Demon verbally told me was "'"HIM"'" when BEELZEBUB began talking. My triplets were born as White Gentile Aryan race White Aryans on the same day BEELZEBUB began taking. This is a true story. #Blondes #BlueEyes

Triplets? That is wonderful! What a giant blessing in life.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
Even though the path and the situation looks rather weird and gloomy to me i believe still that those who are really of Satan will carry on. Zero fucks given.

It really is not. We decide how we want to see it.

Manofsatan said:
HPHC, you're great, your dispensation is great, so great that they want to blaspheme you too. We careless, we keep pressing their wounds were it hurts, we keep up with our new super powers, let them keep rotting.
Some will get exhausted and join our side.


I don't want people like this to hurt if they are Gentiles, but they are doing this to themselves by willfully doing all of this. Yet I have not caused it.

In time however most seem to understand that there was no need. Many people have their own things to deal with too at the same time.
You're our High Priest and without you I don't think we would be able to succeed as much as we have been. I thank the gods they have sent you here in this era to lead us. You have my deepest appreciation and love.

The enemy is kind of pathetic in the sense they can do nothing except lie and slander.

I've heard things like you're just a Jew in disguise, I've also heard you are actually black pretending to be white, I've heard that you are simply an administrator here, blah blah. Same story with different details.

HAIL Satan
Hail HPC
Gifted with a jewel from father Satan, that is how beautiful and precious the Joy of Satan is as always.
We will never trust a fucking stinky jew
I would be more worried if you weren’t slandered by the enemy, Commander. That would mean that you and all of us here are doing something terribly wrong.

As long as they hate you and make up lies about you, we are on the good path. And we are grateful that you have taken this heavy burden upon your shoulders. We are all sorry you have to go through this, I know it isn’t pleasant, but this too shall pass. Victory is ours!

Hail Satan!!! Forever!!!
Their guilt tripping doesn't work anymore and they know it everyone is unsubscribing from their BS everyone now naturally glares at the mere existence of Jews and wonders how could such twisted disgusting things even get around and they know it they feel it the slow kill is always the most painful they feel the knife slowly diving in towards their hearts and the JOS will twist it as we drive it in not because we have to just because we can.

We have even their own retard puppets attacking them now the dance of death has picked up the tempo.
I wonder how much damage these kikes are causing. I see some of them on bitchute even lying saying the usual stuff that this is now just a site for Cobras pockets (As if a 20 year con would turn much investment) that no new things are being done here (They clearly do not see the constant new rituals and knowledge handed down around here), and the worst was straight up lying about Maxine being dead. As if anyone is even knowledgeable of her status. Obviously we here know the truth or have ideas, but her no longer being seen and taking time for herself is just another chance for these scum to lie without any burden of proof.
This post reminds me of a quote I read somewhere, I believe from Hitler although I could be wrong.

"If I or any other National Socialist wakes up to not being slandered in the morning papers, then we have wasted yesterday."

Being attacked is the clearest sign that you have the enemies scared and truly are doing the right thing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=380937 time=1660410629 user_id=21286]

Don't get sucked into the details of a web of lies. Instead, focus on the bigger picture when evaluating people. This was discussed before, where it was comically described that HPHC "stealing" JoS from HPS Maxine is equivalent to hot-wiring your own car. More seriously, this also insults the Gods' abilities by implying that they let the largest Satanic organization get stolen and never did or said anything about it.

As one with any amount of mind would be able to understand, we don't allow ourselves to get into positions where these things can be "stolen" from someone. It also tries to denigrate HPS Maxine as some sort of silly victim where this would never be the case.

This type of lying only seeks to denigrate the Priesthood, the Gods, everyone basically. That slander also seeks to denigrate me, rather than the obvious which is that I have toiled in an endless way to undertake what I have been.

HPS Maxine has always is a genius and we have been family.

JackAdamWashington666 said:
"The reality is that if you boil down to the very core elements everything in the JoS, there is only positive, uplifting knowledge, power, sound ethical structure, and that all of this leads to spiritual enlightenment, befriending the Gods, advancing yourself and humanity in the meantime and so on." -Joy of Satan

The last thing a Demon verbally told me was "'"HIM"'" when BEELZEBUB began talking. My triplets were born as White Gentile Aryan race White Aryans on the same day BEELZEBUB began taking. This is a true story. #Blondes #BlueEyes

Triplets? That is wonderful! What a giant blessing in life.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
Even though the path and the situation looks rather weird and gloomy to me i believe still that those who are really of Satan will carry on. Zero fucks given.

It really is not. We decide how we want to see it.

Manofsatan said:
HPHC, you're great, your dispensation is great, so great that they want to blaspheme you too. We careless, we keep pressing their wounds were it hurts, we keep up with our new super powers, let them keep rotting.
Some will get exhausted and join our side.


I don't want people like this to hurt if they are Gentiles, but they are doing this to themselves by willfully doing all of this. Yet I have not caused it.

In time however most seem to understand that there was no need. Many people have their own things to deal with too at the same time.

You have been great and every true spirit here knows when the enemy is crying their helpless cries of lies. It makes us laugh.
Larissa666 said:
I would be more worried if you weren’t slandered by the enemy, Commander. That would mean that you and all of us here are doing something terribly wrong.

As long as they hate you and make up lies about you, we are on the good path. And we are grateful that you have taken this heavy burden upon your shoulders. We are all sorry you have to go through this, I know it isn’t pleasant, but this too shall pass. Victory is ours!

Hail Satan!!! Forever!!!
This reminds me of the enemy's spiritual attack on me.If I were not on the right track, they would certainly not spiritual attack.
I am not writing this to boast,just when I sometimes feel like I'm not doing things right, or I feel unnecessary,it always reminds me that I'm being attacked for doing something right, and that gives me strength and motivation.
I love reading your posts HP HoodedCobra666 ♥️ Thank you for sharing this!⚡🔥
What to Say to Someone Who Lies to You
This is uncomfortable because I have proof that you're lying to me.
It hurts my feelings when you lie to my face.
I'm unsure why you're lying; you may have a good reason; however, I know the truth.
Ritusingh1 said:
What to Say to Someone Who Lies to You
This is uncomfortable because I have proof that you're lying to me.
It hurts my feelings when you lie to my face.
I'm unsure why you're lying; you may have a good reason; however, I know the truth.

If you have proof of Cobra lying, then share it here and we will listen to you.

Except you have nothing and you are only a dumb rat trying to create problems.
Ritusingh1 said:
What to Say to Someone Who Lies to You
This is uncomfortable because I have proof that you're lying to me.
It hurts my feelings when you lie to my face.
I'm unsure why you're lying; you may have a good reason; however, I know the truth.
>claims that someone lies
>doesn't give any proof
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ritusingh1 said:
What to Say to Someone Who Lies to You
This is uncomfortable because I have proof that you're lying to me.
It hurts my feelings when you lie to my face.
I'm unsure why you're lying; you may have a good reason; however, I know the truth.

If you have proof of Cobra lying, then share it here and we will listen to you.

Except you have nothing and you are only a dumb rat trying to create problems.

;) ;) ;)
I like it :lol:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Ritusingh1 said:
What to Say to Someone Who Lies to You
This is uncomfortable because I have proof that you're lying to me.
It hurts my feelings when you lie to my face.
I'm unsure why you're lying; you may have a good reason; however, I know the truth.

If you have proof of Cobra lying, then share it here and we will listen to you.

Except you have nothing and you are only a dumb rat trying to create problems.

Its just a waste of time, this is just nonsense roundabout. However a slight chance exists in all communication that I might not have been clear. So definitely I am available if this is the case.
JoS is Satan .
Get used of it .

Yours methods of accusing 'just because - insert bullshits here - have no power .

Stop bothering every little while Hoodedcobra666
has knowledge to give to those who want the TRUTH .

He can't every little while to waste energy
to those who offer NOTHING and have nothing but crappy theories .

i ll tell you what is his problem :
he is too good - obviously - since you have the nerd to come in his HOME and be disrespectful.
lotus.spirit said:
JoS is Satan .
Get used of it .

Yours methods of accusing 'just because - insert bullshits here - have no power .

Stop bothering every little while Hoodedcobra666
has knowledge to give to those who want the TRUTH .

He can't every little while to waste energy
to those who offer NOTHING and have nothing but crappy theories .

i ll tell you what is his problem :
he is too good - obviously - since you have the nerd to come in his HOME and be disrespectful.

i feel the same way. you said all perfect

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
